Monthly Notices of the RAS 505
July(III) 2021
- 2021MNRAS.505L...1S
- Resolving star-forming clumps in a z ∼ 2 lensed galaxy: a pixelated Bayesian approach.
- Sharma, S.; Richard, J.; Yuan, T.; Patricio, V.; Kewley, L.; Rigby, J.R.; Gupta, A.; Leethochawalit, N.
- 2021MNRAS.505L...6S
- The slow rise and recovery of the 2019 Crab pulsar glitch.
- Shaw, B.; Keith, M.J.; Lyne, A.G.; Mickaliger, M.B.; Stappers, B.W.; Turner, J.D.; Weltevrede, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..11K
- Discovery of a new extragalactic circular radio source with ASKAP: ORC J0102-2450.
- Koribalski, B.S.; Norris, R.P.; Andernach, H.; Rudnick, L.; Shabala, S.; Filipovic, M.; Lenc, E.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..16S
- Radial differential rotation of solar corona using radio emissions.
- Singh, V.K.; Chandra, S.; Thomas, S.; Sharma, S.K.; Vats, H.O.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..21T
- Formation of eccentric gas discs from sublimating or partially disrupted asteroids orbiting white dwarfs.
- Trevascus, D.; Price, D.J.; Nealon, R.; Liptai, D.; Manser, C.J.; Veras, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..26J
- Interpreting the spectral lags of single-pulsed gamma-ray bursts via the photosphere in the jet model.
- Jiang, Y.-G.; Liu, K.-X.; Shao, L.; Li, H.-Z.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..31S
- Evolution of primordial Kuiper belt binaries through a giant planet instability.
- Stone, L.R.; Kaib, N.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..36M
- Gravitational lensing in LoTSS DR2: extremely faint 144-MHz radio emission from two highly magnified quasars.
- McKean, J.P.; Luichies, R.; Drabent, A.; Gurkan, G.; Hartley, P.; Lafontaine, A.; Prandoni, I.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Shimwell, T.W.; Stacey, H.R.; Tasse, C.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..41B
- Late-time radio observations of the short GRB 200522A: constraints on the magnetar model.
- Bruni, G.; O'Connor, B.; Matsumoto, T.; Troja, E.; Piran, T.; Piro, L.; Ricci, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..46E
- The EDGE-CALIFA survey: central molecular gas depletion in AGN host galaxies - a smoking gun for quenching?
- Ellison, S.L.; Wong, T.; Sanchez, S.F.; Colombo, D.; Bolatto, A.; Barrera-Ballesteros, J.; Garcia-Benito, R.; Kalinova, V.; Luo, Y.; Rubio, M.; Vogel, S.N.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..52H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/L52)
- Type Ia supernovae in the star formation deserts of spiral host galaxies.
- Hakobyan, A.A.; Karapetyan, A.G.; Barkhudaryan, L.V.; Gevorgyan, M.H.; Adibekyan, V.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..58C
- The hybrid radio/X-ray correlation of the black hole transient MAXI J1348-630.
- Carotenuto, F.; Corbel, S.; Tremou, E.; Russell, T.D.; Tzioumis, A.; Fender, R.P.; Woudt, P.A.; Motta, S.E.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Tetarenko, A.J.; Sivakoff, G.R.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..64B
- Hinting a dark matter nature of Sgr A* via the S-stars.
- Becerra-Vergara, E.A.; Arguelles, C.R.; Krut, A.; Rueda, J.A.; Ruffini, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..69H
- On the population III binary black hole mergers beyond the pair-instability mass gap.
- Hijikawa, K.; Tanikawa, A.; Kinugawa, T.; Yoshida, T.; Umeda, H.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..74B
- Magnetic dynamos in white dwarfs - I. Explaining the dearth of bright intermediate polars in globular clusters.
- Belloni, D.; Schreiber, M.R.; Salaris, M.; Maccarone, T.J.; Zorotovic, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..79Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/L79)
- Characteristic time of stellar flares on Sun-like stars.
- Yan, Y.; He, H.; Li, C.; Esamdin, A.; Tan, B.L.; Zhang, L.Y.; Wang, H.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..84Z
- The size function of massive satellites from the Re-Rh and Mstar-Mh relations: constraining the role of environment.
