Monthly Notices of the RAS 485
May(II) 2019
- 2019MNRAS.485.1489W
- External photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs in Cygnus OB2: linking discs to star formation dynamical history.
- Winter, A.J.; Clarke, C.J.; Rosotti, G.P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1508S
- The magnetic early B-type Stars II: stellar atmospheric parameters in the era of Gaia.
- Shultz, M.E.; Wade, G.A.; Rivinius, T.; Alecian, E.; Neiner, C.; Petit, V.; Wisniewski, J.P.; (The MiMeS and BinaMIcS Collaborations)
- 2019MNRAS.485.1528A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/1528)
- A morphological study of galaxies in ZwCl0024+1652, a galaxy cluster at redshift z ∼ 0.4.
- Amado, Z.B.; Povic, M.; Sanchez-Portal, M.; Tessema, S.B.; Bongiovanni, A.; Cepa, J.; Cervino, M.; Gonzalez-Serrano, J.I.; Nadolny, J.; Garcia, A.M.P.; Perez-Martinez, R.; Pintos-Castro, I.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1546T
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: full spectroscopic bulge-disc decomposition of MaNGA early-type galaxies.
- Tabor, M.; Merrifield, M.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Peterken, T.; Smethurst, R.; Drory, N.; Lane, R.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1559P
- Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae: what are the implications for their progenitors?
- Prentice, S.J.; Ashall, C.; James, P.A.; Short, L.; Mazzali, P.A.; Bersier, D.; Crowther, P.A.; Barbarino, C.; Chen, T.-W.; Copperwheat, C.M.; Darnley, M.J.; Denneau, L.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Harmanen, J.; Howell, D.A.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Lamb, G.P.; Limongi, M.; Maguire, K.; McCully, C.; Olivares, F.E.; Piascik, A.S.; Pignata, G.; Reichart, D.E.; Rest, A.; Reynolds, T.; Rodriguez, O.; Saario, J.L.O.; Schulze, S.; Smartt, S.J.; Smith, K.W.; Sollerman, J.; Stalder, B.; Sullivan, M.; Taddia, F.; Valenti, S.; Vergani, S.D.; Williams, S.C.; Young, D.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1579K
- Massive BH binaries as periodically variable AGN.
- Kelley, L.Z.; Haiman, Z.; Sesana, A.; Hernquist, L.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1595P
- Multiphase circumgalactic medium probed with MUSE and ALMA.
- Peroux, C.; Zwaan, M.A.; Klitsch, A.; Augustin, R.; Hamanowicz, A.; Rahmani, H.; Pettini, M.; Kulkarni, V.; Straka, L.A.; Biggs, A.D.; York, D.G.; Milliard, B.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1614O
- The PDS 110 observing campaign - photometric and spectroscopic observations reveal eclipses are aperiodic.
- Osborn, H.P.; Kenworthy, M.; Rodriguez, J.E.; de Mooij, E.J.W.; Kennedy, G.M.; Relles, H.; Gomez, E.; Hippke, M.; Banfi, M.; Barbieri, L.; Becker, I.S.; Benni, P.; Berlind, P.; Bieryla, A.; Bonnoli, G.; Boussier, H.; Brincat, S.M.; Briol, J.; Burleigh, M.R.; Butterley, T.; Calkins, M.L.; Chote, P.; Ciceri, S.; Deldem, M.; Dhillon, V.S.; Dose, E.; Dubois, F.; Dvorak, S.; Esquerdo, G.A.; Evans, D.F.; Ferratfiat, S.; Fossey, S.J.; Gunther, M.N.; Hall, J.; Hambsch, F.-J.; Herrero, E.; Hills, K.; James, R.; Jayawardhana, R.; Kafka, S.; Killestein, T.L.; Kotnik, C.; Latham, D.W.; Lemay, D.; Lewin, P.; Littlefair, S.; Lopresti, C.; Mallonn, M.; Mancini, L.; Marchini, A.; McCormac, J.J.; Murawski, G.; Myers, G.; Papini, R.; Popov, V.; Quadri, U.; Quinn, S.N.; Raynard, L.; Rizzuti, L.; Robertson, J.; Salvaggio, F.; Scholz, A.; Sfair, R.; Smith, A.M.S.; Southworth, J.; Tan, T.G.; Vanaverbeke, S.; Waagen, E.O.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.; Winter,O.C. ; Wheatley, P.J.; Wilson, R.W.; Zhou, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1626W
- A distortion solution for the Bok telescope with four CCD chips.
