Monthly Notices of the RAS 341
June(I) 2003

The cosmic microwave background power spectrum out to ℓ=1400 measured by the Very Small Array.
Grainge, Keith; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Genova-Santos, Ricardo; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hafez, Yaser A.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lancaster, Katy; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Ödman, Carolina; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
Cosmological parameter estimation and Bayesian model comparison using Very Small Array data.
Slosar, Anze; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Genova-Santos, Ricardo; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hafez, Yaser A.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lancaster, Katy; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Marshall, Phil J.; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
A new evolutionary channel for Type Ia supernovae.
King, A.R.; Rolfe, D.J.; Schenker, K.
Young stars in the outer Hi disc of NGC 6822.
de Blok, W.J.G.; Walter, F.
Observational evidence for a connection between supermassive black holes and dark matter haloes.
Baes, Maarten; Buyle, Pieter; Hau, George K.T.; Dejonghe, Herwig
Chandra reveals a black hole X-ray binary within the ultraluminous supernova remnant MF 16.
Roberts, T.P.; Colbert, E.J.M.
Discovery of an overdensity of faint red galaxies in the vicinity of the z=1.786 radio galaxy 3C294.
Toft, S.; Pedersen, K.; Ebeling, H.; Hjorth, J.
First results from the Very Small Array - I. Observational methods.
Watson, Robert A.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Althea
2003MNRAS.341.1066T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/341/1066)
First results from the Very Small Array - II. Observations of the cosmic microwave background.
Taylor, Angela C.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
First results from the Very Small Array - III. The cosmic microwave background power spectrum.
Scott, Paul F.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
First results from the Very Small Array - IV. Cosmological parameter estimation.
Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rebolo, Rafael; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Ödman, Carolina; Pooley, Guy G.; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
2003MNRAS.341.1093B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/341/1093)
The Southern SHARC catalogue: a ROSAT survey for distant galaxy clusters.
Burke, D.J.; Collins, C.A.; Sharples, R.M.; Romer, A.K.; Nichol, R.C.
The fundamental plane of ellipticals - I. The dark matter connection.
Borriello, Annamaria; Salucci, Paolo; Danese, Luigi
Infrared and visual interstellar absorption features towards heavily reddened field stars.
Rawlings, M.G.; Adamson, A.J.; Whittet, D.C.B.
Spectral response of the pulsationally induced shocks in the atmosphere of BW Vulpeculae.
Smith, Myron A.; Jeffery, C.Simon
Microwave background constraints on inflationary parameters.
Leach, Samuel M.; Liddle, Andrew R.
Stopping inward planetary migration by a toroidal magnetic field.
Terquem, Caroline E.J.M.L.J.
On the significance of the Titius-Bode law for the distribution of the planets.
Lynch, Peter
What determines the strength and the slowdown rate of bars.
Athanassoula, E.
Measuring cosmological parameters with the SDSS QSO spatial power spectrum analysis to test the cosmological principle.
Yamamoto, K.
The superwind mass-loss rate of the metal-poor carbon star LI-LMC 1813 in the LMC cluster KMHK 1603.
van Loon, Jacco T.; Marshall, Jonathan R.; Matsuura, Mikako; Zijlstra, Albert A.
XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation.
Waskett, Timothy J.; Eales, Stephen A.; Gear, Walter K.; Puchnarewicz, Elizabeth M.; Lilly, Simon; Flores, Hector; Webb, Tracy; Clements, David; Stevens, Jason A.; Thuan, Trinh X.
Implementing TOPbase/Iron Project: continuous absorption from Feii.
Cowley, Charles R.; Bautista, Manuel
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the M15 X-ray binary AC211/X2127+119.
Torres, M.A.P.; Callanan, P.J.; Garcia, M.R.
Radiation pressure cross-sections of fluffy interstellar grains.
Saija, R.; Iatì, M.A.; Giusto, A.; Borghese, F.; Denti, P.; Aiello, S.; Cecchi-Pestellini, C.
Simulated X-ray cluster temperature maps.
Onuora, Lesley I.; Kay, Scott T.; Thomas, Peter A.
An analytical model for the history of cosmic star formation.
Hernquist, Lars; Springel, Volker
X-ray absorption via Kα resonance complexes in oxygen ions.
Pradhan, Anil K.; Chen, Guo Xin; Delahaye, Franck; Nahar, Sultana N.; Oelgoetz, Justin
The role of ambipolar diffusion in the fragmentation of condensations of the primordial gas.
Flower, D.R.; Forêts, G.Pineau des
The correlation of the Lyman α forest in close pairs and groups of high-redshift quasars: clustering of matter on scales of 1-5 Mpc.
Rollinde, E.; Petitjean, P.; Pichon, C.; Colombi, S.; Aracil, B.; D'Odorico, V.; Haehnelt, M.G.
Lithium in Large Magellanic Cloud carbon stars.
Hatzidimitriou, D.; Morgan, D.H.; Cannon, R.D.; Croke, B.F.W.
Future supernovae data and quintessence models.
Pietro, Elisa Di; Claeskens, Jean-François
Stable clustering, the halo model and non-linear cosmological power spectra.
Smith, R.E.; Peacock, J.A.; Jenkins, A.; White, S.D.M.; Frenk, C.S.; Pearce, F.R.; Thomas, P.A.; Efstathiou, G.; Couchman, H.M.P.
Simulations of the effects of stripping and accretion on galaxy haloes in clusters.
Acreman, David M.; Stevens, Ian R.; Ponman, Trevor J.; Sakelliou, Irini
The planetary nebula K 1-2 and its binary central star VW Pyx.
Exter, K.M.; Pollacco, D.L.; Bell, S.A.
On why discs generate magnetic towers and collimate jets.
Lynden-Bell, D.
Light-curve classification in massive variability surveys - I. Microlensing.
Belokurov, Vasily; Evans, N.Wyn ; Du, Yann Le
δ Scuti pulsations in β Pictoris.
Koen, Chris
A search for X-ray variability in the open cluster NGC 2516.
Ramsay, Gavin; Harra, Louise; Kay, Hilary
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