Monthly Notices of the RAS 348
February(II) 2004
- 2004MNRAS.348L...1M
- First MHD simulation of collapse and fragmentation of magnetized molecular cloud cores.
- Machida, Masahiro N.; Tomisaka, Kohji; Matsumoto, Tomoaki
- 2004MNRAS.348L...7N
- Optical spectra of the carbon-oxygen accretion discs in the ultra-compact X-ray binaries 4U 0614+09, 4U 1543-624 and 2S 0918-549.
- Nelemans, G.; Jonker, P.G.; Marsh, T.R.; van der Klis, M.
- 2004MNRAS.348....1N
- Understanding the PSCz galaxy power spectrum with N -body simulations.
- Neyrinck, Mark C.; Hamilton, Andrew J.S.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.
- 2004MNRAS.348...12M
- A dwarf galaxy remnant in Canis Major: the fossil of an in-plane accretion on to the Milky Way.
- Martin, N.F.; Ibata, R.A.; Bellazzini, M.; Irwin, M.J.; Lewis, G.F.; Dehnen, W.
- 2004MNRAS.348...24L
- Gravitational microlensing of quasar broad-line regions at large optical depths.
- Lewis, Geraint F.; Ibata, R.A.
- 2004MNRAS.348...34E
- First polarimetric images of NML Cyg at 1612 and 1665 MHz.
- Etoka, S.; Diamond, P.
- 2004MNRAS.348...46N
- A mechanism for interstellar panspermia.
- Napier, W.M.
- 2004MNRAS.348...52W
- Interstellar transfer of planetary microbiota.
- Wallis, Max K.; Wickramasinghe, N.C.
- 2004MNRAS.348...62R
- Dissipationless collapse of a set of N massive particles.
- Roy, Fabrice; Perez, Jérôme
- 2004MNRAS.348...73L
- The different fates of a low-mass X-ray binary - I. Conservative mass transfer.
- Lavagetto, G.; Burderi, L.; D'Antona, F.; Di Salvo, T.; Iaria, R.; Robba, N.R.
- 2004MNRAS.348...83B
- Magnetic fields in cometary globules - III. CG 12.
- Bhatt, H.C.; Maheswar, G.; Manoj, P.
- 2004MNRAS.348...89U
- Self-similar collapse with cooling and heating in an expanding universe.
- Uchida, Shuji; Yoshida, Tatsuo
- 2004MNRAS.348..100H
- Spectroscopy of the optical counterpart to Ser X-1.
- Hynes, R.I.; Charles, P.A.; van Zyl, L.; Barnes, A.; Steeghs, D.; O'Brien, K.; Casares, J.
- 2004MNRAS.348..105A
- Cosmological perturbations and the reionization epoch.
- Avelino, Pedro P.; Liddle, Andrew R.
- 2004MNRAS.348..111K
- Variability in black hole accretion discs.
- King, A.R.; Pringle, J.E.; West, R.G.; Livio, M.
- 2004MNRAS.348..123P
- Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics - I. Algorithm and tests in one dimension.
- Price, D.J.; Monaghan, J.J.
- 2004MNRAS.348..139P
- Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics - II. Variational principles and variable smoothing-length terms.
- Price, D.J.; Monaghan, J.J.
- 2004MNRAS.348..153L
- The prompt gamma-ray emissions and X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray burst jets.
- Liang, E.W.
- 2004MNRAS.348..159G
- An X-ray absorption analysis of the high-velocity system in NGC 1275.
- Gillmon, K.; Sanders, J.S.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2004MNRAS.348..165E
- The K -band galaxy luminosity functions of three massive high-redshift clusters of galaxies.
- Ellis, S.C.; Jones, L.R.
- 2004MNRAS.348..176S
- Intranight optical variability of blazars.
- Sagar, Ram; Stalin, C.S.; Wiita, Paul J.
- 2004MNRAS.348..187W
- Evidence for a fundamental stellar upper mass limit from clustered star formation.
- Weidner, C.; Kroupa, P.
