Monthly Notices of the RAS 336
November(I) 2002

SSSPM J0829-1309: a new nearby L dwarf detected in SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys.
Scholz, R.-D.; Meusinger, H.
On the origin of the torus and jet-like structures in the centre of the Crab Nebula.
Bogovalov, S.V.; Khangoulian, D.V.
Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS 456.
Reeves, J.N.; Wynn, G.; O'Brien, P.T.; Pounds, K.A.
Multiple supermassive black holes in galactic bulges.
Haehnelt, Martin G.; Kauffmann, Guinevere
The formation of close binary systems by dynamical interactions and orbital decay.
Bate, Matthew R.; Bonnell, Ian A.; Bromm, Volker
The BeppoSAX spectrum of the composite galaxy Mrk 609.
Pappa, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ward, M.; Zezas, A.L.
Time-dependent modelling of the Markarian 501 X-ray and TeV gamma-ray data taken during 1997 March and April.
Krawczynski, H.; Coppi, P.S.; Aharonian, F.
Mid-infrared, Hα and radio continuum images of an unusual Hii region, G308.70 + 0.60.
Cohen, Martin; Green, Anne J.; Parker, Quentin A.; Mader, Stacy; Cannon, Russell D.
An observational study of a magneto-acoustic wave in the solar corona.
Williams, D.R.; Mathioudakis, M.; Gallagher, P.T.; Phillips, K.J.H.; Mac Ateer, R.T.J.; Keenan, F.P.; Rudawy, P.; Katsiyannis, A.C.
A collimated flow driven by radiative pressure from the nucleus of quasar Q1511+091.
Srianand, R.; Petitjean, Patrick; Ledoux, Cedric; Hazard, Cyril
Time-dependent, force-free, degenerate electrodynamics.
Komissarov, S.S.
A search for brown dwarf like secondaries in cataclysmic variables.
Mennickent, R.E.; Diaz, M.P.
The effect of synchrotron absorption on the observed radio luminosities of pulsars.
Petrova, S.A.
Radial mixing in galactic discs.
Sellwood, J.A.; Binney, J.J.
Enhanced molecular abundances in low-mass star-forming cores.
Viti, Serena; Natarajan, Sukina; Williams, David A.
Early GeV afterglows from gamma-ray bursts in pulsar wind bubbles.
Wang, X.Y.; Dai, Z.G.; Lu, T.
Time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy of the compact interacting binary QU Car.
Hartley, L.E.; Drew, J.E.; Long, K.S.
Higher order variability properties of accreting black holes.
Maccarone, Thomas J.; Coppi, Paolo S.
Local circumstellar magnetic fields around evolved stars.
Soker, Noam
Towards a self-consistent relativistic model of the exterior gravitational field of rapidly rotating neutron stars.
Stute, Matthias; Camenzind, Max
Anomalous RR Lyrae stars(?): CM Leonis.
Di Fabrizio, L.; Clementini, G.; Marconi, M.; Carretta, E.; Ivans, I.I.; Bragaglia, A.; Di Tomaso, S.; Merighi, R.; Smith, H.A.; Sneden, C.; Tosi, M.
The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey: a sample of confirmed cluster dwarfs.
Deady, J.H.; Boyce, P.J.; Phillipps, S.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Karick, A.; Jones, J.B.; Gregg, M.D.; Smith, R.M.
Soft X-ray emission lines from photoionized accretion discs: constraints on their strength and width.
Ballantyne, D.R.; Ross, R.R.; Fabian, A.C.
Radial velocity study of the roAp star HR 1217.
Balona, L.A.; Zima, W.
2002MNRAS.336..879K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/336/879)
K dwarfs and the chemical evolution of the solar cylinder.
Kotoneva, Eira; Flynn, Chris; Chiappini, Cristina; Matteucci, Francesca
An analytical model for the non-linear redshift-space power spectrum.
Kang, Xi; Jing, Y.P.; Mo, H.J.; Börner, G.
Chandra observations of the nucleus of M33.
Dubus, Guillaume; Rutledge, Robert E.
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the bJ-band galaxy luminosity function and survey selection function.
Norberg, Peder; Cole, Shaun; Baugh, Carlton M.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Baldry, Ivan; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Colless, Matthew; Collins, Chris; Couch, Warrick; Cross, Nicholas J.G.; Dalton, Gavin; De Propris, Roberto; Driver, Simon P.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Jackson, Carole; Lahav, Ofer; Lewis, Ian; Lumsden, Stuart; Maddox, Steve; Madgwick, Darren; Peacock, John A.; Peterson, Bruce A.; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith ; The 2dFGRS Team
RXTE observations of 3C 273 between 1996 and 2000: variability time-scale and jet power.
Kataoka, Jun; Tanihata, Chiharu; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Takahara, Fumio; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Edwards, Philip G.; Makino, Fumiyoshi
The classification of BL Lacertae objects: the Ca H&K break.
Landt, Hermine; Padovani, Paolo; Giommi, Paolo
Gravitational radiation from highly magnetized nascent neutron stars in supernova remnants.
Yoshida, Shin'ichirou
Mass outflow from the X-ray binary X2127+119 in M15.
van Zyl, L.; Naylor, T.; Charles, P.A.; Ioannou, Z.
High-proper-motion white dwarfs and halo dark matter.
Torres, Santiago; García-Berro, Enrique; Burkert, Andreas; Isern, Jordi
Peak finding at low signal-to-noise ratio: low-ℓ solar acoustic eigenmodes at n ≤ 9 from the analysis of BiSON data.
Chaplin, W.J.; Elsworth, Y.; Isaak, G.R.; Marchenkov, K.I.; Miller, B.A.; New, R.; Pinter, B.; Appourchaux, T.
Fading of light maximum and linear polarization variation in the carbon Mira R Leporis.
Raveendran, A.V.
Determination of the slow magnetosonic point in magnetically influenced wind flows from accretion discs.
Campbell, C.G.
Observational constraints on the inflaton potential combined with flow equations in inflaton space.
Hansen, Steen H.; Kunz, Martin
A revised dynamical model for SS433 and the nature of the system.
Collins, II George W.; Scher, Robert W.
Probing the dark ages with metal absorption lines.
Oh, S.Peng
The status of Galactic field λ Bootis stars in the post-Hipparcos era.
Paunzen, E.; Iliev, I.Kh.; Kamp, I.; Barzova, I.S.
Contribution to the search for binaries among Am stars - III. HD 7119: a double-lined spectroscopic binary and a triple system.
Carquillat, J.-M.; Ginestet, N.; Prieur, J.-L.; Udry, S.
XMM-Newton observes flaring in the polar UZ For during a low state.
Pandel, Dirk; Córdova, France A.
Addendum: Calculation of the masses of the binary star HD 93205 by application of the theory of apsidal motion. . by
Benvenuto, O.G.; Serenelli, A.M.; Althaus, L.G.; Barbá, R.H.; Morrell, N.I.
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