Monthly Notices of the RAS 341
June(I) 2003
- 2003MNRAS.341L..23G
- The cosmic microwave background power spectrum out to ℓ=1400 measured by the Very Small Array.
- Grainge, Keith; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Genova-Santos, Ricardo; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hafez, Yaser A.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lancaster, Katy; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Ödman, Carolina; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341L..29S
- Cosmological parameter estimation and Bayesian model comparison using Very Small Array data.
- Slosar, Anze; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Genova-Santos, Ricardo; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hafez, Yaser A.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lancaster, Katy; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Marshall, Phil J.; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341L..35K
- A new evolutionary channel for Type Ia supernovae.
- King, A.R.; Rolfe, D.J.; Schenker, K.
- 2003MNRAS.341L..39D
- Young stars in the outer Hi disc of NGC 6822.
- de Blok, W.J.G.; Walter, F.
- 2003MNRAS.341L..44B
- Observational evidence for a connection between supermassive black holes and dark matter haloes.
- Baes, Maarten; Buyle, Pieter; Hau, George K.T.; Dejonghe, Herwig
- 2003MNRAS.341L..49R
- Chandra reveals a black hole X-ray binary within the ultraluminous supernova remnant MF 16.
- Roberts, T.P.; Colbert, E.J.M.
- 2003MNRAS.341L..55T
- Discovery of an overdensity of faint red galaxies in the vicinity of the z=1.786 radio galaxy 3C294.
- Toft, S.; Pedersen, K.; Ebeling, H.; Hjorth, J.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1057W
- First results from the Very Small Array - I. Observational methods.
- Watson, Robert A.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341.1066T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/341/1066)
- First results from the Very Small Array - II. Observations of the cosmic microwave background.
- Taylor, Angela C.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Leahy, J.P.; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341.1076S
- First results from the Very Small Array - III. The cosmic microwave background power spectrum.
- Scott, Paul F.; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Pooley, Guy G.; Rebolo, Rafael; Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341.1084R
- First results from the Very Small Array - IV. Cosmological parameter estimation.
- Rubiño-Martin, José Alberto; Rebolo, Rafael; Carreira, Pedro; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D.; Davis, Richard J.; Dickinson, Clive; Grainge, Keith; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Hobson, Michael P.; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lasenby, Anthony; Maisinger, Klaus; Ödman, Carolina; Pooley, Guy G.; Sosa Molina, Pedro J.; Rusholme, Ben; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Savage, Richard; Scott, Paul F.; Slosar, Anze; Taylor, Angela C.; Titterington, David; Waldram, Elizabeth; Watson, Robert A.; Wilkinson, Althea
- 2003MNRAS.341.1093B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/341/1093)
- The Southern SHARC catalogue: a ROSAT survey for distant galaxy clusters.
- Burke, D.J.; Collins, C.A.; Sharples, R.M.; Romer, A.K.; Nichol, R.C.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1109B
- The fundamental plane of ellipticals - I. The dark matter connection.
- Borriello, Annamaria; Salucci, Paolo; Danese, Luigi
- 2003MNRAS.341.1121R
- Infrared and visual interstellar absorption features towards heavily reddened field stars.
- Rawlings, M.G.; Adamson, A.J.; Whittet, D.C.B.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1141S
- Spectral response of the pulsationally induced shocks in the atmosphere of BW Vulpeculae.
- Smith, Myron A.; Jeffery, C.Simon
- 2003MNRAS.341.1151L
- Microwave background constraints on inflationary parameters.
- Leach, Samuel M.; Liddle, Andrew R.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1157T
- Stopping inward planetary migration by a toroidal magnetic field.
- Terquem, Caroline E.J.M.L.J.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1174L
- On the significance of the Titius-Bode law for the distribution of the planets.
- Lynch, Peter
- 2003MNRAS.341.1179A
- What determines the strength and the slowdown rate of bars.
