Monthly Notices of the RAS 491
January(III) 2020

Binary outflows from young stars: interaction of co-orbital jet and wind
Lynch, C.J.R.; Smith, M.D.; Glover, S.C.O.
On the road to per cent accuracy - III. Non-linear reaction of the matter power spectrum to massive neutrinos
Cataneo, M.; Emberson, J.D.; Inman, D.; Harnois-Deraps, J.; Heymans, C.
Extracting the global signal from 21-cm fluctuations: the multitracer approach
Fialkov, A.; Barkana, R.; Jarvis, M.
Dynamical environment and surface characteristics of asteroid (16) Psyche
Moura, T.S.; Winter, O.C.; Amarante, A.; Sfair, R.; Borderes-Motta, G.; Valvano, G.
Stability of exoplanetary systems retrieved from scalar time series
Kovacs, T.
Stellar dynamos with solar and antisolar differential rotations: Implications to magnetic cycles of slowly rotating stars
Karak, B.B.; Tomar, A.; Vashishth, V.
Exact joint likelihood of pseudo-Cℓ estimates from correlated Gaussian cosmological fields
Upham, R.E.; Whittaker, L.; Brown, M.L.
Observed glitches in eight young pulsars
Basu, A.; Joshi, B.C.; Krishnakumar, M.A.; Bhattacharya, D.; Nandi, R.; Bandhopadhay, D.; Char, P.; Manoharan, P.K.
Jet propagation in neutron star mergers and GW170817
Hamidani, H.; Kiuchi, K.; Ioka, K.
Detection of ultra-high-energy gamma rays from the Crab Nebula: physical implications
Khangulyan, D.; Arakawa, M.; Aharonian, F.
Searching for gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters at low redshift
Colavincenzo, M.; Tan, X.; Ammazzalorso, S.; Camera, S.; Regis, M.; Xia, J.-Q.; Fornengo, N.
Neutron star QPOs from oscillating, precessing hot, thick flow
Fragile, P.C.
2020MNRAS.491.3251P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3251)
Globular clusters in the inner Galaxy classified from dynamical orbital criteria
Perez-Villegas, A.; Barbuy, B.; Kerber, L.O.; Ortolani, S.; Souza, S.O.; Bica, E.
Ly α emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium
Gurung-López, S.; Orsi, Á.A.; Bonoli, S.; Padilla, N.; Lacey, C.G.; Baugh, C.M.
RASCALC: a jackknife approach to estimating single- and multitracer galaxy covariance matrices
Philcox, O.H.E.; Eisenstein, D.J.; O'Connell, R.; Wiegand, A.
Exploring the high-mass end of the stellar mass function of star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon
Sherman, S.; Jogee, S.; Florez, J.; Stevans, M.L.; Kawinwanichakij, L.; Wold, I.; Finkelstein, S.L.; Papovich, C.; Acquaviva, V.; Ciardullo, R.; Gronwall, C.; Escalante, Z.
Cusp or core? Revisiting the globular cluster timing problem in Fornax
Meadows, N.; Navarro, J.F.; Santos-Santos, I.; Benítez-Llambay, A.; Frenk, C.
Linear polarization in gamma-ray burst prompt emission
Gill, R.; Granot, J.; Kumar, P.
The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster ω Centauri
Simpson, J.D.; Martell, S.L.; Da Costa, G.; Horner, J.; Wyse, R.F.G.; Ting, Y.-S.; Asplund, M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Buder, S.; De Silva, G.M.; Freeman, K.C.; Kos, J.; Lewis, G.F.; Lind, K.; Sharma, S.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.; Čotar, K.; Cottrell, P.L.; Nordlander, T.
The drifting sub-pulses of PSR B0031-07 and its synchronously modulated radio polarization
Ilie, C.D.; Weltevrede, P.; Johnston, S.; Chen, T.
The ATLAS 9.0 GHz survey of the extended Chandra Deep Field South: the faint 9.0 GHz radio population
Huynh, M.T.; Seymour, N.; Norris, R.P.; Galvin, T.
X-ray study of the double source plane gravitational lens system Eye of Horus observed with XMM-Newton
Tanaka, K.; Tsuji, A.; Akamatsu, H.; Chan, J.H.H.; Coupon, J.; Egami, E.; Finet, F.; Fujimoto, R.; Ichinohe, Y.; Jaelani, A.T.; Lee, C.-H.; Mitsuishi, I.; More, A.; More, S.; Oguri, M.; Okabe, N.; Ota, N.; Rusu, C.E.; Sonnenfeld, A.; Tanaka, M.; Ueda, S.; Wong, K.C.
