Monthly Notices of the RAS 331
April(I) 2002

Overpressured emission-line clouds in the haloes of powerful radio galaxies.
Robinson, T.G; Tadhunter, C.N; Dyson, J.E
Improving the prospects for detecting extrasolar planets in gravitational microlensing events in 2002.
Bond, I.A; Abe, F; Dodd, R.J; Hearnshaw, J.B; Kilmartin, P.M; Masuda, K; Matsubara, Y; Muraki, Y; Noda, S; Petterson, O.K.L; Rattenbury, N.J; Reid, M; Saito, To; Saito, Y; Sako, T; Skuljan, J; Sullivan, D.J; Sumi, T; Wilkinson, S; Yamada, R; Yanagisawa, T; Yock, P.C.M
Spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the core of the Centaurus cluster.
Sanders, J.S; Fabian, A.C
The origin of [Feii] emission in NGC4151.
Turner, James E.H; Allington-Smith, Jeremy; Chapman, Scott; Content, Robert; Done, Christine; Haynes, Roger; Lee, David; Morris, Simon
Clues about the star formation history of the M31 disc from WFPC2 photometry.
Williams, Benjamin F
Atomic hydrogen shells in the Messier 82 starburst.
Wills, K.A; Pedlar, A; Muxlow, T.W.B
Formation of internal shock waves in bent jets.
Mendoza, S; Longair, M.S
The Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey - II. The environmental dependence of galaxy colours in clusters at z ∼0.1.
Pimbblet, Kevin A; Smail, Ian; Kodama, Tadayuki; Couch, Warrick J; Edge, Alastair C; Zabludoff, Ann I; O'Hely, Eileen
The quiescent light curve and the evolutionary state of GRO J1655-40.
Beer, Martin E; Podsiadlowski, Philipp
Helioseismology as a new constraint on supersymmetric dark matter.
Lopes, Ilídio P; Silk, Joseph; Hansen, Steen H
The properties of the X-ray holes in the intracluster medium of the Perseus cluster.
Fabian, A.C; Celotti, A; Blundell, K.M; Kassim, N.E; Perley, R.A
General relativistic electromagnetic fields of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star - II. Solution of the induction equations.
Zanotti, Olindo; Rezzolla, Luciano
Effective collision strengths for fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 3s2 3p4 levels of Clii.
Wilson, N.J; Bell, K.L
Quarter-turn spirals just beyond the principal arms of galaxies
Polyachenko, E.V
A multisite campaign on the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 1047+003.
Kilkenny, D; Billères, M; Stobie, R.S; Fontaine, G; Shobbrook, R.R; O'Donoghue, D; Brassard, P; Sullivan, D.J; Burleigh, M.R; Barstow, M.A
The accretion flow in the discless intermediate polar V2400 Ophiuchi.
Hellier, Coel; Beardmore, A.P
The European Large Area ISO Survey - VII. ROSAT observations of ELAIS sources
Basilakos, S; Georgantopoulos, I; Pérez-Fournon, I; Efstathiou, A; Rowan-Robinson, M; Cabrera-Guerra, F; González-Solares, E; Alexander, D.M; Serjeant, S; Oliver, S
Coarse-graining the distribution function of cold dark matter.
Henriksen, Richard N; Le Delliou, M
A submillimetre difference between radio galaxies and radio quasars: evidence for quasar-heated dust and synchronized submillimetre and radio source activity.
Willott, Chris J; Rawlings, Steve; Archibald, Elese N; Dunlop, James S
Far-red optical colours of late-M and L dwarfs.
Dobbie, P.D; Kenyon, F; Jameson, R.F; Hodgkin, S.T
The X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-2.
Done, C; Zdycki, P.T; Smith, D.A
Lyman continuum escape from an inhomogeneous interstellar medium.
Ciardi, B; Bianchi, S; Ferrara, A
2002MNRAS.331..474F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/331/474)
On the infrared void in the Lupus dark clouds.
Franco, G.A.P
Production of neutrons, neutrinos and gamma-rays by a very fast pulsar in the Galactic Centre region.
Bednarek, W
Indirect imaging of the accretion stream in eclipsing polars - IV. V895 Cen.
Salvi, Nikita; Ramsay, Gavin; Cropper, Mark; Buckley, D.A.H; Stobie, R.S
The nature of faint submillimetre-selected galaxies.
Smail, Ian; Ivison, R.J; Blain, A.W; Kneib, J.-P
Modelling methanol and hydroxyl masers in star-forming regions.
Cragg, Dinah M; Sobolev, Andrej M; Godfrey, Peter D
Shocked molecular gas towards the supernova remnant G359.1-0.5 and the Snake.
Lazendic, J.S; Wardle, M; Burton, M.G; Yusef-Zadeh, F; Whiteoak, J.B; Green, A.J; Ashley, M.C.B
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