- Athanassoula, E.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1199Y
- Measuring cosmological parameters with the SDSS QSO spatial power spectrum analysis to test the cosmological principle.
- Yamamoto, K.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1205V
- The superwind mass-loss rate of the metal-poor carbon star LI-LMC 1813 in the LMC cluster KMHK 1603.
- van Loon, Jacco T.; Marshall, Jonathan R.; Matsuura, Mikako; Zijlstra, Albert A.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1217W
- XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation.
- Waskett, Timothy J.; Eales, Stephen A.; Gear, Walter K.; Puchnarewicz, Elizabeth M.; Lilly, Simon; Flores, Hector; Webb, Tracy; Clements, David; Stevens, Jason A.; Thuan, Trinh X.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1226C
- Implementing TOPbase/Iron Project: continuous absorption from Feii.
- Cowley, Charles R.; Bautista, Manuel
- 2003MNRAS.341.1231T
- Time-resolved spectroscopy of the M15 X-ray binary AC211/X2127+119.
- Torres, M.A.P.; Callanan, P.J.; Garcia, M.R.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1239S
- Radiation pressure cross-sections of fluffy interstellar grains.
- Saija, R.; Iatì, M.A.; Giusto, A.; Borghese, F.; Denti, P.; Aiello, S.; Cecchi-Pestellini, C.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1246O
- Simulated X-ray cluster temperature maps.
- Onuora, Lesley I.; Kay, Scott T.; Thomas, Peter A.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1253H
- An analytical model for the history of cosmic star formation.
- Hernquist, Lars; Springel, Volker
- 2003MNRAS.341.1268P
- X-ray absorption via Kα resonance complexes in oxygen ions.
- Pradhan, Anil K.; Chen, Guo Xin; Delahaye, Franck; Nahar, Sultana N.; Oelgoetz, Justin
- 2003MNRAS.341.1272F
- The role of ambipolar diffusion in the fragmentation of condensations of the primordial gas.
- Flower, D.R.; Forêts, G.Pineau des
- 2003MNRAS.341.1279R
- The correlation of the Lyman α forest in close pairs and groups of high-redshift quasars: clustering of matter on scales of 1-5 Mpc.
- Rollinde, E.; Petitjean, P.; Pichon, C.; Colombi, S.; Aracil, B.; D'Odorico, V.; Haehnelt, M.G.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1290H
- Lithium in Large Magellanic Cloud carbon stars.
- Hatzidimitriou, D.; Morgan, D.H.; Cannon, R.D.; Croke, B.F.W.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1299P
- Future supernovae data and quintessence models.
- Pietro, Elisa Di; Claeskens, Jean-François
- 2003MNRAS.341.1311S
- Stable clustering, the halo model and non-linear cosmological power spectra.
- Smith, R.E.; Peacock, J.A.; Jenkins, A.; White, S.D.M.; Frenk, C.S.; Pearce, F.R.; Thomas, P.A.; Efstathiou, G.; Couchman, H.M.P.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1333A
- Simulations of the effects of stripping and accretion on galaxy haloes in clusters.
- Acreman, David M.; Stevens, Ian R.; Ponman, Trevor J.; Sakelliou, Irini
- 2003MNRAS.341.1349E
- The planetary nebula K 1-2 and its binary central star VW Pyx.
- Exter, K.M.; Pollacco, D.L.; Bell, S.A.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1360L
- On why discs generate magnetic towers and collimate jets.
- Lynden-Bell, D.
- 2003MNRAS.341.1373B
- Light-curve classification in massive variability surveys - I. Microlensing.
- Belokurov, Vasily; Evans, N.Wyn ; Du, Yann Le
- 2003MNRAS.341.1385K
- δ Scuti pulsations in β Pictoris.
- Koen, Chris
- 2003MNRAS.341.1388R
- A search for X-ray variability in the open cluster NGC 2516.
- Ramsay, Gavin; Harra, Louise; Kay, Hilary
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