Monthly Notices of the RAS 347
February(I) 2004

SAX J1808.4-3658 and the origin of X-ray variability in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei.
Uttley, Philip
Evidence for an extended Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in WMAP data.
Myers, A.D.; Shanks, T.; Outram, P.J.; Frith, W.J.; Wolfendale, A.W.
Linking star formation and environment in the A901/902 supercluster.
Gray, M.E.; Wolf, C.; Meisenheimer, K.; Taylor, A.; Dye, S.; Borch, A.; Kleinheinrich, M.
J1432+158: the most distant giant quasar.
Singal, Ashok K.; Konar, C.; Saikia, D.J.
Red variables in the OGLE-II data base - II. Comparison of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
Kiss, L.L.; Bedding, T.R.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: star counts and the structure of the Galactic stellar halo.
Lemon, D.J.; Wyse, Rosemary F.G.; Liske, J.; Driver, S.P.; Horne, Keith
Galactic haloes in MONDian cosmological simulations.
Knebe, Alexander; Gibson, Brad K.
Local interstellar medium kinematics towards the Southern Coalsack and Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds.
Corradi, W.J.B.; Franco, G.A.P.; Knude, J.
Searches for OH masers in the circumstellar envelopes of red giant irregular variable stars.
Sivagnanam, P.
On the origin of the galaxy luminosity function.
Binney, James
Hydrodynamic simulations of molecular outflows driven by fast-precessing protostellar jets.
Rosen, Alexander; Smith, Michael D.
ASTRO-F, super-IRAS, the All-Sky Infrared Survey.
Pearson, Chris P.; Shibai, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Murakami, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Kawada, M.; Onaka, T.; Matsuhara, H.; Kii, T.; Yamamura, I.; Takagi, T.
Thermal conduction and reduced cooling flows in galaxy clusters.
Voigt, L.M.; Fabian, A.C.
Keck spectroscopy and imaging of globular clusters in the lenticular galaxy NGC 524.
Beasley, Michael A.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Brodie, Jean P.; Kissler-Patig, Markus
VLA observations of 6-cm excited OH.
Palmer, Patrick; Goss, W.M.; Whiteoak, J.B.
ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable OU Vir.
Feline, W.J.; Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R.; Stevenson, M.J.; Watson, C.A.; Brinkworth, C.S.
A search for brown dwarf like secondaries in cataclysmic variables - II.
Mennickent, R.E.; Diaz, M.P.; Tappert, C.
Low light level CCDs and visibility parameter estimation.
Basden, A.G.; Haniff, C.A.
The reliability of the kinematical evidence for dark matter: the effects of non-sphericity, substructure and streaming motions.
Sanchis, Teresa; Lokas, Ewa L.; Mamon, Gary A.
Three-dimensional simulations of the upper radiation-convection transition layer in subgiant stars.
Robinson, F.J.; Demarque, P.; Li, L.H.; Sofia, S.; Kim, Y.-C.; Chan, K.L.; Guenther, D.B.
Simultaneous optical and X-ray high-speed photometry of Cyg X-2.
Dubus, G.; Kern, B.; Esin, A.A.; Rutledge, R.E.; Martin, C.
Precision era of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: simulations, analytical models and observations and the power to constrain reionization.
Zhang, Pengjie; Pen, Ue-Li; Trac, Hy
Dust obscuration studies along quasar sight-lines using simulated galaxies.
Churches, D.K.; Nelson, A.H.; Edmunds, M.G.
Relation of radio-quiet quasars to galaxy clusters at z < 0.3.
Söchting, Ilona K.; Clowes, Roger G.; Campusano, Luis E.
Properties of the boundary integral equation for solar non-constant-α force-free magnetic fields.
Li, Zhuheng; Yan, Yihua; Song, Guoxiang
X-ray irradiated model stellar atmospheres - III. Compton redistribution of thermal external irradiation.
Madej, J.; Rózanska, A.
Hall drift in the stratified crusts of neutron stars.
Hollerbach, Rainer; Rüdiger, Günther
Relationship between horizontal flow velocity and cell lifetime for supergranulation from SOHO Dopplergrams.
Paniveni, U.; Krishan, V.; Singh, Jagdev; Srikanth, R.
BeppoSAX observations of 1-Jy BL Lacertae objects - II.
Padovani, Paolo; Costamante, Luigi; Giommi, Paolo; Ghisellini, Gabriele; Celotti, Annalisa; Wolter, Anna
The early chemical evolution of nova outflows.
Pontefract, M.; Rawlings, J.M.C.
Dynamical consequences of CDM merger trees.
Hernandez, Xavier; Lee, William H.
δ Sct-type pulsations in eclipsing binary systems: RZ Cas.
Rodríguez, E.; García, J.M.; Mkrtichian, D.E.; Costa, V.; Kim, S.-L.; López-González, M.J.; Hintz, E.; Kusakin, A.V.; Gamarova, A.Y.; Lee, J.W.; Youn, J.-H.; Janiashvili, E.B.; Garrido, R.; Moya, A.; Kang, Y.W.
An L'-band survey for circumstellar discs around low-mass stars in the young σ Orionis cluster.
Oliveira, J.M.; Jeffries, R.D.; van Loon, J.T.
The effect of imperfect models of point spread function anisotropy on cosmic shear measurements.
Hoekstra, Henk
Complex X-ray spectral behaviour of NGC 4051 in the low flux state.
Uttley, P.; Taylor, R.D.; McHardy, I.M.; Page, M.J.; Mason, K.O.; Lamer, G.; Fruscione, A.
X-shaped radio galaxies as observational evidence for the interaction of supermassive binary black holes and accretion disc at parsec scale.
Liu, F.K.
The bipolarity of the highest Galactic latitude planetary nebula, LoTr 5 (PN G339.9+88.4), around IN Com.
Graham, M.F.; Meaburn, J.; López, J.A.; Harman, D.J.; Holloway, A.J.
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