Monthly Notices of the RAS 492
March(II) 2020
- 2020MNRAS.492.4599B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/492/4599)
- LoCuSS: exploring the connection between local environment, star formation, and dust mass in Abell 1758
- Bianconi, M.; Smith, G.P.; Haines, C.P.; McGee, S.L.; Finoguenov, A.; Egami, E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4613O
- Magnetorotational core collapse of possible GRB progenitors - I. Explosion mechanisms
- Obergaulinger, M. ; Aloy, M.Á.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4635V
- Pulsation mode switching in the pulsating star HD 81589 and a proposed classification as a field FaRPB star
- van Heerden, P.; Engelbrecht, C.A.; Martinez, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4646P
- XMM-Newton campaign on ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 1313 X-1: wind versus state variability
- Pinto, C.; Walton, D.J.; Kara, E.; Parker, M.L.; Soria, R.; Kosec, P.; Middleton, M.J.; Alston, W.N.; Fabian, A.C.; Guainazzi, M.; Roberts, T.P.; Fuerst, F.; Earnshaw, H.P.; Sathyaprakash, R.; Barret, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4666R
- A search for Centaurus A-like features in the spectra of Fermi-LAT detected radio galaxies
- Rulten, C.B.; Brown, A.M.; Chadwick, P.M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4680W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/492/4680)
- Ionized gas outflow signatures in SDSS-IV MaNGA active galactic nuclei
- Wylezalek, D.; Flores, A.M.; Zakamska, N.L.; Greene, J.E.; Riffel, R.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4697N
- The H I morphology and stellar properties of strongly barred galaxies: support for bar quenching in massive spirals
- Newnham, L.; Hess, K.M.; Masters, K.L.; Kruk, S.; Penny, S.J.; Lingard, T.; Smethurst, R.J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4716B
- Geometric properties of galactic discs with clumpy episodes
- Beraldo e Silva, L.; Debattista, V.P.; Khachaturyants, T.; Nidever, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4727C
- On the origin of the peak of the stellar initial mass function: exploring the tidal screening theory
- Colman, T. ; Teyssier, R.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4752V
- The UTMOST survey for magnetars, intermittent pulsars, RRATs, and FRBs - I. System description and overview
- Venkatraman Krishnan, V.; Flynn, C.; Farah, W.; Jameson, A.; Bailes, M.; Osłowski, S.; Bateman, T.; Gupta, V.; van Straten, W.; Keane, E.F.; Barr, E.D.; Bhandari, S.; Caleb, M.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Day, C.K.; Deller, A.; Green, A.J.; Hunstead, R.; Jankowski, F.; Lower, M.E.; Parthasarathy, A.; Plant, K.; Price, D.C.; Rosado, P.A.; Temby, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4768D
- Optimizing gravitational waves follow-up using galaxies stellar mass
- Ducoin, J.-G.; Corre, D.; Leroy, N.; Le Floch, E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4780O
- Cross-correlation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and weak gravitational lensing: Planck and Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year data
- Osato, K.; Shirasaki, M.; Miyatake, H.; Nagai, D.; Yoshida, N.; Oguri, M.; Takahashi, R.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4805M
- Metallicity has followed local gravitational potential of galaxies since z = 3
- Møller, P. ; Christensen, L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4819P
- Simulation of the loss-cone instability in spherical systems - II. Dominating Keplerian potential
- Polyachenko, E.V.; Berczik, P.; Just, A.; Shukhman, I.G.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4825O
- A search for pulsars in subdwarf B binary systems and discovery of giant-pulse emitting PSR J0533-4524
- Oostrum, L.C.; van Leeuwen, J.; Maan, Y.; Coenen, T.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4837M
- The role of mass, equation of state, and superfluid reservoir in large pulsar glitches
- Montoli, A.; Antonelli, M.; Pizzochero, P.M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4847L
- VVV-WIT-01: highly obscured classical nova or protostellar collision?
