Monthly Notices of the RAS 497
September(I) 2020

Fainter harder brighter softer: a correlation between αox, X-ray spectral state, and Eddington ratio in tidal disruption events.
Wevers, T.
2020MNRAS.497L...7S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/L7)
The Pristine survey - X. A large population of low-metallicity stars permeates the Galactic disc.
Sestito, F.; Martin, N.F.; Starkenburg, E.; Arentsen, A.; Ibata, R.A.; Longeard, N.; Kielty, C.; Youakim, K.; Venn, K.A.; Aguado, D.S.; Carlberg, R.G.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Hill, V.; Jablonka, P.; Kordopatis, G.; Malhan, K.; Navarro, J.F.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.; Thomas, G.; Tolstoy, E.; Wilson, T.G.; Palicio, P.A.; Bialek, S.; Garcia-Dias, R.; Lucchesi, R.; North, P.; Osorio, Y.; Patrick, L.R.; Peralta de Arriba, L.
ASASSN-15lh: a TDE about a maximally rotating 109 M black hole.
Mummery, A.; Balbus, S.A.
Discovery of β Cep pulsations in the eclipsing binary V453 Cygni.
Southworth, J.; Bowman, D.M.; Tkachenko, A.; Pavlovski, K.
Pulsation in the white dwarf HE 1017-1352: confirmation of the class of hot DAV stars.
Romero, A.D.; Amaral, L.A.; Kepler, S.0.; Fraga, L.; Kurtz, D.; Shibahashi, H.
The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars.
Gao, X.; Lind, K.; Amarsi, A.M.; Buder, S.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Campbell, S.W.; Asplund, M.; Casey, A.R.; De Silva, G.M.; Freeman, K.C.; Hayden, M.R.; Lewis, G.F.; Martell, S.L.; Simpson, J.D.; Sharma, S.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.; Horner, J.; Munari, U.; Nordlander, T.; Stello, D.; Ting, Y.-S.; Traven, G.; Wittenmyer, R.A.; (The GALAH Collaboration)
EDGES signal in the presence of magnetic fields.
Natwariya, P.K.; Bhatt, J.R.
Testing viscous disc theory using the balance between stellar accretion and external photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs.
Winter, A.J.; Ansdell, M.; Haworth, T.J.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.
No evidence for interstellar planetesimals trapped in the Solar system.
Morbidelli, A.; Batygin, K.; Brasser, R.; Raymond, S.N.
Swift J004427.3-734801 - a probable Be/white dwarf system in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Coe, M.J.; Kennea, J.A.; Evans, P.A.; Udalski, A.
The first simultaneous measurement of Hubble constant and post-Newtonian parameter from time-delay strong lensing.
Yang, T.; Birrer, S.; Hu, B.
Scale-invariant dynamics in the Solar system.
Banik, I.; Kroupa, P.
Erratum: The fifth main-sequence magnetic B-type star showing coherent radio emission: Is this really a rare phenomenon?
Das, B.; Chandra, P.; Shultz, M.E.; Wade, G.A.
Theory of ion holes in space and astrophysical plasmas.
Aravindakshan, H.; Yoon, P.H.; Kakad, A.; Kakad, B.
Semi-analytic modelling of AGNs: autocorrelation function and halo occupation.
Oogi, T.; Shirakata, H.; Nagashima, M.; Nishimichi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Okamoto, T.; Ishiyama, T.; Enoki, M.
Relaxation of viscoelastic tumblers with application to 1I/2017 ('Oumuamua) and 4179 Toutatis.
Kwiecinski, J.A.
Constraints on the star formation histories of galaxies in the Local Cosmological Volume.
Kroupa, P.; Haslbauer, M.; Banik, I.; Nagesh, S.T.; Pflamm-Altenburg, J.
Discovery of a near-infrared bar and a pseudo-bulge in the collisional ring galaxy Cartwheel.
