Monthly Notices of the RAS 508
November(III) 2021

New insight into the formation mechanism of the energetic particle reservoirs in the heliosphere.
He, H.-Q.
The evolving radio jet from the neutron star X-ray binary 4U 1820-30.
Russell, T.D.; Degenaar, N.; van den Eijnden, J.; Del Santo, M.; Segreto, A.; Altamirano, D.; Beri, A.; Diaz Trigo, M.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.
A fast radio burst in a globular cluster: why is this neutron star different from (almost) all other neutron stars?
Katz, J.I.
The rapidly oscillating Ap star γ Equ: linear polarization as an enhanced pulsation diagnostic?
Hubrig, S.; Jarvinen, S.P.; Ilyin, I.; Strassmeier, K.G.; Scholler, M.
Accelerated expansion induced by dark matter with two charges.
Hansen, S.H.
Identification of Sagittarius stream members in angular momentum space with gaussian mixture techniques.
Penarrubia, J.; Petersen, M.S.
Coherent curvature radiation: maximum luminosity and high-energy emission.
Cooper, A.J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.
A model for line absorption and emission from turbulent mixing layers.
Tan, B.; Oh, S.P.
Supplying angular momentum to the jittering jets explosion mechanism using inner convection layers.
Shishkin, D.; Soker, N.
Free-free absorption in hot relativistic flows: application to fast radio bursts.
Kundu, E.; Zhang, B.
Cosmological impact of redshift drift measurements.
Esteves, J.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Pereira, B.G.; Alves, C.S.
Accurate dust temperature determination in a z = 7.13 galaxy.
Bakx, T.J.L.C.; Sommovigo, L.; Carniani, S.; Ferrara, A.; Akins, H.B.; Fujimoto, S.; Hagimoto, M.; Knudsen, K.K.; Pallottini, A.; Tamura, Y.; Watson, D.
PS J1721+8842: a gravitationally lensed dual AGN system at redshift 2.37 with two radio components.
Mangat, C.S.; McKean, J.P.; Brilenkov, R.; Hartley, P.; Stacey, H.R.; Vegetti, S.; Wen, D.
The BIG X-ray tail.
Ge, C.; Sun, M.; Yagi, M.; Fossati, M.; Forman, W.; Jachym, P.; Churazov, E.; Zhuravleva, I.; Boselli, A.; Jones, C.; Ji, L.; Luo, R.
An orbital release model for the Orion BN/KL fingers.
Raga, A.C.; Rivera-Ortiz, P.R.; Canto, J.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.; Castellanos-Ramirez, A.
Optimizing a magnitude-limited spectroscopic training sample for photometric classification of supernovae.
Carrick, J.E.; Hook, I.M.; Swann, E.; Boone, K.; Frohmaier, C.; Kim, A.G.; Sullivan, M.; (The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration)
The KBSS-KCWI survey: the connection between extended Ly α haloes and galaxy azimuthal angle at z ∼ 2-3.
Chen, Y.; Steidel, C.C.; Erb, D.K.; Law, D.R.; Trainor, R.F.; Reddy, N.A.; Shapley, A.E.; Pahl, A.J.; Strom, A.L.; Lamb, N.R.; Li, Z.; Rudie, G.C.
ALMA and NOEMA constraints on synchrotron nebular emission from embryonic superluminous supernova remnants and radio-gamma-ray connection.
Murase, K.; Omand, C.M.B.; Coppejans, D.L.; Nagai, H.; Bower, G.C.; Chornock, R.; Fox, D.B.; Kashiyama, K.; Law, C.; Margutti, R.; Meszaros, P.
Revisiting the luminosity and redshift distributions of long gamma-ray bursts.
Lan, G.-X.; Wei, J.-J.; Zeng, H.-D.; Li, Y.; Wu, X.-F.
When outliers are different.
Katz, J.I.
Properties of Thorne-Zytkow object explosions.
Moriya, T.J.; Blinnikov, S.I.
Linear spectropolarimetric analysis of fairall 9 with VLT/FORS2.
Jiang, B.-W.; Marziani, P.; Savic, D.; Shablovinskaya, E.; Popovic, L.C.; Afanasiev, V.L.; Czerny, B.; Wang, J.-M.; del Olmo, A.; D'Onofrio, M.; Sniegowska, M.; Mazzei, P.; Panda, S.
