Monthly Notices of the RAS 503
May(III) 2021
- 2021MNRAS.503.3113M
- Spatially resolved star formation and fuelling in galaxy interactions.
- Moreno, J.; Torrey, P.; Ellison, S.L.; Patton, D.R.; Bottrell, C.; Bluck, A.F.L.; Hani, M.H.; Hayward, C.C.; Bullock, J.S.; Hopkins, P.F.; Hernquist, L.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3134S
- On the interplay of solar wind proton and electron instabilities: linear and quasi-linear approaches.
- Shaaban, S.M.; Lazar, M.; Lopez, R.A.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3145B
- A ring accelerator? Unusual jet dynamics in the IceCube candidate PKS 1502+106.
- Britzen, S.; Zajacek, M.; Popovic, L.C.; Fendt, C.; Tramacere, A.; Pashchenko, I.N.; Jaron, F.; Panis, R.; Petrov, L.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3179K
- Mapping the inhomogeneous Universe with standard sirens: degeneracy between inhomogeneity and modified gravity theories.
- Kalomenopoulos, M.; Khochfar, S.; Gair, J.; Arai, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3194J
- Compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor based on deep neural networks.
- Jia, P.; Ma, M.; Cai, D.; Wang, W.; Li, J.; Li, C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3204V
- Learning to denoise astronomical images with U-nets.
- Vojtekova, A.; Lieu, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Altieri, B.; Old, L.; Chen, Q.; Hroch, F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3216P
- The effects of different Type Ia SN yields on Milky Way chemical evolution.
- Palla, M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3232P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/3232)
- The substructure of the Perseus star-forming region: a survey with Gaia DR2.
- Pavlidou, T.; Scholz, A.; Teixeira, P.S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3243A
- Pair lines of sight observations of multiphase gas bearing O VI in a galaxy environment.
- Anshul, P.; Narayanan, A.; Muzahid, S.; Beckett, A.; Morris, S.L.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3262Z
- How are gamma-ray burst radio afterglows populated?
- Zhang, K.; Zhang, Z.B.; Huang, Y.F.; Song, L.M.; Zheng, S.J.; Li, X.J.; Li, D.; Su, F.F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3279S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/3279)
- The GALAH survey: tracing the Galactic disc with open clusters.
- Spina, L.; Ting, Y.-S.; De Silva, G.M.; Frankel, N.; Sharma, S.; Cantat-Gaudin, T.; Joyce, M.; Stello, D.; Karakas, A.I.; Asplund, M.B.; Nordlander, T.; Casagrande, L.; D'Orazi, V.; Casey, A.R.; Cottrell, P.; Tepper-Garcia, T.; Baratella, M.; Kos, J.; Cotar, K.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Buder, S.; Freeman, K.C.; Hayden, M.R.; Lewis, G.F.; Lin, J.; Lind, K.; Martell, S.L.; Schlesinger, K.J.; Simpson, J.D.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3297C
- Chondrules from high-velocity collisions: thermal histories and the agglomeration problem.
- Choksi, N.; Chiang, E.; Connolly, H.C.; Gainsforth, Z.; Westphal, A.J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3309B
- Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): the inferred mass-metallicity relation from z = 0 to 3.5 via forensic SED fitting.
- Bellstedt, S.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Driver, S.P.; Thorne, J.E.; Davies, L.J.M.; Holwerda, B.W.; Hopkins, A.M.; Lara-Lopez, M.A.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Phillipps, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3326C
- Stellar-mass microlensing of gravitational waves.
- Cheung, M.H.Y.; Gais, J.; Hannuksela, O.A.; Li, T.G.F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3337M
- Determination of strewn fields for meteorite falls.
- Moilanen, J.; Gritsevich, M.; Lyytinen, E.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3351B
- Structured variational inference for simulating populations of radio galaxies.
- Bastien, D.J.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Tang, H.; Bowles, M.; Porter, F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3371B
- Stellar-mass black holes in young massive and open stellar clusters - V. comparisons with LIGO-Virgo merger rate densities.
- Banerjee, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3386B
- Estimation of the modulation level of cosmic rays at high energies.
- Bobik, P.; Putis, M.; Kolesnyk, Y.L.; Shakhov, B.A.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3394C
- Studying galaxy cluster morphological metrics with MOCK-X.
