Monthly Notices of the RAS 500
January(III) 2021
- 2021MNRAS.500.2757O
- Gaia view of a stellar sub-structure in front of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Omkumar, A.O.; Subramanian, S.; Niederhofer, F.; Diaz, J.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; El Youssoufi, D.; Bekki, K.; de Grijs, R.; van Loon, J.T.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2777T
- The physical origins of low-mass spin bias.
- Tucci, B.; Montero-Dorta, A.D.; Abramo, L.R.; Sato-Polito, G.; Artale, M.C.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2786M
- Solar wind temperature-velocity relationship over the last five solar cycles and Forbush decreases associated with different types of interplanetary disturbance.
- Melkumyan, A.A.; Belov, A.V.; Abunina, M.A.; Abunin, A.A.; Eroshenko, E.A.; Yanke, V.G.; Oleneva, V.A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2798N
- X-ray evolution of the nova V959 Mon suggests a delayed ejection and a non-radiative shock.
- Nelson, T.; Mukai, K.; Chomiuk, L.; Sokoloski, J.L.; Linford, J.D.; Finzell, T.; Mioduszewski, A.J.; Rupen, M.P.; Weston, J.; Lopes de Oliveira, R.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2813K
- MIRISIM: a simulator for the Mid-Infrared Instrument on JWST.
- Klaassen, P.D.; Geers, V.C.; Beard, S.M.; O'Brien, A.D.; Cossou, C.; Gastaud, R.; Coulais, A.; Schreiber, J.; Kavanagh, P.J.; Topinka, M.; Azzollini, R.; De Meester, W.; Bouwman, J.; Glasse, A.C.H.; Glauser, A.M.; Law, D.R.; Cracraft, M.; Murray, K.; Sargent, B.; Jones, O.C.; Wright, G.S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2822C
- The evolution of a circumplanetary disc with a dead zone.
- Chen, C.; Yang, C.-C.; Martin, R.G.; Zhu, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2831W
- Striations, integrals, hourglasses, and collapse - thermal instability driven magnetic simulations of molecular clouds.
- Wareing, C.J.; Pittard, J.M.; Falle, S.A.E.G.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2850B
- On rare core collapse supernovae inside planetary nebulae.
- Bear, E.; Soker, N.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2859R
- Erratum: PROSPECT: generating spectral energy distributions with complex star formation and metallicity histories.
- Robotham, A.S.G.; Bellstedt, S.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Thorne, J.E.; Davies, L.J.; Driver, S.P.; Bravo, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2861R
- The effect of pre-impact spin on the Moon-forming collision.
- Ruiz-Bonilla, S.; Eke, V.R.; Kegerreis, J.A.; Massey, R.J.; Teodoro, L.F.A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2871S
- Bayesian AGN Decomposition Analysis for SDSS spectra: a correlation analysis of [O III] λ5007 outflow kinematics with AGN and host galaxy properties.
- Sexton, R.O.; Matzko, W.; Darden, N.; Canalizo, G.; Gorjian, V.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2896B
- Prospects of probing dark energy with eLISA: Standard versus null diagnostics.
- Baral, P.; Roy, S.K.; Pal, S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2908W
- Stars and gas in the most metal-poor galaxies - I. COS and MUSE observations of SBS 0335-052E.
- Wofford, A.; Vidal-Garcia, A.; Feltre, A.; Chevallard, J.; Charlot, S.; Stark, D.P.; Herenz, E.C.; Hayes, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2928E
- On the torque reversals of accreting neutron stars.
- Ertan, U.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2937A
- The orbital evolution of UFDs and GCs in an evolving Galactic potential.
- Armstrong, B.M.; Bekki, K.; Ludlow, A.D.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2958M
- Urca nuclide production in Type-I X-ray bursts and implications for nuclear physics studies.
- Merz, G.; Meisel, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2969Z
- Radio frequency interference mitigation based on the asymmetrically reweighted penalized least squares and SumThreshold method.
- Zeng, Q.; Chen, X.; Li, X.; Han, J.L.; Wang, C.; Zhou, D.J.; Wang, T.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2979L
- Configuration of the Martian dust rings: shapes, densities, and size distributions from direct integrations of particle trajectories.
- Liu, X.; Schmidt, J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.2986H
- The effect of a magnetic field on the dynamics of debris discs around white dwarfs.
