Monthly Notices of the RAS 497
September(I) 2020
- 2020MNRAS.497L...1W
- Fainter harder brighter softer: a correlation between αox, X-ray spectral state, and Eddington ratio in tidal disruption events.
- Wevers, T.
- 2020MNRAS.497L...7S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/L7)
- The Pristine survey - X. A large population of low-metallicity stars permeates the Galactic disc.
- Sestito, F.; Martin, N.F.; Starkenburg, E.; Arentsen, A.; Ibata, R.A.; Longeard, N.; Kielty, C.; Youakim, K.; Venn, K.A.; Aguado, D.S.; Carlberg, R.G.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Hill, V.; Jablonka, P.; Kordopatis, G.; Malhan, K.; Navarro, J.F.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.; Thomas, G.; Tolstoy, E.; Wilson, T.G.; Palicio, P.A.; Bialek, S.; Garcia-Dias, R.; Lucchesi, R.; North, P.; Osorio, Y.; Patrick, L.R.; Peralta de Arriba, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..13M
- ASASSN-15lh: a TDE about a maximally rotating 109 M☉ black hole.
- Mummery, A.; Balbus, S.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..19S
- Discovery of β Cep pulsations in the eclipsing binary V453 Cygni.
- Southworth, J.; Bowman, D.M.; Tkachenko, A.; Pavlovski, K.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..24R
- Pulsation in the white dwarf HE 1017-1352: confirmation of the class of hot DAV stars.
- Romero, A.D.; Amaral, L.A.; Kepler, S.0.; Fraga, L.; Kurtz, D.; Shibahashi, H.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..30G
- The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars.
- Gao, X.; Lind, K.; Amarsi, A.M.; Buder, S.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Campbell, S.W.; Asplund, M.; Casey, A.R.; De Silva, G.M.; Freeman, K.C.; Hayden, M.R.; Lewis, G.F.; Martell, S.L.; Simpson, J.D.; Sharma, S.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.; Horner, J.; Munari, U.; Nordlander, T.; Stello, D.; Ting, Y.-S.; Traven, G.; Wittenmyer, R.A.; (The GALAH Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.497L..35N
- EDGES signal in the presence of magnetic fields.
- Natwariya, P.K.; Bhatt, J.R.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..40W
- Testing viscous disc theory using the balance between stellar accretion and external photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs.
- Winter, A.J.; Ansdell, M.; Haworth, T.J.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..46M
- No evidence for interstellar planetesimals trapped in the Solar system.
- Morbidelli, A.; Batygin, K.; Brasser, R.; Raymond, S.N.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..50C
- Swift J004427.3-734801 - a probable Be/white dwarf system in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Coe, M.J.; Kennea, J.A.; Evans, P.A.; Udalski, A.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..56Y
- The first simultaneous measurement of Hubble constant and post-Newtonian parameter from time-delay strong lensing.
- Yang, T.; Birrer, S.; Hu, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..62B
- Scale-invariant dynamics in the Solar system.
- Banik, I.; Kroupa, P.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..67D
- Erratum: The fifth main-sequence magnetic B-type star showing coherent radio emission: Is this really a rare phenomenon?
- Das, B.; Chandra, P.; Shultz, M.E.; Wade, G.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497L..69A
- Theory of ion holes in space and astrophysical plasmas.
- Aravindakshan, H.; Yoon, P.H.; Kakad, A.; Kakad, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497....1O
- Semi-analytic modelling of AGNs: autocorrelation function and halo occupation.
- Oogi, T.; Shirakata, H.; Nagashima, M.; Nishimichi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Okamoto, T.; Ishiyama, T.; Enoki, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497...19K
- Relaxation of viscoelastic tumblers with application to 1I/2017 ('Oumuamua) and 4179 Toutatis.
- Kwiecinski, J.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497...37K
- Constraints on the star formation histories of galaxies in the Local Cosmological Volume.
- Kroupa, P.; Haslbauer, M.; Banik, I.; Nagesh, S.T.; Pflamm-Altenburg, J.
- 2020MNRAS.497...44B
- Discovery of a near-infrared bar and a pseudo-bulge in the collisional ring galaxy Cartwheel.
- Barway, S.; Mayya, Y.D.; Robleto-Orus, A.
