Monthly Notices of the RAS 488
September(III) 2019
- 2019MNRAS.488.2977O
- Globular clusters as probes of dark matter cusp-core transformations.
- Orkney, M.D.A.; Read, J.I.; Petts, J.A.; Gieles, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.2989F
- Five new real-time detections of fast radio bursts with UTMOST.
- Farah, W.; Flynn, C.; Bailes, M.; Jameson, A.; Bateman, T.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Day, C.K.; Deller, A.T.; Green, A.J.; Gupta, V.; Hunstead, R.; Lower, M.E.; Oslowski, S.; Parthasarathy, A.; Price, D.C.; Ravi, V.; Shannon, R.M.; Sutherland, A.; Temby, D.; Krishnan, V.V.; Caleb, M.; Chang, S.-W.; Cruces, M.; Roy, J.; Morello, V.; Onken, C.A.; Stappers, B.W.; Webb, S.; Wolf, C.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3003B
- Enhancing AGN efficiency and cool-core formation with anisotropic thermal conduction.
- Barnes, D.J.; Kannan, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Pfrommer, C.; Puchwein, E.; Weinberger, R.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Nelson, D.; Marinacci, F.; Pillepich, A.; Torrey, P.; Hernquist, L.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3014P
- Constraining the evolution of [C II] intensity through the end stages of reionization.
- Padmanabhan, H.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3024B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3024)
- Extraction of globular clusters members with Gaia DR2 astrometry.
- Bustos Fierro, I.H.; Calderon, J.H.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3035A
- Absolute colours and phase coefficients of trans-Neptunian objects: correlations and populations.
- Alvarez-Candal, A.; Ayala-Loera, C.; Gil-Hutton, R.; Ortiz, J.L.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Duffard, R.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3045G
- Propagation of star formation at sub-kiloparsec scales.
- Gusev, A.S.; Shimanovskaya, E.V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3055W
- The evolution of kicked stellar-mass black holes in star cluster environments - II. Rotating star clusters.
- Webb, J.J.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Serrano, R.; Bellovary, J.; Ford, K.E.S.; McKernan, B.; Spera, M.; Trani, A.A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3067H
- WASP-166b: a bloated super-Neptune transiting a V = 9 star.
- Hellier, C.; Anderson, D.R.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Bouchy, F.; Burdanov, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Delrez, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Gillon, M.; Jehin, E.; Lendl, M.; Linder, E.; Nielsen, L.D.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Pepe, F.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Segransan, D.; Smalley, B.; Spake, J.J.; Temple, L.Y.; Udry, S.; West, R.G.; Wyttenbach, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3076C
- Supergranular turbulence in the quiet Sun: Lagrangian coherent structures.
- Chian, A.C.-L.; Silva, S.S.A.; Rempel, E.L.; Gosic, M.; Bellot Rubio, L.R.; Kusano, K.; Miranda, R.A.; Requerey, I.S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3089K
- On the observational behaviour of the highly polarized Type IIn supernova SN 2017hcc.
- Kumar, B.; Eswaraiah, C.; Singh, A.; Sahu, D.K.; Anupama, G.C.; Kawabata, K.S.; Yamanaka, M.; Otsubo, I.; Pandey, S.B.; Nakaoka, T.; Kawabata, M.; Aryan, A.; Akitaya, H.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3100G
- The origin of lopsided satellite galaxy distribution in galaxy pairs.
- Gong, C.C.; Libeskind, N.I.; Tempel, E.; Guo, Q.; Gottlober, S.; Yepes, G.; Wang, P.; Sorce, J.; Pawlowski, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3109K
- Fundamental differences in the radio properties of red and blue quasars: evolution strongly favoured over orientation.
- Klindt, L.; Alexander, D.M.; Rosario, D.J.; Lusso, E.; Fotopoulou, S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3129Y
- Three-dimensional dust mapping of 12 supernovae remnants in the Galactic anticentre.
