Monthly Notices of the RAS 475
March(III) 2018
- 2018MNRAS.475L...1G
- The effect of pair cascades on the high-energy spectral cut-off in gamma-ray bursts.
- Gill, R.; Granot, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475L...6R
- The bias of the log power spectrum for discrete surveys.
- Repp, A.; Szapudi, I.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..11M
- OGLE-2014-SN-073 as a fallback accretion powered supernova.
- Moriya, T.J.; Terreran, G.; Blinnikov, S.I.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..15G
- A detached stellar-mass black hole candidate in the globular cluster NGC 3201.
- Giesers, B.; Dreizler, S.; Husser, T.-O.; Kamann, S.; Anglada Escude, G.; Brinchmann, J.; Carollo, C.M.; Roth, M.M.; Weilbacher, P.M.; Wisotzki, L.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..20G
- Cosmic homogeneity: a spectroscopic and model-independent measurement.
- Goncalves, R.S.; Carvalho, G.C.; Bengaly, C.A.P. Jr; Carvalho, J.C.; Bernui, A.; Alcaniz, J.S.; Maartens, R.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..25V
- Prominence formation and ejection in cool stars.
- Villarreal D'Angelo, C.; Jardine, M.; See, V.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..30R
- Phosphorus-bearing molecules in the Galactic Center.
- Rivilla, V.M.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Zeng, S.; Martin, S.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Armijos-Abendano, J.; Viti, S.; Aladro, R.; Riquelme, D.; Requena-Torres, M.; Quenard, D.; Fontani, F.; Beltran, M.T.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..35M
- Planetary-like spirals caused by moving shadows in transition discs.
- Montesinos, M.; Cuello, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..40D
- Revisiting Stephan's Quintet with deep optical images.
- Duc, P.-A.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Renaud, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..45K
- Large-scale correlations in gas traced by Mg II absorbers around low-mass galaxies.
- Kauffmann, G.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..49M
- Explosions of Thorne-Zytkow objects.
- Moriya, T.J.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..52S
- Imaging the molecular outflows of the prototypical ULIRG NGC 6240 with ALMA.
- Saito, T.; Iono, D.; Ueda, J.; Espada, D.; Sliwa, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Lu, N.; Xu, C.K.; Michiyama, T.; Kaneko, H.; Yamashita, T.; Ando, M.; Yun, M.S.; Motohara, K.; Kawabe, R.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..57C
- The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey - XIII. PSR J1757-1854, the most accelerated binary pulsar.
- Cameron, A.D.; Champion, D.J.; Kramer, M.; Bailes, M.; Barr, E.D.; Bassa, C.G.; Bhandari, S.; Bhat, N.D.R.; Burgay, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Eatough, R.P.; Flynn, C.M.L.; Freire, P.C.C.; Jameson, A.; Johnston, S.; Karuppusamy, R.; Keith, M.J.; Levin, L.; Lorimer, D.R.; Lyne, A.G.; McLaughlin, M.A.; Ng, C.; Petroff, E.; Possenti, A.; Ridolfi, A.; Stappers, B.W.; van Straten, W.; Tauris, T.M.; Tiburzi, C.; Wex, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..62H
- A likely planet-induced gap in the disc around T Cha.
- Hendler, N.P.; Pinilla, P.; Pascucci, I.; Pohl, A.; Mulders, G.; Henning, T.; Dong, R.; Clarke, C.; Owen, J.; Hollenbach, D.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..67T
- Tidal double detonation: a new mechanism for the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf induced by a tidal disruption event.
- Tanikawa, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..72S
- Faraday rotation signatures of fluctuation dynamos in young galaxies.
- Sur, S.; Bhat, P.; Subramanian, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..77R
- Increasing Geminid meteor shower activity.
- Ryabova, G.O.; Rendtel, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..81K
- Accurate effective temperatures of the metal-poor benchmark stars HD 140283, HD 122563, and HD 103095 from CHARA interferometry.
- Karovicova, I.; White, T.R.; Nordlander, T.; Lind, K.; Casagrande, L.; Ireland, M.J.; Huber, D.; Creevey, O; Mourard, D.; Schaefer, G.H.; Gilmore, G.; Chiavassa, A.; Wittkowski, M.; Jofre, P.; Heiter, U.; Thevenin, F.; Asplund, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..86T
- The complex kinematics of rotating star clusters in a tidal field.