- Cao, K.; Barnes, D.J.; Vogelsberger, M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3414P
- OMC-1 dust polarization in ALMA Band 7: diagnosing grain alignment mechanisms in the vicinity of Orion Source I.
- Pattle, K.; Lai, S.-P.; Wright, M.; Coude, S.; Plambeck, R.; Hoang, T.; Tang, Y.-W.; Bastien, P.; Eswaraiah, C.; Furuya, R.S.; Hwang, J.; Inutsuka, S.-I.; Kim, K.-T.; Kirchschlager, F.; Kwon, W.; Lee, C.W.; Liu, S.-Y.; Lyo, A.; Ohashi, N.; Rawlings, M.G.; Tahani, M.; Tamura, M.; Soam, A.; Wang, J.-W.; Ward-Thompson, D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3434L
- Characteristics of aquatic biospheres on temperate planets around Sun-like stars and M dwarfs.
- Lingam, M.; Loeb, A.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3449R
- Detecting and analysing geomorphological structures in images of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using Fourier transform.
- Ruzicka, B.-K.; Schroter, M.; Pack, A.; Boehnhardt, H.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3460M
- Low-velocity impacts into granular material: application to small-body landing.
- Murdoch, N.; Drilleau, M.; Sunday, C.; Thuillet, F.; Wilhelm, A.; Nguyen, G.; Gourinat, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3472B
- ASASSN-18am/SN 2018gk: an overluminous Type IIb supernova from a massive progenitor.
- Bose, S.; Dong, S.; Kochanek, C.S.; Stritzinger, M.D.; Ashall, C.; Benetti, S.; Falco, E.; Filippenko, A.V.; Pastorello, A.; Prieto, J.L.; Somero, A.; Sukhbold, T.; Zhang, J.; Auchettl, K.; Brink, T.G.; Brown, J.S.; Chen, P.; Fiore, A.; Grupe, D.; Holoien, T.W.-S.; Lundqvist, P.; Mattila, S.; Mutel, R.; Pooley, D.; Post, R.S.; Reddy, N.; Reynolds, T.M.; Shappee, B.J.; Stanek, K.Z.; Thompson, T.A.; Villanueva, S.; Zheng, W.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3492T
- The radio galaxy population in the SIMBA simulations.
- Thomas, N.; Dave, R.; Jarvis, M.J.; Angles-Alcazar, D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3510G
- The effect of systematic redshift biases in BAO cosmology.
- Glanville, A.; Howlett, C.; Davis, T.M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3522M
- Using interstellar clouds to search for Galactic PeVatrons: gamma-ray signatures from supernova remnants.
- Mitchell, A.M.W.; Rowell, G.P.; Celli, S.; Einecke, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3540C
- Formation of millisecond pulsars with helium white dwarfs, ultra-compact X-ray binaries, and gravitational wave sources.
- Chen, H.-L.; Tauris, T.M.; Han, Z.; Chen, X.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3552A
- Gravitational-wave signals from 3D supernova simulations with different neutrino-transport methods.
- Andresen, H.; Glas, R.; Janka, H.-T.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3568K
- A little FABLE: exploring AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies with cosmological simulations.
- Koudmani, S.; Henden, N.A.; Sijacki, D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3592G
- Synchrotron emission from a nearby zone of Sgr A.
- Gogaberishvili, G.; Osmanov, Z.N.; Mahajan, S.M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3596A
- Simultaneous modelling of matter power spectrum and bispectrum in the presence of baryons.
- Arico, G.; Angulo, R.E.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Contreras, S.; Zennaro, M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3610T
- Relationship between magnetic field properties and statistical flow using numerical simulation and magnetic feature tracking on solar photosphere.
- Takahata, K.; Hotta, H.; Iida, Y.; Oba, T.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3617A
- Impact of rotation on the evolution of convective vortices in collapsing stars.
- Abdikamalov, E.; Foglizzo, T.; Mukazhanov, O.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3629D
- Morphological evolution of supermassive black hole merger hosts and multimessenger signatures.
- DeGraf, C.; Sijacki, D.; Di Matteo, T.; Holley-Bockelmann, K.; Snyder, G.; Springel, V.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3643B
- The EDGE-CALIFA survey: self-regulation of star formation at kpc scales.
