Monthly Notices of the RAS 305
May(III) 1999
- 1999MNRAS.305L..41C
- Reprocessing of radiation by multi-phase gas in low-luminosity accretion flows.
- Celotti, A. ; Rees, M.J.
- 1999MNRAS.305L..45B
- Will GRB 990123 perform an encore?.
- Blandford, Roger D. ; Helfand, David J.
- 1999MNRAS.305L..49H
- The X-ray transient XTE J2012+381.
- Hynes, R.I. ; Roche, P. ; Charles, P.A. ; Coe, M.J.
- 1999MNRAS.305L..55M
- The Hubble Deep Field North reveals a supernova at z∼0.95.
- Mannucci, F. ; Ferrara, A.
- 1999MNRAS.305L..59O
- The AGN contribution to deep submillimetre surveys and the far-infrared background.
- O.Almaini, R.E. ; Lawrence, A. ; Boyle, B.J.
- 1999MNRAS.305..481R
- Vertical structure of accretion discs with hot coronae in active galactic nuclei.
- Rózanska, A. ; Czerny, B. ; Zycki, P.T. ; Pojmanski, G.
- 1999MNRAS.305..492D
- Strong observational constraints on advection-dominated accretion in the cores of elliptical galaxies.
- Di Matteo, T. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Rees, M.J. ; Carilli, C.L. ; Ivison, R.J.
- 1999MNRAS.305..505S
- Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the Be star 28 (ω) CMa - I. Observational evidence of the periodic components of rapid variability.
- Stefl, S. ; Aerts, C. ; Balona, L.A.
- 1999MNRAS.305..519B
- Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the Be star 28 (ω) CMa - II. Line profile modelling.
- Balona, L.A. ; Aerts, C. ; Stefl, S.
- 1999MNRAS.305..527T
- Spherical harmonic analysis of the PSCz galaxy catalogue: redshift distortions and the real-space power spectrum.
- Tadros, H. ; Ballinger, W.E. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Heavens, A.F. ; Efstathiou, G. ; Saunders, W. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Keeble, O. ; McMahon, R. ; Maddox, S.J. ; Oliver, S. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Sutherland, W.J. ; White, S.D.M.
- 1999MNRAS.305..547C
- The APM cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function: constraints on Ω and galaxy bias.
- Croft, Rupert A.C. ; Dalton, Gavin B. ; Efstathiou, George
- 1999MNRAS.305..563K
- Millisecond and binary pulsars as nature's frequency standards - II. The effects of low-frequency timing noise on residuals and measured parameters.
- Kopeikin, Sergei M.
- 1999MNRAS.305..591A
- Elemental abundance analyses with DAO spectrograms - XXI. The hot metallic-lined stars 60 Leonis and 6 Lyrae.
- Adelman, Saul J. ; Caliskan, Hulya ; Cay, Taskin ; Kocer, Dursun ; Tektanali, H.Gokmen
- 1999MNRAS.305..602F
- P Cygni profiles atop broad emission lines.
- Fernandes, Roberto Cid Jr
- 1999MNRAS.305..615R
- Davis-Greenstein alignment of oblate spheroidal grains.
- Roberge, W.G. ; Lazarian, A.
- 1999MNRAS.305..631A
- The LX-T relation and intracluster gas fractions of X-ray clusters.
- Arnaud, Monique ; Evrard, August E.
- 1999MNRAS.305..641G
- Composite spectra Paper 8: HD 4615/6.
- Griffin, R.E.M. ; Griffin, R.F.
- 1999MNRAS.305..651F
- Rotational excitation of HCO+ by H2.
- Flower, D.R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..654K
- The evolution of black hole mass and angular momentum.
- King, A.R. ; Kolb, U.
- 1999MNRAS.305..661M
- S193: another non-eclipsing SW Sex star.
- Martínez-Pais, I.G. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. ; Casares, J.
- 1999MNRAS.305..671B
- The implications of radio-quiet neutron stars.
- Brazier, K.T.S. ; Johnston, S.
- 1999MNRAS.305..680W
- A possible active galactic nucleus in M82?.
- Wills, K.A. ; Pedlar, A. ; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Stevens, I.R.
- 1999MNRAS.305..685O
- Echelle spectrograph observations of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO J2233-606.
- Outram, P.J. ; Boyle, B.J. ; Carswell, R.F. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Williams, R.E.
- 1999MNRAS.305..693C
- Copper and barium abundances in the Ursa Major Moving Group.
- Castro, S. ; Mello, G.F.Porto de ; Silva, L.da
- 1999MNRAS.305..701L
- Molecular and ionized gas motions in the compact H II region G 29.96-0.02.
- Lumsden, S.L. ; Hoare, M.G.
- 1999MNRAS.305..707K
- Heating of the intergalactic medium by FR II radio sources.
- Kaiser, Christian R. ; Alexander, Paul
- 1999MNRAS.305..724G
- SNR G320.4-01.2 and PSR B1509-58: new radio observations of a complex interacting system.
- Gaensler, B.M. ; Brazier, K.T.S. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Johnston, S. ; Green, A.J.
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