Monthly Notices of the RAS 484
April(I) 2019
- 2019MNRAS.484.1427C
- Covariant polarized radiative transfer on cosmological scales for investigating large-scale magnetic field structures.
- Chan, J.Y.H.; Wu, K.; On, A.Y.L.; Barnes, D.J.; McEwen, J.D.; Kitching, T.D.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1456E
- Errors, chaos, and the collisionless limit.
- El-Zant, A.A.; Everitt, M.J.; Kassem, S.M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1475T
- Modelling the bow shock Pulsar Wind Nebulae propagating through a non-uniform ISM.
- Toropina, O.D.; Romanova, M.M.; Lovelace, R.V.E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1487E
- Manifold spirals, disc-halo interactions, and the secular evolution in N-body models of barred galaxies.
- Efthymiopoulos, C.; Kyziropoulos, P.E.; Paez, R.I.; Zouloumi, K.; Gravvanis, G.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1506L
- Supernovae kicks in hierarchical triple systems.
- Lu, C.X.; Naoz, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1526A
- An application of machine learning techniques to galaxy cluster mass estimation using the MACSIS simulations.
- Armitage, T.J.; Kay, S.T.; Barnes, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1538W
- Dynamical instability and its implications for planetary system architecture.
- Wu, D.-H.; Zhang, R.C.; Zhou, J.-L.; Steffen, J.H.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1549Z
- Galaxy disc central surface brightness distribution in the optical and near-infrared bands.
- Zhou, L.; Du, W.; Wu, H.; Liang, Y.C.; He, M.; Zhao, P.S.; Deng, L.C.; Shi, W.B.; Wang,Y.H.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1563W
- Protoplanetary discs: sensitivity of the chemical composition to various model parameters.
- Wakelam, V.; Chapillon, E.; Dutrey, A.; Guilloteau, S.; Iqbal, W.; Coutens, A.; Majumdar, L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1574T
- Pebble accretion in Class 0/I YSOs as a possible pathway for early planet formation.
- Tanaka, Y.A.; Tsukamoto, Y.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1589B
- Erratum: Testing gravity with wide binary stars like α Centauri.
- Banik, I.; Zhao, H.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1590R
- New evidence for Dicke's superradiance in the 6.7 GHz methanol spectral line in the interstellar medium.
- Rajabi, F.; Houde, M.; Bartkiewicz, A.; Olech, M.; Szymczak, M.; Wolak, P.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1598B
- AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: weak lensing mass calibration.
- Bellagamba, F.; Sereno, M.; Roncarelli, M.; Maturi, M.; Radovich, M.; Bardelli, S.; Puddu, E.; Moscardini, L.; Getman, F.; Hildebrandt, H.; Napolitano, N.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1616Z
- ABS: an analytical method of blind separation of CMB from foregrounds.
- Zhang, P.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1627K
- Investigating the origin of the faint non-thermal emission of the Arches cluster using the 2015-2016 NuSTAR and XMM-Newton X-ray observations.
- Kuznetsova, E.; Krivonos, R.; Clavel, M.; Lutovinov, A.; Chernyshov, D.; Hong, J.; Mori, K.; Ponti, G.; Tomsick, J.; Zhang, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1637J
- Fast radio bursts and cosmological tests.
- Jaroszynski, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1645O
- Hadronic interactions of energetic charged particles in protogalactic outflow environments and implications for the early evolution of galaxies.
- Owen, E.R.; Jin, X.; Wu, K.; Chan, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1672C
- The twisted jets of Circinus X-1.
- Coriat, M.; Fender, R.P.; Tasse, C.; Smirnov, O.; Tzioumis, A.K.; Broderick, J.W.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1687L
- H2 chemistry in galaxy simulations: an improved supernova feedback model.
- Lupi, A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1702P
- Physical properties of SDSS satellite galaxies in projected phase space.
- Pasquali, A.; Smith, R.; Gallazzi, A.; De Lucia, G.; Zibetti, S.; Hirschmann, M.; Yi, S.K.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1724B
- What is the real accretion rate on to a black hole for low-angular-momentum accretion?
- Bu, D.-F.; Yang, X.-H.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1735J
- On the resolution requirements for modelling molecular gas formation in solar neighbourhood conditions.
- Joshi, P.R.; Walch, S.; Seifried, D.; Glover, S.C.O.; Clarke, S.D.; Weis, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1756M
- The outer halo globular cluster system of M31 - III. Relationship to the stellar halo.