- Barrera-Ballesteros, J.K.; Sanchez, S.F.; Heckman, T.; Wong, T.; Bolatto, A.; Ostriker, E.; Rosolowsky, E.; Carigi, L.; Vogel, S.; Levy, R.C.; Colombo, D.; Luo, Y.; Cao, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3660P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/3660)
- The Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars survey - V. Preliminary flux tables for the calibration of Gaia DR2 and (E)DR3.
- Pancino, E.; Sanna, N.; Altavilla, G.; Marinoni, S.; Rainer, M.; Cocozza, G.; Ragaini, S.; Galleti, S.; Bellazzini, M.; Bragaglia, A.; Tessicini, G.; Voss, H.; Carrasco, J.M.; Jordi, C.; Harrison, D.L.; De Angeli, F.; Evans, D.W.; Fanari, G.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3677R
- Stability and pulsation of the first dark stars.
- Rindler-Daller, T.; Freese, K.; Townsend, R.H.D.; Visinelli, L.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3692P
- Radio and optical observations of the possible AE Aqr twin, LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9.
- Pretorius, M.L.; Hewitt, D.M.; Woudt, P.A.; Fender, R.P.; Heywood, I.; Knigge, C.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Worters, H.L.; Potter, S.B.; Williams, D.R.A.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3698H
- Astraeus I: the interplay between galaxy formation and reionization.
- Hutter, A.; Dayal, P.; Yepes, G.; Gottlober, S.; Legrand, L.; Ucci, G.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3724P
- MAYONNAISE: a morphological components analysis pipeline for circumstellar discs and exoplanets imaging in the near-infrared.
- Pairet, B.; Cantalloube, F.; Jacques, L.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3743W
- A test of the planet-star unipolar inductor for magnetic white dwarfs.
- Walters, N.; Farihi, J.; Marsh, T.R.; Bagnulo, S.; Landstreet, J.D.; Hermes, J.J.; Achilleos, N.; Wallach, A.; Hart, M.; Manser, C.J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3759B
- BG Ind: the nearest doubly eclipsing, compact hierarchical quadruple system.
- Borkovits, T.; Rappaport, S.A.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Terentev, I.; Omohundro, M.; Gagliano, R.; Jacobs, T.; Kristiansen, M.H.; LaCourse, D.; Schwengeler, H.M.; Vanderburg, A.; Blackford, M.G.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3775M
- Discovery of soft and hard X-ray time lags in low-mass AGNs.
- Mallick, L.; Wilkins, D.R.; Alston, W.N.; Markowitz, A.; De Marco, B.; Parker, M.L.; Lohfink, A.M.; Stalin, C.S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3784P
- Towards a larger sample of radio jets from quiescent black hole X-ray binaries.
- Plotkin, R.M.; Bahramian, A.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Reynolds, M.T.; Atri, P.; Maccarone, T.J.; Shaw, A.W.; Gandhi, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3796D
- Consistency of cosmic shear analyses in harmonic and real space.
- Doux, C.; Chang, C.; Jain, B.; Blazek, J.; Camacho, H.; Fang, X.; Gatti, M.; Krause, E.; MacCrann, N.; Samuroff, S.; Secco, L.F.; Troxel, M.A.; Zuntz, J.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Amon, A.; Avila, S.; Bacon, D.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Choi, A.; Costanzi, M.; Crocce, M.; da Costa, L.N.; Pereira, M.E.S.; Davis, T.M.; Dietrich, J.P.; Doel, P.; Ferrero, I.; Ferte, A.; Fosalba, P.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.G.; Hinton, S.R.; Hollowood, D.L.; Huterer, D.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Morgan, R.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas, A.A.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, E.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Suchyta, E.; Tarle, G.; To, C.; Varga, T.N.; Weller, J.; Wilkinson, R.D.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2021MNRAS.503.3818W
- On-sky measurements of atmospheric dispersion - II. Atmospheric models characterization.
- Wehbe, B.; Cabral, A.; Sbordone, L.; Avila, G.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3828B
- A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images - II. Variable objects in the northern ecliptic hemisphere.
- Baran, A.S.; Sahoo, S.K.; Sanjayan, S.; Ostrowski, J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3848H
- The double quasar Q2138-431: detection of a lensing galaxy.
