Monthly Notices of the RAS 488
September(III) 2019

Globular clusters as probes of dark matter cusp-core transformations.
Orkney, M.D.A.; Read, J.I.; Petts, J.A.; Gieles, M.
Five new real-time detections of fast radio bursts with UTMOST.
Farah, W.; Flynn, C.; Bailes, M.; Jameson, A.; Bateman, T.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Day, C.K.; Deller, A.T.; Green, A.J.; Gupta, V.; Hunstead, R.; Lower, M.E.; Oslowski, S.; Parthasarathy, A.; Price, D.C.; Ravi, V.; Shannon, R.M.; Sutherland, A.; Temby, D.; Krishnan, V.V.; Caleb, M.; Chang, S.-W.; Cruces, M.; Roy, J.; Morello, V.; Onken, C.A.; Stappers, B.W.; Webb, S.; Wolf, C.
Enhancing AGN efficiency and cool-core formation with anisotropic thermal conduction.
Barnes, D.J.; Kannan, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Pfrommer, C.; Puchwein, E.; Weinberger, R.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Nelson, D.; Marinacci, F.; Pillepich, A.; Torrey, P.; Hernquist, L.
Constraining the evolution of [C II] intensity through the end stages of reionization.
Padmanabhan, H.
2019MNRAS.488.3024B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3024)
Extraction of globular clusters members with Gaia DR2 astrometry.
Bustos Fierro, I.H.; Calderon, J.H.
Absolute colours and phase coefficients of trans-Neptunian objects: correlations and populations.
Alvarez-Candal, A.; Ayala-Loera, C.; Gil-Hutton, R.; Ortiz, J.L.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Duffard, R.
Propagation of star formation at sub-kiloparsec scales.
Gusev, A.S.; Shimanovskaya, E.V.
The evolution of kicked stellar-mass black holes in star cluster environments - II. Rotating star clusters.
Webb, J.J.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Serrano, R.; Bellovary, J.; Ford, K.E.S.; McKernan, B.; Spera, M.; Trani, A.A.
WASP-166b: a bloated super-Neptune transiting a V = 9 star.
Hellier, C.; Anderson, D.R.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Bouchy, F.; Burdanov, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Delrez, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gillon, M.; Jehin, E.; Lendl, M.; Linder, E.; Nielsen, L.D.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Pepe, F.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Segransan, D.; Smalley, B.; Spake, J.J.; Temple, L.Y.; Udry, S.; West, R.G.; Wyttenbach, A.
Supergranular turbulence in the quiet Sun: Lagrangian coherent structures.
Chian, A.C.-L.; Silva, S.S.A.; Rempel, E.L.; Gosic, M.; Bellot Rubio, L.R.; Kusano, K.; Miranda, R.A.; Requerey, I.S.
On the observational behaviour of the highly polarized Type IIn supernova SN 2017hcc.
Kumar, B.; Eswaraiah, C.; Singh, A.; Sahu, D.K.; Anupama, G.C.; Kawabata, K.S.; Yamanaka, M.; Otsubo, I.; Pandey, S.B.; Nakaoka, T.; Kawabata, M.; Aryan, A.; Akitaya, H.
The origin of lopsided satellite galaxy distribution in galaxy pairs.
Gong, C.C.; Libeskind, N.I.; Tempel, E.; Guo, Q.; Gottlober, S.; Yepes, G.; Wang, P.; Sorce, J.; Pawlowski, M.
Fundamental differences in the radio properties of red and blue quasars: evolution strongly favoured over orientation.
Klindt, L.; Alexander, D.M.; Rosario, D.J.; Lusso, E.; Fotopoulou, S.
Three-dimensional dust mapping of 12 supernovae remnants in the Galactic anticentre.
Yu, B.; Chen, B.Q.; Jiang, B.W.; Zijlstra, A.
UNIVERSEMACHINE: The correlation between galaxy growth and dark matter halo assembly from z = 0-10.
Behroozi, P.; Wechsler, R.H.; Hearin, A.P.; Conroy, C.
Multiphase gas in the circumgalactic medium: relative role of tcool/tff and density fluctuations.
Choudhury, P.P.; Sharma, P.; Quataert, E.
2019MNRAS.488.3211K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3211)
The MAGIC project - II. Discovery of two new Galactic lithium-rich Cepheids.
