Monthly Notices of the RAS 325
August(III) 2001
- 2001MNRAS.325L..13N
- The photoionization effect of the ultraviolet background on the colour-magnitude relation of elliptical galaxies.
- Nagashima, Masahiro; Gouda, Naoteru
- 2001MNRAS.325L..19L
- Time-dependent photoionization opacities in dense gamma-ray burst environments.
- Lazzati, Davide ; Perna, Rosalba ; Ghisellini, Gabriele
- 2001MNRAS.325.1281H
- On the astrometric behaviour of binary microlensing events.
- Han, Cheongho
- 2001MNRAS.325.1288S
- Linear and non-linear contributions to pairwise peculiar velocities.
- Sheth, Ravi K. ; Hui, Lam ; Diaferio, Antonaldo ; Scoccimarro, Román
- 2001MNRAS.325.1303R
- From the Oort cloud to observable short-period comets - I. The initial stage of cometary capture.
- Rickman, H. ; Valsecchi, G.B. ; Froeschlé, Cl.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1312S
- A fitting formula for the non-linear evolution of the bispectrum.
- Scoccimarro, Román ; Couchman, H.M.P.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1317K
- On the probability of microlensing in gamma-ray burst afterglows.
- Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Wambsganss, J.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1323B
- Scaling of N-body calculations.
- Baumgardt, H.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1332G
- On the detection of the linear C5 molecule in the interstellar medium.
- Galazutdinov, G.A. ; Musaev, F.A. ; Krelstrokowski, J.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1335K
- Bias properties of logarithmic and asinh magnitudes at very low flux levels.
- Koen, Chris
- 2001MNRAS.325.1341K
- Pulsation in the pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae star HD 142666.
- Kurtz, D.W. ; Muller, M.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1346C
- Maser maps and magnetic field of OH 323.459-0.079.
- Caswell, J.L. ; Reynolds, J.E.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1353B
- On the second-overtone stability among Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids.
- Bono, G. ; Caputo, F. ; Marconi, M.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1359S
- Redshift-space bias and β from the halo model.
- Seljak, Uros
- 2001MNRAS.325.1365H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/325/1365)
- A revision of the solar neighbourhood metallicity distribution.
- Haywood, M.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1383H
- Amplitude and phase changes in the light curves of long-period variables.
- Howarth, J.J. ; Greaves, J.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1389J
- The scaling of the redshift power spectrum: observations from the Las Campanas redshift survey.
- Jing, Y.P. ; Borner, G.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1397N
- Self-similar spherical collapse with non-radial motions.
- Nusser, Adi
- 2001MNRAS.325.1402P
- Migration of giant planets in planetesimal discs.
- Popolo, A.Del ; Gambera, M. ; Ercan, N.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1411K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/325/1411)
- The ATCA intraday variability survey of extragalactic radio sources.
- Kedziora-Chudczer, L.L. ; Jauncey, D.L. ; Wieringa, M.H. ; Tzioumis, A.K. ; Reynolds, J.E.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1431F
- Keck imaging of the globular cluster systems in the early-type galaxies NGC 1052 and 7332.
- Forbes, Duncan A. ; Georgakakis, Antonis E. ; Brodie, Jean P.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1441T
- The stellar composition of the star formation region CMa R1 - II. Spectroscopic and photometric observations of nine young stars.
- Tjin A Djie, H.R.E. ; van den Ancker, M.E. ; Blondel, P.F.C. ; Shevchenko, V.S. ; Ezhkova, O.V. ; de Winter, D. ; Grankin, K.N.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1458B
- A ROSAT WFC observation of SW UMa: the EUV behaviour of dwarf novae in superoutburst explained.
- Burleigh, M.R.; Pye, J.P.; Poulton, S.W.; Sohl, K.B.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wynn, G.A.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1463F
- Axisymmetric modes of rotating relativistic stars in the Cowling approximation.
- Font, José A. ; Dimmelmeier, Harald ; Gupta, Anshu ; Stergioulas, Nikolaos
- 2001MNRAS.325.1471H
- The optical counterpart to SAX J1808.4-3658: observations in quiescence.
- Homer, L. ; Charles, P.A. ; Chakrabarty, D. ; van Zyl, L.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1477V
- The visibility of gamma-ray burst afterglows in dusty star-forming regions.
- Venemans, B.P. ; Blain, A.W.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1487B
- The influence of atmospheric dust on limb darkening of M-type Mira variables.
- Bedding, T.R. ; Jacob, A.P. ; Scholz, M. ; Wood, P.R.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1497D
- Luminosity and temperature relationships for extrasolar planets.
- Donnison, J.R. ; Williams, I.P.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1500P
- X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet emission from the coronae of Capella.
- Phillips, K.J.H. ; Mathioudakis, M. ; Huenemoerder, D.P. ; Williams, D.R. ; Phillips, M.E. ; Keenan, F.P.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1511P
- Evolutionary constraints from infrared source counts.
- Pearson, Chris P.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1527C
- Evidence for accretion disc reprocessing in QSO 0957+561.
- Collier, Stefan
- 2001MNRAS.325.1533D
- Constraining our Universe with X-ray and optical cluster data.
- Diego, J.M. ; Martínez-González, E. ; Sanz, J.L. ; Cayón, L. ; Silk, J.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1546J
- Predicting the second caustic crossing in binary microlensing events.
- Jaroszynski, Michal ; Mao, Shude
- 2001MNRAS.325.1553M
- Theoretical predictions on the clustering of SCUBA galaxies and implications for small-scale fluctuations at submillimetre wavelengths.
- Magliocchetti, M. ; Moscardini, L. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Granato, G.L. ; De Zotti, G. ; Danese, L.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1559S
- Internal shocks in the jets of radio-loud quasars.
- Spada, Maddalena ; Ghisellini, Gabriele ; Lazzati, Davide ; Celotti, Annalisa
- 2001MNRAS.325.1571Z
- The early-type galaxy population in Abell 2218.
- Ziegler, Bodo L.; Bower, Richard G.; Smail, Ian; Davies, Roger L.; Lee, David
- 2001MNRAS.325.1591P
- Star clusterings in the Carina complex: UBVRI photometry of Bochum 9, 10 and 11.
- Patat, Ferdinando ; Carraro, Giovanni
- 2001MNRAS.325.1603E
- Maximum likelihood estimates of the two- and three-dimensional power spectra of the APM Galaxy Survey.
- Efstathiou, G.; Moody, S.J.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1616D
- Optical and X-ray characteristics of a newly discovered narrow-line quasi-stellar object: RX J1334.2+3759.
- Dewangan, G.C. ; Singh, K.P. ; Jones, L.R. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Mason, K.O. ; Newsam, A.M.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1625M
- A quasi-spherical inner accretion flow in Seyfert galaxies.
- Malzac, Julien
- 2001MNRAS.325.1637F
- Density waves in the shearing sheet - III. Disc heating.
- Fuchs, B.
- 2001MNRAS.325.1643F
- Scintillation as a probe of the intergalactic medium.
- Ferrara, Andrea ; Perna, Rosalba
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