- Wang, N.; Peng, Q.Y.; Zhou, X.; Peng, X.Y.; Peng, H.W.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1635L
- Subspace approximations to the cosmic ray Fokker-Planck equation.
- Lasuik, J.; Shalchi, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1651L
- On the origin of central abundance drops in the intracluster medium of galaxy groups and clusters.
- Liu, A.; Zhai, M.; Tozzi, P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1665K
- Galactic double neutron star total masses and Gaussian mixture model selection.
- Keitel, D.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1675G
- Recovering stellar population parameters via different population models and stellar libraries.
- Ge, J.; Mao, S.; Lu, Y.; Cappellari, M.; Yan, R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1694D
- X-ray spectral variability of ultraluminous X-ray sources in extragalactic globular clusters.
- Dage, K.C.; Zepf, S.E.; Peacock, M.B.; Bahramian, A.; Noroozi, O.; Kundu, A.; Maccarone, T.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1708S
- The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: evolution of higher-order correlations demonstrated with Minkowski functionals.
- Sullivan, J.M.; Wiegand, A.; Eisenstein, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1720H
- Probing gravitational lensing of the CMB with SDSS-IV quasars.
- Han, J.; Ferraro, S.; Giusarma, E.; Ho, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1727H
- Dust scaling relations in a cosmological simulation.
- Hou, K.-C.; Aoyama, S.; Hirashita, H.; Nagamine, K.; Shimizu, I.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1745F
- The assembly history of the Galactic inner halo inferred from α-element patterns.
- Fernandez-Alvar, E.; Tissera, P.B.; Carigi, L.; Schuster, W.J.; Beers, T.C.; Belokurov, V.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1757L
- Searching for cool and cooling X-ray emitting gas in 45 galaxy clusters and groups.
- Liu, H.; Pinto, C.; Fabian, A.C.; Russell, H.R.; Sanders, J.S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1775I
- Initial phases of high-mass star formation: a multiwavelength study towards the extended green object G12.42+0.50.
- Issac, N.; Tej, A.; Liu, T.; Varricatt, W.; Vig, S.; Ishwara Chandra, C.H.; Schultheis, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1800F
- Results from the SuperModel analysis of the X-COP galaxy clusters sample.
- Fusco-Femiano, R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1809L
- Axion structure formation - I: the co-motion picture.
- Lentz, E.W.; Quinn, T.R.; Rosenberg, L.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1822P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/1822)
- Significant core shift variability in parsec-scale jets of active galactic nuclei.
- Plavin, A.V.; Kovalev, Y.Y.; Pushkarev, A.B.; Lobanov, A.P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1843W
- Luminosity outburst chemistry in protoplanetary discs: going beyond standard tracers.
- Wiebe, D.S.; Molyarova, T.S.; Akimkin, V.V.; Vorobyov, E.I.; Semenov, D.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1864C
- The semicentennial binary system PSR J2032+4127 at periastron: X-ray photometry, optical spectroscopy, and SPH modelling.
- Coe, M.J.; Okazaki, A.T.; Steele, I.A.; Ng, C.-Y.; Ho, W.C.G.; Lyne, A.G.; Stappers, B.; Johnson, T.J.; Ray, P.S.; Kerr, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1876S
- Optical analysis of a CMB cosmic string candidate.
- Sazhina, O.S.; Scognamiglio, D.; Sazhin, M.V.; Capaccioli, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1886D
- NIHAO - XVIII. Origin of the MOND phenomenology of galactic rotation curves in a ΛCDM universe.
- Dutton, A.A.; Maccio, A.V.; Obreja, A.; Buck, T.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1900S
- Is the late buckling stage inevitable in the bar life?
- Smirnov, A.A.; Sotnikova, N.Y.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1906R
- Sensitivity of dark matter haloes to their accretion histories.
- Rey, M.P.; Pontzen, A.; Saintonge, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1916C
- Jet production in black hole X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei: mass feeding and advection of magnetic fields.
- Cao, X.; Lai, D.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1924B
- Constraining the three-dimensional orbits of galaxies under ram pressure stripping with convolutional neural networks.
- Bekki, K.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1938T
- The study of extended emission in a radio galaxy detected in the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey.
- Thwala, S.A.; Shafi, N.; Colafrancesco, S.; Govoni, F.; Murgia, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1947G
- Phase-resolved spectroscopy of Gaia14aae: line emission from near the white dwarf surface.
