Monthly Notices of the RAS 495
June(III) 2020
- 2020MNRAS.495.1531G
- Mon-735: a new low-mass pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary in NGC 2264.
- Gillen, E.; Hillenbrand, L.A.; Stauffer, J.; Aigrain, S.; Rebull, L.; Cody, A.M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1549N
- Plasmoid formation in global GRMHD simulations and AGN flares.
- Nathanail, A.; Fromm, C.M.; Porth, O.; Olivares, H.; Younsi, Z.; Mizuno, Y.; Rezzolla, L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1566R
- Study of flux-rope characteristics at sub-astronomical-unit distances using the Helios 1 and 2 spacecraft.
- Raghav, A.; Gaikwad, S.; Wang, Y.; Shaikh, Z.I.; Mishra, W.; Zao, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1577I
- Radiative equilibrium estimates of dust temperature and mass in high-redshift galaxies.
- Inoue, A.K.; Hashimoto, T.; Chihara, H.; Koike, C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1593M
- Particle acceleration in low-power hotspots: modelling the broad-band spectral energy distribution.
- Migliori, G.; Orienti, M.; Coccato, L.; Brunetti, G.; D'Ammando, F.; Mack, K.-H.; Prieto, M.A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1608C
- The Lyapunov exponents and the neighbourhood of periodic orbits.
- Carpintero, D.D.; Muzzio, J.C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1613R
- Improving galaxy clustering measurements with deep learning: analysis of the DECaLS DR7 data.
- Rezaie, M.; Seo, H.-J.; Ross, A.J.; Bunescu, R.C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1641S
- Timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17591-2342: evidence of spin-down during accretion.
- Sanna, A.; Burderi, L.; Gendreau, K.C.; Di Salvo, T.; Ray, P.S.; Riggio, A.; Gambino, A.F.; Iaria, R.; Piga, L.; Malacaria, C.; Jaisawal, G.K.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1650V
- Chemical modelling of dust-gas chemistry within AGB outflows - II. Effect of the dust-grain size distribution.
- Van de Sande, M.; Walsh, C.; Danilovich, T.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1666R
- On building a cluster watchlist for identifying strongly lensed supernovae, gravitational waves and kilonovae.
- Ryczanowski, D.; Smith, G.P.; Bianconi, M.; Massey, R.; Robertson, A.; Jauzac, M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1672B
- Photoionizing feedback in spiral arm molecular clouds.
- Bending, T.J.R.; Dobbs, C.L.; Bate, M.R.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1692G
- Powering central compact objects with a tangled crustal magnetic field.
- Gourgouliatos, K.N.; Hollerbach, R.; Igoshev, A.P.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1700L
- Lessons on early structure formation from a mature galaxy cluster observed at cosmic noon.
- Liu, B.; Schauer, A.T.P.; Bromm, V.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1706B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/1706)
- SuperCLASS - I. The super cluster assisted shear survey: Project overview and data release 1.
- Battye, R.A.; Brown, M.L.; Casey, C.M.; Harrison, I.; Jackson, N.J.; Smail, I.; Watson, R.A.; Hales, C.A.; Manning, S.M.; Hung, C.-L.; Riseley, C.J.; Abdalla, F.B.; Birkinshaw, M.; Demetroullas, C.; Chapman, S.; Beswick, R.J.; Muxlow, T.W.B.; Bonaldi, A.; Camera, S.; Hillier, T.; Kay, S.T.; Peters, A.; Sanders, D.B.; Thomas, D.B.; Thomson, A.P.; Tunbridge, B.; Whittaker, L.; (The SuperCLASS Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.495.1724M
- SuperCLASS - II. Photometric redshifts and characteristics of spatially resolved µJy radio sources.
- Manning, S.M.; Casey, C.M.; Hung, C.-L.; Battye, R.; Brown, M.L.; Jackson, N.; Abdalla, F.; Chapman, S.; Demetroullas, C.; Drew, P.; Hales, C.A.; Harrison, I.; Riseley, C.J.; Sanders, D.B.; Watson, R.A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1737H
- SuperCLASS - III. Weak lensing from radio and optical observations in Data Release 1.
- Harrison, I.; Brown, M.L.; Tunbridge, B.; Thomas, D.B.; Hillier, T.; Thomson, A.P.; Whittaker, L.; Abdalla, F.B.; Battye, R.A.; Bonaldi, A.; Camera, S.; Casey, C.M.; Demetroullas, C.; Hales, C.A.; Jackson, N.J.; Kay, S.T.; Manning, S.M.; Peters, A.; Riseley, C.J.; Watson, R.A.; (The SuperCLASS Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.495.1760O
- Cosmic evolution of molecular gas mass density from an empirical relationship between L_1.4 GHz_ and L'CO.
