Monthly Notices of the RAS 502
March(III) 2021
- 2021MNRAS.502L...1K
- Dwarf galaxies and the black hole scaling relations.
- King, A.; Nealon, R.
- 2021MNRAS.502L...6E
- The ALMaQUEST survey - VI. The molecular gas main sequence of 'retired' regions in galaxies.
- Ellison, S.L.; Lin, L.; Thorp, M.D.; Pan, H.-A.; Sanchez, S.F.; Bluck, A.F.L.; Belfiore, F.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..11V
- Implications of the NANOGrav results for inflation.
- Vagnozzi, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..16C
- Measuring the viscosity of dark matter with strongly lensed gravitational waves.
- Cao, S.; Qi, J.; Biesiada, M.; Liu, T.; Li, J.; Zhu, Z.-H.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..21C
- Erratum: Lepto-hadronic single-zone models for the electromagnetic and neutrino emission of TXS 0506+056.
- Cerruti, M.; Zech, A.; Boisson, C.; Emery, G.; Inoue, S.; Lenain, J.-P.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..23D
- Interacting dark energy in a closed universe.
- Di Valentino, E.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O.; Pan, S.; Yang, W.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..29A
- Runaway stars masquerading as star formation in galactic outskirts.
- Andersson, E.P.; Renaud, F.; Agertz, O.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..35D
- Are extreme asymptotic giant branch stars post-common envelope binaries?
- Dell'Agli, F.; Marini, E.; D'Antona, F.; Ventura, P.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Mattsson, L.; Kamath, D.; Garcia-Hernandez, D.A.; Tailo, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..40F
- Is GW190521 the merger of black holes from the first stellar generations?
- Farrell, E.; Groh, J.H.; Hirschi, R.; Murphy, L.; Kaiser, E.; Ekstrom, S.; Georgy, C.; Meynet, G.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..45B
- Spin evolution of neutron stars in two modes: implication for millisecond pulsars.
- Bhattacharyya, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..50S
- Magnetic flux inversion in a peculiar changing look AGN.
- Scepi, N.; Begelman, M.C.; Dexter, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..55K
- Weighing Milky Way satellites with LISA.
- Korol, V.; Belokurov, V.; Moore, C.J.; Toonen, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..61Y
- A parsec-scale faint jet in the nearby changing-look Seyfert galaxy Mrk 590.
- Yang, J.; van Bemmel, I.; Paragi, Z.; Komossa, S.; Yuan, F.; Yang, X.; An, T.; Koay, J.Y.; Reynolds, C.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Liu, X.; Wu, Q.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..66L
- Rapid CO gas dispersal from NO Lup's class III circumstellar disc.
- Lovell, J.B.; Kennedy, G.M.; Marino, S.; Wyatt, M.C.; Ansdell, M.; Kama, M.; Manara, C.F.; Matra, L.; Rosotti, G.; Tazzari, M.; Testi, L.; Williams, J.P.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..72M
- A minimal timescale for the continuum in 4U 1608-52 and Aql X-1.
- Mohamed, K.; Sonbas, E.; Dhuga, K.S.; Gogus, E.; Tuncer, A.; Abd Allah, N.N.; Ibrahim, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..79I
- ALMA detection of millimetre 183 GHz H2O maser emission in the Superantennae galaxy at z ∼ 0.06.
- Imanishi, M.; Hagiwara, Y.; Horiuchi, S.; Izumi, T.; Nakanishi, K.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..85M
- Redshift evolution of the H2/H I mass ratio in galaxies.
- Morselli, L.; Renzini, A.; Enia, A.; Rodighiero, G.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..90F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/L90)
- New star clusters discovered towards the Galactic bulge direction using Gaia DR2.
- Ferreira, F.A.; Corradi, W.J.B.; Maia, F.F.S.; Angelo, M.S.; Santos, J.F.C.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..95G
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: the 'G-dwarf problem' revisited.
- Greener, M.J.; Merrifield, M.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Peterken, T.; Andrews, B.; Lane, R.R.
- 2021MNRAS.502L..99M
- Massive black hole binary systems and the NANOGrav 12.5 yr results.
- Middleton, H.; Sesana, A.; Chen, S.; Vecchio, A.; Del Pozzo, W.; Rosado, P.A.
