New Astronomy 1
March 1997

The mass ratio of Nova Muscae 1991.
Casares J., Martin E.L., Charles P.A., Molaro P., Rebolo R.
Wisp motions in the Crab nebula.
Tanvir N.R., Thomson R.C., Tsikarishvili E.G.
Constraining the power spectrum using clusters.
Borgani S., Moscardini L., Plionis M., Gorski K.M., Holtzman J., Klypin A., Primack J.R., Smith C.C., Stompor R.
Near-Infrared surface photometry of bulges and disks of spiral galaxies.
Peletier R.F., Balcells M.
The Coma-Leo I distance ratio and the Hubble constant
Gregg Michael D.
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