Monthly Notices of the RAS 513
July(I) 2022

Thermal and non-thermal X-ray emission from the rotation-powered radio/γ-ray pulsar PSR J1740+1000.
Rigoselli, M.; Mereghetti, S.; Anzuinelli, S.; Keith, M.; Taverna, R.; Turolla, R.; Zane, S.
The ALMA REBELS Survey: cosmic dust temperature evolution out to z ∼ 7.
Sommovigo, L.; Ferrara, A.; Pallottini, A.; Dayal, P.; Bouwens, R.J.; Smit, R.; da Cunha, E.; De Looze, I.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Hodge, J.; Inami, H.; Oesch, P.; Endsley, R.; Gonzalez, V.; Schouws, S.; Stark, D.; Stefanon, M.; Aravena, M.; Graziani, L.; Riechers, D.; Schneider, R.; van der Werf, P.; Algera, H.; Barrufet, L.; Fudamoto, Y.; Hygate, A.P.S.; Labbé, I.; Li, Y.; Nanayakkara, T.; Topping, M.
A search for stellar structures around nine outer halo globular clusters in the Milky Way.
Zhang, S.; Mackey, D.; Da Costa, G.S.
MOMO - V. Effelsberg, Swift, and Fermi study of the blazar and supermassive binary black hole candidate OJ 287 in a period of high activity.
Komossa, S.; Grupe, D.; Kraus, A.; Gonzalez, A.; Gallo, L.C.; Valtonen, M.J.; Laine, S.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Gurwell, M.A.; Gómez, J.L.; Ciprini, S.; Myserlis, I.; Bach, U.
Single-dish 1-cm-band radio photometry of protoplanetary discs: few centimetre-sized dust grains?.
Greaves, J.S.; Mason, B.
High-mass pulsators in eclipsing binaries observed using TESS.
Southworth, J.; Bowman, D.M.
Cool circumgalactic gas in galaxy clusters: connecting the DESI legacy imaging survey and SDSS DR16 Mg II absorbers.
Anand, A.; Kauffmann, G.; Nelson, D.
Intermediate- and high-velocity clouds in the Milky Way - I. Covering factors and vertical heights.
Lehner, N.; Howk, J.C.; Marasco, A.; Fraternali, F.
Correction to: Outflows from starburst galaxies with various driving mechanisms and their X-ray properties.
Yu, B.P.B.; Owen, E.R.; Pan, K.-C.; Wu, K.; Ferreras, I.
Asteroid phase curves using sparse Gaia DR2 data and differential dense light curves.
Wilawer, E.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Marciniak, A.; Shevchenko, V.; Belskaya, I.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Kankiewicz, P.; Horbowicz, J.; Kudak, V.; Kulczak, P.; Perig, V.; Sobkowiak, K.
A systematic search for galaxy protocluster cores at the transition epoch of their star formation activity.
Ando, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Momose, R.; Ito, K.; Sawicki, M.; Shimakawa, R.
The contribution of non-central radio galaxies to AGN feedback in rich galaxy clusters.
Seth, R.; O'Sullivan, E.; Sebastian, B.; Raychaudhury, S.; Schellenberger, G.; Haines, C.P.
On the potential of faraday tomography to identify shock structures in supernova remnants.
Ideguchi, S.; Inoue, T.; Akahori, T.; Takahashi, K.
Dynamics of Colombo's Top: non-trivial oblique spin equilibria of super-Earths in multiplanetary systems.
Su, Y.; Lai, D.
3D mapping of the Wolf-Rayet nebula M 1-67: clues for post-common envelope evolution in massive stars.
Zavala, S.; Toalá, J.A.; Santamaría, E.; Ramos-Larios, G.; Sabin, L.; Quino-Mendoza, J.A.; Rubio, G.; Guerrero, M.A.
Towards convergence of turbulent dynamo amplification in cosmological simulations of galaxies.
Martin-Alvarez, S.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.; Sijacki, D.; Richardson, M.L.A.; Katz, H.
Shocking interactions of supernova remnants with atomic and molecular clouds - the interplay between shocks, thermal instability, and gravity in the large cloud regime.
Kupilas, M.M.; Pittard, J.M.; Wareing, C.J.; Falle, S.A.E.G.
