Monthly Notices of the RAS 498
November(II) 2020
- 2020MNRAS.498.4591F
- Repeated mergers and ejection of black holes within nuclear star clusters.
- Fragione, G.; Silk, J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4605H
- Return of the Big Glitcher: NICER timing and glitches of PSR J0537-6910.
- Ho, W.C.G.; Espinoza, C.M.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Enoto, T.; Tamba, T.; Antonopoulou, D.; Bejger, M.; Guillot, S.; Haskell, B.; Ray, P.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4615S
- Interstellar scintillation of an extreme scintillator: PKS B1144-379.
- Said, N.M.M.; Ellingsen, S.P.; Bignall, H.E.; Shabala, S.; McCallum, J.N.; Reynolds, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4635D
- Overdensity of SMGs in fields containing z ∼ 0.3 galaxies: magnification bias and the implications for studies of galaxy evolution.
- Dunne, L.; Bonavera, L.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Maddox, S.J.; Vlahakis, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4650B
- On the road to per cent accuracy IV: ReACT - computing the non-linear power spectrum beyond ΛCDM.
- Bose, B.; Cataneo, M.; Troster, T.; Xia, Q.; Heymans, C.; Lombriser, L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4663L
- Gas-grain model of carbon fractionation in dense molecular clouds.
- Loison, J.-C.; Wakelam, V.; Gratier, P.; Hickson, K.M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4680G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/4680)
- A library of self-consistent simulated exoplanet atmospheres.
- Goyal, J.M.; Mayne, N.; Drummond, B.; Sing, D.K.; Hebrard, E.; Lewis, N.; Tremblin, P.; Phillips, M.W.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Wakeford, H.R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4705V
- Be X-ray binaries in the SMC as indicators of mass-transfer efficiency.
- Vinciguerra, S.; Neijssel, C.J.; Vigna-Gomez, A.; Mandel, I.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Maccarone, T.J.; Nicholl, M.; Kingdon, S.; Perry, A.; Salemi, F.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4721O
- Multiwavelength modelling of the circumstellar environment of the massive protostar AFGL 2591 VLA 3.
- Olguin, F.A.; Hoare, M.G.; Johnston, K.G.; Motte, F.; Chen, H.-R.V.; Beuther, H.; Mottram, J.C.; Ahmadi, A.; Gieser, C.; Semenov, D.; Peters, T.; Palau, A.; Klaassen, P.D.; Kuiper, R.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Henning, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4745J
- H I imaging of dwarf star-forming galaxies: masses, morphologies, and gas deficiencies.
- Jaiswal, S.; Omar, A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4790K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/4790)
- A census of ultraluminous X-ray sources in the local Universe.
- Kovlakas, K.; Zezas, A.; Andrews, J.J.; Basu-Zych, A.; Fragos, T.; Hornschemeier, A.; Lehmer, B.; Ptak, A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4811H
- Redshift estimates for fast radio bursts and implications on intergalactic magnetic fields.
- Hackstein, S.; Bruggen, M.; Vazza, F.; Rodrigues, L.F.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4830J
- Revisiting the spectral and timing properties of 4U 1909+07 with NuSTAR and Astrosat.
- Jaisawal, G.K.; Naik, S.; Ho, W.C.G.; Kumari, N.; Epili, P.; Vasilopoulos, G.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4839D
- Shape and spin of minihaloes - II. The effect of streaming velocities.
- Druschke, M.; Schauer, A.T.P.; Glover, S.C.O.; Klessen, R.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4853P
- Isotopic ratios in the red giant component of the recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis.
- Pavlenko, Y.V.; Evans, A.; Banerjee, D.P.K.; Geballe, T.R.; Munari, U.; Gehrz, R.D.; Woodward, C.E.; Starrfield, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4864S
- Physical conditions of five O VI absorption systems towards PG 1522+101.
- Sankar, S.; Narayanan, A.; Savage, B.D.; Khaire, V.; Rosenwasser, B.E.; Charlton, J.; Wakker, B.P.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4887B
- The detailed structure and the onset of galaxy formation in low-mass gaseous dark matter haloes.
- Benitez-Llambay, A.; Frenk, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4901F
- Investigating the multiband non-thermal emission of the 100 TeV source eHWC J2019+368 with a pulsar wind nebula scenario.