- Green, M.J.; Marsh, T.R.; Steeghs, D.; Breedt, E.; Kupfer, T.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; van Roestel, J.; Ashley, R.P.; Wang, L.; Cukanovaite, E.; Outmani, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1961Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/1961)
- MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) II. A study of gas accretion around z ≃ 1 star-forming galaxies with background quasars.
- Zabl, J.; Bouche, N.F.; Schroetter, I.; Wendt, M.; Finley, H.; Schaye, J.; Conseil, S.; Contini, T.; Marino, R.A.; Mitchell, P.; Muzahid, S.; Pezzulli, G.; Wisotzki, L.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1981V
- Cavities, shocks and a cold front around 3C 320.
- Vagshette, N.D.; Naik, S.; Patil, M.K.
- 2019MNRAS.485.1990R
- Probing the final-stage progenitor evolution for Type IIP Supernova 2017eaw in NGC 6946.
- Rui, L.; Wang, X.; Mo, J.; Xiang, D.; Zhang, J.; Maund, J.R.; Gal-Yam, A.; Wang, L.; Zhang, T.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2001P
- Non-thermal emission in the lobes of Fornax A.
- Persic, M.; Rephaeli, Y.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2010G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2010)
- Kinematics of the Tucana Dwarf Galaxy: an unusually dense dwarf in the Local Group.
- Gregory, A.L.; Collins, M.L.M.; Read, J.I.; Irwin, M.J.; Ibata, R.A.; Martin, N.F.; McConnachie, A.W.; Weisz, D.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2026B
- On the small-scale clustering of quasars: constraints from the MassiveBlack II simulation.
- Bhowmick, A.K.; DiMatteo, T.; Eftekharzadeh, S.; Myers, A.D.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2041B
- Kinetic 'jets' from fast-moving pulsars.
- Barkov, M.V.; Lyutikov, M.; Klingler, N.; Bordas, P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2054S
- Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback in nearby active galaxies - III. Ionized versus warm molecular gas masses and distributions.
- Schonell, A.J.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Riffel, R.A.; Riffel, R.; Bianchin, M.; Dahmer-Hahn, L.G.; Diniz, M.R.; Dametto, N.Z.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2071W
- Title advances in optical fabrication for astronomy.
- Walker, D.D.; Yu, G.; Li, H.; Myer, B.W.; Beaucamp, A.T.; Namba, Y.; Wu, L.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2083W
- Comparing galaxy morphology in hydrodynamical simulation and in semi-analytic model.
- Wang, L.; Xu, D.; Gao, L.; Guo, Q.; Qu, Y.; Pan, J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2092C
- Suppressed CO emission and high G/D ratios in z = 2 galaxies with sub-solar gas-phase metallicity.
- Coogan, R.T.; Sargent, M.T.; Daddi, E.; Valentino, F.; Strazzullo, V.; Bethermin, M.; Gobat, R.; Liu, D.; Magdis, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2106M
- Galactic resonance rings: modelling of motions in the wide solar neighbourhood.
- Melnik, A.M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2125B
- Can supernova kicks trigger EMRIs in the Galactic Centre?
- Bortolas, E.; Mapelli, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2139P
- Multidisciplinary analysis of the Hapi region located on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
- Pajola, M.; Lee, J.-C.; Oklay, N.; Hviid, S.F.; Penasa, L.; Mottola, S.; Shi, X.; Fornasier, S.; Davidsson, B.; Giacomini, L.; Lucchetti, A.; Massironi, M.; Vincent, J.B.; Bertini, I.; Naletto, G.; Ip, W.H.; Sierks, H.; Lamy, P.L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Keller, H.U.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M.A.; Bertaux, J.L.; Bodewits, D.; Cambianica, P.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Deller, J.; El Maarry, M.R.; Feller, C.; Ferrari, S.; Fulle, M.; Gutierrez, P.J.; Guttler, C.; Lara, L.M.; La Forgia, F.; Lazzarin, M.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Lopez Moreno, J.J.; Marzari, F.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Toth, I.; Tubiana, C.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2155L
- Non-thermal afterglow of the binary neutron star merger GW170817: a more natural modelling of electron energy distribution leads to a qualitatively different new solution.
- Lin, H.; Totani, T.; Kiuchi, K.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2167G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2167)
- Recognition of M-type stars in the unclassified spectra of LAMOST DR5 using a hash-learning method.