- Lucas, P.W.; Minniti, D.; Kamble, A.; Kaplan, D.L.; Cross, N.; Dekany, I.; Ivanov, V.D.; Kurtev, R.; Saito, R.K.; Smith, L.C.; Catelan, M.; Masetti, N.; Toledo, I.; Hempel, M.; Thompson, M.A.; Contreras Peña, C.; Forbrich, J.; Krause, M.; Dale, J.; Borissova, J.; Emerson, J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4858H
- Simulating star clusters across cosmic time - II. Escape fraction of ionizing photons from molecular clouds
- He, C.-C.; Ricotti, M.; Geen, S.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4874F
- Globular clusters in Coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs): evidence for two types of UDG?
- Forbes, D.A.; Alabi, A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Brodie, J.P.; Arimoto, N.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4884I
- Centrifugal acceleration of protons by a supermassive black hole
- Istomin, Y.N. ; Gunya, A.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4892Y
- Splash bridge models of inclined, gas-rich, direct galaxy collisions
- Yeager, T.R. ; Struck, C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4917L
- Direct collapse to supermassive black hole seeds: the critical conditions for suppression of H2 cooling
- Luo, Y.; Shlosman, I.; Nagamine, K.; Fang, T.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4927K
- An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey UKIDSS/UDS field: Dust attenuation in high-redshift Lyman-break galaxies
- Koprowski, M.P.; Coppin, K.E.K.; Geach, J.E.; Dudzevičiūtė, U.; Smail, I.; Almaini, O.; An, F.; Blain, A.W.; Chapman, S.C.; Chen, C.-C.; Conselice, C.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Farrah, D.; Gullberg, B.; Hartley, W.; Ivison, R.J.; Karska, A.; Maltby, D.; Malek, K.; Michałowski, M.J.; Pope, A.; Salim, S.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.J.; Simpson, J.M.; Swinbank, A.M.; Thomson, A.P.; Wardlow, J.L.; van der Werf, P.P.; Whitaker, K.E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4945B
- Constraining the gravitational-wave afterglow from a binary neutron star coalescence
- Banagiri, S.; Coughlin, M.W.; Clark, J.; Lasky, P.D.; Bizouard, M.A.; Talbot, C.; Thrane, E.; Mandic, V.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4952V
- Predictions for the 21cm-galaxy cross-power spectrum observable with SKA and future galaxy surveys
- Vrbanec, D.; Ciardi, B.; Jelić, V.; Jensen, H.; Iliev, I.T.; Mellema, G.; Zaroubi, S.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4959J
- Stellar escapers from M67 can reach solar-like Galactic orbits
- Jørgensen, T.G. ; Church, R.P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4975M
- Search for 7Be in the outbursts of four recent novae
- Molaro, P.; Izzo, L.; Bonifacio, P.; Hernanz, M.; Selvelli, P.; della Valle, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.4986Y
- The Pristine Survey - VIII. The metallicity distribution function of the Milky Way halo down to the extremely metal-poor regime
- Youakim, K.; Starkenburg, E.; Martin, N.F.; Matijevič, G.; Aguado, D.S.; Allende Prieto, C.; Arentsen, A.; Bonifacio, P.; Carlberg, R.G.; González Hernández, J.I.; Hill, V.; Kordopatis, G.; Lardo, C.; Navarro, J.F.; Jablonka, P.; Sánchez Janssen, R.; Sestito, F.; Thomas, G.F.; Venn, K.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5003O
- Evidence of spectral evolution on the white dwarf sample from the Gaia mission
- Ourique, G.; Kepler, S.O.; Romero, A.D.; Klippel, T.S.; Koester, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5011D
- Short gamma-ray bursts within 200 Mpc
- Dichiara, S.; Troja, E.; O'Connor, B.; Marshall, F.E.; Beniamini, P.; Cannizzo, J.K.; Lien, A.Y.; Sakamoto, T.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5023J
- Deep learning dark matter map reconstructions from DES SV weak lensing data
