Monthly Notices of the RAS 479
October(I) 2018

Variable stars in local group galaxies - IV. RR Lyrae stars in the central regions of the low-density galaxy Crater II.
Monelli, M.; Walker, A.R.; Martinez-Vazquez, C.E.; Stetson, P.B.; Gallart, C.; Bernard, E.J.; Bono, G.; Vivas, A.K.; Andreuzzi, G.; Dall'Ora, M.; Fiorentino, G.; Dorta, A.
The prevalence of type III disc breaks in H I-rich and low-spin galaxies.
Wang, J.; Zheng, Z.; D'Souza, R.; Mo, H.; Jozsa, G.; Li, C.; Kamphuis, P.; Catinella, B.; Shao, L.; Lagos, C. del P.; Du, M.; Pan, Z.
Modelling the measurement accuracy of pre-atmosphere velocities of meteoroids.
Vida, D.; Brown, P.G.; Campbell-Brown, M.
X-ray ionization of the intergalactic medium by quasars.
Graziani, L.; Ciardi, B.; Glatzle, M.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon content of interstellar dust.
Gunay, B.; Schmidt, T.W.; Burton, M.G.; Afsar, M.; Krechkivska, O.; Nauta, K.; Kable, S.H.; Rawal, A.
DES meets Gaia: discovery of strongly lensed quasars from a multiplet search.
Agnello, A.; Lin, H.; Kuropatkin, N.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Anguita, T.; Schechter, P.L.; Morishita, T.; Motta, V.; Rojas, K.; Treu, T.; Amara, A.; Auger, M.W.; Courbin, F.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Frieman, J.; More, A.; Marshall, P.J.; McMahon, R.G.; Meylan, G.; Suyu, S.H.; Glazebrook, K.; Morgan, N.; Nord, B.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Abdalla, F.B.; Annis, J.; Bechtol, K.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bertin, E.; Bernstein, R.A.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Rosell, A.C.; Carretero, J.; Cunha, C.E.; D'Andrea, C.B.; da Costa, L.N.; Desai, S.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Eifler, T.F.; Flaugher, B.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; March, M.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Plazas, A.A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Tucker, D.; Wechsler, R.
A direct calibration of the IRX-β relation in Lyman-break Galaxies at z = 3-5.
Koprowski, M.P.; Coppin, K.E.K.; Geach, J.E.; McLure, R.J.; Almaini, O.; Blain, A.W.; Bremer, M.; Bourne, N.; Chapman, S.C.; Conselice, C.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Farrah, D.; Hartley, W.; Karim, A.; Knudsen, K.K.; Michalowski, M.J.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.; Smith, D.J.B.; van der Werf, P.P.
Ram pressure stripping made easy: an analytical approach.
Koppen, J.; Jachym, P.; Taylor, R.; Palous, J.
The cosmic merger rate of neutron stars and black holes.
Mapelli, M.; Giacobbo, N.
A comprehensive study of high-energy gamma-ray and radio emission from Cyg X-3.
Zdziarski, A.A.; Malyshev, D.; Dubus, G.; Pooley, G.G.; Johnson, T.; Frankowski, A.; De Marco, B.; Chernyakova, M.; Rao, A.R.
Surface correction of main-sequence solar-like oscillators with the Kepler LEGACY sample.
Compton, D.L.; Bedding, T.R.; Ball, W.H.; Stello, D.; Huber, D.; White, T.R.; Kjeldsen, H.
Confirmation of G6.31+0.54 as a part of a Galactic supernova remnant.
Stupar, M.; Parker, Q.A.; Frew, D.J.
On the identification of wide binaries in the Kepler field.
Godoy-Rivera, D.; Chaname, J.
Core-collapse supernovae as cosmic ray sources.
Marcowith, A.; Dwarkadas, V.V.; Renaud, M.; Tatischeff, V.; Giacinti, G.
The galactic rate of second- and third-generation disc and planet formation.
Hogg, M.A.; Wynn, G.A.; Nixon, C.
An improved algorithm for crossing curved light surfaces: rapidly rotating pulsar magnetospheres in curved space-time.
Huang, L.; Pan, Z.; Yu, C.
Predicting the neutral hydrogen content of galaxies from optical data using machine learning.
Rafieferantsoa, M.; Andrianomena, S.; Dave, R.
Constraining the properties of the magnetic turbulence in the Geminga region using HAWC γ-ray data.
Lopez-Coto, R.; Giacinti, G.
Probing the rotational velocity of Galactic WO stars with spectropolarimetry.