- Guo, Y.-X.; Luo, A.-L.; Zhang, S.; Du, B.; Wang, Y.-F.; Chen, J.-J.; Zuo, F.; Kong, X.; Hou, Y.-H.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2179R
- Low-mass halo perturbations in strong gravitational lenses at redshift z ∼ 0.5 are consistent with CDM.
- Ritondale, E.; Vegetti, S.; Despali, G.; Auger, M.W.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; McKean, J.P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2194H
- Large-scale redshift space distortions in modified gravity theories.
- Hernandez-Aguayo, C.; Hou, J.; Li, B.; Baugh, C.M.; Sanchez, A.G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2214K
- An asymptotic formula for skyglow modelling over a large territory.
- Kocifaj, M.; Wallner, S.; Solano-Lamphar, H.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2225M
- On the radial iron distribution in the Galactic disc.
- Mishurov, Yu N.; Tkachenko, R.V.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2235B
- Studying the morphology of H I isodensity surfaces during reionization using Shapefinders and percolation analysis.
- Bag, S.; Mondal, R.; Sarkar, P.; Bharadwaj, S.; Choudhury, T.R.; Sahni, V.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2252W
- Electron-impact fine-structure excitation of Fe II at low temperature.
- Wan, Y.; Favreau, C.; Loch, S.D.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Qi, Y.; Stancil, P.C.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2259A
- Multiwavelength survey of X-ray sources in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.
- Arnason, R.M.; Barmby, P.; Bahramian, A.; Maccarone, T.J.; Zepf, S.E.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2276R
- Can a cosmic ray carrot explain the ionization level in diffuse molecular clouds?
- Recchia, S.; Phan, V.H.M.; Biswas, S.; Gabici, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2281C
- Constraining the era of helium reionization using fast radio bursts.
- Caleb, M.; Flynn, C.; Stappers, B.W.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2287B
- Disruption of satellite galaxies in simulated groups and clusters: the roles of accretion time, baryons, and pre-processing.
- Bahe, Y.M.; Schaye, J.; Barnes, D.J.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Kay, S.T.; Bower, R.G.; Hoekstra, H.; McGee, S.L.; Theuns, T.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2312H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2312)
- A study of full space motions of outer Galactic disc A and F stars in two deep pencil beams.
- Harris, A.; Drew, J.E.; Monguio, M.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2324K
- Relationship between the line width of the atomic and molecular ISM in M33.
- Koch, E.W.; Rosolowsky, E.W.; Schruba, A.; Leroy, A.; Kepley, A.; Braine, J.; Dalcanton, J.; Johnson, M.C.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2343P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2343)
- Characterizing the secondary maximum in the r-band for Type Ia supernovae: diagnostic for the ejecta mass.
- Papadogiannakis, S.; Dhawan, S.; Morosin, R.; Goobar, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2355R
- RoboPol: a four-channel optical imaging polarimeter.
- Ramaprakash, A.N.; Rajarshi, C.V.; Das, H.K.; Khodade, P.; Modi, D.; Panopoulou, G.; Maharana, S.; Blinov, D.; Angelakis, E.; Casadio, C.; Fuhrmann, L.; Hovatta, T.; Kiehlmann, S.; King, O.G.; Kylafis, N.; Kougentakis, A.; Kus, A.; Mahabal, A.; Marecki, A.; Myserlis, I.; Paterakis, G.; Paleologou, E.; Liodakis, I.; Papadakis, I.; Papamastorakis, I.; Pavlidou, V.; Pazderski, E.; Pearson, T.J.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Reig, P.; Slowikowska, A.; Tassis, K.; Zensus, J.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2367C
- The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations II: The redshift evolution and distributions of baryons.
- Cui, W.; Knebe, A.; Libeskind, N.I.; Planelles, S.; Yang, X.; Cui, W.; Dave, R.; Kang, X.; Mostoghiu, R.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Wang, H.; Wang, P.; Yepes, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2380M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2380)
- Gaia-derived luminosities of Kepler A/F stars and the pulsator fraction across the δ Scuti instability strip.
- Murphy, S.J.; Hey, D.; Van Reeth, T.; Bedding, T.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2401W
- New constraints on Lorentz invariance violation with polarized gamma-ray bursts.
- Wei, J.-J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2407G
- Generating approximate halo catalogues for blind challenges in precision cosmology.