Mass and star formation rate of the host galaxies of compact binary mergers across cosmic time
Artale, M.C.; Mapelli, M.; Bouffanais, Y.; Giacobbo, N.; Pasquato, M.; Spera, M.
Three-dimensional modelling of absorption by various species for hot Jupiter HD 209458b
Shaikhislamov, I.F.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Lammer, H.; Berezutsky, A.G.; Miroshnichenko, I.B.; Rumenskikh, M.S.
High-energy gamma-ray sources in the VVV survey - I. The blazars
Pichel, A.; Donoso, L.G.; Baravalle, L.D.; Alonso, M.V.; Rovero, A.C.; Beamín, J.C.; Minniti, D.; Cabral, J.B.; Sanchez, B.; Coldwell, G.; Masetti, N.
NIHAO-UHD: the properties of MW-like stellar discs in high-resolution cosmological simulations
Buck, T.; Obreja, A.; Macciò, A.V.; Minchev, I.; Dutton, A.A.; Ostriker, J.P.
Binary population synthesis models for core-collapse gamma-ray burst progenitors
Chrimes, A.A.; Stanway, E.R.; Eldridge, J.J.
2020MNRAS.491.3496C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3496)
A detailed study of Andromeda XIX, an extreme local analogue of ultradiffuse galaxies
Collins, M.L.M.; Tollerud, E.J.; Rich, R.M.; Ibata, R.A.; Martin, N.F.; Chapman, S.C.; Gilbert, K.M.; Preston, J.
The impact of atmospheric dispersion in the performance of high-resolution spectrographs
Wehbe, B.; Cabral, A.; Martins, J.H.C.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N.C.; Ávila, G.
Simultaneous Millimetre-wave and X-ray monitoring of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469
Behar, E.; Kaspi, S.; Paubert, G.; Billot, N.; Peretz, U.; Baldi, R.D.; Laor, A.; Kaastra, J.; Mehdipour, M.
Optimizing galaxy samples for clustering measurements in photometric surveys
Tanoglidis, D.; Chang, C.; Frieman, J.
Examining the physical conditions of a warm corona in active galactic nuclei accretion discs
Ballantyne, D.R.
2020MNRAS.491.3562Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3562)
Insights into formation scenarios of massive early-type galaxies from spatially resolved stellar population analysis in CALIFA
Zibetti, S.; Gallazzi, A.R.; Hirschmann, M.; Consolandi, G.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; van de Ven, G.; Lyubenova, M.
2020MNRAS.491.3586L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3586)
Gravity-mode period spacings and near-core rotation rates of 611 γ Doradus stars with Kepler
Li, G.; Van Reeth, T.; Bedding, T.R.; Murphy, S.J.; Antoci, V.; Ouazzani, R.-M.; Barbara, N.H.
2020MNRAS.491.3606P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3606)
Effects of metallicity on high-mass X-ray binary formation
Ponnada, S.; Brorby, M.; Kaaret, P.
Cool white dwarfs as standards for infrared observations
Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; Tremblay, P.-E.; Bohlin, R.C.; Deustua, S.E.; Kalirai, J.S.
Non-parametric morphologies of galaxies in the EAGLE simulation
Bignone, L.A.; Pedrosa, S.E.; Trayford, J.W.; Tissera, P.B.; Pellizza, L.J.
Characterization of material around the centaur (2060) Chiron from a visible and near-infrared stellar occultation in 2011
Sickafoose, A.A.; Bosh, A.S.; Emery, J.P.; Person, M.J.; Zuluaga, C.A.; Womack, M.; Ruprecht, J.D.; Bianco, F.B.; Zangari, A.M.
SDSS-IV MaNGA: bar pattern speed estimates with the Tremaine-Weinberg method and their error sources
Garma-Oehmichen, L.; Cano-Díaz, M.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.; Aquino-Ortíz, E.; Valenzuela, O.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Sanchez, S.F.; Merrifield, M.
Milky Way analogues in MaNGA: multiparameter homogeneity and comparison to the Milky Way
Boardman, N.; Zasowski, G.; Seth, A.; Newman, J.; Andrews, B.; Bershady, M.; Bird, J.; Chiappini, C.; Fielder, C.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Jones, A.; Licquia, T.; Masters, K.L.; Minchev, I.; Schiavon, R.P.; Brownstein, J.R.; Drory, N.; Lane, R.R.
