Monthly Notices of the RAS 477
July(II) 2018

Binary neutron star merger rate via the luminosity function of short gamma-ray bursts.
Paul, D.
KiDS-i-800: comparing weak gravitational lensing measurements from same-sky surveys.
Amon, A.; Heymans, C.; Klaes, D.; Erben, T.; Blake, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Hoekstra, H.; Kuijken, K.; Miller, L.; Morrison, C.B.; Choi, A.; de Jong, J.T.A.; Glazebrook, K.; Irisarri, N.; Joachimi, B.; Joudaki, S.; Kannawadi, A.; Lidman, C.; Napolitano, N.; Parkinson, D.; Schneider, P.; van Uitert, E.; Viola, M.; Wolf, C.
IMPETUS: consistent SPH calculations of 3D spherical Bondi accretion on to a black hole.
Ramirez-Velasquez, J.M.; Sigalotti, L. Di G.; Gabbasov, R.; Cruz, F.; Klapp, J.
Degradation analysis in the estimation of photometric redshifts from non-representative training sets.
Rivera, J.D.; Moraes, B.; Merson, A.I.; Jouvel, S.; Abdalla, F.B.; Abdalla, M.C.B.
The effects of assembly bias on the inference of matter clustering from galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering.
McEwen, J.E.; Weinberg, D.H.
The Delta Scuti star 38 Eri from the ground and from space.
Paparo, M.; Kollath, Z.; Shobbrook, R.R.; Matthews, J.M.; Antoci, V.; Benko, J.M.; Park, N.-K.; Mirtorabi, M.T.; Luedeke, K.; Kusakin, A.; Bognar, Z.; Sodor, A.; Garcia-Hernandez, A.; Pena, J.H.; Kuschnig, R.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Rowe, J.; Rucinski, S.M.; Sasselov, D.; Weiss, W.W.
Testing star formation laws in a starburst galaxy at redshift 3 resolved with ALMA.
Sharda, P.; Federrath, C.; da Cunha, E.; Swinbank, A.M.; Dye, S.
Superburst oscillations: ocean and crustal modes excited by carbon-triggered type I X-ray bursts.
Chambers, F.R.N.; Watts, A.L.; Cavecchi, Y.; Garcia, F.; Keek, L.
Interferometric diameters of five evolved intermediate-mass planet-hosting stars measured with PAVO at the CHARA Array.
White, T.R.; Huber, D.; Mann, A.W.; Casagrande, L.; Grunblatt, S.K.; Justesen, A.B.; Silva Aguirre, V.; Bedding, T.R.; Ireland, M.J.; Schaefer, G.H.; Tuthill, P.G.
Suzaku observations of the Monogem Ring and the origin of the Gemini H α ring.
Knies, J.R.; Sasaki, M.; Plucinsky, P.P.
Gravitational wave sources from inspiralling globular clusters in the Galactic Centre and similar environments.
Arca-Sedda, M.; Gualandris, A.
Projected Pupil Plane Pattern: an alternative LGS wavefront sensing technique.
Yang, H.; Bharmal, N.A.; Myers, R.M.
Modelling the molecular composition and nuclear-spin chemistryof collapsing pre-stellar sources.
Hily-Blant, P.; Faure, A.; Rist, C.; Pineau des Forets, G.; Flower, D.R.
FSD: Frequency Space Differential measurement of CMB spectral distortions.
Mukherjee, S.; Silk, J.; Wandelt, B.D.
Discovery of an old nova shell surrounding the cataclysmic variable V1315 Aql.
Sahman, D.I.; Dhillon, V.S.; Littlefair, S.P.; Hallinan, G.
Environmental quenching of low-mass field galaxies.
Fillingham, S.P.; Cooper, M.C.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Bullock, J.S.; Garrison-Kimmel, S.; Wheeler, C.
Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS): hydrogen recombination laser lines in Mz 3.