- 2021MNRAS.502L.104Y
- Explosive nucleosynthesis of a metal-deficient star as the source of a distinct odd-even effect in the solar twin HIP 11915.
- Yana Galarza, J.; Melendez, J.; Karakas, A.I.; Asplund, M.; Lorenzo-Oliveira, D.
- 2021MNRAS.502L.110C
- Successive common envelope events from multiple planets.
- Chamandy, L.; Blackman, E.G.; Nordhaus, J.; Wilson, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502....1J
- The role of faint population III supernovae in forming CEMP stars in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies.
- Jeon, M.; Bromm, V.; Besla, G.; Yoon, J.; Choi, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.502...15H
- Evolution of dust porosity through coagulation and shattering in the interstellar medium.
- Hirashita, H.; Il'in, V.B.; Pagani, L.; Lefevre, C.
- 2021MNRAS.502...32J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/32)
- Using heritability of stellar chemistry to reveal the history of the Milky Way.
- Jackson, H.; Jofre, P.; Yaxley, K.; Das, P.; de Brito Silva, D.; Foley, R.
- 2021MNRAS.502...48G
- Dynamical modelling of CXOGBS J175553.2-281633: a 10 h long orbital period cataclysmic variable.
- Gomez, S.; Torres, M.A.P.; Jonker, P.G.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; van Grunsven, T.F.J.; Udalski, A.; Hynes, R.I.; Heinke, C.O.; Maccarone, T.J.; Salinas, R.; Strader, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502...60R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/60)
- Evolutionary map of the Universe (EMU): Compact radio sources in the SCORPIO field towards the galactic plane.
- Riggi, S.; Umana, G.; Trigilio, C.; Cavallaro, F.; Ingallinera, A.; Leto, P.; Bufano, F.; Norris, R.P.; Hopkins, A.M.; Filipovic, M.D.; Andernach, H.; van Loon, J.T.; Michalowski, M.J.; Bordiu, C.; An, T.; Buemi, C.; Carretti, E.; Collier, J.D.; Joseph, T.; Koribalski, B.S.; Kothes, R.; Loru, S.; McConnell, D.; Pommier, M.; Sciacca, E.; Schilliro, F.; Vitello, F.; Warhurst, K.; Whiting, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502...80K
- Distinct high-energy cutoff variation patterns in two Seyfert galaxies.
- Kang, J.-L.; Wang, J.-X.; Kang, W.-Y.
- 2021MNRAS.502...89N
- Non-thermal neutrinos created by shock acceleration in successful and failed core-collapse supernova.
- Nagakura, H.; Hotokezaka, K.
- 2021MNRAS.502..108B
- IGM transmission bias for z >= 2.9 Lyman continuum detected galaxies.
- Bassett, R.; Ryan-Weber, E.V.; Cooke, J.; Mestric, U.; Kakiichi, K.; Prichard, L.; Rafelski, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502..127L
- The dynamic magnetosphere of Swift J1818.0-1607.
- Lower, M.E.; Johnston, S.; Shannon, R.M.; Bailes, M.; Camilo, F.
- 2021MNRAS.502..140H
- Photometric redshifts in the North Ecliptic Pole Wide field based on a deep optical survey with Hyper Suprime-Cam.
- Ho, S.C.-C.; Goto, T.; Oi, N.; Kim, S.J.; Malkan, M.A.; Pollo, A.; Hashimoto, T.; Toba, Y.; Kim, H.K.; Hwang, H.S.; Shim, H.; Huang, T.-C.; Kim, E.; Wang, T.-W.; Santos, D.J.D.; Matsuhara, H.
- 2021MNRAS.502..157I
- Photospheric variability of the late B supergiant HD 199478.
- Ismailov, N.Z.; Ismayilova, S.K.
- 2021MNRAS.502..176C
- 'Ears' formation in supernova remnants: overhearing an interaction history with bipolar circumstellar structures.
- Chiotellis, A.; Boumis, P.; Spetsieri, Z.T.
- 2021MNRAS.502..188K
- Investigating the young AU Mic system with SPIRou: large-scale stellar magnetic field and close-in planet mass.
- Klein, B.; Donati, J.-F.; Moutou, C.; Delfosse, X.; Bonfils, X.; Martioli, E.; Fouque, P.; Cloutier, R.; Artigau, E.; Doyon, R.; Hebrard, G.; Morin, J.; Rameau, J.; Plavchan, P.; Gaidos, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..206S
- Classification of multiwavelength transients with machine learning.