- Jeffrey, N.; Lanusse, F.; Lahav, O.; Starck, J.-L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5030H
- The observational anatomy of externally photoevaporating planet-forming discs - I. Atomic carbon
- Haworth, T.J. ; Owen, J.E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5041C
- Fragmentation favoured in discs around higher mass stars
- Cadman, J.; Rice, K.; Hall, C.; Haworth, T.J.; Biller, B.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5052Y
- Distant foreground and the Planck-derived Hubble constant
- Yershov, V.N.; Raikov, A.A.; Lovyagin, N.Y.; Kuin, N.P.M.; Popova, E.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5057T
- X-ray spectra and polarization from magnetar candidates
- Taverna, R.; Turolla, R.; Suleimanov, V.; Potekhin, A.Y.; Zane, S.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5075A
- Identifying new X-ray binary candidates in M31 using random forest classification
- Arnason, R.M.; Barmby, P.; Vulic, N.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5089M
- Collisional formation of massive exomoons of superterrestrial exoplanets
- Malamud, U.; Perets, H.B.; Schäfer, C.; Burger, C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5102L
- Globular cluster ejection, infall, and the host dark matter halo of the Pegasus dwarf galaxy
- Leaman, R.; Ruiz-Lara, T.; Cole, A.A.; Beasley, M.A.; Boecker, A.; Fahrion, K.; Bianchini, P.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; Webb, J.; Sills, A.; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.; Neumayer, N.; Sippel, A.C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5121D
- The nuclear region of NGC 613 - I. Multiwavelength analysis
- da Silva, P.; Menezes, R.B.; Steiner, J.E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5141Z
- Activity and differential rotation of the early M dwarf Kepler-45 from transit mapping
- Zaleski, S.M.; Valio, A.; Carter, B.D.; Marsden, S.C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5152Z
- The phenomenon of shape evolution from solar-driven outgassing for analogues of small Kuiper belt objects
- Zhao, Y.; Rezac, L.; Skorov, Y.; Li, J.-Y.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5167V
- High-redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: dust modelling and galaxy luminosity functions
- Vogelsberger, M.; Nelson, D.; Pillepich, A.; Shen, X.; Marinacci, F.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Tacchella, S.; Weinberger, R.; Torrey, P.; Hernquist, L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5202R
- K2 observations of the pulsating subdwarf B stars UY Sex and V1405 Ori
- Reed, M.D.; Yeager, M.; Vos, J.; Telting, J.H.; Østensen, R.H.; Slayton, A.; Baran, A.S.; Jeffery, C.S.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5218B
- Cusp-to-core transition in low-mass dwarf galaxies induced by dynamical heating of cold dark matter by primordial black holes
- Boldrini, P.; Miki, Y.; Wagner, A.Y.; Mohayaee, R.; Silk, J.; Arbey, A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5226R
- Failures of Halofit model for computation of Fisher matrices: a response function analysis
- Reimberg, P.; Bernardeau, F.; Nishimichi, T.; Rizzato, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5234Z
- Spectral and temporal properties of Compton scattering by mildly relativistic thermal electrons
- Zdziarski, A.A.; Szanecki, M.; Poutanen, J.; Gierliński, M.; Biernacki, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5247S
- Improved constraints from ultra-faint dwarf galaxies on primordial black holes as dark matter
- Stegmann, J.; Capelo, P.R.; Bortolas, E.; Mayer, L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5261K
- Wind collision and accretion simulations of the massive binary system HD 166734
- Kashi, A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5271H
- Thermal and radiation driving can produce observable disc winds in hard-state X-ray binaries