- 2020MNRAS.497...52H
- Shapley supercluster survey: mapping the dark matter distribution.
- Higuchi, Y.; Okabe, N.; Merluzzi, P.; Haines, C.P.; Busarello, G.; Grado, A.; Mercurio, A.
- 2020MNRAS.497...67L
- NLTE spectral analysis of the intermediate helium-rich subdwarf B star CPD-20°1123.
- Lobling, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497...81D
- An EAGLE's view of ex situ galaxy growth.
- Davison, T.A.; Norris, M.A.; Pfeffer, J.L.; Davies, J.J.; Crain, R.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497...94P
- Optical spectroscopy of BL Lac objects: TeV candidates.
- Paiano, S.; Falomo, R.; Treves, A.; Scarpa, R.
- 2020MNRAS.497..109F
- The SkyMapper-Gaia RVS view of the Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage - an investigation of the metallicity and mass of the Milky Way's last major merger.
- Feuillet, D.K.; Feltzing, S.; Sahlholdt, C.L.; Casagrande, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..125B
- A search for fast-radio-burst-like emission from Fermi gamma-ray bursts.
- Bouwhuis, M.; Bannister, K.W.; Macquart, J.-P.; Shannon, R.M.; Kaplan, D.L.; Bunton, J.D.; Koribalski, B.S.; Whiting, M.T.
- 2020MNRAS.497..130T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/130)
- Gaia white dwarfs within 40 pc - I. Spectroscopic observations of new candidates.
- Tremblay, P.-E.; Hollands, M.A.; Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; McCleery, J.; Izquierdo, P.; Gansicke, B.T.; Cukanovaite, E.; Koester, D.; Brown, W.R.; Charpinet, S.; Cunningham, T.; Farihi, J.; Giammichele, N.; van Grootel, V.; Hermes, J.J.; Hoskin, M.J.; Jordan, S.; Kepler, S.O.; Kleinman, S.J.; Manser, C.J.; Marsh, T.R.; de Martino, D.; Nitta, A.; Parsons, S.G.; Pelisoli, I.; Raddi, R.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Ren, J.-J.; Schreiber, M.R.; Silvotti, R.; Toloza, O.; Toonen, S.; Torres, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..146D
- Galaxy cold gas contents in modern cosmological hydrodynamic simulations.
- Dave, R.; Crain, R.A.; Stevens, A.R.H.; Narayanan, D.; Saintonge, A.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..167J
- Erratum: Variations of the mixing character of dipolar mixed modes in red giant stars.
- Jiang, C.; Cunha, M.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Zhang, Q.S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..173G
- The KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey (KLASS): kinematics and clumpiness of low-mass galaxies at cosmic noon.
- Girard, M.; Mason, C.A.; Fontana, A.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Morishita, T.; Amorin, R.; Fisher, D.B.; Jones, T.; Schaerer, D.; Schmidt, K.B.; Treu, T.; Vulcani, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497..192H
- Changing look active galactic nuclei in the MaNGA survey.
- Hon, W.J.; Webster, R.; Wolf, C.
- 2020MNRAS.497..204Y
- Strong lensing as a giant telescope to localize the host galaxy of gravitational wave event.
- Yu, H.; Zhang, P.; Wang, F.-Y.
- 2020MNRAS.497..210S
- The LSST DESC data challenge 1: generation and analysis of synthetic images for next-generation surveys.
- Sanchez, J.; Walter, C.W.; Awan, H.; Chiang, J.; Daniel, S.F.; Gawiser, E.; Glanzman, T.; Kirkby, D.; Mandelbaum, R.; Slosar, A.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; AlSayyad, Y.; Burke, C.J.; Digel, S.W.; Jarvis, M.; Johnson, T.; Kelly, H.; Krughoff, S.; Lupton, R.H.; Marshall, P.J.; Peterson, J.R.; Price, P.A.; Sembroski, G.; Van Klaveren, B.; Wiesner, M.P.; Xin, B.; (The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.497..229A
- NuSTAR observations of four nearby X-ray faint AGNs: low luminosity or heavy obscuration?
