Monthly Notices of the RAS 346
November(III) 2003
- 2003MNRAS.346L...1S
- Evolution of the 3.3-µm emission feature in the Red Rectangle.
- Song, In-Ok; Kerr, T.H.; McCombie, J.; Sarre, P.J.
- 2003MNRAS.346L...7Y
- Extended X-ray emission in the high-redshift quasar GB 1508+5714 at z 4.3.
- Yuan, W.; Fabian, A.C.; Celotti, A.; Jonker, P.G.
- 2003MNRAS.346....1K
- The Ks-band luminosity and stellar mass functions of galaxies in z ∼ 1 clusters.
- Kodama, Tadayuki; Bower, Richard
- 2003MNRAS.346...13H
- Ram pressure stripping and the formation of cold fronts.
- Heinz, S.; Churazov, E.; Forman, W.; Jones, C.; Briel, U.G.
- 2003MNRAS.346...18C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/18)
- The old open clusters Saurer A, B and C revisited.
- Carraro, Giovanni; Baume, Gustavo
- 2003MNRAS.346...27B
- Abundance analysis of Am binaries and search for tidally driven abundance anomalies - I. HD 33254, HD 178449 and HD 198391.
- Budaj, J.; Iliev, I.K.
- 2003MNRAS.346...37C
- The infrared-X-ray continuum correlation in active galactic nuclei.
- Contini, M.; Viegas, S.M.; Campos, P.E.
- 2003MNRAS.346...47G
- Two-point anisotropies in WMAP and the cosmic quadrupole.
- Gaztañaga, E.; Wagg, J.; Multamäki, T.; Montaña, A.; Hughes, D.H.
- 2003MNRAS.346...58K
- Extreme ultraviolet emission lines of Arxiv in solar active region and flare spectra.
- Keenan, F.P.; Katsiyannis, A.C.; Reid, R.H.G.; Pradhan, A.K.; Zhang, H.L.; Widing, K.G.
- 2003MNRAS.346...63D
- The ultraviolet extragalactic background light: dust extinction and the evolution of the cosmic star formation rate from z 0 to ∼0.6.
- Deharveng, J.-M.; Buat, V.; Milliard, B.
- 2003MNRAS.346...67M
- cD galaxy contribution to the strong lensing cross-sections of galaxy clusters.
- Meneghetti, Massimo; Bartelmann, Matthias; Moscardini, Lauro
- 2003MNRAS.346...78H
- The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation functions, peculiar velocities and the matter density of the Universe.
- Hawkins, Ed; Maddox, Steve; Cole, Shaun; Lahav, Ofer; Madgwick, Darren S.; Norberg, Peder; Peacock, John A.; Baldry, Ivan K.; Baugh, Carlton M.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Colless, Matthew; Collins, Chris; Couch, Warrick; Dalton, Gavin; De Propris, Roberto; Driver, Simon P.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Jackson, Carole; Jones, Bryn; Lewis, Ian; Lumsden, Stuart; Percival, Will; Peterson, Bruce A.; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith ( The 2dFGRS Team)
- 2003MNRAS.346...97N
- Explosion energies, nickel masses and distances of Type II plateau supernovae.
- Nadyozhin, D.K.
- 2003MNRAS.346..105P
- Line temperatures and elemental abundances in H ii galaxies.
- Pérez-Montero, Enrique; Díaz, Angeles I.
- 2003MNRAS.346..119S
- Caii K interstellar observations towards early-type disc and halo stars.
- Smoker, J.V.; Rolleston, W.R.J.; Kay, H.R.M.; Kilkenny, D.; Morras, R.; Arnal, M.; Keenan, F.P.; Mooney, C.J.; Dufton, P.L.; Ryans, R.S.I.; Hambly, N.C.; O'Donoghue, D.; McGillivray, H.
- 2003MNRAS.346..135K
- Multiwavelength cosmological simulations of elliptical galaxies.
- Kawata, D.; Gibson, B.K.
- 2003MNRAS.346..153C
- The cool circumstellar environment of IRAS 08182-6000: radiative transfer modelling of TiO absorption bands.
- Couch, P.A.; Lloyd Evans, T.; Sarre, P.J.
- 2003MNRAS.346..163F
- Far-infrared photometry of deeply embedded outflow sources.
- Froebrich, D.; Smith, M.D.; Hodapp, K.-W.; Eislöffel, J.
- 2003MNRAS.346..177V
- The angular momentum of gas in protogalaxies - II. The impact of pre-heating.
- van den Bosch, Frank C.; Abel, Tom; Hernquist, Lars
- 2003MNRAS.346..186M
- The halo distribution of 2dF galaxies.
- Magliocchetti, Manuela; Porciani, Cristiano
- 2003MNRAS.346..199R
- Implications of the universal temperature profile for galaxy clusters.
- Roychowdhury, Suparna; Nath, Biman B.
- 2003MNRAS.346..209L
- The Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet and Visible Echelle Spectrograph survey for molecular hydrogen in high-redshift damped Lyman α systems.
- Ledoux, Cédric; Petitjean, Patrick; Srianand, R.
- 2003MNRAS.346..229B
- The cluster environments of radio-loud quasars at 0.6 < z < 1.1.
- Barr, J.M.; Bremer, M.N.; Baker, J.C.; Lehnert, M.D.
- 2003MNRAS.346..251O
- Detailed comparison of the structures and kinematics of simulated and observed barred galaxies.
- O'Neill, J.K.; Dubinski, John
- 2003MNRAS.346..265K
- XMM-Newton observation of the X-ray point source population of the starburst galaxy IC 342.
- Kong, Albert K.H.
- 2003MNRAS.346..273V
- Kinematically quiet haloes around z ∼ 2.5 radio galaxies. Keck spectroscopy.
- Villar-Martín, M.; Vernet, J.; di Serego Alighieri, S.; Fosbury, R.; Humphrey, A.; Pentericci, L.
- 2003MNRAS.346..295R
- Light element evolution resulting from WMAP data.
- Romano, Donatella; Tosi, Monica; Matteucci, Francesca; Chiappini, Cristina
- 2003MNRAS.346..304J
- The B -band luminosities of quasar host galaxies.
- Jahnke, Knud; Wisotzki, Lutz
- 2003MNRAS.346..319V
- The power spectrum amplitude from clusters revisited: σ8using simulations with pre-heating and cooling.
- Viana, Pedro T.P.; Kay, Scott T.; Liddle, Andrew R.; Muanwong, Orrarujee; Thomas, Peter A.
- 2003MNRAS.346..327T
- Identification of a new low-redshift GHz-peaked spectrum radio source and implications for the GHz-peaked spectrum class.
- Tingay, S.J.; Edwards, P.G.; Tzioumis, A.K.
- 2003MNRAS.346..332R
- Erratum: A modified χ2 -test for cosmic microwave background analyses.
- Rubiño-Martín, J.A.; Betancort-Rijo, J.
- 2003MNRAS.346..333K
- Erratum: Structure and star formation in disc galaxies - I. Sample selection and near-infrared imaging.
- Knapen, J.H.; de Jong, R.S.; Stedman, S.; Bramich, D.M.
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