- Higginbottom, N.; Knigge, C.; Sim, S.A.; Long, K.S.; Matthews, J.H.; Hewitt, H.A.; Parkinson, E.J.; Mangham, S.W.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5280W
- A SCUBA-2 850 μm survey of heavily reddened quasars at z ∼ 2
- Wethers, C.F.; Banerji, M.; Hewett, P.C.; Jones, G.C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5291V
- Constraining the origin of the planetary debris surrounding ZTF J0139+5245 through rotational fission of a triaxial asteroid
- Veras, D.; McDonald, C.H.; Makarov, V.V.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5297M
- The optically selected 1.4-GHz quasar luminosity function below 1 mJy
- Malefahlo, E.; Santos, M.G.; Jarvis, M.J.; White, S.V.; Zwart, J.T.L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5313V
- Erratum: Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach - I. Theory
- Vida, D.; Gural, P.S.; Brown, P.G.; Campbell-Brown, M.; Wiegert, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5313V
- Erratum: Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach - I. Theory
- Vida, D.; Gural, P.S.; Brown, P.G.; Campbell-Brown, M.; Wiegert, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5314N
- Double dark matter vision: twice the number of compact-source lenses with narrow-line lensing and the WFC3 grism
- Nierenberg, A.M.; Gilman, D.; Treu, T.; Brammer, G.; Birrer, S.; Moustakas, L.; Agnello, A.; Anguita, T.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Motta, V.; Peter, A.H.G.; Sluse, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5336R
- Bifurcation in the history of Uranus and Neptune: the role of giant impacts
- Reinhardt, C.; Chau, A.; Stadel, J.; Helled, R.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5354M
- Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 during a low-emission state from 2012 to 2015 with MAGIC
- MAGIC Collaboration; Acciari, V.A.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L.A.; Arbet Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Baack, D.; Babić, A.; Banerjee, B.; Bangale, P.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J.A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bellizzi, L.; Bernardini, E.; Berti, A.; Besenrieder, J.; Bhattacharyya, W.; Bigongiari, C.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnoli, G.; Bošnjak, Ž.; Busetto, G.; Carosi, R.; Ceribella, G.; Chai, Y.; Chilingaryan, A.; Cikota, S.; Colak, S.M.; Colin, U.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J.L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; de Angelis, A.; de Lotto, B.; Delfino, M.; Delgado, J.; Depaoli, D.; di Pierro, F.; di Venere, L.; Do Souto Espiñeira, E.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donini, A.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Elsaesser, D.; Fallah Ramazani, V.; Fattorini, A.; Fernández-Barral, A.; Ferrara, G.; Fidalgo, D.; Foffano, L.; Fonseca, M.V.; Font, L.; Fruck, C.; Fukami, S.; García López, R.J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gasparyan, S.; Gaug, M.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Godinović, N.; Green, D.; Guberman, D.; Hadasch, D.; Hahn, A.; Herrera, J.; Hoang, J.; Hrupec, D.; Hütten, M.; Inada, T.; Inoue, S.; Ishio, K.; Iwamura, Y.; Jouvin, L.; Kerszberg, D.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Lamastra, A.; Lelas, D.; Leone, F.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; López-Oramas, A.; Loporchio, S.; Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.; Maggio, C.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Mallamaci, M.; Maneva, G.; Manganaro, M.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Masuda, S.; Mazin, D.; Mićanović, S.; Miceli, D.; Minev, M.; Miranda, J.M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Molina, E.; Moralejo, A.; Morcuende, D.; Moreno, V.; Moretti, E.