Evidence for neutron star triaxial free precession in Her X-1 from Fermi/GBM pulse period measurements.
Kolesnikov, D.; Shakura, N.; Postnov, K.
Revisiting the quasi-molecular mechanism of recombination.
Huang, Z.
The role of linearly polarized transverse MHD waves in heating the solar coronal plasma.
Pandey, V.S.; Kumar, A.; Nayak, M.K.
The scaling relation between galaxy luminosity and WHIM density from EAGLE simulations with application to SDSS data.
Holt, P.; Tuominen, T.; Nevalainen, J.; Bonamente, M.; Kuutma, T.; Heinämäki, P.; Tempel, E.
Dynamics of charged particles and quasi-periodic oscillations in the vicinity of a distorted, deformed compact object embedded in a uniform magnetic field.
Faraji, S.; Trova, A.
Where outflows meet inflows: gas kinematics in SSA22 Ly α blob 2 decoded by advanced radiative transfer modelling.
Li, Z.; Steidel, C.C.; Gronke, M.; Chen, Y.; Matsuda, Y.
Is Terzan 5 the remnant of a building block of the Galactic bulge? Evidence from APOGEE.
Taylor, D.J.; Mason, A.C.; Schiavon, R.P.; Horta, D.; Nataf, D.M.; Geisler, D.; Kisku, S.; Phillips, S.G.; Cohen, R.E.; Fernández-Trincado, J.G.; Beers, T.C.; Bizyaev, D.; García-Hernández, D.A.; Lane, R.R.; Longa-Peña, P.; Minniti, D.; Muñoz, C.; Pan, K.; Villanova, S.
Constraints on TESS albedos for five hot Jupiters.
Blažek, M.; Kabáth, P.; Piette, A.A.A.; Madhusudhan, N.; Skarka, M.; Šubjak, J.; Anderson, D.R.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Cáceres, C.C.; Gibson, N.P.; Hoyer, S.; Ivanov, V.D.; Rojo, P.M.
Degeneracies between self-interacting dark matter and supernova feedback as cusp-core transformation mechanisms.
Burger, J.D.; Zavala, J.; Sales, L.V.; Vogelsberger, M.; Marinacci, F.; Torrey, P.
Serendipitous discovery of radio flaring behaviour from a nearby M dwarf with MeerKAT.
Andersson, A.; Fender, R.P.; Lintott, C.J.; Williams, D.R.A.; Driessen, L.N.; Woudt, P.A.; van der Horst, A.J.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Motta, S.E.; Rhodes, L.; Eisner, N.L.; Osten, R.A.; Vreeswijk, P.; Bloemen, S.; Groot, P.J.
Decomposing magnetic fields in three dimensions over the central molecular zone.
Hu, Y.; Lazarian, A.; Wang, Q.D.
The VANDELS survey: a measurement of the average Lyman-continuum escape fraction of star-forming galaxies at z = 3.5.
Begley, R.; Cullen, F.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Hall, A.; Carnall, A.C.; Hamadouche, M.L.; McLeod, D.J.; Amorín, R.; Calabrò, A.; Fontana, A.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Guaita, L.; Hathi, N.P.; Hibon, P.; Ji, Z.; Llerena, M.; Pentericci, L.; Saldana-Lopez, A.; Schaerer, D.; Talia, M.; Vanzella, E.; Zamorani, G.
The escape of globular clusters from the satellite dwarf galaxies of the Milky Way.
Rostami Shirazi, A.; Haghi, H.; Khalaj, P.; Asl, A.F.; Hasani Zonoozi, A.
Overestimated inclinations of Milgromian disc galaxies: the case of the ultradiffuse galaxy AGC 114905.
Banik, I.; Nagesh, S.T.; Haghi, H.; Kroupa, P.; Zhao, H.
Where are the magnetar binary companions? Candidates from a comparison with binary population synthesis predictions.
Chrimes, A.A.; Levan, A.J.; Fruchter, A.S.; Groot, P.J.; Jonker, P.G.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lyman, J.D.; Stanway, E.R.; Tanvir, N.R.; Wiersema, K.
An Hα survey of the host environments of 77 type IIn supernovae within z < 0.02.