Barway, S.; Mayya, Y.D.; Robleto-Orus, A.
Shapley supercluster survey: mapping the dark matter distribution.
Higuchi, Y.; Okabe, N.; Merluzzi, P.; Haines, C.P.; Busarello, G.; Grado, A.; Mercurio, A.
NLTE spectral analysis of the intermediate helium-rich subdwarf B star CPD-20°1123.
Lobling, L.
An EAGLE's view of ex situ galaxy growth.
Davison, T.A.; Norris, M.A.; Pfeffer, J.L.; Davies, J.J.; Crain, R.A.
Optical spectroscopy of BL Lac objects: TeV candidates.
Paiano, S.; Falomo, R.; Treves, A.; Scarpa, R.
The SkyMapper-Gaia RVS view of the Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage - an investigation of the metallicity and mass of the Milky Way's last major merger.
Feuillet, D.K.; Feltzing, S.; Sahlholdt, C.L.; Casagrande, L.
A search for fast-radio-burst-like emission from Fermi gamma-ray bursts.
Bouwhuis, M.; Bannister, K.W.; Macquart, J.-P.; Shannon, R.M.; Kaplan, D.L.; Bunton, J.D.; Koribalski, B.S.; Whiting, M.T.
2020MNRAS.497..130T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/130)
Gaia white dwarfs within 40 pc - I. Spectroscopic observations of new candidates.
Tremblay, P.-E.; Hollands, M.A.; Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; McCleery, J.; Izquierdo, P.; Gansicke, B.T.; Cukanovaite, E.; Koester, D.; Brown, W.R.; Charpinet, S.; Cunningham, T.; Farihi, J.; Giammichele, N.; van Grootel, V.; Hermes, J.J.; Hoskin, M.J.; Jordan, S.; Kepler, S.O.; Kleinman, S.J.; Manser, C.J.; Marsh, T.R.; de Martino, D.; Nitta, A.; Parsons, S.G.; Pelisoli, I.; Raddi, R.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Ren, J.-J.; Schreiber, M.R.; Silvotti, R.; Toloza, O.; Toonen, S.; Torres, S.
Galaxy cold gas contents in modern cosmological hydrodynamic simulations.
Dave, R.; Crain, R.A.; Stevens, A.R.H.; Narayanan, D.; Saintonge, A.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.
Erratum: Variations of the mixing character of dipolar mixed modes in red giant stars.
Jiang, C.; Cunha, M.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Zhang, Q.S.
The KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey (KLASS): kinematics and clumpiness of low-mass galaxies at cosmic noon.
Girard, M.; Mason, C.A.; Fontana, A.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Morishita, T.; Amorin, R.; Fisher, D.B.; Jones, T.; Schaerer, D.; Schmidt, K.B.; Treu, T.; Vulcani, B.
Changing look active galactic nuclei in the MaNGA survey.
Hon, W.J.; Webster, R.; Wolf, C.
Strong lensing as a giant telescope to localize the host galaxy of gravitational wave event.
Yu, H.; Zhang, P.; Wang, F.-Y.
The LSST DESC data challenge 1: generation and analysis of synthetic images for next-generation surveys.
Sanchez, J.; Walter, C.W.; Awan, H.; Chiang, J.; Daniel, S.F.; Gawiser, E.; Glanzman, T.; Kirkby, D.; Mandelbaum, R.; Slosar, A.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; AlSayyad, Y.; Burke, C.J.; Digel, S.W.; Jarvis, M.; Johnson, T.; Kelly, H.; Krughoff, S.; Lupton, R.H.; Marshall, P.J.; Peterson, J.R.; Price, P.A.; Sembroski, G.; Van Klaveren, B.; Wiesner, M.P.; Xin, B.; (The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration)
NuSTAR observations of four nearby X-ray faint AGNs: low luminosity or heavy obscuration?