- Zanisi, L.; Shankar, F.; Bernardi, M.; Mei, S.; Huertas-Company, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..90R
- Unveiling the singular dynamics in the cosmic large-scale structure.
- Rampf, C.; Frisch, U.; Hahn, O.
- 2021MNRAS.505L..95A
- Nested sampling with any prior you like.
- Alsing, J.; Handley, W.
- 2021MNRAS.505L.100C
- Origin of stellar prolate rotation in a cosmologically simulated faint dwarf galaxy.
- Cardona-Barrero, S.; Battaglia, G.; Di Cintio, A.; Revaz, Y.; Jablonka, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505L.106M
- Evidence for Fe Kα line and soft X-ray lag in NGC 7456 ultraluminous X-ray source-1.
- Mondal, S.; Rozanska, A.; De Marco, B.; Markowitz, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505L.112E
- The minimum rotation period of millisecond pulsars.
- Ertan, U.; Alpar, M.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505L.115Y
- Crater morphology of primordial black hole impacts.
- Yalinewich, A.; Caplan, M.E.
- 2021MNRAS.505....1O
- Investigating lack of accretion disc eccentricity growth in a global 3D MHD simulation of a superhump system.
- Oyang, B.; Jiang, Y.-F.; Blaes, O.
- 2021MNRAS.505...18E
- The asymptotic tidal remnants of cold dark matter subhaloes.
- Errani, R.; Navarro, J.F.
- 2021MNRAS.505...33M
- Spectroscopic quantification of projection effects in the SDSS redMaPPer galaxy cluster catalogue.
- Myles, J.; Gruen, D.; Mantz, A.B.; Allen, S.W.; Morris, R.G.; Rykoff, E.; Costanzi, M.; To, C.; DeRose, J.; Wechsler, R.H.; Rozo, E.; Jeltema, T.; Carrasco, E.R.; Kremin, A.; Kron, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505...45C
- Precise diffusion coefficients for white dwarf astrophysics.
- Caplan, M.E.; Freeman, I.F.
- 2021MNRAS.505...50G
- Numerical simulations of macrospicule jets under energy imbalance conditions in the solar atmosphere.
- Gonzalez-Aviles, J.J.; Murawski, K.; Srivastava, A.K.; Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505...65H
- The morphology of star-forming gas and its alignment with galaxies and dark matter haloes in the EAGLE simulations.
- Hill, A.D.; Crain, R.A.; Kwan, J.; McCarthy, I.G.
- 2021MNRAS.505...88D
- Mode identification and seismic study of δ Scuti, the prototype of a class of pulsating stars.
- Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J.; Pamyatnykh, A.A.; Walczak, P.; Handler, G.; Pigulski, A.; Szewczuk, W.
- 2021MNRAS.505..103G
- A lander radio science experiment for the estimation of the gravity field and rotation of comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro.
- Gao, W.; Yan, J.; Wang, B.; Xi, G.; Ye, M.; Jin, W.; Barriot, J.-P.
- 2021MNRAS.505..116U
- Enormous explosion energy of Type IIP SN 2017gmr with bipolar 56Ni ejecta.
- Utrobin, V.P.; Chugai, N.N.; Andrews, J.E.; Smith, N.; Jencson, J.; Howell, D.A.; Burke, J.; Hiramatsu, D.; McCully, C.; Bostroem, K.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..126B
- A public code for astrometric microlensing with contour integration.
- Bozza, V.; Khalouei, E.; Bachelet, E.
- 2021MNRAS.505..136H
- Deep extragalactic visible legacy survey (DEVILS): stellar mass growth by morphological type since z = 1.
- Hashemizadeh, A.; Driver, S.P.; Davies, L.J.M.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Bellstedt, S.; Windhorst, R.A.; Bremer, M.; Phillipps, S.; Jarvis, M.; Holwerda, B.W.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Koushan, S.; Siudek, M.; Maddox, N.; Thorne, J.E.; Elahi, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505..161S
- A study of the long-term activity of five intermediate polars with accretion discs.
- Simon, V.
- 2021MNRAS.505..172L
- Compaction-driven black hole growth.