- Annuar, A.; Alexander, D.M.; Gandhi, P.; Lansbury, G.B.; Asmus, D.; Balokovic, M.; Ballantyne, D.R.; Bauer, F.E.; Boorman, P.G.; Brandt, W.N.; Brightman, M.; Chen, C.-T.J.; Del Moro, A.; Farrah, D.; Harrison, F.A.; Koss, M.J.; Lanz, L.; Marchesi, S.; Masini, A.; Nardini, E.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Zappacosta, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..246G
- AT2018kzr: the merger of an oxygen-neon white dwarf and a neutron star or black hole.
- Gillanders, J.H.; Sim, S.A.; Smartt, S.J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..263K
- Using quasar X-ray and UV flux measurements to constrain cosmological model parameters.
- Khadka, N.; Ratra, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497..279C
- GalICS 2.1: a new semianalytic model for cold accretion, cooling, feedback, and their roles in galaxy formation.
- Cattaneo, A.; Koutsouridou, I.; Tollet, E.; Devriendt, J.; Dubois, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.497..302T
- Hyper-Eddington accretion flows on to black holes accompanied by powerful outflows.
- Takeo, E.; Inayoshi, K.; Mineshige, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..318L
- SN 2018hti: a nearby superluminous supernova discovered in a metal-poor galaxy.
- Lin, W.L.; Wang, X.F.; Li, W.X.; Zhang, J.J.; Mo, J.; Sai, H.N.; Zhang, X.H.; Filippenko, A.V.; Zheng, W.K.; Brink, T.G.; Baron, E.; DerKacy, J.M.; Ehgamberdiev, S.A.; Mirzaqulov, D.; Li, X.; Zhang, J.C.; Yan, S.Y.; Xi, G.B.; Hsiao, Y.; Zhang, T.M.; Wang, L.J.; Liu, L.D.; Xiang, D.F.; Wu, C.Y.; Rui, L.M.; Chen, Z.H.
- 2020MNRAS.497..336S
- The importance of magnetic fields for the initial mass function of the first stars.
- Sharda, P.; Federrath, C.; Krumholz, M.R.
- 2020MNRAS.497..352A
- Initial results from a real-time FRB search with the GBT.
- Agarwal, D.; Lorimer, D.R.; Surnis, M.P.; Pei, X.; Karastergiou, A.; Golpayegani, G.; Werthimer, D.; Cobb, J.; McLaughlin, M.A.; White, S.; Armour, W.; MacMahon, D.H.E.; Siemion, A.P.V.; Foster, G.
- 2020MNRAS.497..361M
- The low-luminosity Type II SN 2016aqf: a well-monitored spectral evolution of the Ni/Fe abundance ratio.
- Muller-Bravo, T.E.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Sullivan, M.; Jerkstrand, A.; Anderson, J.P.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Sollerman, J.; Arcavi, I.; Burke, J.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gromadzki, M.; Hiramatsu, D.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D.A.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Kozyreva, A.; McCully, C.; Nicholl, M.; Smartt, S.; Valenti, S.; Young, D.R.
- 2020MNRAS.497..378V
- The failure of testing for cosmic opacity via the distance-duality relation.
- Vavrycuk, V.; Kroupa, P.
- 2020MNRAS.497..389D
- Inverse stellar population age gradients of post-starburst galaxies at z = 0.8 with LEGA-C.
- D'Eugenio, F.; van der Wel, A.; Wu, P.-F.; Barone, T.M.; van Houdt, J.; Bezanson, R.; Straatman, C.M.S.; Pacifici, C.; Muzzin, A.; Gallazzi, A.; Wild, V.; Sobral, D.; Bell, E.F.; Zibetti, S.; Mowla, L.; Franx, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..405M
- A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 - III. Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations.
- Massaro, E.; Capitanio, F.; Feroci, M.; Mineo, T.
- 2020MNRAS.497..416W
- Analysis of Phobos' dynamical environment considering effects of ephemerides and physical libration.
- Wang, Y.; Wu, X.
- 2020MNRAS.497..435D
- HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. I. Hydrodynamic simulations.
- Dewberry, J.W.; Latter, H.N.; Ogilvie, G.I.; Fromang, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..451D
- HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. II. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
- Dewberry, J.W.; Latter, H.N.; Ogilvie, G.I.; Fromang, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..466S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/466)
- Evolution of galaxies in groups in the Coma Supercluster.