Annuar, A.; Alexander, D.M.; Gandhi, P.; Lansbury, G.B.; Asmus, D.; Balokovic, M.; Ballantyne, D.R.; Bauer, F.E.; Boorman, P.G.; Brandt, W.N.; Brightman, M.; Chen, C.-T.J.; Del Moro, A.; Farrah, D.; Harrison, F.A.; Koss, M.J.; Lanz, L.; Marchesi, S.; Masini, A.; Nardini, E.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Zappacosta, L.
AT2018kzr: the merger of an oxygen-neon white dwarf and a neutron star or black hole.
Gillanders, J.H.; Sim, S.A.; Smartt, S.J.
Using quasar X-ray and UV flux measurements to constrain cosmological model parameters.
Khadka, N.; Ratra, B.
GalICS 2.1: a new semianalytic model for cold accretion, cooling, feedback, and their roles in galaxy formation.
Cattaneo, A.; Koutsouridou, I.; Tollet, E.; Devriendt, J.; Dubois, Y.
Hyper-Eddington accretion flows on to black holes accompanied by powerful outflows.
Takeo, E.; Inayoshi, K.; Mineshige, S.
SN 2018hti: a nearby superluminous supernova discovered in a metal-poor galaxy.
Lin, W.L.; Wang, X.F.; Li, W.X.; Zhang, J.J.; Mo, J.; Sai, H.N.; Zhang, X.H.; Filippenko, A.V.; Zheng, W.K.; Brink, T.G.; Baron, E.; DerKacy, J.M.; Ehgamberdiev, S.A.; Mirzaqulov, D.; Li, X.; Zhang, J.C.; Yan, S.Y.; Xi, G.B.; Hsiao, Y.; Zhang, T.M.; Wang, L.J.; Liu, L.D.; Xiang, D.F.; Wu, C.Y.; Rui, L.M.; Chen, Z.H.
The importance of magnetic fields for the initial mass function of the first stars.
Sharda, P.; Federrath, C.; Krumholz, M.R.
Initial results from a real-time FRB search with the GBT.
Agarwal, D.; Lorimer, D.R.; Surnis, M.P.; Pei, X.; Karastergiou, A.; Golpayegani, G.; Werthimer, D.; Cobb, J.; McLaughlin, M.A.; White, S.; Armour, W.; MacMahon, D.H.E.; Siemion, A.P.V.; Foster, G.
The low-luminosity Type II SN 2016aqf: a well-monitored spectral evolution of the Ni/Fe abundance ratio.
Muller-Bravo, T.E.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Sullivan, M.; Jerkstrand, A.; Anderson, J.P.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Sollerman, J.; Arcavi, I.; Burke, J.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gromadzki, M.; Hiramatsu, D.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D.A.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Kozyreva, A.; McCully, C.; Nicholl, M.; Smartt, S.; Valenti, S.; Young, D.R.
The failure of testing for cosmic opacity via the distance-duality relation.
Vavrycuk, V.; Kroupa, P.
Inverse stellar population age gradients of post-starburst galaxies at z = 0.8 with LEGA-C.
D'Eugenio, F.; van der Wel, A.; Wu, P.-F.; Barone, T.M.; van Houdt, J.; Bezanson, R.; Straatman, C.M.S.; Pacifici, C.; Muzzin, A.; Gallazzi, A.; Wild, V.; Sobral, D.; Bell, E.F.; Zibetti, S.; Mowla, L.; Franx, M.
A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 - III. Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations.
Massaro, E.; Capitanio, F.; Feroci, M.; Mineo, T.
Analysis of Phobos' dynamical environment considering effects of ephemerides and physical libration.
Wang, Y.; Wu, X.
HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. I. Hydrodynamic simulations.
Dewberry, J.W.; Latter, H.N.; Ogilvie, G.I.; Fromang, S.
HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. II. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
Dewberry, J.W.; Latter, H.N.; Ogilvie, G.I.; Fromang, S.
2020MNRAS.497..466S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/466)
Evolution of galaxies in groups in the Coma Supercluster.