- Hogg, M.A.; Cutter, R.; Wynn, G.A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3002B
- Stellar-mass black holes in young massive and open stellar clusters - IV. Updated stellar-evolutionary and black hole spin models and comparisons with the LIGO-Virgo O1/O2 merger-event data.
- Banerjee, S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3027D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3027)
- The SEDIGISM survey: molecular clouds in the inner Galaxy.
- Duarte-Cabral, A.; Colombo, D.; Urquhart, J.S.; Ginsburg, A.; Russeil, D.; Schuller, F.; Anderson, L.D.; Barnes, P.J.; Beltran, M.T.; Beuther, H.; Bontemps, S.; Bronfman, L.; Csengeri, T.; Dobbs, C.L.; Eden, D.; Giannetti, A.; Kauffmann, J.; Mattern, M.; Medina, S.-N.X.; Menten, K.M.; Lee, M.-Y.; Pettitt, A.R.; Riener, M.; Rigby, A.J.; Traficante, A.; Veena, V.S.; Wienen, M.; Wyrowski, F.; Agurto, C.; Azagra, F.; Cesaroni, R.; Finger, R.; Gonzalez, E.; Henning, T.; Hernandez, A.K.; Kainulainen, J.; Leurini, S.; Lopez, S.; Mac-Auliffe, F.; Mazumdar, P.; Molinari, S.; Motte, F.; Muller, E.; Nguyen-Luong, Q.; Parra, R.; Perez-Beaupuits, J.-P.; Montenegro-Montes, F.M.; Moore, T.J.T.; Ragan, S.E.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Sanna, A.; Schilke, P.; Schisano, E.; Schneider, N.; Suri, S.; Testi, L.; Torstensson, K.; Venegas, P.; Wang, K.; Zavagno, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3050U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3050)
- SEDIGISM-ATLASGAL: dense gas fraction and star formation efficiency across the Galactic disc.
- Urquhart, J.S.; Figura, C.; Cross, J.R.; Wells, M.R.A.; Moore, T.J.T.; Eden, D.J.; Ragan, S.E.; Pettitt, A.R.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Colombo, D.; Schuller, F.; Csengeri, T.; Mattern, M.; Beuther, H.; Menten, K.M.; Wyrowski, F.; Anderson, L.D.; Barnes, P.J.; Beltran, M.T.; Billington, S.J.; Bronfman, L.; Giannetti, A.; Kainulainen, J.; Kauffmann, J.; Lee, M.-Y.; Leurini, S.; Medina, S.-N.X.; Montenegro-Montes, F.M.; Riener, M.; Rigby, A.J.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Schilke, P.; Schisano, E.; Traficante, A.; Wienen, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3064S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3064)
- The SEDIGISM survey: First Data Release and overview of the Galactic structure.
- Schuller, F.; Urquhart, J.S.; Csengeri, T.; Colombo, D.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Mattern, M.; Ginsburg, A.; Pettitt, A.R.; Wyrowski, F.; Anderson, L.; Azagra, F.; Barnes, P.; Beltran, M.; Beuther, H.; Billington, S.; Bronfman, L.; Cesaroni, R.; Dobbs, C.; Eden, D.; Lee, M.-Y.; Medina, S.-N.X.; Menten, K.M.; Moore, T.; Montenegro-Montes, F.M.; Ragan, S.; Rigby, A.; Riener, M.; Russeil, D.; Schisano, E.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Traficante, A.; Zavagno, A.; Agurto, C.; Bontemps, S.; Finger, R.; Giannetti, A.; Gonzalez, E.; Hernandez, A.K.; Henning, T.; Kainulainen, J.; Kauffmann, J.; Leurini, S.; Lopez, S.; Mac-Auliffe, F.; Mazumdar, P.; Molinari, S.; Motte, F.; Muller, E.; Nguyen-Luong, Q.; Parra, R.; Perez-Beaupuits, J.-P.; Schilke, P.; Schneider, N.; Suri, S.; Testi, L.; Torstensson, K.; Veena, V.S.; Venegas, P.; Wang, K.; Wienen, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3083C
- Constraints on the [C II] luminosity of a proto-globular cluster at z ∼ 6 obtained with ALMA.
- Calura, F.; Vanzella, E.; Carniani, S.; Gilli, R.; Rosati, P.; Meneghetti, M.; Paladino, R.; Decarli, R.; Brusa, M.; Lupi, A.; D'Amato, Q.; Bergamini, P.; Caminha, G.B.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3095K
- They do change after all: 25 yr of GONG data reveal variation of p-mode energy supply rates.
