Monthly Notices of the RAS 504
June(III) 2021
- 2021MNRAS.504.1555M
- Systematic uncertainties in models of the cosmic dawn.
- Mirocha, J.; Lamarre, H.; Liu, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1565C
- Atomistic simulations of the free-energy landscapes of interstellar chemical reactions: the case of methyl isocyanate.
- Cassone, G.; Saija, F.; Sponer, J.; Sponer, J.E.; Jimenez-Escobar, A.; Ciaravella, A.; Cecchi-Pestellini, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1571H
- Astrocladistics of the Jovian Trojan Swarms.
- Holt, T.R.; Horner, J.; Nesvorny, D.; King, R.; Popescu, M.; Carter, B.D.; Tylor, C.C.E.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1609W
- Chandra large-scale mapping of the Galactic Centre: probing high-energy structures around the central molecular zone.
- Wang, Q.D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1619W
- Measuring cosmological distances using cluster edges as a standard ruler.
- Wagoner, E.L.; Rozo, E.; Aung, H.; Nagai, D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1627C
- X-ray spectroscopy of the starburst feedback in 30 Doradus.
- Cheng, Y.; Wang, Q.D.; Lim, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1644P
- A detailed study of X-ray cavities in the intracluster environment of the cool core cluster Abell 3017.
- Pandge, M.B.; Sebastian, B.; Seth, R.; Raychaudhury, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1657K
- An enquiry on the origins of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy based on APOGEE chemical compositions.
- Kisku, S.; Schiavon, R.P.; Horta, D.; Mason, A.; Mackereth, J.T.; Hasselquist, S.; Garcia-Hernandez, D.A.; Bizyaev, D.; Brownstein, J.R.; Lane, R.R.; Minniti, D.; Pan, K.; Roman-Lopes, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1668Z
- IMF-induced intrinsic uncertainties on measuring galaxy distances based on the number of giant stars: the case of the ultradiffuse galaxy NGC 1052-DF2.
- Zonoozi, A.H.; Haghi, H.; Kroupa, P.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1676N
- Erratum: Magnetohydrodynamical origin of eclipsing time variations in post-common-envelope binaries for solar mass secondaries.
- Navarrete, F.H.; Schleicher, D.R.G.; Kapyla, P.J.; Schober, J.; Volschow, M.; Mennickent, R.E.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1677W
- The structural evolution of isolated galaxies at low redshift in the IllustrisTNG simulation.
- Walters, D.; Woo, J.; Ellison, S.L.; Hani, M.H.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1694R
- Statistical exploration of halo anisotropic clustering and intrinsic alignments with the mass-Peak Patch algorithm.
- Regaldo-Saint Blancard, B.; Codis, S.; Bond, J.R.; Stein, G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1714S
- Solution intervals considered harmful: on the optimality of radio interferometric gain solutions.
- Sob, U.M.; Bester, H.L.; Smirnov, O.M.; Kenyon, J.S.; Russeeawon, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1733S
- Thermal formaldehyde emission in NGC 7538 IRS 1.
- Shuvo, O.I.; Araya, E.D.; Tan, W.S.; Hofner, P.; Kurtz, S.; Pihlstrom, Y.M.; Hoffman, I.M.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1749K
- MERGHERS pilot: MeerKAT discovery of diffuse emission in nine massive Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-selected galaxy clusters from ACT.
- Knowles, K.; Pillay, D.S.; Amodeo, S.; Baker, A.J.; Basu, K.; Crichton, D.; de Gasperin, F.; Devlin, M.; Ferrari, C.; Hilton, M.; Huffenberger, K.M.; Hughes, J.P.; Koopman, B.J.; Moodley, K.; Mroczkowski, T.; Naess, S.; Nati, F.; Newburgh, L.B.; Oozeer, N.; Page, L.; Partridge, B.; Pfrommer, C.; Salatino, M.; Schillaci, A.; Sifon, C.; Smirnov, O.; Sikhosana, S.P.; Wollack, E.J.; Xu, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1759C
- An energy-conserving dynamical model of GRB afterglows from magnetized forward and reverse shocks.
