The Astrophysical Journal 538
August(I) 2000
- 2000ApJ...538L..99W
- A Model of Metallicity Evolution in the Early Universe.
- Wasserburg, G.J. ; Qian, Y.-Z.
- 2000ApJ...538L.103V
- Clues to Quasar Broad-Line Region Geometry and Kinematics(1).
- Vestergaard, M. (2); Wilkes, B.J. ; Barthel, P.D.
- 2000ApJ...538L.107M
- What Does It Take to Stabilize Gravitational Clustering?
- Ma, Chung-Pei; Fry, J.N.
- 2000ApJ...538L.113N
- Two-Dimensional Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing: A Direct Measure of the Flattening and Alignment of Light and Mass in Galaxies.
- Natarajan, Priyamvada ; Refregier, Alexandre
- 2000ApJ...538L.117P
- Temperature and Density Gradients Across the Nucleus of M82.
- Petitpas, Glen R.; Wilson, Christine D.
- 2000ApJ...538L.121A
- Sagittarius A* Polarization: No Advection-dominated Accretion Flow, Low Accretion Rate, and Nonthermal Synchrotron Emission.
- Agol, Eric
- 2000ApJ...538L.125K
- The Distribution of Burst Energy and Shock Parameters for Gamma-Ray Bursts.
- Kumar, Pawan
- 2000ApJ...538L.129F
- The Enigmatic Radio Afterglow of GRB 991216.
- Frail, D.A. ; Berger, E. ; Galama, T. ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Moriarty-Schieven, G.H. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Sari, R. ; Shepherd, D.S. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Walter, F.
- 2000ApJ...538L.133G
- Direct Detection of Large Close-in Planets around the Source Stars of Caustic-crossing Microlensing Events.
- Graff, David S.; Gaudi, B.Scott
- 2000ApJ...538L.137N
- A Comptonization Model for Phase-Lag Variability in GRS 1915+105.
- Nobili, L.; Turolla, R.,; Zampieri, L.; Belloni, T.
- 2000ApJ...538L.141R
- Chandra Detection of an X-Ray Flare from the Brown Dwarf LP 944-20.
- Rutledge, Robert E.; Basri, Gibor; Martín, Eduardo L.; Bildsten, Lars
- 2000ApJ...538L.145S
- Discovery of a Symmetrical Highly Collimated Bipolar Jet in Hen 2-90(1).
- Sahai, Raghvendra ; Nyman, Lars-Åke
- 2000ApJ...538L.151C
- Young Circumstellar Disks near Evolved Massive Stars and Supernovae.
- Chevalier, Roger A.
- 2000ApJ...538L.155F
- Discovery of New Candidate Vega-type Systems from IRAS and the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey.
- Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio B. ; Beichman, Charles A. ; Cutri, Roc M.
- 2000ApJ...538L.159P
- Consequences of Interstellar Absorption for Models of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars.
- Perna, Rosalba ; Heyl, Jeremy ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2000ApJ...538L.163I
- An ab Initio Molecular Orbital Prediction of the Spectroscopic Constants of Xd51A1 MgC2.
- Itono, Sachiko; Takano, Keiko; Hirano, Tsuneo; Nagashima, Umpei
- 2000ApJ...538L.167E
- Nonequilibrium Ionization and First Ionization Potential Effect Diagnostics.
- Edgar, Richard J.; Esser, Ruth
- 2000ApJ...538L.171W
- Observed Associations between the Solar Interior, Corona, and Solar Wind.
- Woo, Richard; Armstrong, J.W.; Habbal, Shadia Rifai
- 2000ApJ...538L.175M
- A Unified Model of Coronal Mass Ejection-related Type II Radio Bursts.
- Magara, Tetsuya ; Chen, Pengfei ; Shibata, Kazunari ; Yokoyama, Takaaki
- 2000ApJ...538..473L
- Efficient Computation of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies in Closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Models.
- Lewis, Antony; Challinor, Anthony; Lasenby, Anthony
- 2000ApJ...538..477N
- Dark Halo and Disk Galaxy Scaling Laws in Hierarchical Universes.
- Navarro, Julio F. ; Steinmetz, Matthias
- 2000ApJ...538..489E
- Absence of ``Ghost Images'' Excludes Large Values of the Cosmological Constant.
- Eppley, J.M. ; Partridge, R.B.
- 2000ApJ...538..493Y – (Tables: J/ApJ/538/493)
- Photometry and Photometric Redshifts of Faint Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South NICMOS Field(1,2).
- Yahata, Noriaki; Lanzetta, Kenneth M.; Chen, Hsiao-Wen; Fernández-Soto, Alberto; Pascarelle, Sebastian M.,; Yahil, Amos; Puetter, Richard C.
- 2000ApJ...538..505M
- A Determination of the Hubble Constant Using Measurements of X-Ray Emission and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect at Millimeter Wavelengths in the Cluster Abell 1835.