Ransome, C.L.; Habergham-Mawson, S.M.; Darnley, M.J.; James, P.A.; Percival, S.M.
Can a binary neutron star merger in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole enable a detection of a post-merger gravitational wave signal?.
Vijaykumar, A.; Kapadia, S.J.; Ajith, P.
Close detached white dwarf + brown dwarf binaries: further evidence for low values of the common envelope efficiency.
Zorotovic, M.; Schreiber, M.
Cosmology and neutrino mass with the minimum spanning tree.
Naidoo, K.; Massara, E.; Lahav, O.
Fast map-based simulations of systematics in CMB surveys including effects of the scanning strategy.
McCallum, N.; Thomas, D.B.; Brown, M.L.
Constraints on the abundance of supermassive primordial black holes from lensing of compact radio sources.
Zhou, H.; Lian, Y.; Li, Z.; Cao, S.; Huang, Z.
Jets in common envelopes: a low-mass main-sequence star in a red giant.
López-Cámara, D.; De Colle, F.; Moreno Méndez, E.; Shiber, S.; Iaconi, R.
Impact of extreme spins and mass ratios on the post-merger observables of high-mass binary neutron stars.
Papenfort, L.J.; Most, E.R.; Tootle, S.; Rezzolla, L.
Probing computational methodologies in predicting mid-infrared spectra for large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Kerkeni, B.; García-Bernete, I.; Rigopoulou, D.; Tew, D.P.; Roche, P.F.; Clary, D.C.
Stellar streams and dark substructure: the diffusion regime.
Delos, M.S.; Schmidt, F.
The physical connection between central stellar surface density and stellar spin in SAMI and MaNGA nearby galaxies.
Cortese, L.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Woo, J.; Catinella, B.; Harborne, K.E.; van de Sande, J.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Bryant, J.J.; Croom, S.; Sweet, S.
2022MNRAS.513.3719H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/513/3719)
Hybrid photometric redshifts for sources in the COSMOS and XMM-LSS fields.
Hatfield, P.W.; Jarvis, M.J.; Adams, N.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Häußler, B.; Duncan, K.J.
The ice-organic-silicate contents of small Solar system bodies: indicators for a comet to asteroid evolutionary pathway.
Havishk; Potiszil, C.; Tanaka, R.; Nakamura, E.
Cosmic evolution of low-excitation radio galaxies in the LOFAR two-metre sky survey deep fields.
Kondapally, R.; Best, P.N.; Cochrane, R.K.; Sabater, J.; Duncan, K.J.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Haskell, P.; Mingo, B.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Smith, D.J.B.; Williams, W.L.; Bonato, M.; Calistro Rivera, G.; Gao, F.; Hale, C.L.; Małek, K.; Miley, G.K.; Prandoni, I.; Wang, L.
The effects of AGN feedback on the structural and dynamical properties of Milky Way-mass galaxies in cosmological simulations.
Irodotou, D.; Fragkoudi, F.; Pakmor, R.; Grand, R.J.J.; Gadotti, D.A.; Costa, T.; Springel, V.; Gómez, F.A.; Marinacci, F.
Compact star merger events with stars composed of interacting strange quark matter.
Kumar, A.; Thapa, V.B.; Sinha, M.
Improved early-warning estimates of luminosity distance and orbital inclination of compact binary mergers using higher modes of gravitational radiation.
Singh, M.K.; , D.; Kapadia, S.J.; Shaikh, M.A.; Ajith, P.
Shocked jets in CCSNe can power the zoo of fast blue optical transients.
Gottlieb, O.; Tchekhovskoy, A.; Margutti, R.
2022MNRAS.513.3818T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/513/3818)
The MAVERIC survey: a catalogue of radio sources in southern globular clusters from the Australia Telescope Compact Array.
Tudor, V.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Strader, J.; Bahramian, A.; Shishkovsky, L.; Plotkin, R.M.; Chomiuk, L.; Heinke, C.O.; Maccarone, T.J.; Sivakoff, G.R.; Tremou, E.; Anderson, G.E.; Russell, T.D.; Tzioumis, A.K.
Host galaxies of ultrastrong Mg II absorbers at z ∼ 0.5.