- Chen, Q.; Liu, X.-W.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1772R
- Correlation between optical and γ-ray flux variations in BL Lacs.
- Rajput, B.; Shah, Z.; Stalin, C.S.; Sahayanathan, S.; Rakshit, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1787L
- Artificial intelligence and quasar absorption system modelling: application to fundamental constants at high redshift.
- Lee, C.-C.; Webb, J.K.; Carswell, R.F.; Milakovic, D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1801K
- A lack of constraints on the cold opaque H I mass: H I spectra in M31 and M33 prefer multicomponent models over a single cold opaque component.
- Koch, E.W.; Rosolowsky, E.W.; Leroy, A.K.; Chastenet, J.; Chiang, I.-D.; Dalcanton, J.; Kepley, A.A.; Sandstrom, K.M.; Schruba, A.; Stanimirovic, S.; Utomo, D.; Williams, T.G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1825S
- Noise reduction for weak lensing mass mapping: an application of generative adversarial networks to Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year data.
- Shirasaki, M.; Moriwaki, K.; Oogi, T.; Yoshida, N.; Ikeda, S.; Nishimichi, T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1840C
- Explaining the extended GeV gamma-ray emission adjacent to HESS J1825-137.
- Collins, T.; Rowell, G.; Mitchell, A.M.W.; Voisin, F.; Fukui, Y.; Sano, H.; Alsulami, R.; Einecke, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1854M
- Building the Galilean moons system via pebble accretion and migration: a primordial resonant chain.
- Madeira, G.; Izidoro, A.; Giuliatti Winter, S.M.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1873Y
- Searching for new solar twins: The Inti survey for the Northern Sky.
- Yana Galarza, J.; Lopez-Valdivia, R.; Lorenzo-Oliveira, D.; Reggiani, H.; Melendez, J.; Gamarra-Sanchez, D.; Flores, M.; Portal-Rivera, J.; Miquelarena, P.; Ponte, G.; Schlaufman, K.C.; Vargas Auccalla, T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1888Q
- Interacting galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulations - III. (The rarity of) quenching in post-merger galaxies.
- Quai, S.; Hani, M.H.; Ellison, S.L.; Patton, D.R.; Woo, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1902G
- Ly α as a tracer of cosmic reionization in the SPHINX radiation-hydrodynamics cosmological simulation.
- Garel, T.; Blaizot, J.; Rosdahl, J.; Michel-Dansac, L.; Haehnelt, M.G.; Katz, H.; Kimm, T.; Verhamme, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1927G
- Contribution of statistical site learning to improve optical turbulence forecasting.
- Giordano, C.; Rafalimanana, A.; Ziad, A.; Aristidi, E.; Chabe, J.; Fantei-Caujole, Y.; Renaud, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1939G
- Temporal evolution of prompt GRB polarization.
- Gill, R.; Granot, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1959Z
- Probing possible effects of circumgalactic media on the metal content of galaxies through the mass-metallicity relationship.
- Zhai, S.; Shi, Y.; Chen, J.; Bing, L.; Chen, Y.; Yu, X.; Li, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1969Z
- Magnetic field and activity phenomena of the K2 dwarf V471 Tau.
- Zaire, B.; Donati, J.-F.; Klein, B.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1989W
- On the relationship between gas content, star formation, and global H I asymmetry of galaxies on the star-forming main-sequence.
- Watts, A.B.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.; Power, C.; Ellison, S.L.
- 2021MNRAS.504.1999A
- The stellar mass function and evolution of the density profile of galaxy clusters from the Hydrangea simulations at 0 < z < 1.5.
- Ahad, S.L.; Bahe, Y.M.; Hoekstra, H.; van der Burg, R.F.J.; Muzzin, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2014C
- Confined massive circumstellar shell in type IIL SN 2008fq.
- Chugai, N.N.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2019M
- Characterization of V-type asteroids orbiting in the middle and outer main belt.
- Migliorini, A.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Michtchenko, T.A.; Lazzaro, D.; Barbieri, M.; Mesa, D.; Lazzarin, M.; La Forgia, F.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2033M
- Erratum: Characterization of V-type asteroids orbiting in the middle and outer main belt.