- Hawkins, M.R.S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3856G
- SALT observations of the supernova remnant MCSNR J0127-7332 and its associated Be X-ray binary SXP 1062 in the SMC.
- Gvaramadze, V.V.; Kniazev, A.Y.; Gallagher, J.S.; Oskinova, L.M.; Chu, Y.-H.; Gruendl, R.A.; Katkov, I.Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3867H
- Galaxy formation in the brane world I: overview and first results.
- Hernandez-Aguayo, C.; Arnold, C.; Li, B.; Baugh, C.M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3886Y
- A compact core-jet structure in the changing-look Seyfert NGC 2617.
- Yang, J.; Paragi, Z.; Beswick, R.J.; Chen, W.; van Bemmel, I.M.; Wu, Q.; An, T.; Wu, X.; Fan, L.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Liu, X.; Wang, W.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3896S
- Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam excavates colossal over- and underdense structures over 360 deg2 out to z = 1.
- Shimakawa, R.; Higuchi, Y.; Shirasaki, M.; Tanaka, M.; Lin, Y.-T.; Hayashi, M.; Momose, R.; Lee, C.-H.; Kusakabe, H.; Kodama, T.; Yamamoto, N.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3913D
- The impact of (n,γ) reaction rate uncertainties of unstable isotopes on the i-process nucleosynthesis of the elements from Ba to W.
- Denissenkov, P.A.; Herwig, F.; Perdikakis, G.; Schatz, H.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3926F
- Critical decay index for eruptions of 'short' filaments.
- Filippov, B.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3931T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/3931)
- Core-collapse, superluminous, and gamma-ray burst supernova host galaxy populations at low redshift: the importance of dwarf and starbursting galaxies.
- Taggart, K.; Perley, D.A.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3953S
- Resolved H I in two ultra-diffuse galaxies from contrasting non-cluster environments.
- Scott, T.C.; Sengupta, C.; Lagos, P.; Chung, A.; Wong,O.I.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3965M
- On the possibility of dust acoustic waves over sunlit lunar surface.
- Mishra, S.K.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3975P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/3975)
- Variability, periodicity, and contact binaries in WISE.
- Petrosky, E.; Hwang, H.-C.; Zakamska, N.L.; Chandra, V.; Hill, M.J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.3992S
- AGN and star formation across cosmic time.
- Symeonidis, M.; Page, M.J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4008C
- Observational constraints on complex quintessence with attractive self-interaction.
- Carvente, B.; Jaramillo, V.; Escamilla-Rivera, C.; Nunez, D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4016B
- On the alignment of haloes, filaments and magnetic fields in the simulated cosmic web.
- Banfi, S.; Vazza, F.; Gheller, C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4032A
- Starburst galaxies strike back: a multi-messenger analysis with Fermi-LAT and IceCube data.
- Ambrosone, A.; Chianese, M.; Fiorillo, D.F.G.; Marinelli, A.; Miele, G.; Pisanti, O.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4050I
- Exploring the tilted accretion disc of AQ Men with TESS.
- Ilkiewicz, K.; Scaringi, S.; Court, J.M.C.; Maccarone, T.J.; Altamirano, D.; Bradshaw, C.W.; Degenaar, N.; Fratta, M.; Littlefield, C.; Shahbaz, T.; Wijnands, R.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4061W
- The effect of aspherical stellar wind of giant stars on the symbiotic channel of Type Ia supernovae.
- Wu, C.; Liu, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, B.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4075G
- The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure - II. The impact of artificial disruption on subhalo mass functions and radial profiles.
- Green, S.B.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Jiang, F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4092B
- Revisiting the Kepler field with TESS: Improved ephemerides using TESS 2 min data.
- Battley, M.P.; Kunimoto, M.; Armstrong, D.J.; Pollacco, D.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4105T
- Lyman-alpha spectroscopy of extreme [O III] emitting galaxies at z ≃ 2-3: implications for Lyα visibility and LyC leakage at z > 6.
- Tang, M.; Stark, D.P.; Chevallard, J.; Charlot, S.; Endsley, R.; Congiu, E.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4118S
- The PAU Survey: narrow-band photometric redshifts using Gaussian processes.