- Yu, B.; Chen, B.Q.; Jiang, B.W.; Zijlstra, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3143B
- UNIVERSEMACHINE: The correlation between galaxy growth and dark matter halo assembly from z = 0-10.
- Behroozi, P.; Wechsler, R.H.; Hearin, A.P.; Conroy, C.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3195C
- Multiphase gas in the circumgalactic medium: relative role of tcool/tff and density fluctuations.
- Choudhury, P.P.; Sharma, P.; Quataert, E.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3211K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3211)
- The MAGIC project - II. Discovery of two new Galactic lithium-rich Cepheids.
- Kovtyukh, V.; Lemasle, B.; Kniazev, A.; Berdnikov, L.; Bono, G.; Usenko, I.; Grebel, E.K.; Hajdu, G.; Pastukhova, E.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3222S
- Dark matter and H I in ultra-diffuse galaxy UGC 2162.
- Sengupta, C.; Scott, T.C.; Chung, A.; Ivy Wong, O.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3231H
- Proper motions of the satellites of M31.
- Hodkinson, B.; Scholtz, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3238A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3238)
- Compact planetary nebulae: improved IR diagnostic criteria based on classification tree modelling.
- Akras, S.; Guzman-Ramirez, L.; Goncalves, D.R.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3251S
- Free-form GRALE reconstruction of Abell 2744: robustness of uncertainties against changes in lensing data.
- Sebesta, K.; Williams, L.L.R.; Liesenborgs, J.; Medezinski, E.; Okabe, N.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3262C
- Planetary system detection by estimating the covariance of coronagraphic lucky images.
- Cagigas, M.A.; Cagigal, M.P.; Valle, P.J.; Canales, V.F.; Fuentes, A.; Lopez, R.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3268A
- Optimal neighbourhood to nurture giants: a fundamental link between star-forming galaxies and direct collapse black holes.
- Agarwal, B.; Cullen, F.; Khochfar, S.; Ceverino, D.; Klessen, R.S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3274D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3274)
- Multifractal detrended moving average analysis of Kepler stars with surface differential rotation traces.
- de Freitas, D.B.; Nepomuceno, M.M.F.; Cordeiro, J.G.; Das Chagas, M.L.; De Medeiros, J.R.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3298J
- Dark-matter-deficient galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations.
- Jing, Y.; Wang, C.; Li, R.; Liao, S.; Wang, J.; Guo, Q.; Gao, L.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3308L
- OGLE-2017-BLG-1186: first application of asteroseismology and Gaussian processes to microlensing.
- Li, S.-S.; Zang, W.; Udalski, A.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Huber, D.; Lee, C.-U.; Sumi, T.; Gould, A.; Mao, S.; Fouque, P.; Wang, T.; Dong, S.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Cole, A.; Mroz, P.; Szymanski, M.K.; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Soszynski, I.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozlowski, S.; Ulaczyk, K.; Rybicki, K.A.; Iwanek, P.; Yee, J.C.; Calchi Novati, S.; Beichman, C.A.; Bryden, G.; Carey, S.; Gaudi, B.S.; Henderson, C.B.; Zhu, W.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Han, C.; Hwang, K.-H.; Jung, Y.K.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, H.-W.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.; Bond, I.A.; Abe, F.; Barry, R.; Bennett, D.P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Donachie, M.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Kondo, I.; Koshimoto, N.; Li, M.C.A.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagakane, M.; Ranc, C.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Suematsu, H.; Sullivan, D.J.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P.J.; Yonehara, A.; Christie, G.; Drummond, J.; Green, J.; Hennerley, S.; Natusch, T.; Porritt, I.; Bachelet, E.; Maoz, D.; Street, R.A.; Tsapras, Y.; Bozza, V.; Dominik, M.; Hundertmark, M.; Peixinho, N.; Sajadian, S.; Burgdorf, M.J.; Evans, D.F.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Fujii, Y.I.; Haikala, L.K.; Helling, C.; Henning, T.; Hinse, T.C.; Mancini, L.; Longa-Pena, P.; Rahvar, S.; Rabus, M.; Skottfelt, J.; Snodgrass, C.; Southworth, J.; Unda-Sanzana, E.; von Essen, C.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Blackman, J.; Hill, K.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3324F
- On the ridges, undulations, and streams in Gaia DR2: linking the topography of phase space to the orbital structure of an N-body bar.