- Lapiner, S.; Dekel, A.; Dubois, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.505..191B
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: enhanced star formation in galactic-scale outflows.
- Bao, M.; Chen, Y.; Yuan, Q.; Shi, Y.; Bizyaev, D.; Yu, X.; Feng, S.; Cao, X.; Gao, Y.; Gu, Q.; Yu, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.505..200M
- The evolution of Lithium: implications of a universal Spite plateau.
- Matteucci, F.; Molero, M.; Aguado, D.S.; Romano, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505..207K
- The search for ultraviolet luminous objects in GALEX data.
- Karpov, S.V.; Malkov, O.Y.; Zhao, G.
- 2021MNRAS.505..215R
- The outburst of a 60 min AM CVn reveals peculiar colour evolution: implications for outbursts in long-period double white dwarfs.
- Rivera Sandoval, L.E.; Maccarone, T.J.; Cavecchi, Y.; Britt, C.; Zurek, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505..223D
- The nuclear environment of NGC 2442: a Compton-thick low-luminosity AGN.
- da Silva, P.; Menezes, R.B.; Diaz, Y.; Lopez-Navas, E.; Steiner, J.E.
- 2021MNRAS.505..236L
- Binary-binary close encounters in the Kuiper Belt.
- Lopez, M.C.; Brunini, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..245D
- (6478) Gault: physical characterization of an active main-belt asteroid.
- Devogele, M.; Ferrais, M.; Jehin, E.; Moskovitz, N.; Skiff, B.A.; Levine, S.E.; Gustafsson, A.; Farnocchia, D.; Micheli, M.; Snodgrass, C.; Borisov, G.; Manfroid, J.; Moulane, Y.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Burdanov, A.; Pozuelos, F.J.; Gillon, M.; de Wit, J.; Green, S.F.; Bendjoya, P.; Rivet, J.-P.; Abe, L.; Vernet, D.; Chandler, C.O.; Trujillo, C.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..259J
- Virial shocks are suppressed in cosmic ray-dominated galaxy haloes.
- Ji, S.; Keres, D.; Chan, T.K.; Stern, J.; Hummels, C.B.; Hopkins, P.F.; Quataert, E.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..274C
- Chromospheric activity in 55 Cancri: II. Theoretical wave studies versus observations.
- Cuntz, M.; Schroder, K.-P.; Fawzy, D.E.; Ridden-Harper, A.R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..283F
- Constraints on the dust extinction law of the Galaxy with Swift/UVOT, Gaia, and 2MASS.
- Ferreras, I.; Tress, M.; Bruzual, G.; Charlot, S.; Page, M.; Yershov, V.; Kuin, P.; Kawata, D.; Cropper, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505..293R
- Effects of flares on solar high-degree helioseismic acoustic mode amplitudes.
- Rabello Soares, M.C.; Baudin, F.; Teixeira, V.G.
- 2021MNRAS.505..304C
- The H I and stellar mass bivariate distribution of centrals and satellites for all, late-, and early-type local galaxies.
- Calette, A.R.; Avila-Reese, V.; Rodriguez-Puebla, A.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Catinella, B.
- 2021MNRAS.505..325S
- Rosella: a mock catalogue from the P-Millennium simulation.
- Safonova, S.; Norberg, P.; Cole, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505..339M
- Hierarchical black hole mergers in young, globular and nuclear star clusters: the effect of metallicity, spin and cluster properties.
- Mapelli, M.; Dall'Amico, M.; Bouffanais, Y.; Giacobbo, N.; Arca Sedda, M.; Artale, M.C.; Ballone, A.; Di Carlo, U.N.; Iorio, G.; Santoliquido, F.; Torniamenti, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505..359B
- Observational signatures of eccentric Jupiters inside gas cavities in protoplanetary discs.
- Baruteau, C.; Wafflard-Fernandez, G.; Le Gal, R.; Debras, F.; Carmona, A.; Fuente, A.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505..377R
- The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: N-body mock challenge for galaxy clustering measurements.