- Tiongco, M.A.; Vesperini, E.; Varri, A.L.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..91T
- Anisotropic emission of neutrino and gravitational-wave signals from rapidly rotating core-collapse supernovae.
- Takiwaki, T.; Kotake, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475L..96B
- Kinematic fingerprint of core-collapsed globular clusters.
- Bianchini, P.; Webb, J.J.; Sills, A.; Vesperini, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.101D
- A black hole-white dwarf compact binary model for long gamma-ray bursts without supernova association.
- Dong, Y.-Z.; Gu, W.-M.; Liu, T.; Wang, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.106B
- The dipole anisotropy of WISE x SuperCOSMOS number counts.
- Bengaly, C.A.P.; Novaes, C.P.; Xavier, H.S.; Bilicki, M.; Bernui, A.; Alcaniz, J.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.111S
- Chandra X-ray constraints on the candidate Ca-rich gap transient SN 2016hnk.
- Sell, P.H.; Arur, K.; Maccarone, T.J.; Kotak, R.; Knigge, C.; Sand, D.J.; Valenti, S.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.116A
- The virial mass distribution of ultradiffuse galaxies in clusters and groups.
- Amorisco, N.C.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.122J
- K2 spots rotation in the helium star HD144941.
- Jeffery, C.S.; Ramsay, G.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.125G
- Relativistic centrifugal instability.
- Gourgouliatos, K.N.; Komissarov, S.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475L.130A
- Suppression of globular cluster formation in metal-poor gas clouds by Lyman α radiation feedback.
- Abe, M.; Yajima, H.
- 2018MNRAS.475....2P
- Investigating the temporal domain of massive ionized jets - I. A pilot study.
- Purser, S.J.D.; Lumsden, S.L.; Hoare, M.G.; Cunningham, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475...20C
- Application of screened Coulomb potential in fitting DBV star PG 0112+104.
- Chen, Y.H.
- 2018MNRAS.475...27N
- The impact of galactic disc environment on star-forming clouds.
- Nguyen, N.K.; Pettitt, A.R.; Tasker, E.J.; Okamoto, T.
- 2018MNRAS.475...43M
- IPOLE - semi-analytic scheme for relativistic polarized radiative transport.
- Moscibrodzka, M.; Gammie, C.F.
- 2018MNRAS.475...55B
- The evolution of red supergiant mass-loss rates.
- Beasor, E.R.; Davies, B.
- 2018MNRAS.475...63H
- The equilibrium of overpressurized polytropes.
- Hure, J.-M.; Hersant, F.; Nasello, G.
- 2018MNRAS.475...79H
- Predicting gravitational lensing by stellar remnants.
- Harding, A.J.; Di Stefano, R.; Lepine, S.; Urama, J.; Pham, D.; Baker, C.
- 2018MNRAS.475...94K
- Optical properties of potential condensates in exoplanetary atmospheres.
- Kitzmann, D.; Heng, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475..108B
- Papaloizou-Pringle instability suppression by the magnetorotational instability in relativistic accretion discs.
- Bugli, M.; Guilet, J.; Muller, E.; Del Zanna, L.; Bucciantini, N.; Montero, P.J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..121S
- Magnetic tension and instabilities in the Orion A integral-shaped filament.
- Schleicher, D.R.G.; Stutz, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..128G
- The changing source of X-ray reflection in the radio-intermediate Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2.
- Gonzalez, A.G.; Waddell, S.G.H.; Gallo, L.C.
- 2018MNRAS.475..139Z
- Confirming the least massive members of the Pleiades star cluster.
- Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Lodieu, N.; Manjavacas, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..154M
- Lense-Thirring precession in ULXs as a possible means to constrain the neutron star equation of state.
- Middleton, M.J.; Fragile, P.C.; Bachetti, M.; Brightman, M.; Jiang, Y.-F.; Ho, W.C.G.; Roberts, T.P.; Ingram, A.R.; Dauser, T.; Pinto, C.; Walton, D.J.; Fuerst, F.; Fabian, A.C.; Gehrels, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475..167B
- Breakthrough revisited: investigating the requirements for growth of dust beyond the bouncing barrier.