- Fragkoudi, F.; Katz, D.; Trick, W.; White, S.D.M.; Di Matteo, P.; Sormani, M.C.; Khoperskov, S.; Haywood, M.; Halle, A.; Gomez, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3340F
- The impact of baryonic physics and massive neutrinos on weak lensing peak statistics.
- Fong, M.; Choi, M.; Catlett, V.; Lee, B.; Peel, A.; Bowyer, R.; King, L.J.; McCarthy, I.G.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3358T
- Transfer learning for radio galaxy classification.
- Tang, H.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Leahy, J.P.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3376P
- Momentum and energy injection by a supernova remnant into an inhomogeneous medium.
- Pittard, J.M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3396M
- H I-MaNGA: H I follow-up for the MaNGA survey.
- Masters, K.L.; Stark, D.V.; Pace, Z.J.; Phipps, F.; Rujopakarn, W.; Samanso, N.; Harrington, E.; Sanchez-Gallego, J.R.; Avila-Reese, V.; Bershady, M.; Cherinka, B.; Fielder, C.E.; Finnegan, D.; Riffel, R.A.; Rowlands, K.; Shamsi, S.; Newnham, L.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Witherspoon, C.A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3406Z
- Flipping-up the field: gravitational feedback as a mechanism for young clusters dispersal.
- Zamora-Aviles, M.; Ballesteros-Paredes, J.; Hernandez, J.; Roman-Zuniga, C.; Lora, V.; Kounkel, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3416H
- NGC 326: X-shaped no more.
- Hardcastle, M.J.; Croston, J.H.; Shimwell, T.W.; Tasse, C.; Gurkan, G.; Morganti, R.; Murgia, M.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; van Weeren, R.J.; Williams, W.L.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3423M
- Constraints on the interacting vacuum-geodesic CDM scenario.
- Martinelli, M.; Hogg, N.B.; Peirone, S.; Bruni, M.; Wands, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3439S
- Decaying turbulence and magnetic fields in galaxy clusters.
- Sur, S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3446A
- Finding binary star fractions in any distribution.
- Akter, S.; Goodwin, S.P.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3452W
- Magnifications of paired micro-images emerging from a micro-lensing critical curve.
- Weisenbach, L.; Schechter, P.; Wambsganss, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3463J
- Overcoming the structural surface effect with a realistic treatment of turbulent convection in 1D stellar models.
- Jorgensen, A.C.S.; Weiss, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3474B
- Search for the evolutionary relationship between Galactic globular and open clusters using data from the Gaia DR2 catalogue.
- Bajkova, A.T.; Bobylev, V.V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3482M
- The binary mass ratios of circumbinary planet hosts.
- Martin, D.V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3492S
- Extremely metal-poor galaxies with HST/COS: laboratories for models of low-metallicity massive stars and high-redshift galaxies.
- Senchyna, P.; Stark, D.P.; Chevallard, J.; Charlot, S.; Jones, T.; Vidal-Garcia, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3507P
- A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet.
- Pawellek, N.; Moor, A.; Milli, J.; Kospal, A.; Olofsson, J.; Abraham, P.; Keppler, M.; Kral, Q.; Pohl, A.; Augereau, J.-C.; Boccaletti, A.; Chauvin, G.; Choquet, E.; Engler, N.; Henning, T.; Langlois, M.; Lee, E.J.; Menard, F.; Thebault, P.; Zurlo, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3526C
- Cosmological exploitation of the size function of cosmic voids identified in the distribution of biased tracers.
