Monthly Notices of the RAS 336
November(II) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.336L..65H
- Modelling pulsation amplitudes of ξ Hydrae.
- Houdek, G.; Gough, D.O.
- 2002MNRAS.336L..71I
- A Chandra observation of the H2O megamaser IC 2560.
- Iwasawa, K.; Maloney, P.R.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1057H
- Filtering techniques for the detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters in multifrequency maps.
- Herranz, D.; Sanz, J.L.; Hobson, M.P.; Barreiro, R.B.; Diego, J.M.; Martínez-González, E.; Lasenby, A.N.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1069B
- Long-term evolution of isolated N -body systems.
- Baumgardt, Holger; Hut, Piet; Heggie, Douglas C.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1082S
- The contribution of the first stars to the cosmic infrared background.
- Santos, Michael R.; Bromm, Volker; Kamionkowski, Marc
- 2002MNRAS.336.1093R
- Kinematics of the Pencil nebula (RCW 37) and its association with the young Vela supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622.
- Redman, M.P.; Meaburn, J.; Bryce, M.; Harman, D.J.; O'Brien, T.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1099A
- Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets - IV. CPD-59°2636: a new O-type multiple system in the Carina Nebula.
- Albacete Colombo, J.F.; Morrell, N.I.; Rauw, G.; Corcoran, M.F.; Niemela, V.S.; Sana, H.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1109J
- Membership, metallicity and lithium abundances for solar-type stars in NGC 6633.
- Jeffries, R.D.; Totten, E.J.; Harmer, S.; Deliyannis, C.P.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1129B
- STJ observations of the eclipsing polar HU Aqr.
- Bridge, C.M.; Cropper, Mark; Ramsay, Gavin; Perryman, M.A.C.; de Bruijne, J.H.J.; Favata, F.; Peacock, A.; Rando, N.; Reynolds, A.P.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1139G
- VLA observations at 7 mm of the planetary nebula IC 4997.
- Gómez, Y.; Miranda, L.F.; Torrelles, J.M.; Rodríguez, L.F.; López, J.A.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1143B
- Mrk 1014: an AGN-dominated ultraluminous infrared galaxy.
- Boller, Th.; Gallo, L.C.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1147M
- A search for circumstellar material around B-type stars in the Galactic halo.
- Magee, H.R.M.; Rolleston, W.R.J.; Dufton, P.L.; Keenan, F.P.; Mooney, C.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1155B
- Core-polarization effects in doubly ionized cerium (Ce iii) for transitions of astrophysical interest.
- Biémont, E.; Quinet, P.; Ryabchikova, T.A.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1161L
- Dynamical models for jet deceleration in the radio galaxy 3C 31.
- Laing, R.A.; Bridle, A.H.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1181F
- Type Ia supernovae and the formation history of early-type galaxies.
- Ferreras, Ignacio; Silk, Joseph
- 2002MNRAS.336.1188K
- On the mass function of star clusters.
- Kroupa, P.; Boily, C.M.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1195P
- Alfvén waves in the inner polar coronal hole.
- Pekünlü, E.R.; Bozkurt, Z.; Afsar, M.; Soydugan, E.; Soydugan, F.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1201C
- The 2000 periastron passage of PSR B1259-63.
- Connors, T.W.; Johnston, S.; Manchester, R.N.; McConnell, D.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1209M
- Reflection at large distance from the central engine in Seyferts.
- Malzac, Julien; Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier
- 2002MNRAS.336.1217B
- A late-time transition in the cosmic dark energy.
- Bassett, Bruce A.; Kunz, Martin; Silk, Joseph; Ungarelli, Carlo
- 2002MNRAS.336.1223S
- K -band observations of WZ Sagittae during quiescence.
- Skidmore, Warren; Wynn, G.A.; Leach, R.; Jameson, R.F.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1229S
- Comments on the final orbital separation in common envelope evolution.
- Soker, Noam
- 2002MNRAS.336.1234Z
- Consistent β values from density-density and velocity-velocity comparisons
- Zaroubi, Saleem; Branchini, Enzo; Hoffman, Yehuda; da Costa, Luiz N.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1247S
- Short-period near-contact binary systems at the beginning of the overcontact phase.
- Shengbang Qian
- 2002MNRAS.336.1256K
- The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich angular power spectrum as a probe of cosmological parameters.
- Komatsu, E.; Seljak, U.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1271D
- The expected thermal precursors of gamma-ray bursts in the internal shock model.
- Daigne, Frederic; Mochkovitch, Robert
- 2002MNRAS.336.1281W
- Morphological classification of the OSU Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey.
- Whyte, L.F.; Abraham, R.G.; Merrifield, M.R.; Eskridge, P.B.; Frogel, J.A.; Pogge, R.W.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1287L
- A search for star formation around the Galactic halo B-type star PHL 346 with the 2dF spectrograph.
- Lynn, B.B.; Dufton, P.L.; Keenan, F.P.; Hambly, N.C.; Irwin, M.J.; Gilmore, G.; Rolleston, W.R.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1293B
- An excess of submillimetre sources towards z ∼ 1 clusters.
- Best, P.N.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1304H
- Gabor transforms on the sphere with applications to CMB power spectrum estimation.
- Hansen, Frode K.; Górski, Krzysztof M.; Hivon, Eric
- 2002MNRAS.336.1329S
- The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - IV. Biases in the completeness of near-infrared imaging data.
- Snigula, J.; Drory, N.; Bender, R.; Botzler, C.S.; Feulner, G.; Hopp, U.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1342W
- Old elliptical galaxies at
z ≃ 1.5 and the Kormendy relation.
- Waddington, I.; Windhorst, R.A.; Cohen, S.H.; Dunlop, J.S.; Peacock, J.A.; Jimenez, R.; McLure, R.J.; Bunker, A.J.; Spinrad, H.; Dey, A.; Stern, D.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1351D
- A Bayesian non-parametric method to detect clusters in Planck data.
- Diego, J.M.; Vielva, P.; Martínez-González, E.; Silk, J.; Sanz, J.L.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1364J
- Inferring X-ray coronal structures from Zeeman-Doppler images.
- Jardine, M.; Wood, K.; Collier Cameron, A.; Donati, J.-F.; Mackay, D.H.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1371M
- On the misalignment of jets in microquasars.
- Maccarone, Thomas J.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1377J
- Effects of molecular contamination of IR near-continuum bandpasses on measurements of M-type Mira diameters.
- Jacob, A.P.; Scholz, M.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1390G
- Erratum: Large-amplitude variables near the Galactic Centre.
- Glass, I.S.; Matsumoto, S.; Carter, B.S.; Sekiguchi, K.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1391R
- Erratum: Asteroids in the 2 : 1 resonance with Jupiter: dynamics and size distribution. . by
- Roig, F.; Nesvorny, D.; Ferraz-Mello, S.
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