Monthly Notices of the RAS 494
May(I) 2020

Discovering novae in early-type galaxies with MUSE: A chance find in NGC 1404, and 12 more candidates from an archival search.
Smith, R.J.
On the orbital evolution of 2020 AV2, the first asteroid ever observed to go around the Sun inside the orbit of Venus.
de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.
Reflex motion in the Milky Way stellar halo resulting from the Large Magellanic Cloud infall.
Petersen, M.S.; Penarrubia, J.
Asteroid belt survival through stellar evolution: dependence on the stellar mass.
Martin, R.G.; Livio, M.; Smallwood, J.L.; Chen, C.
Triggering mixing and deceleration in FRI jets: a solution.
Perucho, M.
Is multiphase gas cloudy or misty?
Gronke, M.; Oh, S.P.
VVV WIN 1733-3349: a low extinction window to probe the far side of the Milky Way bulge.
Saito, R.K.; Minniti, D.; Benjamin, R.A.; Navarro, M.G.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Gonzalez, O.A.; Kammers, R.; Surot, F.
Structural diversity of disc galaxies originating in the cold gas inflow from cosmic webs.
Noguchi, M.
xGASS: passive discs do not host unexpectedly large reservoirs of cold atomic hydrogen.
Cortese, L.; Catinella, B.; Cook, R.H.W.; Janowiecki, S.
The apparent anticorrelation between the mass opacity of interstellar dust and the surface density of interstellar gas.
Priestley, F.D.; Whitworth, A.P.
The uncertain masses of progenitors of core-collapse supernovae and direct-collapse black holes.
Farrell, E.J.; Groh, J.H.; Meynet, G.; Eldridge, J.J.
Monitoring a methanol maser flare associated with the massive star-forming region G358.93-0.03.
Volvach, A.E.; Volvach, L.N.; Larionov, M.G.; MacLeod, G.C.; van den Heever, S.P.; Sugiyama, K.
Are fast radio bursts made by neutron stars?
Katz, J.I.
The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares.
Abrevaya, X.C.; Leitzinger, M.; Oppezzo, O.J.; Odert, P.; Patel, M.R.; Luna, G.J.M.; Forte Giacobone, A.F.; Hanslmeier, A.
Finding binary black holes in the Milky Way with LISA.
Sesana, A.; Lamberts, A.; Petiteau, A.
Candidate Population III stellar complex at z = 6.629 in the MUSE Deep Lensed Field.
Vanzella, E.; Meneghetti, M.; Caminha, G.B.; Castellano, M.; Calura, F.; Rosati, P.; Grillo, C.; Dijkstra, M.; Gronke, M.; Sani, E.; Mercurio, A.; Tozzi, P.; Nonino, M.; Cristiani, S.; Mignoli, M.; Pentericci, L.; Gilli, R.; Treu, T.; Caputi, K.; Cupani, G.; Fontana, A.; Grazian, A.; Balestra, I.
The explosion energy of the type IIP supernova SN 2013fs with a confined dense circumstellar shell.
Chugai, N.N.
ZTF J1901+5309: a 40.6-min orbital period eclipsing double white dwarf system.
Coughlin, M.W.; Burdge, K.; Sterl Phinney, E.; van Roestel, J.; Bellm, E.C.; Dekany, R.G.; Delacroix, A.; Duev, D.A.; Feeney, M.; Graham, M.J.; Kulkarni, S.R.; Kupfer, T.; Laher, R.R.; Masci, F.J.; Prince, T.A.; Riddle, R.; Rosnet, P.; Smith, R.; Serabyn, E.; Walters, R.
SMA observations of Haro 2: molecular gas around a hot superbubble.
Beck, S.C.; Hsieh, P.-Y.; Turner, J.
Erratum: The Herschel Bright Sources (HerBS): sample definition and SCUBA-2 observations.
Bakx, T.J.L.C.; Eales, S.A.; Negrello, M.; Smith, M.W.L.; Valiante, E.; Holland, W.S.; Baes, M.; Bourne, N.; Clements, D.L.; Dannerbauer, H.; De Zotti, G.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Ivison, R.J.; Maddox, S.; Marchetti, L.; Michalowski, M.J.; Omont, A.; Oteo, I.; Wardlow, J.L.; van der Werf, P.; Yang, C.
Uncovering the orbital dynamics of stars hidden inside their powerful winds: application to η Carinae and RMC 140.