- Garrison, L.H.; Eisenstein, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2417M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2417)
- NOEMA maps the CO J = 2 - 1 environment of the red supergiant µCep.
- Montarges, M.; Homan, W.; Keller, D.; Clementel, N.; Shetye, S.; Decin, L.; Harper, G.M.; Royer, P.; Winters, J.M.; Le Bertre, T.; Richards, A.M.S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2431B
- Volume uncertainty assessment method of asteroid models from disc-integrated visual photometry.
- Bartczak, P.; Dudzinski, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2447M
- GMRT observations of extragalactic radio sources with steeply inverted spectra.
- Mhaskey, M.; Dabhade, P.; Paul, S.; Salunkhe, S.; Sirothia, S.K.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2457H
- 'The Brick' is not a brick: a comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016.
- Henshaw, J.D.; Ginsburg, A.; Haworth, T.J.; Longmore, S.N.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Mills, E.A.C.; Sokolov, V.; Walker, D.L.; Barnes, A.T.; Contreras, Y.; Bally, J.; Battersby, C.; Beuther, H.; Butterfield, N.; Dale, J.E.; Henning, T.; Jackson, J.M.; Kauffmann, J.; Pillai, T.; Ragan, S.; Riener, M.; Zhang, Q.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2486B
- Forecast on lepton asymmetry from future CMB experiments.
- Bonilla, A.; Nunes, R.C.; Abreu, E.M.C.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2492C
- Detecting galaxy-filament alignments in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III.
- Chen, Y.-C.; Ho, S.; Blazek, J.; He, S.; Mandelbaum, R.; Melchior, P.; Singh, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2505T
- Testing dynamical vacuum models with CMB power spectrum from Planck.
- Tsiapi, P.; Basilakos, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2511T
- NIHAO XIX: how supernova feedback shapes the galaxy baryon cycle.
- Tollet, E.; Cattaneo, A.; Maccio, A.V.; Dutton, A.A.; Kang, X.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2532H
- Multistar turbulence monitor: a new technique to measure optical turbulence profiles.
- Hickson, P.; Ma, B.; Shang, Z.; Xue, S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2546B
- Fornax globular cluster distributions: implications for the cusp-core problem.
- Boldrini, P.; Mohayaee, R.; Silk, J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2558G
- Thick-disc model to explain the spectral state transition in NGC 247.
- Guo, J.; Sun, M.; Gu, W.-M.; Yi, T.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2562H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2562)
- Eclipse timing variation analysis of OGLE-IV eclipsing binaries towards the Galactic Bulge - I. Hierarchical triple system candidates.
- Hajdu, T.; Borkovits, T.; Forgacs-Dajka, E.; Sztakovics, J.; Marschalko, G.; Kutrovatz, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2573K
- The 'Big Dipper': the nature of the extreme variability of the AGN SDSS J2232-0806.
- Kynoch, D.; Ward, M.J.; Lawrence, A.; Bruce, A.G.; Landt, H.; MacLeod, C.L.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2589M
- The Auriga stellar haloes: connecting stellar population properties with accretion and merging history.
- Monachesi, A.; Gomez, F.A.; Grand, R.J.J.; Simpson, C.M.; Kauffmann, G.; Bustamante, S.; Marinacci, F.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.; Frenk, C.S.; White, S.D.M.; Tissera, P.B.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2617R
- Deblending galaxy superpositions with branched generative adversarial networks.
- Reiman, D.M.; Gohre, B.E.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2628L
- Separating the EoR signal with a convolutional denoising autoencoder: a deep-learning-based method.
- Li, W.; Xu, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhu, R.; Hu, D.; Zhu, Z.; Gu, J.; Shan, C.; Zhu, J.; Wu, X.-P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2638C
- Mass ratio in SS433 revisited.
- Cherepashchuk, A.M.; Postnov, K.A.; Belinski, A.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2642G
- Gaia Data Release 2 distances and peculiar velocities for Galactic black hole transients.
- Gandhi, P.; Rao, A.; Johnson, M.A.C.; Paice, J.A.; Maccarone, T.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2656C
- The SAMI Galaxy Survey: satellite galaxies undergo little structural change during their quenching phase.
- Cortese, L.; van de Sande, J.; Lagos, C.P.; Catinella, B.; Davies, L.J.M.; Croom, S.M.; Brough, S.; Bryant, J.J.; Lawrence, J.S.; Owers, M.S.; Richards, S.N.; Sweet, S.M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2666R
- 3D simulations of planet trapping at disc-cavity boundaries.