- Orellana-Gonzalez, G.; Ibar, E.; Leiton, R.; Thomson, A.P.; Cheng, C.; Ivison, R.J.; Herrera-Camus, R.; Messias, H.; Calderon-Castillo, P.; Hughes, T.M.; Leeuw, L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1771L
- Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and spectrophotometric models.
- Lena, D.; Jonker, P.G.; Rauer, J.P.; Hernandez, S.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1788A
- HIR4: cosmology from a simulated neutral hydrogen full sky using Horizon Run 4.
- Asorey, J.; Parkinson, D.; Shi, F.; Song, Y.-S.; Ahn, K.; Kim, J.; Yao, J.; Zhang, L.; Zuo, S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1807A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/1807)
- Differences and similarities of stellar populations in LAEs and LBGs at z ∼ 3.4-6.8.
- Arrabal Haro, P.; Rodriguez Espinosa, J.M.; Munoz-Tunon, C.; Sobral, D.; Lumbreras-Calle, A.; Boquien, M.; Hernan-Caballero, A.; Rodriguez-Munoz, L.; Alcalde Pampliega, B.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1825C
- The impact of AGN feedback on the 1D power spectra from the Ly α forest using the Horizon-AGN suite of simulations.
- Chabanier, S.; Bournaud, F.; Dubois, Y.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Yeche, C.; Armengaud, E.; Peirani, S.; Beckmann, R.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1841A
- An astrophysically motivated ranking criterion for low-latency electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave events.
- Artale, M.C.; Bouffanais, Y.; Mapelli, M.; Giacobbo, N.; Sabha, N.B.; Santoliquido, F.; Pasquato, M.; Spera, M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1853P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/1853)
- An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition.
- Pouliasis, E.; Mountrichas, G.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ruiz, A.; Yang, M.; Bonanos, A.Z.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1874D
- Probing the AGN unification model at redshift z ∼ 3 with MUSE observations of giant Ly α nebulae.
- den Brok, J.S.; Cantalupo, S.; Mackenzie, R.; Marino, R.A.; Pezzulli, G.; Matthee, J.; Johnson, S.D.; Krumpe, M.; Urrutia, T.; Kollatschny, W.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1888M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/1888)
- The pulsation properties of λ bootis stars I. the southern TESS sample.
- Murphy, S.J.; Paunzen, E.; Bedding, T.R.; Walczak, P.; Huber, D.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1913V
- Is the gap in the DS Tau disc hiding a planet?
- Veronesi, B.; Ragusa, E.; Lodato, G.; Aly, H.; Pinte, C.; Price, D.J.; Long, F.; Herczeg, G.J.; Christiaens, V.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1927O
- ExoMol line lists - XXXVIII. High-temperature molecular line list of silicon dioxide (SiO2).
- Owens, A.; Conway, E.K.; Tennyson, J.; Yurchenko, S.N.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1934S
- Microlensed radio emission from exoplanets.
- Shiohira, Y.; Terada, Y.; Mukuno, D.; Fujii, Y.; Takahashi, K.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1943Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/1943)
- No significant correlation between radial velocity planet presence and debris disc properties.
- Yelverton, B.; Kennedy, G.M.; Su, K.Y.L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1958W
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: The kinematic-morphology of galaxies on the mass versus star-formation relation in different environments.
- Wang, B.; Cappellari, M.; Peng, Y.; Graham, M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1978B
- On the origin of the bimodal rotational velocity distribution in stellar clusters: rotation on the pre-main sequence.
- Bastian, N.; Kamann, S.; Amard, L.; Charbonnel, C.; Haemmerle, L.; Matt, S.P.
- 2020MNRAS.495.1984D
- Systematically asymmetric: a comparison of H I profile asymmetries in real and simulated galaxies.
- Deg, N.; Blyth, S.-L.; Hank, N.; Kruger, S.; Carignan, C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2002L
- Probing compact dark matter with gravitational wave fringes detected by the Einstein Telescope.
- Liao, K.; Tian, S.; Ding, X.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2007M
- Revising the merger scenario of the galaxy cluster Abell 1644: a new gas poor structure discovered by weak gravitational lensing.
- Monteiro-Oliveira, R.; Doubrawa, L.; Machado, R.E.G.; Lima Neto, G.B.; Castejon, M.; Cypriano, E.S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2022D
- Simulations of gas sloshing induced by a newly discovered gas poor substructure in galaxy cluster Abell 1644.