Aleman, I.; Exter, K.; Ueta, T.; Walton, S.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Zijlstra, A.; Montez, R.; Abraham, Z.; Otsuka, M.; Beaklini, P.P.B.; van Hoof, P.A.M.; Villaver, E.; Leal-Ferreira, M.L.; Mendoza, E.; Lepine, J.D.R.
Baseline-dependent sampling and windowing for radio interferometry: data compression, field-of-interest shaping, and outer field suppression.
Atemkeng, M.; Smirnov, O.; Tasse, C.; Foster, G.; Keimpema, A.; Paragi, Z.; Jonas, J.
Characterization of the infrared/X-ray subsecond variability for the black hole transient GX 339-4.
Vincentelli, F.M.; Casella, P.; Maccarone, T.J.; Uttley, P.; Gandhi, P.; Belloni, T.; De Marco, B.; Russell, D.M.; Stella, L.; O'Brien, K.
Insensitivity of the distance ladder Hubble constant determination to Cepheid calibration modelling choices.
Follin, B.; Knox, L.
ADER discontinuous Galerkin schemes for general-relativistic ideal magnetohydrodynamics.
Fambri, F.; Dumbser, M.; Koppel, S.; Rezzolla, L.; Zanotti, O.
The most metal-poor Galactic globular cluster: the first spectroscopic observations of ESO280-SC06.
Simpson, J.D.
YSO jets in the Galactic plane from UWISH2 - V. Jets and outflows in M17.
Samal, M.R.; Chen, W.P.; Takami, M.; Jose, J.; Froebrich, D.
Low-mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - II. Flow-locked and runaway migration, and a torque prescription.
McNally, C.P.; Nelson, R.P.; Paardekooper, S.-J.
The size-luminosity relationship of quasar narrow-line regions.
Dempsey, R.; Zakamska, N.L.
The ice cap zone: a unique habitable zone for ocean worlds.
Ramirez, R.M.; Levi, A.
2018MNRAS.477.4641R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/477/4641)
White dwarf-main sequence binaries from LAMOST: the DR5 catalogue.
Ren, J.-J.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Parsons, S.G.; Liu, X.-W.; Luo, A.-L.; Kong, X.; Zhang, H.-T.
Ground-based detection of G star superflares with NGTS.
Jackman, J.A.G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Pugh, C.E.; Gansicke, B.T.; Gillen, E.; Broomhall, A.-M.; Armstrong, D.J.; Burleigh, M.R.; Chaushev, A.; Eigmuller, P.; Erikson, A.; Goad, M.R.; Grange, A.; Gunther, M.N.; Jenkins, J.S.; McCormac, J.; Raynard, L.; Thompson, A.P.G.; Udry, S.; Walker, S.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.
Radiation pressure in galactic discs: stability, turbulence, and winds in the single-scattering limit.
Wibking, B.D.; Thompson, T.A.; Krumholz, M.R.
Accuracy of inference on the physics of binary evolution from gravitational-wave observations.
Barrett, J.W.; Gaebel, S.M.; Neijssel, C.J.; Vigna-Gomez, A.; Stevenson, S.; Berry, C.P.L.; Farr, W.M.; Mandel, I.
The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters – IV. Coeval multiple stellar populations in the young star cluster NGC 1978.
Martocchia, S.; Niederhofer, F.; Dalessandro, E.; Bastian, N.; Kacharov, N.; Usher, C.; Cabrera-Ziri, I.; Lardo, C.; Cassisi, S.; Geisler, D.; Hilker, M.; Hollyhead, K.; Kozhurina-Platais, V.; Larsen, S.; Mackey, D.; Mucciarelli, A.; Platais, I.; Salaris, M.
Erratum: The effect of accretion environment at large radius on hot accretion flows.
Yang, X.-H.; Bu, D.-F.
Erratum: The properties of radio galaxies and the effect of environment in large-scale structures at z ∼ 1.