Grant, D.; Blundell, K.; Matthews, J.
A high-resolution spectroscopic study of two new Na- and Al-rich field giants-likely globular cluster escapees in the Galactic halo.
Bandyopadhyay, A.; Thirupathi, S.; Beers, T.C.; Susmitha, A.
Early neutron star evolution in high-mass X-ray binaries.
Ho, W.C.G.; Wijngaarden, M.J.P.; Andersson, N.; Tauris, T.M.; Haberl, F.
Neural physical engines for inferring the halo mass distribution function.
Charnock, T.; Lavaux, G.; Wandelt, B.D.; Sarma Boruah, S.; Jasche, J.; Hudson, M.J.
2MASS J15460752-6258042: a mid-M dwarf hosting a prolonged accretion disc.
Lee, J.; Song, I.; Murphy, S.
Performance analysis of the Karhunen-Loeve Transform for artificial and astrophysical transmissions: denoizing and detection.
Trudu, M.; Pilia, M.; Hellbourg, G.; Pari, P.; Antonietti, N.; Maccone, C.; Melis, A.; Perrodin, D.; Trois, A.
Radio view of a broad-line Type Ic supernova ASASSN-16fp.
Nayana, A.J.; Chandra, P.
On the early evolution of massive star clusters: the case of cloud D1 and its embedded cluster in NGC 5253.
Silich, S.; Tenorio-Tagle, G.; Martinez-Gonzalez, S.; Turner, J.
A weak spectral signature of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 179949 b at high spectral resolution in the L band.
Webb, R.K.; Brogi, M.; Gandhi, S.; Line, M.R.; Birkby, J.L.; Chubb, K.L.; Snellen, I.A.G.; Yurchenko, S.N.
R-process enrichment in ultrafaint dwarf galaxies.
Tarumi, Y.; Yoshida, N.; Inoue, S.
Relaxation of NO+ by collision with para-H2 (j = 0).
Cabrera-Gonzalez, L.D.; Paez-Hernandez, D.; Denis-Alpizar, O.
Searching for dark matter signals from local dwarf spheroidal galaxies at low radio frequencies in the GLEAM survey.
Cook, R.H.W.; Seymour, N.; Spekkens, K.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Hancock, P.J.; Bell, M.E.; Callingham, J.R.; For, B.-Q.; Franzen, T.M.O.; Gaensler, B.M.; Hindson, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kapinska, A.D.; Morgan, J.; Offringa, A.R.; Procopio, P.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Wayth, R.B.; Wu, C.; Zheng, Q.
Chemical evolution of galaxies: emerging dust and the different gas phases in a new multiphase code.
Millan-Irigoyen, I.; Molla, M.; Ascasibar, Y.
2020MNRAS.494..161M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/161)
X-ray properties of the X-CLASS-redMaPPer galaxy cluster sample: the luminosity-temperature relation.
Molham, M.; Clerc, N.; Takey, A.; Sadibekova, T.; Morcos, A.B.; Yousef, S.; Hayman, Z.M.; Lieu, M.; Raychaudhury, S.; Gaynullina, E.R.
Secular changes in the orbits of the quadruple system VW LMi.
Pribulla, T.; Puha, E.; Borkovits, T.; Budaj, J.; Garai, Z.; Guenther, E.; Hambalek, L.; Komzik, R.; Kundra, E.; Szabo, Gy M.; Vanko, M.
Updated parameter estimates for GW190425 using astrophysical arguments and implications for the electromagnetic counterpart.
Foley, R.J.; Coulter, D.A.; Kilpatrick, C.D.; Piro, A.L.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Schwab, J.
2020MNRAS.494..199S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/199)
The synthetic Emission Line COSMOS catalogue: Hα and [O II] galaxy luminosity functions and counts at 0.3 < z < 2.5.
Saito, S.; de la Torre, S.; Ilbert, O.; Dubois, C.; Yabe, K.; Coupon, J.
Intensity interferometry of P Cygni in the H α emission line: towards distance calibration of LBV supergiant stars.
Rivet, J.-P.; Siciak, A.; de Almeida, E.S.G.; Vakili, F.; Domiciano de Souza, A.; Fouche, M.; Lai, O.; Vernet, D.; Kaiser, R.; Guerin, W.
2020MNRAS.494..228L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/228)
The UTMOST pulsar timing programme - II. Timing noise across the pulsar population.