Radiative stellar feedback in galaxy formation: Methods and physics
Hopkins, P.F.; Grudić, M.Y.; Wetzel, A.; Kereš, D.; Faucher-Giguère, C.-A.; Ma, X.; Murray, N.; Butcher, N.
An ionized accretion disc wind in Hercules X-1
Kosec, P.; Fabian, A.C.; Pinto, C.; Walton, D.J.; Dyda, S.; Reynolds, C.S.
The growth of brightest cluster galaxies and intracluster light over the past 10 billion years
DeMaio, T.; Gonzalez, A.H.; Zabludoff, A.; Zaritsky, D.; Aldering, G.; Brodwin, M.; Connor, T.; Donahue, M.; Hayden, B.; Mulchaey, J.S.; Perlmutter, S.; Stanford, S.A.
Comments on `numerical stability of detonations in white dwarf simulations'
Kushnir, D. ; Katz, B.
2020MNRAS.491.3767S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/3767)
Automatic detection of full ring galaxy candidates in SDSS
Shamir, L.
MIFAL: fully automated Multiple-Image Finder ALgorithm for strong-lens modelling - proof of concept
Carrasco, M.; Zitrin, A.; Seidel, G.
What determines the observational magnitudes of Forbush events on Earth: A critique of the traditional manual method
Okike, O.
Variable star classification using multiview metric learning
Johnston, K.B.; Caballero-Nieves, S.M.; Petit, V.; Peter, A.M.; Haber, R.
Extracting galaxy merger time-scales - I. Tracking haloes with WHEREWOLF and spinning orbits with ORBWEAVER
Poulton, R.J.J.; Power, C.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Elahi, P.J.
Concerning the Li-rich status of KIC 9821622: a Kepler field RGB star reported as a Li-rich giant
Singh, R.; Bharat Kumar, Y.; Reddy, B.E.; Aoki, W.
Galaxy simulation with the evolution of grain size distribution
Aoyama, S.; Hirashita, H.; Nagamine, K.
Superdiffusive stochastic Fermi acceleration in space and energy
Sioulas, N.; Isliker, H.; Vlahos, L.; Koumtzis, A.; Pisokas, T.
Turbulent transport coefficients in galactic dynamo simulations using singular value decomposition
Bendre, A.B.; Subramanian, K.; Elstner, D.; Gressel, O.
X-ray properties of z ≳ 6.5 quasars
Pons, E.; McMahon, R.G.; Banerji, M.; Reed, S.L.
Properties of reionization-era galaxies from JWST luminosity functions and 21-cm interferometry
Park, J.; Gillet, N.; Mesinger, A.; Greig, B.
Magnetic energy dissipation and origin of non-thermal spectra in radiatively efficient relativistic sources
Sobacchi, E. ; Lyubarsky, Y.E.
Accretion of small satellites and gas inflows in a disc galaxy
Ramon-Fox, F.G. ; Aceves, H.
NIFTY galaxy cluster simulations - VI. The dynamical imprint of substructure on gaseous cluster outskirts
Power, C.; Elahi, P.J.; Welker, C.; Knebe, A.; Pearce, F.R.; Yepes, G.; Dave, R.; Kay, S.T.; McCarthy, I.G.; Puchwein, E.; Borgani, S.; Cunnama, D.; Cui, W.; Schaye, J.
Fade to grey: systematic variation of galaxy attenuation curves with galaxy properties in the EAGLE simulations
Trayford, J.W.; Lagos, C. del P.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Obreschkow, D.
Non-stationary Antonov self-gravitating layer: analytics and numerics
Malkov, E.A. ; Kudryavtsev, A.N.
Suprathermal plasma distribution functions with relativistic cut-offs
Fahr, H.-J. ; Heyl, M.
Searching for volcanic activity and a mercury-like exosphere of the super-Earth HD3167 b
Guenther, E.W. ; Kislyakova, K.G.
Debiasing cosmic gravitational wave sirens
Keeley, R.E.; Shafieloo, A.; L'Huillier, B.; Linder, E.V.
Hybrid approach for treating the depolarization of the solar lines of the Ba II, Ca II, and Mg II ions by collisions
Derouich, M.
Estimating trajectories of meteors: an observational Monte Carlo approach - II. Results
Vida, D.; Brown, P.G.; Campbell-Brown, M.; Wiegert, P.; Gural, P.S.
The [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation in the E-MOSAICS simulations: its connection to the birth place of globular clusters and the fraction of globular cluster field stars in the bulge
Hughes, M.E.; Pfeffer, J.L.; Martig, M.; Reina-Campos, M.; Bastian, N.; Crain, R.A.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.