Seth, R.; Raychaudhury, S.
The X-ray emission in young radio active galactic nuclei.
Liao, M.; Gu, M.; Zhou, M.; Chen, L.
The Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS) - I. Overview and the diverse environments of Lyman limit systems at z < 1.
Chen, H.-W.; Zahedy, F.S.; Boettcher, E.; Cooper, T.M.; Johnson, S.D.; Rudie, G.C.; Chen, M.C.; Walth, G.L.; Cantalupo, S.; Cooksey, K.L.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Greene, J.E.; Lopez, S.; Mulchaey, J.S.; Penton, S.V.; Petitjean, P.; Putman, M.E.; Rafelski, M.; Rauch, M.; Schaye, J.; Simcoe, R.A.; Weiner, B.J.
How to tell an accreting boson star from a black hole.
Olivares, H.; Younsi, Z.; Fromm, C.M.; De Laurentis, M.; Porth, O.; Mizuno, Y.; Falcke, H.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L.
PETAR: a high-performance N-body code for modelling massive collisional stellar systems.
Wang, L.; Iwasawa, M.; Nitadori, K.; Makino, J.
Deep learning for strong lensing search: tests of the convolutional neural networks and new candidates from KiDS DR3.
He, Z.; Er, X.; Long, Q.; Liu, D.; Liu, X.; Li, Z.; Liu, Y.; Deng, W.; Fan, Z.
Probing the high-z IGM with the hyperfine transition of 3He+.
Khullar, S.; Ma, Q.; Busch, P.; Ciardi, B.; Eide, M.B.; Kakiichi, K.
Multitracer extension of the halo model: probing quenching and conformity in eBOSS.
Alam, S.; Peacock, J.A.; Kraljic, K.; Ross, A.J.; Comparat, J.
X-ray spectroscopy of newly identified ULXs associated with M87's globular cluster population.
Dage, K.C.; Zepf, S.E.; Thygesen, E.; Bahramian, A.; Kundu, A.; Maccarone, T.J.; Peacock, M.B.; Strader, J.
Chemical models of interstellar cyanomethanimine isomers.
Zhang, X.; Quan, D.; Chang, Q.; Herbst, E.; Esimbek, J.; Webb, M.
NGC 474 as viewed with KCWI: diagnosing a shell galaxy.
Alabi, A.B.; Ferre-Mateu, A.; Forbes, D.A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Brodie, J.P.
The large-scale magnetic field of the eccentric pre-main-sequence binary system V1878 Ori.
Lavail, A.; Kochukhov, O.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Argiroffi, C.; Alecian, E.; Morin, J.; (The the BinaMIcS collaboration)
The mass, spin, and rotational energy of the remnant black holes from compact binary mergers.
Deng, C.-M.
New insight into the origin of the GeV flare in the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 from the 2017 periastron passage.
Chernyakova, M.; Malyshev, D.; Mc Keague, S.; van Soelen, B.; Marais, J.P.; Martin-Carrillo, A.; Murphy, D.
The XMM Cluster Survey: new evidence for the 3.5-keV feature in clusters is inconsistent with a dark matter origin.
Bhargava, S.; Giles, P.A.; Romer, A.K.; Jeltema, T.; Mayers, J.; Bermeo, A.; Hilton, M.; Wilkinson, R.; Vergara, C.; Collins, C.A.; Manolopoulou, M.; Rooney, P.J.; Rosborough, S.; Sabirli, K.; Stott, J.P.; Swann, E.; Viana, P.T.P.
2020MNRAS.497..672A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/672)
The Te[N II]-Te[O III] temperature relation in H II regions and the reliability of strong-line methods.
Arellano-Cordova, K.Z.; Rodriguez, M.
Luminous blue variable candidates in M31.
