Monthly Notices of the RAS 351
July(II) 2004
- 2004MNRAS.351L..89G
- Helical magnetic fields associated with the relativistic jets of four BL Lac objects
- Gabuzda, Denise C.; Murray, Éamonn; Cronin, Patrick
- 2004MNRAS.351L..94M
- The tidal trail of NGC 205quest
- McConnachie, A.W.; Irwin, M.J. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Tanvir, N.R.
- 2004MNRAS.351L..99G
- Dense gas discs around T Tauri stars
- Greaves, J.S.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1121R
- Accretion dynamics in neutron star-black hole binaries
- Rosswog, S.; Speith, R. ; Wynn, G.A.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1134K
- Synthetic infrared images and spectral energy distributions of a young low-mass stellar cluster
- Kurosawa, Ryuichi; Harries, Tim J.; Bate, Matthew R.; Symington, Neil H.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1151B
- The physical properties of star-forming galaxies in the low-redshift Universe
- Brinchmann, J.; Charlot, S. ; White, S.D.M. ; Tremonti, C. ; Kauffmann, G. ; Heckman, T. ; Brinkmann, J.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1180Z
- Modelling the variability of the Fe Kα line in accreting black holes
- Zycki, Piotr T.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1187C
- Kinetic theory viscosity
- Clarke, C.J.; Pringle, J.E.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1193M
- An XMM-Newton observation of the massive, relaxed galaxy cluster ClJ1226.9+3332 at z= 0.89
- Maughan, B.J.; Jones, L.R. ; Ebeling, H. ; Scharf, C.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1204V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/1204)
- Red giant branch in near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams - I. Calibration of photometric indices
- Valenti, E.; Ferraro, F.R. ; Origlia, L.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1215B
- Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites
- Benson, A.J.; Lacey, C.G. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Cole, S.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1237H
- The gravitational wave background from neutron star birth throughout the cosmos
- Howell, E.; Coward, D.; Burman, R.; Blair, D.; Gilmore, J.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1247K
- Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs - I. Observations of the stellar kinematics
- Kregel, M. ; van der Kruit, P.C.; Freeman, K.C.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1266W
- The shallow slope of the z∼ 6 quasar luminosity function: limits from the lack of multiple-image gravitational lenses
- Wyithe, J.S.B.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1277S
- Eclipsing binaries in open clusters - II. V453 Cyg in NGC 6871
- Southworth, J.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Smalley, B.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1290R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/1290)
- The European Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS): the final band-merged catalogue
- Rowan-Robinson, M.; Lari, C. ; Perez-Fournon, I. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E.A. ; Franca, F.La ; Vaccari, M. ; Oliver, S. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Ciliegi, P. ; Héraudeau, P. ; Serjeant, S. ; Efstathiou, A. ; Babbedge, T. ; Matute, I. ; Pozzi, F. ; Franceschini, A. ; Vaisanen, P. ; Afonso-Luis, A. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Almaini, O. ; Baker, A.C. ; Basilakos, S. ; Barden, M. ; Del Burgo, C. ; Bellas-Velidis, I. ; Cabrera-Guerra, F. ; Carballo, R. ; Cesarsky, C.J. ; Clements, D.L. ; Crockett, H. ; Danese, L. ; Dapergolas, A. ; Drolias, B. ; Eaton, N. ; Egami, E. ; Elbaz, D. ; Fadda, D. ; Fox, M. ; Genzel, R. ; Goldschmidt, P. ; Gonzalez-Serrano, J.I. ; Graham, M. ; Granato, G.L. ; Hatziminaoglou, E. ; Herbstmeier, U. ; Joshi, M. ; Kontizas, E. ; Kontizas, M. ; Kotilainen, J.K. ; Kunze, D. ; Lawrence, A. ; Lemke, D. ; Linden-Vornle, M.J.D. ; Mann, R.G. ; Márquez, I. ; Masegosa, J. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Miley, G. ; Missoulis, V. ; Mobasher, B. ; Morel, T. ; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. ; Omont, A. ; Papadopoulos, P. ; Puget, J.-L. ; Rigopoulou, D. ; Rocca-Volmerange, B. ; Sedgwick, N. ; Silva, L. ; Sumner, T. ; Surace, C. ; Vila-Vilaro, B. ; van der Werf, P. ; Verma, A. ; Vigroux, L. ; Villar-Martin, M. ; Willott, C.J. ; Carramiñana, A. ; Mujica, R.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1307V
- Near-infrared spectroscopic monitoring of WR 140 during the 2001 periastron passage
- Varricatt, Watson P.; Williams, P.M.; Ashok, N.M.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1319Q
- Distribution of the extensive Doppler redshift of quasars
- Qin, Yi-Ping; Liu, Hong-Tao ; Liang, En-Wei ; Dong, Yun-Ming ; Su, Cheng-Yue
- 2004MNRAS.351.1327C
- Search for class II methanol masers at 23.1 GHz
- Cragg, D.M.; Sobolev, A.M.; Caswell, J.L.; Ellingsen, S.P.; Godfrey, P.D.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1338L
- The predicted metallicity distribution of stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
- Lanfranchi, Gustavo A.; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2004MNRAS.351.1349M
- The traditional approximation in general relativity
- Maniopoulou, Asimina; Andersson, Nils
- 2004MNRAS.351.1359J
- Radio and X-ray observations during the outburst decay of the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094
- Jonker, P.G.; Gallo, E. ; Dhawan, V. ; Rupen, M. ; Fender, R.P. ; Dubus, G.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1365G
- Statistical properties of the combined emission of a population of discrete sources: astrophysical implications
- Gilfanov, M.; Grimm, H.-J. ; Sunyaev, R.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1379S
- Dust formation in very massive primordial supernovae
- Schneider, R.; Ferrara, A. ; Salvaterra, R.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1387W
- Weak lensing of the high-redshift SNIa sample
- Williams, Liliya L.R.; Song, Jeeseon
- 2004MNRAS.351.1395D
- Redshift distortions in one-dimensional power spectra
- Desjacques, Vincent; Nusser, Adi
- 2004MNRAS.351.1401J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/1401)
- Low mass stars, brown dwarf candidates and the mass function of the young open cluster NGC 2547
- Jeffries, R.D. ; Naylor, Tim ; Devey, C.R. ; Totten, E.J.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1423B
- Accretion stream mapping with `genetically modified fireflies'
- Bridge, C.M. ; Hakala, Pasi ; Cropper, Mark ; Ramsay, Gavin
- 2004MNRAS.351.1430M
- A library of high-resolution Kurucz spectra in the range λλ3000-10 000
- Murphy, T.; Meiksin, A.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1439S
- XMM-Newton observations of the binary cluster system Abell 399/401
- Sakelliou, Irini; Ponman, Trevor J.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1457S
- Carina's defiant Finger: HST observations of a photoevaporating globule in NGC 3372
- Smith, Nathan; Barbá, Rodolfo H. ; Walborn, Nolan R.
- 2004MNRAS.351.1471K
- Erratum: The power spectrum of the flux distribution in the Lyman α forest of a large sample of UVES QSO Absorption Spectra (LUQAS)
- Kim, T.-S.; Viel, M.; Haehnelt, M.G.; Carswell, B.; Cristiani, S.
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