Guha, L.K.; Srianand, R.; Dutta, R.; Joshi, R.; Noterdaeme, P.; Petitjean, P.
Circular polarimetry of suspect wind-accreting magnetic pre-polars.
Hakala, P.; Parsons, S.G.; Marsh, T.R.; Gänsicke, B.T.; Ramsay, G.; Schwope, A.; Hermes, J.J.
Reconciling the results of the z ∼ 2 MOSDEF and KBSS-MOSFIRE Surveys.
Runco, J.N.; Reddy, N.A.; Shapley, A.E.; Steidel, C.C.; Sanders, R.L.; Strom, A.L.; Coil, A.L.; Kriek, M.; Mobasher, B.; Pettini, M.; Rudie, G.C.; Siana, B.; Topping, M.W.; Trainor, R.F.; Freeman, W.R.; Shivaei, I.; Azadi, M.; Price, S.H.; Leung, G.C.K.; Fetherolf, T.; de Groot, L.; Zick, T.; Fornasini, F.M.; Barro, G.
Newcomers and suburbanites can drive the evolution of the size-stellar mass relation of early-type galaxies in galaxy clusters.
Matteuzzi, M.; Marinacci, F.; Nipoti, C.; Andreon, S.
On the viability of determining galaxy properties from observations - I. Star formation rates and kinematics.
Grisdale, K.; Hogan, L.; Rigopoulou, D.; Thatte, N.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.; García-Bernete, I.; Dubois, Y.; Yi, S.K.; Kraljic, K.
Radial distributions of globular clusters trace their host dark matter halo: insights from the E-MOSAICS simulations.
Reina-Campos, M.; Trujillo-Gomez, S.; Deason, A.J.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Pfeffer, J.L.; Crain, R.A.; Bastian, N.; Hughes, M.E.
2022MNRAS.513.3946W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/513/3946)
Clusters of galaxies up to z = 1.5 identified from photometric data of the Dark Energy Survey and unWISE.
Wen, Z.L.; Han, J.L.
Relativistic global solutions of neutrino-dominated accretion flows with magnetic coupling.
She, J.-Z.; Liu, T.; Xue, L.
Correction to: Simulations of primary beam effects on the cosmic bispectrum phase observed with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array.
Automatic detection of low surface brightness galaxies from Sloan Digital Sky Survey images.
Yi, Z.; Li, J.; Du, W.; Liu, M.; Liang, Z.; Xing, Y.; Pan, J.; Bu, Y.; Kong, X.; Wu, H.
Hydrogen emission from meteors and meteorites: mapping traces of H2O molecules and organic compounds in small Solar system bodies.
Matlovič, P.; Pisarčíková, A.; Tóth, J.; Mach, P.; Čermák, P.; Loehle, S.; Kornoš, L.; Ferrière, L.; Šilha, J.; Leiser, D.; Ravichandran, R.
Spectroscopic analysis of VVV CL001 cluster with MUSE.
Olivares Carvajal, J.; Zoccali, M.; Rojas-Arriagada, A.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Gran, F.; Valenti, E.; Minniti, J.H.
The resilience of the Etherington-Hubble relation.
Renzi, F.; Hogg, N.B.; Giarè, W.
Chemical diversity of the atmospheres and interiors of sub-Neptunes: a case study of GJ 436 b.
Guzmán-Mesa, A.; Kitzmann, D.; Mordasini, C.; Heng, K.
Detection of quasi-periodic micro-structure in three millisecond pulsars with the Large European Array for Pulsars.
Liu, K.; Antoniadis, J.; Bassa, C.G.; Chen, S.; Cognard, I.; Gaikwad, M.; Hu, H.; Jang, J.; Janssen, G.H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lee, K.J.; Main, R.A.; Mall, G.; McKee, J.W.; Mickaliger, M.B.; Perrodin, D.; Sanidas, S.A.; Stappers, B.W.; Wang, L.; Zhu, W.W.; Burgay, M.; Concu, R.; Corongiu, A.; Melis, A.; Pilia, M.; Possenti, A.
Constraining equation-of-state groups from g-mode asteroseismology.
Kuan, H.-J.; Krüger, C.J.; Suvorov, A.G.; Kokkotas, K.D.
A mid-infrared study of superluminous supernovae.