- Mackey, A.D.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Huxor, A.P.; Veljanoski, J.; Lewis, G.F.; McConnachie, A.W.; Martin, N.F.; Ibata, R.A.; Irwin, M.J.; Cote, P.; Collins, M.L.M.; Tanvir, N.R.; Bate, N.F.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1790K
- Search for ultra high-energy cosmic rays from radiogalaxy Virgo A.
- Kobzar, O.; Hnatyk, B.; Marchenko, V.; Sushchov, O.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1800S
- The young star population of Lynds 1188.
- Szegedi-Elek, E.; Kun, M.; Moor, A.; Marton, G.; Reipurth, B.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1815P
- Ages of asteroid families estimated using the YORP-eye method.
- Paolicchi, P.; Spoto, F.; Knezevic, Z.; Milani, A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1829Z
- Warm absorbers: supermassive black hole feeding and Compton-thick AGN.
- Zubovas, K.; King, A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1838B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/484/1838)
- Disentangling the spatial substructure of Cygnus OB2 from Gaia DR2.
- Berlanas, S.R.; Wright, N.J.; Herrero, A.; Drew, J.E.; Lennon, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1843W
- Complete ejection of OB stars from very young star clusters and the formation of multiple populations.
- Wang, L.; Kroupa, P.; Jerabkova, T.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1852A
- Comparison of cosmological simulations and deep submillimetre galaxy surveys.
- Aoyama, S.; Hirashita, H.; Lim, C.-F.; Chang, Y.-Y.; Wang, W.-H.; Nagamine, K.; Hou, K.-C.; Shimizu, I.; Chung, H.-H.; Lee, C.-H.; Zheng, X.-Z.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1865H
- The morpho-kinematics of the circumstellar envelope around the AGB star EP Aqr.
- Hoai, D.T.; Nhung, P.T.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Darriulat, P.; Diep, P.N.; Le Bertre, T.; Phuong, N.T.; Thai, T.T.; Winters, J.M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1889A
- Tuning goodness-of-fit tests+.
- Arrasmith, A.; Follin, B.; Anderes, E.; Knox, L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1899H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/484/1899)
- The ASAS-SN bright supernova catalogue - IV. 2017.
- Holoien, T.W.-S.; Brown, J.S.; Vallely, P.J.; Stanek, K.Z.; Kochanek, C.S.; Shappee, B.J.; Prieto, J.L.; Dong, S.; Brimacombe, J.; Bishop, D.W.; Bose, S.; Beacom, J.F.; Bersier, D.; Chen, P.; Chomiuk, L.; Falco, E.; Holmbo, S.; Jayasinghe, T.; Morrell, N.; Pojmanski, G.; Shields, J.V.; Strader, J.; Stritzinger, M.D.; Thompson, T.A.; Wozniak, P.R.; Bock, G.; Cacella, P.; Carballo, J.G.; Cruz, I.; Conseil, E.; Farfan, R.G.; Fernandez, J.M.; Kiyota, S.; Koff, R.A.; Krannich, G.; Marples, P.; Masi, G.; Monard, L.A.G.; Munoz, J.A.; Nicholls, B.; Post, R.S.; Stone, G.; Trappett, D.L.; Wiethoff, W.S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1912R
- On the α-intensity correlation in gamma-ray bursts: subphotospheric heating with varying entropy.
- Ryde, F.; Yu, H.-F.; Dereli-Begue, H.; Lundman, C.; Pe'er, A.; Li, L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1926D
- Star-disc (mis-)alignment in Rho Oph and Upper Sco: insights from spatially resolved disc systems with K2 rotation periods.
- Davies, C.L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1936G
- In situ generation of coronal Alfven waves by jets.
- Gonzalez-Aviles, J.J.; Guzman, F.S.; Fedun, V.; Verth, G.; Sharma, R.; Shelyag, S.; Regnier, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1946G
- X-ray scaling relations from a complete sample of the richest maxBCG clusters.
- Ge, C.; Sun, M.; Rozo, E.; Sehgal, N.; Vikhlinin, A.; Forman, W.; Jones, C.; Nagai, D.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1972J
- High-density reflection spectroscopy: I. A case study of GX 339-4.
- Jiang, J.; Fabian, A.C.; Wang, J.; Walton, D.J.; Garcia, J.A.; Parker, M.L.; Steiner, J.F.; Tomsick, J.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1983H
- Braking index jumps in young pulsars.