- Booth, R.A.; Meru, F.; Lee, M.H.; Clarke, C.J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..181D
- Shear-induced pressure anisotropization and correlation with fluid vorticity in a low collisionality plasma.
- Del Sarto, D.; Pegoraro, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475..193F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/475/193)
- The Foundation Supernova Survey: motivation, design, implementation, and first data release.
- Foley, R.J.; Scolnic, D.; Rest, A.; Jha, S.W.; Pan, Y.-C.; Riess, A.G.; Challis, P.; Chambers, K.C.; Coulter, D.A.; Dettman, K.G.; Foley, M.M.; Fox, O.D.; Huber, M.E.; Jones, D.O.; Kilpatrick, C.D.; Kirshner, R.P.; Schultz, A.S.B.; Siebert, M.R.; Flewelling, H.A.; Gibson, B.; Magnier, E.A.; Miller, J.A.; Primak, N.; Smartt, S.J.; Smith, K.W.; Wainscoat, R.J.; Waters, C.; Willman, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..220V
- Identification of two new HMXBs in the LMC: an ∼2013 s pulsar and a probable SFXT.
- Vasilopoulos, G.; Maitra, C.; Haberl, F.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Petropoulou, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..232P
- Galaxy spin as a formation probe: the stellar-to-halo specific angular momentum relation.
- Posti, L.; Pezzulli, G.; Fraternali, F.; Di Teodoro, E.M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..244A
- Second-order singular pertubative theory for gravitational lenses.
- Alard, C.
- 2018MNRAS.475..248C
- VALES - IV. Exploring the transition of star formation efficiencies between normal and starburst galaxies using APEX/SEPIA Band-5 and ALMA at low redshift.
- Cheng, C.; Ibar, E.; Hughes, T.M.; Villanueva, V.; Leiton, R.; Orellana, G.; Munoz Arancibia, A.; Lu, N.; Xu, C.K.; Willmer, C.N.A.; Huang, J.; Cao, T.; Yang, C.; Xue, Y.Q.; Torstensson, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475..257M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/475/257)
- AGB subpopulations in the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397.
- MacLean, B.T.; Campbell, S.W.; De Silva, G.M.; Lattanzio, J.; D'Orazi, V.; Cottrell, P.L.; Momany, Y; Casagrande, L.
- 2018MNRAS.475..266Z
- Search for the signatures of a new-born black hole from the collapse of a supra-massive millisecond magnetar in short GRB light curves.
- Zhang, Q.; Lei, W.H.; Zhang, B.B.; Chen, W.; Xiong, S.L.; Song, L.M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..277J
- Emission line models for the lowest mass core-collapse supernovae - I. Case study of a 9 M☉ one-dimensional neutrino-driven explosion.
- Jerkstrand, A.; Ertl, T.; Janka, H.-T.; Muller, E.; Sukhbold, T.; Woosley, S.E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..306R
- Statistical properties of Fermi GBM GRBs' spectra.
- Racz, I.I.; Balazs, L.G.; Horvath, I.; Toth, L.V.; Bagoly, Z.
- 2018MNRAS.475..321V
- Correcting the extended-source calibration for the Herschel-SPIRE Fourier-transform spectrometer.
- Valtchanov, I.; Hopwood, R.; Bendo, G.; Benson, C.; Conversi, L.; Fulton, T.; Griffin, M.J.; Joubaud, T.; Lim, T.; Lu, N.; Marchili, N.; Makiwa, G.; Meyer, R.A.; Naylor, D.A.; North, C.; Papageorgiou, A.; Pearson, C.; Polehampton, E.T.; Scott, J.; Schulz, B.; Spencer, L.D.; van der Wiel, M.H.D.; Wu, R.
- 2018MNRAS.475..331G
- Improving photometric redshift estimation using GPZ: size information, post processing, and improved photometry.
- Gomes, Z.; Jarvis, M.J.; Almosallam, I.A.; Roberts, S.J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..343W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/475/343)
- A catalogue of clusters of galaxies identified from all sky surveys of 2MASS, WISE, and SuperCOSMOS.
- Wen, Z.L.; Han, J.L.; Yang, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475..353M
- Spectroscopy of five V-type asteroids in the middle and outer main belt.