Kovtyukh, V.; Lemasle, B.; Kniazev, A.; Berdnikov, L.; Bono, G.; Usenko, I.; Grebel, E.K.; Hajdu, G.; Pastukhova, E.
Dark matter and H I in ultra-diffuse galaxy UGC 2162.
Sengupta, C.; Scott, T.C.; Chung, A.; Ivy Wong, O.
Proper motions of the satellites of M31.
Hodkinson, B.; Scholtz, J.
2019MNRAS.488.3238A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3238)
Compact planetary nebulae: improved IR diagnostic criteria based on classification tree modelling.
Akras, S.; Guzman-Ramirez, L.; Goncalves, D.R.
Free-form GRALE reconstruction of Abell 2744: robustness of uncertainties against changes in lensing data.
Sebesta, K.; Williams, L.L.R.; Liesenborgs, J.; Medezinski, E.; Okabe, N.
Planetary system detection by estimating the covariance of coronagraphic lucky images.
Cagigas, M.A.; Cagigal, M.P.; Valle, P.J.; Canales, V.F.; Fuentes, A.; Lopez, R.
Optimal neighbourhood to nurture giants: a fundamental link between star-forming galaxies and direct collapse black holes.
Agarwal, B.; Cullen, F.; Khochfar, S.; Ceverino, D.; Klessen, R.S.
2019MNRAS.488.3274D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3274)
Multifractal detrended moving average analysis of Kepler stars with surface differential rotation traces.
de Freitas, D.B.; Nepomuceno, M.M.F.; Cordeiro, J.G.; Das Chagas, M.L.; De Medeiros, J.R.
Dark-matter-deficient galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations.
Jing, Y.; Wang, C.; Li, R.; Liao, S.; Wang, J.; Guo, Q.; Gao, L.
OGLE-2017-BLG-1186: first application of asteroseismology and Gaussian processes to microlensing.
Li, S.-S.; Zang, W.; Udalski, A.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Huber, D.; Lee, C.-U.; Sumi, T.; Gould, A.; Mao, S.; Fouque, P.; Wang, T.; Dong, S.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Cole, A.; Mroz, P.; Szymanski, M.K.; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Soszynski, I.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozlowski, S.; Ulaczyk, K.; Rybicki, K.A.; Iwanek, P.; Yee, J.C.; Calchi Novati, S.; Beichman, C.A.; Bryden, G.; Carey, S.; Gaudi, B.S.; Henderson, C.B.; Zhu, W.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Han, C.; Hwang, K.-H.; Jung, Y.K.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, H.-W.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.; Bond, I.A.; Abe, F.; Barry, R.; Bennett, D.P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Donachie, M.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Kondo, I.; Koshimoto, N.; Li, M.C.A.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagakane, M.; Ranc, C.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Suematsu, H.; Sullivan, D.J.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P.J.; Yonehara, A.; Christie, G.; Drummond, J.; Green, J.; Hennerley, S.; Natusch, T.; Porritt, I.; Bachelet, E.; Maoz, D.; Street, R.A.; Tsapras, Y.; Bozza, V.; Dominik, M.; Hundertmark, M.; Peixinho, N.; Sajadian, S.; Burgdorf, M.J.; Evans, D.F.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Fujii, Y.I.; Haikala, L.K.; Helling, C.; Henning, T.; Hinse, T.C.; Mancini, L.; Longa-Pena, P.; Rahvar, S.; Rabus, M.; Skottfelt, J.; Snodgrass, C.; Southworth, J.; Unda-Sanzana, E.; von Essen, C.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Blackman, J.; Hill, K.
On the ridges, undulations, and streams in Gaia DR2: linking the topography of phase space to the orbital structure of an N-body bar.
Fragkoudi, F.; Katz, D.; Trick, W.; White, S.D.M.; Di Matteo, P.; Sormani, M.C.; Khoperskov, S.; Haywood, M.; Halle, A.; Gomez, A.
The impact of baryonic physics and massive neutrinos on weak lensing peak statistics.
Fong, M.; Choi, M.; Catlett, V.; Lee, B.; Peel, A.; Bowyer, R.; King, L.J.; McCarthy, I.G.
Transfer learning for radio galaxy classification.
Tang, H.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Leahy, J.P.
Momentum and energy injection by a supernova remnant into an inhomogeneous medium.
Pittard, J.M.