Lower, M.E.; Bailes, M.; Shannon, R.M.; Johnston, S.; Flynn, C.; Oslowski, S.; Gupta, V.; Farah, W.; Bateman, T.; Green, A.J.; Hunstead, R.; Jameson, A.; Jankowski, F.; Parthasarathy, A.; Price, D.C.; Sutherland, A.; Temby, D.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V.
Collision between molecular clouds - I. The effect of the cloud virial ratio in head-on collisions.
Tanvir, T.S.; Dale, J.E.
The effect of high nitrogen pressures on the habitable zone and an appraisal of greenhouse states.
Ramirez, R.M.
MNELLS: the MUSE nearby early-type galaxy lens locator survey.
Collier, W.P.; Smith, R.J.; Lucey, J.R.
S2COSMOS: Evolution of gas mass with redshift using dust emission.
Millard, J.S.; Eales, S.A.; Smith, M.W.L.; Gomez, H.L.; Malek, K.; Simpson, J.M.; Peng, Y.; Sawicki, M.; Beeston, R.A.; Bunker, A.; Ao, Y.; Babul, A.; Ho, L.C.; Hwang, Ho S.; Michalowski, M.J.; Scoville, N.; Shim, H.; Toba, Y.
Physically based alternative to the PE criterion for meteoroids.
Moreno-Ibanez, M.; Gritsevich, M.; Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M.; Silber, E.A.
Making top-heavy IMFs from canonical IMFs near the Galactic Centre.
Park, S.-M.; Goodwin, S.P.; Kim, S.S.
Searching for multiple populations in the integrated light of the young and extremely massive clusters in the merger remnant NGC 7252.
Bastian, N.; Lardo, C.; Usher, C.; Kamann, S.; Larsen, S.S.; Cabrera-Ziri, I.; Chantereau, W.; Martocchia, S.; Salaris, M.; Asa'd, R.; Hilker, M.
Efficient acceleration of cylindrical jets: effects of radiative cooling and tangled magnetic field.
Tanaka, S.J.; Toma, K.
Setting the scene for BUFFALO: a study of the matter distribution in the HFF galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 and its parallel field.
Gonzalez, E.J.; Chalela, M.; Jauzac, M.; Eckert, D.; Schaller, M.; Harvey, D.; Niemiec, A.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Barnes, D.; Clowe, D.; Connor, T.; Diego, J.M.; Remolina Gonzalez, J.D.; Steinhardt, C.L.
Detection of neutral atomic species in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b.
Cabot, S.H.C.; Madhusudhan, N.; Welbanks, L.; Piette, A.; Gandhi, S.
Mass-loss in tidally stripped systems: the energy-based truncation method.
Drakos, N.E.; Taylor, J.E.; Benson, A.J.
2020MNRAS.494..396F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/396)
Asymmetric spatial distribution of subsolar metallicity stars in the Milky Way nuclear star cluster.
Feldmeier-Krause, A.; Kerzendorf, W.; Do, T.; Nogueras-Lara, F.; Neumayer, N.; Walcher, C.J.; Seth, A.; Schodel, R.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Hilker, M.; Lutzgendorf, N.; Kuntschner, H.; Kissler-Patig, M.
Prospects for γ-ray observations of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array - II. γ-γ absorption in the broad-line region radiation fields.
Romano, P.; Bottcher, M.; Foschini, L.; Boisson, C.; Vercellone, S.; Landoni, M.
When the disc's away, the stars will play: dynamical masses in the nova-like variable KR Aur with a pinch of accretion.
Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Shahbaz, T.; Torres, M.A.P.; Gansicke, B.T.; Izquierdo, P.; Toloza, O.; Alvarez-Hernandez, A.; Steeghs, D.; van Spaandonk, L.; Koester, D.; Rodriguez, D.
Generating metal-polluting debris in white dwarf planetary systems from small-impact crater ejecta.
Veras, D.; Kurosawa, K.
2020MNRAS.494..458Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/458)
The VMC survey - XXXVI. Young stellar variability in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Zivkov, V.; Oliveira, J.M.; Petr-Gotzens, M.G.; Rubele, S.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; van Loon, J.T.; de Grijs, R.; Emerson, J.; Ivanov, V.D.; Marconi, M.; Moretti, M.I.; Ripepi, V.; Niederhofer, F.; Sun, N.-C.
Formation of the polar debris disc around 99 Herculis.