- Seth, R.; Raychaudhury, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..482L
- The X-ray emission in young radio active galactic nuclei.
- Liao, M.; Gu, M.; Zhou, M.; Chen, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..498C
- The Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS) - I. Overview and the diverse environments of Lyman limit systems at z < 1.
- Chen, H.-W.; Zahedy, F.S.; Boettcher, E.; Cooper, T.M.; Johnson, S.D.; Rudie, G.C.; Chen, M.C.; Walth, G.L.; Cantalupo, S.; Cooksey, K.L.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Greene, J.E.; Lopez, S.; Mulchaey, J.S.; Penton, S.V.; Petitjean, P.; Putman, M.E.; Rafelski, M.; Rauch, M.; Schaye, J.; Simcoe, R.A.; Weiner, B.J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..521O
- How to tell an accreting boson star from a black hole.
- Olivares, H.; Younsi, Z.; Fromm, C.M.; De Laurentis, M.; Porth, O.; Mizuno, Y.; Falcke, H.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..536W
- PETAR: a high-performance N-body code for modelling massive collisional stellar systems.
- Wang, L.; Iwasawa, M.; Nitadori, K.; Makino, J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..556H
- Deep learning for strong lensing search: tests of the convolutional neural networks and new candidates from KiDS DR3.
- He, Z.; Er, X.; Long, Q.; Liu, D.; Liu, X.; Li, Z.; Liu, Y.; Deng, W.; Fan, Z.
- 2020MNRAS.497..572K
- Probing the high-z IGM with the hyperfine transition of 3He+.
- Khullar, S.; Ma, Q.; Busch, P.; Ciardi, B.; Eide, M.B.; Kakiichi, K.
- 2020MNRAS.497..581A
- Multitracer extension of the halo model: probing quenching and conformity in eBOSS.
- Alam, S.; Peacock, J.A.; Kraljic, K.; Ross, A.J.; Comparat, J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..596D
- X-ray spectroscopy of newly identified ULXs associated with M87's globular cluster population.
- Dage, K.C.; Zepf, S.E.; Thygesen, E.; Bahramian, A.; Kundu, A.; Maccarone, T.J.; Peacock, M.B.; Strader, J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..609Z
- Chemical models of interstellar cyanomethanimine isomers.
- Zhang, X.; Quan, D.; Chang, Q.; Herbst, E.; Esimbek, J.; Webb, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..626A
- NGC 474 as viewed with KCWI: diagnosing a shell galaxy.
- Alabi, A.B.; Ferre-Mateu, A.; Forbes, D.A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Brodie, J.P.
- 2020MNRAS.497..632L
- The large-scale magnetic field of the eccentric pre-main-sequence binary system V1878 Ori.
- Lavail, A.; Kochukhov, O.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Argiroffi, C.; Alecian, E.; Morin, J.; (The the BinaMIcS collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.497..643D
- The mass, spin, and rotational energy of the remnant black holes from compact binary mergers.
- Deng, C.-M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..648C
- New insight into the origin of the GeV flare in the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 from the 2017 periastron passage.
- Chernyakova, M.; Malyshev, D.; Mc Keague, S.; van Soelen, B.; Marais, J.P.; Martin-Carrillo, A.; Murphy, D.
- 2020MNRAS.497..656B
- The XMM Cluster Survey: new evidence for the 3.5-keV feature in clusters is inconsistent with a dark matter origin.
- Bhargava, S.; Giles, P.A.; Romer, A.K.; Jeltema, T.; Mayers, J.; Bermeo, A.; Hilton, M.; Wilkinson, R.; Vergara, C.; Collins, C.A.; Manolopoulou, M.; Rooney, P.J.; Rosborough, S.; Sabirli, K.; Stott, J.P.; Swann, E.; Viana, P.T.P.
- 2020MNRAS.497..672A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/672)
- The Te[N II]-Te[O III] temperature relation in H II regions and the reliability of strong-line methods.
- Arellano-Cordova, K.Z.; Rodriguez, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..687S
- Luminous blue variable candidates in M31.
- Sarkisyan, A.; Sholukhova, O.; Fabrika, S.; Bizyaev, D.; Valeev, A.; Vinokurov, A.; Solovyeva, Y.; Kostenkov, A.; Malanushenko, V.; Nedialkov, P.
