Monthly Notices of the RAS 512
June(I) 2022
- 2022MNRAS.512.4669S
- Multiply charged naphthalene and its C10H8 isomers: bonding, spectroscopy, and implications in AGN environments.
- Santos, J.C.; Fantuzzi, F.; Quitian-Lara, H.M.; Martins-Franco, Y.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Boechat-Roberty, H.M.; Oliveira, R.R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4683W
- Dust mass loss during the recent outburst of comet C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein.
- Wesolowski, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4689H
- Timing and evolution of PSR B0950+08.
- Huang, H.-T.; Zhou, X.; Yuan, J.-P.; Zheng, X.-P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4697L
- Turning points in the age-metallicity relations - created by late satellite infall and enhanced by radial migration.
- Lu, Y.; Ness, M.K.; Buck, T.; Carr, C.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4715N
- Gravity-driven filamentary flow in molecular clouds.
- Naranjo-Romero, R.; Vazquez-Semadeni, E.; Loughnane, R.M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4730M
- Mitigating massive triboelectric charging of drill in shadowed region of Moon.
- Mishra, S.K.; Sana, T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4736S
- The column densities of molecular gas across cosmic time: bridging observations and simulations.
- Szakacs, R.; Peroux, C.; Zwaan, M.A.; Nelson, D.; Schinnerer, E.; Lahen, N.; Weng, S.; Fresco, A.Y.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4752C
- ALMA's view of the M-dwarf GSC 07396-00759's edge-on debris disc: AU Mic's coeval twin.
- Cronin-Coltsmann, P.F.; Kennedy, G.M.; Adam, C.; Kral, Q.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Marino, S.; Matra, L.; Murphy, S.J.; Olofsson, J.; Wyatt, M.C.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4765S
- On the accuracy of H I observations in molecular clouds - More cold H I than thought?
- Seifried, D.; Beuther, H.; Walch, S.; Syed, J.; Soler, J.D.; Girichidis, P.; Wunsch, R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4785M
- Measuring weak lensing masses on individual clusters.
- Murray, C.; Bartlett, J.G.; Artis, E.; Melin, J.-B.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4792R
- Discovery of quasi-periodic oscillations in the persistent X-ray emission of accreting binary X-ray pulsar LMC X-4.
- Rikame, K.; Paul, B.; Pradhan, P.; Paul, K.T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4798C
- The Magellanic Edges Survey - III. Kinematics of the disturbed LMC outskirts.
- Cullinane, L.R.; Mackey, A.D.; Da Costa, G.S.; Erkal, D.; Koposov, S.E.; Belokurov, V.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4819S
- Metallicities of outer halo M31 globular clusters from integrated light calcium-II triplet spectroscopy.
- Sakari, C.M.; Wallerstein, G.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4835M
- Activity cycles in RS CVn-type stars.
- Martinez, C.I.; Mauas, P.J.D.; Buccino, A.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4846V
- Is magnetically dominated outflow required to explain GRBs?
- Vereshchagin, G.; Li, L.; Begue, D.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4852Z
- Core overshoot constrained by the absence of a solar convective core and some solar-like stars.
- Zhang, Q.-S.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Li, Y.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4869E
- Can radio emission escape from the magnetosphere of υ Andromedae b - a new method to constrain the minimum mass of Hot Jupiters.
- Erkaev, N.V.; Weber, C.; Griessmeier, J.-M.; Lammer, H.; Ivanov, V.A.; Odert, P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4877B
- Grid of pseudo-2D chemistry models for tidally locked exoplanets - II. The role of photochemistry.
- Baeyens, R.; Konings, T.; Venot, O.; Carone, L.; Decin, L.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4893Z
- Submillimetre galaxies in two massive protoclusters at z = 2.24: witnessing the enrichment of extreme starbursts in the outskirts of HAE density peaks.
- Zhang, Y.; Zheng, X.Z.; Shi, D.D.; Gao, Y.; Dannerbauer, H.; An, F.X.; Shu, X.; Gao, Z.-K.; Wang, W.-H.; Wang, X.; Cai, Z.; Fan, X.; Fang, M.; Pan, Z.; Liu, W.; Tan, Q.; Qin, J.; Ren, J.; Qiao, M.; Wen, R.; Liu, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4909G
- The THESAN project: properties of the intergalactic medium and its connection to reionization-era galaxies.