- Sooknunan, K.; Lochner, M.; Bassett, B.A.; Peiris, H.V.; Fender, R.; Stewart, A.J.; Pietka, M.; Woudt, P.A.; McEwen, J.D.; Lahav, O.
- 2021MNRAS.502..225A
- On the radial abundance gradients of nitrogen and oxygen in the inner Galactic disc.
- Arellano-Cordova, K.Z.; Esteban, C.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Mendez-Delgado, J.E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..242L
- Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars - VI. Frequency groups in γ Cas detected by TESS.
- Labadie-Bartz, J.; Baade, D.; Carciofi, A.C.; Rubio, A.; Rivinius, T.; Borre, C.C.; Martayan, C.; Siverd, R.J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..260B
- Co-formation of the thin and thick discs revealed by APOGEE-DR16 and Gaia-DR2.
- Beraldo e Silva, L.; Debattista, V.P.; Nidever, D.; Amarante, J.A.S.; Garver, B.
- 2021MNRAS.502..273M
- A low-frequency study of linear polarization in radio galaxies.
- Mahatma, V.H.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Harwood, J.; O'Sullivan, S.P.; Heald, G.; Horellou, C.; Smith, D.J.B.
- 2021MNRAS.502..293O
- Centroid migration on an impacted granular slope due to asymmetric ejecta deposition and landsliding.
- Omura, T.; Takizawa, S.; Katsuragi, H.
- 2021MNRAS.502..300O
- Testing the impact of coronal mass ejections on cosmic-ray intensity modulation with algorithm selected Forbush decreases.
- Okike, O.; Nwuzor, O.C.; Odo, F.C.; Iyida, E.U.; Ekpe, J.E.; Chukwude, A.E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..313K
- Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observation of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 7492.
- Kumar, R.; Pradhan, A.C.; Mohapatra, A.; Moharana, A.; Ojha, D.K.; Parthasarathy, M.; Murthy, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..328D
- A celestial matryoshka: dynamical and spectroscopic analysis of the Albireo system.
- Drimmel, R.; Sozzetti, A.; Schroder, K.-P.; Bastian, U.; Pinamonti, M.; Jack, D.; Hernandez Huerta, M.A.
- 2021MNRAS.502..351R
- Rivers of gas - I. Unveiling the properties of high redshift filaments.
- Ramsoy, M.; Slyz, A.; Devriendt, J.; Laigle, C.; Dubois, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.502..369C
- The inner circumstellar dust of the red supergiant Antares as seen with VLT/SPHERE/ZIMPOL.
- Cannon, E.; Montarges, M.; de Koter, A.; Decin, L.; Min, M.; Lagadec, E.; Kervella, P.; Sundqvist, J.O.; Sana, H.
- 2021MNRAS.502..383Z
- Impact of mass transfer schemes on mass-orbital period relation.
- Zhang, Y.; Chen, H.; Chen, X.; Han, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.502..390H
- The power-law component of the X-ray emissions from pulsar-wind nebulae and their pulsars.
- Hsiang, J.-Y.; Chang, H.-K.
- 2021MNRAS.502..398C
- An excess of globular clusters in Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies formed through tidal heating.
- Carleton, T.; Guo, Y.; Munshi, F.; Tremmel, M.; Wright, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502..407P
- Measurements of pulse jitter and single-pulse variability in millisecond pulsars using MeerKAT.
- Parthasarathy, A.; Bailes, M.; Shannon, R.M.; van Straten, W.; Oslowski, S.; Johnston, S.; Spiewak, R.; Reardon, D.J.; Kramer, M.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V.; Pennucci, T.T.; Abbate, F.; Buchner, S.; Camilo, F.; Champion, D.J.; Geyer, M.; Hugo, B.; Jameson, A.; Karastergiou, A.; Keith, M.J.; Serylak, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502..423S
- Three-dimensional simulations of X-ray cavities inflated by radio galaxies.
- Smith, M.D.; Donohoe, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..436G
- The cosmological constant as a zero action boundary.
- Gaztanaga, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..445B
- Jet parameters for a diverse sample of jet-launching post-AGB binaries.