- Rossi, G.; Choi, P.D.; Moon, J.; Bautista, J.E.; Gil-Marin, H.; Paviot, R.; Vargas-Magana, M.; de la Torre, S.; Fromenteau, S.; Ross, A.J.; Avila, S.; Burtin, E.; Dawson, K.S.; Escoffier, S.; Habib, S.; Heitmann, K.; Hou, J.; Mueller, E.-M.; Percival, W.J.; Smith, A.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, G.-B.
- 2021MNRAS.505..408K
- On a possibility of transfer of asteroids from the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter to the Centaur zone.
- Kazantsev, A.; Kazantseva, L.
- 2021MNRAS.505..415L
- Mild radial variations of the stellar IMF in the bulge of M31.
- La Barbera, F.; Vazdekis, A.; Ferreras, I.; Pasquali, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..435S
- A spectral survey of WASP-19b with ESPRESSO.
- Sedaghati, E.; MacDonald, R.J.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Hoeijmakers, H.J.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Rodler, F.; Brahm, R.; Jones, M.; Sanchez-Lopez, A.; Carleo, I.; Figueira, P.; Mehner, A.; Lopez-Puertas, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505..459F
- Giant molecular cloud formation at the interface of colliding supershells in the large magellanic cloud.
- Fujii, K.; Mizuno, N.; Dawson, J.R.; Inoue, T.; Torii, K.; Onishi, T.; Kawamura, A.; Muller, E.; Minamidani, T.; Tsuge, K.; Fukui, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.505..480R
- An X-ray and radio study of the Hubble Frontier Field cluster Abell S1063.
- Rahaman, M.; Raja, R.; Datta, A.; Burns, J.O.; Alden, B.; Rapetti, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505..492A
- Galaxy formation with L-GALAXIES: modelling the environmental dependency of galaxy evolution and comparing with observations.
- Ayromlou, M.; Kauffmann, G.; Yates, R.M.; Nelson, D.; White, S.D.M.
- 2021MNRAS.505..515Z
- Classification of periodic variable stars with novel cyclic-permutation invariant neural networks.
- Zhang, K.; Bloom, J.S.
- 2021MNRAS.505..523R
- Black hole magnetic fields and their imprint on circular polarization images.
- Ricarte, A.; Qiu, R.; Narayan, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..540T
- Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): SED fitting in the D10-COSMOS field and the evolution of the stellar mass function and SFR-M relation.
- Thorne, J.E.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Davies, L.J.M.; Bellstedt, S.; Driver, S.P.; Bravo, M.; Bremer, M.N.; Holwerda, B.W.; Hopkins, A.M.; del P Lagos, C.; Phillipps, S.; Siudek, M.; Taylor, E.N.; Wright, A.H.
- 2021MNRAS.505..568B
- Dust changes in Sakurai's Object: new PAHs and SiC with coagulation of submicron-sized silicate dust into 10 µm-sized melilite grains.
- Bowey, J.E.
- 2021MNRAS.505..582Q
- Modelling of atmospheric optical turbulence with the Weather Research and Forecasting model at the Ali observatory, Tibet.
- Qian, X.; Yao, Y.; Zou, L.; Wang, H.; Yin, J.; Li, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.505..593D
- How baryons can significantly bias cluster count cosmology.
- Debackere, S.N.B.; Schaye, J.; Hoekstra, H.
- 2021MNRAS.505..610G
- Resolving the ultraluminous X-ray sources in the Ly α emitting galaxy Haro 11.
- Gross, A.C.; Prestwich, A.; Kaaret, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505..628S
- Information content of higher order galaxy correlation functions.
- Samushia, L.; Slepian, Z.; Villaescusa-Navarro, F.
- 2021MNRAS.505..642L
- Lithium abundances and asteroseismology of red giants: understanding the evolution of lithium in giants based on asteroseismic parameters.
- Lambert, D.L.
- 2021MNRAS.505..649K
- The first measurement of the quasar lifetime distribution.
- Khrykin, I.S.; Hennawi, J.F.; Worseck, G.; Davies, F.B.
- 2021MNRAS.505..663R
- Chemically homogeneous evolution: a rapid population synthesis approach.
- Riley, J.; Mandel, I.; Marchant, P.; Butler, E.; Nathaniel, K.; Neijssel, C.; Shortt, S.; Vigna-Gomez, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..677L
- Quasi-periodic oscillations and long-term orbital period variation of the eclipsing dwarf nova EM Cyg.