- Horvath, J.E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.1988E
- Introducing constrained matched filters for improved separation of point sources from galaxy clusters.
- Erler, J.; Ramos-Ceja, M.E.; Basu, K.; Bertoldi, F.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2000R
- Study of Lithium-rich giants with the GALAH spectroscopic survey.
- Reddy, B.E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2009B
- Effects of baryonic and dark matter substructure on the Pal 5 stream.
- Banik, N.; Bovy, J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2021H
- The robustness of cosmological hydrodynamic simulation predictions to changes in numerics and cooling physics.
- Huang, S.; Katz, N.; Dave, R.; Fardal, M.; Kollmeier, J.; Oppenheimer, B.D.; Peeples, M.S.; Roberts, S.; Weinberg, D.H.; Hopkins, P.F.; Thompson, R.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2047K
- Fast and energetic AGN-driven outflows in simulated dwarf galaxies.
- Koudmani, S.; Sijacki, D.; Bourne, M.A.; Smith, M.C.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2067R
- A multiwavelength view of BL Lac neutrino candidates.
- Righi, C.; Tavecchio, F.; Pacciani, L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2078J
- The complex evolution of the X-ray binary transient MAXI J1807+132 along the decay of its discovery outburst.
- Jimenez-Ibarra, F.; Munoz-Darias, T.; Armas Padilla, M.; Russell, D.M.; Casares, J.; Torres, M.A.P.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Jonker, P.G.; Lewis, F.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2089R
- The G332 molecular cloud ring: I. Morphology and physical characteristics.
- Romano, D.; Burton, M.G.; Ashley, M.C.B.; Molinari, S.; Rebolledo, D.; Braiding, C.; Schisano, E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2119K
- Dependence of Hall coefficient on grain size and cosmic ray rate and implication for circumstellar disc formation.
- Koga, S.; Tsukamoto, Y.; Okuzumi, S.; Machida, M.N.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2137C
- Spectroscopic study of the extremely young O-type triple system Herschel 36 A in the Hourglass nebula - I. Orbital properties.
- Campillay, A.R.; Arias, J.I.; Barba, R.H.; Morrell, N.I.; Gamen, R.C.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2148S
- Measurement of marked correlation functions in SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey using LOWZ galaxies in Data Release 12.
- Satpathy, S.; Croft, R.A.C.; Ho, S.; Li, B.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2166S
- Tracing the formation of the Milky Way through ultra metal-poor stars.
- Sestito, F.; Longeard, N.; Martin, N.F.; Starkenburg, E.; Fouesneau, M.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Arentsen, A.; Ibata, R.; Aguado, D.S.; Carlberg, R.G.; Jablonka, P.; Navarro, J.F.; Tolstoy, E.; Venn, K.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2181T
- Nine tiny star clusters in Gaia DR1, PS1, and DES.
- Torrealba, G.; Belokurov, V.; Koposov, S.E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2198F
- Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization of cometary dust analogues.
- Frattin, E.; Munoz, O.; Moreno, F.; Nava, J.; Escobar-Cerezo, J.; Gomez Martin, J.C.; Guirado, D.; Cellino, A.; Coll, P.; Raulin, F.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; Lazzarin, M.; Naletto, G.; La Forgia, F.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2212F
- MUSE sneaks a peek at extreme ram-pressure stripping events - IV. Hydrodynamic and gravitational interactions in the Blue Infalling Group.
- Fossati, M.; Fumagalli, M.; Gavazzi, G.; Consolandi, G.; Boselli, A.; Yagi, M.; Sun, M.; Wilman, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2229M
- Long-term X-ray variation of the colliding-wind Wolf-Rayet binary WR 125.
- Midooka, T.; Sugawara, Y.; Ebisawa, K.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2234H
- CHILES: H I morphology and galaxy environment at z = 0.12 and z = 0.17.
- Hess, K.M.; Luber, N.M.; Fernandez, X.; Gim, H.B.; van Gorkom, J.H.; Momjian, E.; Gross, J.; Meyer, M.; Popping, A.; Davies, L.J.M.; Hunt, L.; Kreckel, K.; Lucero, D.; Pisano, D.J.; Sanchez-Barrantes, M.; Yun, M.S.; Dodson, R.; Vinsen, K.; Wicenec, A.; Wu, C.; Bershady, M.A.; Chung, A.; Davis, J.D.; Donovan Meyer, J.; Henning, P.; Maddox, N.; Smith, E.T.; van der Hulst, J.M.; Verheijen, M.A.W.; Wilcots, E.M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2257Z
- Characterizing circumgalactic gas around massive ellipticals at z ∼ 0.4 - II. Physical properties and elemental abundances.