H I-MaNGA: H I follow-up for the MaNGA survey.
Masters, K.L.; Stark, D.V.; Pace, Z.J.; Phipps, F.; Rujopakarn, W.; Samanso, N.; Harrington, E.; Sanchez-Gallego, J.R.; Avila-Reese, V.; Bershady, M.; Cherinka, B.; Fielder, C.E.; Finnegan, D.; Riffel, R.A.; Rowlands, K.; Shamsi, S.; Newnham, L.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Witherspoon, C.A.
Flipping-up the field: gravitational feedback as a mechanism for young clusters dispersal.
Zamora-Aviles, M.; Ballesteros-Paredes, J.; Hernandez, J.; Roman-Zuniga, C.; Lora, V.; Kounkel, M.
NGC 326: X-shaped no more.
Hardcastle, M.J.; Croston, J.H.; Shimwell, T.W.; Tasse, C.; Gurkan, G.; Morganti, R.; Murgia, M.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; van Weeren, R.J.; Williams, W.L.
Constraints on the interacting vacuum-geodesic CDM scenario.
Martinelli, M.; Hogg, N.B.; Peirone, S.; Bruni, M.; Wands, D.
Decaying turbulence and magnetic fields in galaxy clusters.
Sur, S.
Finding binary star fractions in any distribution.
Akter, S.; Goodwin, S.P.
Magnifications of paired micro-images emerging from a micro-lensing critical curve.
Weisenbach, L.; Schechter, P.; Wambsganss, J.
Overcoming the structural surface effect with a realistic treatment of turbulent convection in 1D stellar models.
Jorgensen, A.C.S.; Weiss, A.
Search for the evolutionary relationship between Galactic globular and open clusters using data from the Gaia DR2 catalogue.
Bajkova, A.T.; Bobylev, V.V.
The binary mass ratios of circumbinary planet hosts.
Martin, D.V.
Extremely metal-poor galaxies with HST/COS: laboratories for models of low-metallicity massive stars and high-redshift galaxies.
Senchyna, P.; Stark, D.P.; Chevallard, J.; Charlot, S.; Jones, T.; Vidal-Garcia, A.
A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet.
Pawellek, N.; Moor, A.; Milli, J.; Kospal, A.; Olofsson, J.; Abraham, P.; Keppler, M.; Kral, Q.; Pohl, A.; Augereau, J.-C.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Choquet, E.; Engler, N.; Henning, T.; Langlois, M.; Lee, E.J.; Menard, F.; Thebault, P.; Zurlo, A.
Cosmological exploitation of the size function of cosmic voids identified in the distribution of biased tracers.
Contarini, S.; Ronconi, T.; Marulli, F.; Moscardini, L.; Veropalumbo, A.; Baldi, M.
How to optimally constrain galaxy assembly bias: supplement projected correlation functions with count-in-cells statistics.
Wang, K.; Mao, Y.-Y.; Zentner, A.R.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Lange, J.U.; Schafer, C.M.; Villarreal, A.S.; Hearin, A.P.; Campbell, D.
Low-eccentricity migration of ultra-short-period planets in multiplanet systems.
Pu, B.; Lai, D.
2019MNRAS.488.3588Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3588)
A statistically significant lack of debris discs in medium separation binary systems.
Yelverton, B.; Kennedy, G.M.; Su, K.Y.L.; Wyatt, M.C.
Forecasts of redshift drift constraints on cosmological parameters.
Alves, C.S.; Leite, A.C.O.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Matos, J.G.B.; Silva, T.A.
Are the observed gaps in protoplanetary discs caused by growing planets?
Ndugu, N.; Bitsch, B.; Jurua, E.
The nature of strong H I absorbers probed by cosmological simulations: satellite accretion and outflows.
Rhodin, N.H.P.; Agertz, O.; Christensen, L.; Renaud, F.; Fynbo, J.P.U.
Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: cosmological simulations with SIDM and baryons.
Robertson, A.; Harvey, D.; Massey, R.; Eke, V.; McCarthy, I.G.; Jauzac, M.; Li, B.; Schaye, J.
Numerical convergence of simulations of galaxy formation: the abundance and internal structure of cold dark matter haloes.
Ludlow, A.D.; Schaye, J.; Bower, R.