- Liu, W.; Qian, S.-B.; Zhi, Q.-J.; Han, Z.-T.; Wang, Q.-S.; Dong, A.-J.
- 2021MNRAS.505..684P
- Submillimetre observations of the two-component magnetic field in M82.
- Pattle, K.; Gear, W.; Redman, M.; Smith, M.W.L.; Greaves, J.
- 2021MNRAS.505..689J
- Constraining the ratio of median pixel optical depth profile around z ∼ 4 quasars using the longitudinal proximity effect.
- Jalan, P.; Chand, H.; Srianand, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..702J
- A highly accreting low-mass black hole hidden in the dust: Suzaku and NuSTAR observations of the NLS1 Mrk 1239.
- Jiang, J.; Balokovic, M.; Brightman, M.; Liu, H.; Harrison, F.A.; Lansbury, G.B.
- 2021MNRAS.505..713J
- Broad-band spectral and timing properties of MAXI J1348-630 using AstroSat and NICER observations.
- Jithesh, V.; Misra, R.; Maqbool, B.; Mall, G.
- 2021MNRAS.505..726R
- A multiline study of the filamentary infrared dark cloud G351.78-0.54.
- Ryabukhina, O.L.; Zinchenko, I.I.
- 2021MNRAS.505..738N
- A partial Lyman limit system tracing intragroup gas at z ≃ 0.8 towards HE 1003 + 0149.
- Narayanan, A.; Muzahid, S.; Johnson, S.D.; Udhwani, P.; Charlton, J.C.; Mauerhofer, V.; Schaye, J.; Yadav, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505..755P
- Magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of young supernova remnants and their energy-conversion phase.
- Petruk, O.; Kuzyo, T.; Orlando, S.; Pohl, M.; Brose, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..771O
- Optical counterparts of ULXs in two dwarf galaxies: NGC 4861 and NGC 4449.
- Ozdogan Ela, M.; Akyuz, A.; Aksaker, N.; Avdan, S.; Akkaya Oralhan, I.; Vinokurov, A.; Allak, S.; Solovyeva, Y.; Atapin, K.; Bizyaev, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505..783F
- Can cosmological simulations capture the diverse satellite populations of observed Milky Way analogues?
- Font, A.S.; McCarthy, I.G.; Belokurov, V.
- 2021MNRAS.505..802S
- Angular momentum and the absence of vortices in the cores of fuzzy dark matter haloes.
- Schobesberger, S.O.; Rindler-Daller, T.; Shapiro, P.R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..830C
- Long-term stellar activity variations and their effect on radial-velocity measurements.
- Costes, J.C.; Watson, C.A.; de Mooij, E.; Saar, S.H.; Dumusque, X.; Cameron, C.; Phillips, D.F.; Gunther, M.N.; Jenkins, J.S.; Mortier, A.; Thompson, A.P.G.
- 2021MNRAS.505..851F
- N-body simulations of dark matter with frequent self-interactions.
- Fischer, M.S.; Bruggen, M.; Schmidt-Hoberg, K.; Dolag, K.; Kahlhoefer, F.; Ragagnin, A.; Robertson, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..869W
- An upper limit for the growth of inner planets?
- Winter, A.J.; Alexander, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505..889Y
- The bursty origin of the Milky Way thick disc.
- Yu, S.; Bullock, J.S.; Klein, C.; Stern, J.; Wetzel, A.; Ma, X.; Moreno, J.; Hafen, Z.; Gurvich, A.B.; Hopkins, P.F.; Keres, D.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Feldmann, R.; Quataert, E.
- 2021MNRAS.505..903C
- The NIRVANDELS Survey: a robust detection of α-enhancement in star-forming galaxies at z ≃ 3.4.
- Cullen, F.; Shapley, A.E.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Sanders, R.L.; Topping, M.W.; Reddy, N.A.; Amorin, R.; Begley, R.; Bolzonella, M.; Calabro, A.; Carnall, A.C.; Castellano, M.; Cimatti, A.; Cirasuolo, M.; Cresci, G.; Fontana, A.; Fontanot, F.; Garilli, B.; Guaita, L.; Hamadouche, M.; Hathi, N.P.; Mannucci, F.; McLeod, D.J.; Pentericci, L.; Saxena, A.; Talia, M.; Zamorani, G.