- Migliorini, A.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Michtchenko, T.A.; Lazzaro, D.; Barbieri, M.; Mesa, D.; Lazzarin, M.; La Forgia, F.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2034K
- How does the mass and activity history of the host star affect the population of low-mass planets?
- Kubyshkina, D.; Vidotto, A.A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2051V
- Metallicity-dependent wind parameter predictions for OB stars.
- Vink, J.S.; Sander, A.A.C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2062P
- Extracting the 21 cm EoR signal using MWA drift scan data.
- Patwa, A.K.; Sethi, S.; Dwarakanath, K.S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2073K
- A cool and inflated progenitor candidate for the Type Ib supernova 2019yvr at 2.6 yr before explosion.
- Kilpatrick, C.D.; Drout, M.R.; Auchettl, K.; Dimitriadis, G.; Foley, R.J.; Jones, D.O.; DeMarchi, L.; French, K.D.; Gall, C.; Hjorth, J.; Jacobson-Galan, W.V.; Margutti, R.; Piro, A.L.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A.; Rojas-Bravo, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2094K
- The relativistic binary programme on MeerKAT: science objectives and first results.
- Kramer, M.; Stairs, I.H.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V.; Freire, P.C.C.; Abbate, F.; Bailes, M.; Burgay, M.; Buchner, S.; Champion, D.J.; Cognard, I.; Gautam, T.; Geyer, M.; Guillemot, L.; Hu, H.; Janssen, G.; Lower, M.E.; Parthasarathy, A.; Possenti, A.; Ransom, S.; Reardon, D.J.; Ridolfi, A.; Serylak, M.; Shannon, R.M.; Spiewak, R.; Theureau, G.; van Straten, W.; Wex, N.; Oswald, L.S.; Posselt, B.; Sobey, C.; Barr, E.D.; Camilo, F.; Hugo, B.; Jameson, A.; Johnston, S.; Karastergiou, A.; Keith, M.; Oslowski, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2115G
- Search for dormant black holes in ellipsoidal variables - II. A binary modified minimum mass ratio.
- Gomel, R.; Faigler, S.; Mazeh, T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2122M
- The symbiotic recurrent nova V3890 Sgr: binary parameters and pre-outburst activity.
- Mikolajewska, J.; Ilkiewicz, K.; Galan, C.; Monard, B.; Otulakowska-Hypka, M.; Shara, M.M.; Udalski, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2133N
- The dust mass in Cassiopeia A from infrared and optical line flux differences.
- Niculescu-Duvaz, M.; Barlow, M.J.; Bevan, A.; Milisavljevic, D.; De Looze, I.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2146B
- Recovering the origins of the lenticular galaxy NGC 3115 using multiband imaging.
- Buzzo, M.L.; Cortesi, A.; Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A.; Coccato, L.; Werle, A.; Beraldo e Silva, L.; Grossi, M.; Vika, M.; Barbosa, C.E.; Lucatelli, G.; Santana-Silva, L.; Bamford, S.; Debattista, V.P.; Forbes, D.A.; Overzier, R.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Ferrari, F.; Brodie, J.P.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2168G
- Physical origin of the non-physical spin evolution of MAXI J1820 + 070.