- Migliorini, A.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Lazzaro, D.; Ammannito, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..359B
- Equally spaced periods in the δ Scuti star KIC 5123889.
- Balona, L.A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..368H
- KVN observations reveal multiple γ-ray emission regions in 3C 84?
- Hodgson, J.A.; Rani, B.; Lee, S.-S.; Algaba, J.C.; Kino, M.; Trippe, S.; Park, J.-H.; Zhao, G.-Y.; Byun, D.-Y.; Kang, S.; Kim, J.-Y.; Kim, J.-S.; Kim, S.-W.; Miyazaki, A.; Wajima, K.; Oh, J.; Kim, D.-W.; Gurwell, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..379M
- Constraining the optical depth of galaxies and velocity bias with cross-correlation between the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and the peculiar velocity field.
- Ma, Y.-Z.; Gong, G.-D.; Sui, N.; He, P.
- 2018MNRAS.475..391M
- Massive outflows driven by magnetic effects - II. Comparison with observations.
- Matsushita, Y.; Sakurai, Y.; Hosokawa, T.; Machida, M.N.
- 2018MNRAS.475..404K
- The relativistic jet of the γ-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342.
- Kynoch, D.; Landt, H.; Ward, M.J.; Done, C.; Gardner, E.; Boisson, C.; Arrieta-Lobo, M.; Zech, A.; Steenbrugge, K.; Pereira Santaella, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..424D
- IFU spectroscopy of southern PN VI: the extraordinary chemo-dynamics of Hen 2-111.
- Dopita, M.A.; Ali, A.; Karakas, A.I.; Goldman, D.; Amer, M.A.; Sutherland, R.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475..438R
- Measuring the reionization 21 cm fluctuations using clustering wedges.
- Raut, D.; Choudhury, T.R.; Ghara, R.
- 2018MNRAS.475..448T
- Mapping jet-ISM interactions in X-ray binaries with ALMA: a GRS 1915+105 case study.
- Tetarenko, A.J.; Freeman, P.; Rosolowsky, E.W.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Sivakoff, G.R.
- 2018MNRAS.475..469S
- PSR J2322-2650 - a low-luminosity millisecond pulsar with a planetary-mass companion.
- Spiewak, R.; Bailes, M.; Barr, E.D.; Bhat, N.D.R.; Burgay, M.; Cameron, A.D.; Champion, D.J.; Flynn, C.M.L.; Jameson, A.; Johnston, S.; Keith, M.J.; Kramer, M.; Kulkarni, S.R.; Levin, L.; Lyne, A.G.; Morello, V.; Ng, C.; Possenti, A.; Ravi, V.; Stappers, B.W.; van Straten, W.; Tiburzi, C.
- 2018MNRAS.475..478Q – (Tables: J/MNRAS/475/478)
- LAMOST views δ Scuti pulsating stars.
- Qian, S.-B.; Li, L.-J.; He, J.-J.; Zhang, J.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Han, Z.-T.
- 2018MNRAS.475..492K
- ALMACAL - III. A combined ALMA and MUSE survey for neutral, molecular, and ionized gas in an H I-absorption-selected system.
- Klitsch, A.; Peroux, C.; Zwaan, M.A.; Smail, I.; Oteo, I.; Biggs, A.D.; Popping, G.; Swinbank, A.M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..508M
- Infrared spectroscopy of the remnant of Nova Sco 2014: a symbiotic star with too little circumstellar matter to decelerate the ejecta.
- Munari, U.; Banerjee, D.P.K.
- 2018MNRAS.475..514H
- Explaining fast radio bursts through Dicke's superradiance.
- Houde, M.; Mathews, A.; Rajabi, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475..523L
- Star-formation rates of cluster galaxies: nature versus nurture.
- Lagana, T.F.; Ulmer, M.P.
- 2018MNRAS.475..532O
- Investigating cluster astrophysics and cosmology with cross-correlation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and weak lensing.
- Osato, K.; Flender, S.; Nagai, D.; Shirasaki, M.; Yoshida, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475..543H
- A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models.
- Hou, J.; Lacey, C.G.; Frenk, C.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475..570J
- The dependence of cosmic ray-driven galactic winds on halo mass.