Testing the relativistic Doppler boost hypothesis for supermassive binary black holes candidates via broad emission line profiles
Song, Z.; Ge, J.; Lu, Y.; Ji, X.
Extracting the 21 cm Global signal using artificial neural networks
Choudhury, M.; Datta, A.; Chakraborty, A.
Direct effects of the environment on AGN triggering in SDSS spiral galaxies: merger-AGN connection
Kim, M.; Choi, Y.-Y.; Kim, S.S.
When galaxies align: intrinsic alignments of the progenitors of elliptical galaxies in the Horizon-AGN simulation
Bate, J.; Chisari, N.E.; Codis, S.; Martin, G.; Dubois, Y.; Devriendt, J.; Pichon, C.; Slyz, A.
VLBI observations of the G25.65+1.05 water maser superburst
Burns, R.A.; Orosz, G.; Bayandina, O.; Surcis, G.; Olech, M.; MacLeod, G.; Volvach, A.; Rudnitskii, G.; Hirota, T.; Immer, K.; Blanchard, J.; Marcote, B.; van Langevelde, H.J.; Chibueze, J.O.; Sugiyama, K.; Kim, K.-T.; Valtts, I.; Shakhvorostova, N.; Kramer, B.; Baan, W.A.; Brogan, C.; Hunter, T.; Kurtz, S.; Sobolev, A.M.; Brand, J.; Volvach, L.
Slingshot prominences: coronal structure, mass-loss, and spin-down
Jardine, M.; Cameron, A.C.; Donati, J.-F.; Hussain, G.A.J.
The MUSE Atlas of Discs (MAD): Ionized gas kinematic maps and an application to diffuse ionized gas
den Brok, M.; Carollo, C.M.; Erroz-Ferrer, S.; Fagioli, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Emsellem, E.; Krajnović, D.; Marino, R.A.; Onodera, M.; Tacchella, S.; Weilbacher, P.M.; Woo, J.
Flyby-induced misalignments in planet-hosting discs
Nealon, R.; Cuello, N.; Alexander, R.
The evolution of galaxy intrinsic alignments in the MassiveBlackII universe
Bhowmick, A.K.; Chen, Y.; Tenneti, A.; Di Matteo, T.; Mandelbaum, R.
FIESTA - disentangling stellar variability from exoplanets in the Fourier domain
Zhao, J. ; Tinney, C.G.
Ultra-low-frequency waves in the ion foreshock of Mercury: a global hybrid modelling study
Jarvinen, R.; Alho, M.; Kallio, E.; Pulkkinen, T.I.
Wide-angle redshift-space distortions at quasi-linear scales: cross-correlation functions from Zel'dovich approximation
Taruya, A.; Saga, S.; Breton, M.-A.; Rasera, Y.; Fujita, T.
First on-sky demonstration of an integrated-photonic nulling interferometer: the GLINT instrument
Norris, B.R.M.; Cvetojevic, N.; Lagadec, T.; Jovanovic, N.; Gross, S.; Arriola, A.; Gretzinger, T.; Martinod, M.-A.; Guyon, O.; Lozi, J.; Withford, M.J.; Lawrence, J.S.; Tuthill, P.
A two-fluid model for black-hole accretion flows: Particle acceleration, outflows, and TeV emission
Lee, J.P. ; Becker, P.A.
Mapping the dark matter halo of early-type galaxy NGC 2974 through orbit-based models with combined stellar and cold gas kinematics
Yang, M.; Zhu, L.; Weijmans, A.-M.; van de Ven, G.; Boardman, N.; Morganti, R.; Oosterloo, T.
Internal shocks from variable outflows in classical novae
Steinberg, E. ; Metzger, B.D.
Exploiting flux ratio anomalies to probe warm dark matter in future large-scale surveys
Harvey, D.; Valkenburg, W.; Tamone, A.; Boyarsky, A.; Courbin, F.; Lovell, M.
Impact of 1/f noise on cosmological parameter constraints for SKA intensity mapping
Chen, T.; Battye, R.A.; Costa, A.A.; Dickinson, C.; Harper, S.E.
Spectral signatures of recursive magnetic field reconnection
Tenerani, A. ; Velli, M.
SuperNNova: an open-source framework for Bayesian, neural network-based supernova classification
Moller, A. ; de Boissière, T.
The impact of the connectivity of the cosmic web on the physical properties of galaxies at its nodes
Kraljic, K.; Pichon, C.; Codis, S.; Laigle, C.; Dave, R.; Dubois, Y.; Hwang, H.S.; Pogosyan, D.; Arnouts, S.; Devriendt, J.; Musso, M.; Peirani, S.; Slyz, A.; Treyer, M.