- Kiefer, R.; Broomhall, A.-M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3111B
- Soft gamma-ray selected giant radio galaxies: an update.
- Bassani, L.; Ursini, F.; Malizia, A.; Bruni, G.; Panessa, F.; Masetti, N.; Saviane, I.; Monaco, L.; Venturi, T.; Dallacasa, D.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3123D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3123)
- Testing the star formation scaling relations in the clumps of the North American and Pelican nebulae cloud complex.
- Das, S.R.; Jose, J.; Samal, M.R.; Zhang, S.; Panwar, N.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3142Y
- G0.173-0.42: an X-ray and radio magnetized filament near the galactic centre.
- Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Wardle, M.; Heinke, C.; Heywood, I.; Arendt, R.; Royster, M.; Cotton, W.; Camilo, F.; Michail, J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3151S
- Inferring the dark matter velocity anisotropy to the cluster edge.
- Svensmark, J.; Hansen, S.H.; Martizzi, D.; Moore, B.; Tessier, R.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3162B
- Intensity mapping as a probe of axion dark matter.
- Bauer, J.B.; Marsh, D.J.E.; Hlozek, R.; Padmanabhan, H.; Lague, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3178O
- Surface roughness of asteroid (162173) Ryugu and comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko inferred from in situ observations.
- Otto, K.A.; Matz, K.-D.; Schroder, S.E.; Parekh, R.; Krohn, K.; Honda, R.; Kameda, S.; Jaumann, R.; Schmitz, N.; Stephan, K.; Sugita, S.; Tatsumi, E.; Ho, T.-M.; Koncz, A.; Trauthan, F.; Cho, Y.; Hayakawa, M.; Honda, C.; Kouyama, T.; Matsuoka, M.; Morota, T.; Mottola, S.; Ogawa, K.; Preusker, F.; Sakatani, N.; Sawada, H.; Scholten, F.; Suzuki, H.; Yamada, M.; Yokota, Y.; Yoshioka, K.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3194A
- BIRTH of the COSMOS field: primordial and evolved density reconstructions during cosmic high noon.
- Ata, M.; Kitaura, F.-S.; Lee, K.-G.; Lemaux, B.C.; Kashino, D.; Cucciati, O.; Hernandez-Sanchez, M.; Le Fevre, O.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3213L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3213)
- 2D kinematics of massive stars near the Galactic Centre.
- Libralato, M.; Lennon, D.J.; Bellini, A.; van der Marel, R.; Clark, S.J.; Najarro, F.; Patrick, L.R.; Anderson, J.; Bedin, L.R.; Crowther, P.A.; de Mink, S.E.; Evans, C.J.; Platais, I.; Sabbi, E.; Sohn, S.T.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3240L
- The effects of star formation history in the SFR-M* relation of H II galaxies.
- Lopes, A.R.; Telles, E.; Melnick, J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3254R
- The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: large-scale structure catalogues and measurement of the isotropic BAO between redshift 0.6 and 1.1 for the Emission Line Galaxy Sample.
- Raichoor, A.; de Mattia, A.; Ross, A.J.; Zhao, C.; Alam, S.; Avila, S.; Bautista, J.; Brinkmann, J.; Brownstein, J.R.; Burtin, E.; Chapman, M.J.; Chuang, C.-H.; Comparat, J.; Dawson, K.S.; Dey, A.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Elvin-Poole, J.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Gorgoni, C.; Kneib, J.-P.; Kong, H.; Lang, D.; Moustakas, J.; Myers, A.D.; Muller, E.-M.; Nadathur, S.; Newman, J.A.; Percival, W.J.; Rezaie, M.; Rossi, G.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Schlegel, D.J.; Schneider, D.P.; Seo, H.-J.; Tamone, A.; Tinker, J.L.; Tojeiro, R.; Vivek, M.; Yeche, C.; Zhao, G.-B.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3275C
- Fast radio bursts: do repeaters and non-repeaters originate in statistically similar ensembles?
- Cui, X.-H.; Zhang, C.-M.; Wang, S.-Q.; Zhang, J.-W.; Li, D.; Peng, B.; Zhu, W.-W.; Wang, N.; Strom, R.; Ye, C.-Q.; Wang, D.-H.; Yang, Y.-Y.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3281G
- On the long-term evolution of rotating radio transients.
