Monthly Notices of the RAS 336
November(I) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.336L..49S
- SSSPM J0829-1309: a new nearby L dwarf detected in SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys.
- Scholz, R.-D.; Meusinger, H.
- 2002MNRAS.336L..53B
- On the origin of the torus and jet-like structures in the centre of the Crab Nebula.
- Bogovalov, S.V.; Khangoulian, D.V.
- 2002MNRAS.336L..56R
- Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS 456.
- Reeves, J.N.; Wynn, G.; O'Brien, P.T.; Pounds, K.A.
- 2002MNRAS.336L..61H
- Multiple supermassive black holes in galactic bulges.
- Haehnelt, Martin G.; Kauffmann, Guinevere
- 2002MNRAS.336..705B
- The formation of close binary systems by dynamical interactions and orbital decay.
- Bate, Matthew R.; Bonnell, Ian A.; Bromm, Volker
- 2002MNRAS.336..714P
- The BeppoSAX spectrum of the composite galaxy Mrk 609.
- Pappa, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ward, M.; Zezas, A.L.
- 2002MNRAS.336..721K
- Time-dependent modelling of the Markarian 501 X-ray and TeV gamma-ray data taken during 1997 March and April.
- Krawczynski, H.; Coppi, P.S.; Aharonian, F.
- 2002MNRAS.336..736C
- Mid-infrared, Hα and radio continuum images of an unusual Hii region, G308.70 + 0.60.
- Cohen, Martin; Green, Anne J.; Parker, Quentin A.; Mader, Stacy; Cannon, Russell D.
- 2002MNRAS.336..747W
- An observational study of a magneto-acoustic wave in the solar corona.
- Williams, D.R.; Mathioudakis, M.; Gallagher, P.T.; Phillips, K.J.H.; Mac Ateer, R.T.J.; Keenan, F.P.; Rudawy, P.; Katsiyannis, A.C.
- 2002MNRAS.336..753S
- A collimated flow driven by radiative pressure from the nucleus of quasar Q1511+091.
- Srianand, R.; Petitjean, Patrick; Ledoux, Cedric; Hazard, Cyril
- 2002MNRAS.336..759K
- Time-dependent, force-free, degenerate electrodynamics.
- Komissarov, S.S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..767M
- A search for brown dwarf like secondaries in cataclysmic variables.
- Mennickent, R.E.; Diaz, M.P.
- 2002MNRAS.336..774P
- The effect of synchrotron absorption on the observed radio luminosities of pulsars.
- Petrova, S.A.
- 2002MNRAS.336..785S
- Radial mixing in galactic discs.
- Sellwood, J.A.; Binney, J.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336..797V
- Enhanced molecular abundances in low-mass star-forming cores.
- Viti, Serena; Natarajan, Sukina; Williams, David A.
- 2002MNRAS.336..803W
- Early GeV afterglows from gamma-ray bursts in pulsar wind bubbles.
- Wang, X.Y.; Dai, Z.G.; Lu, T.
- 2002MNRAS.336..808H
- Time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy of the compact interacting binary QU Car.
- Hartley, L.E.; Drew, J.E.; Long, K.S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..817M
- Higher order variability properties of accreting black holes.
- Maccarone, Thomas J.; Coppi, Paolo S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..826S
- Local circumstellar magnetic fields around evolved stars.
- Soker, Noam
- 2002MNRAS.336..831S
- Towards a self-consistent relativistic model of the exterior gravitational field of rapidly rotating neutron stars.
- Stute, Matthias; Camenzind, Max
- 2002MNRAS.336..841D
- Anomalous RR Lyrae stars(?): CM Leonis.
- Di Fabrizio, L.; Clementini, G.; Marconi, M.; Carretta, E.; Ivans, I.I.; Bragaglia, A.; Di Tomaso, S.; Merighi, R.; Smith, H.A.; Sneden, C.; Tosi, M.
- 2002MNRAS.336..851D
- The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey: a sample of confirmed cluster dwarfs.
- Deady, J.H.; Boyce, P.J.; Phillipps, S.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Karick, A.; Jones, J.B.; Gregg, M.D.; Smith, R.M.
- 2002MNRAS.336..867B
- Soft X-ray emission lines from photoionized accretion discs: constraints on their strength and width.