- Bollen, D.; Kamath, D.; Van Winckel, H.; De Marco, O.; Wardle, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502..463T
- Modelling population III stars for seminumerical simulations.
- Tanaka, T.; Hasegawa, K.
- 2021MNRAS.502..472A
- A source of gamma rays coincident with the shell of the supernova remnant CTB 80.
- Araya, M.; Herrera, C.
- 2021MNRAS.502..478G
- Identifying and mitigating noise sources in precision pulsar timing data sets.
- Goncharov, B.; Reardon, D.J.; Shannon, R.M.; Zhu, X.-J.; Thrane, E.; Bailes, M.; Bhat, N.D.R.; Dai, S.; Hobbs, G.; Kerr, M.; Manchester, R.N.; Oslowski, S.; Parthasarathy, A.; Russell, C.J.; Spiewak, R.; Thyagarajan, N.; Wang, J.B.
- 2021MNRAS.502..494M
- Revealing the impact of quasar luminosity on giant Ly α nebulae.
- Mackenzie, R.; Pezzulli, G.; Cantalupo, S.; Marino, R.A.; Lilly, S.; Muzahid, S.; Matthee, J.; Schaye, J.; Wisotzki, L.
- 2021MNRAS.502..510J
- Spectroscopy of the first resolved strongly lensed Type Ia supernova iPTF16geu.
- Johansson, J.; Goobar, A.; Price, S.H.; Sagues Carracedo, A.; Della Bruna, L.; Nugent, P.E.; Dhawan, S.; Mortsell, E.; Papadogiannakis, S.; Amanullah, R.; Goldstein, D.; Cenko, S.B.; De, K.; Dugas, A.; Kasliwal, M.M.; Kulkarni, S.R.; Lunnan, R.
- 2021MNRAS.502..521D
- Disc-jet coupling changes as a possible indicator for outbursts from GX 339-4 remaining within the X-ray hard state.
- de Haas, S.E.M.; Russell, T.D.; Degenaar, N.; Markoff, S.; Tetarenko, A.J.; Tetarenko, B.E.; van den Eijnden, J.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Parikh, A.S.; Plotkin, R.M.; Sivakoff, G.R.
- 2021MNRAS.502..541A
- Asteroseismology of SZ Lyn using multiband high time resolution photometry from ground and space.
- Adassuriya, J.; Ganesh, S.; Gutierrez, J.L.; Handler, G.; Joshi, S.; Jayaratne, K.P.S.C.; Baliyan, K.S.
- 2021MNRAS.502..556H
- ENCKEHH: an integrator for gravitational dynamics with a dominant mass that achieves optimal error behaviour.
- Hernandez, D.M.; Holman, M.J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..564A
- On filament fragmentation and the impact of ambient environment on it.
- Anathpindika, S.V.; Di Francesco, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..581C
- NGTS and HST insights into the long-period modulation in GW Librae.
- Chote, P.; Gansicke, B.T.; McCormac, J.; Aungwerojwit, A.; Bayliss, D.; Burleigh, M.R.; Casewell, S.L.; Eigmuller, P.; Gill, S.; Goad, M.R.; Hermes, J.J.; Jenkins, J.S.; Mukadam, A.S.; Poshyachinda, S.; Raynard, L.; Reichart, D.E.; Szkody, P.; Toloza, O.; West, R.G.; Wheatley, P.J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..589C
- Resolved spectral variations of the centimetre-wavelength continuum from the ρ Oph W photodissociation region.
- Casassus, S.; Vidal, M.; Arce-Tord, C.; Dickinson, C.; White, G.J.; Burton, M.; Indermuehle, B.; Hensley, B.
- 2021MNRAS.502..601B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/601)
- The VVV near-IR galaxy catalogue beyond the Galactic disc.
- Baravalle, L.D.; Alonso, M.V.; Minniti, D.; Nilo Castellon, J.L.; Soto, M.; Valotto, C.; Villalon, C.; Grana, D.; Amores, E.B.; Milla Castro, F.
- 2021MNRAS.502..621J
- SatGen: a semi-analytical satellite galaxy generator - I. The model and its application to Local-Group satellite statistics.
- Jiang, F.; Dekel, A.; Freundlich, J.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Green, S.B.; Hopkins, P.F.; Benson, A.; Du, X.
- 2021MNRAS.502..642R
- The bursty star formation history of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy revealed with the HST.