Shen, Lu; Miller, N.A.; Lemaux, B.C.; Tomczak, A.R.; Lubin, L.M.; Rumbaugh, N.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Becker, R.H.; Gal, R.R.; Wu, P.-F.; Squires, G.
2018MNRAS.477.4711G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/477/4711)
SDSS-IV MaNGA: stellar angular momentum of about 2300 galaxies: unveiling the bimodality of massive galaxy properties.
Graham, M.T.; Cappellari, M.; Li, H.; Mao, S.; Bershady, M.A.; Bizyaev, D.; Brinkmann, J.; Brownstein, J.R.; Bundy, K.; Drory, N.; Law, D.R.; Pan, K.; Thomas, D.; Wake, D.A.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Westfall, K.B.; Yan, R.
Network analysis of the COSMOS galaxy field.
de Regt, R.; Apunevych, S.; von Ferber, C.; Holovatch, Yu; Novosyadlyj, B.
2018MNRAS.477.4749C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/477/4749)
On the origin of gamma-rays in Fermi blazars: beyondthe broad-line region.
Costamante, L.; Cutini, S.; Tosti, G.; Antolini, E.; Tramacere, A.
Origin of the Local Group satellite planes.
Banik, I.; O'Ryan, D.; Zhao, H.
Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI.
Lefloch, B.; Bachiller, R.; Ceccarelli, C.; Cernicharo, J.; Codella, C.; Fuente, A.; Kahane, C.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Tafalla, M.; Vastel, C.; Caux, E.; Gonzalez-Garcia, M.; Bianchi, E.; Gomez-Ruiz, A.; Holdship, J.; Mendoza, E.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Podio, L.; Quenard, D.; Roueff, E.; Sakai, N.; Viti, S.; Yamamoto, S.; Yoshida, K.; Favre, C.; Monfredini, T.; Quitian-Lara, H.M.; Marcelino, N.; Boechat-Roberty, H.M.; Cabrit, S.
Simulating the X-ray luminosity of Be X-ray binaries: the case for black holes versus neutron stars.
Brown, R.O.; Ho, W.C.G.; Coe, M.J.; Okazaki, A.T.
The primordial entropy of Jupiter.
Cumming, A.; Helled, R.; Venturini, J.
Influence of the outer boundary condition on models of AGB stars.
Wagstaff, G.; Weiss, A.
Non-linear hydrodynamic instability and turbulence in eccentric astrophysical discs with vertical structure.
Wienkers, A.F.; Ogilvie, G.I.
A 3.5 million Solar masses black hole in the centre of the ultracompact dwarf galaxy fornax UCD3.
Afanasiev, A.V.; Chilingarian, I.V.; Mieske, S.; Voggel, K.T.; Picotti, A.; Hilker, M.; Seth, A.; Neumayer, N.; Frank, M.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Hau, G.; Baumgardt, H.; Ahn, C.; Strader, J.; den Brok, M.; McDermid, R.; Spitler, L.; Brodie, J.; Walsh, J.L.
The Umov effect in application to an optically thin two-component cloud of cosmic dust.
Zubko, E.; Videen, G.; Zubko, N.; Shkuratov, Y.
Dimensionality and integrals of motion of the Trappist-1 planetary system.
Floss, J.; Rein, H.; Brumer, P.
The skewed weak lensing likelihood: why biases arise, despite data and theory being sound.
Sellentin, E.; Heymans, C.; Harnois-Deraps, J.
Dynamical properties and acceleration of hierarchical dust in the vicinity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Skorov, Yu; Reshetnyk, V.; Rezac, L.; Zhao, Y.; Marschall, R.; Blum, J.; Hartogh, P.
Young stellar clumps in the interacting system Arp 305.
Zasov, A.V.; Saburova, A.S.; Egorov, O.V.; Afanasiev, V.L.
Introducing galactic structure finder: the multiple stellar kinematic structures of a simulated Milky Way mass galaxy.