Stevance, H.F.; Ignace, R.; Crowther, P.A.; Maund, J.R.; Davies, B.; Rate, G.
The Persistence of Population III Star Formation.
Mebane, R.H.; Mirocha, J.; Furlanetto, S.R.
Dynamics of Haumea's dust ring.
Kovacs, T.; Regaly, Z.
First study of reionization in the Planck 2015 normalized closed ΛCDM inflation model.
Mitra, S.; Choudhury, T.R.; Ratra, B.
2018MNRAS.479.4577Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/479/4577)
AzTEC 1.1 mm observations of high-z protocluster environments: SMG overdensities and misalignment between AGN jets and SMG distribution.
Zeballos, M.; Aretxaga, I.; Hughes, D.H.; Humphrey, A.; Wilson, G.W.; Austermann, J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Ezawa, H.; Ferrusca, D.; Hatsukade, B.; Ivison, R.J.; Kawabe, R.; Kim, S.; Kodama, T.; Kohno, K.; Montana, A.; Nakanishi, K.; Plionis, M.; Sanchez-Arguelles, D.; Stevens, J.A.; Tamura, Y.; Velazquez, M.; Yun, M.S.
Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - III. Accountingfor and analysing the effects of continuum optical depth.
Kee, N.D.; Owocki, S.; Kuiper, R.
An anticorrelation between barycentre offsets and velocity dispersion for highest overdensity subhaloes in cosmological simulations.
Li, M.-H.; Lin, H.-N.
MOCCA-Survey Database - I. Unravelling black hole subsystems in globular clusters.
Arca Sedda, M.; Askar, A.; Giersz, M.
Implications of the small spin changes measured for large Jupiter-family comet nuclei.
Kokotanekova, R.; Snodgrass, C.; Lacerda, P.; Green, S.F.; Nikolov, P.; Bonev, T.
Ubiquitous instabilities of dust moving in magnetized gas.
Hopkins, P.F.; Squire, J.
Tidal ribbons.
Dehnen, W.
Rate constants for the formation of CS by radiative association.
Forrey, R.C.; Babb, J.F.; Stancil, P.C.; McLaughlin, B.M.
Constraints on the nuclear equation of state and the neutron star structure from crustal torsional oscillations.
Sotani, H.; Iida, K.; Oyamatsu, K.
Dynamical evolution of triple-star systems by Lidov-Kozai cycles and tidal friction.
Bataille, M.; Libert, A.-S.; Correia, A.C.M.
Metallicity gradients in the globular cluster systems of early-type galaxies: in situ and accreted components?
Forbes, D.A.; Remus, R.-S.
Rings under close encounters with the giant planets: Chariklo versus Chiron.
Araujo, R.A.N.; Winter, O.C.; Sfair, R.
A generalized Bondi accretion model for the galactic centre.
Yalinewich, A.; Sari, R.; Generozov, A.; Stone, N.C.; Metzger, B.D.
An asteroseismic view of the radius valley: stripped cores, not born rocky.
Van Eylen, V.; Agentoft, C.; Lundkvist, M.S.; Kjeldsen, H.; Owen, J.E.; Fulton, B.J.; Petigura, E.; Snellen, I.
HST imaging of four gravitationally lensed quasars.
Bate, N.F.; Vernardos, G.; O'Dowd, M.J.; Neri-Larios, D.M.; Webster, R.L.; Floyd, D.J.E.; Barone-Nugent, R.L.; Labrie, K.; King, A.L.; Yong, S.-Y.
The quest for young asteroid families: new families, new results.
Carruba, V.; De Oliveira, E.R.; Rodrigues, B.; Requena, I.
Marked clustering statistics in f(R) gravity cosmologies.
Hernandez-Aguayo, C.; Baugh, C.M.; Li, B.
A sudden change of the global magnetic field of the active M dwarf AD Leo revealed by full Stokes spectropolarimetric observations.
Lavail, A.; Kochukhov, O.; Wade, G.A.
On masses of the components in SS433.
Cherepashchuk, A.M.; Postnov, K.A.; Belinski, A.A.
The geometric distance and binary orbit of PSR B1259-63.
Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Deller, A.T.; Shannon, R.M.; Dodson, R.; Moldon, J.; Ribo, M.; Dubus, G.; Johnston, S.; Paredes, J.M.; Ransom, S.M.; Tomsick, J.A.
Cosmic voids in evolving dark sector cosmologies: the high-redshift universe.
Adermann, E.; Elahi, P.J.; Lewis, G.F.; Power, C.