- 2021MNRAS.505..921S
- The origin of metal-poor stars on prograde disc orbits in FIRE simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies.
- Santistevan, I.B.; Wetzel, A.; Sanderson, R.E.; El-Badry, K.; Samuel, J.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.
- 2021MNRAS.505..939P
- What can be learned from a proto-neutron star's mass and radius?
- Preau, E.; Pascal, A.; Novak, J.; Oertel, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505..947S
- The shape and scatter of the galaxy main sequence for massive galaxies at cosmic noon.
- Sherman, S.; Jogee, S.; Florez, J.; Finkelstein, S.L.; Ciardullo, R.; Wold, I.; Stevans, M.L.; Kawinwanichakij, L.; Papovich, C.; Gronwall, C.
- 2021MNRAS.505..963D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/963)
- Spectroscopic signatures of the vanishing natural coronagraph of Eta Carinae.
- Damineli, A.; Navarete, F.; Hillier, D.J.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Corcoran, M.F.; Gull, T.R.; Richardson, N.D.; Weigelt, G.; Morris, P.W.; Stevens, I.
- 2021MNRAS.505..979A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/979)
- On the precision of full-spectrum fitting of stellar populations - III. Identifying age spreads.
- Asa'd, R.; Goudfrooij, P.; As'ad, A.M.; El-Mir, H.G.; Begum, L.; Aljasmi, A.; Almatroushi, O.
- 2021MNRAS.505..991C
- The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the third and final data release.
- Croom, S.M.; Owers, M.S.; Scott, N.; Poetrodjojo, H.; Groves, B.; van de Sande, J.; Barone, T.M.; Cortese, L.; D'Eugenio, F.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Bryant, J.; Oh, S.; Brough, S.; Agostino, J.; Casura, S.; Catinella, B.; Colless, M.; Cecil, G.; Davies, R.L.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Driver, S.P.; Ferreras, I.; Foster, C.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Lawrence, J.; Leslie, S.K.; Liske, J.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Lorente, N.P.F.; McElroy, R.; Medling, A.M.; Obreschkow, D.; Richards, S.N.; Sharp, R.; Sweet, S.M.; Taranu, D.S.; Taylor, E.N.; Tescari, E.; Thomas, A.D.; Tocknell, J.; Vaughan, S.P.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1017L
- Three-body capture, ejection, and the demographics of bound objects in binary systems.
- Lehmann, B.V.; Ross, O.G.; Webber, A.; Profumo, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1029O
- Multiwavelength monitoring and reverberation mapping of a changing look event in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516.
- Oknyansky, V.L.; Brotherton, M.S.; Tsygankov, S.S.; Dodin, A.V.; Bao, D.-W.; Zhao, B.-X.; Du, P.; Burlak, M.A.; Ikonnikova, N.P.; Tatarnikov, A.M.; Belinski, A.A.; Fedoteva, A.A.; Shatsky, N.I.; Mishin, E.O.; Zheltouhov, S.G.; Potanin, S.A.; Wang, J.-M.; McLane, J.N.; Kobulnicky, H.A.; Dale, D.A.; Zastrocky, T.E.; Maithil, J.; Olson, K.A.; Adelman, C.; Carter, Z.; Murphree, A.M.; Oeur, M.; Schonsberg, S.; Roth, T.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1046X
- Forecasting solar cycle 25 using comprehensive precursor combination and multiple regression technique.
- Xiong, Y.; Lu, J.; Zhao, K.; Sun, M.; Gao, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1053W
- SpaceHub: A high-performance gravity integration toolkit for few-body problems in astrophysics.
- Wang, Y.-H.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Liu, B.; Perna, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1071M
- Emission lines from X-ray illuminated accretion disc in black hole binaries.
- Mondal, S.; Adhikari, T.P.; Singh, C.B.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1083G
- The in situ formation of molecular and warm ionized gas triggered by hot galactic outflows.