- Contarini, S.; Ronconi, T.; Marulli, F.; Moscardini, L.; Veropalumbo, A.; Baldi, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3541W
- How to optimally constrain galaxy assembly bias: supplement projected correlation functions with count-in-cells statistics.
- Wang, K.; Mao, Y.-Y.; Zentner, A.R.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Lange, J.U.; Schafer, C.M.; Villarreal, A.S.; Hearin, A.P.; Campbell, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3568P
- Low-eccentricity migration of ultra-short-period planets in multiplanet systems.
- Pu, B.; Lai, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3588Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3588)
- A statistically significant lack of debris discs in medium separation binary systems.
- Yelverton, B.; Kennedy, G.M.; Su, K.Y.L.; Wyatt, M.C.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3607A
- Forecasts of redshift drift constraints on cosmological parameters.
- Alves, C.S.; Leite, A.C.O.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Matos, J.G.B.; Silva, T.A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3625N
- Are the observed gaps in protoplanetary discs caused by growing planets?
- Ndugu, N.; Bitsch, B.; Jurua, E.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3634R
- The nature of strong H I absorbers probed by cosmological simulations: satellite accretion and outflows.
- Rhodin, N.H.P.; Agertz, O.; Christensen, L.; Renaud, F.; Fynbo, J.P.U.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3646R
- Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: cosmological simulations with SIDM and baryons.
- Robertson, A.; Harvey, D.; Massey, R.; Eke, V.; McCarthy, I.G.; Jauzac, M.; Li, B.; Schaye, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3663L
- Numerical convergence of simulations of galaxy formation: the abundance and internal structure of cold dark matter haloes.
- Ludlow, A.D.; Schaye, J.; Bower, R.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3685D
- Optical long-slit spectroscopy in the cluster Abell S0805.
- da Rocha-Poppe, P.C.; Fernandes-Martin, V.A.; Faundez-Abans, M.; de Oliveira-Abans, M.; Silva, G.A.; Freitas-Lemes, P.; Lima-Dias, C.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3716C
- Cosmic ray feedback in the FIRE simulations: constraining cosmic ray propagation with GeV γ-ray emission.
- Chan, T.K.; Keres, D.; Hopkins, P.F.; Quataert, E.; Su, K.-Y.; Hayward, C.C.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3745C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/3745)
- Assessing the effect of lens mass model in cosmological application with updated galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing sample.
- Chen, Y.; Li, R.; Shu, Y.; Cao, X.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3759A
- Testing general relativity with the Doppler magnification effect.
- Andrianomena, S.; Bonvin, C.; Bacon, D.; Bull, P.; Clarkson, C.; Maartens, R.; Moloi, T.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3772F
- Signatures of circumstellar interaction in the unusual transient AT 2018cow.
- Fox, O.D.; Smith, N.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3783B
- The Type II superluminous SN 2008es at late times: near-infrared excess and circumstellar interaction.
- Bhirombhakdi, K.; Chornock, R.; Miller, A.A.; Filippenko, A.V.; Cenko, S.B.; Smith, N.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3794W
- Formation and material supply of an active-region filament associated with newly emerging flux.
- Wang, J.; Yan, X.; Guo, Q.; Kong, D.; Xue, Z.; Yang, L.; Li, Q.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3804K
- The effect of telescope aperture, scattered light and human vision on early measurements of sunspot and group numbers.
- Karachik, N.V.; Pevtsov, A.A.; Nagovitsyn, Y.A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3810P
- Unmodelled clustering methods for gravitational wave populations of compact binary mergers.
- Powell, J.; Stevenson, S.; Mandel, I.; Tino, P.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3818G
- Do the planets in the HD 34445 system really exist?
- Georgakarakos, N.; Dobbs-Dixon, I.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3826B
- Metallicity gradients in small and nearby spiral galaxies.