- Zahedy, F.S.; Chen, H.-W.; Johnson, S.D.; Pierce, R.M.; Rauch, M.; Huang, Y.-H.; Weiner, B.J.; Gauthier, J.-R.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2281S
- Age, metallicity, and star formation history of spheroidal galaxies in cluster at z ∼ 1.2.
- Saracco, P.; La Barbera, F.; Gargiulo, A.; Mannucci, F.; Marchesini, D.; Nonino, M.; Ciliegi, P.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2296J
- Close-in Super-Earths: The first and the last stages of planet formation in an MRI-accreting disc.
- Jankovic, M.R.; Owen, J.E.; Mohanty, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2309W
- On migration of dust and ice grains on the surface of the rotating comet nucleus.
- Wesolowski, M.; Gronkowski, P.; Tralle, I.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2324C
- Impact of using the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray arrival energies to constrain source associations.
- Capel, F.; Mortlock, D.J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2341B
- The statistical properties of stars and their dependence on metallicity.
- Bate, M.R.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2362E
- Erratum: Swift follow-up of gravitational wave triggers: results from the first aLIGO run and optimisation for the future.
- Evans, P.A.; Kennea, J.A.; Palmer, D.M.; Bilicki, M.; Osborne, J.P.; O'Brien, P.T.; Tanvir, N.R.; Lien, A.Y.; Barthelmy, S.D.; Burrows, D.N.; Campana, S.; Cenko, S.B.; D'Elia, V.; Gehrels, N.; Marshall, F.E.; Page, K.L.; Perri, M.; Sbarufatti, B.; Siegel, M.H.; Tagliaferri, G.; Troja, E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2364R
- MHD simulations of the formation and propagation of protostellar jets to observational length-scales.
- Ramsey, J.P.; Clarke, D.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2388M
- Testing stellar population fitting ingredients with Globular Clusters I: Stellar libraries.
- Martins, L.P.; Lima-Dias, C.; Coelho, P.R.T.; Lagana, T.F.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2403L
- A deconvolution method based on adaptive Landweber iteration to extract LAMOST one-dimensional spectra.
- Li, M.; Li, G.; Lv, K.; Duan, F.; Haerken, H.; Zhao, Y.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2411K
- Spatial dispersion of light rays propagating through a plasma in Kerr space-time.
- Kimpson, T.; Wu, K.; Zane, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2420C
- The circumgalactic medium in Lyman α: a new constraint on galactic outflow models.
- Chung, A.S.; Dijkstra, M.; Ciardi, B.; Kakiichi, K.; Naab, T.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2433S
- Possible evidence of the radio AGN quenching of neighbouring galaxies at z ∼ 1.
- Shen, L.; Tomczak, A.R.; Lemaux, B.C.; Pelliccia, D.; Lubin, L.M.; Miller, N.A.; Perrotta, S.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Becker, R.H.; Gal, R.R.; Wu, P.-F.; Squires, G.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2447D
- Evolution of the cold gas properties of simulated post-starburst galaxies.
- Davis, T.A.; van de Voort, F.; Rowlands, K.; McAlpine, S.; Wild, V.; Crain, R.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2462S
- Faint, high proper motion star candidates selected from the SDSS and PS1 catalogues.
- Segev, N.; Ofek, E.O.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2467W
- H2 self-shielding with non-LTE rovibrational populations: implications for cooling in protogalaxies.
- Wolcott-Green, J.; Haiman, Z.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2474H
- Electron strahl and halo formation in the solar wind.
- Horaites, K.; Boldyrev, S.; Medvedev, M.V.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2482M
- On the episodic excursions of massive protostars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
- Meyer, D.M.-A.; Haemmerle, L.; Vorobyov, E.I.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2499R
- Photometric characterization of NEOs: 3 Amor and 3 Apollo.
- Rondon, E.; Arcoverde, P.; Monteiro, F.; Medeiros, H.; Navas, G.; Lazzaro, D.; Carvano, J.M.; Rodrigues, T.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2514C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/484/2514)
- Eclipsing binary search in the QUEST low-latitude catalogue and the ELLISA light-curve simulator.
- Cuevas-Otahola, B.; Mateu, C.; Hernandez-Perez, F.; Downes, J.J.; Vivas, A.K.; Briceno, C.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2530C
- The behaviour of chemical elements in 62 Am star candidates.