- Fang, J.; Wen, L.; Yu, H.; Chen, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4906B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/4906)
- Which feedback mechanisms dominate in the high-pressure environment of the central molecular zone?
- Barnes, A.T.; Longmore, S.N.; Dale, J.E.; Krumholz, M.R.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Bigiel, F.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4924M
- High rate of gravitational waves mergers from flyby perturbations of wide black hole triples in the field.
- Michaely, E.; Perets, H.B.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4936R
- A simple relationship for the spectro-temporal structure of bursts from FRB 121102.
- Rajabi, F.; Chamma, M.A.; Wyenberg, C.M.; Mathews, A.; Houde, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4943B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/4943)
- Are the Milky Way and Andromeda unusual? A comparison with Milky Way and Andromeda analogues.
- Boardman, N.; Zasowski, G.; Newman, J.A.; Andrews, B.; Fielder, C.; Bershady, M.; Brinkmann, J.; Drory, N.; Krishnarao, D.; Lane, R.R.; Mackereth, T.; Masters, K.; Stringfellow, G.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4955S
- On the possibility of baryon acoustic oscillation measurements at redshift z > 7.6 with the Roman space telescope.
- Satpathy, S.; An, Z.; Croft, R.A.C.; Di Matteo, T.; Tenneti, A.; Feng, Y.; Heitmann, K.; Rossi, G.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4971M
- Multi-timescale reverberation mapping of Mrk 335.
- Mastroserio, G.; Ingram, A.; van der Klis, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.4983W
- Dissecting the turbulent weather driven by mechanical AGN feedback.
- Wittor, D.; Gaspari, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5003J
- Source of circular polarization in radio pulsars.
- Jones, P.B.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5009F
- The MOSDEF survey: an improved Voronoi binning technique on spatially resolved stellar populations at z ∼ 2.
- Fetherolf, T.; Reddy, N.A.; Shapley, A.E.; Kriek, M.; Siana, B.; Coil, A.L.; Mobasher, B.; Freeman, W.R.; Sanders, R.L.; Price, S.H.; Shivaei, I.; Azadi, M.; de Groot, L.; Leung, G.C.K.; Zick, T.O.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5030O
- Constraining the entropy of formation from young transiting planet.
- Owen, J.E.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5041L
- The consequences of gamma-ray burst jet opening angle evolution on the inferred star formation rate.
- Lloyd-Ronning, N.M.; Johnson, J.L.; Aykutalp, A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5048M
- Erratum: Exploring the M-dwarf Luminosity-Temperature-Radius relationships using Gaia DR2.
- Morrell, S.; Naylor, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5051R
- Turbulence-level dependence of cosmic ray parallel diffusion.
- Reichherzer, P.; Becker Tjus, J.; Zweibel, E.G.; Merten, L.; Pueschel, M.J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5065S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/5065)
- NEPSC2, the North Ecliptic Pole SCUBA-2 survey: 850-µm map and catalogue of 850-µm-selected sources over 2 deg2.
- Shim, H.; Kim, Y.; Lee, D.; Lee, H.M.; Goto, T.; Matsuhara, H.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Ao, Y.; Barrufet, L.; Chapman, S.; Clements, D.L.; Conselice, C.J.; Greve, T.R.; Hashimoto, T.; Hwang, Ho S.; Im, M.; Jeong, W.-S.; Jiang, L.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.J.; Kong, A.K.H.; Koprowski, M.; Marchetti, L.; Michalowski, M.J.; Parsons, H.; Pearson, C.; Seo, H.; Toba, Y.; White, G.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5080C
- Constraining the scatter in the galaxy-halo connection at Milky Way masses.
- Cao, J.-Z.; Tinker, J.L.; Mao, Y.-Y.; Wechsler, R.H.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5093M
- Wray 15-906: a candidate luminous blue variable discovered with WISE, Herschel, and SALT.
- Maryeva, O.V.; Gvaramadze, V.V.; Kniazev, A.Y.; Berdnikov, L.N.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5109M
- Herbig-Haro flows around the BBWo 192E (GM 1-23) nebula.
- Magakian, T.Y.; Movsessian, T.A.; Andreasyan, H.R.; Bally, J.; Rastorguev, A.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5116I
- Observing protoplanetary discs with the Square Kilometre Array - I. Characterizing pebble substructure caused by forming planets.