- Garaldi, E.; Kannan, R.; Smith, A.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4934L
- Deuterated ammonia in Galactic massive star-forming regions.
- Li, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, J.; Liu, S.; Luo, Q.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4948B
- Constraints on r-process nucleosynthesis from 129I and 247Cm in the early Solar system.
- Banerjee, P.; Wu, M.-R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4961A
- The reach of next-to-leading-order perturbation theory for the matter bispectrum.
- Alkhanishvili, D.; Porciani, C.; Sefusatti, E.; Biagetti, M.; Lazanu, A.; Oddo, A.; Yankelevich, V.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4982Q
- Flute and kink instabilities in a dynamically twisted flux tube with anisotropic plasma viscosity.
- Quinn, J.J.; Simitev, R.D.
- 2022MNRAS.512.4993G
- Chaotic dynamics of wide triples induced by galactic tides: a novel channel for producing compact binaries, mergers, and collisions.
- Grishin, E.; Perets, H.B.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5010C
- Extracting the 21-cm power spectrum and the reionization parameters from mock data sets using artificial neural networks.
- Choudhury, M.; Datta, A.; Majumdar, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5023F
- Sculpting the circumbinary planet size distribution through resonant interactions with companion planets.
- Fitzmaurice, E.; Martin, D.V.; Fabrycky, D.C.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5037D
- 21 new long-term variables in the GX 339-4 field: two years of MeerKAT monitoring.
- Driessen, L.N.; Stappers, B.W.; Tremou, E.; Fender, R.P.; Woudt, P.A.; Armstrong, R.; Bloemen, S.; Groot, P.; Heywood, I.; Horesh, A.; van der Horst, A.J.; Koerding, E.; McBride, V.A.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Mooley, K.P.; Rowlinson, A.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5067K
- One year of AU Mic with HARPS - II. Stellar activity and star-planet interaction.
- Klein, B.; Zicher, N.; Kavanagh, R.D.; Nielsen, L.D.; Aigrain, S.; Vidotto, A.A.; Barragan, O.; Strugarek, A.; Nicholson, B.; Donati, J.-F.; Bouvier, J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5085Z
- Eigenvectors of solar magnetic field in cycles 21-24 and their links to solar activity indices.
- Zharkova, V.V.; Shepherd, S.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5100W
- Production efficiencies of sound waves in the intracluster medium driven by AGN jets.
- Wang, S.-C.; Yang, H.-Y.K.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5110L
- Hypermassive quark cores.
- Lopes, L.L.; Biesdorf, C.; Menezes, D.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5122H
- Observational constraints and dynamical analysis of Kaniadakis horizon-entropy cosmology.
- Hernandez-Almada, A.; Leon, G.; Magana, J.; Garcia-Aspeitia, M.A.; Motta, V.; Saridakis, E.N.; Yesmakhanova, K.; Millano, A.D.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5135L
- Three-dimensional weak gravitational lensing of the 21-cm radiation background.
- Lozano Torres, J.A.; Schafer, B.M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5153L
- Refined modelling of the radio SZ signal: kinematic terms, relativistic temperature corrections, and anisotropies in the radio background.
- Lee, E.; Chluba, J.; Holder, G.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5165A
- Structure of cosmic web in non-linear regime: the nearest neighbour and spherical contact distributions.
- Ansari Fard, M.; Baghkhani, Z.; Ghodsi, L.; Taamoli, S.; Hassani, F.; Baghram, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5183E
- A new look at local ultraluminous infrared galaxies: the atlas and radiative transfer models of their complex physics.
- Efstathiou, A.; Farrah, D.; Afonso, J.; Clements, D.L.; Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Lacy, M.; Oliver, S.; Papadopoulou Lesta, V.; Pearson, C.; Rigopoulou, D.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Spoon, H.W.W.; Verma, A.; Wang, L.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5214D
- A train of shocks at 3000-au scale? Exploring the clash of an expanding bubble into the NGC 1333 IRAS 4 region. SOLIS XIV.
