Monthly Notices of the RAS 323
May(II) 2001
- 2001MNRAS.323L..17H
- A Chandra detection of the radio hotspot of 3C123.
- Hardcastle, M.J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Worrall, D.M.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..23C
- Ambipolar diffusion in the solar atmosphere.
- Chitre, S.M. ; Krishan, V.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..26U
- The flux-dependent amplitude of broadband noise variability in X-ray binaries and active galaxies.
- Uttley, Philip; McHardy, Ian M.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..31B
- The brown dwarf mass function from pixel microlensing.
- Baltz, E.A. ; Silk, J.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..37L
- The strength and width of Fe Kα lines in Seyferts and their correlations with the X-ray slope.
- Lubinski, Piotr ; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..43H
- Discovery and asteroseismological analysis of a new pulsating DB white dwarf star, PG 2246+121.
- Handler, G.
- 2001MNRAS.323..257V
- A SCUBA survey of compact dark Lynds clouds.
- Visser, A.E.; Richer, J.S.; Chandler, C.J.
- 2001MNRAS.323..270S
- Objective classification of galaxy spectra using the information bottleneck method.
- Slonim, Noam ; Somerville, Rachel ; Tishby, Naftali ; Lahav, Ofer
- 2001MNRAS.323..285B
- The dark matter distribution in disc galaxies.
- Borriello, Annamaria; Salucci, Paolo
- 2001MNRAS.323..293G
- Profiles of blue and infrared diffuse interstellar bands.
- Galazutdinov, G.A. ; Musaev, F.A. ; Schmidt, M.R. ; Krelowski, J.
- 2001MNRAS.323..301M
- The influence of central black holes on gravitational lenses.
- Mao, Shude ; Witt, Hans J. ; Koopmans, Leon V.E.
- 2001MNRAS.323..308N
- The ages of quasar host galaxies.
- Nolan, L.A. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Kukula, M.J. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Boroson, T. ; Jimenez, R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..331M
- Hi absorption in radio galaxies: effect of orientation or interstellar medium?.
- Morganti, R. ; Oosterloo, T.A. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; van Moorsel, G. ; Killeen, N. ; Wills, K.A.
- 2001MNRAS.323..343L
- ISO LWS observations of planetary nebula fine-structure lines.
- Liu, X.-W. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Cohen, M. ; Danziger, I.J. ; Luo, S.-G. ; Baluteau, J.P. ; Cox, P. ; Emery, R.J. ; Lim, T. ; Péquignot, D.
- 2001MNRAS.323..362B
- On the excitation mechanism in roAp stars.
- Balmforth, N.J. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Dolez, N. ; Gough, D.O. ; Vauclair, S.
- 2001MNRAS.323..373F
- PMN J0525-3343: soft X-ray spectral flattening in a blazar at z=4.4.
- Fabian, A.C. ; Celotti, A. ; Iwasawa, K. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Carilli, C.L. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Hook, I.M.
- 2001MNRAS.323..380C
- Atmospheric extinction of U-B photometry.
- Cousins, A.W.J.; Caldwell, J.A.R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..385N
- The Sun, stellar-population models and the age estimation of high-redshift galaxies.
- Nolan, L.A.; Dunlop, J.S.; Jimenez, R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..391D
- Is the diffuse gamma background radiation generated by Galactic cosmic rays?.
- Dar, Arnon ; De Rújula, A.
- 2001MNRAS.323..402L
- Close stellar encounters with planetesimal discs: the dynamics of asymmetry in the β Pictoris system.
- Larwood, J.D. ; Kalas, P.G.
- 2001MNRAS.323..417A
- A submillimetre survey of the star formation history of radio galaxies.
- Archibald, E.N. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Rawlings, S. ; Eales, S.A. ; Ivison, R.J.
- 2001MNRAS.323..445R
- The local axisymmetric instability criterion in a thin, rotating, multicomponent disc.
- Rafikov, R.R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..453H
- On the apparent coupling of neutral hydrogen and dark matter in spiral galaxies.
- Hoekstra, H. ; van Albada, T.S. ; Sancisi, R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..460I
- A radio and optical study of Molonglo radio sources.
- Ishwara-Chandra, C.H. ; Saikia, D.J. ; McCarthy, P.J. ; van Breugel, W.J.M.
- 2001MNRAS.323..471A
- Diffusion and the occurrence of hydrogen-shell flashes in helium white dwarf stars.
- Althaus, L.G.; Serenelli, A.M.; Benvenuto, O.G.
- 2001MNRAS.323..484S
- Emission-line oscillations in the dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi.
- Steeghs, D. ; O'Brien, K. ; Horne, Keith ; Gomer, Richard ; Oke, J.B.
- 2001MNRAS.323..497B
- Implications of mean field accretion disc theory for vorticity and magnetic field growth.
- Blackman, Eric G.
- 2001MNRAS.323..506B
- Evidence for ionized accretion discs in five narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies.
- Ballantyne, D.R.; Iwasawa, K.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2001MNRAS.323..517B
- The 1997 hard-state outburst of the X-ray transient GS 1354-64/BW Cir.
- Brocksopp, C. ; Jonker, P.G. ; Fender, R.P. ; Groot, P.J. ; van der Klis, M. ; Tingay, S.J.
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