- 2020MNRAS.497..698T
- Stochastic modelling of star-formation histories II: star-formation variability from molecular clouds and gas inflow.
- Tacchella, S.; Forbes, J.C.; Caplar, N.
- 2020MNRAS.497..726G
- Searching for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave merger events with the prototype Gravitational-Wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO-4).
- Gompertz, B.P.; Cutter, R.; Steeghs, D.; Galloway, D.K.; Lyman, J.; Ulaczyk, K.; Dyer, M.J.; Ackley, K.; Dhillon, V.S.; O'Brien, P.T.; Ramsay, G.; Poshyachinda, S.; Kotak, R.; Nuttall, L.; Breton, R.P.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Thrane, E.; Aukkaravittayapun, S.; Awiphan, S.; Brown, M.J.I.; Burhanudin, U.; Chote, P.; Chrimes, A.A.; Daw, E.; Duffy, C.; Eyles-Ferris, R.A.J.; Heikkila, T.; Irawati, P.; Kennedy, M.R.; Killestein, T.; Levan, A.J.; Littlefair, S.; Makrygianni, L.; Marsh, T.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Mattila, S.; Maund, J.; McCormac, J.; Mkrtichian, D.; Mong, Y.-L.; Mullaney, J.; Muller, B.; Obradovic, A.; Rol, E.; Sawangwit, U.; Stanway, E.R.; Starling, R.L.C.; Strom, P.A.; Tooke, S.; West, R.; Wiersema, K.
- 2020MNRAS.497..739N
- Defeating stochasticity: coalescence time-scales of massive black holes in galaxy merger.
- Nasim, I.; Gualandris, A.; Read, J.; Dehnen, W.; Delorme, M.; Antonini, F.
- 2020MNRAS.497..747S
- The formation times and building blocks of Milky Way-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations.
- Santistevan, I.B.; Wetzel, A.; El-Badry, K.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Bailin, J.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Benincasa, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..765F
- Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) spectra of globular clusters and ultracompact dwarfs in the halo of M87.
- Forbes, D.A.; Ferre-Mateu, A.; Durre, M.; Brodie, J.P.; Romanowsky, A.J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..776G
- GEOMAX: beyond linear compression for three-point galaxy clustering statistics.
- Gualdi, D.; Gil-Marin, H.; Manera, M.; Joachimi, B.; Lahav, O.
- 2020MNRAS.497..793Z
- Filament intersections and cold dense cores in Orion A North.
- Zhang, C.; Ren, Z.; Wu, J.; Li, D.; Zhu, L.; Zhang, Q.; Mardones, D.; Wang, C.; Shi, H.; Yue, N.; Luo, G.; Xie, J.; Jiao, S.; Liu, S.; Xu, X.; Wang, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497..809J
- NGTS clusters survey - II. White-light flares from the youngest stars in Orion.
- Jackman, J.A.G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Acton, J.S.; Anderson, D.R.; Belardi, C.; Burleigh, M.R.; Casewell, S.L.; Eigmuller, P.; Gill, S.; Gillen, E.; Goad, M.R.; Grange, A.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Jenkins, J.S.; McCormac, J.; Moyano, M.; Queloz, D.; Raynard, L.; Tilbrook, R.H.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.
- 2020MNRAS.497..818H
- The power of coordinate transformations in dynamical interpretations of Galactic structure.
- Hunt, J.A.S.; Johnston, K.V.; Pettitt, A.R.; Cunningham, E.C.; Kawata, D.; Hogg, D.W.
- 2020MNRAS.497..829F
- Formation of massive stars under protostellar radiation feedback: very metal-poor stars.
- Fukushima, H.; Hosokawa, T.; Chiaki, G.; Omukai, K.; Yoshida, N.; Kuiper, R.
- 2020MNRAS.497..846K
- Long-term study of extreme giant pulses from PSR B0950+08 with AARTFAAC.
- Kuiack, M.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Rowlinson, A.; Shulevski, A.; Huizinga, F.; Molenaar, G.; Prasad, P.
- 2020MNRAS.497..855S
- Eccentric grazing envelope evolution towards Type IIb supernova progenitors.
- Shishkin, D.; Soker, N.
- 2020MNRAS.497..865G
- Dissecting the regions around IceCube high-energy neutrinos: growing evidence for the blazar connection.