- Gencali, A.A.; Ertan, U.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3290M
- Turbulent dissipation, CH+ abundance, H2 line luminosities, and polarization in the cold neutral medium.
- Moseley, E.R.; Draine, B.T.; Tomida, K.; Stone, J.M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3309M
- How biased are halo properties in cosmological simulations?
- Mansfield, P.; Avestruz, C.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3329N
- Thermal conduction effects on formation of chromospheric solar tadpole-like jets.
- Navarro, A.; Lora-Clavijo, F.D.; Murawski, K.; Poedts, S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3335I
- On the evolution of a binary system with arbitrarily misaligned orbital and stellar angular momenta due to quasi-stationary tides.
- Ivanov, P.B.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3368S
- Young stellar population gradients in central cluster galaxies from NUV and optical spectroscopy.
- Salvador-Rusinol, N.; Beasley, M.A.; Vazdekis, A.; La Barbera, F.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3382C
- Effects of the stellar wind on the Ly α transit of close-in planets.
- Carolan, S.; Vidotto, A.A.; Villarreal D'Angelo, C.; Hazra, G.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3394F
- Quasi-equilibrium models of high-redshift disc galaxy evolution.
- Furlanetto, S.R.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3413L
- Erratum: Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and spectrophotometric models.
- Lena, D.; Jonker, P.G.; Rauer, J.P.; Hernandez, S.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3414P
- The role of radiolysis in the modelling of C2H4O2 isomers and dimethyl ether in cold dark clouds.
- Paulive, A.; Shingledecker, C.N.; Herbst, E.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3425M
- Systematic velocity drifts of methanol masers associated with G9.62+0.20E.
- MacLeod, G.C.; Chibueze, J.O.; Sanna, A.; Paulsen, J.D.; Houde, M.; van den Heever, S.P.; Goedhart, S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3438F
- λ And: a post-main-sequence wind from a solar-mass star.
- Fionnagain, D.O.; Vidotto, A.A.; Petit, P.; Neiner, C.; Manchester IV, W.; Folsom, C.P.; Hallinan, G.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3454T
- New measurements of the cyclotron line energy in Cen X-3.
- Tomar, G.; Pradhan, P.; Paul, B.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3462M
- On the phase-space structure of galaxy clusters from cosmological simulations.
- Marini, I.; Saro, A.; Borgani, S.; Murante, G.; Rasia, E.; Dolag, K.; Lin, W.; Napolitano, N.R.; Ragagnin, A.; Tornatore, L.; Wang, Y.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3481H
- Properties of von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai oscillations in triple systems at the quadrupole order: relaxing the test particle approximation.
- Hamers, A.S.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3497F
- Cosmic ray transport in mixed magnetic fields and their role on the observed anisotropies.
- Fitz-Axen, M.; Speicher, J.; Hungerford, A.; Fryer, C.L.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3511G
- The structure of hydrodynamic γ-ray burst jets.
- Gottlieb, O.; Nakar, E.; Bromberg, O.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3527B
- On the combined role of cosmic rays and supernova-driven turbulence for galactic dynamos.
- Bendre, A.B.; Elstner, D.; Gressel, O.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3536B
- The multiphase environment in the centre of Centaurus A.
- Borkar, A.; Adhikari, T.P.; Rozanska, A.; Markowitz, A.G.; Boorman, P.; Czerny, B.; Migliori, G.; De Marco, B.; Karas, V.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3552G
- Physical properties and scaling relations of molecular clouds: the impact of star formation.
- Grisdale, K.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3569W
- Orbital evolution of Mars-crossing asteroids.
- Wlodarczyk, I.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3579A
- Resolving the Disc-Halo Degeneracy - II: NGC 6946.
- Aniyan, S.; Ponomareva, A.A.; Freeman, K.C.; Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.E.; Coccato, L.; Kuijken, K.; Merrifield, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3594R
- The impact of episodic outflow feedback on stellar multiplicity and the star formation efficiency.
- Rohde, P.F.; Walch, S.; Clarke, S.D.; Seifried, D.; Whitworth, A.P.; Klepitko, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3613J
- A Bayesian approach to modelling multimessenger emission from blazars using lepto-hadronic kinetic equations.
- Jimenez-Fernandez, B.; van Eerten, H.J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3631R
- The variance and covariance of counts-in-cells probabilities.
- Repp, A.; Szapudi, I.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3640S
- Black hole spin in X-ray binaries: giving uncertainties an f.
