Monthly Notices of the RAS 502
April(III) 2021

A statistical analysis of the nulling pulsar population.
Sheikh, S.Z.; MacDonald, M.G.
Gravitational waves from mountains in newly born millisecond magnetars.
Sur, A.; Haskell, B.
Face-on structure of barlenses and boxy bars: an insight from spectral dynamics.
Smirnov, A.A.; Tikhonenko, I.S.; Sotnikova, N.Y.
How the bar properties affect the induced spiral structure.
Garma-Oehmichen, L.; Martinez-Medina, L.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.; Puerari, I.
AlFoCS + F3D - II. Unexpectedly low gas-to-dust ratios in the Fornax galaxy cluster.
Zabel, N.; Davis, T.A.; Smith, M.W.L.; Sarzi, M.; Loni, A.; Serra, P.; Lara-Lopez, M.A.; Cigan, P.; Baes, M.; Bendo, G.J.; De Looze, I.; Iodice, E.; Kleiner, D.; Koribalski, B.S.; Peletier, R.; Pinna, F.; de Zeeuw, P.T.
2021MNRAS.502.4743H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/4743)
A complete census of circumgalactic Mg II at redshift z <= 0.5.
Huang, Y.-H.; Chen, H.-W.; Shectman, S.A.; Johnson, S.D.; Zahedy, F.S.; Helsby, J.E.; Gauthier, J.-R.; Thompson, I.B.
The kinematic richness of star clusters - II. Stability of spherical anisotropic models with rotation.
Breen, P.G.; Rozier, S.; Heggie, D.C.; Varri, A.L.
2021MNRAS.502.4779P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/4779)
28-40 GHz variability and polarimetry of bright compact sources in the QUIJOTE cosmological fields.
Perrott, Y.C.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Genova-Santos, R.T.; Rubino-Martin, J.A.; Ashdown, M.; Herranz, D.; Lahteenmaki, A.; Lasenby, A.N.; Lopez-Caraballo, C.H.; Poidevin, F.; Tornikoski, M.
Formation of the largest galactic cores through binary scouring and gravitational wave recoil.
Nasim, I.T.; Gualandris, A.; Read, J.I.; Antonini, F.; Dehnen, W.; Delorme, M.
2021MNRAS.502.4815T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/4815)
The properties and environment of very young galaxies in the local Universe.
Trevisan, M.; Mamon, G.A.; Thuan, T.X.; Ferrari, F.; Pilyugin, L.S.; Ranjan, A.
A hot mini-Neptune in the radius valley orbiting solar analogue HD 110113.
Osborn, H.P.; Armstrong, D.J.; Adibekyan, V.; Collins, K.A.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Howell, S.B.; Hellier, C.; King, G.W.; Lillo-Box, J.; Nielsen, L.D.; Otegi, J.F.; Santos, N.C.; Ziegler, C.; Anderson, D.R.; Briceno, C.; Burke, C.; Bayliss, D.; Barrado, D.; Bryant, E.M.; Brown, D.J.A.; Barros, S.C.C.; Bouchy, F.; Caldwell, D.A.; Conti, D.M.; Diaz, R.F.; Dragomir, D.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Dorn, C.; Daylan, T.; Figueira, P.; Helled, R.; Hoyer, S.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jensen, E.L.N.; Latham, D.W.; Law, N.; Louie, D.R.; Mann, A.W.; Osborn, A.; Pollacco, D.L.; Rodriguez, D.R.; Rackham, B.V.; Ricker, G.; Scott, N.J.; Sousa, S.G.; Seager, S.; Stassun, K.G.; Smith, J.C.; Strom, P.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J.; Vanderspek, R.; West, R.; Wheatley, P.J.; Winn, J.N.
Mock light-cones and theory friendly catalogues for the CANDELS survey.
Somerville, R.S.; Olsen, C.; Yung, L.Y.A.; Pacifici, C.; Ferguson, H.C.; Behroozi, P.; Osborne, S.; Wechsler, R.H.; Pandya, V.; Faber, S.M.; Primack, J.R.; Dekel, A.
The cosmic merger rate density of compact objects: impact of star formation, metallicity, initial mass function, and binary evolution.
Santoliquido, F.; Mapelli, M.; Giacobbo, N.; Bouffanais, Y.; Artale, M.C.
Multiplicity among the cool supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds.
Dorda, R.; Patrick, L.R.
Field linkage and magnetic helicity density.
Lund, K.; Jardine, M.; Russell, A.J.B.; Donati, J.-F.; Fares, R.; Folsom, C.P.; Jeffers, S.V.; Marsden, S.C.; Morin, J.; Petit, P.; See, V.
