Monthly Notices of the RAS 323
May(I) 2001
- 2001MNRAS.323L...1E
- Implications of the BOOMERANG and MAXIMA-I results for the baryon mass fraction in clusters of galaxies.
- Ettori, S.
- 2001MNRAS.323L...7P
- Collisional excitation of H2 by grains in C-type shocks.
- Pineau des Forêts, G. ; Flower, D.R. ; Aguillon, F. ; Sidis, V. ; Sizun, M.
- 2001MNRAS.323L..13W
- An extremely slow nova?.
- Whitelock, Patricia; Marang, Freddy
- 2001MNRAS.323....1S
- Ellipsoidal collapse and an improved model for the number and spatial distribution of dark matter haloes.
- Sheth, Ravi K. ; Mo, H.J. ; Tormen, Giuseppe
- 2001MNRAS.323...13K
- Theory of pixel lensing towards M31 - I. The density contribution and mass of MACHOs.
- Kerins, E. ; Carr, B.J. ; Evans, N.W. ; Hewett, P. ; Lastennet, E. ; Le Du, Y. ; Melchior, A.-L. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Valls-Gabaud, D.
- 2001MNRAS.323...34C
- Naked-eye star visibility and limiting magnitude mapped from DMSP-OLS satellite data.
- Cinzano, P. ; Falchi, F. ; Elvidge, C.D.
- 2001MNRAS.323...47B
- PSCz superclusters: detection, shapes and cosmological implications.
- Basilakos, S. ; Plionis, M. ; Rowan-Robinson, M.
- 2001MNRAS.323...56B
- Three-dimensional simulations of shear instabilities in magnetized flows.
- Brüggen, M. ; Hillebrandt, W.
- 2001MNRAS.323...67B
- The contribution of faint blue galaxies to the submillimetre counts and background.
- Busswell, Geoff S.; Shanks, Tom
- 2001MNRAS.323...75G
- The recent history of the X-ray absorber in NGC 3516.
- Guainazzi, M. ; Marshall, W. ; Parmar, A.N.
- 2001MNRAS.323...84R
- On the origin of HNC in Comet Lee.
- Rodgers, S.D.; Charnley, S.B.
- 2001MNRAS.323...93C
- Resonant scattering of X-rays by the warm intergalactic medium.
- Churazov, E. ; Haehnelt, M. ; Kotov, O. ; Sunyaev, R.
- 2001MNRAS.323..101C
- On the application of information theory to the optimum state-space reconstruction of the short-term solar radio flux (10.7cm), and its prediction via a neural network.
- Chatterjee, T.N.
- 2001MNRAS.323..109G
- Population effects on the red giant clump absolute magnitude, and distance determinations to nearby galaxies.
- Girardi, Léo ; Salaris, Maurizio
- 2001MNRAS.323..130C
- Disc scalelengths of non-active and active spiral galaxies.
- Cunow, Barbara
- 2001MNRAS.323..147L
- Blank-field submm sources, failed stars and the dark matter.
- Lawrence, A.
- 2001MNRAS.323..159I
- Free-fall accretion and emitting caustics in wind-fed X-ray sources.
- Illarionov, Andrei F. ; Beloborodov, Andrei M.
- 2001MNRAS.323..167B
- Small-scale inviscid accretion discs around black holes.
- Beloborodov, Andrei M. ; Illarionov, Andrei F.
- 2001MNRAS.323..177T
- Circumstellar structure of RU Lupi down to au scales.
- Takami, M. ; Bailey, J. ; Gledhill, T.M. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Hough, J.H.
- 2001MNRAS.323..188P
- Modelling gaseous and stellar kinematics in the disc galaxies NGC 772, 3898 and 7782.
- Pignatelli, E. ; Corsini, E.M. ; Vega Beltrán, J.C. ; Scarlata, C. ; Pizzella, A. ; Funes S.J., J.G. ; Zeilinger, W.W. ; Beckman, J.E. ; Bertola, F.
- 2001MNRAS.323..211C
- The stability of turbulent accretion discs with magnetically influenced winds.
- Campbell, C.G.
- 2001MNRAS.323..223B
- Comparison of sunspot area data bases.
- Baranyi, T. ; Gyori, L. ; Ludmány, A. ; Coffey, H.E.
- 2001MNRAS.323..231W
- Radio-quiet quasar environments at 0.5≤z≤0.8.
- Wold, Margrethe ; Lacy, Mark ; Lilje, Per B. ; Serjeant, Stephen
- 2001MNRAS.323..248W
- Combination frequencies in the Fourier spectra of white dwarfs.
- Wu, Yanqin
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