- Doubrawa, L.; Machado, R.E.G.; Lagana, T.F.; Lima Neto, G.B.; Monteiro-Oliveira, R.; Cypriano, E.S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2035P
- Mapping local interstellar medium with diffuse interstellar bands.
- Piecka, M.; Paunzen, E.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2053D
- Visible and near-infrared observations of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov with the 10.4-m GTC and the 3.6-m TNG telescopes.
- de Leon, J.; Licandro, J.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.; Lara, L.M.; Moreno, F.; Pinilla-Alonso, N.; Serra-Ricart, M.; De Pra, M.; Tozzi, G.P.; Souza-Feliciano, A.C.; Popescu, M.; Scarpa, R.; Font Serra, J.; Geier, S.; Lorenzi, V.; Harutyunyan, A.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2063V
- Dynamical friction with radiative feedback - II. High-resolution study of the subsonic regime.
- Velasco Romero, D.A.; Masset, F.S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2075P
- Spectroscopic and geometrical evolution of the ejecta of the classical nova ASASSN-18fv.
- Pavana, M.; Raj, A.; Bohlsen, T.; Anupama, G.C.; Gupta, R.; Selvakumar, G.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2088C
- Surrogate modelling the Baryonic Universe - I. The colour of star formation.
- Chaves-Montero, J.; Hearin, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2105M
- 8 in 10 Stars in the Milky Way Bulge experience stellar encounters within 1000 AU in a gigayear.
- McTier, M.A.S.; Kipping, D.M.; Johnston, K.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2112A
- Young bilateral supernova remnants evolving into a turbulent interstellar magnetic field.
- Avila-Aroche, A.; Velazquez, P.F.; Camps-Farina, A.; Toledo-Roy, J.C.; Esquivel, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2125R
- Discovery of a pulsar wind nebula around B0950 + 08 with the ELWA.
- Ruan, D.; Taylor, G.B.; Dowell, J.; Stovall, K.; Schinzel, F.K.; Demorest, P.B.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2135N
- QSO obscuration at high redshift (z >= 7): predictions from the BLUETIDES simulation.
- Ni, Y.; Di Matteo, T.; Gilli, R.; Croft, R.A.C.; Feng, Y.; Norman, C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2152C
- On the Geometry of the X-ray emission from pulsars a consistent inclination and beaming solution for the Be/X-ray pulsar SXP 1062.
- Cappallo, R.C.; Laycock, S.G.T.; Christodoulou, D.M.; Roy, A.; Bhattacharya, S.; Coe, M.J.; Zezas, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2162P
- The optical polarization of the blazar PKS 2155-304 during an optical flare in 2010.
- Peceur, N.W.; Taylor, A.R.; Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2170R
- White-light solar corona structure observed by naked eye and processed images.
- Rusin, V.; Prikryl, P.; Prikryl, E.A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2179S
- Origin of spin-orbit misalignments: the microblazar V4641 Sgr.
- Salvesen, G.; Pokawanvit, S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2205P
- Colliding-wind binary systems: diffusive shock acceleration and non-thermal emission.
- Pittard, J.M.; Vila, G.S.; Romero, G.E.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2222S
- The eye of Gaia on globular clusters structure: tidal tails.
- Sollima, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2234G
- Rings and arcs around evolved stars - II. The Carbon Star AFGL 3068 and the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6543, NGC 7009, and NGC 7027.
- Guerrero, M.A.; Ramos-Larios, G.; Toala, J.A.; Balick, B.; Sabin, L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2247J
- The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS): VII. A MUSE view of the nuclear star clusters in Fornax dwarf galaxies.
- Johnston, E.J.; Puzia, T.H.; D'Ago, G.; Eigenthaler, P.; Galaz, G.; Haussler, B.; Mora, M.D.; Ordenes-Briceno, Y.; Rong, Y.; Spengler, C.; Vogt, F.; Cote, P.; Grebel, E.K.; Hilker, M.; Mieske, S.; Miller, B.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.; Taylor, M.A.; Zhang, H.-X.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2265V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/2265)
- The SAMI galaxy survey: gas velocity dispersions in low-z star-forming galaxies and the drivers of turbulence.
- Varidel, M.R.; Croom, S.M.; Lewis, G.F.; Fisher, D.B.; Glazebrook, K.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.; Krumholz, M.R.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Bryant, J.J.; Groves, B.; Brough, S.; Federrath, C.; Lawrence, J.S.; Lorente, N.P.; Owers, M.S.; Richards, S.N.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Sweet, S.M.; van de Sande, J.; Vaughan, S.P.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2285W
- Two-moment scheme for general-relativistic radiation hydrodynamics: a systematic description and new applications.
