Monthly Notices of the RAS 342
June(II) 2003
- 2003MNRAS.342L...1R
- Discovery of variable circular polarization from the remnant of Nova Chamaeleontis 1953 (RR Cha).
- Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo ; Potter, Stephen B.
- 2003MNRAS.342L...5C
- Gravitational diffusion in the intracluster medium.
- Chuzhoy, Leonid; Nusser, Adi
- 2003MNRAS.342L...9W
- Ghosts of the Milky Way: a search for topology in new quasar catalogues.
- Weatherley, S.J.; Warren, S.J.; Croom, S.M.; Smith, R.J.; Boyle, B.J.; Shanks, T.; Miller, L.; Baltovic, M.P.
- 2003MNRAS.342L..15B
- Modelling dynamos in rapidly rotating late-type stars.
- Bushby, P.J.
- 2003MNRAS.342L..20P
- Sunyaev-Zeldovich fluctuations from the first stars.
- Peng Oh, S.; Cooray, Asantha; Kamionkowski, Marc
- 2003MNRAS.342....1S
- Near-infrared constraints on the driving mechanisms for spiral structure.
- Seigar, Marc S.; Chorney, Nicole E.; James, Phil A.
- 2003MNRAS.342....8B
- Sub-au imaging of water vapour clouds around four asymptotic giant branch stars.
- Bains, I.; Cohen, R.J.; Louridas, A.; Richards, A.M.S.; Rosa-González, D.; Yates, J.A.
- 2003MNRAS.342...33W
- Exact optics - II. Exploration of designs on- and off-axis.
- Willstrop, R.V.; Lynden-Bell, D.
- 2003MNRAS.342...50B
- A code for stellar binary evolution and its application to the formation of helium white dwarfs.
- Benvenuto, O.G.; De Vito, M.A.
- 2003MNRAS.342...61G
- Contribution to the search for binaries among Am stars - IV. HD 100054B and 187258.
- Ginestet, N.; Prieur, J.-L.; Carquillat, J.-M.; Griffin, R.F.
- 2003MNRAS.342...69P
- Orbital dynamics of three-dimensional bars - IV. Boxy isophotes in face-on views.
- Patsis, P.A.; Skokos, Ch.; Athanassoula, E.
- 2003MNRAS.342...79R
- Constraints on a planetary origin for the gap in the protoplanetary disc of GM Aurigae.
- Rice, W.K.M.; Wood, Kenneth; Armitage, P.J.; Whitney, B.A.; Bjorkman, J.E.
- 2003MNRAS.342...86W
- Obscured asymptotic giant branch variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the period-luminosity relation.
- Whitelock, Patricia A.; Feast, Michael W.; van Loon, Jacco T.; Zijlstra, Albert A.
- 2003MNRAS.342..105B
- Optical spectroscopy of GX 339-4 - I. Orbital modulation.
- Buxton, M.; Vennes, S.
- 2003MNRAS.342..119B
- Comparing filters for the detection of point sources.
- Barreiro, R.B.; Sanz, J.L.; Herranz, D.; Martínez-González, E.
- 2003MNRAS.342..134H
- The high-energy polarization-limiting radius of neutron star magnetospheres - I. Slowly rotating neutron stars.
- Heyl, Jeremy S.; Shaviv, Nir J.; Lloyd, Don
- 2003MNRAS.342..145S
- The emission distribution in RR Pictoris.
- Schmidtobreick, L.; Tappert, C.; Saviane, I.
- 2003MNRAS.342..151P
- A spectroscopic search for faint secondaries in cataclysmic variables.
- Putte, D.Vande; Smith, Robert Connon; Hawkins, N.A.; Martin, J.S.
- 2003MNRAS.342..163P
- On determining the cluster abundance normalization.
- Pierpaoli, Elena; Borgani, Stefano; Scott, Douglas; White, Martin
- 2003MNRAS.342..176C
- A wave-mechanical approach to cosmic structure formation.
- Coles, Peter; Spencer, Kate
- 2003MNRAS.342..185R
- Nova nucleosynthesis and Galactic evolution of the CNO isotopes.
- Romano, Donatella ; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2003MNRAS.342..199C
- Dark matter and visible baryons in M33.
- Corbelli, Edvige
- 2003MNRAS.342..208P
- Chemical evolution of the M82 B fossil starburst.
- Parmentier, Geneviève; de Grijs, Richard; Gilmore, Gerry
- 2003MNRAS.342..221A
- Acceleration at
z > 1.
- Amendola, Luca
- 2003MNRAS.342..227H
- Highly extinguished emission line outflows in the young radio source PKS 1345+12.
- Holt, J.; Tadhunter, C.N.; Morganti, R.
- 2003MNRAS.342..239B
- A two-component ionized reflection model of MCG-6-30-15.
- Ballantyne, D.R.; Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2003MNRAS.342..249S
- The nature of X-ray selected extremely red objects.
- Stevens, J.A.; Page, M.J.; Ivison, R.J.; Smail, Ian; Lehmann, I.; Hasinger, G.; Szokoly, G.
- 2003MNRAS.342..259D
- Star cluster formation and evolution in nearby starburst galaxies - I. Systematic uncertainties.
- de Grijs, R.; Fritze-v.Alvensleben, U.; Anders, P.; Gallagher III, J.S.; Bastian, N.; Taylor, V.A.; Windhorst, R.A.
- 2003MNRAS.342..274M
- Global solution for a viscous accretion disc around a rotating compact object: pseudo-general-relativistic study.
- Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata; Ghosh, Shubhrangshu
- 2003MNRAS.342..287A
- Cosmological constraints from the local X-ray luminosity function of the most X-ray-luminous galaxy clusters.
- Allen, S.W.; Schmidt, R.W.; Fabian, A.C.; Ebeling, H.
- 2003MNRAS.342..299C
- Dust-to-gas ratios in the starburst regions of luminous infrared galaxies.
- Contini, Marcella; Contini, Thierry
- 2003MNRAS.342..314V
- Core dissolution and the dynamics of massive stars in young stellar clusters.
- Vine, S.G.; Bonnell, I.A.
- 2003MNRAS.342..321G
- XMM-Newton observations of an absorbed
z = 0.67 QSO: no dusty torus.
- Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A.; Stewart, G.C.; Akylas, A.; Boyle, B.J.; Shanks, T.; Griffiths, R.E.
- 2003MNRAS.342..325E
- Velocity statistics from spectral line data: effects of density-velocity correlations, magnetic field and shear.
- Esquivel, A.; Lazarian, A.; Pogosyan, D.; Cho, J.
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