- Salvesen, G.; Miller, J.M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3667S
- The rocky road to quiescence: compaction and quenching of quasar host galaxies at z ∼ 2.
- Stacey, H.R.; McKean, J.P.; Powell, D.M.; Vegetti, S.; Rizzo, F.; Spingola, C.; Auger, M.W.; Ivison, R.J.; van der Werf, P.P.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3689D
- Environmental processing of galaxies in H I-rich groups.
- Dzudzar, R.; Kilborn, V.; Sweet, S.M.; Meurer, G.; Jarrett, T.H.; Kleiner, D.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3711B
- The Herschel SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer Spectral Feature Finder - V. Rotational measurements of NGC 891.
- Benson, C.S.; Spencer, L.D.; Valtchanov, I.; Scott, J.; Hladczuk, N.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3719C
- Black hole spin evolution in warped accretion discs.
- Cenci, E.; Sala, L.; Lupi, A.; Capelo, P.R.; Dotti, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3728S
- The effects of peculiar velocities in SN Ia environments on the local H0 measurement.
- Sedgwick, T.M.; Collins, C.A.; Baldry, I.K.; James, P.A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3743G
- The distances of 61 PGCCs in the second galactic quadrant.
- Guo, H.-L.; Chen, B.-Q.; Li, G.-X.; Huang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Li, X.-Y.; Sun, W.-X.; Liu, X.-W.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3750S
- Exploring the origin of low-metallicity stars in Milky-Way-like galaxies with the NIHAO-UHD simulations.
- Sestito, F.; Buck, T.; Starkenburg, E.; Martin, N.F.; Navarro, J.F.; Venn, K.A.; Obreja, A.; Jablonka, P.; Maccio, A.V.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3763K
- LIN 358: a symbiotic binary accreting above the steady hydrogen fusion limit.
- Kuuttila, J.; Gilfanov, M.; Woods, T.E.; Seitenzahl, I.R.; Ruiter, A.J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3776W
- A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS, and SDSS.
- Wang, W.; Takada, M.; Li, X.; Carlsten, S.G.; Lan, T.-W.; Shi, J.; Miyatake, H.; More, S.; Beaton, R.L.; Lupton, R.; Lin, Y.-T.; Qiu, T.; Luo, W.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3802H
- Centrally concentrated molecular gas driving galactic-scale ionized gas outflows in star-forming galaxies.
- Hogarth, L.M.; Saintonge, A.; Cortese, L.; Davis, T.A.; Croom, S.M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Bryant, J.J.; Catinella, B.; Fletcher, T.J.; Groves, B.; Lawrence, J.S.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Owers, M.S.; Richards, S.N.; Roberts-Borsani, G.W.; Taylor, E.N.; van de Sande, J.; Scott, N.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3821B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3821)
- Square Kilometre Array Science Data Challenge 1: analysis and results.
- Bonaldi, A.; An, T.; Bruggen, M.; Burkutean, S.; Coelho, B.; Goodarzi, H.; Hartley, P.; Sandhu, P.K.; Wu, C.; Yu, L.; Zhoolideh Haghighi, M.H.; Anton, S.; Bagheri, Z.; Barbosa, D.; Barraca, J.P.; Bartashevich, D.; Bergano, M.; Bonato, M.; Brand, J.; de Gasperin, F.; Giannetti, A.; Dodson, R.; Jain, P.; Jaiswal, S.; Lao, B.; Liu, B.; Liuzzo, E.; Lu, Y.; Lukic, V.; Maia, D.; Marchili, N.; Massardi, M.; Mohan, P.; Morgado, J.B.; Panwar, M.; Prabhakar, P.; Ribeiro, V.A.R.M.; Rygl, K.L.J.; Sabz Ali, V.; Saremi, E.; Schisano, E.; Sheikhnezami, S.; Vafaei Sadr, A.; Wong, A.; Wong,O.I.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3838D
- Measuring the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect from the low-density regions of the universe.
- Dong, F.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Yang, X.; Zhang, P.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3854D
- The LBT satellites of Nearby Galaxies Survey (LBT-SONG): the satellite population of NGC 628.
- Davis, A.B.; Nierenberg, A.M.; Peter, A.H.G.; Garling, C.T.; Greco, J.P.; Kochanek, C.S.; Utomo, D.; Casey, K.J.; Pogge, R.W.; Roberts, D.M.; Sand, D.J.; Sardone, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3870K
- Extreme kinematic misalignment in IllustrisTNG galaxies: the origin, structure, and internal dynamics of galaxies with a large-scale counterrotation.