- Ilee, J.D.; Hall, C.; Walsh, C.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Pinte, C.; Terry, J.; Bourke, T.L.; Hoare, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5128R
- Correlation between optical and γ-ray flux variations in bright flat spectrum radio quasars.
- Rajput, B.; Stalin, C.S.; Sahayanathan, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5149K
- Deformed crystals and torsional oscillations of neutron star crust.
- Kozhberov, A.A.; Yakovlev, D.G.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5159K
- Low-temperature rate constants and radiative transfer for rotational de-excitation of C5S by collision with He.
- Khadri, F.; Chefai, A.; Hammami, K.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5166P
- On the origin of the eccentricity dichotomy displayed by compact super-Earths: dynamical heating by cold giants.
- Poon, S.T.S.; Nelson, R.P.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5183S
- The environment of Lyman break analogues (ELBA) survey: star-forming galaxies in small groups.
- Santana-Silva, L.; Goncalves, T.S.; Basu-Zych, A.; Soares-Santos, M.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Riguccini, L.; Kuropatkin, N.P.; Yanny, B.; Eufrasio, R.T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5194F
- G107.0+9.0: a new large optically bright, radio, and X-Ray faint galactic supernova remnant in Cepheus.
- Fesen, R.A.; Weil, K.E.; Raymond, J.C.; Huet, L.; Rusterholz, M.; di Cicco, D.; Mittelman, D.; Walker, S.; Drechsler, M.; Faworski, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5207W
- A Suzaku sample of unabsorbed narrow-line and broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies - I. X-ray spectral properties.
- Waddell, S.G.H.; Gallo, L.C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5227F
- Automated measurement of quasar redshift with a Gaussian process.
- Fauber, L.; Ho, M.-F.; Bird, S.; Shelton, C.R.; Garnett, R.; Korde, I.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5240S
- Using atmospheric impact data to model meteoroid close encounters.
- Shober, P.M.; Jansen-Sturgeon, T.; Bland, P.A.; Devillepoix, H.A.R.; Sansom, E.K.; Towner, M.C.; Cupak, M.; Howie, R.M.; Hartig, B.A.D.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5251L
- The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: GLAM-QPM mock galaxy catalogues for the emission line galaxy sample.
- Lin, S.; Tinker, J.L.; Klypin, A.; Prada, F.; Blanton, M.R.; Comparat, J.; Dawson, K.S.; de Mattia, A.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Percival, W.J.; Raichoor, A.; Rossi, G.; Smith, A.; Zhao, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5263N
- Average cometary ion flow pattern in the vicinity of comet 67P from moment data.
- Nilsson, H.; Williamson, H.; Bergman, S.; Stenberg Wieser, G.; Wieser, M.; Behar, E.; Eriksson, A.I.; Johansson, F.L.; Richter, I.; Goetz, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5273M
- Parker Solar Probe observations of suprathermal electron flux enhancements originating from Coronal Hole boundaries.
- Macneil, A.R.; Owens, M.J.; Bercic, L.; Finley, A.J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5284B
- Relativistic accretion disc reflection in AGN X-ray spectra at z = 0.5-4: a study of four Chandra Deep Fields.
- Baronchelli, L.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5299M
- Higher order spectra of weak lensing convergence maps in parametrized theories of modified gravity.
- Munshi, D.; McEwen, J.D.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5317W
- The GOGREEN survey: post-infall environmental quenching fails to predict the observed age difference between quiescent field and cluster galaxies at z > 1.
- Webb, K.; Balogh, M.L.; Leja, J.; van der Burg, R.F.J.; Rudnick, G.; Muzzin, A.; Boak, K.; Cerulo, P.; Gilbank, D.; Lidman, C.; Old, L.J.; Pintos-Castro, I.; McGee, S.; Shipley, H.; Biviano, A.; Chan, J.C.C.; Cooper, M.; De Lucia, G.; Demarco, R.; Forrest, B.; Jablonka, P.; Kukstas, E.; McCarthy, I.G.; McNab, K.; Nantais, J.; Noble, A.; Poggianti, B.; Reeves, A.M.M.; Vulcani, B.; Wilson, G.; Yee, H.K.C.; Zaritsky, D.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5343Q
- A new understanding of L4 and L5 axial orbits through the torus structure.