Sarkisyan, A.; Sholukhova, O.; Fabrika, S.; Bizyaev, D.; Valeev, A.; Vinokurov, A.; Solovyeva, Y.; Kostenkov, A.; Malanushenko, V.; Nedialkov, P.
Stochastic modelling of star-formation histories II: star-formation variability from molecular clouds and gas inflow.
Tacchella, S.; Forbes, J.C.; Caplar, N.
Searching for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave merger events with the prototype Gravitational-Wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO-4).
Gompertz, B.P.; Cutter, R.; Steeghs, D.; Galloway, D.K.; Lyman, J.; Ulaczyk, K.; Dyer, M.J.; Ackley, K.; Dhillon, V.S.; O'Brien, P.T.; Ramsay, G.; Poshyachinda, S.; Kotak, R.; Nuttall, L.; Breton, R.P.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Thrane, E.; Aukkaravittayapun, S.; Awiphan, S.; Brown, M.J.I.; Burhanudin, U.; Chote, P.; Chrimes, A.A.; Daw, E.; Duffy, C.; Eyles-Ferris, R.A.J.; Heikkila, T.; Irawati, P.; Kennedy, M.R.; Killestein, T.; Levan, A.J.; Littlefair, S.; Makrygianni, L.; Marsh, T.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Mattila, S.; Maund, J.; McCormac, J.; Mkrtichian, D.; Mong, Y.-L.; Mullaney, J.; Muller, B.; Obradovic, A.; Rol, E.; Sawangwit, U.; Stanway, E.R.; Starling, R.L.C.; Strom, P.A.; Tooke, S.; West, R.; Wiersema, K.
Defeating stochasticity: coalescence time-scales of massive black holes in galaxy merger.
Nasim, I.; Gualandris, A.; Read, J.; Dehnen, W.; Delorme, M.; Antonini, F.
The formation times and building blocks of Milky Way-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations.
Santistevan, I.B.; Wetzel, A.; El-Badry, K.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Bailin, J.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Benincasa, S.
Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) spectra of globular clusters and ultracompact dwarfs in the halo of M87.
Forbes, D.A.; Ferre-Mateu, A.; Durre, M.; Brodie, J.P.; Romanowsky, A.J.
GEOMAX: beyond linear compression for three-point galaxy clustering statistics.
Gualdi, D.; Gil-Marin, H.; Manera, M.; Joachimi, B.; Lahav, O.
Filament intersections and cold dense cores in Orion A North.
Zhang, C.; Ren, Z.; Wu, J.; Li, D.; Zhu, L.; Zhang, Q.; Mardones, D.; Wang, C.; Shi, H.; Yue, N.; Luo, G.; Xie, J.; Jiao, S.; Liu, S.; Xu, X.; Wang, S.
NGTS clusters survey - II. White-light flares from the youngest stars in Orion.
Jackman, J.A.G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Acton, J.S.; Anderson, D.R.; Belardi, C.; Burleigh, M.R.; Casewell, S.L.; Eigmuller, P.; Gill, S.; Gillen, E.; Goad, M.R.; Grange, A.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Jenkins, J.S.; McCormac, J.; Moyano, M.; Queloz, D.; Raynard, L.; Tilbrook, R.H.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.
The power of coordinate transformations in dynamical interpretations of Galactic structure.
Hunt, J.A.S.; Johnston, K.V.; Pettitt, A.R.; Cunningham, E.C.; Kawata, D.; Hogg, D.W.
Formation of massive stars under protostellar radiation feedback: very metal-poor stars.
Fukushima, H.; Hosokawa, T.; Chiaki, G.; Omukai, K.; Yoshida, N.; Kuiper, R.
Long-term study of extreme giant pulses from PSR B0950+08 with AARTFAAC.
Kuiack, M.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Rowlinson, A.; Shulevski, A.; Huizinga, F.; Molenaar, G.; Prasad, P.
Eccentric grazing envelope evolution towards Type IIb supernova progenitors.
Shishkin, D.; Soker, N.