Cluster assembly times as a cosmological test.
Amoura, Y.; Drakos, N.E.; Berrouet, A.; Taylor, J.E.
Collisional excitation of methylene by molecular hydrogen.
Dagdigian, P.J.
Morphology of solar system scale plasma lenses in the interstellar medium: a test from pulsar scintillation parabolic arcs.
Shi, X.
Surface manifestation of stochastically excited internal gravity waves.
Lecoanet, D.; Cantiello, M.; Anders, E.H.; Quataert, E.; Couston, L.-A.; Bouffard, M.; Favier, B.; Le Bars, M.
The Eddington ratio-dependent 'changing look' events in NGC 2992.
Guolo, M.; Ruschel-Dutra, D.; Grupe, D.; Peterson, B.M.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Schimoia, J.; Nemmen, R.; Robinson, A.
The GOGREEN survey: transition galaxies and the evolution of environmental quenching.
McNab, K.; Balogh, M.L.; van der Burg, R.F.J.; Forestell, A.; Webb, K.; Vulcani, B.; Rudnick, G.; Muzzin, A.; Cooper, M.C.; McGee, S.; Biviano, A.; Cerulo, P.; Chan, J.C.C.; De Lucia, G.; Demarco, R.; Finoguenov, A.; Forrest, B.; Golledge, C.; Jablonka, P.; Lidman, C.; Nantais, J.; Old, L.; Pintos-Castro, I.; Poggianti, B.; Reeves, A.M.M.; Wilson, G.; Yee, H.K.C.; Zaritsky, D.
A flexible subhalo abundance matching model for galaxy clustering in redshift space.
Contreras, S.; Angulo, R.E.; Zennaro, M.
Binaries are softer than they seem: effects of an external potential on the scattering dynamics of binaries.
Ginat, Y.B.; Perets, H.B.
37 new validated planets in overlapping K2 campaigns.
de Leon, J.P.; Livingston, J.; Endl, M.; Cochran, W.D.; Hirano, T.; Garcia, R.A.; Mathur, S.; Lam, K.W.F.; Korth, J.; Trani, A.A.; Dai, F.; Diez Alonso, E.; Castro-Gonzalez, A.; Fridlund, M.; Fukui, A.; Gandolfi, D.; Kabath, P.; Kuzuhara, M.; Luque, R.; Savel, A.B.; Gill, H.; Dressing, C.; Giacalone, S.; Narita, N.; Palle, E.; Van Eylen, V.; Tamura, M.
Spatially resolved star formation and inside-out quenching in the TNG50 simulation and 3D-HST observations.
Nelson, E.J.; Tacchella, S.; Diemer, B.; Leja, J.; Hernquist, L.; Whitaker, K.E.; Weinberger, R.; Pillepich, A.; Nelson, D.; Terrazas, B.A.; Nevin, R.; Brammer, G.B.; Burkhart, B.; Cochrane, R.K.; van Dokkum, P.; Johnson, B.D.; Marinacci, F.; Mowla, L.; Pakmor, R.; Skelton, R.E.; Speagle, J.; Springel, V.; Torrey, P.; Vogelsberger, M.; Wuyts, S.
Plasma properties, switchback patches, and low α-particle abundance in slow Alfvenic coronal hole wind at 0.13 au.
Woolley, T.; Matteini, L.; McManus, M.D.; Bercic, L.; Badman, S.T.; Woodham, L.D.; Horbury, T.S.; Bale, S.D.; Laker, R.; Stawarz, J.E.; Larson, D.E.
2021MNRAS.508..245M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/508/245)
The VMC survey - XLIII. The spatially resolved star formation history across the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Mazzi, A.; Girardi, L.; Zaggia, S.; Pastorelli, G.; Rubele, S.; Bressan, A.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Clementini, G.; Cusano, F.; Rocha, J.P.; Gullieuszik, M.; Kerber, L.; Marigo, P.; Ripepi, V.; Bekki, K.; Bell, C.P.M.; de Grijs, R.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Ivanov, V.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Sun, N.-C.; van Loon, J.T.
On the relation between active-region lifetimes and the autocorrelation function of light curves.