- Qi, Y.; de Ruiter, A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5353B
- Observing imprints of black hole event horizon on X-ray spectra.
- Banerjee, S.; Gilfanov, M.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Sunyaev, R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5361D
- Collisional excitation of the formyl radical (HCO) by molecular hydrogen.
- Dagdigian, P.J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5367D
- A study of extragalactic planetary nebulae populations based on spectroscopy. I. Data compilation and first findings.
- Delgado-Inglada, G.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Stasinska, G.; Rechy-Garcia, J.S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5386M
- Retrograde orbits excess among observable interstellar objects.
- Marceta, D.; Novakovic, B.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5399H
- Intensive disc-reverberation mapping of Fairall 9: first year of Swift and LCO monitoring.
- Hernandez Santisteban, J.V.; Edelson, R.; Horne, K.; Gelbord, J.M.; Barth, A.J.; Cackett, E.M.; Goad, M.R.; Netzer, H.; Starkey, D.; Uttley, P.; Brandt, W.N.; Korista, K.; Lohfink, A.M.; Onken, C.A.; Page, K.L.; Siegel, M.; Vestergaard, M.; Bisogni, S.; Breeveld, A.A.; Cenko, S.B.; Dalla Bonta, E.; Evans, P.A.; Ferland, G.; Gonzalez-Buitrago, D.H.; Grupe, D.; Joner, M.D.; Kriss, G.; LaPorte, S.J.; Mathur, S.; Marshall, F.; Mehdipour, M.; Mudd, D.; Peterson, B.M.; Schmidt, T.; Vaughan, S.; Valenti, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5417C
- Spectroscopic study of magnesium dinitrogen and sodium dinitrogen cation.
- Cheng, Q.; Washington, M.C.; Burns, J.E.; Fortenberry, R.C.; DeYonker, N.J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5424R
- A hadronic emission model for black hole-disc impacts in the blazar OJ 287.
- Rodriguez-Ramirez, J.C.; Kushwaha, P.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.; Santos-Lima, R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5437S
- A revision of the vdB 130 cluster stellar content based on Gaia DR2 data: interstellar extinction toward the Cyg OB1 supershell.
- Sitnik, T.G.; Rastorguev, A.S.; Tatarnikova, A.A.; Tatarnikov, A.M.; Egorov, O.V.; Tatarnikov, A.A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5450P
- µ masses: weak-lensing calibration of the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 redMaPPer clusters using stellar masses.
- Pereira, M.E.S.; Palmese, A.; Varga, T.N.; McClintock, T.; Soares-Santos, M.; Burgad, J.; Annis, J.; Farahi, A.; Lin, H.; Choi, A.; DeRose, J.; Esteves, J.; Gatti, M.; Gruen, D.; Hartley, W.G.; Hoyle, B.; Jeltema, T.; MacCrann, N.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, C.; Shin, T.; von der Linden, A.; Zuntz, J.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Aguena, M.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Bhargava, S.; Bridle, S.L.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Costanzi, M.; da Costa, L.N.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Dietrich, J.P.; Doel, P.; Estrada, J.; Everett, S.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hinton, S.R.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; March, M.; Marshall, J.L.; Melchior, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Wechsler, R.H.; Weller, J.; Zhang, Y.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.498.5468R
- Decomposing the internal faraday rotation of black hole accretion flows.
- Ricarte, A.; Prather, B.S.; Wong, G.N.; Narayan, R.; Gammie, C.; Johnson, M.D.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5489B
- New H2O-H2O collisional rate coefficients for cometary applications.
- Boursier, C.; Mandal, B.; Babikov, D.; Dubernet, M.L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5498H
- Augmenting machine learning photometric redshifts with Gaussian mixture models.
- Hatfield, P.W.; Almosallam, I.A.; Jarvis, M.J.; Adams, N.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Gomes, Z.; Roberts, S.J.; Schreiber, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5511U
- Erratum: On spin dependence of the Fundamental Plane of black hole activity.
- Unal, C.; Loeb, A.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5512B
- Windowing artefacts likely account for recent claimed detection of oscillating cosmic scale factor.
- Brownsberger, S.R.; Stubbs, C.W.; Scolnic, D.M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5517R
- Particle acceleration by interstellar plasma shock waves in non-uniform background magnetic field.