- Giommi, P.; Glauch, T.; Padovani, P.; Resconi, E.; Turcati, A.; Chang,Y.L.
- 2020MNRAS.497..879Y
- Forecast constraints on anisotropic stress in dark energy using gravitational waves.
- Yang, W.; Pan, S.; Mota, D.F.; Du, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..894S
- CoMaLit - VI. Intrinsic scatter in stacked relations. The weak lensing AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3.
- Sereno, M.; Ettori, S.; Lesci, G.F.; Marulli, F.; Maturi, M.; Moscardini, L.; Radovich, M.; Bellagamba, F.; Roncarelli, M.
- 2020MNRAS.497..906K
- Constraining the second half of reionization with the Ly β forest.
- Keating, L.C.; Kulkarni, G.; Haehnelt, M.G.; Chardin, J.; Aubert, D.
- 2020MNRAS.497..916C
- Erratum: The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot-Jupiter in a 3.35 day orbit around a late F-star.
- Cappetta, M.; Saglia, R.P.; Birkby, J.L.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Pinfield, D.J.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Cruz, P.; Kovacs, G.; Sipocz, B.; Barrado, D.; Nefs, B.; Pavlenko, Y.V.; Fossati, L.; del Burgo, C.; Martin, E.L.; Snellen, I.; Barnes, J.; Campbell, D.; Catalan, S.; Galvez-Ortiz, M.C.; Goulding, N.; Haswell, C.; Ivanyuk, O.; Jones, H.; Kuznetsov, M.; Lodieu, N.; Marocco, F.; Mislis, D.; Murgas, F.; Napiwotzki, R.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Sarro Baro, L.; Solano, E.; Steele, P.; Stoev, H.; Tata, R.; Zendejas, J.
- 2020MNRAS.497..917L
- NIR counterparts to ULXs (III): completing the photometric survey and selected spectroscopic results.
- Lopez, K.M.; Heida, M.; Jonker, P.G.; Torres, M.A.P.; Roberts, T.P.; Walton, D.J.; Moon, D.-S.; Harrison, F.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497..933H
- Fluctuations in galactic bar parameters due to bar-spiral interaction.
- Hilmi, T.; Minchev, I.; Buck, T.; Martig, M.; Quillen, A.C.; Monari, G.; Famaey, B.; de Jong, R.S.; Laporte, C.F.P.; Read, J.; Sanders, J.L.; Steinmetz, M.; Wegg, C.
- 2020MNRAS.497..956S
- Warm dust in high-z galaxies: origin and implications.
- Sommovigo, L.; Ferrara, A.; Pallottini, A.; Carniani, S.; Gallerani, S.; Decataldo, D.
- 2020MNRAS.497..969L
- Analysis of the He I chromosphere in relation to the magnetic field activity over solar cycle time periods.
- Li, K.J.; Feng, W.
- 2020MNRAS.497..976K
- On the seismic emission in sunspots associated with Lorentz force changes accompanying major solar flares.
- Kumar, H.; Kumar, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497..988W
- Inverse-Compton scattering in the resolved jet of the high-redshift quasar PKS J1421-0643.
- Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Marshall, H.L.; Schwartz, D.A.; Siemiginowska, A.; Wardle, J.F.C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1001S
- Periodic fast radio bursts from forcedly precessing neutron stars, anomalous torque, and internal magnetic field for FRB 180916.J0158+65 and FRB 121102.
- Sob'yanin, D.N.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1008D
- On using dipolar modes to constrain the helium glitch in red giant stars.
- Dreau, G.; Cunha, M.S.; Vrard, M.; Avelino, P.P.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1015F
- The corona of GJ 1151 in the context of star-planet interaction.
- Foster, G.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Alvarado-Gomez, J.D.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1020W
- Dynamical evidence from the sub-parsec counter-rotating disc for a close binary of supermassive black holes in NGC 1068.
- Wang, J.-M.; Songsheng, Y.-Y.; Li, Y.-R.; Du, P.; Yu, Z.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1029B
- Time evolution of cyclotron line of Her X-1: a detailed statistical analysis including new AstroSat data.
- Bala, S.; Bhattacharya, D.; Staubert, R.; Maitra, C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1043D
- Binary black holes in the pair instability mass gap.
