Monthly Notices of the RAS 480
November(II) 2018

X-ray cavities in the hot corona of the lenticular galaxy NGC 4477.
Li, Y.; Su, Y.; Jones, C.
Stellar feedback and the energy budget of late-type Galaxies: missing baryons and core creation.
Katz, H.; Desmond, H.; Lelli, F.; McGaugh, S.; Di Cintio, A.; Brook, C.; Schombert, J.
2018MNRAS.480.4302C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/4302)
A distant sample of halo wide binaries from SDSS.
Coronado, J.; Sepulveda, M.P.; Gould, A.; Chaname, J.
A chemical study of M67 candidate blue stragglers and evolved blue stragglers observed with APOGEE DR14.
Bertelli Motta, C.; Pasquali, A.; Caffau, E.; Grebel, E.K.
The linear theory of tidally excited spiral density waves: application to CV and circumplanetary discs.
Xu, W.; Goodman, J.
A balanced budget view on forming giant planets by pebble accretion.
Lin, J.W.; Lee, E.J.; Chiang, E.
Satellites form fast & late: a population synthesis for the Galilean moons.
Cilibrasi, M.; Szulagyi, J.; Mayer, L.; Drazkowska, J.; Miguel, Y.; Inderbitzi, P.
A self-consistent hydrostatic mass modelling of pressure-supported dwarf galaxy Leo T.
Patra, N.N.
Inferring the star formation histories of massive quiescent galaxies with BAGPIPES: evidence for multiple quenching mechanisms.
Carnall, A.C.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Dave, R.
Electromagnetic emission from newly born magnetar spin-down by gravitational-wave and magnetic dipole radiations.
Lu, H.-J.; Zou, L.; Lan, L.; Liang, E.-W.
On the charge of the Galactic centre black hole.
Zajacek, M.; Tursunov, A.; Eckart, A.; Britzen, S.
Capture and escape: The dependence of radiation forces on clumping in dusty envelopes.
Jumper, P.H.; Matzner, C.D.
Hall effect-driven formation of gravitationally unstable discs in magnetized molecular cloud cores.
Wurster, J.; Bate, M.R.; Price, D.J.
Swift observations of the bright uncatalogued X-ray transient MAXI J1535-571.
Tao, L.; Chen, Y.; GUNGOR, C.; Huang, Y.; Lu, F.; Qu, J.; Song, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S.
CLUES about M33: the reversed radial stellar age gradient in the outskirts of Triangulum galaxy.
Mostoghiu, R.; Di Cintio, A.; Knebe, A.; Libeskind, N.I.; Minchev, I.; Brook, C.
A new physical interpretation of optical and infrared variability in quasars.
Ross, N.P.; Ford, K.E.S.; Graham, M.; McKernan, B.; Stern, D.; Meisner, A.M.; Assef, R.J.; Dey, A.; Drake, A.J.; Jun, H.D.; Lang, D.
On tests of full spectral fitting algorithms.
Cid Fernandes, R.
Optical observations of 'hot' novae returning to quiescence.
Zemko, P.; Ciroi, S.; Orio, M.; Odendaal, A.; Shugarov, S.; Barsukova, E.; Bianchini, A.; Cracco, V.; Gabdeev, M.; Goranskij, V.; Tofflemire, B.; Valeev, A.F.; Katysheva, N.
2018MNRAS.480.4505J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/4505)
A white dwarf catalogue from Gaia-DR2 and the Virtual Observatory.
Jimenez-Esteban, F.M.; Torres, S.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Skorobogatov, G.; Solano, E.; Cantero, C.; Rodrigo, C.
Oxygen-neon-rich merger during common envelope evolution.
Canals, P.; Torres, S.; Soker, N.
Relativistic charge solitons created due to non-linear Landau damping: a candidate for explaining coherent radio emission in pulsars.
Lakoba, T.; Mitra, D.; Melikidze, G.
