New Astronomy 1
September 1996

Halo stars, starbursts, and distant globular clusters: A survey of unresolved objects in the Hubble Deep Field
Elson Rebecca A.W., Santiago Basilio X., Gilmore Gerard F.
The evolution of relativistic binary pulsars
Wettig Tilo, Brown Gerald E.
The dynamical evolution of massive black hole binaries I. Hardening in a fixed stellar background
Quinlan Gerald D.
Bright giants in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
Whitelock P.A., Irwin M., Catchpole R.M.
Model independent predictions of big bang nucleosynthesis from <F><SUP>4</SUP><RM>He</RM></F> and <F><SUP>7</SUP><RM>Li</RM></F>: consistency and implications
Fields Brian D., Kainulainen Kimmo, Olive Keith A., Thomas David
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