Formation and evolution of protostellar accretion discs - I. Angular-momentum budget, gravitational self-regulation, and numerical convergence.
Xu, W.; Kunz, M.W.
Torsional waves with force-free magnetic fields in solar plasma structures.
Ebadi, H.; Shahmorad, S.; Vasheghani Farahani, S.
Shatter or not: role of temperature and metallicity in the evolution of thermal instability.
Das, H.K.; Choudhury, P.P.; Sharma, P.
Evidence that short-period AM CVn systems are diverse in outburst behaviour.
Duffy, C.; Ramsay, G.; Steeghs, D.; Dhillon, V.; Kennedy, M.R.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Ackley, K.; Dyer, M.; Lyman, J.; Ulaczyk, K.; Galloway, D.K.; O'Brien, P.; Noysena, K.; Nuttall, L.; Pollacco, D.
Density profile evolution during prestellar core collapse: collapse starts at the large scale.
Gomez, G.C.; Vazquez-Semadeni, E.; Palau, A.
Hidden in plain sight: a double-lined white dwarf binary 26 pc away and a distant cousin.
Kilic, M.; Bedard, A.; Bergeron, P.
A thermophysical and dynamical study of the Hildas, (1162) Larissa, and (1911) Schubart.
Chavez, C.F.; Muller, T.G.; Marshall, J.P.; Horner, J.; Drass, H.; Carter, B.
The COS Absorption Survey of Baryon Harbors: unveiling the physical conditions of circumgalactic gas through multiphase Bayesian ionization modelling.
Haislmaier, K.J.; Tripp, T.M.; Katz, N.; Prochaska, J.X.; Burchett, J.N.; O'Meara, J.M.; Werk, J.K.
Red noise and pulsations in evolved massive stars.
Naze, Y.; Rauw, G.; Gosset, E.
How 'cold' are the stellar discs of superthin galaxies?
Aditya, K.; Banerjee, A.
Mildly relativistic magnetized shocks in electron-ion plasmas - II. Particle acceleration and heating.
Ligorini, A.; Niemiec, J.; Kobzar, O.; Iwamoto, M.; Bohdan, A.; Pohl, M.; Matsumoto, Y.; Amano, T.; Matsukiyo, S.; Hoshino, M.
Chromospheric activity in 55 Cancri - I. Results from theoretical wave studies.
Fawzy, D.E.; Cuntz, M.
Spectropolarimetry of low redshift quasars: origin of the polarization and implications for black hole mass estimates.
Capetti, A.; Laor, A.; Baldi, R.D.; Robinson, A.; Marconi, A.
On the environments of giant radio galaxies.
Lan, T.-W.; Xavier Prochaska, J.
Exploring the hydrostatic mass bias in MUSIC clusters: application to the NIKA2 mock sample.
Gianfagna, G.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; De Luca, F.; Sembolini, F.; Cui, W.; Biffi, V.; Keruzore, F.; Macias-Perez, J.; Mayet, F.; Perotto, L.; Rasia, E.; Ruppin, F.
Exploring the epoch of hydrogen reionization using FRBs.
Beniamini, P.; Kumar, P.; Ma, X.; Quataert, E.
2021MNRAS.502.5147M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/5147)
Anomaly detection in the Zwicky Transient Facility DR3.
Malanchev, K.L.; Pruzhinskaya, M.V.; Korolev, V.S.; Aleo, P.D.; Kornilov, M.V.; Ishida, E.E.O.; Krushinsky, V.V.; Mondon, F.; Sreejith, S.; Volnova, A.A.; Belinski, A.A.; Dodin, A.V.; Tatarnikov, A.M.; Zheltoukhov, S.G.; (The SNAD Team)
Rapid destruction of planetary debris around white dwarfs through aeolian erosion.
Rozner, M.; Veras, D.; Perets, H.B.
Do ultracompact dwarf galaxies form monolithically or as merged star cluster complexes?
Mahani, H.; Zonoozi, A.H.; Haghi, H.; Jerabkova, T.; Kroupa, P.; Mieske, S.
τ9 Eri: a bright pulsating magnetic Bp star in a 5.95-d double-lined spectroscopic binary.
Woodcock, K.; Wade, G.A.; Kochukhov, O.; Sikora, J.; Pigulski, A.
Analytical halo models of cosmic tidal fields.
Paranjape, A.
Exact solution of one-dimensional relativistic jet with relativistic equation of state.