- Weih, L.R.; Olivares, H.; Rezzolla, L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2305G
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: spatially resolved dust attenuation in spiral galaxies.
- Greener, M.J.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Merrifield, M.R.; Peterken, T.G.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Masters, K.L.; Krawczyk, C.M.; Boardman, N.F.; Boquien, M.; Andrews, B.H.; Brinkmann, J.; Drory, N.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2321Z
- Improved gravitational radiation time-scales: significance for LISA and LIGO-Virgo sources.
- Zwick, L.; Capelo, P.R.; Bortolas, E.; Mayer, L.; Amaro-Seoane, P.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2332K
- ALMACAL VII: first interferometric number counts at 650 µm.
- Klitsch, A.; Zwaan, M.A.; Smail, I.; Peroux, C.; Biggs, A.D.; Chen, C.-C.; Ivison, R.J.; Popping, G.; Lagos, C.; Bethermin, M.; Swinbank, A.M.; Hamanowicz, A.; Dutta, R.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2342D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/2342)
- Using realistic host galaxy metallicities to improve the GRB X-ray equivalent total hydrogen column density and constrain the intergalactic medium density.
- Dalton, T.; Morris, S.L.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2354K
- Minimum size of 21-cm simulations.
- Kaur, H.D.; Gillet, N.; Mesinger, A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2363L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/495/2363)
- Asteroseismology of 36 Kepler subgiants - I. Oscillation frequencies, linewidths, and amplitudes.
- Li, Y.; Bedding, T.R.; Li, T.; Bi, S.; Stello, D.; Zhou, Y.; White, T.R.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2387S
- SHARP - VI. Evidence for CO (1-0) molecular gas extended on kpc-scales in AGN star-forming galaxies at high redshift.
- Spingola, C.; McKean, J.P.; Vegetti, S.; Powell, D.; Auger, M.W.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Lagattuta, D.J.; Rizzo, F.; Stacey, H.R.; Sweijen, F.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2408S
- Accretion disc-jet couplings in X-ray binaries.
- Shen, P.-X.; Gu, W.-M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2416J
- Which bright fast radio bursts repeat?
- James, C.W.; Oslowski, S.; Flynn, C.; Kumar, P.; Bannister, K.; Bhandari, S.; Farah, W.; Kerr, M.; Lorimer, D.R.; Macquart, J.-P.; Ng, C.; Phillips, C.; Price, D.C.; Qiu, H.; Shannon, R.M.; Spiewak, R.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2428C
- Application of the screened Coulomb potential to fit the DA-type variable star HS 0507 + 0434B.
- Chen, Y.H.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2436R
- Evolution and role of mergers in the BCG-cluster alignment. A view from cosmological hydrosimulations.
- Ragone-Figueroa, C.; Granato, G.L.; Borgani, S.; De Propris, R.; Garcia Lambas, D.; Murante, G.; Rasia, E.; West, M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2446M
- Photometry and performance of SPECULOOS-South.
- Murray, C.A.; Delrez, L.; Pedersen, P.P.; Queloz, D.; Gillon, M.; Burdanov, A.; Ducrot, E.; Garcia, L.J.; Lienhard, F.; Demory, B.O.; Jehin, E.; McCormac, J.; Sebastian, D.; Sohy, S.; Thompson, S.J.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Grootel, V.V.; Gunther, M.N.; Huang, C.X.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2458M
- A roadmap to hadronic supercriticalities: a comprehensive study of the parameter space for high-energy astrophysical sources.
- Mastichiadis, A.; Florou, I.; Kefala, E.; Boula, S.S.; Petropoulou, M.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2475L
- Gravitational waves from Population III binary black holes formed by dynamical capture.
- Liu, B.; Bromm, V.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2496M
- Photometric study of the young open clusters IC 1442, King 21, and Trumpler 7.
- Maurya, J.; Joshi, Y.C.; Gour, A.S.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2509E
- Binary evolution leading to the formation of the very massive neutron star in the J0740+6620 binary system.
- Echeveste, M.; Novarino, M.L.; Benvenuto, O.G.; De Vito, M.A.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2515I
- AGN anisotropic radiative feedback set by black hole spin.
- Ishibashi, W.
- 2020MNRAS.495.2524B
- Inelastic rate coefficients for collisions of N2H+ with H2.
- Balanca, C.; Scribano, Y.; Loreau, J.; Lique, F.; Feautrier, N.
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