- Ballantyne, D.R.; Ross, R.R.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2002MNRAS.336..873B
- Radial velocity study of the roAp star HR 1217.
- Balona, L.A.; Zima, W.
- 2002MNRAS.336..879K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/336/879)
- K dwarfs and the chemical evolution of the solar cylinder.
- Kotoneva, Eira; Flynn, Chris; Chiappini, Cristina; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2002MNRAS.336..892K
- An analytical model for the non-linear redshift-space power spectrum.
- Kang, Xi; Jing, Y.P.; Mo, H.J.; Börner, G.
- 2002MNRAS.336..901D
- Chandra observations of the nucleus of M33.
- Dubus, Guillaume; Rutledge, Robert E.
- 2002MNRAS.336..907N
- The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the bJ-band galaxy luminosity function and survey selection function.
- Norberg, Peder; Cole, Shaun; Baugh, Carlton M.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Baldry, Ivan; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Colless, Matthew; Collins, Chris; Couch, Warrick; Cross, Nicholas J.G.; Dalton, Gavin; De Propris, Roberto; Driver, Simon P.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Jackson, Carole; Lahav, Ofer; Lewis, Ian; Lumsden, Stuart; Maddox, Steve; Madgwick, Darren; Peacock, John A.; Peterson, Bruce A.; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith ; The 2dFGRS Team
- 2002MNRAS.336..932K
- RXTE observations of 3C 273 between 1996 and 2000: variability time-scale and jet power.
- Kataoka, Jun; Tanihata, Chiharu; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Takahara, Fumio; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Edwards, Philip G.; Makino, Fumiyoshi
- 2002MNRAS.336..945L
- The classification of BL Lacertae objects: the Ca H&K break.
- Landt, Hermine; Padovani, Paolo; Giommi, Paolo
- 2002MNRAS.336..957Y
- Gravitational radiation from highly magnetized nascent neutron stars in supernova remnants.
- Yoshida, Shin'ichirou
- 2002MNRAS.336..962V
- Mass outflow from the X-ray binary X2127+119 in M15.
- van Zyl, L.; Naylor, T.; Charles, P.A.; Ioannou, Z.
- 2002MNRAS.336..971T
- High-proper-motion white dwarfs and halo dark matter.
- Torres, Santiago; García-Berro, Enrique; Burkert, Andreas; Isern, Jordi
- 2002MNRAS.336..979C
- Peak finding at low signal-to-noise ratio: low-ℓ solar acoustic eigenmodes at n ≤ 9 from the analysis of BiSON data.
- Chaplin, W.J.; Elsworth, Y.; Isaak, G.R.; Marchenkov, K.I.; Miller, B.A.; New, R.; Pinter, B.; Appourchaux, T.
- 2002MNRAS.336..992R
- Fading of light maximum and linear polarization variation in the carbon Mira R Leporis.
- Raveendran, A.V.
- 2002MNRAS.336..999C
- Determination of the slow magnetosonic point in magnetically influenced wind flows from accretion discs.
- Campbell, C.G.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1007H
- Observational constraints on the inflaton potential combined with flow equations in inflaton space.
- Hansen, Steen H.; Kunz, Martin
- 2002MNRAS.336.1011C
- A revised dynamical model for SS433 and the nature of the system.
- Collins, II George W.; Scher, Robert W.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1021O
- Probing the dark ages with metal absorption lines.
- Oh, S.Peng
- 2002MNRAS.336.1030P
- The status of Galactic field λ Bootis stars in the post-Hipparcos era.
- Paunzen, E.; Iliev, I.Kh.; Kamp, I.; Barzova, I.S.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1043C
- Contribution to the search for binaries among Am stars - III. HD 7119: a double-lined spectroscopic binary and a triple system.
- Carquillat, J.-M.; Ginestet, N.; Prieur, J.-L.; Udry, S.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1049P
- XMM-Newton observes flaring in the polar UZ For during a low state.
- Pandel, Dirk; Córdova, France A.
- 2002MNRAS.336.1056B
- Addendum: Calculation of the masses of the binary star HD 93205 by application of the theory of apsidal motion. . by
- Benvenuto, O.G.; Serenelli, A.M.; Althaus, L.G.; Barbá, R.H.; Morrell, N.I.
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