- Girichidis, P.; Naab, T.; Walch, S.; Berlok, T.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1105E
- A novel bivariate autoregressive model for predicting and forecasting irregularly observed time series.
- Elorrieta, F.; Eyheramendy, S.; Palma, W.; Ojeda, C.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1117S
- The evolution of the UV luminosity and stellar mass functions of Lyman-α emitters from z ∼ 2 to z ∼ 6.
- Santos, S.; Sobral, D.; Butterworth, J.; Paulino-Afonso, A.; Ribeiro, B.; da Cunha, E.; Calhau, J.; Khostovan, A.A.; Matthee, J.; Arrabal Haro, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1135F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/1135)
- Population-based identification of H α-excess sources in the Gaia DR2 and IPHAS catalogues.
- Fratta, M.; Scaringi, S.; Drew, J.E.; Monguio, M.; Knigge, C.; Maccarone, T.J.; Court, J.M.C.; Ilkiewicz, K.A.; Pala, A.F.; Gandhi, P.; Gansicke, B.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1153S
- Constraints on the sub-pc environment of the nearby Type Iax SN 2014dt from deep X-ray and radio observations.
- Stauffer, C.M.; Margutti, R.; Linford, J.D.; Chomiuk, L.; Coppejans, D.L.; Demarchi, L.; Jacobson-Galan, W.; Bright, J.; Foley, R.J.; Horesh, A.; Baldeschi, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1162J
- Survival of ALMA rings in the absence of pressure maxima.
- Jiang, H.; Ormel, C.W.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1180B
- Pulsar candidate identification using semi-supervised generative adversarial networks.
- Balakrishnan, V.; Champion, D.; Barr, E.; Kramer, M.; Sengar, R.; Bailes, M.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1195G
- A redefinition of the halo boundary leads to a simple yet accurate halo model of large-scale structure.
- Garcia, R.; Rozo, E.; Becker, M.R.; More, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1206N
- Average annual total sunspot area in the last 410 yr: the most probable values and limits of their uncertainties.
- Nagovitsyn, Y.A.; Osipova, A.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1213R
- Spectral and timing evolution of MAXI J1631-479 during the 2018-19 outburst with NICER.
- Rout, S.K.; Mendez, M.; Belloni, T.M.; Vadawale, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1223P
- The role of the elaphrocentre in void galaxy formation.
- Peper, M.; Roukema, B.F.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1239A
- The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) III: carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the bulge.
- Arentsen, A.; Starkenburg, E.; Aguado, D.S.; Martin, N.F.; Placco, V.M.; Carlberg, R.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Hill, V.; Jablonka, P.; Kordopatis, G.; Lardo, C.; Mashonkina, L.I.; Navarro, J.F.; Venn, K.A.; Buder, S.; Lewis, G.F.; Wan, Z.; Zucker, D.B.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1254K
- Year 1 of the ZTF high-cadence Galactic plane survey: strategy, goals, and early results on new single-mode hot subdwarf B-star pulsatos.
- Kupfer, T.; Prince, T.A.; van Roestel, J.; Bellm, E.C.; Bildsten, L.; Coughlin, M.W.; Drake, A.J.; Graham, M.J.; Klein, C.; Kulkarni, S.R.; Masci, F.J.; Walters, R.; Andreoni, I.; Biswas, R.; Bradshaw, C.; Duev, D.A.; Dekany, R.; Guidry, J.A.; Hermes, J.J.; Laher, R.R.; Riddle, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1268F
- Deep learning Blazar classification based on multifrequency spectral energy distribution data.
- Fraga, B.M.O.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bom, C.R.; Brandt, C.H.; Giommi, P.; Schubert, P.; de Albuquerque, M.P.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1280B
- The Gaia-ESO survey: a lithium depletion boundary age for NGC 2232.
- Binks, A.S.; Jeffries, R.D.; Jackson, R.J.; Franciosini, E.; Sacco, G.G.; Bayo, A.; Magrini, L.; Randich, S.; Arancibia-Silva, J.; Bergemann, M.; Bragaglia, A.; Gilmore, G.; Gonneau, A.; Hourihane, A.; Jofre, P.; Korn, A.J.; Morbidelli, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Worley, C.C.; Zaggia, S.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1293S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/1293)
- Systematic search for long-term transit duration changes in Kepler transiting planets.