On the evolution of vortices in massive protoplanetary discs.
Pierens, A.; Lin, M.-K.
Origins of ultradiffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster - II. Constraints from their stellar populations.
Ferre-Mateu, A.; Alabi, A.; Forbes, D.A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Brodie, J.; Pandya, V.; Martin-Navarro, I.; Bellstedt, S.; Wasserman, A.; Stone, M.B.; Okabe, N.
Starburst-AGN mixing: TYPHOON observations of NGC 1365, NGC 1068, and the effect of spatial resolution on the AGN fraction.
D'Agostino, J.J.; Poetrodjojo, H.; Ho, I.-T.; Groves, B.; Kewley, L.; Madore, B.F.; Rich, J.; Seibert, M.
Spectropolarimetry of high-redshift obscured and red quasars.
Alexandroff, R.M.; Zakamska, N.L.; Barth, A.J.; Hamann, F.; Strauss, M.A.; Krolik, J.; Greene, J.E.; Paris, I.; Ross, N.P.
SAFARI - I. A SPHERE discovery of a super metal-rich M-dwarf companion to the star HD 86006.
Pantoja, B.M.; Jenkins, J.S.; Girard, J.H.; Vigan, A.; Salter, G.S.; Jones, M.I.
Analytical noise bias correction for weak lensing shear analysis with ERA.
Okura, Y.; Futamase, T.
Testing the magnetar scenario for superluminous supernovae with circular polarimetry.
Cikota, A.; Leloudas, G.; Bulla, M.; Inserra, C.; Chen, T.-W.; Spyromilio, J.; Patat, F.; Cano, Z.; Cikota, S.; Coughlin, M.W.; Kankare, E.; Lowe, T.B.; Maund, J.R.; Rest, A.; Smartt, S.J.; Smith, K.W.; Wainscoat, R.J.; Young, D.R.
Alfven wave dynamics at the neighbourhood of a 2.5D magnetic null-point.
Sabri, S.; Vasheghani Farahani, S.; Ebadi, H.; Hosseinpour, M.; Fazel, Z.
Survey geometry and the internal consistency of recent cosmic shear measurements.
Troxel, M.A.; Krause, E.; Chang, C.; Eifler, T.F.; Friedrich, O.; Gruen, D.; MacCrann, N.; Chen, A.; Davis, C.; DeRose, J.; Dodelson, S.; Gatti, M.; Hoyle, B.; Huterer, D.; Jarvis, M.; Lacasa, F.; Lemos, P.; Peiris, H.V.; Prat, J.; Samuroff, S.; Sanchez, C.; Sheldon, E.; Vielzeuf, P.; Wang, M.; Zuntz, J.; Lahav, O.; Abdalla, F.B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Rosell, A.C.; Kind, M.C.; Carretero, J.; Crocce, M.; Cunha, C.E.; D'Andrea, C.B.; da Costa, L.N.; De Vicente, J.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Evrard, A.E.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kirk, D.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Li, T.S.; Lima, M.; March, M.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Mohr, J.J.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Plazas, A.A.; Roodman, A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Thomas, D.; Walker, A.R.; Wechsler, R.H.
Gaia unveils the kinematics of multiple stellar populations in 47 Tucanae.
Milone, A.P.; Marino, A.F.; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.; Lagioia, E.P.
Photoevaporation and high-eccentricity migration created the sub-Jovian desert.
Owen, J.E.; Lai, D.
Probing AGN inner structure with X-ray obscured type 1 AGN.
Liu, T.; Merloni, A.; Wang, J.-X.; Tozzi, P.; Shen, Y.; Brusa, M.; Salvato, M.; Nandra, K.; Comparat, J.; Liu, Z.; Ponti, G.; Coffey, D.
Evolved stars in the Local Group galaxies - II. AGB, RSG stars, and dust production in IC10.
Dell'Agli, F.; Di Criscienzo, M.; Ventura, P.; Limongi, M.; Garcia-Hernandez, D.A.; Marini, E.; Rossi, C.
A possible explanation of the parallel tracks in kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations from low-mass X-ray binaries.
Shi, C.-S.; Zhang, S.-N.; Li, X.-D.
Gravitationally lensed quasars in Gaia - II. Discovery of 24 lensed quasars.
Lemon, C.A.; Auger, M.W.; McMahon, R.G.; Ostrovski, F.
Polarimetric and spectroscopic study of radio-quiet weak emission line quasars.
Kumar, P.; Chand, H.; Srianand, R.; Stalin, C.S.; Petitjean, P.