- Di Carlo, U.N.; Mapelli, M.; Bouffanais, Y.; Giacobbo, N.; Santoliquido, F.; Bressan, A.; Spera, M.; Haardt, F.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1050K
- 3D structure of the H II region Sh2-235 from tunable-filter optical observations.
- Kirsanova, M.S.; Boley, P.A.; Moiseev, A.V.; Wiebe, D.S.; Uklein, R.I.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1059K
- Broad-band X-ray characteristics of the transient pulsar GRO J2058+42.
- Kabiraj, S.; Paul, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1066M
- Relativistic, axisymmetric, viscous, radiation hydrodynamic simulations of geometrically thin discs. II. Disc variability.
- Mishra, B.; Kluzniak, W.; Fragile, P.C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1080K
- Erratum: Mass outflow of the X-ray emission line gas in NGC 4151.
- Kraemer, S.B.; Turner, T.J.; Couto, J.D.; Crenshaw, D.M.; Schmitt, H.R.; Revalski, M.; Fischer, T.C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1081M
- An update to the MARVEL data set and ExoMol line list for 12C2.
- McKemmish, L.K.; Syme, A.-M.; Borsovszky, J.; Yurchenko, S.N.; Tennyson, J.; Furtenbacher, T.; Csaszar, A.G.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1098H
- Multi-wavelength, spatially resolved modelling of HD 48682's debris disc.
- Hengst, S.; Marshall, J.P.; Horner, J.; Marsden, S.C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1110M
- Remeasurement of Solar Observing Optical Network sunspot areas.
- Meadows, P.J.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1115P
- Swift/XRT, Chandra, and XMM-Newton observations of IGR J17091-3624 as it returns into quiescence.
- Pereyra, M.; Altamirano, D.; Court, J.M.C.; Degenaar, N.; Wijnands, R.; Parikh, A.S.; Cuneo, V.A.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1127I
- Radio variability from corotating interaction regions threading Wolf-Rayet winds.
- Ignace, R.; St-Louis, N.; Prinja, R.K.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1135B
- The nature of kink MHD waves in the solar corona: magnetic twist and phase mixing.
- Bahari, K.; Ebrahimi, Z.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1143R
- Dust size and spatial distributions in debris discs: predictions for exozodiacal dust dragged in from an exo-Kuiper belt.
- Rigley, J.K.; Wyatt, M.C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1166A
- Thermal inertias of pebble-pile comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
- Arakawa, S.; Ohno, K.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1181C
- Implications of the search for optical counterparts during the second part of the Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run: lessons learned for future follow-up observations.
- Coughlin, M.W.; Dietrich, T.; Antier, S.; Almualla, M.; Anand, S.; Bulla, M.; Foucart, F.; Guessoum, N.; Hotokezaka, K.; Kumar, V.; Raaijmakers, G.; Nissanke, S.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1197B
- AstroSat and MAXI view of the black hole binary 4U 1630-472 during 2016 and 2018 outbursts.
- Baby, B.E.; Agrawal, V.K.; Ramadevi, M.C.; Katoch, T.; Antia, H.M.; Mandal, S.; Nandi, A.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1212C
- Constraining primordial black hole fraction at the galactic centre using radio observational data.
- Chan, M.H.; Lee, C.M.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1217T
- Inverse reconstruction of jet structure from off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglows.
- Takahashi, K.; Ioka, K.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1236M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/497/1236)
- Chemo-dynamics of outer halo dwarf stars, including Gaia-Sausage and Gaia-Sequoia candidates.
- Monty, S.; Venn, K.A.; Lane, J.M.M.; Lokhorst, D.; Yong, D.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1256L
- The inner gas mass-temperature profile in the core of nearby galaxy clusters.
- Liu, H.; Fabian, A.C.; Pinto, C.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1263K
- The turbulence driving parameter of molecular clouds in disc galaxies.
- Kortgen, B.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1275S
- Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity.
- Said, K.; Colless, M.; Magoulas, C.; Lucey, J.R.; Hudson, M.J.
- 2020MNRAS.497.1294T
- On the distribution of fluxes of gamma-ray blazars: hints for a stochastic process?
- Tavecchio, F.; Bonnoli, G.; Galanti, G.
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