- Guan, J.; Tao, L.; Qu, J.L.; Zhang, S.N.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, S.; Ma, R.C.; Ge, M.Y.; Song, L.M.; Lu, F.J.; Li, T.P.; Xu, Y.P.; Chen, Y.; Cao, X.L.; Liu, C.Z.; Zhang, L.; Wang, Y.N.; Chen, Y.P.; Bu, Q.C.; Cai, C.; Chang, Z.; Chen, L.; Chen, T.X.; Chen, Y.B.; Cui, W.W.; Du, Y.Y.; Gao, G.H.; Gao, H.; Gu, Y.D.; Guo, C.C.; Han, D.W.; Huang, Y.; Huo, J.; Jia, S.M.; Jiang, W.C.; Jin, J.; Kong, L.D.; Li, B.; Li, C.K.; Li, G.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.B.; Li, X.F.; Li, Z.W.; Liang, X.H.; Liao, J.Y.; Liu, B.S.; Liu, H.W.; Liu, H.X.; Liu, X.J.; Lu, X.F.; Luo, Q.; Luo, T.; Ma, X.; Meng, B.; Nang, Y; Nie, J.Y.; Ou, G.; Ren, X.Q.; Sai, N.; Song, X.Y.; Sun, L.; Tan, Y.; Wang, C.; Wang, L.J.; Wang, P.J.; Wang, W.S.; Wang, Y.S.; Wen, X.Y.; Wu, B.B.; Wu, B.Y.; Wu, M.; Xiao, G.C.; Xiao, S.; Xiong, S.L.; Yang, R.J.; Yang, S.; Yang, Y.J.; Yang, Y.J. ; Yi, Q.B.; Yin, Q.Q.; You, Y.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, H.M.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, W.C.; Zhang, Y.F.; Zhang, Y.H.; Zhao, H.S.; Zhao, X.F.; Zheng, S.J.; Zheng, Y.G.; Zhou, D.K.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2181L
- Organic residues in astrophysical ice analogues: Thermal processing of hydrogenated glyoxal ices under interstellar conditions.
- Leroux, K.; Guillemin, J.-C.; Krim, L.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2190E
- Fingerprints of stellar populations in the near-infrared: an optimized set of spectral indices in the JHK bands 0.
- Eftekhari, E.; Vazdekis, A.; La Barbera, F.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2224L
- The impact of line-of-sight structures on measuring H0 with strong lensing time delays.
- Li, N.; Becker, C.; Dye, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2235Z
- On dust evolution in planet-forming discs in binary systems - I. Theoretical and numerical modelling: radial drift is faster in binary discs.
- Zagaria, F.; Rosotti, G.P.; Lodato, G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2253S
- Towards a better understanding of supernova environments: a study of SNe 2004dg and 2012P in NGC 5806 with HST and MUSE.
- Sun, N.-C.; Maund, J.R.; Crowther, P.A.; Fang, X.; Zapartas, E.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2273Y
- Fundamental properties of stars from Kepler and Gaia data: parallax offset and revised scaling relations.
- Yildiz, M.; Ortel, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2286K
- sMILES: a library of semi-empirical MILES stellar spectra with variable [α/Fe] abundances.
- Knowles, A.T.; Sansom, A.E.; Allende Prieto, C.; Vazdekis, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2312D
- VLBI images at 327 MHz of compact steep spectrum and GHz-peaked spectrum sources from the 3C and PW samples.
- Dallacasa, D.; Orienti, M.; Fanti, C.; Fanti, R.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2325S
- Modelling H2 and its effects on star formation using a joint implementation of GADGET-3 and KROME.
- Sillero, E.; Tissera, P.B.; Lambas, D.G.; Bovino, S.; Schleicher, D.R.; Grassi, T.; Bruzual, G.; Charlot, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2346A
- Cosmological magnetogenesis: the Biermann battery during the Epoch of reionization.
- Attia, O.; Teyssier, R.; Katz, H.; Kimm, T.; Martin-Alvarez, S.; Ocvirk, P.; Rosdahl, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2360J
- The Carbon-to-H2, CO-to-H2 conversion factors, and carbon abundance on kiloparsec scales in nearby galaxies.
- Jiao, Q.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2381Y
- Investigating the role of magnetic fields in star formation using molecular line profiles.
- Yin, C.; Priestley, F.D.; Wurster, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2390H
- Erratum: The double quasar Q2138-431: detection of a lensing galaxy.
- Hawkins, M.R.S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2391L
- Evolving ultralight scalars into non-linearity with Lagrangian perturbation theory.
- Lague, A.; Bond, J.R.; Hlozek, R.; Marsh, D.J.E.; Soding, L.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2405A
- Particle acceleration and magnetic field amplification in massive young stellar object jets.
- Araudo, A.T.; Padovani, M.; Marcowith, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2420I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/504/2420)
- Towards a volumetric census of close white dwarf binaries - I. Reference samples.