Dissecting the regions around IceCube high-energy neutrinos: growing evidence for the blazar connection.
Giommi, P.; Glauch, T.; Padovani, P.; Resconi, E.; Turcati, A.; Chang,Y.L.
Forecast constraints on anisotropic stress in dark energy using gravitational waves.
Yang, W.; Pan, S.; Mota, D.F.; Du, M.
CoMaLit - VI. Intrinsic scatter in stacked relations. The weak lensing AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3.
Sereno, M.; Ettori, S.; Lesci, G.F.; Marulli, F.; Maturi, M.; Moscardini, L.; Radovich, M.; Bellagamba, F.; Roncarelli, M.
Constraining the second half of reionization with the Ly β forest.
Keating, L.C.; Kulkarni, G.; Haehnelt, M.G.; Chardin, J.; Aubert, D.
Erratum: The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot-Jupiter in a 3.35 day orbit around a late F-star.
Cappetta, M.; Saglia, R.P.; Birkby, J.L.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Pinfield, D.J.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Cruz, P.; Kovacs, G.; Sipocz, B.; Barrado, D.; Nefs, B.; Pavlenko, Y.V.; Fossati, L.; del Burgo, C.; Martin, E.L.; Snellen, I.; Barnes, J.; Campbell, D.; Catalan, S.; Galvez-Ortiz, M.C.; Goulding, N.; Haswell, C.; Ivanyuk, O.; Jones, H.; Kuznetsov, M.; Lodieu, N.; Marocco, F.; Mislis, D.; Murgas, F.; Napiwotzki, R.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Sarro Baro, L.; Solano, E.; Steele, P.; Stoev, H.; Tata, R.; Zendejas, J.
NIR counterparts to ULXs (III): completing the photometric survey and selected spectroscopic results.
Lopez, K.M.; Heida, M.; Jonker, P.G.; Torres, M.A.P.; Roberts, T.P.; Walton, D.J.; Moon, D.-S.; Harrison, F.A.
Fluctuations in galactic bar parameters due to bar-spiral interaction.
Hilmi, T.; Minchev, I.; Buck, T.; Martig, M.; Quillen, A.C.; Monari, G.; Famaey, B.; de Jong, R.S.; Laporte, C.F.P.; Read, J.; Sanders, J.L.; Steinmetz, M.; Wegg, C.
Warm dust in high-z galaxies: origin and implications.
Sommovigo, L.; Ferrara, A.; Pallottini, A.; Carniani, S.; Gallerani, S.; Decataldo, D.
Analysis of the He I chromosphere in relation to the magnetic field activity over solar cycle time periods.
Li, K.J.; Feng, W.
On the seismic emission in sunspots associated with Lorentz force changes accompanying major solar flares.
Kumar, H.; Kumar, B.
Inverse-Compton scattering in the resolved jet of the high-redshift quasar PKS J1421-0643.
Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Marshall, H.L.; Schwartz, D.A.; Siemiginowska, A.; Wardle, J.F.C.
Periodic fast radio bursts from forcedly precessing neutron stars, anomalous torque, and internal magnetic field for FRB 180916.J0158+65 and FRB 121102.
Sob'yanin, D.N.
On using dipolar modes to constrain the helium glitch in red giant stars.
Dreau, G.; Cunha, M.S.; Vrard, M.; Avelino, P.P.
The corona of GJ 1151 in the context of star-planet interaction.
Foster, G.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Alvarado-Gomez, J.D.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
Dynamical evidence from the sub-parsec counter-rotating disc for a close binary of supermassive black holes in NGC 1068.
Wang, J.-M.; Songsheng, Y.-Y.; Li, Y.-R.; Du, P.; Yu, Z.
Time evolution of cyclotron line of Her X-1: a detailed statistical analysis including new AstroSat data.
Bala, S.; Bhattacharya, D.; Staubert, R.; Maitra, C.
Binary black holes in the pair instability mass gap.
