Monthly Notices of the RAS 338
February(I) 2003

Gravitational lens time delays for distant supernovae: breaking the degeneracy between radial mass profiles and the Hubble constant.
Oguri, Masamune; Kawano, Yozo
The clustering of halo mergers.
Percival, Will J.; Scott, Douglas; Peacock, John A.; Dunlop, James S.
Constraints on star formation from the close packing of protostars in clusters.
Elmegreen, B.G.; Shadmehri, Mohsen
Some effects of small-scale metallicity variations in cooling flows.
Glenn Morris, R.; Fabian, A.C.
Simple models of cooling flows.
Kaiser, Christian R.; Binney, James
Error estimates for measurements of cosmic shear.
Munshi, Dipak; Coles, Peter
Infrared stellar populations in the central parts of the Milky Way galaxy.
van Loon, Jacco T.; Gilmore, G.F.; Omont, A.; Blommaert, J.A.D.L.; Glass, I.S.; Messineo, M.; Schuller, F.; Schultheis, M.; Yamamura, I.; Zhao, H.S.
The effects of mergers on the formation of disc-bulge systems in hierarchical clustering scenarios.
Scannapieco, C.; Tissera, P.B.
Is there really a Lutz-Kelker bias? Reconsidering calibration with trigonometric parallaxes.
Smith, Haywood, Jr
Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N -body simulations.
Helly, John C.; Cole, Shaun; Frenk, Carlos S.; Baugh, Carlton M.; Benson, Andrew; Lacey, Cedric
A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation.
Helly, John C.; Cole, Shaun; Frenk, Carlos S.; Baugh, Carlton M.; Benson, Andrew; Lacey, Cedric; Pearce, Frazer R.
Gravitational microlensing in NUT space.
Rahvar, Sohrab; Nouri-Zonoz, Mohammad
The pulsational characteristics of the λ Bootis type star BD Phe (HD 11413).
Koen, C.; Paunzen, E.; van Wyk, F.; Marang, F.; Chernyshova, I.V.; Andrievsky, S.M.
Photometry and spectroscopy of the Type IIP SN 1999em from outburst to dust formation.
Elmhamdi, Abouazza; Danziger, I.J.; Chugai, N.; Pastorello, A.; Turatto, M.; Cappellaro, E.; Altavilla, G.; Benetti, S.; Patat, F.; Salvo, M.
CLASS B0445+123: a new two-image gravitational lens system.
Argo, M.K.; Jackson, N.J.; Browne, I.W.A.; York, T.; McKean, J.P.; Biggs, A.D.; Blandford, R.D.; de Bruyn, A.G.; Chae, K.H.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Myers, S.T.; Norbury, M.; Pearson, T.J.; Phillips, P.M.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Rusin, D.; Wilkinson, P.N.
A new algorithm for radiative feedback and its application to the formation of massive stars.
Edgar, Richard; Clarke, Cathie
Chemical enrichment by Wolf-Rayet and asymptotic giant branch stars.
Dray, Lynnette M.; Tout, Christopher A.; Karakas, Amanda I.; Lattanzio, John C.
Toward an adequate method to isolate spectroscopic families of diffuse interstellar bands.
Wszolek, B.; Godlowski, W.
The approximate ratios between the diameters of terrestrial impact craters and the causative incident asteroids.
Hughes, David W.
Serendipitous active galactic nuclei in the XMM-Newton fields of Markarian 205 and QSO 0130-403.
Page, K.L.; Turner, M.J.L.; Reeves, J.N.; O'Brien, P.T.; Sembay, S.
Radiation spectrum from relativistic slim accretion discs: an effect of photon trapping.
Shimura, Toshiya; Manmoto, Tadahiro
Wolf-Rayet binaries in the Magellanic Clouds and implications for massive-star evolution - II. Large Magellanic Cloud.
Foellmi, C.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Guerrero, M.A.
High-speed Keck spectroscopy of flares and oscillations in AE Aquarii.
Skidmore, Warren; O'Brien, Kieran; Horne, Keith; Gomer, Richard; Oke, J.B.; Pearson, K.J.
Fireball models for flares in AE Aquarii.
Pearson, K.J.; Horne, Keith; Skidmore, Warren
B0850+054: a new gravitational lens system from CLASS.
Biggs, A.D.; Rusin, D.; Browne, I.W.A.; de Bruyn, A.G.; Jackson, N.J.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; McKean, J.P.; Myers, S.T.; Blandford, R.D.; Chae, K.-H.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Norbury, M.A.; Pearson, T.J.; Phillips, P.M.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Wilkinson, P.N.
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