- De Simone, M.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Neri, R.; Rivera-Ortiz, P.R.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Bianchi, E.; Fontani, F.; Lefloch, B.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.E.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5228S
- The DRAKE mission: finding the frequency of life in the Cosmos.
- Sarkar, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5247B
- Galactic tides and the Crater II dwarf spheroidal: a challenge to LCDM?
- Borukhovetskaya, A.; Navarro, J.F.; Errani, R.; Fattahi, A.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5258V
- The impact of natal kicks on galactic r-process enrichment by neutron star mergers.
- van de Voort, F.; Pakmor, R.; Bieri, R.; Grand, R.J.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5269L
- X-ray variability of transitional millisecond pulsars: a faint, stable, and fluctuating disc.
- Linares, M.; De Marco, B.; Wijnands, R.; van der Klis, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5278A
- The role of density perturbation on planet formation by pebble accretion.
- Andama, G.; Ndugu, N.; Anguma, S.K.; Jurua, E.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5298P
- Comparing lensing and stellar orbital models of a nearby massive strong-lens galaxy.
- Poci, A.; Smith, R.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5311W
- Cosmology with the Roman Space Telescope - Synergies with CMB lensing.
- Wenzl, L.; Doux, C.; Heinrich, C.; Bean, R.; Jain, B.; Dore, O.; Eifler, T.; Fang, X.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5329B
- The dependence of theoretical synthetic spectra on α-enhancement in young, binary stellar populations.
- Byrne, C.M.; Stanway, E.R.; Eldridge, J.J.; McSwiney, L.; Townsend,O.T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5339R
- The evolution of the barred galaxy population in the TNG50 simulation.
- Rosas-Guevara, Y.; Bonoli, S.; Dotti, M.; Izquierdo-Villalba, D.; Lupi, A.; Zana, T.; Bonetti, M.; Nelson, D.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L.; Vogelsberger, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5358R
- Wide-band spectral variability of peaked spectrum sources.
- Ross, K.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Seymour, N.; Callingham, J.R.; Galvin, T.J.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5374V
- Radio detections of IR-selected runaway stellar bow shocks.
- Van den Eijnden, J.; Saikia, P.; Mohamed, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5390G
- IGM damping wing constraints on reionization from covariance reconstruction of two z >= 7 QSOs.
- Greig, B.; Mesinger, A.; Davies, F.B.; Wang, F.; Yang, J.; Hennawi, J.F.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5404K
- AI-driven spatio-temporal engine for finding gravitationally lensed type Ia supernovae.
- Kodi Ramanah, D.; Arendse, N.; Wojtak, R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5418F
- Kinetic simulation of electron, proton and helium acceleration in a non-relativistic quasi-parallel shock.
- Fang, J.; Xia, Q.; Tian, S.; Zhou, L.; Yu, H.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5423N
- The VMC survey - XLVI. Stellar proper motions in the centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
- Niederhofer, F.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Schmidt, T.; Bekki, K.; de Grijs, R.; Ivanov, V.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Ripepi, V.; Subramanian, S.; van Loon, J.T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5440V
- Discovery and characterization of five new eclipsing AM CVn systems.
- van Roestel, J.; Kupfer, T.; Green, M.J.; Wong, T.L.S.; Bildsten, L.; Burdge, K.; Prince, T.; Marsh, T.R.; Szkody, P.; Fremling, C.; Graham, M.J.; Dhillon, V.S.; Littlefair, S.P.; Bellm, E.C.; Coughlin, M.; Duev, D.A.; Goldstein, D.A.; Laher, R.R.; Rusholme, B.; Riddle, R.; Dekany, R.; Kulkarni, S.R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5462L
- Common envelopes in massive stars: towards the role of radiation pressure and recombination energy in ejecting red supergiant envelopes.
- Lau, M.Y.M.; Hirai, R.; Gonzalez-Bolivar, M.; Price, D.J.; De Marco, O.; Mandel, I.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5481S
- XMM-Newton study of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
- Saeedi, S.; Sasaki, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5504K
- Impact of a quasi-molecular mechanism of cosmological recombination on the population of the 2s-level of hydrogen.
- Kereselidze, T.; Noselidze, I.; Khetsuriani, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5511S
- The relation between X-ray and ultraviolet variability of quasars.