- Bresolin, F.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3844R
- Baryon acoustic oscillation, Hubble parameter, and angular size measurement constraints on the Hubble constant, dark energy dynamics, and spatial curvature.
- Ryan, J.; Chen, Y.; Ratra, B.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3857B
- The HST large programme on NGC 6752 - III. Detection of the peak of the white dwarf luminosity function.
- Bedin, L.R.; Salaris, M.; Anderson, J.; Libralato, M.; Apai, D.; Nardiello, D.; Rich, R.M.; Bellini, A.; Dieball, A.; Bergeron, P.; Burgasser, A.J.; Milone, A.P.; Marino, A.F.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3866M
- Compositional characterization of V-type candidate asteroids identified using the MOVIS catalogue.
- Medeiros, H.; de Leon, J.; Lazzaro, D.; Popescu, M.; Lorenzi, V.; Pinilla-Alonso, N.; Landsman, Z.; Rizos, J.L.; Morate, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3876B
- Pseudo-evolution of galaxies in Λ CDM cosmology.
- Balakrishna Subramani, V.; Kroupa, P.; Shenavar, H.; Muralidhara, V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3884C
- Sunspot observations by Charles Malapert during the period 1618-1626: a key data set to understand solar activity before the Maunder minimum.
- Carrasco, V.M.S.; Gallego, M.C.; Villalba Alvarez, J.; Vaquero, J.M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3896T
- Time-scale of twin-peak quasi-periodic oscillations and mass of accreting neutron stars.
- Torok, G.; Goluchova, K.; Sramkova, E.; Urbanec, M.; Straub, O.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3904L
- Survival of molecular gas in a stellar feedback-driven outflow witnessed with the MUSE TIMER project and ALMA.
- Leaman, R.; Fragkoudi, F.; Querejeta, M.; Leung, G.Y.C.; Gadotti, D.A.; Husemann, B.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; van de Ven, G.; Kim, T.; Coelho, P.; Lyubenova, M.; de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Martig, M.; Martinez-Valpuesta, I.; Neumann, J.; Perez, I.; Seidel, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3929C
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: effects of morphology in the global and local star formation main sequences.
- Cano-Diaz, M.; Avila-Reese, V.; Sanchez, S.F.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.M.; Rodriguez-Puebla, A.; Boquien, M.; Ibarra-Medel, H.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3949M
- Circumstellar properties of Type Ia supernovae from the helium star donor channel.
- Moriya, T.J.; Liu, D.; Wang, B.; Liu, Z.-W.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3957M
- Piggyback search for fast radio bursts using Nanshan 26 m and Kunming 40 m radio telescopes - I. Observing and data analysis systems, discovery of a mysterious peryton.
- Men, Y.P.; Luo, R.; Chen, M.Z.; Hao, L.F.; Lee, K.J.; Li, J.; Li, Z.X.; Liu, Z.Y.; Pei, X.; Wen, Z.G.; Wu, J.J.; Xu, Y.H.; Xu, R.X.; Yuan, J.P.; Zhang, C.F.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3972T
- A model for the minimum mass of bound stellar clusters and its dependence on the galactic environment.
- Trujillo-Gomez, S.; Reina-Campos, M.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.3995S
- On the detection of supermassive primordial stars - II. Blue supergiants.
- Surace, M.; Zackrisson, E.; Whalen, D.J.; Hartwig, T.; Glover, S.C.O.; Woods, T.E.; Heger, A.; Glover, S.C.O.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4004L
- High-redshift quasars and their host galaxies - I. Kinematical and dynamical properties and their tracers.
- Lupi, A.; Volonteri, M.; Decarli, R.; Bovino, S.; Silk, J.; Bergeron, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4023T
- On the radiation energy density in the jet of high-energy-emitting BL Lac objects and its impact on their multimessenger role.
- Tavecchio, F.; Oikonomou, F.; Righi, C.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4033G
- GK Car and GZ Nor: two low-luminous, depleted RV Tauri stars.