Sun, L.; Xiao, L.; Li, G.
Insight-HXMT measurements of the diffuse X-ray background.
Huang, R.; Cui, W.; Liao, J.Y.; Zhang, S.; Wang, S.F.; Jin, J.; Lu, X.F.; Guo, C.C.; You, Y.; Li, G.; Zhang, J.
Plasma maser in the plasmasphere of HD 189733b.
Zaitsev, V.V.; Shaposhnikov, V.E.
Cross-correlations between mm-wave line-intensity mapping and weak-lensing surveys: preliminary consideration of long-term prospects.
Chung, D.T.
The chemo-dynamical groups of Galactic globular clusters.
Callingham, T.M.; Cautun, M.; Deason, A.J.; Frenk, C.S.; Grand, R.J.J.; Marinacci, F.
The Milky Way tomography with APOGEE: intrinsic density distribution and structure of mono-abundance populations.
Lian, J.; Zasowski, G.; Mackereth, T.; Imig, J.; Holtzman, J.A.; Beaton, R.L.; Bird, J.C.; Cunha, K.; Fernández-Trincado, J.G.; Horta, D.; Lane, R.R.; Masters, K.L.; Nitschelm, C.; Roman-Lopes, A.
A non-linear approach to predicting the amplitude and timing of the sunspot area in cycle 25.
Chowdhury, P.; Sarp, V.; Kilcik, A.; Ray, P.C.; Rozelot, J.-P.; Obridko, V.N.
Prospects for multimessenger detection of binary neutron star mergers in the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run.
Patricelli, B.; Bernardini, M.G.; Mapelli, M.; D'Avanzo, P.; Santoliquido, F.; Cella, G.; Razzano, M.; Cuoco, E.
A unified model for the evolution of cataclysmic variables.
Sarkar, A.; Tout, C.A.
Secular chaos in white dwarf planetary systems: origins of metal pollution and short-period planetary companions.
O'Connor, C.E.; Teyssandier, J.; Lai, D.
The evolving properties of the corona of GRS 1915+105: a spectral-timing perspective through variable-Comptonization modelling.
García, F.; Karpouzas, K.; Méndez, M.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Belloni, T.; Altamirano, D.
The Quasar Feedback Survey: revealing the interplay of jets, winds, and emission-line gas in type 2 quasars with radio polarization.
Silpa, S.; Kharb, P.; Harrison, C.M.; Girdhar, A.; Mukherjee, D.; Mainieri, V.; Jarvis, M.E.
Remnant masses of core collapse supernovae in the jittering jets explosion mechanism.
Shishkin, D.; Soker, N.
The SUNBIRD survey: the K-band luminosity functions of young massive clusters in intensely star-forming galaxies.
Randriamanakoto, Z.; Väisänen, P.; Ranaivomanana, P.; Ramphul, R.; Kankare, E.; Mattila, S.; Ryder, S.D.; Kotilainen, J.
Constraints on the origins of hypervelocity stars: velocity distribution, mergers, and star formation history.
Generozov, A.; Perets, H.B.
Magnetic reconnection and plasmoid formation in three-dimensional accretion flows around black holes.
Nathanail, A.; Mpisketzis, V.; Porth, O.; Fromm, C.M.; Rezzolla, L.
The magnetic fields of β Coronae Borealis and the early F-star σ Bootis.
Seach, J.M.; Marsden, S.C.; Carter, B.D.; Neiner, C.; Folsom, C.P.
TYC 2990-127-1: An Algol-type SB2 binary system of subgiant and red giant with a probable ongoing mass-transfer.
Kovalev, M.; Li, Z.; Zhang, X.; Li, J.; Chen, X.; Han, Z.
Rapidly alternating flux states of GX 339-4 during its 2021 outburst captured by Insight-HXMT.
Liu, H.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Bambi, C.; Ji, L.; Kong, L.; Zhang, S.
A machine learning approach to correct for mass resolution effects in simulated halo clustering statistics.
Forero-Sánchez, D.; Chuang, C.-H.; Rodríguez-Torres, S.; Yepes, G.; Gottlöber, S.; Zhao, C.
Low-frequency observations of giant pulses from ordinary pulsars.
Kazantsev, A.N.; Basalaeva, M.Y.