- Sou, H.; Wang, J.-X.; Xie, Z.-L.; Kang, W.-Y.; Cai, Z.-Y.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5520B
- Comparing the frequentist and Bayesian periodic signal detection: rates of statistical mistakes and sensitivity to priors.
- Baluev, R.V.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5535Q
- Angular momentum analysis in the elliptic restricted three-body problem.
- Qi, Y.; Qiao, D.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5546D
- State-to-state rate coefficients for HCS+ in rotationally inelastic collisions with H2 at low temperatures.
- Denis-Alpizar, O.; Quintas-Sanchez, E.; Dawes, R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5552B
- A numerical inversion of m sin i exoplanet distribution: the sub-Saturn desert is more depleted than observed and hint of a Uranus mass gap.
- Bertaux, J.-L.; Ivanova, A.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5572R
- Broad-band emission from a kilonova ejecta-pulsar wind Nebula system: late-time X-ray afterglow rebrightening of GRB 170817A.
- Ren, J.; Dai, Z.G.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5580S
- Legacy Survey of Space and Time cadence strategy evaluations for active galactic nucleus time-series data in Wide-Fast-Deep field.
- Sheng, X.; Ross, N.; Nicholl, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5601Q
- Stellar proper motions in the outskirts of classical dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Gaia EDR3.
- Qi, Y.; Zivick, P.; Pace, A.B.; Riley, A.H.; Strigari, L.E.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5620E
- Unicorns and giraffes in the binary zoo: stripped giants with subgiant companions.
- El-Badry, K.; Seeburger, R.; Jayasinghe, T.; Rix, H.-W.; Almada, S.; Conroy, C.; Price-Whelan, A.M.; Burdge, K.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5642J
- Multiwavelength campaign on the Super-Eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 - I. Peculiar X-ray spectra and variability.
- Jin, C.; Done, C.; Ward, M.; Panessa, F.; Liu, B.; Liu, H.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5657S
- Cosmological implications of the full shape of anisotropic clustering measurements in BOSS and eBOSS.
- Semenaite, A.; Sanchez, A.G.; Pezzotta, A.; Hou, J.; Scoccimarro, R.; Eggemeier, A.; Crocce, M.; Chuang, C.-H.; Smith, A.; Zhao, C.; Brownstein, J.R.; Rossi, G.; Schneider, D.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5671P
- Predictions for complex distributions of stellar elemental abundances in low-mass galaxies.
- Patel, P.B.; Loebman, S.R.; Wetzel, A.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; El-Badry, K.; Bailin, J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5686L
- Super-Eddington accretion of the first Galactic ultra-luminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124.
- Liu, J.; Jenke, P.A.; Ji, L.; Zhang, S.-N.; Zhang, S.; Ge, M.; Liao, J.; Li, X.; Song, L.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5693S
- The hardness-intensity correlation of photospheric emission from a structured jet for gamma-ray bursts.
- Song, X.-Y.; Meng, Y.-Z.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5701P
- Chemical composition of a palomar 12 blue straggler.
- Pasquini, L.; Bonifacio, P.; Pulone, L.; Modigliani, A.; Brocato, E.; Sbordone, L.; Randich, S.; Cupani, G.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5706H
- New evidence for a cosmological distribution of stellar mass primordial black holes.
- Hawkins, M.R.S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5715C
- Erratum: Strong evidence of low levels of solar activity during the Maunder Minimum.
- Carrasco, V.M.S.; Hayakawa, H.; Kuroyanagi, C.; Gallego, M.C.; Vaquero, J.M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5717A
- Explaining the differences in massive star models from various simulations.
- Agrawal, P.; Szecsi, D.; Stevenson, S.; Eldridge, J.J.; Hurley, J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5726D
- The cyclic behaviour in the N-S asymmetry of sunspots and solar plages for the period 1910 to 1937 using data from Ebro catalogues.
- de Paula, V.; Curto, J.J.; Oliver, R.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5743K
- A multi-instrument investigation of the frequency stability of oscillations above the acoustic cut-off frequency with solar activity.
- Kosak, K.; Kiefer, R.; Broomhall, A.-M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5755I
- CHANG-ES - XXVII. A radio/X-ray catalogue of compact sources in and around edge-on galaxies.