- Jacob, S.; Pakmor, R.; Simpson, C.M.; Springel, V.; Pfrommer, C.
- 2018MNRAS.475..585M
- Quasar outflow energetics from broad absorption line variability.
- McGraw, S.M.; Shields, J.C.; Hamann, F.W.; Capellupo, D.M.; Herbst, H.
- 2018MNRAS.475..601T
- The dynamical connection between Phaethon and Pallas.
- Todorovic, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475..605C
- Influence of stellar radiation pressure on flow structure in the envelope of hot-Jupiter HD 209458b.
- Cherenkov, A.A.; Bisikalo, D.V.; Kosovichev, A.G.
- 2018MNRAS.475..614L
- Ground-based characterization of Hayabusa2 mission target asteroid 162173 Ryugu: constraining mineralogical composition in preparation for spacecraft operations.
- Le Corre, L.; Sanchez, J.A.; Reddy, V.; Takir, D.; Cloutis, E.A.; Thirouin, A.; Becker, K.J.; Li, J.-Y.; Sugita, S.; Tatsumi, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..624N
- First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the galaxy colour bimodality.
- Nelson, D.; Pillepich, A.; Springel, V.; Weinberger, R.; Hernquist, L.; Pakmor, R.; Genel, S.; Torrey, P.; Vogelsberger, M.; Kauffmann, G.; Marinacci, F.; Naiman, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..648P
- First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the stellar mass content of groups and clusters of galaxies.
- Pillepich, A.; Nelson, D.; Hernquist, L.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Torrey, P.; Weinberger, R.; Genel, S.; Naiman, J.P.; Marinacci, F.; Vogelsberger, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..676S
- First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: matter and galaxy clustering.
- Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Pillepich, A.; Weinberger, R.; Nelson, D.; Hernquist, L.; Vogelsberger, M.; Genel, S.; Torrey, P.; Marinacci, F.; Naiman, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..699S
- Rates of short-GRB afterglows in association with binary neutron star mergers.
- Saleem, M.; Pai, A.; Misra, K.; Resmi, L.; Arun, K.G.
- 2018MNRAS.475..708Y
- Data multiplexing in radio interferometric calibration.
- Yatawatta, S.; Diblen, F.; Spreeuw, H.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..716G
- The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Data Release One with emission-line physics value-added products.
- Green, A.W.; Croom, S.M.; Scott, N.; Cortese, L.; Medling, A.M.; D'Eugenio, F.; Bryant, J.J.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Allen, J.T.; Sharp, R.; Ho, I.-T.; Groves, B.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Mannering, E.; Harischandra, L.; van de Sande, J.; Thomas, A.D.; O'Toole, S.; McDermid, R.M.; Vuong, M.; Sealey, K.; Bauer, A.E.; Brough, S.; Catinella, B.; Cecil, G.; Colless, M.; Couch, W.J.; Driver, S.P.; Federrath, C.; Foster, C.; Goodwin, M.; Hampton, E.J.; Hopkins, A.M.; Jones, D.H.; Konstantopoulos, I.S.; Lawrence, J.S.; Leon-Saval, S.G.; Liske, J.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Lorente, N.P.F.; Mould, J.; Obreschkow, D.; Owers, M.S.; Richards, S.N.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Schaefer, A.L.; Sweet, S.M.; Taranu, D.S.; Tescari, E.; Tonini, C.; Zafar, T.
- 2018MNRAS.475..735G
- Bulgeless galaxies in the COSMOS field: environment and star formation evolution at z < 1.
- Grossi, M.; Fernandes, C.A.C.; Sobral, D.; Afonso, J.; Telles, E.; Bizzocchi, L.; Paulino-Afonso, A.; Matute, I.
- 2018MNRAS.475..748W
- On the illumination of neutron star accretion discs.
- Wilkins, D.R.
- 2018MNRAS.475..757B
- Stellar mass functions and implications for a variable IMF.
- Bernardi, M.; Sheth, R.K.; Fischer, J.-L.; Meert, A.; Chae, K.-H.; Dominguez-Sanchez, H.; Huertas-Company, M.; Shankar, F.; Vikram, V.
- 2018MNRAS.475..772S
- Extreme isolation of WN3/O3 stars and implications for their evolutionary origin as the elusive stripped binaries.
