Monthly Notices of the RAS 336
October(II) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.336L...1J
- Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations difference frequency exceeds inferred spin frequency in 4U 1636-53.
- Jonker, Peter G.; Méndez, M.; van der Klis, M.
- 2002MNRAS.336L...7R
- Jets, winds and bursts from coalescing neutron stars.
- Rosswog, Stephan; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico
- 2002MNRAS.336L..13H
- No periodicities in 2dF Redshift Survey data.
- Hawkins, E.; Maddox, S.J.; Merrifield, M.R.
- 2002MNRAS.336....1A
- On the atmospheric limitations of ground-based submillimetre astronomy using array receivers.
- Archibald, E.N.; Jenness, T.; Holland, W.S.; Coulson, I.M.; Jessop, N.E.; Stevens, J.A.; Robson, E.I.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Duncan, W.D.; Lightfoot, J.F.
- 2002MNRAS.336...14J
- Towards the automated reduction and calibration of SCUBA data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
- Jenness, T.; Stevens, J.A.; Archibald, E.N.; Economou, F.; Jessop, N.E.; Robson, E.I.
- 2002MNRAS.336...22M
- The performance of spherical wavelets to detect non-Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background sky.
- Martínez-González, E.; Gallegos, J.E.; Argüeso, F.; Cayón, L.; Sanz, J.L.
- 2002MNRAS.336...33I
- A spectral diagnostic for density-bounded HII regions.
- Iglesias-Páramo, J.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
- 2002MNRAS.336...39F
- Variable circular polarization associated with relativistic ejections from GRS 1915+105
- Fender, R.P.; Rayner, D.; McCormick, D.G.; Muxlow, T.W.B.; Pooley, G.G.; Sault, R.J.; Spencer, R.E.
- 2002MNRAS.336...47G
- OH masers and magnetic fields near the cometary HII region G34.3+0.2.
- Gasiprong, N.; Cohen, R.J.; Hutawarakorn, B.
- 2002MNRAS.336...55C
- The angular momentum distribution within haloes in different dark matter models.
- Chen, D.N.; Jing, Y.P.
- 2002MNRAS.336...66R
- Mid-infrared spectroscopy of protoplanetary and planetary nebulae.
- Rinehart, S.A.; Houck, J.R.; Smith, J.D.; Wilson, J.C.
- 2002MNRAS.336...73Z
- Non-radial pulsation of the δ Scuti star UV Trianguli.
- Zhou, Ai-Ying; Liu, Zong-Li; Rodríguez, E.
- 2002MNRAS.336...81P
- A theoretical study of the mass-temperature relation for clusters of galaxies.
- Popolo, A.Del
- 2002MNRAS.336...91B
- The exceptionally bright Type Ib supernova 1991D.
- Benetti, S.; Branch, D.; Turatto, M.; Cappellaro, E.; Baron, E.; Zampieri, L.; Della Valle, M.; Pastorello, A.
- 2002MNRAS.336...97S
- All-sky component separation for the Planck mission.
- Stolyarov, V.; Hobson, M.P.; Ashdown, M.A.J.; Lasenby, A.N.
- 2002MNRAS.336..112M
- The abundance and clustering of dark haloes in the standard ΛCDM cosmogony.
- Mo, H.J.; White, S.D.M.
- 2002MNRAS.336..119M
- Tidal debris of dwarf spheroidals as a probe of structure formation models.
- Mayer, Lucio; Moore, Ben; Quinn, Thomas; Governato, Fabio ; Stadel, Joachim
- 2002MNRAS.336..131B
- A graphical selection method for parametric models in noisy inhomogeneous regression.
- Bissantz, Nicolai; Munk, Axel
- 2002MNRAS.336..139S
- On the nature of a secondary main-sequence turn-off in the rich LMC cluster NGC 1868.
- Santiago, B.; Kerber, L.; Castro, R.; de Grijs, R.
- 2002MNRAS.336..151S
- The shapes of dark matter dominated dwarf spheroidal stellar density profiles.
- Sigurdson, Kris; Turok, Neil
- 2002MNRAS.336..155D
- Searching for stars in high-velocity clouds.
- Davies, J.; Sabatini, S.; Davies, L.; Linder, S.; Roberts, S.; Smith, R.; Evans, R.
- 2002MNRAS.336..159Z
- Dynamical limits on galactic winds, halo MACHOs and intergalactic globular clusters.
- Zhao, HongSheng
- 2002MNRAS.336..168B
- Testing stellar population models with star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
- Beasley, Michael A.; Hoyle, Fiona; Sharples, Ray M.
- 2002MNRAS.336..189S
- β Cephei and new pulsating stars in NGC 4755.
- Stankov, A.; Handler, G.; Hempel, M.; Mittermayer, P.
- 2002MNRAS.336..197G
- Classification of a selected sample of weak T Tauri stars.
- Gregorio-Hetem, J.; Hetem, A. Jr
- 2002MNRAS.336..207C
- The environment of active objects in the nearby Universe.
- Coldwell, Georgina V.; Martínez, Héctor J.; Lambas, Diego G.
- 2002MNRAS.336..211L
- Vortex unpinning in precessing neutron stars.
- Link, B.; Cutler, C.
- 2002MNRAS.336..217O
- The X-ray fast-time variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2) with RXTE.
- O'Neill, P.M.; Kuulkers, E.; Sood, R.K.; van der Klis, M.
- 2002MNRAS.336..233S
- On the electric field screening by electron-positron pairs in the pulsar magnetosphere - II.
- Shibata, S.; Miyazaki, J.; Takahara, F.
- 2002MNRAS.336..241A
- Motion of charged particles around a rotating black hole in a magnetic field.
- Aliev, A.N.; Özdemir, N.
- 2002MNRAS.336..249B
- Pulsation of the δ Scuti star θ2 Tau: new multisite photometry and modelling of instability.
- Breger, M.; Pamyatnykh, A.A.; Zima, W.; Garrido, R.; Handler, G.; Reegen, P.
- 2002MNRAS.336..259C
- The intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2112.
- Carraro, Giovanni; Barbon, Roberto; Boschetti, Carla S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..265M
- On the evolution of the nova-like variable AE Aquarii.
- Meintjes, P.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336..276D
- On the reliability of the semi-empirical RR Lyrae period-V -band luminosity-blue amplitude relation.
- De Santis, R.; Cassisi, S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..283R
- The importance of new rate coefficients for deuterium fractionation reactions in interstellar chemistry.
- Roberts, Helen; Herbst, Eric; Millar, T.J.
- 2002MNRAS.336..291P
- Asymptotic dynamos in late-type stars.
- Paternò, L.; Belvedere, G.; Kuzanyan, K.M.; Lanza, A.F.
- 2002MNRAS.336..299J
- Chandra observations of Abell 2199.
- Johnstone, R.M.; Allen, S.W.; Fabian, A.C.; Sanders, J.S.
- 2002MNRAS.336..309O
- A very massive spectroscopic binary in the LH 54 OB association in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
- Ostrov, Pablo G.
- 2002MNRAS.336..315R
- Multiple X-ray reflection from ionized slabs.
- Ross, R.R.; Fabian, A.C.; Ballantyne, D.R.
- 2002MNRAS.336..319A
- The orientation of the Seyfert nucleus in Markarian 348.
- Antón, S.; Thean, A.H.C.; Pedlar, A.; Browne, I.W.A.
- 2002MNRAS.336..328L
- Relativistic models and the jet velocity field in the radio galaxy 3C 31.
- Laing, R.A.; Bridle, A.H.
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