Obreja, A.; Maccio, A.V.; Moster, B.; Dutton, A.A.; Buck, T.; Stinson, G.S.; Wang, L.
LoCuSS: The infall of X-ray groups on to massive clusters.
Haines, C.P.; Finoguenov, A.; Smith, G.P.; Babul, A.; Egami, E.; Mazzotta, P.; Okabe, N.; Pereira, M.J.; Bianconi, M.; McGee, S.L.; Ziparo, F.; Campusano, L.E.; Loyola, C.
Scale-free gravitational collapse as the origin of ρ ∼ r–2 density profile - a possible role of turbulence in regulating gravitational collapse.
Li, G.-X.
Dark energy constraints from the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich power spectrum.
Bolliet, B.; Comis, B.; Komatsu, E.; Macias-Perez, J.F.
Planck observations of M33.
Tibbs, C.T.; Israel, F.P.; Laureijs, R.J.; Tauber, J.A.; Partridge, B.; Peel, M.W.; Fauvet, L.
MR-MOOSE: an advanced SED-fitting tool for heterogeneous multi-wavelength data sets.
Drouart, G.; Falkendal, T.
The impact of radiation feedback on the assembly of star clusters in a galactic context.
Guillard, N.; Emsellem, E.; Renaud, F.
Resonant drag instabilities in protoplanetary discs: the streaming instability and new, faster growing instabilities.
Squire, J.; Hopkins, P.F.
Precision stellar radial velocity measurements with FIDEOS at the ESO 1-m telescope of La Silla.
Vanzi, L.; Zapata, A.; Flores, M.; Brahm, R.; Tala Pinto, M.; Rukdee, S.; Jones, M.; Ropert, S.; Shen, T.; Ramirez, S.; Suc, V.; Jordan, A.; Espinoza, N.
Asteroseismic modelling of solar-type stars: internal systematics from input physics and surface correction methods.
Nsamba, B.; Campante, T.L.; Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G.; Cunha, M.S.; Rendle, B.M.; Reese, D.R.; Verma, K.
Testing the distance-duality relation in the Rh = ct universe.
Hu, J.; Wang, F.Y.
The origin of diverse α-element abundances in galaxy discs.
Mackereth, J.T.; Crain, R.A.; Schiavon, R.P.; Schaye, J.; Theuns, T.; Schaller, M.
Analysing baryon acoustic oscillations in sparse spectroscopic samples via cross-correlation with dense photometry.
Patej, A.; Eisenstein, D.J.
An inner warp in the DoAr 44 T Tauri transition disc.
Casassus, S.; Avenhaus, H.; Perez, S.; Navarro, V.; Carcamo, M.; Marino, S.; Cieza, L.; Quanz, S.P.; Alarcon, F.; Zurlo, A.; Osses, A.; Rannou, F.R.; Roman, P.E.; Barraza, M.
Extreme gaseous outflows in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies.
Komossa, S.; Xu, D.W.; Wagner, A.Y.
SDSS J211852.96-073227.5: a new γ-ray flaring narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy.
Yang, H.; Yuan, W.; Yao, Su; Li, Ye; Zhang, J.; Zhou, H.; Komossa, S.; Liu, H.-Y.; Jin, C.
Universal scaling relations in scale-free structure formation.
Guszejnov, D.; Hopkins, P.F.; Grudic, M.Y.
Bulk flow in the combined 2MTF and 6dFGSv surveys.
Qin, F.; Howlett, C.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Hong, T.
Limits on radio emission from meteors using the MWA.
Zhang, X.; Hancock, P.; Devillepoix, H.A.R.; Wayth, R.B.; Beardsley, A.; Crosse, B.; Emrich, D.; Franzen, T.M.O.; Gaensler, B.M.; Horsley, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kaplan, D.L.; Kenney, D.; Morales, M.F.; Pallot, D.; Steele, K.; Tingay, S.J.; Trott, C.M.; Walker, M.; Williams, A.; Wu, C.; Ji, J.; Ma, Y.
