Monthly Notices of the RAS 347
February(I) 2004
- 2004MNRAS.347L..61U
- SAX J1808.4-3658 and the origin of X-ray variability in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei.
- Uttley, Philip
- 2004MNRAS.347L..67M
- Evidence for an extended Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in WMAP data.
- Myers, A.D.; Shanks, T.; Outram, P.J.; Frith, W.J.; Wolfendale, A.W.
- 2004MNRAS.347L..73G
- Linking star formation and environment in the A901/902 supercluster.
- Gray, M.E.; Wolf, C.; Meisenheimer, K.; Taylor, A.; Dye, S.; Borch, A.; Kleinheinrich, M.
- 2004MNRAS.347L..79S
- J1432+158: the most distant giant quasar.
- Singal, Ashok K.; Konar, C.; Saikia, D.J.
- 2004MNRAS.347L..83K
- Red variables in the OGLE-II data base - II. Comparison of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
- Kiss, L.L.; Bedding, T.R.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1043L
- The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: star counts and the structure of the Galactic stellar halo.
- Lemon, D.J.; Wyse, Rosemary F.G.; Liske, J.; Driver, S.P.; Horne, Keith
- 2004MNRAS.347.1055K
- Galactic haloes in MONDian cosmological simulations.
- Knebe, Alexander; Gibson, Brad K.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1065C
- Local interstellar medium kinematics towards the Southern Coalsack and Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds.
- Corradi, W.J.B.; Franco, G.A.P.; Knude, J.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1084S
- Searches for OH masers in the circumstellar envelopes of red giant irregular variable stars.
- Sivagnanam, P.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1093B
- On the origin of the galaxy luminosity function.
- Binney, James
- 2004MNRAS.347.1097R
- Hydrodynamic simulations of molecular outflows driven by fast-precessing protostellar jets.
- Rosen, Alexander; Smith, Michael D.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1113P
- ASTRO-F, super-IRAS, the All-Sky Infrared Survey.
- Pearson, Chris P.; Shibai, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Murakami, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Kawada, M.; Onaka, T.; Matsuhara, H.; Kii, T.; Yamamura, I.; Takagi, T.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1130V
- Thermal conduction and reduced cooling flows in galaxy clusters.
- Voigt, L.M.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1150B
- Keck spectroscopy and imaging of globular clusters in the lenticular galaxy NGC 524.
- Beasley, Michael A.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Brodie, Jean P.; Kissler-Patig, Markus
- 2004MNRAS.347.1164P
- VLA observations of 6-cm excited OH.
- Palmer, Patrick; Goss, W.M.; Whiteoak, J.B.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1173F
- ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable OU Vir.
- Feline, W.J.; Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R.; Stevenson, M.J.; Watson, C.A.; Brinkworth, C.S.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1180M
- A search for brown dwarf like secondaries in cataclysmic variables - II.
- Mennickent, R.E.; Diaz, M.P.; Tappert, C.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1187B
- Low light level CCDs and visibility parameter estimation.
- Basden, A.G.; Haniff, C.A.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1198S
- The reliability of the kinematical evidence for dark matter: the effects of non-sphericity, substructure and streaming motions.
- Sanchis, Teresa; Lokas, Ewa L.; Mamon, Gary A.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1208R
- Three-dimensional simulations of the upper radiation-convection transition layer in subgiant stars.
- Robinson, F.J.; Demarque, P.; Li, L.H.; Sofia, S.; Kim, Y.-C.; Chan, K.L.; Guenther, D.B.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1217D
- Simultaneous optical and X-ray high-speed photometry of Cyg X-2.
- Dubus, G.; Kern, B.; Esin, A.A.; Rutledge, R.E.; Martin, C.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1224Z
- Precision era of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: simulations, analytical models and observations and the power to constrain reionization.
- Zhang, Pengjie; Pen, Ue-Li; Trac, Hy
- 2004MNRAS.347.1234C
- Dust obscuration studies along quasar sight-lines using simulated galaxies.
- Churches, D.K.; Nelson, A.H.; Edmunds, M.G.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1241S
- Relation of radio-quiet quasars to galaxy clusters at z < 0.3.
- Söchting, Ilona K.; Clowes, Roger G.; Campusano, Luis E.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1255L
- Properties of the boundary integral equation for solar non-constant-α force-free magnetic fields.
- Li, Zhuheng; Yan, Yihua; Song, Guoxiang
- 2004MNRAS.347.1266M
- X-ray irradiated model stellar atmospheres - III. Compton redistribution of thermal external irradiation.
- Madej, J.; Rózanska, A.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1273H
- Hall drift in the stratified crusts of neutron stars.
- Hollerbach, Rainer; Rüdiger, Günther
- 2004MNRAS.347.1279P
- Relationship between horizontal flow velocity and cell lifetime for supergranulation from SOHO Dopplergrams.
- Paniveni, U.; Krishan, V.; Singh, Jagdev; Srikanth, R.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1282P
- BeppoSAX observations of 1-Jy BL Lacertae objects - II.
- Padovani, Paolo; Costamante, Luigi; Giommi, Paolo; Ghisellini, Gabriele; Celotti, Annalisa; Wolter, Anna
- 2004MNRAS.347.1294P
- The early chemical evolution of nova outflows.
- Pontefract, M.; Rawlings, J.M.C.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1304H
- Dynamical consequences of CDM merger trees.
- Hernandez, Xavier; Lee, William H.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1317R
- δ Sct-type pulsations in eclipsing binary systems: RZ Cas.
- Rodríguez, E.; García, J.M.; Mkrtichian, D.E.; Costa, V.; Kim, S.-L.; López-González, M.J.; Hintz, E.; Kusakin, A.V.; Gamarova, A.Y.; Lee, J.W.; Youn, J.-H.; Janiashvili, E.B.; Garrido, R.; Moya, A.; Kang, Y.W.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1327O
- An L'-band survey for circumstellar discs around low-mass stars in the young σ Orionis cluster.
- Oliveira, J.M.; Jeffries, R.D.; van Loon, J.T.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1337H
- The effect of imperfect models of point spread function anisotropy on cosmic shear measurements.
- Hoekstra, Henk
- 2004MNRAS.347.1345U
- Complex X-ray spectral behaviour of NGC 4051 in the low flux state.
- Uttley, P.; Taylor, R.D.; McHardy, I.M.; Page, M.J.; Mason, K.O.; Lamer, G.; Fruscione, A.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1357L
- X-shaped radio galaxies as observational evidence for the interaction of supermassive binary black holes and accretion disc at parsec scale.
- Liu, F.K.
- 2004MNRAS.347.1370G
- The bipolarity of the highest Galactic latitude planetary nebula, LoTr 5 (PN G339.9+88.4), around IN Com.
- Graham, M.F.; Meaburn, J.; López, J.A.; Harman, D.J.; Holloway, A.J.
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