- Soo, J.Y.H.; Joachimi, B.; Eriksen, M.; Siudek, M.; Alarcon, A.; Cabayol, L.; Carretero, J.; Casas, R.; Castander, F.J.; Fernandez, E.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Hildebrandt, H.; Hoekstra, H.; Miquel, R.; Padilla, C.; Sanchez, E.; Serrano, S.; Tallada-Crespi, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4136G
- Classifying stars, galaxies, and AGNs in CLAUDS + HSC-SSP using gradient boosted decision trees.
- Golob, A.; Sawicki, M.; Goulding, A.D.; Coupon, J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4147P
- Multiwavelength mock galaxy catalogues of the low-redshift Universe.
- Paranjape, A.; Choudhury, T.R.; Sheth, R.K.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4163K
- Modelling the UV/optical continuum time-lags in AGN.
- Kammoun, E.S.; Papadakis, I.E.; Dovciak, M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4172H
- Warm millimetre dust in protoplanetary discs near massive stars.
- Haworth, T.J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4183M
- Thermal and non-thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the cavities of the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421: the role of the thermal density in the cavity.
- Marchegiani, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4192B
- A two-step gravitational cascade for the fragmentation of self-gravitating discs.
- Brucy, N.; Hennebelle, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4208S
- Convective core entrainment in 1D main-sequence stellar models.
- Scott, L.J.A.; Hirschi, R.; Georgy, C.; Arnett, W.D.; Meakin, C.; Kaiser, E.A.; Ekstrom, S.; Yusof, N.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4221N
- Effective N-body models of composite collisionless stellar systems.
- Nipoti, C.; Cherchi, G.; Iorio, G.; Calura, F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4231E
- On the zero point constant of the bolometric correction scale.
- Eker, Z.; Bakis, V.; Soydugan, F.; Bilir, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4242R
- Is the Bremer Deep Field reionized, at z ∼ 7?
- Rodriguez Espinosa, J.M.; Mas-Hesse, J.M.; Calvi, R.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4250F
- A natural boundary of dark matter haloes revealed around the minimum bias and maximum infall locations.
- Fong, M.; Han, J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4264M
- Ly α coupling and heating at cosmic dawn.
- Mittal, S.; Kulkarni, G.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4276H
- Simulating the formation of η Carinae's surrounding nebula through unstable triple evolution and stellar merger-induced eruption.
- Hirai, R.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Owocki, S.P.; Schneider, F.R.N.; Smith, N.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4297R
- Photometry and polarimetry of comet 46P/Wirtanen in the 2018 apparition.
- Rosenbush, V.; Kiselev, N.; Husarik, M.; Ivanova, O.; Luk'yanyk, I.; Kleshchonok, V.; Tomko, D.; Kanuchova, Z.; Pit, N.; Antoniuk, K.; Karpov, N.; Savushkin, A.; Zhuzhulina, E.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4309L
- Searching for Mg II absorbers in and around galaxy clusters.
- Lee, J.C.; Hwang, H.S.; Song, H.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4320F
- ALMA-IRDC - II. First high-angular resolution measurements of the 14N/15N ratio in a large sample of infrared-dark cloud cores.
- Fontani, F.; Barnes, A.T.; Caselli, P.; Henshaw, J.D.; Cosentino, G.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Tan, J.C.; Pineda, J.E.; Law, C.Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4336M
- Chemical analysis of the bulge globular cluster NGC 6553.
- Montecinos, C.; Villanova, S.; Munoz, C.; Cortes, C.C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4349W
- Linear systematics mitigation in galaxy clustering in the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data.
- Wagoner, E.L.; Rozo, E.; Fang, X.; Crocce, M.; Elvin-Poole, J.; Weaverdyck, N.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2021MNRAS.503.4363U
- What determines the structure of short gamma-ray burst jets?
- Urrutia, G.; De Colle, F.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4372A
- Rapid-response radio observations of short GRB 181123B with the Australia Telescope Compact Array.
- Anderson, G.E.; Bell, M.E.; Stevens, J.; Aksulu, M.D.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; van der Horst, A.J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Rowlinson, A.; Bahramian, A.; Hancock, P.J.; Macquart, J.-P.; Ryder, S.D.; Plotkin, R.M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4387A
- Magnetic field generation from PBH distributions.
- Araya, I.J.; Rubio, M.E.; San Martin, M.; Stasyszyn, F.A.; Padilla, N.D.; Magana, J.; Sureda, J.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4400D
- Explaining temporal variations in the jet PA of the blazar OJ 287 using its BBH central engine model.