Joshi, R.K.; Chattopadhyay, I.; Ryu, D.; Yadav, L.
Broad-band study of OQ 334 during its flaring state.
Prince, R.; Khatoon, R.; Stalin, C.S.
Extracting H I astrophysics from interferometric intensity mapping.
Chen, Z.; Wolz, L.; Spinelli, M.; Murray, S.G.
Critical spin periods of sub-km-sized cohesive rubble-pile asteroids: dependences on material parameters.
Hu, S.; Richardson, D.C.; Zhang, Y.; Ji, J.
Mapping exomoon trajectories around Earth-like exoplanets.
Zotos, E.E.; Papadakis, K.E.; Wageh, S.
Relative occurrence rates of terrestrial planets orbiting FGK stars.
Jin, S.
The auto- and cross-angular power spectrum of the Cas A supernova remnant in radio and X-ray.
Saha, P.; Bharadwaj, S.; Chakravorty, S.; Roy, N.; Choudhuri, S.; Gunther, H.M.; Smith, R.K.
Constraining protoplanetary disc accretion and young planets using ALMA kinematic observations.
Rabago, I.; Zhu, Z.
Non-thermal radio supernova remnants of exiled Wolf-Rayet stars.
Meyer, D.M.-A.; Pohl, M.; Petrov, M.; Oskinova, L.
Rotational excitation of highly excited H2O by H2.
Zoltowski, M.; Lique, F.; Karska, A.; Zuchowski, P.S.
Stability time-scale prediction for main-belt asteroids using neural networks.
Liu, C.; Gong, S.; Li, J.
The formation of isolated ultradiffuse galaxies in ROMULUS25.
Wright, A.C.; Tremmel, M.; Brooks, A.M.; Munshi, F.; Nagai, D.; Sharma, R.S.; Quinn, T.R.
A ∼75 per cent occurrence rate of debris discs around F stars in the β Pic moving group.
Pawellek, N.; Wyatt, M.; Matra, L.; Kennedy, G.; Yelverton6, B.
The sensitivity of stellar feedback to IMF averaging versus IMF sampling in galaxy formation simulations.
Smith, M.C.
A circular polarization survey for radio stars with the Australian SKA Pathfinder.
Pritchard, J.; Murphy, T.; Zic, A.; Lynch, C.; Heald, G.; Kaplan, D.L.; Anderson, C.; Banfield, J.; Hale, C.; Hotan, A.; Lenc, E.; Leung, J.K.; McConnell, D.; Moss, V.A.; Raja, W.; Stewart, A.J.; Whiting, M.
Distances to Galactic X-ray binaries with Gaia DR2.
Arnason, R.M.; Papei, H.; Barmby, P.; Bahramian, A.; Gorski, M.D.
Erratum: Study of the low-order Δν-ρ- relation for moderately-rotating δ Scuti stars and its impact on their characterization.
Rodriguez-Martin, J.E.; Garcia Hernandez, A.; Suarez, J.C.; Rodon, J.R.
Very low-frequency oscillations from the 11 Hz pulsar in Terzan 5: frame dragging back on the table.
du Buisson, L.; Motta, S.; Fender, R.
Angular momentum evolution can be predicted from cosmological initial conditions.
Cadiou, C.; Pontzen, A.; Peiris, H.V.
Probing within the Bondi radius of the ultramassive black hole in NGC 1600.
Runge, J.; Walker, S.A.
Counts-in-cells of subhaloes in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the role of baryonic physics.
Dantas, C.C.
SDSS-IV MaNGA: radial gradients in stellar population properties of early-type and late-type galaxies.
Parikh, T.; Thomas, D.; Maraston, C.; Westfall, K.B.; Andrews, B.H.; Boardman, N.F.; Drory, N.; Oyarzun, G.
Deviations from tidal torque theory: Evolution of the halo spin-filament alignment.
Lopez, P.; Cautun, M.; Paz, D.; Merchan, M.; van de Weygaert, R.
frost: a momentum-conserving CUDA implementation of a hierarchical fourth-order forward symplectic integrator.
Rantala, A.; Naab, T.; Springel, V.
Cosmology with the Einstein telescope: No Slip Gravity model and redshift specifications.
Mitra, A.; Mifsud, J.; Mota, D.F.; Parkinson, D.
How can LISA probe a population of GW190425-like binary neutron stars in the Milky Way?
Korol, V.; Safarzadeh, M.
Flip mechanism of Jupiter-crossing orbits in the non-hierarchical triple system.
Li, M.; Lei, H.; Huang, Y.; Gong, S.