Smallwood, J.L.; Franchini, A.; Chen, C.; Becerril, E.; Lubow, S.H.; Yang, C.-C.; Martin, R.G.
The radio pulsar population of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Titus, N.; Toonen, S.; McBride, V.A.; Stappers, B.W.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Levin, L.
Determining the size of the helium core of KIC 9970396 using asteroseismology: a red giant approaching the red giant bump.
Zhang, X.; Li, Y.; Wu, T.; Su, J.
The star formation histories of z ∼ 1 post-starburst galaxies.
Wild, V.; Taj Aldeen, L.; Carnall, A.; Maltby, D.; Almaini, O.; Werle, A.; Wilkinson, A.; Rowlands, K.; Bolzonella, M.; Castellano, M.; Gargiulo, A.; McLure, R.; Pentericci, L.; Pozzetti, L.
X-ray signatures of black hole feedback: hot galactic atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations.
Truong, N.; Pillepich, A.; Werner, N.; Nelson, D.; Lakhchaura, K.; Weinberger, R.; Springel, V.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L.
On the nature of the soft γ-ray emission in the hard state of the black hole transient GRS 1716-249.
Bassi, T.; Malzac, J.; Del Santo, M.; Jourdain, E.; Roques, J.-P.; D'Ai, A.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Belmont, R.; Motta, S.E.; Segreto, A.; Testa, V.; Casella, P.
Measuring limb darkening of stars in high-magnification microlensing events by the Finite Element Method.
Golchin, L.; Rahvar, S.
Erratum: Osaka feedback model: isolated disc galaxy simulations.
Shimizu, I.; Oku, Y.; Nagamine, K.; Todoroki, K.; Yajima, H.
Constraining the reionization history using deep learning from 21-cm tomography with the Square Kilometre Array.
Mangena, T.; Hassan, S.; Santos, M.G.
A comprehensive study of open clusters Czernik 14, Haffner 14, Haffner 17 and King 10 using multicolour photometry and Gaia DR2 astrometry.
Bisht, D.; Zhu, Q.; Yadav, R.K.S.; Durgapal, A.; Rangwal, G.
How do bound star clusters form?
Krumholz, M.R.; McKee, C.F.
Probing the size and charge of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Maragkoudakis, A.; Peeters, E.; Ricca, A.
On the FRB luminosity function - - II. Event rate density.
Luo, R.; Men, Y.; Lee, K.; Wang, W.; Lorimer, D.R.; Zhang, B.
The orbital clusters among the near-Earth asteroids.
Jopek, T.J.
Testing tidal alignment models for anisotropic correlations of halo ellipticities with N-body simulations.
Okumura, T.; Taruya, A.; Nishimichi, T.
Probing delayed-end reionization histories with the 21-cm LAE cross-power spectrum.
Weinberger, L.H.; Kulkarni, G.; Haehnelt, M.G.
RELICS: spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed z ≃ 2 reionization-era analogues and implications for C III] detections at z > 6.
Mainali, R.; Stark, D.P.; Tang, M.; Chevallard, J.; Charlot, S.; Sharon, K.; Coe, D.; Salmon, B.; Bradley, L.D.; Johnson, T.L.; Frye, B.; Avila, R.J.; Ogaz, S.; Zitrin, A.; Bradac, M.; Lemaux, B.C.; Mahler, G.; Paterno-Mahler, R.; Strait, V.; Andrade-Santos, F.
CHEOPS observations of TESS primary mission monotransits.
Cooke, B.F.; Pollacco, D.; Lendl, M.; Kuntzer, T.; Fortier, A.
Classical Nova Carinae 2018: discovery of circumbinary iron and oxygen.
McLoughlin, D.; Blundell, K.M.; Lee, S.
Planet Hunters TESS I: TOI 813, a subgiant hosting a transiting Saturn-sized planet on an 84-day orbit.
Eisner, N.L.; Barragan, O.; Aigrain, S.; Lintott, C.; Miller, G.; Zicher, N.; Boyajian, T.S.; Briceno, C.; Bryant, E.M.; Christiansen, J.L.; Feinstein, A.D.; Flor-Torres, L.M.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gilbert, J.; Guerrero, N.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jones, K.; Kristiansen, M.H.; Vanderburg, A.; Law, N.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Mann, A.W.; Safron, E.J.; Schwamb, M.E.; Stassun, K.G.; Osborn, H.P.; Wang, J.; Zic, A.; Ziegler, C.; Barnet, F.; Bean, S.J.; Bundy, D.M.; Chetnik, Z.; Dawson, J.L.; Garstone, J.; Stenner, A.G.; Huten, M.; Larish, S.; Melanson, L.D.; Mitchell, T.; Moore, C.; Peltsch, K.; Rogers, D.J.; Schuster, C.; Smith, D.S.; Simister, D.J.; Tanner, C.; Terentev, I.; Tsymbal, A.