Cometary plasma response to interplanetary corotating interaction regions during 2016 June-September: a quantitative study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium.
Hajra, R.; Henri, P.; Myllys, M.; Heritier, K.L.; Galand, M.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Breuillard, H.; Behar, E.; Edberg, N.J.T.; Goetz, C.; Nilsson, H.; Eriksson, A.I.; Goldstein, R.; Tsurutani, B.T.; More, J.; Vallieres, X.; Wattieaux, G.
A study of the light travel time effect in short-period MOA eclipsing binaries via eclipse timing.
Li, M.C.A.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Bond, I.A.; Sumi, T.; Bennett, D.P.; Koshimoto, N.; Abe, F.; Asakura, Y.; Barry, R.; Bhattacharya, A.; Donachie, M.; Evans, P.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y; Nagakane, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Saito, T.; Sharan, A.; Sullivan, D.J.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P.J.; Yonehara, A.
Investigations of the Class I methanol masers in NGC 4945
McCarthy, T.P. ; Ellingsen, S.P.; Breen, S.L.; Henkel, C.; Voronkov, M.A. ; Chen, X.
2018MNRAS.480.4589W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/4589)
Confirmation of the link between central star binarity and extreme abundance discrepancy factors in planetary nebulae
Wesson, R.; Jones, D.; García-Rojas, J.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Corradi, R.L.M.
DES Y1 Results: validating cosmological parameter estimation using simulated Dark Energy Surveys
MacCrann, N.; DeRose, J.; Wechsler, R.H.; Blazek, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Crocce, M.; Rykoff, E.S.; Becker, M.R.; Jain, B.; Krause, E.; Eifler, T.F.; Gruen, D.; Zuntz, J.; Troxel, M.A.; Elvin-Poole, J.; Prat, J.; Wang, M.; Dodelson, S.; Kravtsov, A.; Fosalba, P.; Busha, M.T.; Evrard, A.E.; Huterer, D.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Abdalla, F.B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Bernstein, G.M.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Cawthon, R.; Cunha, C.E.; D'Andrea, C.B.; da Costa, L.N.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Frieman, J.; García-Bellido, J.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.; Honscheid, K.; Hoyle, B.; James, D.J.; Jeltema, T.; Kirk, D.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Plazas, A.A.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Smith, R.C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Walker, A.R.; Weller, J.
Kinematics of simulated galaxies - I. Connecting dynamical and morphological properties of early-type galaxies at different redshifts
Schulze, F.; Remus, R.-S.; Dolag, K.; Burkert, A.; Emsellem, E.; van de Ven, G.
Measuring dust in core-collapse supernovae with a Bayesian approach to line profile modelling
Bevan, A.
A joint microlensing analysis of lensing mass and accretion disc models
Vernardos, G.
Weighing the IMBH candidate CO-0.40-0.22* in the Galactic Centre
Ballone, A.; Mapelli, M.; Pasquato, M.
KIC 6206751: the first R CMa-type eclipsing binary with γ Doradus pulsations
Lee, J.W.; Park, J.-H.
The cosmological bias factor of damped Lyman alpha systems: dependence on metal line strength
Pérez-Ràfols, I.; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Arinyo-i-Prats, A.; Font-Ribera, A.; Mas-Ribas, L.
Neutrino signals of core-collapse supernovae in underground detectors
Seadrow, S.; Burrows, A.; Vartanyan, D.; Radice, D.; Skinner, M.A.
Circumbinary discs around merging stellar-mass black holes
Martin, R.G.; Nixon, C.; Xie, F.-G.; King, A.
On the secular evolution of GG Tau A circumbinary disc: a misaligned disc scenario
Aly, H. ; Lodato, G. ; Cazzoletti, P.
Discovery of a pulsating Fe K α line in GX 301-2
Liu, J. ; Soria, R.; Qiao, E.; Liu, J.