- Irwin, J.; Dyer, J.; Drake, L.; Wang, Q.D.; Stil, J.; Stein, Y.; English, J.; Wiegert, T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5771H
- On the stability of shocks in isothermal black hole accretion discs.
- Hester, E.W.; Vasil, G.M.; Wechselberger, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5782S
- The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey - XVII. PSR J1325-6253, a low eccentricity double neutron star system from an ultra-stripped supernova.
- Sengar, R.; Balakrishnan, V.; Stevenson, S.; Bailes, M.; Barr, E.D.; Bhat, N.D.R.; Burgay, M.; Colom i Bernadich, M.; Cameron, A.D.; Champion, D.J.; Chen, W.; Flynn, C.M.L.; Jameson, A.; Johnston, S.; Keith, M.J.; Kramer, M.; Morello, V.; Ng, C.; Possenti, A.; Stappers, B.; Shannon, R.M.; van Straten, W.; Wongphechauxsorn, J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5793Y
- Illustrating galaxy-halo connection in the DESI era with ILLUSTRISTNG.
- Yuan, S.; Hadzhiyska, B.; Bose, S.; Eisenstein, D.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5812V
- Demonstration of an imaging technique for the measurement of PSF elongation caused by Atmospheric Dispersion.
- van den Born, J.A.; Jellema, W.; Dijkstra, E.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5823M
- SIBELIUS-DARK: a galaxy catalogue of the local volume from a constrained realization simulation.
- McAlpine, S.; Helly, J.C.; Schaller, M.; Sawala, T.; Lavaux, G.; Jasche, J.; Frenk, C.S.; Jenkins, A.; Lucey, J.R.; Johansson, P.H.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5848D
- Black hole weather forecasting with deep learning: a pilot study.
- Duarte, R.; Nemmen, R.; Navarro, J.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5862H
- Galaxy-galaxy strong lens perturbations: line-of-sight haloes versus lens subhaloes.
- He, Q.; Li, R.; Frenk, C.S.; Nightingale, J.; Cole, S.; Amorisco, N.C.; Massey, R.; Robertson, A.; Etherington, A.; Amvrosiadis, A.; Cao, X.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5874H
- Presolar grain dynamics: Creating nucleosynthetic variations through a combination of drag and viscous evolution.
- Hutchison, M.A.; Bodenan, J.-D.; Mayer, L.; Schonbachler, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5895P
- Lense-Thirring effect on accretion flow from counter-rotating tori.
- Pugliese, D.; Stuchlik, Z.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5927F
- Stress-testing cosmic ray physics: the impact of cosmic rays on the surviving disc of ram-pressure-stripped galaxies.
- Farber, R.J.; Ruszkowski, M.; Tonnesen, S.; Holguin, F.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5942J
- Absorption variability of the highly obscured active galactic nucleus NGC 4507.
- Jana, A.; Ricci, C.; Naik, S.; Tanimoto, A.; Kumari, N.; Chang, H.-K.; Nandi, P.; Chatterjee, A.; Safi-Harb, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5960M
- (Re)Solving reionization with Lyα: how bright Lyα Emitters account for the z ≃ 2-8 cosmic ionizing background.
- Matthee, J.; Naidu, R.P.; Pezzulli, G.; Gronke, M.; Sobral, D.; Oesch, P.A.; Hayes, M.; Erb, D.; Schaerer, D.; Amorin, R.; Tacchella, S.; Paulino-Afonso, A.; Llerena, M.; Calhau, J.; Rottgering, H.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5978R
- Galactic angular momentum in the IllustrisTNG simulation - I. Connection to morphology, halo spin, and black hole mass.
- Rodriguez-Gomez, V.; Genel, S.; Fall, S.M.; Pillepich, A.; Huertas-Company, M.; Nelson, D.; Perez-Montano, L.E.; Marinacci, F.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L.
- 2022MNRAS.512.5995S
- Herschel discovery of far-infrared emission from the hotspot D in the radio galaxy Cygnus A.
- Sunada, Y.; Isobe, N.; Tashiro, M.S.; Kino, M.; Koyama, S.; Nakahara, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6007B
- On the detectability of massive black hole merger events by Laser Interferometry Space Antenna.