- Romanova, M.M.; Lii, P.S.; Koldoba, A.V.; Ustyugova, G.V.; Blinova, A.A.; Lovelace, R.V.E.; Kaltenegger, L.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2681R
- Deep long asymmetric occultation in EPIC 204376071.
- Rappaport, S.; Zhou, G.; Vanderburg, A.; Mann, A.; Kristiansen, M.H.; Olah, K.; Jacobs, T.L.; Newton, E.; Omohundro, M.R.; LaCourse, D.; Schwengeler, H.M.; Terentev, I.A.; Latham, D.W.; Bieryla, A.; Soares-Furtado, M.; Bouma, L.G.; Ireland, M.J.; Irwin, J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2694A
- The first supermassive black holes: indications from models for future observations.
- Amarantidis, S.; Afonso, J.; Messias, H.; Henriques, B.; Griffin, A.; Lacey, C.; del P Lagos, C.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Dubois, Y.; Volonteri, M.; Matute, I.; Pappalardo, C.; Qin, Y.; Chary, R.-R.; Norris, R.P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2710J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2710)
- Prevalence of radio jets associated with galactic outflows and feedback from quasars.
- Jarvis, M.E.; Harrison, C.M.; Thomson, A.P.; Circosta, C.; Mainieri, V.; Alexander, D.M.; Edge, A.C.; Lansbury, G.B.; Molyneux, S.J.; Mullaney, J.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2731L
- Secular dynamics around uniformly rotating asteroids.
- Lei, H.; Circi, C.; Ortore, E.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2744V
- Investigating state transition luminosities of Galactic black hole transients in the outburst decay.
- Vahdat Motlagh, A.; Kalemci, E.; Maccarone, T.J.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2759V
- Periodic methanol masers: from a colliding wind binary (CWB) perspective.
- van den Heever, S.P.; van der Walt, D.J.; Pittard, J.M.; Hoare, M.G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2772T
- On the iron ionization balance of cool stars.
- Tsantaki, M.; Santos, N.C.; Sousa, S.G.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Adibekyan, V.; Andreasen, D.T.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2783L
- Model independent expansion history from supernovae: Cosmology versus systematics.
- L'Huillier, B.; Shafieloo, A.; Linder, E.V.; Kim, A.G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2791F
- Molecular line lists for the triplet states in gaseous ZrS at high temperature.
- Farhat, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2806B
- Comparing approximate methods for mock catalogues and covariance matrices II: power spectrum multipoles.
- Blot, L.; Crocce, M.; Sefusatti, E.; Lippich, M.; Sanchez, A.G.; Colavincenzo, M.; Monaco, P.; Alvarez, M.A.; Agrawal, A.; Avila, S.; Balaguera-Antolinez, A.; Bond, R.; Codis, S.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Dorta, A.; Fosalba, P.; Izard, A.; Kitaura, F.-S.; Pellejero-Ibanez, M.; Stein, G.; Vakili, M.; Yepes, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2825A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2825)
- Statistical analysis of the interplay between interstellar magnetic fields and filaments hosting Planck Galactic cold clumps.
- Alina, D.; Ristorcelli, I.; Montier, L.; Abdikamalov, E.; Juvela, M.; Ferriere, K.; Bernard, J.-P.; Micelotta, E.R.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2844D
- The C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS): constraining diffuse Galactic radio emission in the North Celestial Pole region.
- Dickinson, C.; Barr, A.; Chiang, H.C.; Copley, C.; Grumitt, R.D.P.; Harper, S.E.; Heilgendorff, H.M.; Jew, L.R.P.; Jonas, J.L.; Jones, M.E.; Leahy, J.P.; Leech, J.; Leitch, E.M.; Muchovej, S.J.C.; Pearson, T.J.; Peel, M.W.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Sievers, J.; Stevenson, M.A.; Taylor, A.C.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2861C
- Heating of Milky Way disc stars by dark matter fluctuations in cold dark matter and fuzzy dark matter paradigms.
- Church, B.V.; Mocz, P.; Ostriker, J.P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2877J
- Investigation of the globular cluster NGC 2808 with the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope.
- Jain, R.; Vig, S.; Ghosh, S.K.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2889P
- Convection physics and tidal synchronization of the subdwarf binary NY Virginis.
- Preece, H.P.; Tout, C.A.; Jeffery, C.S.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2895E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/485/2895)
- SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - survey description and compact source catalogue.