- Inight, K.; Gansicke, B.T.; Breedt, E.; Marsh, T.R.; Pala, A.F.; Raddi, R.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2443B
- The impact of inhomogeneous subgrid clumping on cosmic reionization - II. Modelling stochasticity.
- Bianco, M.; Iliev, I.T.; Ahn, K.; Giri, S.K.; Mao, Y.; Park, H.; Shapiro, P.R.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2461N
- The surface magnetic activity of the weak-line T Tauri stars TWA 7 and TWA 25.
- Nicholson, B.A.; Hussain, G.; Donati, J.-F.; Wright, D.; Folsom, C.P.; Wittenmyer, R.; Okumura, J.; Carter, B.D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2474K
- The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution - III. The case of τ Sco.
- Keszthelyi, Z.; Meynet, G.; Martins, F.; de Koter, A.; David-Uraz, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2493L
- Disc versus wind accretion in X-ray pulsar GX 301-2.
- Liu, J.; Ji, L.; Jenke, P.A.; Doroshenko, V.; Liao, Z.; Li, X.; Zhang, S.; Orlandini, M.; Ge, M.; Zhang, S.; Santangelo, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2501K
- Imprints of the secondary interstellar hydrogen atoms at 1 AU.
- Katushkina, O.A.; Baliukin, I.I.; Izmodenov, V.V.; Alexashov, D.B.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2509W
- Interpreting the variation phenomena of B2 1633+382 via the two-component model.
- Wang, Y.-F.; Jiang, Y.-G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2517M
- Unravelling the origin of magnetic fields in galaxies.
- Martin-Alvarez, S.; Katz, H.; Sijacki, D.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2535I
- The first Hubble diagram and cosmological constraints using superluminous supernovae.
- Inserra, C.; Sullivan, M.; Angus, C.R.; Macaulay, E.; Nichol, R.C.; Smith, M.; Frohmaier, C.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Vicenzi, M.; Moller, A.; Brout, D.; Brown, P.J.; Davis, T.M.; D'Andrea, C.B.; Galbany, L.; Kessler, R.; Kim, A.G.; Pan, Y.-C.; Pursiainen, M.; Scolnic, D.; Thomas, B.P.; Wiseman, P.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Cawthon, R.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Eifler, T.F.; Finley, D.A.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Giannantonio, T.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Krause, E.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Li, T.S.; Lidman, C.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Martini, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Plazas Malagon, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Roodman, A.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Tucker, D.L.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A.R.; Zhang, Y.; Asorey, J.; Calcino, J.; Carollo, D.; Glazebrook, K.; Hinton, S.R.; Hoormann, J.K.; Lewis, G.F.; Sharp, R.; Swann, E.; Tucker, B.E.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2021MNRAS.504.2550A
- Analytical solutions for radiation-driven winds in massive stars - II. The δ-slow regime.
- Araya, I.; Christen, A.; Cure, M.; Cidale, L.S.; Venero, R.O.J.; Arcos, C.; Gormaz-Matamala, A.C.; Haucke, M.; Escarate, P.; Claveria, H.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2557D
- Testing the role of environmental effects on the initial mass function of low-mass stars.
- Damian, B.; Jose, J.; Samal, M.R.; Moraux, E.; Das, S.R.; Patra, S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2577J
- A unicorn in monoceros: the 3 M☉ dark companion to the bright, nearby red giant V723 Mon is a non-interacting, mass-gap black hole candidate.
- Jayasinghe, T.; Stanek, K.Z.; Thompson, T.A.; Kochanek, C.S.; Rowan, D.M.; Vallely, P.J.; Strassmeier, K.G.; Weber, M.; Hinkle, J.T.; Hambsch, F.-J.; Martin, D.V.; Prieto, J.L.; Pessi, T.; Huber, D.; Auchettl, K.; Lopez, L.A.; Ilyin, I.; Badenes, C.; Howard, A.W.; Isaacson, H.; Murphy, S.J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2603T
- A generative model of galactic dust emission using variational autoencoders.
- Thorne, B.; Knox, L.; Prabhu, K.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2614B
- Revisiting high-order Taylor methods for astrodynamics and celestial mechanics.
- Biscani, F.; Izzo, D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2629C
- Resolved galactic superwinds reconstructed around their host galaxies at z > 3.