Photometric redshifts for the next generation of deep radio continuum surveys - II. Gaussian processes and hybrid estimates.
Duncan, K.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Brown, M.J.I.; Rottgering, H.J.A.
2018MNRAS.477.5191R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/477/5191)
Circumstellar disc lifetimes in numerous galactic young stellar clusters.
Richert, A.J.W.; Getman, K.V.; Feigelson, E.D.; Kuhn, M.A.; Broos, P.S.; Povich, M.S.; Bate, M.R.; Garmire, G.P.
Effects of disc warping on the inclination evolution of star-disc-binary systems.
Zanazzi, J.J.; Lai, D.
The chaotic long-term X-ray variability of 4U 1705-44.
Phillipson, R.A.; Boyd, P.T.; Smale, A.P.
Perpendicular relativistic shocks in magnetized pair plasma.
Plotnikov, I.; Grassi, A.; Grech, M.
On the kinematics of a runaway Be star population.
Boubert, D.; Evans, N.W.
Improved distances and ages for stars common to TGAS and RAVE.
McMillan, P.J.; Kordopatis, G.; Kunder, A.; Binney, J.; Wojno, J.; Zwitter, T.; Steinmetz, M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Gibson, B.K.; Gilmore, G.; Grebel, E.K.; Helmi, A.; Munari, U.; Navarro, J.F.; Parker, Q.A.; Seabroke, G.; Watson, F.; Wyse, R.F.G.
Resonant capture and tidal evolution in circumbinary systems: testing the case of Kepler-38.
Zoppetti, F.A.; Beauge, C.; Leiva, A.M.
3D modelling of HCO+ and its isotopologues in the low-mass proto-star IRAS16293-2422.
Quenard, D.; Bottinelli, S.; Caux, E.; Wakelam, V.
Climbing to the top of the galactic mass ladder: evidence for frequent prolate-like rotation among the most massive galaxies.
Krajnovic, D.; Emsellem, E.; den Brok, M.; Marino, R.A.; Schmidt, K.B.; Steinmetz, M.; Weilbacher, P.M.
Effects of a strong magnetic field on internal gravity waves: trapping, phase mixing, reflection, and dynamical chaos.
Loi, S.T.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
Observation of variable pre-eclipse dips and disc windsin the eclipsing LMXB XTE J1710-281.
Raman, G.; Maitra, C.; Paul, B.
Chemical enrichment in isolated barred spiral galaxies.
Martel, H.; Carles, C.; Robichaud, F.; Ellison, S.L.; Williamson, D.J.
The most massive galaxies and black holes allowed by ΛCDM.
Behroozi, P.; Silk, J.
Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system.
Zotos, E.E.; Dubeibe, F.L.; Gonzalez, G.A.
Modelling of Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies and ionized bubbles at the epoch of reionization.
Yajima, H.; Sugimura, K.; Hasegawa, K.
Modelling massive star feedback with Monte Carlo radiation hydrodynamics: photoionization and radiation pressure in a turbulent cloud.
Ali, A.; Harries, T.J.; Douglas, T.A.
Spectral and timing properties of atoll source 4U 1705-44: LAXPC/AstroSat results.
Agrawal, V.K.; Nandi, A.; Girish, V.; Ramadevi, M.C.
Null-stream analysis of Pulsar Timing Array data: localization of resolvable gravitational wave sources.
Goldstein, J.M.; Veitch, J.; Sesana, A.; Vecchio, A.
A Bayesian hierarchical approach to galaxy-galaxy lensing.
Sonnenfeld, A.; Leauthaud, A.
Precipitable water vapour forecasting: a tool for optimizing IR observations at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory.
Perez-Jordan, wG; Castro-Almazan, J.A.; Munoz-Tunon, C.
Shape analysis of H II regions - I. Statistical clustering.