Calculated oscillator strengths for the strongest lines of cosmochronological interest in the visible spectrum of singly ionized uranium (U II)
Gamrath, S.; Palmeri, P.; Quinet, P.
An excitation mechanism of electromagnetic pulses by relativistic electrons in the brown dwarfs rarefied magnetosphere
Bespalov, P. A.; Savina, O. N.
LEMONY - a library of empirical medium-resolution spectra by observations with the NAOC Xinglong 2.16-m and YNAO Gaomeigu 2.4-m telescopes.
Wang, C.; Liu, X.-W.; Huang, Y.; Xiang, M.-S.; Ren, J.-J.; Yuan, H.-B.; Chen, B.-Q.; Tian, Z.-J.; Bai, J.-M.; Sun, N.-C.; Zuo, F.; Zhang, H.-W.; Zhang, Y.-W.; Fan, Z.; Luo, A.-L.; Shi, J.-R.; Li, J.; Shao, Y.-L.
Gamma-ray emission from high Galactic latitude globular clusters.
Lloyd, S.J.; Chadwick, P.M.; Brown, A.M.
Hydrodynamic convection in accretion discs.
Held, L.E.; Latter, H.N.
Precision pollution - the effects of enrichment yields and timing on galactic chemical evolution.
Poulhazan, P.-A.; Scannapieco, C.; Creasey, P.
FirstLight - II. Star formation rates of primeval galaxies from z=5-15.
Ceverino, D.; Klessen, R.S.; Glover, S.C.O.
The first high-resolution observations of 37.7-, 38.3-, and 38.5-GHz methanol masers.
Ellingsen, S.P.; Voronkov, M.A.; Breen, S.L.; Caswell, J.L.; Sobolev, A.M.
X-ray intraday variability of the TeV blazar Mrk 421 with Chandra.
Aggrawal, V.; Pandey, A.; Gupta, A.C.; Zhang, Z.; Wiita, P.J.; Yadav, K.K.; Tiwari, S.N.
2018MNRAS.480.4884E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/4884)
Imprints of white dwarf recoil in the separation distribution of Gaia wide binaries.
El-Badry, K.; Rix, H.-W.
A kinematical age for the interstellar object 1I/'Oumuamua.
Almeida-Fernandes, F.; Rocha-Pinto, H.J.
Dramatic X-ray spectral variability of a Compton-thick type-1 QSO at z ∼ 1.
Simm, T.; Buchner, J.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Shen, Y.; Erben, T.; Coil, A.L.; Willmer, C.N.A.; Schneider, D.P.
Modelling optical emission of ultraluminous X-ray sources accreting above the Eddington limit.
Ambrosi, E.; Zampieri, L.
A SALT spectral study of S0s hosting pseudobulges.
Vaghmare, K.; Barway, S.; Vaisanen, P.; Ramphul, R.; Wadadekar, Y.; Kembhavi, A.K.
Instability induced by recollimation in highly magnetized outflows.
Sobacchi, E.; Lyubarsky, Y.E.
Neutron stars and millisecond pulsars in star clusters: implications for the diffuse gamma-radiation from the Galactic Centre.
Fragione, G.; Pavlik, V.; Banerjee, S.
s-Process in massive carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars.
Banerjee, P.; Qian, Y.-Z.; Heger, A.
Rotational rate coefficients of SN+(1Σ) by collision with He.
Cabrera-Gonzalez, L.D.; Mera-Adasme, R.; Paez-Hernandez, D.; Denis-Alpizar, O.
On the multiplicity of ALMA Compact Array counterparts of far-infrared bright quasars.
Hatziminaoglou, E.; Farrah, D.; Humphreys, E.; Manrique, A.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Pitchford, L.K.; Salvador-Sole, E.; Wang, L.
ALMA imaging of the nascent planetary nebula IRAS 15103-5754.
Gomez, J.F.; Niccolini, G.; Suarez, O.; Miranda, L.F.; Rizzo, J.R.; Uscanga, L.; Green, J.A.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.