- Chen, M.C.; Chen, H.-W.; Gronke, M.; Rauch, M.; Broadhurst, T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2658Y
- An analytical model to kinematically identify thin discs in MaNGA galaxies.
- Yang, M.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Bershady, M.A.; Merrifield, M.; Boardman, N.F.; Drory, N.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2670Y
- Post-merger evolution of double helium white dwarfs and distribution of helium-rich hot subdwarfs.
- Yu, J.; Zhang, X.; Lu, G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2675H
- Radio properties of 10 nearby ultraluminous infrared galaxies with signatures of luminous buried active galactic nuclei.
- Hayashi, T.J.; Hagiwara, Y.; Imanishi, M.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2687N
- Morpho-kinematics of the circumstellar envelope of the AGB star R Dor: a global view.
- Nhung, P.T.; Hoai, D.T.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Darriulat, P.; Diep, P.N.; Ngoc, N.B.; Phuong, N.T.; Thai, T.T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2707G
- White dwarfs with planetary remnants in the era of Gaia - I. Six emission line systems.
- Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; Manser, C.J.; Gansicke, B.T.; Toloza, O.; Koester, D.; Dennihy, E.; Brown, W.R.; Farihi, J.; Hollands, M.A.; Hoskin, M.J.; Izquierdo, P.; Kinnear, T.; Marsh, T.R.; Santamaria-Miranda, A.; Pala, A.F.; Redfield, S.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Schreiber, M.R.; Veras, D.; Wilson, D.J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2727P
- The tidal stream generated by the globular cluster NGC 3201.
- Palau, C.G.; Miralda-Escude, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2742E
- The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - II. The 360° catalogue of clump physical properties.
- Elia, D.; Merello, M.; Molinari, S.; Schisano, E.; Zavagno, A.; Russeil, D.; Mege, P.; Martin, P.G.; Olmi, L.; Pestalozzi, M.; Plume, R.; Ragan, S.E.; Benedettini, M.; Eden, D.J.; Moore, T.J.T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Paladini, R.; Palmeirim, P.; Pezzuto, S.; Pilbratt, G.L.; Rygl, K.L.J.; Schilke, P.; Strafella, F.; Tan, J.C.; Traficante, A.; Baldeschi, A.; Bally, J.; di Giorgio, A.M.; Fiorellino, E.; Liu, S.J.; Piazzo, L.; Polychroni, D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2767L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/504/2767)
- A Chandra survey of z >= 4.5 quasars.
- Li, J.-T.; Wang, F.; Yang, J.; Bregman, J.N.; Fan, X.; Zhang, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2783S
- 3D simulations of photochemical hazes in the atmosphere of hot Jupiter HD 189733b.
- Steinrueck, M.E.; Showman, A.P.; Lavvas, P.; Koskinen, T.; Tan, X.; Zhang, X.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2800I
- Substructures in the core of Abell 2319.
- Ichinohe, Y.; Simionescu, A.; Werner, N.; Markevitch, M.; Wang, Q.H.S.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2811T
- Analytic expressions for geometric cross-sections of fractal dust aggregates.
- Tazaki, R.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2822A
- Optimizing serendipitous detections of kilonovae: cadence and filter selection.
- Almualla, M.; Anand, S.; Coughlin, M.W.; Dietrich, T.; Guessoum, N.; Sagues Carracedo, A.; Ahumada, T.; Andreoni, I.; Antier, S.; Bellm, E.C.; Bulla, M.; Singer, L.P.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2832S
- Numerical simulations of dark matter haloes produce polytropic central cores when reaching thermodynamic equilibrium.
- Sanchez Almeida, J.; Trujillo, I.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2841L
- Erratum: Relaxation of spherical stellar systems.
- Lau, J.Y.; Binney, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2842M
- Evidence of chromospheric molecular hydrogen emission in a solar flare observed by the IRIS satellite.
- Mulay, S.M.; Fletcher, L.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2853H
- Bayesian constraints on the origin and geology of exoplanetary material using a population of externally polluted white dwarfs.