- Khoperskov, S.; Zinchenko, I.; Avramov, B.; Khrapov, S.; Berczik, P.; Saburova, A.; Ishchenko, M.; Khoperskov, A.; Pulsoni, C.; Venichenko, Y.; Bizyaev, D.; Moiseev, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3889A
- Cleaning our own dust: simulating and separating galactic dust foregrounds with neural networks.
- Aylor, K.; Haq, M.; Knox, L.; Hezaveh, Y.; Perreault-Levasseur, L.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3898V
- On the mechanism of polarized metre-wave stellar emission.
- Vedantham, H.K.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3908R
- A multiwavelength study of the dual nuclei in Mrk 212.
- Rubinur, K.; Kharb, P.; Das, M.; Rahna, P.T.; Honey, M.; Paswan, A.; Vaddi, S.; Murthy, J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3920B
- Search for giant planets around seven white dwarfs in the Hyades cluster with the Hubble Space Telescope.
- Brandner, W.; Zinnecker, H.; Kopytova, T.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3926B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/3926)
- Optical spectroscopy of Galactic field classical Be stars.
- Banerjee, G.; Mathew, B.; Paul, K.T.; Subramaniam, A.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Anusha, R.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3944P
- Tidal disruption events in the first billion years of a galaxy.
- Pfister, H.; Dai, J.L.; Volonteri, M.; Auchettl, K.; Trebitsch, M.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3957E
- The distinct stellar-to-halo mass relations of satellite and central galaxies: insights from the IllustrisTNG simulations.
- Engler, C.; Pillepich, A.; Joshi, G.D.; Nelson, D.; Pasquali, A.; Grebel, E.K.; Lisker, T.; Zinger, E.; Donnari, M.; Marinacci, F.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3976B
- MAXI J1820+070 with NuSTAR - II. Flaring during the hard to soft state transition with a long soft lag.
- Buisson, D.J.K.; Fabian, A.C.; Gandhi, P.; Kara, E.; Parker, M.L.; Shaw, A.W.; Tomsick, J.A.; Walton, D.J.; Wang, J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3987N
- Disentangling the multiphase circumgalactic medium shared between a dwarf and a massive star-forming galaxy at z∼0.4.
- Nateghi, H.; Kacprzak, G.G.; Nielsen, N.M.; Muzahid, S.; Churchill, C.W.; Pointon, S.K.; Charlton, J.C.
- 2021MNRAS.500.3999N
- The effect of redshift degeneracy and the damping effect of viscous medium on the information extracted from gravitational wave signals.
- Ning, S.-L.; Xu, L.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4004D
- Quenched fractions in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the roles of AGN feedback, environment, and pre-processing.
- Donnari, M.; Pillepich, A.; Joshi, G.D.; Nelson, D.; Genel, S.; Marinacci, F.; Rodriguez-Gomez, V.; Pakmor, R.; Torrey, P.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4025L
- Discovery of a candidate binary supermassive black hole in a periodic quasar from circumbinary accretion variability.
- Liao, W.-T.; Chen, Y.-C.; Liu, X.; Holgado, A.M.; Guo, H.; Gruendl, R.; Morganson, E.; Shen, Y.; Davis, T.; Kessler, R.; Martini, P.; McMahon, R.G.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Banerji, M.; Bechtol, K.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Cunha, C.; D'Andrea, C.; da Costa, L.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T.; Evrard, A.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Glazebrook, K.; Gruen, D.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; Hoyle, B.; James, D.; Krause, E.; Kuehn, K.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.; Marshall, J.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Plazas Malagon, A.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Smith, M.; Smith, R.C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.; Tarle, G.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A.; Barth, X.L.; Barth, A.; Dodelson, S.; Gezari, S.; Palmese, A.; Fields, B.; Gammie, C.; Gultekin, K.; Haiman, Z.; Lai, D.; Loeb, A.; D'Orazio, D.; Tremaine, S.; Zhu, X.-J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4042S
- Abundance measurements of H2O and carbon-bearing species in the atmosphere of WASP-127b confirm its supersolar metallicity.