Optical long-slit spectroscopy in the cluster Abell S0805.
da Rocha-Poppe, P.C.; Fernandes-Martin, V.A.; Faundez-Abans, M.; de Oliveira-Abans, M.; Silva, G.A.; Freitas-Lemes, P.; Lima-Dias, C.
Cosmic ray feedback in the FIRE simulations: constraining cosmic ray propagation with GeV γ-ray emission.
Chan, T.K.; Keres, D.; Hopkins, P.F.; Quataert, E.; Su, K.-Y.; Hayward, C.C.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.
2019MNRAS.488.3745C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3745)
Assessing the effect of lens mass model in cosmological application with updated galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing sample.
Chen, Y.; Li, R.; Shu, Y.; Cao, X.
Testing general relativity with the Doppler magnification effect.
Andrianomena, S.; Bonvin, C.; Bacon, D.; Bull, P.; Clarkson, C.; Maartens, R.; Moloi, T.
Signatures of circumstellar interaction in the unusual transient AT 2018cow.
Fox, O.D.; Smith, N.
The Type II superluminous SN 2008es at late times: near-infrared excess and circumstellar interaction.
Bhirombhakdi, K.; Chornock, R.; Miller, A.A.; Filippenko, A.V.; Cenko, S.B.; Smith, N.
Formation and material supply of an active-region filament associated with newly emerging flux.
Wang, J.; Yan, X.; Guo, Q.; Kong, D.; Xue, Z.; Yang, L.; Li, Q.
The effect of telescope aperture, scattered light and human vision on early measurements of sunspot and group numbers.
Karachik, N.V.; Pevtsov, A.A.; Nagovitsyn, Y.A.
Unmodelled clustering methods for gravitational wave populations of compact binary mergers.
Powell, J.; Stevenson, S.; Mandel, I.; Tino, P.
Do the planets in the HD 34445 system really exist?
Georgakarakos, N.; Dobbs-Dixon, I.
Metallicity gradients in small and nearby spiral galaxies.
Bresolin, F.
Baryon acoustic oscillation, Hubble parameter, and angular size measurement constraints on the Hubble constant, dark energy dynamics, and spatial curvature.
Ryan, J.; Chen, Y.; Ratra, B.
The HST large programme on NGC 6752 - III. Detection of the peak of the white dwarf luminosity function.
Bedin, L.R.; Salaris, M.; Anderson, J.; Libralato, M.; Apai, D.; Nardiello, D.; Rich, R.M.; Bellini, A.; Dieball, A.; Bergeron, P.; Burgasser, A.J.; Milone, A.P.; Marino, A.F.
Compositional characterization of V-type candidate asteroids identified using the MOVIS catalogue.
Medeiros, H.; de Leon, J.; Lazzaro, D.; Popescu, M.; Lorenzi, V.; Pinilla-Alonso, N.; Landsman, Z.; Rizos, J.L.; Morate, D.
Pseudo-evolution of galaxies in Λ CDM cosmology.
Balakrishna Subramani, V.; Kroupa, P.; Shenavar, H.; Muralidhara, V.
Sunspot observations by Charles Malapert during the period 1618-1626: a key data set to understand solar activity before the Maunder minimum.
Carrasco, V.M.S.; Gallego, M.C.; Villalba Alvarez, J.; Vaquero, J.M.
Time-scale of twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations and mass of accreting neutron stars.
Torok, G.; Goluchova, K.; Sramkova, E.; Urbanec, M.; Straub, O.
Survival of molecular gas in a stellar feedback-driven outflow witnessed with the MUSE TIMER project and ALMA.
Leaman, R.; Fragkoudi, F.; Querejeta, M.; Leung, G.Y.C.; Gadotti, D.A.; Husemann, B.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; van de Ven, G.; Kim, T.; Coelho, P.; Lyubenova, M.; de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Martig, M.; Martinez-Valpuesta, I.; Neumann, J.; Perez, I.; Seidel, M.
SDSS-IV MaNGA: effects of morphology in the global and local star formation main sequences.
Cano-Diaz, M.; Avila-Reese, V.; Sanchez, S.F.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.M.; Rodriguez-Puebla, A.; Boquien, M.; Ibarra-Medel, H.
Circumstellar properties of Type Ia supernovae from the helium star donor channel.
Moriya, T.J.; Liu, D.; Wang, B.; Liu, Z.-W.