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Neustroev, V.; Nigro, C.; Nilsson, K.; Ninci, D.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Nogués, L.; Nöthe, M.; Nozaki, S.; Paiano, S.; Palacio, J.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J.M.; Peñil, P.; Peresano, M.; Persic, M.; Prada Moroni, P.G.; Prandini, E.; Puljak, I.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Righi, C.; Rugliancich, A.; Saha, L.; Sahakyan, N.; Saito, T.; Sakurai, S.; Satalecka, K.; Schmidt, K.; Schweizer, T.; Sitarek, J.; Šnidarić, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Somero, A.; Stamerra, A.; Strom, D.; Strzys, M.; Suda, Y.; Surić, T.; Takahashi, M.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzić, T.; Teshima, M.; Torres-Albà, N.; Tosti, L.; Tsujimoto, S.; Vagelli, V.; van Scherpenberg, J.; Vanzo, G.; Acosta, M.V.; Vigorito, C.F.; Vitale, V.; Vovk, I.; Will, M.; Zarić, D.; Asano, K.; Hada, K.; Harris, D.E.; Giroletti, M.; Jermak, H.E.; Madrid, J.P.; Massaro, F.; Richter, S.; Spanier, F.; Steele, I.A.; Walker, R.C.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5366R
- Perturbation dynamics in Keplerian flow under external stochastic forcing
- Razdoburdin, D.N.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5377L
- An investigation on the factors affecting machine learning classifications in gamma-ray astronomy
- Luo, S.; Leung, A.P.; Hui, C.Y.; Li, K.L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5391S
- On the variation of solar coronal rotation using SDO/AIA observations
- Sharma, J.; Kumar, B.; Malik, A.K.; Vats, H.O.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5399N
- Mass determinations of the three mini-Neptunes transiting TOI-125
- Nielsen, L.D.; Gandolfi, D.; Armstrong, D.J.; Jenkins, J.S.; Fridlund, M.; Santos, N.C.; Dai, F.; Adibekyan, V.; Luque, R.; Steffen, J.H.; Esposito, M.; Meru, F.; Sabotta, S.; Bolmont, E.; Kossakowski, D.; Otegi, J.F.; Murgas, F.; Stalport, M.; Rodler, F.; Díaz, M.R.; Kurtovic, N.T.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Jenkins, J.M.; Allart, R.; Almenara, J.M.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S.C.C.; Bayliss, D.; Berdiñas, Z.M.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Boyd, P.; Brown, D.J.A.; Bryant, E.M.; Burke, C.; Cochran, W.D.; Cooke, B.F.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Díaz, R.F.; Dittman, J.; Dorn, C.; Dumusque, X.; García, R.A.; González-Cuesta, L.; Grziwa, S.; Georgieva, I.; Guerrero, N.; Hatzes, A.P.; Helled, R.; Henze, C.E.; Hojjatpanah, S.; Korth, J.; Lam, K.W.F.; Lillo-Box, J.; Lopez, T.A.; Livingston, J.; Mathur, S.; Mousis, O.; Narita, N.; Osborn, H.P.; Palle, E.; Rojas, P.A.P.; Persson, C.M.; Quinn, S.N.; Rauer, H.; Redfield, S.; Santerne, A.; dos Santos, L.A.; Seidel, J.V.; Sousa, S.G.; Ting, E.B.; Turbet, M.; Udry, S.; Vanderburg, A.; Van Eylen, V.; Vines, J.I.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wilson, P.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5413R
- Embedded operator splitting methods for perturbed systems
- Rein, H.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5420S
- The Hi-GAL catalogue of dusty filamentary structures in the Galactic plane
- Schisano, E.; Molinari, S.; Elia, D.; Benedettini, M.; Olmi, L.; Pezzuto, S.; Traficante, A.; Brescia, M.; Cavuoti, S.; di Giorgio, A.M.; Liu, S.J.; Moore, T.J.T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Riccio, G.; Baldeschi, A.; Becciani, U.; Peretto, N.; Merello, M.; Vitello, F.; Zavagno, A.; Beltrán, M.T.; Cambrésy, L.; Eden, D.J.; Li Causi, G.; Molinaro, M.; Palmeirim, P.; Sciacca, E.; Testi, L.; Umana, G.; Whitworth, A.P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5457M
- The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic globular clusters - XXI. Binaries among multiple stellar populations