Santos, A.R.G.; Mathur, S.; Garcia, R.A.; Cunha, M.S.; Avelino, P.P.
Statistical tests of young radio pulsars with/without supernova remnants: implying two origins of neutron stars.
Cui, X.-H.; Zhang, C.-M.; Li, D.; Zhang, J.-W.; Peng, B.; Zhu, W.-W.; Wu, Q.-D.; Wang, S.-Q.; Wang, N.; Wang, D.-H.; Yang, Y.-Y.; Diao, Z.-Q.; Ye, C.-Q.; Chang, H.-K.
State transitions of GX 339-4 during its outburst rising phase.
Shui, Q.C.; Yin, H.X.; Zhang, S.; Qu, J.L.; Chen, Y.P.; Kong, L.D.; Wang, P.J.; Zhang, H.F.; Song, J.X.; Ning, B.; Wang, Y.F. ; Chang, Z.; Zhang, P.
FAST early pulsar discoveries: Effelsberg follow-up.
Cruces, M.; Champion, D.J.; Li, D.; Kramer, M.; Zhu, W.W.; Wang, P.; Cameron, A.D.; Chen, Y.T.; Hobbs, G.; Freire, P.C.C.; Graikou, E.; Krco, M.; Liu, Z.J.; Miao, C.C.; Niu, J.; Pan, Z.C.; Qian, L.; Xue, M.Y.; Xie, X.Y.; You, S.P.; Yu, X.H.; Yuan, M.; Yue, Y.L.; Zhu, Y.; Lackeos, K.; Porayko, N.; Wongphecauxon, J.; Main, R.; (The CRAFTS Collaboration)
A comprehensive study of the 2019-2020 flare of OJ 287 using AstroSat, Swift and NuSTAR.
Prince, R.; Raman, G.; Khatoon, R.; Agarwal, A.; Gupta, N.; Czerny, B.; Majumdar, P.
Meteor shower radiant dispersions in Global Meteor Network data.
Moorhead, A.V.; Clements, T.; Vida, D.
Effects of dust particles charged by inelastic collisions and by photoionization on Alfven waves in a stellar wind.
De Toni, L.B.; Gaelzer, R.
From giant clumps to clouds - I. The impact of gas fraction evolution on the stability of galactic discs.
Renaud, F.; Romeo, A.B.; Agertz, O.
Chemical abundances in Seyfert galaxies - VII. Direct abundance determination of neon based on optical and infrared emission lines.
Armah, M.; Dors, O.L.; Aydar, C.P.; Cardaci, M.V.; Hagele, G.F.; Feltre, A.; Riffel, R.; Riffel, R.A.; Krabbe, A.C.
GW Ori: circumtriple rings and planets.
Smallwood, J.L.; Nealon, R.; Chen, C.; Martin, R.G.; Bi, J.; Dong, R.; Pinte, C.
The global 21-cm signal of a network of cosmic string wakes.
Hernandez, O.F.
Gravitomagnetic vorticity generation in black hole accretion discs: a potential spatial constraint on plasma flow stability.
Bhattacharjee, C.; Stark, D.J.
Quantitative comparison of opacities calculated using the R-matrix and distorted-wave methods: Fe XVII.
Delahaye, F.; Ballance, C.P.; Smyth, R.T.; Badnell, N.R.
JexoSim 2.0: end-to-end JWST simulator for exoplanet spectroscopy - implementation and case studies.
Sarkar, S.; Madhusudhan, N.
Global 3D radiation hydrodynamic simulations of proto-Jupiter's convective envelope.
Zhu, Z.; Jiang, Y.-F.; Baehr, H.; Youdin, A.N.; Armitage, P.J.; Martin, R.G.
NuSTAR monitoring of MAXI J1348-630: evidence of high density disc reflection.
Chakraborty, S.; Ratheesh, A.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Tomsick, J.A.; Tombesi, F.; Fukumura, K.; Jaisawal, G.K.
A geostatistical analysis of multiscale metallicity variations in galaxies - I. Introduction and comparison of high-resolution metallicity maps to an analytical metal transport model.
Metha, B.; Trenti, M.; Chu, T.
Progenitor-mass-dependent yields amplify intrinsic scatter in dwarf-galaxy elemental abundance ratios.