The first observations to determine the temperature of a lunar impact flash and its evolution.
Madiedo, J.M.; Ortiz, J.L.; Morales, N.
The STRong lensing Insights into the Dark Energy Survey (STRIDES) 2016 follow-up campaign - II. New quasar lenses from double component fitting.
Anguita, T.; Schechter, P.L.; Kuropatkin, N.; Morgan, N.D.; Ostrovski, F.; Abramson, L.E.; Agnello, A.; Apostolovski, Y.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Hsueh, J.W.; Motta, V.; Rojas, K.; Rusu, C.E.; Treu, T.; Williams, P.; Auger, M.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Lin, H.; McMahon, R.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Bernstein, R.A.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco-Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Cunha, C.E.; D'Andrea, C.B.; De Vicente, J.; DePoy, D.L.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Flaugher, B.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; Miquel, R.; Plazas, A.A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Tarle, G.; Walker, A.R.
Assembly of supermassive black hole seeds.
Becerra, F.; Marinacci, F.; Bromm, V.; Hernquist, L.E.
A Lyman limit system associated with galactic winds.
Rahmani, H.; Peroux, C.; Schroetter, I.; Augustin, R.; Bouche, N.; Krogager, J.-K.; Kulkarni, V.P.; Milliard, B.; Moller, P.; Pettini, M.; Vernet, J.; York, D.G.
The delay time distribution of tidal disruption flares.
Stone, N.C.; Generozov, A.; Vasiliev, E.; Metzger, B.D.
Atom-Rydberg atom chemi-ionization/recombination processes in the hydrogen clouds in broad-line region of AGNs.
Sreckovic, V.A.; Dimitrijevic, M.S.; Ignjatovic, Lj M.
Globular clusters versus dark matter haloes in strong lensing observations.
He, Q.; Li, R.; Lim, S.; Frenk, C.S.; Cole, S.; Peng, E.W.; Wang, Q.
Analytical and numerical models of P Cygni's nebula.
Gonzalez, R.F.; Canto, J.; Raga, A.C.
2018MNRAS.480.5099K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/5099)
Multiplicity of disc-bearing stars in Upper Scorpius and Upper Centaurus-Lupus.
Kuruwita, R.L.; Ireland, M.; Rizzuto, A.; Bento, J.; Federrath, C.
First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: radio haloes and magnetic fields.
Marinacci, F.; Vogelsberger, M.; Pakmor, R.; Torrey, P.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L.; Nelson, D.; Weinberger, R.; Pillepich, A.; Naiman, J.; Genel, S.
A new model framework for circumgalactic Ly α radiative transfer constrained by galaxy-Ly α forest clustering.
Kakiichi, K.; Dijkstra, M.
Intermediate-mass ratio inspirals in galactic nuclei.
Fragione, G.; Leigh, N.
What causes the ionization rates observed in diffuse molecular clouds? The role of cosmic ray protons and electrons.
Phan, V.H.M.; Morlino, G.; Gabici, S.
Erratum: An early-type galaxy with an inner star-forming disc.
Li, S.-L.; Shi, Y.; Chen, Y.-M.; Tabor, M.; Bizyaev, D.; Chen, J.-H.; Yu, X.-L.; Bing, L.-J.
Post-common envelope binary systems experiencing helium-shell-driven stable mass transfer.
Halabi, G.M.; Izzard, R.G.; Tout, C.A.
Connecting the X-ray properties of weak-line and typical quasars: testing for a geometrically thick accretion disk.
Ni, Q.; Brandt, W.N.; Luo, B.; Hall, P.B.; Shen, Y.; Anderson, S.F.; Plotkin, R.M.; Richards, G.T.; Schneider, D.P.; Shemmer, O.; Wu, J.
[O II] as a proxy for star formation in AGN host galaxies: beware of extended emission line regions.
Maddox, N.
Imprints of Chameleon f(R) gravity on Galaxy rotation curves.