Evolution of spatially resolved star formation main sequence and surface density profiles in massive disc galaxies at 0 <= z <= 1: inside-out stellar mass buildup and quenching.
Akiyama, M.
A dust twin of Cas A: cool dust and 21 µm silicate dust feature in the supernova remnant G54.1+0.3.
Rho, J.; Gomez, H.L.; Boogert, A.; Smith, M.W.L.; Lagage, P.-O.; Dowell, D.; Clark, C.J.R.; Peeters, E.; Cami, J.
Chromodynamical analysis of lenticular galaxies using globular clusters and planetary nebulae.
Zanatta, E.J.B.; Cortesi, A.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; Forbes, D.A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Alabi, A.B.; Coccato, L.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Brodie, J.P.; Merrifield, M.
Pebble dynamics and accretion on to rocky planets - I. Adiabatic and convective models
Popovas, A.; Nordlund, A.; Ramsey, J.P.; Ormel, C.W.
VBBINARYLENSING: a public package for microlensing light-curve computation.
Bozza, V.; Bachelet, E.; Bartolic, F.; Heintz, T.M.; Hoag, A.R.; Hundertmark, M.
Power spectrum multipoles on the curved sky: an application to the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey.
Blake, C.; Carter, P.; Koda, J.
The extreme faint end of the UV luminosity function at z ∼ 6 through gravitational telescopes: a comprehensive assessment of strong lensing uncertainties.
Atek, H.; Richard, J.; Kneib, J.-P.; Schaerer, D.
GRAPE: Genetic Routine for Astronomical Period Estimation.
McWhirter, P.R.; Steele, I.A.; Hussain, A.; Al-Jumeily, D.; Vellasco, M.M.B.R.
Bar resilience to flybys in a cosmological framework.
Zana, T.; Dotti, M.; Capelo, P.R.; Mayer, L.; Haardt, F.; Shen, S.; Bonoli, S.
Constraining cosmic ray acceleration in young star clusters using multi-wavelength observations.
Gupta, S.; Nath, B.B.; Sharma, P.
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Spatially resolved metallicity and ionization mapping
Poetrodjojo, H.; Groves, B.; Kewley, L.J.; Medling, A.M.; Sweet, S.M.; van de Sande, J.; Sanchez, S.F.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Bryant, J.J.; Cortese, L.; Croom, S.M.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Richards, S.N.; Zafar, T.; Lawrence, J.S.; Lorente, N.P.F.; Owers, M.S.; Scott, N.
The relation between stellar magnetic field geometry and chromospheric activity cycles - II The rapid 120-day magnetic cycle of τ Bootis.
Jeffers, S.V.; Mengel, M.; Moutou, C.; Marsden, S.C.; Barnes, J.R.; Jardine, M.M.; Petit, P.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.; See, V.; Vidotto, A.A.
Sintering and sublimation of micrometre-sized water-ice particles: the formation of surface crusts on icy Solar System bodies.
Gundlach, B.; Ratte, J.; Blum, J.; Oesert, J.; Gorb, S.N.
3D AMR hydrosimulations of a compact-source scenario for the Galactic Centre cloud G2.
Ballone, A.; Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Gillessen, S.; Plewa, P.M.; Genzel, R.; Pfuhl, O.; Eisenhauer, F.; Habibi, M.; Ott, T.; George, E.M.
How formation time-scales affect the period dependence of the transition between rocky super-Earths and gaseous sub-Neptunesand implications for η.
Lopez, E.D.; Rice, K.
Optical linear polarization of helium-rich white dwarfs samplewith the RoboPol polarimeter.
Slowikowska, A.; Krzeszowski, K.; Zejmo, M.; Blinov, D.; Reig, P.
Self-enrichment in globular clusters: the extreme He-rich populationof NGC 2808.
Di Criscienzo, M.; Ventura, P.; D'Antona, F.; Dell'Agli, F.; Tailo, M.
No evidence for an Eddington-ratio dependence of X-ray weakness in BALQSOs.
Vito, F.; Brandt, W.N.; Luo, B.; Shemmer, O.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R.
2018MNRAS.479.5343K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/479/5343)
Snake in the Clouds: a new nearby dwarf galaxy in the Magellanic bridge*.
Koposov, S.E.; Walker, M.G.; Belokurov, V.; Casey, A.R.; Geringer-Sameth, A.; Mackey, D.; Da Costa, G.; Erkal, D.; Jethwa, P.; Mateo, M.; Olszewski, E.W.; Bailey, J.I.