Muley, D.A.; Wheeler, C.R.; Hopkins, P.F.; Wetzel, A.; Emerick, A.; Keres, D.
The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: a new candidate and the failed SN fraction with 11 yr of data.
Neustadt, J.M.M.; Kochanek, C.S.; Stanek, K.Z.; Basinger, C.; Jayasinghe, T.; Garling, C.T.; Adams, S.M.; Gerke, J.
Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of the eclipsing binary HIP 7666 with δ Scuti pulsations.
Feng, G.; Esamdin, A.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Niu, H.; Li, C.; Liu, N.; Cang, T.; Michel, R.; Fox-Machado, L.; Wang, L.; Pi, Q.; Bai, C.; Xu, J.; Iskandar, A.; Zeng, X.; Ma, L.
Measuring the vertical response of the Galactic disc to an infalling satellite.
Poggio, E.; Laporte, C.F.P.; Johnston, K.V.; D'Onghia, E.; Drimmel, R.; Grion Filho, D.
Erratum: Year 1 of the ZTF high-cadence Galactic plane survey: strategy, goals, and early results on new single-mode hot subdwarf B-star pulsators.
Kupfer, T.; Prince, T.A.; van Roestel, J.; Bellm, E.C.; Bildsten, L.; Coughlin, M.W.; Drake, A.J.; Graham, M.J.; Klein, C.; Kulkarni, S.R.; Masci, F.J.; Walters, R.; Andreoni, I.; Biswas, R.; Bradshaw, C.; Duev, D.A.; Dekany, R.; Guidry, J.A.; Hermes, J.J.; Laher, R.R.; Riddle, R.
Discovery of a young pre-intermediate polar.
Wilson, D.J.; Toloza, O.; Landstreet, J.D.; Gansicke, B.T.; Drake, J.J.; Hermes, J.J.; Koester, D.
The ABACUS cosmological N-body code.
Garrison, L.H.; Eisenstein, D.J.; Ferrer, D.; Maksimova, N.A.; Pinto, P.A.
Strong scatterings of cold Jupiters and their influence on inner low-mass planet systems: theory and simulations.
Pu, B.; Lai, D.
Radiative MHD simulations of photon bubbles in radiation-supported magnetized atmospheres of neutron stars with isotropic Thomson scattering.
Blaes, O.
Advances in constraining intrinsic alignment models with hydrodynamic simulations.
Samuroff, S.; Mandelbaum, R.; Blazek, J.
High-dispersion spectroscopy of AE Aquarii - II. Evidence of material orbiting the primary star.
Ramirez, S.H.; Echevarria, J.
Gamma-ray burst detection prospects for next generation ground-based VHE facilities.
La Mura, G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Conceicao, R.; De Angelis, A.; Longo, F.; Pimenta, M.; Prandini, E.; Ruiz-Velasco, E.; Tome, B.
Radiation pressure confinement - V. The predicted free-free absorption and emission in active galactic nuclei.
Baskin, A.; Laor, A.
Galaxy assembly bias and large-scale distribution: a comparison between IllustrisTNG and a semi-analytic model.
Hadzhiyska, B.; Liu, S.; Somerville, R.S.; Gabrielpillai, A.; Bose, S.; Eisenstein, D.; Hernquist, L.
Nitrogen evolution in the halo, thick disc, thin disc, and bulge of the Galaxy.
Grisoni, V.; Matteucci, F.; Romano, D.
Galactic bar resonances inferred from kinematically hot stars in Gaia EDR3.
Kawata, D.; Baba, J.; Hunt, J.A.S.; Schonrich, R.; Ciuca, I.; Friske, J.; Seabroke, G.; Cropper, M.
Modelling type 1 quasar colours in the era of Rubin and Euclid.
Temple, M.J.; Hewett, P.C.; Banerji, M.
Point spread function reconstruction of adaptive-optics imaging: meeting the astrometric requirements for time-delay cosmography.
Chen, G.C.-F.; Treu, T.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Ragland, S.; Schmidt, T.; Suyu, S.H.
AGN and star formation at cosmic noon: comparison of data to theoretical models.
Florez, J.; Jogee, S.; Guo, Y.; Cora, S.A.; Weinberger, R.; Dave, R.; Hernquist, L.; Vogelsberger, M.; Ciardullo, R.; Finkelstein, S.L.; Gronwall, C.; Kawinwanichakij, L.; Leung, G.C.K.; LaMassa, S.; Papovich, C.; Stevans, M.L.; Wold, I.