- 2004MNRAS.348..192C
- A grid reconstruction procedure for the simulation of instabilities in luminous blue variables.
- Chernigovski, S.; Grott, M.; Glatzel, W.
- 2004MNRAS.348..201E
- A more detailed look at the opacities for enriched carbon and oxygen mixtures.
- Eldridge, J.J.; Tout, C.A.
- 2004MNRAS.348..207P
- The scaling of the X-ray variability with black hole mass in active galactic nuclei.
- Papadakis, I.E.
- 2004MNRAS.348..214M
- Image simulation with shapelets.
- Massey, Richard; Refregier, Alexandre; Conselice, Christopher J.; Bacon, David J.
- 2004MNRAS.348..227S
- The CORALZ sample - I. Young radio-loud active galactic nuclei at low redshift.
- Snellen, I.A.G.; Mack, K.-H.; Schilizzi, R.T.; Tschager, W.
- 2004MNRAS.348..235P
- A test for the origin of quasar redshifts.
- Popowski, Piotr; Weinzierl, Wolfgang
- 2004MNRAS.348..241T
- Outer-magnetospheric model for Vela-like pulsars: formation of sub-GeV spectrum.
- Takata, J.; Shibata, S.; Hirotani, K.
- 2004MNRAS.348..250C
- Non-linear galaxy power spectrum and cosmological parameters.
- Cooray, Asantha
- 2004MNRAS.348..261B
- Supernova 2002bo: inadequacy of the single parameter description.
- Benetti, S.; Meikle, P.; Stehle, M.; Altavilla, G.; Desidera, S.; Folatelli, G.; Goobar, A.; Mattila, S.; Mendez, J.; Navasardyan, H.; Pastorello, A.; Patat, F.; Riello, M.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Tsvetkov, D.; Turatto, M.; Mazzali, P.; Hillebrandt, W.
- 2004MNRAS.348..279A
- Mid-infrared polarimetry and magnetic fields: an observing strategy.
- Aitken, D.K.; Hough, J.H.; Roche, P.F.; Smith, C.H.; Wright, C.M.
- 2004MNRAS.348..285W
- Electron-cyclotron maser emission from white dwarf pairs and white dwarf planetary systems.
- Willes, Andrew J.; Wu, Kinwah
- 2004MNRAS.348..297A
- UBVI photometry of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 6939.
- Andreuzzi, Gloria; Bragaglia, Angela; Tosi, Monica; Marconi, Gianni
- 2004MNRAS.348..307S
- Spot sizes on Sun-like stars.
- Solanki, S.K.; Unruh, Y.C.
- 2004MNRAS.348..316P
- Stokes imaging, Doppler mapping and Roche tomography of the AM Herculis system V834 Cen.
- Potter, Stephen B.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Watson, C.A.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Phillips, A.
- 2004MNRAS.348..325O
- The X-ray luminosity-velocity dispersion relation in the REFLEX cluster survey.
- Ortiz-Gil, A.; Guzzo, L.; Schuecker, P.; Böhringer, H.; Collins, C.A.
- 2004MNRAS.348..333D
- Substructures in cold dark matter haloes.
- De Lucia, G.; Kauffmann, G.; Springel, V.; White, S.D.M.; Lanzoni, B.; Stoehr, F.; Tormen, G.; Yoshida, N.
- 2004MNRAS.348..345P
- Outline of the unified theory of spiral and bar-like structures in galaxies.
- Polyachenko, E.V.
- 2004MNRAS.348..355K
- Ambipolar diffusion in the magnetorotational instability.
- Kunz, Matthew W.; Balbus, Steven A.
- 2004MNRAS.348..361T
- SPH simulations of Shakura-Sunyaev instability at intermediate accretion rates.
- Teresi, V.; Molteni, D.; Toscano, E.
- 2004MNRAS.348..368C
- Erratum: Non-Sobolev modelling of radiation-pressure-driven flows in active galactic nuclei.
- Chelouche, Doron; Netzer, Hagai
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