Formation of Solar system analogues - II. Post-gas-phase growthand water accretion in extended discs via N-body simulations.
Ronco, M.P.; de Elia, G.C.
The FABLE simulations: a feedback model for galaxies, groups, and clusters.
Henden, N.A.; Puchwein, E.; Shen, S.; Sijacki, D.
2018MNRAS.479.5413M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/479/5413)
A study of single pulses in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey.
Mickaliger, M.B.; McEwen, A.E.; McLaughlin, M.A.; Lorimer, D.R.
A gap in the planetesimal disc around HD 107146 and asymmetric warm dust emission revealed by ALMA.
Marino, S.; Carpenter, J.; Wyatt, M.C.; Booth, M.; Casassus, S.; Faramaz, V.; Guzman, V.; Hughes, A.M.; Isella, A.; Kennedy, G.M.; Matra, L.; Ricci, L.; Corder, S.
Neutral versus ionized gas kinematics at z ≃ 2.6: the AGN-host starburst galaxy PKS 0529-549.
Lelli, F.; De Breuck, C.; Falkendal, T.; Fraternali, F.; Man, A.W.S.; Nesvadba, N.P.H.; Lehnert, M.D.
Calibrated, cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with variable IMFs I: method and effect on global galaxy scaling relations.
Barber, C.; Crain, R.A.; Schaye, J.
A differential algebra-based importance sampling method for impact probability computation on Earth resonant returns of near-Earth objects.
Losacco, M.; Di Lizia, P.; Armellin, R.; Wittig, A.
2018MNRAS.479.5491E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/479/5491)
Interrelated main-sequence mass-luminosity, mass-radius, and mass-effective temperature relations.
Eker, Z.; Bakis, V.; Bilir, S.; Soydugan, F.; Steer, I.; Soydugan, E.; Bakis, H.; Alicavus, F.; Aslan, G.; Alpsoy, M.
Vertical propagation of acoustic waves in the solar internetworkas observed by IRIS.
Kayshap, P.; Murawski, K.; Srivastava, A.K.; Musielak, Z.E.; Dwivedi, B.N.
Evidence of a past disc-disc encounter: HV and DO Tau.
Winter, A.J.; Booth, R.A.; Clarke, C.J.
SpArcFiRe: morphological selection effects due to reduced visibility of tightly winding arms in distant spiral galaxies.
Peng, T.; English, J.E.; Silva, P.; Davis, D.R.; Hayes, W.B.
Relativistic jet feedback - III. Feedback on gas discs.
Mukherjee, D.; Bicknell, G.V.; Wagner, A.Y.; Sutherland, R.S.; Silk, J.
Survival function analysis of planet size distribution with Gaia Data Release 2 updates.
Zeng, Li.; Jacobsen, S.B.; Sasselov, D.D.; Vanderburg, A.
Detection and removal of B-mode dust foregrounds with signatures of statistical anisotropy.
Philcox, O.H.E.; Sherwin, B.D.; van Engelen, A.
Optimal identification of H II regions during reionization in 21-cm observations.
Giri, S.K.; Mellema, G.; Ghara, R.
Spectral and timing studies of 2S 1417-624 during a giant outburst.
Gupta, S.; Naik, S.; Jaisawal, G.K.; Epili, P.R.
Ghost of a shell: magnetic fields of Galactic supershell GSH 006 - 15 + 7.
Thomson, A.J.M.; McClure-Griffiths, N.M.; Federrath, C.; Dickey, J.M.; Carretti, E.; Gaensler, B.M.; Haverkorn, M.; Kesteven, M.J.; Staveley-Smith, L.
PRIFIRA: General regularization using prior-conditioning for fast radio interferometric imaging.
Naghibzadeh, S.; van der Veen, A.-J.
Radio observations of planetary nebulae: no evidence for strong radial density gradients.
Hajduk, M.; van Hoof, P.A.M.; Sniadkowska, K.; Krankowski, A.; Blaszkiewicz, L.; Dabrowski, B.; Zijlstra, A.A.
On the shape and evolution of a cosmic-ray-regulated galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function.
Fontanot, F.; La Barbera, F.; De Lucia, G.; Pasquali, A.; Vazdekis, A.
Mass modelling of a superthin galaxy, FGC 1540.
Kurapati, S.; Banerjee, A.; Chengalur, J.N.; Makarov, D.; Borisov, S.; Afanasiev, A.; Antipova, A.
Tycho-B: an unlikely companion for SN 1572*.
Kerzendorf, W.E.; Long, K.S.; Winkler, P.F.; Do, T.
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