Six new compact triply eclipsing triples found with TESS.
Rappaport, S.A.; Borkovits, T.; Gagliano, R.; Jacobs, T.L.; Kostov, V.B.; Powell, B.P.; Terentev, I.; Omohundro, M.; Torres, G.; Vanderburg, A.; Mitnyan, T.; Kristiansen, M.H.; LaCourse, D.; Schwengeler, H.M.; Kaye, T.G.; Pál, A.; Pribulla, T.; Bíró, I.B.; Csányi, I.; Garai, Z.; Zasche, P.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Rodriguez, J.E.; Stevens, D.J.
High-density disc reflection spectroscopy of low-mass active galactic nuclei.
Mallick, L.; Fabian, A.C.; García, J.A.; Tomsick, J.A.; Parker, M.L.; Dauser, T.; Wilkins, D.R.; De Marco, B.; Steiner, J.F.; Connors, R.M.T.; Mastroserio, G.; Markowitz, A.G.; Pinto, C.; Alston, W.N.; Lohfink, A.M.; Gandhi, P.
Tidal star-planet interaction and its observed impact on stellar activity in planet-hosting wide binary systems.
Ilic, N.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Hosseini, S.M.
3D models of the circumstellar environments of evolved stars: Formation of multiple spiral structures.
Aydi, E.; Mohamed, S.
The average dust attenuation curve at z ∼ 1.3 based on HST grism surveys.
Battisti, A.J.; Bagley, M.B.; Baronchelli, I.; Dai, Y.S.; Henry, A.L.; Malkan, M.A.; Alavi, A.; Calzetti, D.; Colbert, J.; McCarthy, P.J.; Mehta, V.; Rafelski, M.; Scarlata, C.; Shivaei, I.; Wisnioski, E.
The [O III]λ5007 equivalent width distribution at z ∼ 2: the redshift evolution of the extreme emission line galaxies.
Boyett, K.N.K.; Stark, D.P.; Bunker, A.J.; Tang, M.; Maseda, M.V.
The cosmic-ray staircase: the outcome of the cosmic-ray acoustic instability.
Tsung, T.H.N.; Oh, S.P.; Jiang, Y.-F.
Stellar populations of a sample of far-infrared AGN and non-AGN green valley galaxies.
Mahoro, A.; Pović, M.; Väisänen, P.; Nkundabakura, P.; van der Heyden, K.
A comprehensive Bayesian reanalysis of the SARAS2 data from the epoch of reionization.
Bevins, H.T.J.; de Lera Acedo, E.; Fialkov, A.; Handley, W.J.; Singh, S.; Subrahmanyan, R.; Barkana, R.
Dynamical double black holes and their host cluster properties.
Chattopadhyay, D.; Hurley, J.; Stevenson, S.; Raidani, A.
SN 2019va: a Type IIP Supernova with Large Influence of Nickel-56 Decay on the Plateau-phase Light Curve.
Zhang, X.; Wang, X.; Sai, H.; Mo, J.; Nagy, A.P.; Zhang, J.; Cai, Y.; Lin, H.; Zhang, J.; Baron, E.; DerKacy, J.M.; Zhang, T.; Li, Z.; Graham, M.; Huang, F.
Scattering calculation of the newly observed pentacarbon monoxide (C5O) with He atom: de-excitation rates and radiative transfer.
Khadri, F.; Chefai, A.; Hammami, K.
Searching for flaring star-planet interactions in AU Mic TESS observations.
Ilin, E.; Poppenhaeger, K.
Local variations of the stellar velocity ellipsoid - II. The effect of the bar in the inner regions of Auriga galaxies.
Walo-Martín, D.; Pinna, F.; Grand, R.J.J.; Pérez, I.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; Fragkoudi, F.; Martig, M.
Magneto-thermal instability in galaxy clusters - I. Theory and two-dimensional simulations.
Perrone, L.M.; Latter, H.
Magneto-thermal instability in galaxy clusters - II. three-dimensional simulations.
Perrone, L.M.; Latter, H.
A 13-yr-long broad-band view of BL Lac.
Sahakyan, N.; Giommi, P.
Evolution of stellar orbits around merging massive black hole binary.
Liu, B.; Lai, D.
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