- Dey, L.; Valtonen, M.J.; Gopakumar, A.; Lico, R.; Gomez, J.L.; Susobhanan, A.; Komossa, S.; Pihajoki, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4413M
- The evolution of the galaxy stellar-mass function over the last 12 billion years from a combination of ground-based and HST surveys.
- McLeod, D.J.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Cullen, F.; Carnall, A.C.; Duncan, K.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4436N
- The point spread function reconstruction - II. The smooth PCA.
- Nie, L.; Li, G.; Peterson, J.R.; Wei, C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4446C
- Beyond the hubble sequence - exploring galaxy morphology with unsupervised machine learning.
- Cheng, T.-Y.; Huertas-Company, M.; Conselice, C.J.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Robertson, B.E.; Ramachandra, N.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4466L
- Molecular contrails - triggered contraction by passages of massive objects through molecular clouds.
- Li, G.-X.; Shi, X.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4474Y
- L-GALAXIES 2020: The evolution of radial metallicity profiles and global metallicities in disc galaxies.
- Yates, R.M.; Henriques, B.M.B.; Fu, J.; Kauffmann, G.; Thomas, P.A.; Guo, Q.; White, S.D.M.; Schady, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4496C
- Applying clock comparison methods to pulsar timing observations.
- Chen, S.; Vernotte, F.; Rubiola, E.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4508L
- Dense gas in local galaxies revealed by multiple tracers.
- Li, F.; Wang, J.; Gao, F.; Liu, S.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Li, S.; Gong, Y.; Li, J.; Shi, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4529C
- Asteroseismic analysis of 15 solar-like oscillating evolved stars.
- Celik Orhan, Z.; Yildiz, M.; Kayhan, C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4537F
- Late-time cosmic evolution of dust: solving the puzzle.
- Ferrara, A.; Peroux, C.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4544H
- Optical properties of elongated conducting grains.
- Huang, X.M.; Li, Q.; Li, A.; Chen, J.H.; Liu, F.Z.; Xiao, C.Y.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4551G
- Constraining the state of the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization using MWA 21-cm signal observations.
- Ghara, R.; Giri, S.K.; Ciardi, B.; Mellema, G.; Zaroubi, S.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4563J
- Relative depolarization of the black hole photon ring in GRMHD models of Sgr A* and M87*.
- Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Dexter, J.; Ressler, S.M.; Tchekhovskoy, A.; Baubock, M.; Dallilar, Y.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Drescher, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; von Fellenberg, S.; Gao, F.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Habibi, M.; Ott, T.; Stadler, J.; Straub, O.; Widmann, F.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4576D
- Reconstruction of baryon fraction in intergalactic medium through dispersion measurements of fast radio bursts.
- Dai, J.-P.; Xia, J.-Q.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4581L
- Model-independent calibrations of gamma-ray bursts using machine learning.
- Luongo, O.; Muccino, M.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4601B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/503/4601)
- ALMA-IRDC: dense gas mass distribution from cloud to core scales.
- Barnes, A.T.; Henshaw, J.D.; Fontani, F.; Pineda, J.E.; Cosentino, G.; Tan, J.C.; Caselli, P.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Law, C.Y.; Avison, A.; Bigiel, F.; Feng, S.; Kong, S.; Longmore, S.N.; Moser, L.; Parker, R.J.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Wang, K.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4627U
- A Chandra study of Abell 795 - a sloshing cluster with an FR0 radio galaxy at its centre.
- Ubertosi, F.; Gitti, M.; Torresi, E.; Brighenti, F.; Grandi, P.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4646O
- Evolutionary modelling of subdwarf B stars using MESA with the predictive mixing and convective pre-mixing schemes.
- Ostrowski, J.; Baran, A.S.; Sanjayan, S.; Sahoo, S.K.
- 2021MNRAS.503.4662M
- Flux-density measurements of the high-redshift blazar PSO J047.4478+27.2992 at 4.7 and 8.2 GHz with RATAN-600.
- Mufakharov, T.; Mikhailov, A.; Sotnikova, Y.; Mingaliev, M.; Stolyarov, V.; Erkenov, A.; Nizhelskij, N.; Tsybulev, P.
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