- Rusakov, V.; Monelli, M.; Gallart, C.; Fritz, T.K.; Ruiz-Lara, T.; Bernard, E.J.; Cassisi, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502..662B
- The rapid transition from star formation to AGN-dominated rest-frame ultraviolet light at z ≃ 4.
- Bowler, R.A.A.; Adams, N.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Haussler, B.
- 2021MNRAS.502..678T
- Atmospheric circulation of brown dwarfs and directly imaged exoplanets driven by cloud radiative feedback: effects of rotation.
- Tan, X.; Showman, A.P.
- 2021MNRAS.502..700C
- Cosmological direct-collapse black hole formation sites hostile for their growth.
- Chon, S.; Hosokawa, T.; Omukai, K.
- 2021MNRAS.502..714R
- THE THREEHUNDRED: the structure and properties of cosmic filaments in the outskirts of galaxy clusters.
- Rost, A.; Kuchner, U.; Welker, C.; Pearce, F.; Stasyszyn, F.; Gray, M.; Cui, W.; Dave, R.; Knebe, A.; Yepes, G.; Rasia, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..728W
- Constraining cosmology using galaxy position angle-only cosmic shear.
- Whittaker, L.
- 2021MNRAS.502..750I
- Hydrodynamic escape of mineral atmosphere from hot rocky exoplanet. I. Model description.
- Ito, Y.; Ikoma, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502..772L
- Reproducing submillimetre galaxy number counts with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations.
- Lovell, C.C.; Geach, J.E.; Dave, R.; Narayanan, D.; Li, Q.
- 2021MNRAS.502..794T
- Measurement of turbulence profile from defocused ring images.
- Tokovinin, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502..809M
- Pulsars in supernova remnants.
- Malov, I.F.
- 2021MNRAS.502..818H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/818)
- Periods and classifications of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M15.
- Hoffman, A.M.; Murakami, Y.S.; Zheng, W.; Stahl, B.E.; Filippenko, A.V.
- 2021MNRAS.502..836S
- The strange case of the transient HBL blazar 4FGL J1544.3-0649.
- Sahakyan, N.; Giommi, P.
- 2021MNRAS.502..845S
- Estimating the age-metallicity distribution of a stellar sample from the probability distributions of the individual stars.
- Sahlholdt, C.L.; Lindegren, L.
- 2021MNRAS.502..865K
- The effect of jet-ejecta interaction on the viewing angle dependence of kilonova light curves.
- Klion, H.; Duffell, P.C.; Kasen, D.; Quataert, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502..876A
- Cross-correlating radio continuum surveys and CMB lensing: constraining redshift distributions, galaxy bias, and cosmology.
- Alonso, D.; Bellini, E.; Hale, C.; Jarvis, M.J.; Schwarz, D.J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..888S
- Modelling intergalactic low ionization metal absorption line systems near the epoch of reionization.
- Suarez, T.; Meiksin, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502..904B
- Constraining the fast radio burst properties using the joint distributions of dispersion measure and fluence of the events detected at Parkes, ASKAP, CHIME, and UTMOST.
- Bhattacharyya, S.; Bharadwaj, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502..915C
- Einstein@Home discovery of the gamma-ray millisecond pulsar PSR J2039-5617 confirms its predicted redback nature.
- Clark, C.J.; Nieder, L.; Voisin, G.; Allen, B.; Aulbert, C.; Behnke, O.; Breton, R.P.; Choquet, C.; Corongiu, A.; Dhillon, V.S.; Eggenstein, H.B.; Fehrmann, H.; Guillemot, L.; Harding, A.K.; Kennedy, M.R.; Machenschalk, B.; Marsh, T.R.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Mignani, R.P.; Stringer, J.; Wadiasingh, Z.; Wu, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502..935C
- Radio pulsations from the γ-ray millisecond pulsar PSR J2039-5617.
- Corongiu, A.; Mignani, R.P.; Seyffert, A.S.; Clark, C.J.; Venter, C.; Nieder, L.; Possenti, A.; Burgay, M.; Belfiore, A.; De Luca, A.; Ridolfi, A.; Wadiasingh, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.502..953H
- Searching for wide-orbit gravitational instability protoplanets with ALMA in the dust continuum.
- Humphries, J.; Hall, C.; Haworth, T.J.; Nayakshin, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502..969Y
- Exploring the dust content of galactic haloes with Herschel III. NGC 891.