- Banks, S.; Lee, K.; Azimi, N.; Scarborough, K.; Stefanov, N.; Periwal, I.; Chen, N.; DeGraf, C.; Di Matteo, T.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6021N
- Scatter in the satellite galaxy SHMR: fitting functions, scaling relations, and physical processes from the IllustrisTNG simulation.
- Niemiec, A.; Giocoli, C.; Cohen, E.; Jauzac, M.; Jullo, E.; Limousin, M.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6038N
- ALMA constraints on assembly of core accretion planets.
- Nayakshin, S.; Elbakyan, V.; Rosotti, G.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6054R
- A step towards unveiling the nature of three cataclysmic variables: LS Cam, V902 Mon, and SWIFT J0746.3-1608.
- Rawat, N.; Pandey, J.C.; Joshi, A.; Yadava, U.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6067B
- Probing the shot behaviour in Cygnus X-1 using simultaneous AstroSat-NICER observation.
- Bhargava, Y.; Hazra, N.; Rao, A.R.; Misra, R.; Bhattacharya, D.; Roy, J.; Alam, M.S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6078D
- Non-linear behaviour of warped discs around a central object with a quadrupole moment.
- Deng, H.; Ogilvie, G.I.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6093C
- New candidates for magnetar counterparts from a deep search with the Hubble Space Telescope.
- Chrimes, A.A.; Levan, A.J.; Fruchter, A.S.; Groot, P.J.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lyman, J.D.; Tanvir, N.R.; Wiersema, K.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6104G
- Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field: properties of radio sources.
- Gurkan, G.; Prandoni, I.; O'Brien, A.; Raja, W.; Marchetti, L.; Vaccari, M.; Driver, S.; Taylor, E.; Franzen, T.; Brown, M.J.I.; Shabala, S.; Andernach, H.; Hopkins, A.M.; Norris, R.P.; Leahy, D.; Bilicki, M.; Farajollahi, H.; Galvin, T.; Heald, G.; Koribalski, B.S.; An, T.; Warhurst, K.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6122C
- The SN Ia runaway LP 398-9: detection of circumstellar material and surface rotation.
- Chandra, V.; Hwang, H.-C.; Zakamska, N.L.; Blouin, S.; Swan, A.; Marsh, T.R.; Shen, K.J.; Gansicke, B.T.; Hermes, J.J.; Putterman, O.; Bauer, E.B.; Petrosky, E.; Dhillon, V.S.; Littlefair, S.P.; Ashley, R.P.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6134A
- NIHAO-LG: the uniqueness of Local Group dwarf galaxies.
- Arora, N.; Maccio, A.V.; Courteau, S.; Buck, T.; Libeskind, N.I.; Sorce, J.G.; Brook, C.B.; Hoffman, Y.; Yepes, G.; Carlesi, E.; Stone, C.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6150S
- Modelling the ionization state of Type Ia supernovae in the nebular phase.
- Shingles, L.J.; Flors, A.; Sim, S.A.; Collins, C.E.; Ropke, F.K.; Seitenzahl, I.R.; Shen, K.J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6164Z
- The origin of correlations between mass, metallicity, and morphology in galaxies from the EAGLE simulation.
- Zenocratti, L.J.; De Rossi, M.E.; Theuns, T.; Lara-Lopez, M.A.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6180K
- Probing spectral and temporal evolution of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1724-30 with AstroSat.
- Kashyap, U.; Chakraborty, M.; Bhattacharyya, S.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6192S
- Origin of supermassive black holes in massive metal-poor protoclusters.
- Schleicher, D.R.G.; Reinoso, B.; Latif, M.; Klessen, R.S.; Vergara, M.Z.C.; Das, A.; Alister, P.; Diaz, V.B.; Solar, P.A.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6201M
- The velocity distribution of white dwarfs in Gaia EDR3.
- Mikkola, D.; McMillan, P.J.; Hobbs, D.; Wimarsson, J.
- 2022MNRAS.512.6217Y
- Tracing astrophysical black hole seeds and primordial black holes with LISA-Taiji network.
- Yang, Y.; Han, W.-B.; Yun, Q.; Xu, P.; Luo, Z.
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