- Eden, D.J.; Liu, T.; Kim, K.-T.; Juvela, M.; Liu, S.-Y.; Tatematsu, K.; Di Francesco, J.; Wang, K.; Wu, Y.; Thompson, M.A.; Fuller, G.A.; Li, D.; Ristorcelli, I.; Kang, S.-J.; Hirano, N.; Johnstone, D.; Lin, Y.; He, J.H.; Koch, P.M.; Sanhueza, P.; Qin, S.-L.; Zhang, Q.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Evans, N.J.; Yuan, J.; Zhang, C.-P.; White, G.J.; Choi, M.; Lee, C.W.; Toth, L.V.; Mairs, S.; Yi, H.-W.; Tang, M.; Soam, A.; Peretto, N.; Samal, M.R.; Fich, M.; Parsons, H.; Malinen, J.; Bendo, G.J.; Rivera-Ingraham, A.; Liu, H.-L.; Wouterloot, J.; Li, P.S.; Qian, L.; Rawlings, J.; Rawlings, M.G.; Feng, S.; Wang, B.; Li, D.; Liu, M.; Luo, G.; Marston, A.P.; Pattle, K.M.; Pelkonen, V.-M.; Rigby, A.J.; Zahorecz, S.; Zhang, G.; Bogner, R.; Aikawa, Y.; Akhter, S.; Alina, D.; Bell, G.; Bernard, J.-P.; Blain, A.; Bronfman, L.; Byun, D.-Y.; Chapman, S.; Chen, H.-R.; Chen, M.; Chen, W.-P.; Chen, X.; Chrysostomou, A.; Chu, Y.-H.; Chung, E.J.; Cornu, D.; Cosentino, G.; Cunningham, M.R.; Demyk, K.; Drabek-Maunder, E.; Doi, Y.; Eswaraiah, C.; Falgarone, E.; Feher, O.; Fraser, H.; Friberg, P.; Garay, G.; Ge, J.X.; Gear, W.K.; Greaves, J.; Guan, X.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Hasegawa, T.; He, Y.; Henkel, C.; Hirota, T.; Holland, W.; Hughes, A.; Jarken, E.; Ji, T.-G.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Kang, M.; Kawabata, K.S.; Kim, G.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Koo, B.-C.; Kwon, W.; Kuan, Y.-J.; Lacaille, K.M.; Lai, S.-P.; Lee, C.F.; Lee, J.-E.; Lee, Y.-U.; Li, H.; Lo, N.; Lopez, J.A.P.; Lu, X.; Lyo, A.-R.; Mardones, D.; McGehee, P.; Meng, F.; Montier, L.; Montillaud, J.; Moore, T.J.T.; Morata, O.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.H.; Ohashi, S.; Pak, S.; Park, G.; Paladini, R.; Pech, G.; Qiu, K.; Ren, Z.-Y.; Richer, J.; Sakai, T.; Shang, H.; Shinnaga, H.; Stamatellos, D.; Tang, Y.-W.; Traficante, A.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Walsh, A.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Whitworth, A.; Wilson, C.D.; Xu, Y.; Yang, J.; Yuan, Y.-L.; Yuan, L.; Zavagno, A.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.-W.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, J.; Zhu, L.; Zuo, P.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2909B
- Linear stability analysis of magnetized relativistic rotating jets.
- Bodo, G.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Rossi, P.; Mignone, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2922L
- Close-up view of an ongoing merger between the NGC 4839 group and the Coma cluster - a post-merger scenario.
- Lyskova, N.; Churazov, E.; Zhang, C.; Forman, W.; Jones, C.; Dolag, K.; Roediger, E.; Sheardown, A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2935G
- The stellar remnants of high-redshift nuclear starburst discs: a potential origin for nuclear star clusters?
- Gohil, R.; Ballantyne, D.R.; Li, G.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2942N
- Improved spectral models for relativistic reflection.
- Niedzwiecki, A.; Szanecki, M.; Zdziarski, A.A.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2956H
- Likelihood non-Gaussianity in large-scale structure analyses.
- Hahn, C.; Beutler, F.; Sinha, M.; Berlind, A.; Ho, S.; Hogg, D.W.
- 2019MNRAS.485.2970R
- Gamma-rays from SS433: evidence for periodicity.
- Rasul, K.; Chadwick, P.M.; Graham, J.A.; Brown, A.M.
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