Multiscale dynamics in star-forming regions: the interplay between gravity and turbulence
Traficante, A.; Fuller, G.A.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Elia, D.; Heyer, M.H.; Molinari, S.; Peretto, N.; Schisano, E.
BALQSO spectra explained by shock disruption of galactic clouds
Zeilig-Hess, M.; Levinson, A.; Xu, X.; Arav, N.
Galactic dust evolution with rapid dust formation in the interstellar medium due to hypersonic turbulence
Mattsson, L.
2020MNRAS.491.4345R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/491/4345)
Pulsation and rotation in NGC 6811: the Kepler short-cadence stars
Rodríguez, E.; Balona, L.A.; López-Gonzalez, M.J.; Ocando, S.; Martín-Ruiz, S.; Rodríguez-López, C.
Know thy star, know thy planet: chemo-kinematically characterizing TESS targets
Carrillo, A.; Hawkins, K.; Bowler, B.P.; Cochran, W.; Vanderburg, A.
The electron-impact broadening of the Nb III for 5p-5d transitions
Simic, Z. ; Sakan, N.M.
Discrimination of heavy elements originating from Pop III stars in z = 3 intergalactic medium
Kirihara, T.; Hasegawa, K.; Umemura, M.; Mori, M.; Ishiyama, T.
Erratum: `Continuous gravitational wave from magnetized white dwarfs and neutron stars: possible missions for LISA, DECIGO, BBO, ET detectors'
Kalita, S. ; Mukhopadhyay, B.
Multispectral analysis of the night sky brightness and its origin for the Asiago Observatory, Italy
Simoneau, A.; Aube, M.; Bertolo, A.
Driving classical Wolf-Rayet winds: a Γ- and Z-dependent mass-loss
Sander, A.A.C.; Vink, J.S.; Hamann, W.-R.
A model of an ion-proton radio pulsar polar cap
Jones, P.B.
A correlation in the waiting-time distributions of solar flares
Hudson, H.S.
Slicing the cool circumgalactic medium along the major axis of a star-forming galaxy at z = 0.7
Lopez, S.; Tejos, N.; Barrientos, L.F.; Ledoux, C.; Sharon, K.; Katsianis, A.; Florian, M.K.; Rivera-Thorsen, E.; Bayliss, M.B.; Dahle, H.; Fernandez-Figueroa, A.; Gladders, M.D.; Gronke, M.; Hamel, M.; Pessa, I.; Rigby, J.R.
The quenching and morphological evolution of central galaxies is facilitated by the feedback-driven expulsion of circumgalactic gas
Davies, J.J.; Crain, R.A.; Oppenheimer, B.D.; Schaye, J.
Investigating the planet-metallicity correlation for hot Jupiters
Osborn, A. ; Bayliss, D.
Erratum: Deconstructing double-barred galaxies in 2D and 3D - I. Classical nature of the dominant bulges
de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Mendez-Abreu, J.; Thorne, B.; Costantin, L.
CAFE2: an upgrade to the CAFE high-resolution spectrograph. Commissioning results and new public pipeline
Lillo-Box, J.; Aceituno, J.; Pedraz, S.; Bergond, G.; Galadí-Enríquez, D.; Azzaro, M.; Arroyo-Torres, B.; Fernandez-Martín, A.; Guijarro, A.; Hedrosa, R.P.; Hermelo, I.; Hoyo, F.; Martín-Fernandez, P.
Blue galaxies: modelling nebular He II emission in high redshift galaxies
Barrow, K.S.S.
A model for core formation in dark matter haloes and ultra-diffuse galaxies by outflow episodes
Freundlich, J.; Dekel, A.; Jiang, F.; Ishai, G.; Cornuault, N.; Lapiner, S.; Dutton, A.A.; Macciò, A.V.
Chasing candidate Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients in the 1000 orbits INTEGRAL/IBIS catalogue
Sguera, V.; Sidoli, L.; Bird, A.J.; Paizis, A.; Bazzano, A.
Improving baryon acoustic oscillation measurement with the combination of cosmic voids and galaxies
Zhao, C.; Chuang, C.-H.; Kitaura, F.-S.; Liang, Y.; Pellejero-Ibanez, M.; Tao, C.; Vargas-Magana, M.; Variu, A.; Yepes, G.
Super Hot Cores in NGC 253: witnessing the formation and early evolution of super star clusters
Rico-Villas, F.; Martín-Pintado, J.; Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Martín, S.; Rivilla, V.M.
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