- Rashed-Mohassel, P.; Ghorbanalilu, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5524W
- Proton core behaviour inside magnetic field switchbacks.
- Woolley, T.; Matteini, L.; Horbury, T.S.; Bale, S.D.; Woodham, L.D.; Laker, R.; Alterman, B.L.; Bonnell, J.W.; Case, A.W.; Kasper, J.C.; Klein, K.G.; Martinovic, M.M.; Stevens, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5532F
- Formation and evolution of the local interstellar environment: combined constraints from nucleosynthetic and X-ray data.
- Fujimoto, Y.; Krumholz, M.R.; Inutsuka, S.-I.; Boss, A.P.; Nittler, L.R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5541A
- Starbursting [O III] emitters and quiescent [C II] emitters in the reionization era.
- Arata, S.; Yajima, H.; Nagamine, K.; Abe, M.; Khochfar, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5557P
- Simulating TeV gamma-ray morphologies of shell-type supernova remnants.
- Pais, M.; Pfrommer, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5574E
- Equilibrium models of the Milky Way mass are biased high by the LMC.
- Erkal, D.; Belokurov, V.A.; Parkin, D.L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5581B
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): a forensic SED reconstruction of the cosmic star formation history and metallicity evolution by galaxy type.
- Bellstedt, S.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Driver, S.P.; Thorne, J.E.; Davies, L.J.M.; del P Lagos, C.; Stevens, A.R.H.; Taylor, E.N.; Baldry, I.K.; Moffett, A.J.; Hopkins, A.M.; Phillipps, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5604H
- The extreme colliding-wind system Apep: resolved imagery of the central binary and dust plume in the infrared.
- Han, Y.; Tuthill, P.G.; Lau, R.M.; Soulain, A.; Callingham, J.R.; Williams, P.M.; Crowther, P.A.; Pope, B.J.S.; Marcote, B.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5620S
- A deep learning view of the census of galaxy clusters in IllustrisTNG.
- Su, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liang, G.; ZuHone, J.A.; Barnes, D.J.; Jacobs, N.B.; Ntampaka, M.; Forman, W.R.; Nulsen, P.E.J.; Kraft, R.P.; Jones, C.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5629D
- Kinematics of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic bulge with OGLE-IV and Gaia DR2.
- Du, H.; Mao, S.; Athanassoula, E.; Shen, J.; Pietrukowicz, P.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5643T
- A thousand days after the merger: Continued X-ray emission from GW170817.
- Troja, E.; van Eerten, H.; Zhang, B.; Ryan, G.; Piro, L.; Ricci, R.; O'Connor, B.; Wieringa, M.H.; Cenko, S.B.; Sakamoto, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5652K
- Very high redshift quasars and the rapid emergence of supermassive black holes.
- Kroupa, P.; Subr, L.; Jerabkova, T.; Wang, L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5684D
- SPIRou: NIR velocimetry and spectropolarimetry at the CFHT.
- Donati, J.-F.; Kouach, D.; Moutou, C.; Doyon, R.; Delfosse, X.; Artigau, E.; Baratchart, S.; Lacombe, M.; Barrick, G.; Hebrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Saddlemyer, L.; Pares, L.; Rabou, P.; Micheau, Y.; Dolon, F.; Reshetov, V.; Challita, Z.; Carmona, A.; Striebig, N.; Thibault, S.; Martioli, E.; Cook, N.; Fouque, P.; Vermeulen, T.; Wang, S.Y.; Arnold, L.; Pepe, F.; Boisse, I.; Figueira, P.; Bouvier, J.; Ray, T.P.; Feugeade, C.; Morin, J.; Alencar, S.; Hobson, M.; Castilho, B.; Udry, S.; Santos, N.C.; Hernandez, O.; Benedict, T.; Vallee, P.; Gallou, G.; Dupieux, M.; Larrieu, M.; Perruchot, S.; Sottile, R.; Moreau, F.; Usher, C.; Baril, M.; Wildi, F.; Chazelas, B.; Malo, L.; Bonfils, X.; Loop, D.; Kerley, D.; Wevers, I.; Dunn, J.; Pazder, J.; Macdonald, S.; Dubois, B.; Carrie, E.; Valentin, H.; Henault, F.; Yan, C.H.; Steinmetz, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5704N
- Central velocity dispersion catalogue of LAMOST-DR7 galaxies.