Campbell-White, J.; Froebrich, D.; Kume, A.
Spatial fluctuations of the intergalactic temperature-density relation after hydrogen reionization.
Keating, L.C.; Puchwein, E.; Haehnelt, M.G.
X-ray versus infrared selection of distant galaxy clusters: a case study using the XMM-LSS and SpARCS cluster samples.
Willis, J.P.; Ramos-Ceja, M.E.; Muzzin, A.; Pacaud, F.; Yee, H.K.C.; Wilson, G.
The primordial deuterium abundance at zabs = 2.504 from a high signal-to-noise spectrum of Q1009+2956.
Zavarygin, E.O.; Webb, J.K.; Dumont, V.; Riemer-Sorensen, S.
Star formation in the outskirts of DDO 154: a top-light IMF in a nearly dormant disc.
Watts, A.B.; Meurer, G.R.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Bruzzese, S.M.; Kroupa, P.; Jerabkova, T.
The ionization parameter of star-forming galaxies evolves with the specific star formation rate.
Kaasinen, M.; Kewley, L.; Bian, F.; Groves, B.; Kashino, D.; Silverman, J.; Kartaltepe, J.
Spectral properties of binary asteroids.
Pajuelo, M.; Birlan, M.; Carry, B.; DeMeo, F.E.; Binzel, R.P.; Berthier, J.
Accurate estimations of electromagnetic transitions of Sn IV for stellar and interstellar media.
Biswas, S.; Das, A.; Bhowmik, A.; Majumder, S.
Correlations between age, kinematics, and chemistry as seen by the RAVE survey.
Wojno, J.; Kordopatis, G.; Steinmetz, M.; McMillan, P.; Binney, J.; Famaey, B.; Monari, G.; Minchev, I.; Wyse, R.F.G.; Antoja, T.; Siebert, A.; Carrillo, I.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Grebel, E.K.; Zwitter, T.; Bienayme, O.; Gibson, B.; Kunder, A.; Munari, U.; Navarro, J.; Parker, Q.; Reid, W.; Seabroke, G.
2018MNRAS.477.5625F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/477/5625)
Eclipsing damped Ly α systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12.
Fathivavsari, H.; Petitjean, P.; Jamialahmadi, N.; Khosroshahi, H.G.; Rahmani, H.; Finley, H.; Noterdaeme, P.; Paris, I.; Srianand, R.
Colliding stellar winds structure and X-ray emission.
Pittard, J.M.; Dawson, B.
A 15.7-minAM CVn binary discovered in K2.
Green, M.J.; Hermes, J.J.; Marsh, T.R.; Steeghs, D.T.H.; Bell, K.J.; Littlefair, S.P.; Parsons, S.G.; Dennihy, E.; Fuchs, J.T.; Reding, J.S.; Kaiser, B.C.; Ashley, R.P.; Breedt, E.; Dhillon, V.S.; Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; Kerry, P.; Sahman, D.I.
H0LiCOW VIII. A weak-lensing measurement of the external convergence in the field of the lensed quasar HE 0435-1223.
Tihhonova, O.; Courbin, F.; Harvey, D.; Hilbert, S.; Rusu, C.E.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Bonvin, V.; Marshall, P.J.; Meylan, G.; Sluse, D.; Suyu, S.H.; Treu, T.; Wong, K.C.
Polarized redundant-baseline calibration for 21 cm cosmology without adding spectral structure.
Dillon, J.S.; Kohn, S.A.; Parsons, A.R.; Aguirre, J.E.; Ali, Z.S.; Bernardi, G.; Kern, N.S.; Li, W.; Liu, A.; Nunhokee, C.D.; Pober, J.C.
Tidal disruption of inclined or eccentric binaries by massive black holes.
Brown, H.; Kobayashi, S.; Rossi, E.M.; Sari, R.
What and whence 1I/'Oumuamua: a contact binary from the debris of a young planetary system?
Gaidos, E.
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