- Catanzaro, G.; Busa, I.; Gangi, M.; Giarrusso, M.; Leone, F.; Munari, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2544W
- A low-flux state in IRAS 00521-7054 seen with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton: relativistic reflection and an ultrafast outflow.
- Walton, D.J.; Nardini, E.; Gallo, L.C.; Reynolds, M.T.; Ricci, C.; Dauser, T.; Fabian, A.C.; Garcia, J.A.; Harrison, F.A.; Risaliti, G.; Stern, D.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2556L
- Quantifying the smoothness of the stellar halo: a link to accretion history.
- Lancaster, L.; Belokurov, V.; Evans, N.W.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2566L
- Signs of accretion in the white dwarf + brown dwarf binary NLTT5306.
- Longstaff, E.S.; Casewell, S.L.; Wynn, G.A.; Page, K.L.; Williams, P.K.G.; Braker, I.; Maxted, P.F.L.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2575T
- Rapid black hole growth at the dawn of the Universe: a super-Eddington quasar at z = 6.6.
- Tang, J.-J.; Goto, T.; Ohyama, Y.; Jin, C.; Done, C.; Lu, T.-Y.; Hashimoto, T.; Kilerci Eser, E.; Chiang, C.-Y.; Kim, S.J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2587M
- Supernova dust yields: the role of metallicity, rotation, and fallback.
- Marassi, S.; Schneider, R.; Limongi, M.; Chieffi, A.; Graziani, L.; Bianchi, S.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2605M
- Gravitational stability and fragmentation condition for discs around accreting supermassive stars.
- Matsukoba, R.; Takahashi, S.Z.; Sugimura, K.; Omukai, K.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2620K
- Magnetogenesis at Cosmic Dawn: tracing the origins of cosmic magnetic fields.
- Katz, H.; Martin-Alvarez, S.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.; Kimm, T.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2632S
- Osaka feedback model: isolated disc galaxy simulations.
- Shimizu, I.; Todoroki, K.; Yajima, H.; Nagamine, K.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2656L
- Towards reliable uncertainties in IR interferometry: the bootstrap for correlated statistical and systematic errors.
- Lachaume, R.; Rabus, M.; Jordan, A.; Brahm, R.; Boyajian, T.; von Braun, K.; Berger, J.-P.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2674R
- A discontinuity in the Teff-radius relation of M-dwarfs.
- Rabus, M.; Lachaume, R.; Jordan, A.; Brahm, R.; Boyajian, T.; von Braun, K.; Espinoza, N.; Berger, J.-P.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Absil, O.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2684N
- Non-linear diffusion of cosmic rays escaping from supernova remnants - II. Hot ionized media.
- Nava, L.; Recchia, S.; Gabici, S.; Marcowith, A.; Brahimi, L.; Ptuskin, V.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2692T
- Weighing Melnick 34: the most massive binary system known.
- Tehrani, K.A.; Crowther, P.A.; Bestenlehner, J.M.; Littlefair, S.P.; Pollock, A.M.T.; Parker, R.J.; Schnurr, O.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2711R
- The white dwarf mass-radius relation and its dependence on the hydrogen envelope.
- Romero, A.D.; Kepler, S.O.; Joyce, S.R.G.; Lauffer, G.R.; Corsico, A.H.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2725B
- Investigation of the mode-switching phenomenon in pulsar B0329+54 through polarimetric analysis.
- Brinkman, C.; Mitra, D.; Rankin, J.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2735M
- Swift/XRT-NuSTAR spectra of type 1 AGN: confirming INTEGRAL results on the high-energy cut-off.
- Molina, M.; Malizia, A.; Bassani, L.; Ursini, F.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2747L
- Chemical nitrogen fractionation in dense molecular clouds.
- Loison, J.-C.; Wakelam, V.; Gratier, P.; Hickson, K.M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2757C
- The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey - I. Catalogue of lensed galaxies and submillimetre-bright central galaxies.
- Cheale, R.A.; Geach, J.E.; Edge, A.C.; Blain, A.W.; Chapman, S.C.; Egami, E.; Hogan, M.T.; Rawle, T.D.; Webb, T.M.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2779D
- Are Pebble Pile Planetesimals Doomed?
- Demirci, T.; Kruss, M.; Teiser, J.; Bogdan, T.; Jungmann, F.; Schneider, N.; Wurm, G.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2786S
- Radiation intensity and polarization in an atmosphere with a chaotic magnetic field.
