Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 122
September 2010

On the Absolute Age of the Globular Cluster M92(1).
Di Cecco, A. ; Becucci, R. ; Bono, G. ; Monelli, M. ; Stetson, P.B. (6); Degl'Innocenti, S. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Nonino, M. ; Weiss, A. ; Buonanno, R. ; Calamida, A. ; Caputo, F. ; Corsi, C.E. ; Ferraro, I. ; Iannicola, G. ; Pulone, L. ; Romaniello, M. ; Walker, A.R.
Searching for Long-Period Variables in Globular Clusters: A Demonstration on NGC 1851 Using PROMPT.
Layden, Andrew C.; Broderick, Andrew J.; Pohl, B.L.; Reichart, D.E.; Ivarsen, K.M.; Haislip, J.B.; Nysewander, M.C.; LaCluyze, A.P.; Corwin, T.M.
Photometry of a Group of Stars in the Direction of NGC 1746/1750/1758.
Landolt, Arlo U. ; Africano, John L.
The Origin of the Exoplanets.
Abt, Helmut A.
Observing Exoplanets with SOFIA.
Angerhausen, D. ; Krabbe, A. ; Iserlohe, C.
On the Detection of Two New Trans-Neptunian Binaries from the CFEPS Kuiper Belt Survey.
Lin, H.-W. ; Kavelaars, J.J. ; Ip, W.-H. ; Gladman, B.J. ; Petit, J.M. ; Jones, R.L. ; Parker, Joel W.
An Empirical Pixel-Based Correction for Imperfect CTE. I. HST's Advanced Camera for Surveys(1).
Anderson, Jay; Bedin, Luigi R.
Optimal Compression of Floating-Point Astronomical Images Without Significant Loss of Information.
Pence, W.D.; White, R.L.; Seaman, R.
Photometric Transit Search for Planets around Cool Stars from the Western Italian Alps: A Site Characterization Study(1).
Damasso, M. ; Giacobbe, P. ; Calcidese, P. ; Sozzetti, A. ; Lattanzi, M.G. ; Bernagozzi, A. ; Bertolini, E. ; Smart, R.L.
First Assessment of Mountains on Northwestern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, as Potential Astronomical Observing Sites.
Steinbring, Eric ; Carlberg, Ray ; Croll, Bryce ; Fahlman, Greg ; Hickson, Paul ; Ivanescu, Liviu ; Leckie, Brian ; Pfrommer, Thomas ; Schoeck, Matthias
Atmosphere Extinction at the ORM on La Palma: A 20 yr Statistical Database Gathered at the Carlsberg Meridian Telescope.
García-Gil, Alejandro; Muñoz-Tuñón, Casiana; Varela, Antonia M.
Thickness of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Above Dome A, Antarctica, during 2009.
Bonner, C.S. ; Ashley, M.C.B. ; Cui, X. ; Feng, L. ; Gong, X. ; Lawrence, J.S. (1); Luong-Van, D.M. ; Shang, Z. ; Storey, J.W.V. ; Wang, L. ; Yang, H. ; Yang, J. ; Zhou, X. ; Zhu, Z.
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