- Milone, A.P.; Vesperini, E.; Marino, A.F.; Hong, J.; van der Marel, R.; Anderson, J.; Renzini, A.; Cordoni, G.; Bedin, L.R.; Bellini, A.; Brown, T.M.; D'Antona, F.; Lagioia, E.P.; Libralato, M.; Nardiello, D.; Piotto, G.; Tailo, M.; Cool, A.; Salaris, M.; Sarajedini, A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5470M
- Stellar atmospheric parameters of FGK-type stars from high-resolution optical and near-infrared CARMENES spectra
- Marfil, E.; Tabernero, H.M.; Montes, D.; Caballero, J.A.; Soto, M.G.; González Hernández, J.I.; Kaminski, A.; Nagel, E.; Jeffers, S.V.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Quirrenbach, A.; Amado, P.J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5508Y
- Cooling theory faced with old warm neutron stars: role of non-equilibrium processes with proton and neutron gaps
- Yanagi, K.; Nagata, N.; Hamaguchi, K.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5524O
- Quasi-periodic behaviour in the optical and γ-ray light curves of blazars 3C 66A and B2 1633+38
- Otero-Santos, J.; Acosta-Pulido, J.A.; Becerra González, J.; Raiteri, C.M.; Larionov, V.M.; Peñil, P.; Smith, P.S.; Ballester Niebla, C.; Borman, G.A.; Carnerero, M.I.; Castro Segura, N.; Grishina, T.S.; Kopatskaya, E.N.; Larionova, E.G.; Morozova, D.A.; Nikiforova, A.A.; Savchenko, S.S.; Troitskaya, Y.V.; Troitsky, I.S.; Vasilyev, A.A.; Villata, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5540M
- Stratified disc wind models for the AGN broad-line region: ultraviolet, optical, and X-ray properties
- Matthews, J.H.; Knigge, C.; Higginbottom, N.; Long, K.S.; Sim, S.A.; Mangham, S.W.; Parkinson, E.J.; Hewitt, H.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5561M
- Tidal disruption of planetary bodies by white dwarfs I: a hybrid SPH-analytical approach
- Malamud, U. ; Perets, H.B.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5582O
- Cyclic variations in the main components of the solar large-scale magnetic field
- Obridko, V.N.; Sokoloff, D.D.; Shelting, B.D.; Shibalova, A.S.; Livshits, I.M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5592K
- The high-redshift SFR-M* relation is sensitive to the employed star formation rate and stellar mass indicators: towards addressing the tension between observations and simulations
- Katsianis, A.; Gonzalez, V.; Barrientos, D.; Yang, X.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Schaye, J.; Camps, P.; Trčka, A.; Baes, M.; Stalevski, M.; Blanc, G.A.; Theuns, T.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5607D
- NuSTAR and Parkes observations of the transitional millisecond pulsar binary XSS J12270-4859 in the rotation-powered state
- de Martino, D.; Papitto, A.; Burgay, M.; Possenti, A.; Coti Zelati, F.; Rea, N.; Torres, D.F.; Belloni, T.M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5620B
- Multiplicity functions of quasars: predictions from the MassiveBlackII simulation
- Bhowmick, A.K.; Di Matteo, T.; Myers, A.D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5634G
- The ionic composition of the local absorber towards 3C 273
- Gissis, I.; Peretz, U.; Behar, E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5641T
- Star-disc alignment in the protoplanetary discs: SPH simulation of the collapse of turbulent molecular cloud cores
- Takaishi, D.; Tsukamoto, Y.; Suto, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5655M
- The spectral evolution of disc dominated tidal disruption events
- Mummery, A. ; Balbus, S.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5675C
- Chemical abundances of Seyfert 2 AGNs - II. N2 metallicity calibration based on SDSS
- Carvalho, S.P.; Dors, O.L.; Cardaci, M.V.; Hägele, G.F.; Krabbe, A.C.; Pérez-Montero, E.; Monteiro, A.F.; Armah, M.; Freitas-Lemes, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5684H