- Gezer, I.; Van Winckel, H.; Manick, R.; Kamath, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4042T
- Tidal disruption events from massive black hole binaries: predictions for ongoing and future surveys.
- Thorp, S.; Chadwick, E.; Sesana, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4061K
- Magnetic inhibition of centrifugal instability.
- Komissarov, S.S.; Gourgouliatos, K.N.; Matsumoto, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4074F
- Possible origin of the slow-diffusion region around Geminga.
- Fang, K.; Bi, X.-J.; Yin, P.-F.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4081K
- An alternative approach to modelling a cosmic void and its effect on the cosmic microwave background.
- Kim, Do Y.; Lasenby, A.N.; Hobson, M.P.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4093A
- Multiband optical variability of 3C 279 on diverse time-scales.
- Agarwal, A.; Cellone, S.A.; Andruchow, I.; Mammana, L.; Singh, M.; Anupama, G.C.; Mihov, B.; Raj, A.; Slavcheva-Mihova, L.; Ozdonmez, A.; Ege, E.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4106I
- X-ray study of spatial structures in Tycho's supernova remnant using unsupervised deep learning.
- Iwasaki, H.; Ichinohe, Y.; Uchiyama, Y.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4117H
- New constraints on red-spiral galaxies from their kinematics in clusters of galaxies.
- Hamabata, A.; Oogi, T.; Oguri, M.; Nishimichi, T.; Nagashima, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4126P
- ERQs are the BOSS of quasar samples: the highest velocity [O III] quasar outflows.
- Perrotta, S.; Hamann, F.; Zakamska, N.L.; Alexandroff, R.M.; Rupke, D.; Wylezalek, D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4149C
- The eclipsing accreting white dwarf Z chameleontis as seen with TESS.
- Court, J.M.C.; Scaringi, S.; Rappaport, S.; Zhan, Z.; Littlefield, C.; Castro Segura, N.; Knigge, C.; Maccarone, T.; Kennedy, M.; Szkody, P.; Garnavich, P.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4161P
- Impact of an off-centred dipole on neutron star binaries.
- Petri, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4169O
- Impact of galaxy mergers on the colours of cluster galaxies.
- Oh, S.; Kim, K.; Lee, J.H.; Kim, M.; Sheen, Y.-K.; Rhee, J.; Ree, C.H.; Jeong, H.; Ho, L.C.; Kyeong, J.; Sung, E.-C.; Park, B.-G.; Yi, S.K.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4181P
- Higher order harmonics in the light curves of eccentric planetary systems.
- Penoyre, Z.; Sandford, E.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4195D
- Maximally rotating supermassive stars at the onset of collapse: effects of gas pressure.
- Dennison, K.A.; Baumgarte, T.W.; Shapiro, S.L.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4207S
- Vertical shear-induced resonant triads in Keplerian discs.
- Shtemler, Y.; Mond, M.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4220H
- Fast radio burst dispersion measures and rotation measures and the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields.
- Hackstein, S.; Bruggen, M.; Vazza, F.; Gaensler, B.M.; Heesen, V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4239P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/4239)
- Comparison of the optical light curves of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-poor type II supernovae.
- Pessi, P.J.; Folatelli, G.; Anderson, J.P.; Bersten, M.; Burns, C.; Contreras, C.; Davis, S.; Englert, B.; Hamuy, M.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Martinez, L.; Morrell, N.; Phillips, M.M.; Suntzeff, N.; Stritzinger, M.D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4258D
- The i-process yields of rapidly accreting white dwarfs from multicycle He-shell flash stellar evolution models with mixing parametrizations from 3D hydrodynamics simulations.
- Denissenkov, P.A.; Herwig, F.; Woodward, P.; Andrassy, R.; Pignatari, M.; Jones, S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4271G
- The first power spectrum limit on the 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen during the Cosmic Dawn at z = 20-25 from LOFAR.