- Shahaf, S.; Mazeh, T.; Zucker, S.; Fabrycky, D.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1311H
- Simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations of the newly discovered magnetar - Swift J1818.0-1607.
- Huang, Z.-P.; Yan, Z.; Shen, Z.-Q.; Tong, H.; Lin, L.; Yuan, J.-P.; Liu, J.; Zhao, R.-S.; Ge, M.-Y.; Wang, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1316H
- The observable supernova rate in galaxy-galaxy lensing systems with the TESS satellite.
- Holwerda, B.W.; Knabel, S.; Steele, R.C.; Strolger, L.; Kielkopf, J.; Jacques, A.; Roemer, W.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1324P
- The last migration trap of compact objects in AGN accretion disc.
- Peng, P.; Chen, X.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1334W
- Particle acceleration in shearing flows: the case for large-scale jets.
- Wang, J.-S.; Reville, B.; Liu, R.-Y.; Rieger, F.M.; Aharonian, F.A.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1342M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/1342)
- A revisited study of Cepheids in open clusters in the Gaia era.
- Medina, G.E.; Lemasle, B.; Grebel, E.K.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1367F
- A marginally fast-cooling proton-synchrotron model for prompt GRBs.
- Florou, I.; Petropoulou, M.; Mastichiadis, A.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1382M
- The X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2 (XLS-z2) I: what makes a galaxy a Lyman α emitter?
- Matthee, J.; Sobral, D.; Hayes, M.; Pezzulli, G.; Gronke, M.; Schaerer, D.; Naidu, R.P.; Rottgering, H.; Calhau, J.; Paulino-Afonso, A.; Santos, S.; Amorin, R.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1413P
- Search for gamma rays from SNe with a variable-size sliding-time-window analysis of the Fermi-LAT data.
- Prokhorov, D.A.; Moraghan, A.; Vink, J.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1422K
- The cosmology dependence of galaxy clustering and lensing from a hybrid N-body-perturbation theory model.
- Kokron, N.; DeRose, J.; Chen, S.-F.; White, M.; Wechsler, R.H.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1441G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/1441)
- Independent cosmological constraints from high-z H II galaxies: new results from VLT-KMOS data.
- Gonzalez-Moran, A.L.; Chavez, R.; Terlevich, E.; Terlevich, R.; Fernandez-Arenas, D.; Bresolin, F.; Plionis, M.; Melnick, J.; Basilakos, S.; Telles, E.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1458B
- Strongly lensed cluster substructures are not in tension with ΛCDM.
- Bahe, Y.M.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1464M
- Morphological classification of compact and extended radio galaxies using convolutional neural networks and data augmentation techniques.
- Maslej-Kresnakova, V.; El Bouchefry, K.; Butka, P.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1476H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/505/1476)
- Relations between the asteroseismic indices and stellar parameters of δ Scuti stars for two years of TESS mission.
- Hasanzadeh, A.; Safari, H.; Ghasemi, H.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1485J
- Accuracy versus complexity: calibrating radio interferometer arrays with non-homogeneous element patterns.
- Jones, J.L.; Wayth, R.B.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1495L
- Overstable convective modes in rotating early-type stars.
- Lee, U.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1509S
- The nature of sub-millimetre galaxies I: a comparison of AGN and star-forming galaxy SED fits.
- Shanks, T.; Ansarinejad, B.; Bielby, R.M.; Heywood, I.; Metcalfe, N.; Wang, L.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1530K
- Formation of chiral CO polyhedral crystals on icy interstellar grains.
- Kouchi, A.; Tsuge, M.; Hama, T.; Niinomi, H.; Nakatani, N.; Shimonishi, T.; Oba, Y.; Kimura, Y.; Sirono, S.-I.; Okuzumi, S.; Momose, M.; Furuya, K.; Watanabe, N.
- 2021MNRAS.505.1543H
- Proof of CMB-driven X-ray brightening of high-z radio galaxies.
- Hodges-Kluck, E.; Gallo, E.; Ghisellini, G.; Haardt, F.; Wu, J.; Ciardi, B.
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