- Mauskopf, P.D. ; Ade, P.A.R. ; Allen, S.W. ; Church, S.E. ; Edge, A.C. ; Ganga, K.M. ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Lange, A.E. ; Rownd, B.K. ; Philhour, B.J. ; Runyan, M.C.
- 2000ApJ...538..517S
- Self-Similar Collapse and the Structure of Dark Matter Halos: A Fluid Approach.
- Subramanian, Kandaswamy
- 2000ApJ...538..528S
- The Structure of Dark Matter Halos in Hierarchical Clustering Theories.
- Subramanian, Kandaswamy; Cen, Renyue; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.
- 2000ApJ...538..543I
- Radial Temperature Profiles of 11 Clusters of Galaxies Observed with BEPPOSAX.
- Irwin, Jimmy A. ; Bregman, Joel N.
- 2000ApJ...538..555D
- Ambiguities in Fits to the Complex X-Ray Spectra of Starburst Galaxies.
- Dahlem, Michael; Parmar, Arvind; Oosterbroek, Tim; Orr, Astrid; Weaver, Kimberly A.; Heckman, Timothy M.
- 2000ApJ...538..559M
- Gas Stripping of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies.
- Mori, Masao ; Burkert, Andreas
- 2000ApJ...538..569R
- Lopsided Galaxies, Weak Interactions, and Boosting the Star Formation Rate.
- Rudnick, Gregory; Rix, Hans-Walter ; Kennicutt, Jr., Robert C.
- 2000ApJ...538..581R
- The Narrow-Line Region of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies(1).
- Rodríguez-Ardila, A. (2); Binette, Luc; Pastoriza, Miriani G.; Donzelli, Carlos J.
- 2000ApJ...538..594F
- Age, Evolution, and Dispersion of the Loose Groups of Blue Stars in the Northeast Radio Lobe of Centaurus A.
- Fassett, Caleb I. ; Graham, John A.
- 2000ApJ...538..608S
- A New Probe of the Molecular Gas in Galaxies: Application to M101.
- Smith, Denise A.; Allen, Ronald J.,; Bohlin, Ralph C.; Nicholson, Natalya; Stecher, Theodore P.
- 2000ApJ...538..623M
- Strong, Variable Circular Polarization in PKS 1519-273.
- Macquart, J.-P. ; Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna ; Rayner, David P. ; Jauncey, David L.
- 2000ApJ...538..628B
- A Plasma Instability Theory of Gamma-Ray Burst Emission.
- Brainerd, J.J.
- 2000ApJ...538..638K
- GRB 990510: On the Possibility of a Beamed X-Ray Afterglow.
- Kuulkers, E. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Kuiper, L. ; Kaastra, J.S. ; Amati, L. ; Costa, E. ; Frontera, F. ; Heise, J. ; Zand, 't ; Masetti, N. ; Nicastro, L. ; Pian, E. ; Piro, L. ; Soffitta, P.
- 2000ApJ...538..645K
- Modeling of Laser-generated Radiative Blast Waves.
- Keilty, K.A.; Liang, E.P.; Ditmire, T.; Remington, B.A.,; Shigemori, K.; Rubenchik, A.M.
- 2000ApJ...538..653G
- Astrometric Resolution of Severely Degenerate Binary Microlensing Events.
- Gould, Andrew; Han, Cheongho
- 2000ApJ...538..657S
- Constraining the Location of Microlensing Objects by Using the Finite Source Effect in EAGLE Events.
- Sumi, Takahiro; Honma, Mareki
- 2000ApJ...538..665W
- Kinematics, Kinetic Temperatures, and Column Densities of NH3 in the Orion Hot Core.
- Wilson, T.L. ; Gaume, R.A. ; Gensheimer, P. ; Johnston, K.J.
- 2000ApJ...538..675O
- A Theoretical Study of the A2Σ+-X2Π System of the SiP Molecule(1).
- Ornellas, F.R.; Andreazza, C.M.; de Almeida, A.A.
- 2000ApJ...538..684P
- Winds from Accretion Disks Driven by Radiation and Magnetocentrifugal Force.
- Proga, Daniel
- 2000ApJ...538..691S
- Deuterium Enrichment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Photochemically Induced Exchange with Deuterium-rich Cosmic Ices.
- Sandford, Scott A. ; Bernstein, Max P. ; Allamandola, Louis J.; Gillette, J.Seb; Zare, Richard N.
- 2000ApJ...538..698M
- Infrared Space Observatory Spectroscopy of HH 7-11 Flow and Its Redshifted Counterpart(1).
- Molinari, Sergio; Noriega-Crespo, Alberto; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; Nisini, Brunella; Giannini, Teresa; Lorenzetti, Dario; Caux, Emmanuel; Liseau, René; Saraceno, Paolo; White, Glenn J.
- 2000ApJ...538..710C
- Dynamics of the Parker-Jeans Instability in a Galactic Gaseous Disk.
- Chou, Wenchien ; Matsumoto, Ryoji ; Tajima, Toshiki ; Umekawa, Michihisa ; Shibata, Kazunari
- 2000ApJ...538..728G
- Very Large Array Observations of High-Velocity H I in L1551.