- Yoon, J.H.; Martin, C.L.; Veilleux, S.; Melendez, M.; Mueller, T.; Gordon, K.D.; Cecil, G.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Engelbracht, C.
- 2021MNRAS.502..985S
- AstroVaDEr: astronomical variational deep embedder for unsupervised morphological classification of galaxies and synthetic image generation.
- Spindler, A.; Geach, J.E.; Smith, M.J.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1008S
- HCT/HESP study of two carbon stars from the LAMOST survey.
- Shejeelammal, J.; Goswami, A.; Shi, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1026D
- Mapping the spectral index of Cassiopeia A: evidence for flattening from radio to infrared.
- Domcek, V.; Vink, J.; Hernandez Santisteban, J.V.; DeLaney, T.; Zhou, P.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1041A
- The phase-space structure of dark matter haloes.
- Aung, H.; Nagai, D.; Rozo, E.; Garcia, R.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1048M
- Erratum: Photoionization analysis of chemodynamical dwarf galaxies simulations.
- Melekh, B.; Recchi, S.; Hensler, G.; Buhajenko, O.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1051A
- Comparing galaxy formation in the L-GALAXIES semi-analytical model and the IllustrisTNG simulations.
- Ayromlou, M.; Nelson, D.; Yates, R.M.; Kauffmann, G.; Renneby, M.; White, S.D.M.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1070H
- The five axes of the Turtle: symmetry and asymmetry in NGC 6210.
- Henney, W.J.; Lopez, J.A.; Garcia-Diaz, M.T.; Richer, M.G.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1095P
- Correcting sky-quality-meter measurements for ageing effects using twilight as calibrator.
- Puschnig, J.; Naslund, M.; Schwope, A.; Wallner, S.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1104H
- Deuterium chemodynamics of massive pre-stellar cores.
- Hsu, C.-J.; Tan, J.C.; Goodson, M.D.; Caselli, P.; Kortgen, B.; Cheng, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1128O
- ExoMol line lists - XLI. High-temperature molecular line lists for the alkali metal hydroxides KOH and NaOH.
- Owens, A.; Tennyson, J.; Yurchenko, S.N.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1136M
- Testing the general theory of relativity using gravitational wave propagation from dark standard sirens.
- Mukherjee, S.; Wandelt, B.D.; Silk, J.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1145Z
- Radiation signatures from striped blazar jet.
- Zhang, H.; Giannios, D.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1158Z
- New approach to the broad-line-region radius in Mrk142 after considering potential short-term optical transient quasi-periodic oscillations.
- Zhang, X.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1163P
- Comprehensive broad-band study of accreting neutron stars with Suzaku: Is there a bi-modality in the X-ray spectrum?
- Pradhan, P.; Paul, B.; Bozzo, E.; Maitra, C.; Paul, B.C.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1191H
- The Three Hundred Project: Substructure in hydrodynamical and dark matter simulations of galaxy groups around clusters.
- Haggar, R.; Pearce, F.R.; Gray, M.E.; Knebe, A.; Yepes, G.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1205R
- The luminosity functions and redshift evolution of satellites of low-mass galaxies in the COSMOS survey.
- Roberts, D.M.; Nierenberg, A.M.; Peter, A.H.G.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1246Z
- A new distance to the Brick, the dense molecular cloud G0.253+0.016.
- Zoccali, M.; Valenti, E.; Surot, F.; Gonzalez, O.A.; Renzini, A.; Valenzuela Navarro, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1253J
- Two years of pulsar observations with the ultra-wide-band receiver on the Parkes radio telescope.
- Johnston, S.; Sobey, C.; Dai, S.; Keith, M.; Kerr, M.; Manchester, R.N.; Oswald, L.S.; Parthasarathy, A.; Shannon, R.M.; Weltevrede, P.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1279O
- A tale of two mergers: constraints on kilonova detection in two short GRBs at z ∼ 0.5.
- O'Connor, B.; Troja, E.; Dichiara, S.; Chase, E.A.; Ryan, G.; Cenko, S.B.; Fryer, C.L.; Ricci, R.; Marshall, F.; Kouveliotou, C.; Wollaeger, R.T.; Fontes, C.J.; Korobkin, O.; Gatkine, P.; Kutyrev, A.; Veilleux, S.; Kawai, N.; Sakamoto, T.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1299T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/502/1299)
- SuperWASP variable stars: classifying light curves using citizen science.