Piggyback search for fast radio bursts using Nanshan 26 m and Kunming 40 m radio telescopes - I. Observing and data analysis systems, discovery of a mysterious peryton.
Men, Y.P.; Luo, R.; Chen, M.Z.; Hao, L.F.; Lee, K.J.; Li, J.; Li, Z.X.; Liu, Z.Y.; Pei, X.; Wen, Z.G.; Wu, J.J.; Xu, Y.H.; Xu, R.X.; Yuan, J.P.; Zhang, C.F.
A model for the minimum mass of bound stellar clusters and its dependence on the galactic environment.
Trujillo-Gomez, S.; Reina-Campos, M.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.
On the detection of supermassive primordial stars - II. Blue supergiants.
Surace, M.; Zackrisson, E.; Whalen, D.J.; Hartwig, T.; Glover, S.C.O.; Woods, T.E.; Heger, A.; Glover, S.C.O.
High-redshift quasars and their host galaxies - I. Kinematical and dynamical properties and their tracers.
Lupi, A.; Volonteri, M.; Decarli, R.; Bovino, S.; Silk, J.; Bergeron, J.
On the radiation energy density in the jet of high-energy-emitting BL Lac objects and its impact on their multimessenger role.
Tavecchio, F.; Oikonomou, F.; Righi, C.
GK Car and GZ Nor: two low-luminous, depleted RV Tauri stars.
Gezer, I.; Van Winckel, H.; Manick, R.; Kamath, D.
Tidal disruption events from massive black hole binaries: predictions for ongoing and future surveys.
Thorp, S.; Chadwick, E.; Sesana, A.
Magnetic inhibition of centrifugal instability.
Komissarov, S.S.; Gourgouliatos, K.N.; Matsumoto, J.
Possible origin of the slow-diffusion region around Geminga.
Fang, K.; Bi, X.-J.; Yin, P.-F.
An alternative approach to modelling a cosmic void and its effect on the cosmic microwave background.
Kim, Do Y.; Lasenby, A.N.; Hobson, M.P.
Multiband optical variability of 3C 279 on diverse time-scales.
Agarwal, A.; Cellone, S.A.; Andruchow, I.; Mammana, L.; Singh, M.; Anupama, G.C.; Mihov, B.; Raj, A.; Slavcheva-Mihova, L.; Ozdonmez, A.; Ege, E.
X-ray study of spatial structures in Tycho's supernova remnant using unsupervised deep learning.
Iwasaki, H.; Ichinohe, Y.; Uchiyama, Y.
New constraints on red-spiral galaxies from their kinematics in clusters of galaxies.
Hamabata, A.; Oogi, T.; Oguri, M.; Nishimichi, T.; Nagashima, M.
ERQs are the BOSS of quasar samples: the highest velocity [O III] quasar outflows.
Perrotta, S.; Hamann, F.; Zakamska, N.L.; Alexandroff, R.M.; Rupke, D.; Wylezalek, D.
The eclipsing accreting white dwarf Z chameleontis as seen with TESS.
Court, J.M.C.; Scaringi, S.; Rappaport, S.; Zhan, Z.; Littlefield, C.; Castro Segura, N.; Knigge, C.; Maccarone, T.; Kennedy, M.; Szkody, P.; Garnavich, P.
Impact of an off-centred dipole on neutron star binaries.
Petri, J.
Impact of galaxy mergers on the colours of cluster galaxies.
Oh, S.; Kim, K.; Lee, J.H.; Kim, M.; Sheen, Y.-K.; Rhee, J.; Ree, C.H.; Jeong, H.; Ho, L.C.; Kyeong, J.; Sung, E.-C.; Park, B.-G.; Yi, S.K.
Higher order harmonics in the light curves of eccentric planetary systems.
Penoyre, Z.; Sandford, E.
Maximally rotating supermassive stars at the onset of collapse: effects of gas pressure.
Dennison, K.A.; Baumgarte, T.W.; Shapiro, S.L.
Vertical shear-induced resonant triads in Keplerian discs.
Shtemler, Y.; Mond, M.
Fast radio burst dispersion measures and rotation measures and the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields.
Hackstein, S.; Bruggen, M.; Vazza, F.; Gaensler, B.M.; Heesen, V.
2019MNRAS.488.4239P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/4239)
Comparison of the optical light curves of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-poor type II supernovae.