- Napolitano, N.R.; D'Ago, G.; Tortora, C.; Zhao, G.; Luo, A.-L.; Tang, B.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Li, R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5720W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/5720)
- Extending the Breakthrough Listen nearby star survey to other stellar objects in the field.
- Wlodarczyk-Sroka, B.S.; Garrett, M.A.; Siemion, A.P.V.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5730F
- Tidally trapped pulsations in binary stars.
- Fuller, J.; Kurtz, D.W.; Handler, G.; Rappaport, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5745T
- Mass-loss along the red giant branch in 46 globular clusters and their multiple populations.
- Tailo, M.; Milone, A.P.; Lagioia, E.P.; D'Antona, F.; Marino, A.F.; Vesperini, E.; Caloi, V.; Ventura, P.; Dondoglio, E.; Cordoni, G.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5772R
- Russell T.D.; Lucchini, M.; Tetarenko, A.J.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Sivakoff, G.R.; Krauss, F.; Mulaudzi, W.; Baglio, M.C.; Russell, D.M.; Altamirano, D.; Ceccobello, C.; Corbel, S.; Degenaar, N.; van den Eijnden, J.; Fender, R.; Heinz, S.; Koljonen, K.I.I.; Maitra, D.; Markoff, S.; Migliari, S.; Parikh, A.S.; Plotkin, R.M.; Rupen, M.; Sarazin, C.; Soria, R.; Wijnands, R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5786Q
- Statistics and analysis of high-altitude wind above the western Tibetan Plateau.
- Qian, X.; Yao, Y.; Wang, H.; Zou, L.; Li, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5798T
- Measuring the spectral index of turbulent gas with deep learning from projected density maps.
- Trevisan, P.; Pasquato, M.; Ballone, A.; Mapelli, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5804R
- Joint galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering constraints on galaxy formation.
- Renneby, M.; Henriques, B.M.B.; Hilbert, S.; Nelson, D.; Vogelsberger, M.; Angulo, R.E.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5834R
- Abundances from integrated spectra of 47 Tucanae (NGC 104).
- Renno, C.; Barbuy, B.; Moura, T.C.; Trevisan, M.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5855A
- Molecule-dependent oxygen isotopic ratios in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
- Altwegg, K.; Balsiger, H.; Combi, M.; De Keyser, J.; Drozdovskaya, M.N.; Fuselier, S.A.; Gombosi, T.I.; Hanni, N.; Rubin, M.; Schuhmann, M.; Schroeder, I.; Wampfler, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5863D
- Constraining the distance to the North Polar Spur with Gaia DR2.
- Das, K.K.; Zucker, C.; Speagle, J.S.; Goodman, A.; Green, G.M.; Alves, J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5873C
- A spectral study of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 with AstroSat and NuSTAR.
- Chakraborty, S.; Navale, N.; Ratheesh, A.; Bhattacharyya, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5885B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/5885)
- SHαDE: survey description and mass-kinematics scaling relations for dwarf galaxies.
- Barat, D.; D'Eugenio, F.; Colless, M.; Sweet, S.M.; Groves, B.; Cortese, L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5904P
- Merger-inspired rotation laws and the low-T/W instability in neutron stars.
- Passamonti, A.; Andersson, N.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5916T
- The neutral hydrogen distribution in large-scale haloes from 21-cm intensity maps.
- Tramonte, D.; Ma, Y.-Z.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5936E
- CHIMPS2: survey description and 12CO emission in the Galactic Centre.