- Smith, N.; Gotberg, Y.; de Mink, S.E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..783D
- Rotational relaxation of AlO+(1Σ+) in collision with He.
- Denis-Alpizar, O; Trabelsi, T.; Hochlaf, M.; Stoecklin, T.
- 2018MNRAS.475..788M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/475/788)
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): blue spheroids within 87 Mpc.
- Mahajan, S.; Drinkwater, M.J.; Driver, S.; Hopkins, A.M.; Graham, A.W.; Brough, S.; Brown, M.J.I.; Holwerda, B.W.; Owers, M.S.; Pimbblet, K.A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..800H
- Semiclassical perturbation Stark widths of singly charged argon spectral lines.
- Hamdi, R.; Ben Nessib, N.; Sahal-Brechot, S.; Dimitrijevic, M.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475..814O
- Characterizing the turbulent porosity of stellar wind structure generated by the line-deshadowing instability.
- Owocki, S.P.; O Sundqvist, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..822B
- Modeling radio circular polarization in the Crab nebula.
- Bucciantini, N.; Olmi, B.
- 2018MNRAS.475..827M
- The infrared-radio correlation of spheroid- and disc-dominated star-forming galaxies to z ∼ 1.5 in the COSMOS field.
- Molnar, D.Cs; Sargent, M.T.; Delhaize, J.; Delvecchio, I.; Smolcic, V.; Novak, M.; Schinnerer, E.; Zamorani, G.; Bondi, M.; Herrera-Ruiz, N.; Murphy, E.J.; Vardoulaki, E.; Karim, A.; Leslie, S.; Magnelli, B.; Carollo, C.M.; Middelberg, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475..839S
- HD 156324: a tidally locked magnetic triple spectroscopic binary with a disrupted magnetosphere.
- Shultz, M.; Rivinius, Th; Wade, G.A.; Alecian, E.; Petit, V.; (The BinaMIcS Collaboration)
- 2018MNRAS.475..853O
- Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project - III. The impact of dynamical substructure on cluster mass estimates.
- Old, L.; Wojtak, R.; Pearce, F.R.; Gray, M.E.; Mamon, G.A.; Sifon, C.; Tempel, E.; Biviano, A.; Yee, H.K.C.; de Carvalho, R.; Muller, V.; Sepp, T.; Skibba, R.A.; Croton, D.; Bamford, S.P.; Power, C.; von der Linden, A.; Saro, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..867E
- Two families of astrophysical diverging lens models.
- Er, X.; Rogers, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..879T
- Angular momentum transport by heat-driven g-modes in slowly pulsating B stars.
- Townsend, R.H.D.; Goldstein, J.; Zweibel, E.G.
- 2018MNRAS.475..894T
- Deep learning for galaxy surface brightness profile fitting.
- Tuccillo, D.; Huertas-Company, M.; Decenciere, E.; Velasco-Forero, S.; Dominguez Sanchez, H.; Dimauro, P.
- 2018MNRAS.475..910D
- Stability of interlinked neutron vortex and proton flux-tube arrays in a neutron star - II. Far-from-equilibrium dynamics.
- Drummond, L.V.; Melatos, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..921R
- On fragmentation of turbulent self-gravitating discs in the long cooling time regime.
- Rice, K.; Nayakshin, S.
- 2018MNRAS.475..932R
- The interaction of the halo around the butterfly planetary nebula NGC 650-1 with the interstellar medium.
- Ramos-Larios, G.; Guerrero, M.A.; Nigoche-Netro, A.; Olguin, L.; Gomez-Munoz, M.A.; Sabin, L.; Vazquez, R.; Akras, S.; Ramirez Velez, J.C.; Chavez, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..942F
- An image-based search for pulsars among Fermi unassociated LAT sources.
- Frail, D.A.; Ray, P.S.; Mooley, K.P.; Hancock, P.; Burnett, T.H.; Jagannathan, P.; Ferrara, E.C.; Intema, H.T.; de Gasperin, F.; Demorest, P.B.; Stovall, K.; McKinnon, M.M.
- 2018MNRAS.475..955R
- MUFASA: the strength and evolution of galaxy conformity in various tracers.
- Rafieferantsoa, M.; Dave, R.