Di Carlo, U.N.; Mapelli, M.; Bouffanais, Y.; Giacobbo, N.; Santoliquido, F.; Bressan, A.; Spera, M.; Haardt, F.
3D structure of the H II region Sh2-235 from tunable-filter optical observations.
Kirsanova, M.S.; Boley, P.A.; Moiseev, A.V.; Wiebe, D.S.; Uklein, R.I.
Broad-band X-ray characteristics of the transient pulsar GRO J2058+42.
Kabiraj, S.; Paul, B.
Relativistic, axisymmetric, viscous, radiation hydrodynamic simulations of geometrically thin discs. II. Disc variability.
Mishra, B.; Kluzniak, W.; Fragile, P.C.
Erratum: Mass outflow of the X-ray emission line gas in NGC 4151.
Kraemer, S.B.; Turner, T.J.; Couto, J.D.; Crenshaw, D.M.; Schmitt, H.R.; Revalski, M.; Fischer, T.C.
An update to the MARVEL data set and ExoMol line list for 12C2.
McKemmish, L.K.; Syme, A.-M.; Borsovszky, J.; Yurchenko, S.N.; Tennyson, J.; Furtenbacher, T.; Csaszar, A.G.
Multi-wavelength, spatially resolved modelling of HD 48682's debris disc.
Hengst, S.; Marshall, J.P.; Horner, J.; Marsden, S.C.
Remeasurement of Solar Observing Optical Network sunspot areas.
Meadows, P.J.
Swift/XRT, Chandra, and XMM-Newton observations of IGR J17091-3624 as it returns into quiescence.
Pereyra, M.; Altamirano, D.; Court, J.M.C.; Degenaar, N.; Wijnands, R.; Parikh, A.S.; Cuneo, V.A.
Radio variability from corotating interaction regions threading Wolf-Rayet winds.
Ignace, R.; St-Louis, N.; Prinja, R.K.
The nature of kink MHD waves in the solar corona: magnetic twist and phase mixing.
Bahari, K.; Ebrahimi, Z.
Dust size and spatial distributions in debris discs: predictions for exozodiacal dust dragged in from an exo-Kuiper belt.
Rigley, J.K.; Wyatt, M.C.
Thermal inertias of pebble-pile comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Arakawa, S.; Ohno, K.
Implications of the search for optical counterparts during the second part of the Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run: lessons learned for future follow-up observations.
Coughlin, M.W.; Dietrich, T.; Antier, S.; Almualla, M.; Anand, S.; Bulla, M.; Foucart, F.; Guessoum, N.; Hotokezaka, K.; Kumar, V.; Raaijmakers, G.; Nissanke, S.
AstroSat and MAXI view of the black hole binary 4U 1630-472 during 2016 and 2018 outbursts.
Baby, B.E.; Agrawal, V.K.; Ramadevi, M.C.; Katoch, T.; Antia, H.M.; Mandal, S.; Nandi, A.
Constraining primordial black hole fraction at the galactic centre using radio observational data.
Chan, M.H.; Lee, C.M.
Inverse reconstruction of jet structure from off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglows.
Takahashi, K.; Ioka, K.
2020MNRAS.497.1236M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/1236)
Chemo-dynamics of outer halo dwarf stars, including Gaia-Sausage and Gaia-Sequoia candidates.
Monty, S.; Venn, K.A.; Lane, J.M.M.; Lokhorst, D.; Yong, D.
The inner gas mass-temperature profile in the core of nearby galaxy clusters.
Liu, H.; Fabian, A.C.; Pinto, C.
The turbulence driving parameter of molecular clouds in disc galaxies.
Kortgen, B.
Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity.
Said, K.; Colless, M.; Magoulas, C.; Lucey, J.R.; Hudson, M.J.
On the distribution of fluxes of gamma-ray blazars: hints for a stochastic process?
Tavecchio, F.; Bonnoli, G.; Galanti, G.
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