Monthly Notices of the RAS 326
September(I) 2001

The effect of formation redshifts on the cluster mass-temperature relation.
Mathiesen, Benjamin F.
Chandra finds that X-ray jets are common in low-power radio galaxies.
Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M.J.
Magnetic fields in the 3C 129 cluster.
Taylor, G.B. ; Govoni, F. ; Allen, S.W. ; Fabian, A.C.
Convective cores in galactic cooling flows.
Kritsuk, Alexei ; Plewa, Tomasz ; Müller, Ewald
The SAURON project - I. The panoramic integral-field spectrograph.
Bacon, R. ; Copin, Y. ; Monnet, G. ; Miller, Bryan W. ; Allington-Smith, J.R. ; Bureau, M. ; Marcella Carollo, C. ; Davies, Roger L. ; Emsellem, Eric ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Peletier, Reynier F. ; Verolme, E.K. ; Tim de Zeeuw, P.
Mid-infrared observations of methanol maser sites and ultracompact HII regions: signposts of high-mass star formation.
Walsh, A.J. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Burton, M.G. ; Nikola, T.
Formation of current helicity and emerging magnetic flux in solar active regions.
Zhang, Hongqi
Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - I. Artefacts and techniques.
Watson, C.A.; Dhillon, V.S.
Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets - I. CPD -59° 2635: a new double-lined O-type binary in the Carina Nebula.
Albacete Colombo, J.F. ; Morrell, N.I. ; Niemela, V.S. ; Corcoran, M.F.
Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets - II. The massive double-lined O-type binary HD 93205.
Morrell, N.I. ; Barbá, R.H. ; Niemela, V.S. ; Corti, M.A. ; Albacete Colombo, J.F. ; Rauw, G. ; Corcoran, M. ; Morel, T. ; Bertrand, J.-F. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; St-Louis, N.
An iterative technique for solving equations of statistical equilibrium.
Lucy, L.B.
UBV stellar photometry of bright stars in GC M5 - I. UV colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams and some peculiarities in the HB stellar distribution.
Markov, H.S. ; Spassova, N.M. ; Baev, P.V.
Bumpy power spectra and galaxy clusters.
Knebe, Alexander ; Islam, Ranty R. ; Silk, Joseph
Nuclear obscuration in the high-ionization Seyfert 2 galaxy Tol 0109-383.
Iwasawa, K. ; Matt, G. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Bianchi, S. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Guainazzi, M. ; Murayama, T. ; Taniguchi, Y.
The theory of steady-state super-Eddington winds and its application to novae.
Shaviv, Nir J.
The power spectrum of flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster surveys.
Zandivarez, Ariel ; Abadi, Mario G. ; Lambas, Diego G.
Hydrodynamical simulations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: the kinetic effect.
da Silva, Antonio C. ; Barbosa, Domingos ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Thomas, Peter A.
Luminous and dark matter in the Milky Way.
Olling, Rob P. ; Merrifield, Michael R.
Predicted Planck extragalactic point-source catalogue.
Vielva, P. ; Martínez-González, E. ; Cayón, L. ; Diego, J.M. ; Sanz, J.L. ; Toffolatti, L.
Low-frequency variability and binarity of the δ Scuti star XX Pyx.
Arentoft, T. ; Sterken, C. ; Handler, G.
Constraints on cosmological and biasing models using active galactic nucleus clustering.
Basilakos, Spyros
Recovering the topology of the initial density fluctuations using the IRAS Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey.
Canavezes, A. ; Sharpe, J.
The properties of field elliptical galaxies at intermediate redshift - II. Photometry and spectroscopy of an HST-selected sample.
Treu, T. ; Stiavelli, M. ; Moller, P. ; Casertano, S. ; Bertin, G.
The properties of field elliptical galaxies at intermediate redshift - III. The Fundamental Plane and the evolution of stellar populations from z~0.4 to z=0.
Treu, T. ; Stiavelli, M. ; Bertin, G. ; Casertano, S. ; Moller, P.
The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: near-infrared galaxy luminosity functions.
Cole, Shaun ; Norberg, Peder ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Cannon, Russell ; Colless, Matthew ; Collins, Chris ; Couch, Warrick ; Cross, Nicholas ; Dalton, Gavin ; De Propris, Roberto ; Driver, Simon P. ; Efstathiou, George ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jackson, Carole ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lewis, Ian ; Lumsden, Stuart ; Maddox, Steve ; Madgwick, Darren ; Peacock, John A. ; Peterson, Bruce A. ; Sutherland, Will ; Taylor, Keith (2) (The 2dFGRS Team)
Precision timing measurements of PSR J1012+5307.
Lange, Ch. ; Camilo, F. ; Wex, N. ; Kramer, M. ; Backer, D.C. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Doroshenko, O.
G353.9-2.0, a new Galactic supernova remnant identified from the NRAO Very Large Array Sky Survey.
Green, D.A.
A local void and the accelerating Universe.
Tomita, K.
Study of star formation in RCW 106 using far-infrared observations.
Karnik, A.D.; Ghosh, S.K.; Rengarajan, T.N.; Verma, R.P.
The electron pressure in the outer atmosphere of ε Eri (K2 V).
Jordan, C. ; Sim, S.A. ; McMurry, A.D. ; Aruvel, M.
The formation of heavy hydrocarbons in molecular clouds.
Yeghikyan, Ararat G. ; Viti, Serena ; Williams, David A.
Multiperiodicity and physical nature of the δ Sct star GSC 2683-3076.
Zhou, Ai-Ying ; Rodríguez, E. ; Liu, Zong-Li ; Du, Bai-Tian
Lensing magnification effects on the cosmic shear statistics.
Hamana, Takashi
Deep colour-magnitude diagrams of LMC field stars imaged with HST.
Castro, R. ; Santiago, B.X. ; Gilmore, G.F. ; Beaulieu, S. ; Johnson, R.A.
The distance to Galactic globular clusters through RR Lyrae pulsational properties.
Cassisi, S.; De Santis, R.; Piersimoni, A.M.
Radio flares and plasmon size in Cygnus X-3.
Ogley, R.N. ; Bell Burnell, S.J. ; Spencer, R.E. ; Newell, S.J. ; Stirling, A.M. ; Fender, R.P.
The Swinburne intermediate-latitude pulsar survey.
Edwards, R.T.; Bailes, M.; van Straten, W.; Britton, M.C.
Large-scale power spectrum and structures from the ENEAR galaxy peculiar velocity catalogue.
Zaroubi, S. ; Bernardi, M. ; da Costa, L.N. ; Hoffman, Y. ; Alonso, M.V. ; Wegner, G. ; Willmer, C.N.A. ; Pellegrini, P.S.
UBVRIJH photometry of two new luminous δ Scuti stars and the discovery of δ Scuti pulsation in the most evolved Ap star known.
Koen, C. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Gray, R.O. ; Kilkenny, D. ; Handler, G. ; van Wyk, F. ; Marang, F. ; Winkler, H.
RR Lyrae pulsational temperature scales: on the consistency between different empirical relations.
De Santis, Renato
Investigating the central engine and excitation mechanisms of ultraluminous infrared galaxies: near-infrared spectroscopy.
Burston, A.J. ; Ward, M.J. ; Davies, R.I.
Erratum: The spectrum of BAL QSO 1303+308: intrinsic variability and line-locking stability.
Vilkoviskij, E.Y.; Irwin, M.J.
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