Naik, A.P.; Puchwein, E.; Davis, A.-C.; Arnold, C.
Combining spectroscopic and photometric surveys using angular cross-correlations - III. Galaxy bias and stochasticity.
Eriksen, M.; Gaztanaga, E.
2018MNRAS.480.5242K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/5242)
The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: (non-)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters.
Kos, J.; de Silva, G.; Buder, S.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Sharma, S.; Asplund, M.; D'Orazi, V.; Duong, L.; Freeman, K.; Lewis, G.F.; Lin, J.; Lind, K.; Martell, S.L.; Schlesinger, K.J.; Simpson, J.D.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.; Bedding, T.R.; Cotar, K.; Horner, J.; Nordlander, T.; Stello, D.; Ting, Y.-S.; Traven, G.
Exploring the effect of periastron advance in small-eccentricity binary pulsars.
Susobhanan, A.; Gopakumar, A.; Joshi, B.C.; Kumar, R.
Disc formation in the collapse of supramassive neutron stars.
Camelio, G.; Dietrich, T.; Rosswog, S.
Observability of intermittent radio sources in galaxy groups and clusters.
Yates, P.M.; Shabala, S.S.; Krause, M.G.H.
Discovery of WASP-174b: Doppler tomography of a near-grazing transit.
Temple, L. Y.; Hellier, C.; Almleaky, Y.; Anderson, D.R.; Bouchy, F.; Brown, D.J.A.; Burdanov, A.; Cameron, C.; Delrez, L.; Gillon, M.; Hall, R.; Jehin, E.; Lendl, M.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Nielsen, L.D.; Pepe, F.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Segransan, D.; Smalley, B.; Sohy, S.; Thompson, S.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Turner, O.D.; Udry, S.; West, R.G.
Retrieval of planetary and stellar properties in transmission spectroscopy with AURA.
Pinhas, A.; Rackham, B.V.; Madhusudhan, N.; Apai, D.
The peculiar velocity correlation function.
Wang, Y.; Rooney, C.; Feldman, H.A.; Watkins, R.
Discovery of a thin stellar stream in the SLAMS survey.
Jethwa, P.; Torrealba, G.; Navarrete, C.; Carballo-Bello, J.A.; de Boer, T.; Erkal, D.; Koposov, S.E.; Duffau, S.; Geisler, D.; Catelan, M.; Belokurov, V.
A study of spectral curvature in the radio relic in Abell 4038 using the uGMRT.
Kale, R.; Parekh, V.; Dwarakanath, K.S.
Consequences of the external field effect for MOND disc galaxies in galaxy clusters.
Candlish, G.N.; Smith, R.; Jaffe, Y.; Cortesi, A.
Zeeman energy in nucleosynthesis at strong magnetization in supernovae.
Kondratyev, V.N.
Erratum to: Protoplanetary disc truncation mechanisms in stellar clusters: comparing external photoevaporation and tidal encounters.
Winter, A.J.; Clarke, C.J.; Rosotti, G.; Ih, J.; Facchini, S.; Haworth, T.J.
Erratum: Weak Lensing Measurement of the Mass-Richness Relation of SDSS redMaPPer Clusters.
Simet, M.; McClintock, T.; Mandelbaum, R.; Rozo, E.; Rykoff, E.; Sheldon, E.; Wechsler, R.H.
Cosmological constraints from a joint analysis of cosmic microwave background and spectroscopic tracers of the large-scale structure.
Doux, C.; Penna-Lima, M.; Vitenti, S.D.P.; Treguer, J.; Aubourg, E.; Ganga, K.
Cross-sections and rate coefficients for rotational excitation of aluminium hydroxide by helium.
Naouai, M.; Najar, F.; Bop, C.T.; Hammami, K.
Escape of high-energy particles from bow-shock pulsar wind nebulae.
Bucciantini, N.
Enhanced rotational mixing in the radiative zones of massive stars.