Pessi, P.J.; Folatelli, G.; Anderson, J.P.; Bersten, M.; Burns, C.; Contreras, C.; Davis, S.; Englert, B.; Hamuy, M.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Martinez, L.; Morrell, N.; Phillips, M.M.; Suntzeff, N.; Stritzinger, M.D.
The i-process yields of rapidly accreting white dwarfs from multicycle He-shell flash stellar evolution models with mixing parametrizations from 3D hydrodynamics simulations.
Denissenkov, P.A.; Herwig, F.; Woodward, P.; Andrassy, R.; Pignatari, M.; Jones, S.
The first power spectrum limit on the 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen during the Cosmic Dawn at z = 20-25 from LOFAR.
Gehlot, B.K.; Mertens, F.G.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Brentjens, M.A.; Zaroubi, S.; Ciardi, B.; Ghosh, A.; Hatef, M.; Iliev, I.T.; Jelic, V.; Kooistra, R.; Krause, F.; Mellema, G.; Mevius, M.; Mitra, M.; Offringa, A.R.; Pandey, V.N.; Sardarabadi, A.M.; Schaye, J.; Silva, M.B.; Vedantham, H.K.; Yatawatta, S.
Modelling pulsed gamma-ray emissions from millisecond pulsars with double peaks.
Chang, S.; Zhang, L.; Li, X.; Jiang, Z.
Coronagraphic phase diversity through residual turbulence: performance study and experimental validation.
Herscovici-Schiller, O.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Mugnier, L.M.; Dohlen, K.; Vigan, A.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XVII. The parsec-scale jet properties of the ultrahard X-ray-selected local AGNs.
Baek, J.; Chung, A.; Schawinski, K.; Oh, K.; Ivy Wong, O.; Koss, M.; Ricci, C.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Smith, K.L.; Ueda, Y.
Mean field solar surface dynamo in the presence of partially ionized plasmas and sub-surface shear layer.
Paradkar, B.S.; Chitre, S.M.; Krishan, V.
Angular momentum transport in massive stars and natal neutron star rotation rates.
Ma, L.; Fuller, J.
2019MNRAS.488.4356B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/4356)
Sub-damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey - I. Identification and contribution to the cosmological H I budget.
Berg, T.A.M.; Ellison, S.L.; Sanchez-Ramirez, R.; Lopez, S.; D'Odorico, V.; Becker, G.D.; Christensen, L.; Cupani, G.; Denney, K.D.; Worseck, G.
Eccentric binary black hole mergers in globular clusters hosting intermediate-mass black holes.
Fragione, G.; Bromberg, O.
Relativistic Fe Kα line in the composite X-ray spectra of radio-loud active galactic nuclei.
Hu, J.; Liu, Z.; Jin, C.; Yuan, W.
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: the effect of intracluster light on photometric redshifts for weak gravitational lensing.
Gruen, D.; Zhang, Y.; Palmese, A.; Yanny, B.; Busti, V.; Hoyle, B.; Melchior, P.; Miller, C.J.; Rozo, E.; Rykoff, E.S.; Varga, T.N.; Abdalla, F.B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Cawthon, R.; Crocce, M.; Cunha, C.E.; da Costa, L.N.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Dietrich, J.P.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Jeltema, T.; Krause, E.; Kron, R.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Plazas, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Scarpine, V.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A.R.; (The DES Collaboration)
Clumpy galaxies in cosmological simulations: the effect of ISM model.
Inoue, S.; Yoshida, N.
Massive neutrinos leave fingerprints on cosmic voids.
Kreisch, C.D.; Pisani, A.; Carbone, C.; Liu, J.; Hawken, A.J.; Massara, E.; Spergel, D.N.; Wandelt, B.D.
Soft excess in the quiescent Be/X-ray pulsar RX J0812.4-3114.
Zhao, Y.; Heinke, C.O.; Tsygankov, S.S.; Ho, W.C.G.; Potekhin, A.Y.; Shaw, A.W.
Fast likelihood-free cosmology with neural density estimators and active learning.
Alsing, J.; Charnock, T.; Feeney, S.; Wandelt, B.
Localization of binary black hole mergers with known inclination.
Corley, K.R.; Bartos, I.; Singer, L.P.; Williamson, A.R.; Haiman, Z.; Kocsis, B.; Nissanke, S.; Marka, Z.; Marka, S.
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