The Astrophysical Journal 539
August(II) 2000

Delayed Recombination.
Peebles, P.J.E. ; Seager, S. ; Hu, Wayne
Detection of Dark Matter Concentrations in the Field of Cl 1604+4304 from Weak Lensing Analysis.
Umetsu, Keiichi; Futamase, Toshifumi
A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies.
Ferrarese, Laura ; Merritt, David
A Relationship between Nuclear Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Velocity Dispersion.
Gebhardt, Karl ; Bender, Ralf ; Bower, Gary ; Dressler, Alan ; Faber, S.M. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Green, Richard ; Grillmair, Carl ; Ho, Luis C. ; Kormendy, John ; Lauer, Tod R. ; Magorrian, John ; Pinkney, Jason ; Richstone, Douglas ; Tremaine, Scott
The Pattern Speed of the Nuclear Disk of M31 Using a Variant of the Tremaine-Weinberg Method.
Sambhus, Niranjan; Sridhar, S.
Photon Acceleration in Variable Ultrarelativistic Outflows and High-Energy Spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts.
Gruzinov, Andrei ; Mészáros, Peter
On the Efficiency of Internal Shocks in Gamma-Ray Bursts.
Beloborodov, Andrei M.
Effects of Dust Extinction on Optical Spectroscopic Properties for Starburst Galaxies in Distant Clusters.
Shioya, Yasuhiro; Bekki, Kenji
Spherically Symmetric Simulation with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport of Core Collapse and Postbounce Evolution of a 15 M Star.
Rampp, Markus ; Janka, H.-Thomas
The X-Ray Transient XTE J1118+480: Multiwavelength Observations of a Low-State Minioutburst.
Hynes, R.I. ; Mauche, C.W. ; Haswell, C.A. ; Shrader, C.R. ; Cui, W. ; Chaty, S.
High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Capella: Initial Results from the Chandra High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer.
Canizares, C.R.; Huenemoerder, D.P.; Davis, D.S.; Dewey, D.; Flanagan, K.A.; Houck, J.; Markert, T.H.; Marshall, H.L.; Schattenburg, M.L.; Schulz, N.S.,; Wise, M.; Drake, J.J.; Brickhouse, N.S.
A Model for the X-Ray Luminosity of Pulsar Nebulae.
Chevalier, Roger A.
A Self-occulting Accretion Disk in the SW Sextantis Star DW Ursae Majoris(1).
Knigge, Christian ; Long, Knox S. ; Hoard, D.W. ; Szkody, Paula ; Dhillon, V.S.
A Spiral Structure in the Disk of EX Draconis on the Rise to Outburst Maximum.
Baptista, Raymundo; Catalán, M.S.
Planetary Transits toward the Galactic Bulge.
Gaudi, B.Scott
Probing the Atmospheres of Planets Orbiting Microlensed Stars via Polarization Variability.
Lewis, Geraint F.; Ibata, Rodrigo A.
The Nature of Solar Polar Rays.
Li, Jing; Jewitt, David; LaBonte, Barry
The Relationship of Solar Abundance Measurements to the Electron Temperature in a Polar Coronal Hole.
Doschek, G.A.; Laming, J.M.
Small Deviations from Gaussianity and the Galaxy Cluster Abundance Evolution.
Ribeiro, A.L.B. ; Wuensche, C.A. ; Letelier, P.S.
Measuring the Galaxy Power Spectrum and Scale-Scale Correlations with Multiresolution-decomposed Covariance. I. Method.
Fang, Li-Zhi; Feng, Long-long
Identifying the Reionization Redshift from the Cosmic Star Formation Rate.
Barkana, Rennan ; Loeb, Abraham
The History of the Cosmic Supernova Rate Derived from the Evolution of the Host Galaxies.
Kobayashi, Chiaki ; Tsujimoto, Takuji ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi
The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Abell 370.
Grego, Laura ; Carlstrom, John E. ; Joy, Marshall K. ; Reese, Erik D. ; Holder, Gilbert P. ; Patel, Sandeep ; Cooray, Asantha R. ; Holzapfel, William L.
A Spin-Modulated Telescope to Make Two-Dimensional Cosmic Microwave Background Maps.
Staren, J.; Meinhold, P.; Childers, J.; Lim, M. ; Levy, A.,; Lubin, P.; Seiffert, M.; Gaier, T.; Figueiredo, N.; Villela, T.; Wuensche, C.A.; Tegmark, M.; de Oliveira-Costa, A.
Limits on Arcminute-Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy at 28.5 GHz.
Holzapfel, W.L. ; Carlstrom, J.E. ; Grego, L. ; Holder, G. ; Joy, M. ; Reese, E.D.