- Giovanardi, C.; Rodríguez, L.F.; Lizano, S.,; Cantó, J.
- 2000ApJ...538..738C
- The Structure of the Monoceros R2 Molecular Cloud Core.
- Choi, Minho; Evans II, Neal J.; Tafalla, Mario; Bachiller, Rafael
- 2000ApJ...538..751I
- Kinematics and Distance of Water Masers in W3 IRS 5.
- Imai, Hiroshi ; Kameya, Osamu ; Sasao, Tetsuo ; Miyoshi, Makoto; Deguchi, Shuji; Horiuchi, Shinji; Asaki, Yoshiharu
- 2000ApJ...538..766M
- Laboratory Detection of Five New Linear Silicon Carbides: SiC3, SiC5, SiC6, SiC7, and SiC8.
- McCarthy, M.C.; Apponi, A.J.; Gottlieb, C.A.,; Thaddeus, P.
- 2000ApJ...538..773F
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Resonance Absorption f-values for Ni II.
- Fedchak, J.A.; Wiese, L.M.,; Lawler, J.E.
- 2000ApJ...538..777E
- Settling onto the Main Sequence: ROSAT Observations of h and χ Persei(1).
- Evans, Nancy Remage ; Seward, Fredrick D.
- 2000ApJ...538..783H
- A Bayesian Analysis of Models for the Dust Cloud around Fomalhaut.
- Harvey, Paul M.; Jefferys, William H.
- 2000ApJ...538..793K
- WFPC2 Images of a Face-on Disk Surrounding TW Hydrae.
- Krist, John E. ; Stapelfeldt, Karl R. ; Ménard, François ; Padgett, Deborah L. ; Burrows, Christopher J.
- 2000ApJ...538..801T
- Water on the Early M Supergiant Stars α Orionis and µ Cephei.
- Tsuji, T.
- 2000ApJ...538..808Z
- X-Ray Emission from Colliding Wind Shocks in the Wolf-Rayet Binary WR 140.
- Zhekov, Svetozar A. ; Skinner, Stephen L.
- 2000ApJ...538..818M
- The Gamma-Ray Pulsar Population.
- McLaughlin, M.A. ; Cordes, J.M.
- 2000ApJ...538..831L
- Constraints on the Delayed Transition to Detonation in Type Ia Supernovae.
- Lisewski, A.M.; Hillebrandt, W.; Woosley, S.E.
- 2000ApJ...538..837S
- Why Stars Become Red Giants.
- Sugimoto, Daiichiro; Fujimoto, Masayuki Y.
- 2000ApJ...538..854B
- What Is the Nature of the Spectroscopic Companion of the Early B Star λ Scorpii?
- Berghöfer, Thomas W.; Vennes, Stephane; Dupuis, Jean
- 2000ApJ...538..862C
- On the Rapid Spin-down and Low-Luminosity Pulsed Emission from AE Aquarii.
- Choi, Chul-Sung ; Yi, Insu
- 2000ApJ...538..870A
- Radial Oscillations of Quark Stars in Strong Magnetic Fields.
- Anand, J.D.; Chandrika Devi, N.; Gupta, V.K.; Singh, S.
- 2000ApJ...538..876L
- Opacity Sampling in Radiative Acceleration Calculations.
- LEBLANC, F.; Michaud, G. ; Richer, J.
- 2000ApJ...538..885S
- Albedo and Reflection Spectra of Extrasolar Giant Planets.
- Sudarsky, David ; Burrows, Adam ; Pinto, Philip
- 2000ApJ...538..904R
- High-Resolution HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE STIS Spectra of C I and CO in theβ Pictoris Circumstellar Disk.
- Roberge, A.; Feldman, P.D.; Lagrange, A.M.; Vidal-Madjar, A.; Ferlet, R.; Jolly, A. ; Lemaire, J.L.,; Rostas, F.
- 2000ApJ...538..911V
- Injection of Radioactivities into the Presolar Cloud: Convergence Testing.
- Vanhala, Harri A.T.; Boss, Alan P.
- 2000ApJ...538..922D
- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Polar Coronal Jets.
- Dobrzycka, D.; Raymond, J.C.,; Cranmer, S.R.
- 2000ApJ...538..932Z
- Modeling the 1994 April 14 Polar Crown SXR Arcade Using Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium Solutions.
- Zhao, X.P.; Hoeksema, J.T.; Scherrer, P.H.
- 2000ApJ...538..940S
- Center-to-Limb Variation of Solar Granulation from Partial Eclipse Observations.
- Sánchez Cuberes, M.; Bonet, J.A.,; Vázquez, M.; Wittmann, A.D.
- 2000ApJ...538..960R
- Coronal Heating: Energy Release Associated with Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection.
- Roald, Colin B. ; Sturrock, P.A.,; Wolfson, Richard
- 2000ApJ...538..968Y
- Flare-Related Changes of an Active Region Magnetic Field.
- Yurchyshyn, V.B. ; Abramenko, V.I.; Carbone, V.
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