- Spake, J.J.; Sing, D.K.; Wakeford, H.R.; Nikolov, N.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Deming, D.; Barstow, J.K.; Anderson, D.R.; Carter, A.L.; Gillon, M.; Goyal, J.M.; Hebrard, G.; Hellier, C.; Kataria, T.; Lam, K.W.F.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Wheatley, P.J.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4065K
- Basic considerations for the observability of kinematically offset binary AGN.
- Kelley, L.Z.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4078K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/500/4078)
- Identification of AKARI infrared sources by the Deep HSC Optical Survey: construction of a new band-merged catalogue in the North Ecliptic Pole Wide field.
- Kim, S.J.; Oi, N.; Goto, T.; Ikeda, H.; Ho, S.C.-C.; Shim, H.; Toba, Y.; Hwang, H.S.; Hashimoto, T.; Barrufet, L.; Malkan, M.; Kim, H.K.; Huang, T.-C.; Matsuhara, H.; Miyaji, T.; Pearson, C.; Serjeant, S.; Santos, D.J.D.; Kim, E.; Pollo, A.; Jeong, W.-S.; Wang, T.-W.; Momose, R.; Takagi, T.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4095V
- Unveiling early black hole growth with multifrequency gravitational wave observations.
- Valiante, R.; Colpi, M.; Schneider, R.; Mangiagli, A.; Bonetti, M.; Cerini, G.; Fairhurst, S.; Haardt, F.; Mills, C.; Sesana, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4110L
- Dynamical structure of highly eccentric discs with applications to tidal disruption events.
- Lynch, E.M.; Ogilvie, G.I.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4126M
- Disc fragmentation and intermittent accretion on to supermassive stars.
- Matsukoba, R.; Vorobyov, E.I.; Sugimura, K.; Chon, S.; Hosokawa, T.; Omukai, K.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4139R
- Mode changing, subpulse drifting, and nulling in four component conal pulsar PSR J2321+6024.
- Rahaman, S.M.; Basu, R.; Mitra, D.; Melikidze, G.I.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4153L
- Dynamical masses of brightest cluster galaxies - II. Constraints on the stellar IMF.
- Loubser, S.I.; Hoekstra, H.; Babul, A.; Bahe, Y.M.; Donahue, M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4166S
- Radio/X-ray correlations and variability in the X-ray binary LS I +61°303.
- Sharma, R.; Massi, M.; Chernyakova, M.; Malyshev, D.; Perrott, Y.C.; Kraus, A.; Dzib, S.A.; Jaron, F.; Cantwell, T.M.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4173S
- How to build a catalogue of linearly evolving cosmic voids.
- Stopyra, S.; Peiris, H.V.; Pontzen, A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4181D
- Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light.
- Deason, A.J.; Oman, K.A.; Fattahi, A.; Schaller, M.; Jauzac, M.; Zhang, Y.; Montes, M.; Bahe, Y.M.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Kay, S.T.; Evans, T.A.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4193J
- Formation of S0s in extreme environments II: The star-formation histories of bulges, discs, and lenses.
- Johnston, E.J.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Merrifield, M.; Haussler, B.; Coccato, L.; Jaffe, Y.; Cortesi, A.; Chies-Santos, A.; Rodriguez Del Pino, B.; Sheen, Y.-K.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4213M
- PS15cey and PS17cke: prospective candidates from the Pan-STARRS Search for kilonovae.
- McBrien, O.R.; Smartt, S.J.; Huber, M.E.; Rest, A.; Chambers, K.C.; Barbieri, C.; Bulla, M.; Jha, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Srivastav, S.; Smith, K.W.; Young, D.R.; McLaughlin, S.; Inserra, C.; Nicholl, M.; Fraser, M.; Maguire, K.; Chen, T.-W.; Wevers, T.; Anderson, J.P.; Muller-Bravo, T.E.; Olivares, F.E.; Kankare, E.; Gal-Yam, A.; Waters, C.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4229G
- The evolution of gas-phase metallicity and resolved abundances in star-forming galaxies at z ≃ 0.6-1.8.
- Gillman, S.; Tiley, A.L.; Swinbank, A.M.; Dudzeviciute, U.; Sharples, R.M.; Smail, I.; Harrison, C.M.; Bunker, A.J.; Bureau, M.; Cirasuolo, M.; Magdis, G.E.; Mendel, T.; Stott, J.P.
- 2021MNRAS.500.4248D
- Parametric instability in a free-evolving warped protoplanetary disc.
- Deng, H.; Ogilvie, G.I.; Mayer, L.
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