Investigation of Two Reported Arcminute-Scale Microwave Decrements at 28.5 GHz.
Holzapfel, W.L. ; Carlstrom, J.E. ; Grego, L. ; Joy, M. ; Reese, E.D.
Cosmological Halos: A Search for the Ionized Intergalactic Medium.
Geller, Robert M. ; Sault, Robert J. ; Antonucci, Robert ; Killeen, Neil E.B. ; Ekers, Ron ; Desai, Ketan ; Whysong, David
Star Formation as a Cosmological Probe.
Robinson, James; Silk, Joseph
A Remarkable Angular Distribution of the Intermediate Subclass of Gamma-Ray Bursts.
Mészáros, Attila (1); Bagoly, Zsolt ; Horváth, István ; Balázs, Lajos G. ; Vavrek, Roland
Line Emission from Gamma-Ray Burst Environments.
Böttcher, Markus
Ultraviolet Spectral Variability and the Lyα Forest in the Lensed Quasar Q0957+561(1).
Dolan, J.F. ; Michalitsianos, A.G. ; Nguyen, Q.T. ; Hill, R.J.
Resolving the Jeans Mass in Hydrodynamic Simulations of Hierarchical Clustering.
Tittley, Eric R. ; Couchman, H.M.P.
2000ApJ...539..136Z – (Tables: J/ApJ/539/136)
The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies. III. The Galaxy Luminosity Function.
Zabludoff, Ann I. ; Mulchaey, John S.
Homogeneity of Stellar Populations in Early-Type Galaxies with Different X-Ray Properties.
Kodama, Tadayuki ; Matsushita, Kyoko
Dark Baryons and Disk-to-Halo Mass Coupling in M33.
Giraud, Edmond
Hard X-Ray Emission and the Ionizing Source in LINERs.
Terashima, Yuichi ; Ho, Luis C. ; Ptak, Andrew F.
The 1 Micron Fe II Lines of the Seyfert Galaxy I Zw 1.
Rudy, Richard J. ; Mazuk, S. ; Puetter, R.C. ; Hamann, F.
Iron Gradients in Cooling Flow Galaxies and Groups.
Buote, David A.
Reanalysis ofVoyager Ultraviolet Spectrometer Limits to the Extreme-Ultraviolet and Far-Ultraviolet Diffuse Astronomical Flux.
Edelstein, Jerry; Bowyer, Stuart; Lampton, Michael
ASCA Observation of the New Transient X-Ray Pulsar XTE J0111.2-7317 in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Yokogawa, Jun ; Paul, Biswajit ; Ozaki, Masanobu ; Nagase, Fumiaki ; Chakrabarty, Deepto ; Takeshima, Toshiaki
Young Stellar Populations around SN 1987A(1).
Panagia, Nino ; Romaniello, Martino; Scuderi, Salvatore; Kirshner, Robert P.
Gamma-Ray Observations of the Galactic Plane at Energies E>500 GeV.
LeBohec, S. ; Bond, I.H. ; Bradbury, S.M. ; Buckley, J.H. ; Burdett, A.M. ; Carter-Lewis, D.A. ; Catanese, M. ; Cawley, M.F. ; Dunlea, S. ; D'Vali, M. ; Fegan, D.J. ; Fegan, S.J. ; Finley, J.P. ; Gaidos, J.A. ; Hall, T.A. ; Hillas, A.M. ; Horan, D. ; Knapp, J. ; Krennrich, F. ; Lessard, R.W. ; Macomb, D. ; Masterson, C. ; Quinn, J. ; Rose, H.J. ; Samuelson, F.W. ; Sembroski, G.H. ; Vassiliev, V.V. ; Weekes, T.C.
Convective Dynamical Instability in Radiation-supported Accretion Disks.
Pietrini, Paola; Krolik, Julian H.
Advection-Dominated Accretion with Infall and Outflows.
Beckert, Thomas
The Mass Surface Density in the Local Disk and the Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy.
Romano, Donatella ; Matteucci, Francesca ; Salucci, Paolo ; Chiappini, Cristina
Nearby Microlensing Events: Identification of the Candidates for theSpace Interferometry Mission.
Salim, Samir; Gould, Andrew
Photoevaporation of Protostellar Disks. V. Circumstellar Disks under the Influence of Both Extreme-Ultraviolet and Far-Ultraviolet Radiation.
Richling, Sabine ; Yorke, Harold W.
The Anisotropy of Magnetohydrodynamic Alfvénic Turbulence.
Cho, Jungyeon ; Vishniac, Ethan T.