- The X-ray emissivity of low-density stellar populations
- Heinke, C.O.; Ivanov, M.G.; Koch, E.W.; Andrews, R.; Chomiuk, L.; Cohn, H.N.; Crothers, S.; de Boer, T.; Ivanova, N.; Kong, A.K.H.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Lugger, P.M.; Nelson, L.; Parr, C.J.; Rosolowsky, E.W.; Ruiter, A.J.; Sarazin, C.L.; Shaw, A.W.; Sivakoff, G.R.; van den Berg, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5709N
- Direct imaging of irregular satellite discs in scattered light
- Nassif-Lachapelle, L. ; Tamayo, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5721D
- Fuzzy dark matter soliton cores around supermassive black holes
- Davies, E.Y. ; Mocz, P.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5730C
- Non-linear evolutions of magnetized thick discs around black holes: dependence on the initial data
- Cruz-Osorio, A.; Gimeno-Soler, S.; Font, J.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5743A
- Classifying galaxies according to their H I content
- Andrianomena, S.; Rafieferantsoa, M.; Davé, R.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5754M
- Simulations and symmetries
- Modi, C.; Chen, S.-F.; White, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5764N
- A systematic study of proto-neutron star convection in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations
- Nagakura, H.; Burrows, A.; Radice, D.; Vartanyan, D.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5780R
- Subhalo destruction in the APOSTLE and AURIGA simulations
- Richings, J.; Frenk, C.; Jenkins, A.; Robertson, A.; Fattahi, A.; Grand, R.J.J.; Navarro, J.; Pakmor, R.; Gomez, F.A.; Marinacci, F.; Oman, K.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5794B
- Magnetic geometry and surface differential rotation of the bright Am star Alhena A
- Blazère, A.; Petit, P.; Neiner, C.; Folsom, C.; Kochukhov, O.; Mathis, S.; Deal, M.; Landstreet, J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5811B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/492/5811)
- Clusterix 2.0: a virtual observatory tool to estimate cluster membership probability
- Balaguer-Núñez, L.; López del Fresno, M.; Solano, E.; Galadí-Enríquez, D.; Jordi, C.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Masana, E.; Carbajo-Hijarrubia, J.; Paunzen, E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5844R
- First results from MFOSC-P: low-resolution optical spectroscopy of a sample of M dwarfs within 100 parsecs
- Rajpurohit, A.S.; Kumar, V.; Srivastava, M.K.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Dixit, V.; Patel, A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5853L
- Are the carriers of diffuse interstellar bands and extended red emission the same?
- Lai, T.S.-Y.; Witt, A.N.; Alvarez, C.; Cami, J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5865C
- The radial acceleration relation in galaxy clusters
- Chan, M.H. ; Del Popolo, A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5870K
- A turbulent-entropic instability and the fragmentation of star-forming clouds
- Keto, E.; Field, G.B.; Blackman, E.G.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5878T
- The LOFAR Tied-Array all-sky survey: Timing of 21 pulsars including the first binary pulsar discovered with LOFAR
- Tan, C.M.; Bassa, C.G.; Cooper, S.; Hessels, J.W.T.; Kondratiev, V.I.; Michilli, D.; Sanidas, S.; Stappers, B.W.; van Leeuwen, J.; Donner, J.Y.; Grießmeier, J.-M.; Kramer, M.; Tiburzi, C.; Weltevrede, P.; Ciardi, B.; Hoeft, M.; Mann, G.; Miskolczi, A.; Schwarz, D.J.; Vocks, C.; Wucknitz, O.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5897S
- A new and unusual LBV-like outburst from a Wolf-Rayet star in the outskirts of M33
- Smith, N.; Andrews, J.E.; Moe, M.; Milne, P.; Bilinski, C.; Kilpatrick, C.D.; Fong, W.-F.; Badenes, C.; Filippenko, A.V.; Kasliwal, M.; Silverman, J.M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5916W