- 2018MNRAS.475..974P
- Rotationally resolved spectroscopy of Jupiter Trojans (624) Hektor and (911) Agamemnon.
- Perna, D.; Bott, N.; Hromakina, T.; Mazzotta Epifani, E.; Dotto, E.; Doressoundiram, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475..981L
- Modelling Kepler red giants in eclipsing binaries: calibrating the mixing-length parameter with asteroseismology.
- Li, T.; Bedding, T.R.; Huber, D.; Ball, W.H.; Stello, D.; Murphy, S.J.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
- 2018MNRAS.475..999B
- Changes in the pulse phase dependence of X-ray emission lines in 4U 1626-67 with a torque reversal.
- Beri, A.; Paul, B.; Dewangan, G.C.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1010V
- A Multiscale pipeline for the search of string-induced CMB anisotropies.
- Vafaei Sadr, A.; Movahed, S.M.S.; Farhang, M.; Ringeval, C.; Bouchet, F.R.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1023M
- The effects of protostellar jet feedback on turbulent collapse.
- Murray, D.; Goyal, S.; Chang, P.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1036C
- The long-term optical evolution of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152.
- Corral-Santana, J.M.; Torres, M.A.P.; Shahbaz, T.; Bartlett, E.S.; Russell, D.M.; Kong, A.K.H.; Casares, J.; Munoz-Darias, T.; Bauer, F.E.; Homan, J.; Jonker, P.G.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Wevers, T.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Lewis, F.; Schreuder, L.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1046I
- On the nature of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae.
- Inserra, C.; Smartt, S.J.; Gall, E.E.E.; Leloudas, G.; Chen, T.-W.; Schulze, S.; Jerkstrand, A.; Nicholl, M.; Anderson, J.P.; Arcavi, I.; Benetti, S.; Cartier, R.A.; Childress, M.; Della Valle, M.; Flewelling, H.; Fraser, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D.A.; Huber, M.; Kankare, E.; Kruhler, T.; Magnier, E.A.; Maguire, K.; McCully, C.; Prajs, S.; Primak, N.; Scalzo, R.; Schmidt, B.P.; Smith, M.; Smith, K.W.; Tucker, B.E.; Valenti, S.; Wilman, M.; Young, D.R.; Yuan, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1073V
- Radial measurements of IMF-sensitive absorption features in two massive ETGs.
- Vaughan, S.P.; Davies, R.L.; Zieleniewski, S.; Houghton, R.C.W.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1093Y
- The age-velocity dispersion relation of the Galactic discs from LAMOST-Gaia data.
- Yu, J.; Liu, C.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1104B
- SN2012ab: a peculiar Type IIn supernova with aspherical circumstellar material.
- Bilinski, C.; Smith, N.; Williams, G.G.; Smith, P.; Zheng, W.; Graham, M.L.; Mauerhan, J.C.; Andrews, J.E.; Filippenko, A.V.; Akerlof, C.; Chatzopoulos, E.; Hoffman, J.L.; Huk, L.; Leonard, D.C.; Marion, G.H.; Milne, P.; Quimby, R.M.; Silverman, J.M.; Vinko, J.; Wheeler, J.C.; Yuan, F.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1121G – (Tables: II/354)
- Verifying reddening and extinction for Gaia DR1 TGAS giants.
- Gontcharov, G.A.; Mosenkov, A.V.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1131S
- Free-free absorption coefficients and Gaunt factors for dense hydrogen-like stellar plasma.
- Sreckovic, V.A.; Sakan, N.; Sulic, D.; Jevremovic, D.; Ignjatovic, Lj M.; Dimitrijevic, M.S.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1137D
- Dynamical origin of non-thermal states in galactic filaments.
- Di Cintio, P.; Gupta, S.; Casetti, L.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1148S
- Arp 202: a TDG formed in a parent's extended dark matter halo?
- Scott, T.C.; Lagos, P.; Ramya, S.; Sengupta, C.; Paudel, S.; Sahu, D.K.; Misra, K.; Woo, J.-H.; Sohn, B.W.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1160H
- Galaxy mergers moulding the circum-galactic medium - I. The impact of a major merger.
- Hani, M.H.; Sparre, M.; Ellison, S.L.; Torrey, P.; Vogelsberger, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1177L
- Galactic conformity measured in semi-analytic models.
