Monthly Notices of the RAS 346
December(I) 2003

Formation of ω Centauri from an ancient nucleated dwarf galaxy in the young Galactic disc.
Bekki, K.; Freeman, K.C.
A search for starlight reflected from HD 75289b.
Leigh, Christopher; Collier Cameron, Andrew; Udry, Stephane; Donati, Jean-François; Horne, Keith; James, David; Penny, Alan
Superhumps, magnetic fields and the mass ratio in AM Canum Venaticorum.
Pearson, K.J.
The statistical significance of the low cosmic microwave background mulitipoles.
Efstathiou, G.
VLA and MERLIN observations of RZ Cassiopeiae.
Gunn, A.G.; Brady, P.A.
The dynamical evolution of Taurus-Auriga-type aggregates.
Kroupa, Pavel; Bouvier, Jerome
On the universal outcome of star formation: is there a link between stars and brown dwarfsquest.
Kroupa, Pavel; Bouvier, Jerome; Duchêne, Gaspard; Moraux, Estelle
On the origin of brown dwarfs and free-floating planetary-mass objects.
Kroupa, Pavel; Bouvier, Jerome
Probing sunspot magnetic fields with p-mode absorption and phase shift data.
Cally, P.S.; Crouch, A.D.; Braun, D.C.
2003MNRAS.346..390P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/390)
Intermediate-age Galactic open clusters: fundamental parameters of NGC 2627.
Piatti, Andrés E.; Clariá, Juan J.; Ahumada, Andrea V.
The far-infrared signature of dust in high-latitude regions.
del Burgo, C.; Laureijs, R.J.; Abraham, P.; Kiss, Cs.
GLITP optical monitoring of QSO 0957+561: VR light curves and variability.
Ullán, A.; Goicoechea, L.J.; Muñoz, J.A.; Mediavilla, E.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Puga, E.; Alcalde, D.; Oscoz, A.; Barrena, R.
A high-resolution radio study of neutral gas in the starburst galaxy NGC 520.
Beswick, R.J.; Pedlar, A.; Clemens, M.S.; Alexander, P.
Theoretical and experimental lifetime and oscillator strength determination in singly ionized neodymium (NdII).
Xu, H.L.; Svanberg, S.; Cowan, R.D.; Lefèbvre, P.-H.; Quinet, P.; Biémont, E.
Star-like activity from a very young `isolated planet'.
Greaves, J.S.; Holland, W.S.; Pound, Marc W.
Is there a dichotomy in the radio loudness distribution of quasarsquest.
Cirasuolo, M.; Celotti, A.; Magliocchetti, M.; Danese, L.
Fossil HII regions: self-limiting star formation at high redshift.
Oh, S.Peng; Haiman, Zoltán
A search for short time-scale I -band variability in ultracool dwarfs.
Koen, Chris
Optical monitoring of the quasar 4C 38.41.
Peng, B.; Wu, J.; Zhou, X.
Bayesian joint analysis of cluster weak lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect data.
Marshall, P.J.; Hobson, M.P.; Slosar, A.
Reconstruction of the early Universe as a convex optimization problem.
Brenier, Y.; Frisch, U.; Hénon, M.; Loeper, G.; Matarrese, S.; Mohayaee, R.; Sobolevskii, A.
An XMM-Newton observation of the galaxy group MKW 4.
O'Sullivan, E.; Vrtilek, J.M.; Read, A.M.; David, L.P.; Ponman, T.J.
Explosive reconnection in magnetars.
Lyutikov, Maxim
Contribution to the search for binaries among Am stars - V. Orbital elements of eight short-period spectroscopic binaries.
Carquillat, J.-M.; Ginestet, N.; Prieur, J.-L.; Debernardi, Y.
Evolution of the mass function of dark matter haloes.
Reed, Darren; Gardner, Jeffrey; Quinn, Thomas; Stadel, Joachim; Fardal, Mark; Lake, George; Governato, Fabio
Cosmic structure growth and dark energy.
Linder, E.V.; Jenkins, A.
The variation of short-period comet size and decay rate with perihelion distance.
Hughes, David W.
A preference for a non-zero neutrino mass from cosmological data.
Allen, S.W.; Schmidt, R.W.; Bridle, S.L.
The morphology-density relation in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Goto, Tomotsugu; Yamauchi, Chisato; Fujita, Yutaka; Okamura, Sadanori; Sekiguchi, Maki; Smail, Ian; Bernardi, Mariangela; Gomez, Percy L.
The Copernican principle in compact space-times.
Barrow, John D.; Levin, Janna
Fast power spectrum estimation.
Pen, Ue-Li
2003MNRAS.346..627B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/627)
CENSORS: A Combined EIS-NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources - I. Sample definition, radio data and optical identifications.
Best, P.N.; Arts, J.N.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Rengelink, R.; Brookes, M.H.; Wall, J.
MS 1603.6+2600: an accretion disc corona sourcequest.
Jonker, P.G.; van der Klis, M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Méndez, M.; Lewin, W.H.G.; Belloni, T.
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