- Eden, D.J.; Moore, T.J.T.; Currie, M.J.; Rigby, A.J.; Rosolowsky, E.; Su, Y.; Kim, K.-T.; Parsons, H.; Morata, O.; Chen, H.-R.; Minamidani, T.; Park, G.; Ragan, S.E.; Urquhart, J.S.; Rani, R.; Tahani, K.; Billington, S.J.; Deb, S.; Figura, C.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Joncas, G.; Liao, L.W.; Liu, T.; Ma, H.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Yun, H.-S.; Zhang, S.; Zhu, M.; Henshaw, J.D.; Longmore, S.N.; Kobayashi, M.I.N.; Thompson, M.A.; Ao, Y.; Campbell-White, J.; Ching, T.-C.; Chung, E.J.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fich, M.; Gao, Y.; Graves, S.F.; Jiang, X.-J.; Kemper, F.; Kuan, Y.-J.; Kwon, W.; Lee, C.W.; Lee, J.-E.; Liu, M.; Penaloza, C.H.; Peretto, N.; Phuong, N.T.; Pineda, J.E.; Plume, R.; Puspitaningrum, E.; Samal, M.R.; Soam, A.; Sun, Y.; Tang, X.D.; Traficante, A.; White, G.J.; Yan, C.-H.; Yang, A.Y.; Yuan, J.; Yue, N.; Bemis, A.; Brunt, C.M.; Chen, Z.; Cho, J.; Clark, P.C.; Cyganowski, C.J.; Friberg, P.; Fuller, G.A.; Han, I.; Hoare, M.G.; Izumi, N.; Kim, H.-J.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Koch, E.W.; Kuno, N.; Lacialle, K.M.; Lai, S.-P.; Lee, H.; Lee, Y.-H.; Li, D.L.; Liu, S.-Y.; Mairs, S.; Pan, Z.; Qian, L.; Scicluna, P.; Shi, C.-S.; Shi, H.; Srinivasan, S.; Tan, Q.-H.; Thomas, H.S.; Torii, K.; Trejo, A.; Umemoto, T.; Violino, G.; Wallstrom, S.; Wang, B.; Wu, Y.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, J.J.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5952H
- Time dependence of advection-dominated accretion flow around a rotating compact object.
- Habibi, F.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5960I
- The CO universe: modelling CO emission and H2 abundance in cosmological galaxy formation simulations.
- Inoue, S.; Yoshida, N.; Yajima, H.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5972N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/5972)
- A PSF-based Approach to TESS High quality data Of Stellar clusters (PATHOS) - III. Exploring the properties of young associations through their variables, dippers, and candidate exoplanets.
- Nardiello, D.
- 2020MNRAS.498.5990H
- Systematic parameter space study for the UHECR origin from GRBs in models with multiple internal shocks.
- Heinze, J.; Biehl, D.; Fedynitch, A.; Boncioli, D.; Rudolph, A.; Winter, W.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6005M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/6005)
- The post-common-envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula ETHOS 1.
- Munday, J.; Jones, D.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Miszalski, B.; Corradi, R.L.M.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; del Mar Rubio-Diez, M.; Santander-Garcia, M.; Sowicka, P.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6013A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/498/6013)
- Testing dark energy models with a new sample of strong-lensing systems.
- Amante, M.H.; Magana, J.; Motta, V.; Garcia-Aspeitia, M.A.; Verdugo, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6034M
- TIC 278825952: a triply eclipsing hierarchical triple system with the most intrinsically circular outer orbit.
- Mitnyan, T.; Borkovits, T.; Rappaport, S.A.; Pal, A.; Maxted, P.F.L.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6044C
- High-cadence observations and variable spin behaviour of magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607 after its outburst.
- Champion, D.; Cognard, I.; Cruces, M.; Desvignes, G.; Jankowski, F.; Karuppusamy, R.; Keith, M.J.; Kouveliotou, C.; Kramer, M.; Liu, K.; Lyne, A.G.; Mickaliger, M.B.; O'Connor, B.; Parthasarathy, A.; Porayko, N.; Rajwade, K.; Stappers, B.W.; Torne, P.; van der Horst, A.J.; Weltevrede, P.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6057M
- Weak lensing skew-spectrum.
- Munshi, D.; Namikawa, T.; Kitching, T.D.; McEwen, J.D.; Bouchet, F.R.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6069P
- Exploring galaxy colour in different environments of the cosmic web with SDSS.
- Pandey, B.; Sarkar, S.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6083E
- Large-scale simulations of H and He reionization and heating driven by stars and more energetic sources.
- Eide, M.B.; Ciardi, B.; Graziani, L.; Busch, P.; Feng, Y.; Di Matteo, T.
- 2020MNRAS.498.6100M
- Three- and two-point spatial correlations of IGM at z ∼ 2: cloud-based analysis using simulations.
- Maitra, S.; Srianand, R.; Gaikwad, P.; Choudhury, T.R.; Paranjape, A.; Petitjean, P.
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