Swift J011511.0-725611: discovery of a rare Be star/white dwarf binary system in the SMC.
Kennea, J.A.; Coe, M.J.; Evans, P.A.; Townsend, L.J.; Campbell, Z.A.; Udalski, A.
On the origin of the Kreutz family of sungrazing comets.
Fernandez, J.A.; Lemos, P.; Gallardo, T.
Spectral separation of the stochastic gravitational-wave background for LISA in the context of a modulated Galactic foreground.
Boileau, G.; Lamberts, A.; Christensen, N.; Cornish, N.J.; Meyer, R.
Erratum: Discovery of multiple p-mode pulsation frequencies in the roAp star, HD 86181.
Shi, F.; Kurtz, D.W.; Holdsworth, D.L.; Saio, H.; Cunha, M.S.; Zhang, H.; Fu, J.; Handler, G.
Neutrino emission from the collapse of ∼104 M Population III supermassive stars.
Nagele, C.; Umeda, H.; Takahashi, K.; Yoshida, T.; Sumiyoshi, K.
Resolving dichotomy in compact objects through continuous gravitational waves observation.
Kalita, S.; Mondal, T.; Tout, C.A.; Bulik, T.; Mukhopadhyay, B.
Mass accretion rates and multiscale halo environment in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies.
Dhoke, P.; Paranjape, A.
Estimating galaxy masses from kinematics of globular cluster systems: a new method based on deep learning.
Kaur, R.; Bekki, K.; Hassan, G.M.; Datta, A.
Constraining the properties of dense neutron star cores: the case of the low-mass X-ray binary HETE J1900.1-2455.
Degenaar, N.; Page, D.; van den Eijnden, J.; Beznogov, M.V.; Wijnands, R.; Reynolds, M.
The two formation pathways of S0 galaxies.
Deeley, S.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Sweet, S.M.; Bekki, K.; Couch, W.J.; Forbes, D.A.; Dolfi, A.
Azimuthal propagation of star formation in nearby spiral galaxies: NGC 628, NGC 3726, and NGC 6946.
Sakhibov, F.; Gusev, A.S.; Hemmerich, C.
Fast galaxy bars continue to challenge standard cosmology.
Roshan, M.; Ghafourian, N.; Kashfi, T.; Banik, I.; Haslbauer, M.; Cuomo, V.; Famaey, B.; Kroupa, P.
On the influence of halo mass accretion history on galaxy properties and assembly bias.
Montero-Dorta, A.D.; Chaves-Montero, J.; Artale, M.C.; Favole, G.
Formation of ring-like structures in flared α-discs with X-ray/FUV photoevaporation.
Vallejo, J.C.; Gomez de Castro, A.I.
Insights into non-axisymmetric instabilities in three-dimensional rotating supernova models with neutrino and gravitational-wave signatures.
Takiwaki, T.; Kotake, K.; Foglizzo, T.
A high occurrence of nuclear star clusters in faint Coma galaxies, and the roles of mass and environment.
Zanatta, E.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; de Souza, R.S.; Blakeslee, J.P.
Core formation in high-z massive haloes: heating by post-compaction satellites and response to AGN outflows.
Dekel, A.; Freundlich, J.; Jiang, F.; Lapiner, S.; Burkert, A.; Ceverino, D.; Du, X.; Genzel, R.; Primack, J.
Chlorine-bearing species and the 37Cl/35Cl isotope ratio in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Dhooghe, F.; De Keyser, J.; Hanni, N.; Altwegg, K.; Cessateur, G.; Jehin, E.; Maggiolo, R.; Rubin, M.; Wurz, P.
2021MNRAS.508.1033S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/508/1033)
Canis Major OB1 stellar group contents revealed by Gaia.
Santos-Silva, T.; Perottoni, H.D.; Almeida-Fernandes, F.; Gregorio-Hetem, J.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Montmerle, T.; Bica, E.; Bonatto, C.; Monteiro, H.; Dias, W.S.; Barbosa, C.E.; Fernandes, B.; Galli, P.A.B.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Kanaan, A.; Ribeiro, T.; Schoenell, W.
