Monthly Notices of the RAS 305
June(I) 1999
- 1999MNRAS.305..737Z
- On the line formation process in stellar atmospheres - I. Unpolarized light.
- Qu Z.Q. ; X.Y., Qu ; X.M., Zhang
- 1999MNRAS.305..746M
- Gravitational lensing of high-redshift Type Ia supernovae: a probe of medium-scale structure.
- Metcalf, R.Benton
- 1999MNRAS.305..755V
- Time-dependent evaporation of icy mantles in hot cores.
- Viti, Serena ; Williams, David A.
- 1999MNRAS.305..763B
- The spatial distribution of coalescing neutron star binaries: implications for gamma-ray bursts.
- Bloom, Joshua S. ; Sigurdsson, Steinn ; Pols, Onno R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..770H
- The role of star formation in the Tully-Fisher law.
- Heavens, A.F. ; Jimenez, R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..775P
- Soft X-ray spectral variations of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 766.
- Page, M.J. ; Carrera, F.J. ; Mittaz, J.P.D. ; Mason, K.O.
- 1999MNRAS.305..795H
- An additional application of the Space Interferometry Mission to gravitational microlensing experiments.
- Han, Cheongho ; Kim, Tu-Whan
- 1999MNRAS.305..802B
- The cooling of astrophysical media by H2.
- Bourlot, J.Le ; Pineau des Forêts, G. ; Flower, D.R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..811B
- Supernova 1996L: evidence of a strong wind episode before the explosion.
- Benetti, S. ; Turatto, M. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Danziger, I.J. ; Mazzali, P.A.
- 1999MNRAS.305..820W
- Spectroscopy of the post-common envelope binary HW Virginis.
- Wood, Janet H. ; Saffer, R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..829I
- The optical/near-infrared broad-line emission and hard X-ray continuum of active galactic nuclei and ultraluminous infrared galaxies.
- Imanishi, Masatoshi ; Ueno, Shiro
- 1999MNRAS.305..834E
- ROSAT PSPC observations of 36 high-luminosity clusters of galaxies: constraints on the gas fraction.
- Ettori, S. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 1999MNRAS.305..849F
- Extended Ly α emission from a damped Ly α absorber at z=1.93, and the relation between damped Ly α absorbers and Lyman-break galaxies.
- Fynbo, J.U. ; Møller, P. ; Warren, and S.J.
- 1999MNRAS.305..859A
- Stability of rotating spherical stellar systems.
- Alimi, Jean-Michel ; Perez, Jérôme ; Serna, Arturo
- 1999MNRAS.305..866B
- Cosmological constraints from the clustering properties of the X-ray Brightest Abell-type Cluster sample.
- Borgani, S. ; Plionis, M. ; Kolokotronis, V.
- 1999MNRAS.305..875W
- Polarimetry and magnetic field structure of the Herbig-Haro objects HH1 and HH2 and their environment.
- Warren-Smith, R.F. ; Scarrott, S.M.
- 1999MNRAS.305..898J
- Separation of foregrounds from cosmic microwave background observations with the MAP satellite.
- Jones, A.W. ; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N.
- 1999MNRAS.305..905B
- Evolution of white dwarfs as a probe of theories of gravitation: the case of Brans-Dicke.
- Benvenuto, O.G. ; Althaus, L.G. ; Torres, Diego F.
- 1999MNRAS.305..920F
- Non-axisymmetric relativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion on to a Kerr black hole.
- Font, José A. ; Ibáñez, José Maria ; Papadopoulos, Philippos
- 1999MNRAS.305..937M
- Cosmological obscuration by galactic dust: effects of dust evolution.
- Masci, Frank J. ; Webster, Rachel L.
- 1999MNRAS.305..946S
- The forest of merger history trees associated with the formation of dark matter haloes.
- Sheth, Ravi K. ; Lemson, Gerard
- 1999MNRAS.305..957A
- The bulk expansion of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A at 151 MHz.
- Agüeros, M.A. ; Green, D.A.
- 1999MNRAS.305..966B
- Coordinated multiwavelength observations of the RS CVn system CF Tuc.
- Budding, E. ; Jones, K.L. ; >Slee, O.B. ; Watson, L.
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