κTNG: effect of baryonic processes on weak lensing with IllustrisTNG simulations.
Osato, K.; Liu, J.; Haiman, Z.
Lifetimes and rotation within the solar mean magnetic field.
Ross, E.; Chaplin, W.J.; Hale, S.J.; Howe, R.; Elsworth, Y.P.; Davies, G.R.; Nielsen, M.B.
Shape noise and dispersion in precision weak lensing.
Gurri, P.; Taylor, E.N.; Fluke, C.J.
Are there radio-loud and radio-quiet gamma-ray bursts?
Osborne, J.A.; Bagheri, F.; Shahmoradi, A.
Microlensing predictions: impact of Galactic disc dynamical models.
Yang, H.; Mao, S.; Zang, W.; Zhang, X.
Impact of photochemical hazes and gases on exoplanet atmospheric thermal structure.
Lavvas, P.; Arfaux, A.
Synchronized periodic maser flares of multiple OH and CH3OH lines in G323.459-0.079.
MacLeod, G.C.; Smits, D.P.; Green, J.A.; van den Heever, S.P.
2021MNRAS.502.5668V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/5668)
Determination of the superoutburst cycle lengths of 206 SU UMa-type dwarf novae.
Vogt, N.; Puebla, E.C.; Contreras-Quijada, A.
Reference wavelengths of Si II, C II, Fe I, and Ni II for quasar absorption spectroscopy.
Nave, G.; Clear, C.
Chemo-kinematics of the Gaia RR Lyrae: the halo and the disc.
Iorio, G.; Belokurov, V.
2021MNRAS.502.5711N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/5711)
H I global scaling relations in the WISE-WHISP survey.
Naluminsa, E.; Elson, E.C.; Jarrett, T.H.
Magnetogenesis around the first galaxies: the impact of different field seeding processes on galaxy formation.
Garaldi, E.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.
The massive M31 cluster G1: detailed chemical abundances from integrated light spectroscopy.
Sakari, C.M.; Shetrone, M.D.; McWilliam, A.; Wallerstein, G.
The effect of emission lines on the performance of photometric redshift estimation algorithms.
Csornyei, G.; Dobos, L.; Csabai, I.
Dust traps and the formation of cavities in transition discs: a millimetre to sub-millimetre comparison survey.
Norfolk, B.J.; Maddison, S.T.; Pinte, C.; van der Marel, N.; Booth, R.A.; Francis, L.; Gonzalez, J.-F.; Menard, F.; Wright, C.M.; van der Plas, G.; Garg, H.
Radiatively-driven black hole winds revisited.
Yamamoto, R.; Fukue, J.
Impact of magnetic activity on inferred stellar properties of main-sequence Sun-like stars.
Thomas, A.E.L.; Chaplin, W.J.; Basu, S.; Rendle, B.; Davies, G.; Miglio, A.
The theory of cosmic ray scattering on pre-existing MHD modes meets data.
Fornieri, O.; Gaggero, D.; Cerri, S.S.; De La Torre Luque, P.; Gabici, S.
Gaussian process modelling for improved resolution in Faraday depth reconstruction.
Ndiritu, S.W.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Tabb, D.L.; Carcamo, M.; Hanson, J.
Erratum: Dissecting the turbulent weather driven by mechanical AGN feedback.
Wittor, D.; Gaspari, M.
Rotation of the convective core in γ Dor stars measured by dips in period spacings of g modes coupled with inertial modes.
Saio, H.; Takata, M.; Lee, U.; Li, G.; Van Reeth, T.
On the origin of GeV spectral break for Fermi blazars: 3C 454.3.
Kang, S.-J.; Zheng, Y.-G.; Wu, Q.; Chen, L.; Yin, Y.
The delay time distribution of Type-Ia supernovae in galaxy clusters: the impact of extended star-formation histories.
Freundlich, J.; Maoz, D.
Do dense molecular cores with broad emission spectra at |l| ≃ 5.4°, |b| ≃ 0.4° trace the Galactic bar? A multimolecular line study from HOPS.
Akhter, S.; Cunningham, M.R.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Nawaz, M.A.; Jones, P.A.; Walsh, A.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.; Falceta-Goncalves, D.
The number of globular clusters around the iconic UDG DF44 is as expected for dwarf galaxies.
Saifollahi, T.; Trujillo, I.; Beasley, M.A.; Peletier, R.F.; Knapen, J.H.
The physics of gas phase metallicity gradients in galaxies.
Sharda, P.; Krumholz, M.R.; Wisnioski, E.; Forbes, J.C.; Federrath, C.; Acharyya, A.