Formation of carbonaceous species from irradiated methane and ethane ices with vacuum-ultraviolet light.
Lo, J.-I.; Lu, H.-C.; Peng, Y.-C.; Chou, S.-L.; Cheng, B.-M.
Variable stars in Local Group galaxies - V. The fast and early evolution of the low-mass Eridanus II dSph galaxy.
Martinez-Vazquez, C.E.; Monelli, M.; Cassisi, S.; Taibi, S.; Gallart, C.; Vivas, A.K.; Walker, A.R.; Martin-Ravelo, P.; Zenteno, A.; Battaglia, G.; Bono, G.; Calamida, A.; Carollo, D.; Cicuendez, L.; Fiorentino, G.; Marconi, M.; Salvadori, S.; Balbinot, E.; Bernard, E.J.; Dall'Ora, M.; Stetson, P.B.
2021MNRAS.508.1084K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/508/1084)
Hardness of ionizing radiation fields in MaNGA star-forming galaxies.
Kumari, N.; Amorin, R.; Perez-Montero, E.; Vilchez, J.; Maiolino, R.
A broad-band radio study of PSR J0250+5854: the slowest spinning radio pulsar known.
Agar, C.H.; Weltevrede, P.; Bondonneau, L.; Griessmeier, J.-M.; Hessels, J.W.T.; Huang, W.J.; Karastergiou, A.; Keith, M.J.; Kondratiev, V.I.; Kunsemoller, J.; Li, D.; Peng, B.; Sobey, C.; Stappers, B.W.; Tan, C.M.; Theureau, G.; Wang, H.G.; Zhang, C.M.; Cecconi, B.; Girard, J.N.; Loh, A.; Zarka, P.
Profile changes associated with dispersion measure events in PSR J1713+0747.
Lin, F.X.; Lin, H.-H.; Luo, J.; Main, R.; McKee, J.; Pen, U.-L.; Simard, D.; van Kerkwijk, M.H.
Spectral properties of near-Earth objects with low-Jovian Tisserand invariant.
Simion, N.G.; Popescu, M.; Licandro, J.; Vaduvescu, O.; de Leon, J.; Gherase, R.M.
Inelastic rate coefficients for collisions of C4H with H2.
Balanca, C.; Quintas-Sanchez, E.; Dawes, R.; Dumouchel, F.; Lique, F.; Feautrier, N.
The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: N6946-BH1, still no star.
Basinger, C.M.; Kochanek, C.S.; Adams, S.M.; Dai, X.; Stanek, K.Z.
On the scarcity of redshifted OH and millimetre-band molecular absorption.
Curran, S.J.
Extremely efficient mergers of intermediate-mass black hole binaries in nucleated dwarf galaxies.
Khan, F.M.; Holley-Bockelmann, K.
The causal effect of environment on halo mass and concentration.
Cadiou, C.; Pontzen, A.; Peiris, H.V.; Lucie-Smith, L.
2021MNRAS.508.1195P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/508/1195)
MIGHTEE-H I: the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation over the last billion years.
Ponomareva, A.A.; Mulaudzi, W.; Maddox, N.; Frank, B.S.; Jarvis, M.J.; Di Teodoro, E.M.; Glowacki, M.; Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Oosterloo, T.A.; Adams, E.A.K.; Pan, H.; Prandoni, I.; Rajohnson, S.H.A.; Sinigaglia, F.; Adams, N.J.; Heywood, I.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Hatfield, P.W.; Collier, J.D.; Sekhar, S.
2021MNRAS.508.1206J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/508/1206)
Galaxy cluster cores as seen with VLT/MUSE: New strong-lensing analyses of RX J2129.4 + 0009, MS 0451.6 - 0305, and MACS J2129.4 - 0741.
Jauzac, M.; Klein, B.; Kneib, J.-P.; Richard, J.; Rexroth, M.; Schafer, C.; Verdier, A.
Detailed elemental abundances of binary stars: searching for signatures of planet formation and atomic diffusion.
Liu, F.; Bitsch, B.; Asplund, M.; Liu, B.-B.; Murphy, M.T.; Yong, D.; Ting, Y.-S.; Feltzing, S.
GRMHD simulations of BH activation by small scale magnetic loops: formation of striped jets and active coronae.