- Limits on the electromagnetic counterpart to S190814bv
- Watson, A.M.; Butler, N.R.; Lee, W.H.; Becerra, R.L.; Pereyra, M.; Angeles, F.; Farah, A.; Figueroa, L.; Gónzalez-Buitrago, D.; Quirós, F.; Ruíz-Díaz-Soto, J.; Tejada de Vargas, C.; Tinoco, S.J.; Wolfram, T.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5922L
- Spectral evidence of an accretion disc in wind-fed X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 during an unusual spin-up period
- Liao, Z.; Liu, J.; Zheng, X.; Gou, L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5930L
- Redshift evolution of the Fundamental Plane relation in the IllustrisTNG simulation
- Lu, S.; Xu, D.; Wang, Y.; Mao, S.; Ge, J.; Springel, V.; Wang, Y.; Vogelsberger, M.; Naiman, J.; Hernquist, L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5940H
- Mirror principle and the red-giant bump: the battle of entropy in low-mass stars
- Hekker, S.; Angelou, G.C.; Elsworth, Y.; Basu, S.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5949S
- Gravitational waves from fast-spinning white dwarfs
- Sousa, M.F.; Coelho, J.G.; de Araujo, J.C.N.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5956A
- Extracting high-level information from gamma-ray burst supernova spectra
- Ashall, C. ; Mazzali, P.A.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5966S
- CO line and radio continuum study of elephant trunks: the Pillars of Creation in M16
- Sofue, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5980A
- G279.0+1.1: a new extended source of high-energy gamma-rays
- Araya, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5987J
- Complex emission patterns: fluctuations and bistability of polar-cap potentials
- Jones, P.B.
- 2020MNRAS.492.5994B
- A new mass-loss rate prescription for red supergiants
- Beasor, E.R.; Davies, B.; Smith, N.; van Loon, J.T.; Gehrz, R.D.; Figer, D.F.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6007C
- Capture and migration of Jupiter and Saturn in mean motion resonance in a gaseous protoplanetary disc
- Chametla, R.O.; D'Angelo, G.; Reyes-Ruiz, M.; Sánchez-Salcedo, F.J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6019H
- l = 1: Weinberg's weakly damped mode in an N-body model of a spherical stellar system
- Heggie, D.C.; Breen, P.G.; Varri, A.L.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6027E
- The ALMaQUEST Survey - II. What drives central starbursts at z ∼ 0?
- Ellison, S.L.; Thorp, M.D.; Pan, H.-A.; Lin, L.; Scudder, J.M.; Bluck, A.F.L.; Sánchez, S.F.; Sargent, M.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6042S
- The maximum accretion rate of hot gas in dark matter haloes
- Stern, J.; Fielding, D.; Faucher-Giguère, C.-A.; Quataert, E.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6059V
- The dynamical history of the evaporating or disrupted ice giant planet around white dwarf WD J0914+1914
- Veras, D. ; Fuller, J.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6067M
- Searching for a dusty cometary belt around TRAPPIST-1 with ALMA
- Marino, S.; Wyatt, M.C.; Kennedy, G.M.; Kama, M.; Matrà, L.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Henning, T.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6074H
- THETHREEHUNDRED project: backsplash galaxies in simulations of clusters
- Haggar, R.; Gray, M.E.; Pearce, F.R.; Knebe, A.; Cui, W.; Mostoghiu, R.; Yepes, G.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6086E
- The Radio Scream from black holes at Cosmic Dawn: a semi-analytic model for the impact of radio-loud black holes on the 21 cm global signal
- Ewall-Wice, A.; Chang, T.-C.; Lazio, T.J.W.
- 2020MNRAS.492.6105M
- Search for L5 Earth Trojans with DECam
- Markwardt, L.; Gerdes, D.W.; Malhotra, R.; Becker, J.C.; Hamilton, S.J.; Adams, F.C.
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