Monthly Notices of the RAS 335
October(I) 2002

The missing M dwarfs.
Dobbie, P.D.; Pinfield, D.J.; Jameson, R.F.; Hodgkin, S.T.
The satellite population of the Milky Way in a ΛCDM universe.
Stoehr, Felix; White, Simon D.M.; Tormen, Giuseppe; Springel, Volker
Intrinsic correlation of halo ellipticity and its implications for large-scale weak lensing surveys.
Jing, Y.P.
Magnetic field in the intracluster medium: Rydberg matter with almost free electrons.
Badiei, Shahriar; Holmlid, Leif
Discovery of newly formed broad absorption lines in a radio-loud quasar.
Ma, Feng
Extremely weak reflection features in the X-ray spectrum of XTE J1118+480: possible evidence for X-ray-emitting jets.
Miller, J.M.; Ballantyne, D.R.; Fabian, A.C.; Lewin, W.H.G.
Breaking the `redshift deadlock'- I. Constraining the star formation history of galaxies with submillimetre photometric redshifts.
Hughes, D.H.; Aretxaga, I.; Chapin, E.L.; Gaztañaga, E.; Dunlop, J.S.; Devlin, M.J.; Halpern, M.; Gundersen, J.; Klein, J.; Netterfield, C.B.; Olmi, L.; Scott, D.; Tucker, G.
Waiting for the Big One: a new class of soft gamma-ray repeater outbursts.
Eichler, David
The power spectrum of galaxies in the 2dF 100k redshift survey.
Tegmark, Max; Hamilton, Andrew J.S.; Xu, Yongzhong
The redshift and scale dependence of the cosmic shear signal from numerical simulations.
Barber, Andrew J.
First X-ray observations of the polar CE Gru.
Ramsay, Gavin; Cropper, Mark
The brightest asymptotic giant branch stars in the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
Menzies, John; Feast, Michael; Tanabé, Toshihiko; Whitelock, Patricia; Nakada, Yoshikazu
The curvature condition for self-consistent scale-free galaxies.
Jalali, Mir Abbas; de Zeeuw, P.Tim
MACHO photometry of two Large Magellanic Cloud Be X-ray transients, EXO 0531-66 and H 0544-665.
McGowan, K.E.; Charles, P.A.
Low- and intermediate-mass close binary evolution and the initial-final mass relation - II. Non-conservative case with convective overshooting.
Chen, Xuefei; Han, Zhanwen
Observational constraints on growth of massive black holes.
Yu, Qingjuan; Tremaine, Scott
Scaling of voids and fractality in the galaxy distribution.
Gaite, José; Manrubia, Susanna C.
Predicting the clustering properties of galaxy clusters detectable by the Planck satellite.
Moscardini, L.; Bartelmann, M.; Matarrese, S.; Andreani, P.
A study of some current methods of analysing observations of star-forming regions.
Doty, S.D.; Palotti, M.L.
A search for 6 Li in stars with planets.
Reddy, Bacham E.; Lambert, David L.; Laws, Chris; Gonzalez, Guillermo; Covey, Kevin
AGN-selected clusters as revealed by weak lensing.
Wold, Margrethe; Lacy, Mark; Dahle, Hakon; Lilje, Per B.; Ridgway, Susan E.
Maximum-entropy weak lens reconstruction: improved methods and application to data.
Marshall, P.J.; Hobson, M.P.; Gull, S.F.; Bridle, S.L.
Edge-on boxy profiles in non-barred disc galaxies.
Patsis, P.A.; Athanassoula, E.; Grosbol, P.; Skokos, Ch.
An adaptive filter for the construction of the Planck Compact Source Catalogue
Chiang, L.-Y.; Jorgensen, H.E.; Naselsky, I.P.; Naselsky, P.D.; Novikov, I.D.; Christensen, P.R.
Effects of quintessence on observations of Type Ia supernovae in the clumpy universe.
Sereno, M.; Piedipalumbo, E.; Sazhin, M.V.
Modelling the colliding-winds spectra of the 19-d WR + OB binary in the massive triple system θ Muscae.
Hill, G.M.; Moffat, A.F.J.; St-Louis, N.
Radio observations of super star clusters in dwarf starburst galaxies.
Stevens, Ian R.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Norris, Ray P.
2002MNRAS.335.1085F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/335/1085)
An ATCA radio-continuum study of the Small Magellanic Cloud - I. Source catalogues at 1.42, 2.37, 4.80 and 8.64 GHz.
Filipovic, M.D.; Bohlsen, T.; Reid, W.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Jones, P.A.; Nohejl, K.; Goldstein, G.
Sub-arcsecond atomic hydrogen absorption in the Seyfert galaxies NGC 7674 and NGC 7469.
Beswick, R.J.; Pedlar, A.; McDonald, A.R.
The symbiotic star CH Cygni - III. A precessing radio jet.
Crocker, M.M.; Davis, R.J.; Spencer, R.E.; Eyres, S.P.S.; Bode, M.F.; Skopal, A.
The symbiotic star CH Cygni - IV. Basic kinematics of the circumstellar matter during active phases.
Skopal, A.; Bode, M.F.; Crocker, M.M.; Drechsel, H.; Eyres, S.P.S.; Komzík, R.
Optical spectroscopy of radio galaxies in the 7C Redshift Survey.
Willott, Chris J.; Rawlings, Steve; Blundell, Katherine M.; Lacy, Mark; Hill, Gary J.; Scott, Susan E.
The 1998 decline of V854 Centauri.
Skuljan, Lj.; Cottrell, P.L.
Luminosity-metallicity relation for stars on the lower main sequence.
Kotoneva, Eira; Flynn, Chris; Jimenez, Raul
A mini-survey for variability in early L dwarfs.
Clarke, F.J.; Oppenheimer, B.R.; Tinney, C.G.
Submillimetre observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies.
Farrah, D.; Serjeant, S.; Efstathiou, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Verma, A.
Globular cluster formation from gravitational tidal effects of merging and interacting galaxies.
Bekki, K.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Beasley, M.A.; Couch, W.J.
Analytic marginalization over CMB calibration and beam uncertainty.
Bridle, S.L.; Crittenden, R.; Melchiorri, A.; Hobson, M.P.; Kneissl, R.; Lasenby, A.N.
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