Mid-infrared variability of γ-ray emitting blazars.
Anjum, A.; Stalin, C.S.; Rakshit, S.; Gudennavar, S.B.; Durgapal, A.
Pushing point-spread function reconstruction to the next level: application to SPHERE/ZIMPOL.
Beltramo-Martin, O.; Marasco, A.; Fusco, T.; Massari, D.; Milli, J.; Fiorentino, G.; Neichel, B.
2020MNRAS.494..789R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/789)
The near and mid-infrared photometric properties of known redshift z >= 5 quasars.
Ross, N.P.; Cross, N.J.G.
LARgE Survey - II. The dark matter haloes and the progenitors and descendants of ultramassive passive galaxies at cosmic noon.
Cheema, G.K.; Sawicki, M.; Arcila-Osejo, L.; Golob, A.; Moutard, T.; Arnouts, S.; Coupon, J.
Defying the laws of gravity I: model-independent reconstruction of the Universe expansion from growth data.
L'Huillier, B.; Shafieloo, A.; Polarski, D.; Starobinsky, A.A.
Different modes of star formation - II. Gas accretion phase of initially subcritical star-forming clouds.
Machida, M.N.; Basu, S.
Erratum: The Cluster Ages Experiment (CASE) – VIII. Age and distance of the Globular Cluster 47 Tuc from the analysis of two detached eclipsing binaries.
Thompson, I.B.; Udalski, A.; Dotter, A.; Rozyczka, M.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; Pych, W.; Beletsky, Y.; Burley, G.S.; Marshall, J.L.; McWilliam, A.; Morrell, N.; Osip, D.; Monson, A.; Persson, S.E.; Szymanski, M.K.; Soszynski, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Kozlowski, S.; Mroz, P.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Skowron, J.
Binary-binary scattering in the secular limit.
Hamers, A.S.; Samsing, J.
H-He collision-induced satellite in the Lyman α profile of DBA white dwarf stars.
Allard, N.F.; Kielkopf, J.F.; Xu, S.; Guillon, G.; Mehnen, B.; Linguerri, R.; Al Mogren, M.M.; Hochlaf, M.; Hubeny, I.
Stimulated emission-based model of fast radio bursts.
Dogan, M.; Eksi, K.Y.
The shape of SN 1993J re-analysed.
Stevance, H.F.; Baade, D.; Bruten, J.R.; Cikota, A.; Clocchiatti, A.; Hines, D.C.; Hoflich, P.; Maund, J.R.; Patat, F.; Vallely, P.J.; Wheeler, J.C.
Hard X-ray selected giant radio galaxies - II. Morphological evidence of restarted radio activity.
Bruni, G.; Panessa, F.; Bassani, L.; Dallacasa, D.; Venturi, T.; Saripalli, L.; Brienza, M.; Hernandez-Garcia, L.; Chiaraluce, E.; Ursini, F.; Bazzano, A.; Malizia, A.; Ubertini, P.
The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey -III. Contamination from hierarchical triples containing a white dwarf.
Lagos, F.; Schreiber, M.R.; Parsons, S.G.; Zurlo, A.; Mesa, D.; Gansicke, B.T.; Brahm, R.; Caceres, C.; Canovas, H.; Hernandez, M.-S.; Jordan, A.; Koester, D.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Tappert, C.; Zorotovic, M.
2020MNRAS.494..923C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/923)
WISE mid-infrared properties of compact active galactic nuclei selected from the high radio frequency AT20G survey.
Chhetri, R.; Kimball, A.; Ekers, R.D.; Mahony, E.K.; Sadler, E.M.; Jarrett, T.
High-mass X-ray binaries in nearby metal-poor galaxies: on the contribution to nebular He II emission.
Senchyna, P.; Stark, D.P.; Mirocha, J.; Reines, A.E.; Charlot, S.; Jones, T.; Mulchaey, J.S.
