Monthly Notices of the RAS 339
February(II) 2003
- 2003MNRAS.339L...1M
- The Tully-Fisher relation of cluster spirals at
z = 0.83.
- Milvang-Jensen, Bo; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Hau, George K.T.; Jorgensen, Inger; Hjorth, Jens
- 2003MNRAS.339L...7B
- Gas-phase syntheses for interstellar carboxylic and amino acids.
- Blagojevic, Voislav; Petrie, Simon; Bohme, Diethard K.
- 2003MNRAS.339L..12C
- Near-infrared line-strengths in elliptical galaxies: evidence for initial mass function variations.
- Cenarro, A.J.; Gorgas, J.; Vazdekis, A.; Cardiel, N.; Peletier, R.F.
- 2003MNRAS.339....1S
- Monitoring of 6-cm excited OH masers - II.
- Smits, Derck P.
- 2003MNRAS.339...12Z
- The growth and structure of dark matter haloes.
- Zhao, D.H.; Mo, H.J.; Jing, Y.P.; Börner, G.
- 2003MNRAS.339...25R
- A variational formalism for tidal excitation: non-rotating, homentropic stars.
- Rathore, Yasser; Broderick, Avery E.; Blandford, Roger
- 2003MNRAS.339...33H
- Searching for stars in compact high-velocity clouds - I. First results from VLT and 2MASS.
- Hopp, U.; Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E.; Kerp, J.
- 2003MNRAS.339...44T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/339/44)
- Imaging study of NGC 3372, the Carina nebula - I. UBVRIJHK photometry of Tr 14, Tr 15, Tr 16 and Car I.
- Tapia, Mauricio; Roth, Miguel; Vázquez, Rubén A.; Feinstein, Alejandro
- 2003MNRAS.339...63C
- Oxygen, carbon and nitrogen evolution in galaxies.
- Chiappini, Cristina; Romano, Donatella; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2003MNRAS.339...82C
- The optical jet in 3C 31 on 15 arcsec scales.
- Croston, J.H.; Birkinshaw, M.; Conway, E.; Davies, R.L.
- 2003MNRAS.339...87S
- A new look at the large-scale HI structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
- Staveley-Smith, L.; Kim, S.; Calabretta, M.R.; Haynes, R.F.; Kesteven, M.J.
- 2003MNRAS.339..105M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/339/105)
- High-resolution HI observations of the Western Magellanic Bridge.
- Muller, E.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Zealey, W.; Stanimirovic, S.
- 2003MNRAS.339..125C
- An analysis of the emission line spectra of AG Pegasi between phases 7.34 and 9.44.
- Contini, Marcella
- 2003MNRAS.339..133S
- The instability of fast shocks in molecular clouds.
- Smith, Michael D.; Rosen, Alexander
- 2003MNRAS.339..148C
- R Aquarii spectra revisited by suma.
- Contini, Marcella; Formiggini, Liliana
- 2003MNRAS.339..157H
- Ten eclipsing binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud: fundamental parameters and Cloud distance.
- Harries, Tim J.; Hilditch, Ron W.; Howarth, Ian D.
- 2003MNRAS.339..173W
- Near-infrared imaging and the
K -z relation for radio galaxies in the 7C Redshift Survey.
- Willott, Chris J.; Rawlings, Steve; Jarvis, Matt J.; Blundell, Katherine M.
- 2003MNRAS.339..189Y
- Stellar collisions in galactic centres: black hole growth and colour gradients.
- Yu, Qingjuan
- 2003MNRAS.339..212C
- Observational constraint on the fourth derivative of the inflaton potential.
- Caprini, Chiara; Hansen, Steen H.; Kunz, Martin
- 2003MNRAS.339..215D
- Realistic error estimates on kinematic parameters.
- De Bruyne, V; Vauterin, P.; Rijcke, S.De; Dejonghe, H.
- 2003MNRAS.339..225D
- Evidence for a warm interstellar medium in the Fornax dwarf ellipticals FCC046 and FCC207.
- De Rijcke, S.; Zeilinger, W.W.; Dejonghe, H.; Hau, G.K.T.
- 2003MNRAS.339..235D
- Closed universe and the first Doppler peak of the cosmic microwave background spectrum.
- Del Campo, Sergio
- 2003MNRAS.339..243J
- Dark halo properties from rotation curves.
- Jimenez, Raul; Verde, Licia; Oh, S.Peng
- 2003MNRAS.339..260K
- Fitting optical source counts with an infrared-defined model: insights into galaxy evolution.
- King, A.J.; Rowan-Robinson, M.
- 2003MNRAS.339..271S
- The rms peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters for different cluster masses and radii.
- Suhhonenko, Ivan; Gramann, Mirt
- 2003MNRAS.339..280S
- The cluster wind from local massive star clusters.
- Stevens, Ian R.; Hartwell, Joanna M.
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