- Gehlot, B.K.; Mertens, F.G.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Brentjens, M.A.; Zaroubi, S.; Ciardi, B.; Ghosh, A.; Hatef, M.; Iliev, I.T.; Jelic, V.; Kooistra, R.; Krause, F.; Mellema, G.; Mevius, M.; Mitra, M.; Offringa, A.R.; Pandey, V.N.; Sardarabadi, A.M.; Schaye, J.; Silva, M.B.; Vedantham, H.K.; Yatawatta, S.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4288C
- Modelling pulsed gamma-ray emissions from millisecond pulsars with double peaks.
- Chang, S.; Zhang, L.; Li, X.; Jiang, Z.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4307H
- Coronagraphic phase diversity through residual turbulence: performance study and experimental validation.
- Herscovici-Schiller, O.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Mugnier, L.M.; Dohlen, K.; Vigan, A.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4317B
- BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XVII. The parsec-scale jet properties of the ultrahard X-ray-selected local AGNs.
- Baek, J.; Chung, A.; Schawinski, K.; Oh, K.; Ivy Wong, O.; Koss, M.; Ricci, C.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Smith, K.L.; Ueda, Y.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4329P
- Mean field solar surface dynamo in the presence of partially ionized plasmas and sub-surface shear layer.
- Paradkar, B.S.; Chitre, S.M.; Krishan, V.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4338M
- Angular momentum transport in massive stars and natal neutron star rotation rates.
- Ma, L.; Fuller, J.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4356B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/488/4356)
- Sub-damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey - I. Identification and contribution to the cosmological H I budget.
- Berg, T.A.M.; Ellison, S.L.; Sanchez-Ramirez, R.; Lopez, S.; D'Odorico, V.; Becker, G.D.; Christensen, L.; Cupani, G.; Denney, K.D.; Worseck, G.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4370F
- Eccentric binary black hole mergers in globular clusters hosting intermediate-mass black holes.
- Fragione, G.; Bromberg, O.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4378H
- Relativistic Fe Kα line in the composite X-ray spectra of radio-loud active galactic nuclei.
- Hu, J.; Liu, Z.; Jin, C.; Yuan, W.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4389G
- Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: the effect of intracluster light on photometric redshifts for weak gravitational lensing.
- Gruen, D.; Zhang, Y.; Palmese, A.; Yanny, B.; Busti, V.; Hoyle, B.; Melchior, P.; Miller, C.J.; Rozo, E.; Rykoff, E.S.; Varga, T.N.; Abdalla, F.B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Cawthon, R.; Crocce, M.; Cunha, C.E.; da Costa, L.N.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Dietrich, J.P.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Jeltema, T.; Krause, E.; Kron, R.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Plazas, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Scarpine, V.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A.R.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2019MNRAS.488.4400I
- Clumpy galaxies in cosmological simulations: the effect of ISM model.
- Inoue, S.; Yoshida, N.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4413K
- Massive neutrinos leave fingerprints on cosmic voids.
- Kreisch, C.D.; Pisani, A.; Carbone, C.; Liu, J.; Hawken, A.J.; Massara, E.; Spergel, D.N.; Wandelt, B.D.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4427Z
- Soft excess in the quiescent Be/X-ray pulsar RX J0812.4-3114.
- Zhao, Y.; Heinke, C.O.; Tsygankov, S.S.; Ho, W.C.G.; Potekhin, A.Y.; Shaw, A.W.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4440A
- Fast likelihood-free cosmology with neural density estimators and active learning.
- Alsing, J.; Charnock, T.; Feeney, S.; Wandelt, B.
- 2019MNRAS.488.4459C
- Localization of binary black hole mergers with known inclination.
- Corley, K.R.; Bartos, I.; Singer, L.P.; Williamson, A.R.; Haiman, Z.; Kocsis, B.; Nissanke, S.; Marka, Z.; Marka, S.
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