Jermyn, A.S.; Tout, C.A.; Chitre, S.M.
2018MNRAS.480.5447Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/5447)
Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - IV. New L subdwarfs, Gaia astrometry, population properties, and a blue brown dwarf binary.
Zhang, Z.H.; Galvez-Ortiz, M.C.; Pinfield, D.J.; Burgasser, A.J.; Lodieu, N.; Jones, H.R.A.; Martin, E.L.; Burningham, B.; Homeier, D.; Allard, F.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Smith, L.C.; Smart, R.L.; Lopez Marti, B.; Marocco, F.; Rebolo, R.
Holistic spectroscopy: complete reconstruction of a wide-field, multiobject spectroscopic image using a photonic comb.
Kos, J.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Betters, C.H.; Leon-Saval, S.; Asplund, M.; Buder, S.; Casey, A.R.; D'Orazi, V.; de Silva, G.; Freeman, K.; Lewis, G.; Lin, J.; Martell, S.L.; Schlesinger, K.; Sharma, S.; Simpson, J.D.; Zucker, D.; Zwitter, T.; Hayden, M.; Horner, J.; Nataf, D.M.; Ting, Y.-S.
On estimating angular momenta of infalling protostellar cores from observations.
Zhang, S.; Hartmann, L.; Zamora-Aviles, M.; Kuznetsova, A.
Swift monitoring observations of Mrk 231: detection of ultraviolet variability.
Yang, L.; Dai, X.; Lu, Y.; Zhu, Z.-H.; Shankar, F.
Breaking properties of neutron star crust.
Baiko, D.A.; Chugunov, A.I.
2018MNRAS.480.5517L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/480/5517)
Multiwavelength cross-correlations and flaring activity in bright blazars.
Liodakis, I.; Romani, R.W.; Filippenko, A.V.; Kiehlmann, S.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Zheng, W.
KiDS-450: enhancing cosmic shear with clipping transformations.
Giblin, B.; Heymans, C.; Harnois-Deraps, J.; Simpson, F.; Dietrich, J.P.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Amon, A.; Asgari, M.; Erben, T.; Hildebrandt, H.; Joachimi, B.; Kuijken, K.; Martinet, N.; Schneider, P.; Troster, T.
Celestial mechanics and polarization optics of the Kordylewski dust cloud in the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L5 - I. Three-dimensional celestial mechanical modelling of dust cloud formation.
Sliz-Balogh, J.; Barta, A.; Horvath, G.
Using warm dust to constrain unseen planets.
Bonsor, A.; Wyatt, M.C.; Kral, Q.; Kennedy, G.; Shannon, A.; Ertel, S.
Molecular nucleation theory of dust formation in core-collapse supernovae applied to SN 1987A.
Sluder, A.; Milosavljevic, M.; Montgomery, M.H.
The Far-Infrared Radio Correlation at low radio frequency with LOFAR/H-ATLAS.
Read, S.C.; Smith, D.J.B.; Gurkan, G.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Williams, W.L.; Best, P.N.; Brinks, E.; Calistro-Rivera, G.; Chyzy, K.T.; Duncan, K.; Dunne, L.; Jarvis, M.J.; Morabito, L.K.; Prandoni, I.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Sabater, J.; Viaene, S.
Binary black hole mergers from globular clusters: the impact of globular cluster properties.
Hong, J.; Vesperini, E.; Askar, A.; Giersz, M.; Szkudlarek, M.; Bulik, T.
Neutron star kicks - II. Revision and further testing of the conservation of momentum 'kick' model.
Bray, J.C.; Eldridge, J.J.
How black holes stop their host galaxy from growing without AGN feedback.
Eastwood, D.S.; Khochfar, S.
The unusual late-time evolution of the tidal disruption event ASASSN-15oi.
Holoien, T.W.-S.; Brown, J.S.; Auchettl, K.; Kochanek, C.S.; Prieto, J.L.; Shappee, B.J.; Van Saders, J.
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