Chashkina, A.; Bromberg, O.; Levinson, A.
Lensing magnification: gravitational waves from coalescing stellar-mass binary black holes.
Shan, X.; Wei, C.; Hu, B.
Extracting the astrophysics of reionization from the Lyα forest power spectrum: a first forecast.
Montero-Camacho, P.; Mao, Y.
Halo cluster shapes: insights from simulated galaxies and ICL with prospects for weak lensing applications.
Gonzalez, E.J.; Ragone-Figueroa, C.; Donzelli, C.J.; Makler, M.; Garcia Lambas, D.; Granato, G.L.
Turbulent transport of radiation in the solar convective zone.
Rogachevskii, I.; Kleeorin, N.
Detection of a parsec-scale jet in a radio-quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy with highly accreting supermassive black hole.
Yao, S.; Yang, X.; Gu, M.; An, T.; Yang, J.; Ho, L.C.; Liu, X.; Wang, R.; Wu, X.-B.; Yuan, W.
Observations of interplanetary scintillation of the 2005 May 13 coronal mass ejection: numerical models.
Chang, O.; Gonzalez, R.F.; Bisi, M.M.; Fallows, R.A.
The origin of Galactic cosmic rays as revealed by their composition.
Tatischeff, V.; Raymond, J.C.; Duprat, J.; Gabici, S.; Recchia, S.
Self-calibrating the look-elsewhere effect: fast evaluation of the statistical significance using peak heights.
Bayer, A.E.; Seljak, U.; Robnik, J.
Deep learning for estimating parameters of gravitational waves.
Singh, S.; Singh, A.; Prajapati, A.; Pathak, K.N.
Magnetic fields in elliptical galaxies: using the Laing-Garrington effect in radio galaxies and polarized emission from background radio sources.
Shah, H.; Seta, A.
Parameters of the X-ray binary system Scorpius X-1.
Cherepashchuk, A.M.; Khruzina, T.S.; Bogomazov, A.I.
Conservation of radial actions in time-dependent spherical potentials.
Burger, J.D.; Penarrubia, J.; Zavala, J.
The MOSDEF survey: the dependence of H α-to-UV SFR ratios on SFR and size at z ∼ 2.
Fetherolf, T.; Reddy, N.A.; Shapley, A.E.; Kriek, M.; Siana, B.; Coil, A.L.; Mobasher, B.; Freeman, W.R.; Sanders, R.L.; Price, S.H.; Shivaei, I.; Azadi, M.; de Groot, L.; Leung, G.C.K.; Zick, T.O.
Gamma-ray blazar variability: new statistical methods of time-flux distributions.
Duda, J.; Bhatta, G.
Resolving local and global kinematic signatures of satellite mergers with billion particle simulations.
Hunt, J.A.S.; Stelea, I.A.; Johnston, K.V.; Gandhi, S.S.; Laporte, C.F.P.; Bedorf, J.
Period-age-metallicity and period-age-colour-metallicity relations for classical Cepheids: an application to the Gaia EDR3 sample.
De Somma, G.; Marconi, M.; Cassisi, S.; Ripepi, V.; Pietrinferni, A.; Molinaro, R.; Leccia, S.; Musella, I.
Selecting accreted populations: metallicity, elemental abundances, and ages of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus and Sequoia populations.
Feuillet, D.K.; Sahlholdt, C.L.; Feltzing, S.; Casagrande, L.
The Pristine survey XIII: uncovering the very metal-poor tail of the thin disc.
Fernandez-Alvar, E.; Kordopatis, G.; Hill, V.; Starkenburg, E.; Viswanathan, A.; Martin, N.F.; Thomas, G.F.; Navarro, J.F.; Malhan, K.; Sestito, F.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Carlberg, R.G.
Modelling the insertion of O(1D) into methane on the surface of interstellar ice mantles.
Carder, J.T.; Ochs, W.; Herbst, E.
Stellar hardening of massive black hole binaries: the impact of the host rotation.
Varisco, L.; Bortolas, E.; Dotti, M.; Sesana, A.
Effects of non-vanishing dark matter pressure in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Boshkayev, K.; Konysbayev, T.; Kurmanov, E.; Luongo, O.; Malafarina, D.; Mutalipova, K.; Zhumakhanova, G.
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