- Lacerna, I.; Contreras, S.; Gonzalez, R.E.; Padilla, N.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1190Y
- A decades-long fast-rise-exponential-decay flare in low-luminosity AGN NGC 7213.
- Yan, Z.; Xie, F.-G.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1198S
- Explaining iPTF14hls as a common-envelope jets supernova.
- Soker, N.; Gilkis, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1203C
- The vertical metallicity gradients of mono-age stellar populations in the Milky Way with the RAVE and Gaia data.
- Ciuca, I.; Kawata, D.; Lin, J.; Casagrande, L.; Seabroke, G.; Cropper, M.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1213S
- Emulation of reionization simulations for Bayesian inference of astrophysics parameters using neural networks.
- Schmit, C.J.; Pritchard, J.R.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1224W
- P-REx: The Piston Reconstruction Experiment for infrared interferometry.
- Widmann, F.; Pott, J.-U.; Velasco, S.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1238K
- The Fermi-LAT detection of magnetar-like pulsar PSR J1846-0258 at high-energy gamma-rays.
- Kuiper, L.; Hermsen, W.; Dekker, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1251M
- Can isolated single black holes produce X-ray novae?
- Matsumoto, T.; Teraki, Y.; Ioka, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1261H
- Electron scattering wings on lines in interacting supernovae.
- Huang, C.; Chevalier, R.A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1274S
- Formation of a hybrid-type proto-atmosphere on Mars accreting in the solar nebula.
- Saito, H.; Kuramoto, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1288S
- Identifying the subtle signatures of feedback from distant AGN using ALMA observations and the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulations.
- Scholtz, J.; Alexander, D.M.; Harrison, C.M.; Rosario, D.J.; McAlpine, S.; Mullaney, J.R.; Stanley, F.; Simpson, J.; Theuns, T.; Bower, R.G.; Hickox, R.C.; Santini, P.; Swinbank, A.M.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1306G
- Characterization of polarimetric and total intensity behaviour of a complete sample of PACO radio sources in the radio bands.
- Galluzzi, V.; Massardi, M.; Bonaldi, A.; Casasola, V.; Gregorini, L.; Trombetti, T.; Burigana, C.; Bonato, M.; De Zotti, G.; Ricci, R.; Stevens, J.; Ekers, R.D.; Bonavera, L.; di Serego Alighieri, S.; Liuzzo, E.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Paladino, R.; Toffolatti, L.; Tucci, M.; Callingham, J.R.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1323L
- Improved pulsar timing via principal component mode tracking.
- Lin, H.-H.; Masui, K.; Pen, U.-L.; Peterson, J.B.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1331T
- Short gamma-ray bursts and gravitational-wave observations from eccentric compact binaries.
- Tan, W.-W.; Fan, X.-L.; Wang, F.Y.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1340F
- Non-thermal pressure in the outskirts of Abell 2142.
- Fusco-Femiano, R.; Lapi, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1347M
- Growth and evolution of satellites in a Jovian massive disc.
- Moraes, R.A.; Kley, W.; Vieira Neto, E.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1363H
- Diffuse supernova neutrino background from extensive core-collapse simulations of 8-100 M☉ progenitors.
- Horiuchi, S.; Sumiyoshi, K.; Nakamura, Ko; Fischer, T.; Summa, A.; Takiwaki, T.; Janka, H.-T.; Kotake, K.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1375G
- Spectroscopic orbits of nearby solar-type dwarfs - II.
- Gorynya, N.A.; Tokovinin, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1382L
- Spectral analysis of IGR J01572-7259 during its 2016 outburst.
- La Palombara, N.; Esposito, P.; Mereghetti, S.; Pintore, F.; Sidoli, L.; Tiengo, A.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1392S
- Orbital synchronization capture of two binaries emitting gravitational waves.
- Seto, N.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1399G
- Another look at AM Herculis - radio-astrometric campaign with the e-EVN at 6 cm.
- Gawronski, M.P.; Gozdziewski, K.; Katarzynski, K.; Rycyk, G.
- 2018MNRAS.475.1410P
- The dimensionality of stellar chemical space using spectra from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment.
- Price-Jones, N.; Bovy, Jo
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