The AGN-galaxy-halo connection: the distribution of AGN host halo masses to z = 2.5.
Aird, J.; Coil, A.L.
Probing the physical properties of the intergalactic medium using gamma-ray bursts.
Dalton, T.; Morris, S.L.; Fumagalli, M.
Reconstructing three-dimensional densities from two-dimensional observations of molecular gas.
Hu, Z.; Krumholz, M.R.; Federrath, C.; Pokhrel, R.; Gutermuth, R.A.
Dark energy survey year 1 results: Constraining baryonic physics in the Universe.
Huang, H.-J.; Eifler, T.; Mandelbaum, R.; Bernstein, G.M.; Chen, A.; Choi, A.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Huterer, D.; Krause, E.; Rozo, E.; Singh, S.; Bridle, S.; DeRose, J.; Elvin-Poole, J.; Fang, X.; Friedrich, O.; Gatti, M.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gruen, D.; Hartley, W.; Hoyle, B.; Jarvis, M.; MacCrann, N.; Miranda, V.; Rau, M.; Prat, J.; Sanchez, C.; Samuroff, S.; Troxel, M.; Zuntz, J.; Abbott, T.; Aguena, M.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Becker, M.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; da Costa, L.; De Vicente, J.; Dietrich, J.; Doel, P.; Everett, S.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Gruendl, R.; Gutierrez, G.; Hinton, S.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.; Kuehn, K.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.; Marshall, J.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Malagon, A.P.; Romer, K.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.H.; Weller, J.; (The DES Collaboration)
Absolute parameters of young stars: V puppis.
Budding, E.; Love, T.; Blackford, M.G.; Banks, T.; Rhodes, M.J.
MMT spectroscopy of Lyman-alpha at z ≃ 7: evidence for accelerated reionization around massive galaxies.
Endsley, R.; Stark, D.P.; Charlot, S.; Chevallard, J.; Robertson, B.; Bouwens, R.J.; Stefanon, M.
Out of sight, out of mind? The impact of correlated clustering in substructure lensing.
Lazar, A.; Bullock, J.S.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Feldmann, R.; Catmabacak, O.; Moustakas, L.
2021MNRAS.502.6080O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/6080)
New members of Cygnus OB2 from Gaia DR2.
Orellana, R.B.; De Biasi, M.S.; Paiz, L.G.
On the radio frequency dependence of the pulse delay phenomenon in PSR B0943+10.
Suleymanova, S.A.; Kazantsev, A.N.; Rankin, J.M.; Logvinenko, S.V.
A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters III: observable-mass scaling relations in f(R) gravity.
Mitchell, M.A.; Arnold, C.; Li, B.
2021MNRAS.502.6117C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/6117)
A faint companion around CrA-9: protoplanet or obscured binary?
Christiaens, V.; Ubeira-Gabellini, M.-G.; Canovas, H.; Delorme, P.; Pairet, B.; Absil, O.; Casassus, S.; Girard, J.H.; Zurlo, A.; Aoyama, Y.; Marleau, G.-D.; Spina, L.; van der Marel, N.; Cieza, L.; Lodato, G.; Perez, S.; Pinte, C.; Price, D.J.; Reggiani, M.
Determining the range of validity of quasar X-ray and UV flux measurements for constraining cosmological model parameters.
Khadka, N.; Ratra, B.
Effects of initial density profiles on massive star cluster formation in giant molecular clouds.
Chen, Y.; Li, H.; Vogelsberger, M.
Evolution of Earth-like extended exospheres orbiting solar-like stars.
Canet, A.; Gomez de Castro, A.I.
Multiwavelength flare observations of the blazar S5 1803+784.
Nesci, R.; Cutini, S.; Stanghellini, C.; Martinelli, F.; Maselli, A.; Lipunov, V.M.; Kornilov, V.; Lopez, R.R.; Siviero, A.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.
Gravitational instability of non-isothermal filamentary molecular clouds in presence of external pressure.
Motiei, M.M.; Hosseinirad, M.; Abbassi, S.
MOVES - IV. Modelling the influence of stellar XUV-flux, cosmic rays, and stellar energetic particles on the atmospheric composition of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b.
Barth, P.; Helling, C.; Stueken, E.E.; Bourrier, V.; Mayne, N.; Rimmer, P.B.; Jardine, M.; Vidotto, A.A.; Wheatley, P.J.; Fares, R.
Using Gaia DR2 to make a systematic comparison between two geometric distortion solutions.
Zheng, Z.J.; Peng, Q.Y.; Lin, F.R.
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