- Silant'ev, N.A.; Alekseeva, G.A.; Ananjevskaja, Yu K.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2793V
- DEEPSOURCE: point source detection using deep learning.
- Vafaei Sadr, A.; Vos, E.E.; Bassett, B.A.; Hosenie, Z.; Oozeer, N.; Lochner, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2807L
- Physical properties of the X-ray gas as a dynamical diagnosis for galaxy clusters.
- Lagana, T.F.; Durret, F.; Lopes, P.A.A.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2831M
- Erratum: On the Compton scattering redistribution function in plasma.
- Madej, J.; Rozanska, A.; Majczyna, A.; Nalezyty, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2832V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/484/2832)
- Proper motions and dynamics of the Milky Way globular cluster system from Gaia DR2.
- Vasiliev, E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2851L
- Evolution of supermassive black hole binaries and tidal disruption rates in non-spherical galactic nuclei.
- Lezhnin, K.; Vasiliev, E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2866O
- The impact of interference excision on 21-cm epoch of reionization power spectrum analyses.
- Offringa, A.R.; Mertens, F.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2876M
- Deep observations of the globular cluster M15 with the MAGIC telescopes.
- MAGIC COLLABORATION; Acciari, V.A.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L.A.; Arbet Engels, A.; Baack, D.; Babic, A.; Banerjee, B.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J.A.; Becerra Gonzalez, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bernardini, E.; Berti, A.; Besenrieder, J.; Bhattacharyya, W.; Bigongiari, C.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnoli, G.; Busetto, G.; Carosi, R.; Ceribella, G.; Cikota, S.; Colak, S.M.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J.L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Lotto, B.; Delfino, M.; Delgado, J.; Di Pierro, F.; Do Souto Espinera, E.; Dominguez, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Einecke, S.; Elsaesser, D.; Fallah Ramazani, V.; Fattorini, A.; Fernandez-Barral, A.; Ferrara, G.; Fidalgo, D.; Foffano, L.; Fonseca, M.V.; Font, L.; Fruck, C.; Galindo, D.; Gallozzi, S.; Garcia Lopez, R.J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gasparyan, S.; Gaug, M.; Giammaria, P.; Godinovic, N.; Green, D.; Guberman, D.; Hadasch, D.; Hahn, A.; Herrera, J.; Hoang, J.; Hrupec, D.; Inoue, S.; Ishio, K.; Iwamura, Y.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Kuvezdic, D.; Lamastra, A.; Lelas, D.; Leone, F.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; Lopez, M.; Lopez-Oramas, A.; Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.; Maggio, C.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Mallamaci, M.; Maneva, G.; Manganaro, M.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Mariotti, M.; Martinez, M.; Masuda, S.; Mazin, D.; Minev, M.; Miranda, J.M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Molina, E.; Moralejo, A.; Moreno, V.; Moretti, E.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Neustroev, V.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nievas Rosillo, M.; Nigro, C.; Nilsson, K.; Ninci, D.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Nogues, L.; Nothe, M.; Paiano, S.; Palacio, J.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J.M.; Pedaletti, G.; Penil, P.; Peresano, M.; Persic, M.; Prada Moroni, P.G.; Prandini, E.; Puljak, I.; Garcia, J.R.; Rhode, W.; Ribo, M.; Rico, J.; Righi, C.; Rugliancich, A.; Saha, L.; Sahakyan, N.; Saito, T.; Satalecka, K.; Schweizer, T.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Somero, A.; Stamerra, A.; Strzys, M.; Suric, T.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzic, T.; Teshima, M.; Torres-Alba, N.; Tsujimoto, S.; van Scherpenberg, J.; Vanzo, G.; Vazquez Acosta, M.; Vovk, I.; Will, M.; Zaric, D.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2886J
- Cooling in the X-ray halo of the rotating, massive early-type galaxy NGC 7049.
- Juranova, A.; Werner, N.; Gaspari, M.; Lakhchaura, K.; Nulsen, P.E.J.; Sun, M.; Canning, R.E.A.; Allen, S.W.; Simionescu, A.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Connor, T.; Donahue, M.
- 2019MNRAS.484.2896T
- Mass-metallicity relation from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and X-ray observations of galaxy groups and clusters.
- Truong, N.; Rasia, E.; Biffi, V.; Mernier, F.; Werner, N.; Gaspari, M.; Borgani, S.; Planelles, S.; Fabjan, D.; Murante, G.
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