The H II Region KR 140: Spontaneous Formation of a High-Mass Star.
Ballantyne, D.R. ; Kerton, C.R. ; Martin, P.G.
Five Years of Pulsar Flux Density Monitoring: Refractive Scintillation and the Interstellar Medium.
Stinebring, Daniel R. ; Smirnova, Tatiana V. ; Hankins, Timothy H. ; Hovis, Jennifer S. ; Kaspi, Victoria M. ; Kempner, Joshua C. ; Myers, Edward ; Nice, David J.
The Energy Spectrum of TeV Gamma Rays from the Crab Nebula as Measured by the HEGRA System of Imaging Air Cerenkov Telescopes.
Aharonian, F.A. ; Akhperjanian, A.G. ; Barrio, J.A. ; Bernlöhr, K. ; Bojahr, H. ; Calle, I. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Denninghoff, S. ; Fonseca, V. ; Gonzalez, J.C. ; Götting, N. ; Heinzelmann, G. ; Hemberger, M. ; Hermann, G. ; Heusler, A. ; Hofmann, W. ; Horns, D. ; Ibarra, A. ; Kankanyan, R. ; Kestel, M. ; Kettler, J. ; Köhler, C. ; Kohnle, A. ; Konopelko, A. ; Kornmeyer, H. ; Kranich, D. ; Krawczynski, H. ; Lampeitl, H. ; Lindner, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Magnussen, N. ; Mang, O. ; Meyer, H. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Padilla, L. ; Panter, M. ; Plaga, R. ; Plyasheshnikov, A. ; Prahl, J. ; Pühlhofer, G. ; Rauterberg, G. ; Röhring, A. ; Sahakian, V. ; Samorski, M. ; Schilling, M. ; Schmele, D. ; Schröder, F. ; Stamm, W. ; Tluczykont, M. ; Völk, H.J. ; Wiebel-Sooth, B. ; Wiedner, C. ; Willmer, M. ; Wittek, W.
71 Tauri: Hyades Enigma Resolved?
Simon, Theodore; Ayres, Thomas R.
Thermal and Dynamical Equilibrium in Two-Component Star Clusters.
Watters, Wesley A. ; Joshi, Kriten J. ; Rasio, Frederic A.
Modeling a High-Mass Turn-Down in the Stellar Initial Mass Function.
Elmegreen, Bruce G.
Magnetic Ap Stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram(1).
Hubrig, S.; North, P.; Mathys, G.
On the Relation between Stellar Mass Loss and Luminosity.
Andriesse, C.D.
Spherically Symmetric Model Atmospheres for Low-Mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stars with Effective Temperatures between 2000 and 6800 K.
Allard, France; Hauschildt, Peter H.; Schweitzer, Andreas
The Predicted Signature of Neutrino Emission in Observations of Pulsating Pre-White Dwarf Stars.
O'Brien, M.S. ; Kawaler, S.D.
Mode Identification of Pulsating White Dwarfs Using theHubble Space Telescope(1).
Kepler, S.O.; Robinson, E.L.; Koester, D.; Clemens, J.C.; Nather, R.E.; Jiang, X.J.
The 35 Day Evolution of the Hercules X-1 Pulse Profile: Evidence for a Resolved Inner Disk Occultation of the Neutron Star.
Scott, D.Matthew ; Leahy, Denis A. ; Wilson, Robert B.
ASCA Observations of the Absorption Line Features from the Superluminal Jet Source GRS 1915+105.
Kotani, Taro ; Ebisawa, Ken ; Dotani, Tadayasu ; Inoue, Hajime ; Nagase, Fumiaki ; Tanaka, Yasuo ; Ueda, Yoshihiro
The Disk of β Pictoris in the Light of Polarimetric Data.
Krivova, Natalia A. ; Krivov, Alexander V. ; Mann, Ingrid
Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Coronagraphic Observations of β Pictoris(1).
Heap, Sara R.; Lindler, Don J. ; Lanz, Thierry M. ; Cornett, Robert H. ; Hubeny, Ivan ; Maran, S.P.; Woodgate, Bruce
Optical Spectroscopy of GRO J1655-40.
Soria, Roberto ; Wu, Kinwah ; Hunstead, Richard W.
Velocity Shear-induced Mode Conversion in Solar Wind and Streamer Plasmas.
Kaghashvili, Edisher Kh. ; Esser, Ruth
Three-dimensional Numerical Simulations of Compressible Solar Convection in Cartesian Geometry.
Elliott, J.R.
Faraday Rotation and Models for the Plasma Structure of the Solar Corona.
Mancuso, Salvatore; Spangler, Steven R.
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