- Harrison, J.H.D.; Bonsor, A.; Kama, M.; Buchan, A.M.; Blouin, S.; Koester, D.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2868P
- Wave dark matter and ultra-diffuse galaxies.
- Pozo, A.; Broadhurst, T.; de Martino, I.; Luu, H.N.; Smoot, G.F.; Lim, J.; Neyrinck, M.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2877C
- AB Aurigae: possible evidence of planet formation through the gravitational instability.
- Cadman, J.; Rice, K.; Hall, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2889D
- Large dust fractions can prevent the propagation of soundwaves.
- David-Cleris, T.; Laibe, G.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2895C
- Long-term measurements of the erosion and accretion of dust deposits on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the OSIRIS instrument.
- Cambianica, P.; Cremonese, G.; Fulle, M.; Simioni, E.; Naletto, G.; Pajola, M.; Lucchetti, A.; Penasa, L.; Massironi, M.; Frattin, E.; Guttler, C.; Sierks, H.; Tubiana, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2911B
- Cosmological cross-correlations and nearest neighbour distributions.
- Banerjee, A.; Abel, T.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2924T
- A MeerKAT view on galaxy clusters: a radio-optical study of Abell 1300 and MACS J1931.8-2634.
- Terni de Gregory, B.; Hugo, B.; Venturi, T.; Bernardi, G.; Dallacasa, D.; Nonino, M.; Makhatini, S.; Parekh, V.; Smirnov, O.M.; Giacintucci, S.; Kale, R.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2940H
- Magnetohydrodynamic convection in accretion discs.
- Held, L.E.; Latter, H.N.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2961S
- Compton scattering in the optically thick uniform spherical corona around the neutron star in an X-ray binary in two conditions.
- Shi, C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2968P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/504/2968)
- The Alma catalogue of OB stars - II. A cross-match with Gaia DR2 and an updated map of the solar neighbourhood.
- Pantaleoni Gonzalez, M.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Barba, R.H.; Reed, B.C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2983T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/504/2983)
- The VMC Survey - XL. Three-dimensional structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud as derived from red clump stars.
- Tatton, B.L.; van Loon, J.T.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Bekki, K.; Bell, C.P.M.; Choudhury, S.; de Grijs, R.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Ivanov, V.D.; Marconi, M.; Oliveira, J.M.; Ripepi, V.; Rubele, S.; Subramanian, S.; Sun, N.-C.
- 2021MNRAS.504.2998S
- I - A hydrodynamical CLONE of the Virgo cluster of galaxies to confirm observationally driven formation scenarios.
- Sorce, J.G.; Dubois, Y.; Blaizot, J.; McGee, S.L.; Yepes, G.; Knebe, A.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3013L
- A kinematic analysis of ionized extraplanar gas in the spiral galaxies NGC 3982 and NGC 4152.
- Li, A.; Marasco, A.; Fraternali, F.; Trager, S.; Verheijen, M.A.W.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3029L
- Optimizing high-redshift galaxy surveys for environmental information.
- Looser, T.J.; Lilly, S.J.; Sin, L.P.T.; Henriques, B.M.B.; Maiolino, R.; Cirasuolo, M.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3058M
- The origin of bulges and discs in the CALIFA survey - I. Morphological evolution.
- Mendez-Abreu, J.; de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Sanchez, S.F.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3074W
- An HST/STIS view of protoplanetary discs in Upper Scorpius: observations of three young M stars.
- Walker, S.; Millar-Blanchaer, M.A.; Ren, B.; Kalas, P.; Carpenter, J.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3084A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/504/3084)
- A machine learning approach for GRB detection in AstroSat CZTI data.
- Abraham, S.; Mukund, N.; Vibhute, A.; Sharma, V.; Iyyani, S.; Bhattacharya, D.; Rao, A.R.; Vadawale, S.; Bhalerao, V.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3092Y
- Measurement on the cosmic curvature using the Gaussian process method.
- Yang, Y.; Gong, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.504.3098P
- The nature of the Eastern Extent in the outer halo of M31.
- Preston, J.; Collins, M.; Rich, R.M.; Ibata, R.; Martin, N.F.; Fardal, M.
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