Let there be more variability in two γ Cas stars.
Naze, Y.; Pigulski, A.; Rauw, G.; Smith, M.A.
Do the solar flares originating from an individual active region follow a random process or a memory-dependent correlation?
Lei, W.H.; Li, C.; Chen, F.; Zhong, S.J.; Xu, Z.G.; Chen, P.F.
The Milky Way's stellar streams and globular clusters do not align in a Vast Polar Structure.
Riley, A.H.; Strigari, L.E.
Semi-analytic forecasts for JWST - III. Intrinsic production efficiency of Lyman-continuum radiation.
Yung, L.Y.A.; Somerville, R.S.; Popping, G.; Finkelstein, S.L.
Dynamical and physical features of Perseid meteoroids from Tajikistan fireball network observations.
Kokhirova, G.I.; Babadzhanov, P.B.; Khamroev, U.H.; Latipov, M.N.; Faizov, Sh B.
Discreteness effects, N-body chaos and the onset of radial-orbit instability.
Di Cintio, P.; Casetti, L.
Artificial neural networks for selection of pulsar candidates from radio continuum surveys.
Yonemaru, N.; Takahashi, K.; Kumamoto, H.; Dai, S.; Yoshiura, S.; Ideguchi, S.
Earth-size planet formation in the habitable zone of circumbinary stars.
Barbosa, G.O.; Winter, O.C.; Amarante, A.; Izidoro, A.; Domingos, R.C.; Macau, E.E.N.
Effects of rotational disruption on the evolution of grain size distribution in galaxies.
Hirashita, H.; Hoang, T.
The assembly of dusty galaxies at z >= 4: statistical properties.
Graziani, L.; Schneider, R.; Ginolfi, M.; Hunt, L.K.; Maio, U.; Glatzle, M.; Ciardi, B.
On the orbital evolution of meteoroid 2020 CD3, a temporarily captured orbiter of the Earth-Moon system.
de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.
Isotopologues of dense gas tracers in nearby infrared bright galaxies.
Li, F.; Wang, J.; Fang, M.; Li, S.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Gao, Y.; Kong, M.
The effect of ram-pressure stripping on dwarf galaxies.
Steyrleithner, P.; Hensler, G.; Boselli, A.
Hunting dark matter in galaxy clusters with non-thermal electrons.
Beck, G.
Erratum: The frequency of very young galaxies in the local Universe: II. The view from SDSS spectra.
Mamon, G.A.; Trevisan, M.; Thuan, T.X.; Gallazzi, A.; Dave, R.
Interarm islands in the Milky Way - the one near the Cygnus spiral arm.
Vallee, J.P.
Radiative AGN feedback on a moving mesh: the impact of the galactic disc and dust physics on outflow properties.
Barnes, D.J.; Kannan, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Marinacci, F.
X-ray, UV, and optical time delays in the bright Seyfert galaxy Ark 120 with co-ordinated Swift and ground-based observations.
Lobban, A.P.; Zola, S.; Pajdosz-Smierciak, U.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; Bhatta, G.; Markowitz, A.; Bachev, R.; Carosati, D.; Caton, D.B.; Damljanovic, G.; Debski, B.; Haislip, J.B.; Hu, S.M.; Kouprianov, V.; Krzesinski, J.; Porquet, D.; Pozo Nunez, F.; Reeves, J.; Reichart, D.E.
On the spatial and temporal non-locality of dynamo mean-field effects in supersonic interstellar turbulence.
Gressel, O.; Elstner, D.
Host galaxy properties and environment of obscured and unobscured X-ray selected active galactic nuclei in the COSMOS survey.
Bornancini, C.; Garcia Lambas, D.
Monte Carlo simulations of black hole mergers in AGN discs: Low χeff mergers and predictions for LIGO.
McKernan, B.; Ford, K.E.S.; O'Shaugnessy, R.; Wysocki, D.
Radiation forces constrain the FRB mechanism.
Kumar, P.; Lu, W.
The Northern Cross fast radio burst project - I. Overview and pilot observations at 408 MHz.
Locatelli, N.T.; Bernardi, G.; Bianchi, G.; Chiello, R.; Magro, A.; Naldi, G.; Pilia, M.; Pupillo, G.; Ridolfi, A.; Setti, G.; Vazza, F.
2020MNRAS.494.1237S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/1237)
Blazhko effect in the Galactic bulge fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars - II. Modulation shapes, amplitudes, and periods.
