Monthly Notices of the RAS 331
April(II) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.331L..25B
- On core-collapse supernovae in normal and in Seyfert galaxies.
- Bressan, A; Della Valle, M; Marziani, P
- 2002MNRAS.331L..31C
- C2 absorption-line diagnostics of diffuse interstellar clouds.
- Cecchi-Pestellini, Cesare; Dalgarno, Alexander
- 2002MNRAS.331L..35F
- How the X-ray spectrum of a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy may be reflection-dominated.
- Fabian, A.C; Ballantyne, D.R; Merloni, A; Vaughan, S; Iwasawa, K; Boller, Th
- 2002MNRAS.331..545B
- Simulation of radio plasma in clusters of galaxies.
- Brüggen, M; Kaiser, C.R; Churazov, E; Ensslin, T.A
- 2002MNRAS.331..556D
- The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect as a cosmological discriminator.
- Diego, J.M; Martínez-González, E; Sanz, J.L; Benitez, N; Silk, J
- 2002MNRAS.331..569S
- Quasar environment in the context of large-scale structure at
z ∼0.3
- Söchting, Ilona K; Clowes, Roger G; Campusano, Luis E
- 2002MNRAS.331..578U
- On the effects of the stellar magnetic field on the structure of T Tauri accretion discs.
- Ultchin, Y; Regev, O; Wynn, G.A
- 2002MNRAS.331..587M
- The pinocchio algorithm: pinpointing orbit-crossing collapsed hierarchical objects in a linear density field.
- Monaco, Pierluigi; Theuns, Tom; Taffoni, Giuliano
- 2002MNRAS.331..609B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/331/609)
- The MOA catalogue of eclipsing binary stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Bayne, G; Tobin, W; Pritchard, J.D; Bond, I; Pollard, K.R; Besier, S.C; Noda, S; Sumi, T; Yanagisawa, T; Sekiguchi, M; Honda, M; Muraki, Y; Takeuti, M; Hearnshaw, J.B; Kilmartin, P.M; Dodd, R.J; Sullivan, D.J; Yock, P.C.M
- 2002MNRAS.331..615S
- Does the plasma composition affect the long-term evolution of relativistic jets.
- Scheck, L; Aloy, M.A; Martí, J.M; Gómez, J.L; Müller, E
- 2002MNRAS.331..635E
- Deep inside the core of Abell 1795: the Chandra view.
- Ettori, S; Fabian, A.C; Allen, S.W; Johnstone, R.M
- 2002MNRAS.331..649B
- Astrometric microlensing with the GAIA satellite.
- Belokurov, V.A; Evans, N.W
- 2002MNRAS.331..666J
- The latitude distribution of star-spots on He 699.
- Jeffers, S.V; Barnes, J.R; Collier Cameron, A
- 2002MNRAS.331..673S
- Shocks, illumination cones and intrinsic gas structures in the extreme radio galaxy 3C265.
- Solórzano-Iñarrea, C; Tadhunter, C.N; Bland-Hawthorn, J
- 2002MNRAS.331..684M
- An attempt to model globular cluster red giant abundance anomalies with a simulated hydrogen shell instability.
- Messenger, B.B; Lattanzio, J.C
- 2002MNRAS.331..693W
- On the instability of D-type ionization fronts.
- Williams, R.J.R
- 2002MNRAS.331..707K
- Period variation and spot model for the W UMa type binary TY UMa.
- Kang, Young Woon; Oh, Kyu-Dong; Kim, Chun-Hwey; Hwang, Changdeok; Kim, Ho-il; Lee, Woo-Baik
- 2002MNRAS.331..717L
- Jets in the Fanaroff-Riley class I radio galaxies PKS B1234-723, MRC 1452-517 and PKS B2148-555.
- Lloyd, Ben D; Jones, Paul A
- 2002MNRAS.331..731S
- Classification of planetary nebulae by their departure from axisymmetry.
- Soker, Noam; Hadar, Ron
- 2002MNRAS.331..736F
- Polarized line emission from magnetized accretion flows.
- Ferrario, Lilia; Wickramasinghe, D.T; Schmidt, Gary
- 2002MNRAS.331..745K
- Hard X-ray states and radio emission in GRS 1915+105.
- Klein-Wolt, M; Fender, R.P; Pooley, G.G; Belloni, T; Migliari, S; Morgan, E.H; van der Klis, M
- 2002MNRAS.331..765B
- Initial low/hard state, multiple jet ejections and X-ray/radio correlations during the outburst of XTE J1859+226.
- Brocksopp, C; Fender, R.P; McCollough, M; Pooley, G.G; Rupen, M.P; Hjellming, R.M; de la Force, C.J; Spencer, R.E; Muxlow, T.W.B; Garrington, S.T; Trushkin, S
- 2002MNRAS.331..776V
- Consequences for some dark energy candidates from the type Ia supernova SN 1997ff.
- Vishwakarma, R.G
- 2002MNRAS.331..785C
- A photometric investigation of the young open cluster Trumpler 15.
- Carraro, Giovanni
- 2002MNRAS.331..795M
- On the black hole-bulge mass relation in active and inactive galaxies.
- McLure, R.J; Dunlop, J.S
- 2002MNRAS.331..805H
- Untangling the merger history of massive black holes with LISA
- Hughes, Scott A
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