- Thiemann, H.B.; Norton, A.J.; Dickinson, H.J.; McMaster, A.; Kolb, U.C.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1312C
- Cosmic rays across the star-forming galaxy sequence - I. Cosmic ray pressures and calorimetry.
- Crocker, R.M.; Krumholz, M.R.; Thompson, T.A.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1334S
- A machine learning approach for classification of accretion states of black hole binaries.
- Sreehari, H.; Nandi, A.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1344M
- Simulating dust grain-radiation coupling on a moving mesh.
- McKinnon, R.; Kannan, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; O'Neil, S.; Torrey, P.; Li, H.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1355L
- Constraining stellar population parameters from narrow band photometric surveys using convolutional neural networks.
- Liew-Cain, C.L.; Kawata, D.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; Ferreras, I.; Symeonidis, M.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1366T
- PHANGS-HST: star cluster spectral energy distribution fitting with CIGALE.
- Turner, J.A.; Dale, D.A.; Lee, J.C.; Boquien, M.; Chandar, R.; Deger, S.; Larson, K.L.; Mok, A.; Thilker, D.A.; Ubeda, L.; Whitmore, B.C.; Belfiore, F.; Bigiel, F.; Blanc, G.A.; Emsellem, E.; Grasha, K.; Groves, B.; Klessen, R.S.; Kreckel, K.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Leroy, A.K.; Rosolowsky, E.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; Schinnerer, E.; Schruba, A.; Van Dyk, S.D.; Williams, T.G.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1386C
- Detection of supernova remnants in NGC 4030.
- Cid Fernandes, R.; Carvalho, M.S.; Sanchez, S.F.; de Amorim, A.; Ruschel-Dutra, D.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1401M
- HMCODE-2020: improved modelling of non-linear cosmological power spectra with baryonic feedback.
- Mead, A.J.; Brieden, S.; Troster, T.; Heymans, C.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1423O
- Energetic ion irradiation of N2O ices relevant for Solar system surfaces.
- Oliveira, P.R.B.; Martinez, R.; Fulvio, D.; da Silveira, E.F.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1433M
- Evolution of disc thickness in simulated high-redshift galaxies.
- Meng, X.; Gnedin, O.Y.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1441B
- A fully general, non-perturbative treatment of impulsive heating.
- Banik, U.; van den Bosch, F.C.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1456K
- Spectral signature of atmospheric winds in high-resolution transit observations.
- Keles, E.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1469M
- Polydisperse streaming instability - III. Dust evolution encourages fast instability.
- McNally, C.P.; Lovascio, F.; Paardekooper, S.-J.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1487J
- Survey of Gravitationally Lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) - VII. Discovery and confirmation of three strongly lensed quasars+.
- Jaelani, A.T.; Rusu, C.E.; Kayo, I.; More, A.; Sonnenfeld, A.; Silverman, J.D.; Schramm, M.; Anguita, T.; Inada, N.; Kondo, D.; Schechter, P.L.; Lee, K.-G.; Oguri, M.; Chan, J.H.H.; Wong, K.C.; Inoue, K.T.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1494K
- CODEX weak lensing mass catalogue and implications on the mass-richness relation.
- Kiiveri, K.; Gruen, D.; Finoguenov, A.; Erben, T.; van Waerbeke, L.; Rykoff, E.; Miller, L.; Hagstotz, S.; Dupke, R.; Henry, J.P.; Kneib, J.-P.; Gozaliasl, G.; Kirkpatrick, C.C.; Cibirka, N.; Clerc, N.; Costanzi, M.; Cypriano, E.S.; Rozo, E.; Shan, H.; Spinelli, P.; Valiviita, J.; Weller, J.
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- The black hole masses of extremely luminous radio-WISE selected galaxies.
- Ferris, E.R.; Blain, A.W.; Assef, R.J.; Hatch, N.A.; Kimball, A.; Kim, M.; Sajina, A.; Silva, A.; Stern, D.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Tsai, C.-W.; Wylezalek, D.
- 2021MNRAS.502.1549T
- Rotating vector model for magnetars.
- Tong, H.; Wang, P.F.; Wang, H.G.; Yan, Z.
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