Skarka, M.; Prudil, Z.; Jurcsik, J.
SuperModel predictions in the outskirts of the galaxy cluster Zwicky 3146.
Fusco-Femiano, R.
Evolution of primordial black hole spin due to Hawking radiation.
Arbey, A.; Auffinger, J.; Silk, J.
Origin of giant stellar clumps in high-redshift galaxies.
Meng, X.; Gnedin, O.Y.
2020MNRAS.494.1276J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/1276)
The MALATANG survey: dense gas and star formation from high-transition HCN and HCO+ maps of NGC 253.
Jiang, X.-J.; Greve, T.R.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Tan, Q.; de Grijs, R.; Ho, L.C.; Michalowski, M.J.; Currie, M.J.; Wilson, C.D.; Brinks, E.; Ao, Y.; Zhao, Y.; He, J.; Harada, N.; Yang, C.; Jiao, Q.; Chung, A.; Lee, B.; Smith, M.W.L.; Liu, D.; Matsushita, S.; Shi, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Rawlings, M.G.; Zhu, M.; Eden, D.; Davis, T.A.; Li, X.
Global trends in winds of M dwarf stars.
Mesquita, A.L.; Vidotto, A.A.
Observation and confirmation of nine strong-lensing systems in Dark Energy Survey Year 1 data.
Nord, B.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Lin, H.; Kuropatkin, N.; Collett, T.; Tucker, D.L.; Diehl, H.T.; Agnello, A.; Amara, A.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Bechtol, K.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Cunha, C.E.; da Costa, L.N.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T.F.; Evrard, A.E.; Fernandez, E.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; Hoyle, B.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; March, M.; Marshall, J.L.; Melchior, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Plazas, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Roodman, A.; Rykoff, E.S.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Zhang, Y.; (The DES Collaboration)
An ALMA view of SO and SO2 around oxygen-rich AGB stars.
Danilovich, T.; Richards, A.M.S.; Decin, L.; Van de Sande, M.; Gottlieb, C.A.
Abundance analyses of Li-enriched and normal giants in the GALAH survey.
Lambert, D.L.; Reddy, B.E.
LARgE survey - III. Environments of ultra-massive passive galaxies at cosmic noon: BCG progenitors growing through mergers.
Sawicki, M.; Arcila-Osejo, L.; Golob, A.; Moutard, T.; Arnouts, S.; Cheema, G.K.
A systematic analysis of the phase lags associated with the type-C quasi-periodic oscillation in GRS 1915+105.
Zhang, L.; Mendez, M.; Altamirano, D.; Qu, J.; Chen, L.; Karpouzas, K.; Belloni, T.M.; Bu, Q.; Huang, Y.; Ma, X.; Tao, L.; Wang, Y.
Expectations for the confirmation of Proxima c from a long-term radial velocity follow-up.
Damasso, M.; Del Sordo, F.
The resonant drag instability of dust streaming in turbulent protoplanetary disc.
Zhuravlev, V.V.
A bound on the 12C/13C ratio in near-pristine gas with ESPRESSO.
Welsh, L.; Cooke, R.; Fumagalli, M.; Pettini, M.
A major optical and X-ray outburst from the Magellanic Bridge source RX J0209.6-7427.
Coe, M.J.; Monageng, I.M.; Bartlett, E.S.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Udalski, A.
Kinematics of main-sequence stars from the Gaia DR2 and PMA proper motions.
Velichko, A.B.; Fedorov, P.N.; Akhmetov, V.S.
2020MNRAS.494.1448I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/494/1448)
Inferred time-scales for common envelope ejection using wide astrometric companions.
Igoshev, A.P.; Perets, H.B.; Michaely, E.
Diffusive photospheres in gamma-ray bursts.
Vereshchagin, G.V.; Siutsou, I.A.
High-resolution spectroscopy of red giants and 'yellow stragglers' in the southern open cluster NGC 2539.
Martinez, C.F.; Holanda, N.; Pereira, C.B.; Drake, N.A.
Atmospheric compositions and observability of nitrogen-dominated ultra-short-period super-Earths.
Zilinskas, M.; Miguel, Y.; Molliere, P.; Tsai, S.-M.
A novel CMB component separation method: hierarchical generalized morphological component analysis.
Wagner-Carena, S.; Hopkins, M.; Diaz Rivero, A.; Dvorkin, C.
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