Monthly Notices of the RAS 467
May(III) 2017

On the mass of the Galactic star cluster NGC 4337.
Seleznev, A.F.; Carraro, G.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Monaco, L.; Baume, G.
The fan-beam model for the pulse evolution of PSR J0737-3039B.
Saha, L.; Dyks, J.
Optical spectroscopic classification of a selection of Southern hemisphere Fermi-LAT unclassified blazars.
Klindt, L.; van Soelen, B.; Meintjes, P.J.; Vaisanen, P.
A tale of clusters: no resolvable periodicity in the terrestrial impact cratering record.
Meier, M.M.M.; Holm-Alwmark, S.
Production of complex organic molecules: H-atom addition versus UV irradiation.
Chuang, K.-J.; Fedoseev, G.; Qasim, D.; Ioppolo, S.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Linnartz, H.
Properties of AGN coronae in the NuSTAR era - II. Hybrid plasma.
Fabian, A.C.; Lohfink, A.; Belmont, R.; Malzac, J.; Coppi, P.
Quasar emission lines as probes of orientation: implications for disc wind geometries and unification.
Matthews, J.H.; Knigge, C.; Long, K.S.
A numerical investigation of wind accretion in persistent supergiant X-ray binaries - I. Structure of the flow at the orbital scale.
El Mellah, I.; Casse, F.
Radiative striped wind model for gamma-ray bursts.
Begue, D.; Pe'er, A.; Lyubarsky, Y.
Zooming into local active galactic nuclei: the power of combining SDSS-IV MaNGA with higher resolution integral field unit observations.
Wylezalek, D.; Schnorr Muller, A.; Zakamska, N.L.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Greene, J.E.; Muller-Sanchez, F.; Kelly, M.; Liu, G.; Law, D.R.; Barrera-Ballesteros, J.K.; Riffel, R.A.; Thomas, D.
Convective quenching of field reversals in accretion disc dynamos.
Coleman, M.S.B.; Yerger, E.; Blaes, O.; Salvesen, G.; Hirose, S.
The Clouds are breaking: tracing the Magellanic system with Gaia DR1 Mira variables.
Deason, A.J.; Belokurov, V.; Erkal, D.; Koposov, S.E.; Mackey, D.
18-22 cm VLBA Faraday rotation studies of six AGN jets.
Motter, J.C.; Gabuzda, D.C.
Formation and settling of a disc galaxy during the last 8 billion years in a cosmological simulation.
Ceverino, D.; Primack, J.; Dekel, A.; Kassin, S.A.
Resonance capture at arbitrary inclination - II. Effect of the radial drift rate.
Namouni, F.; Morais, M.H.M.
Temporal resolution of a pre-maximum halt in a classical nova: V5589 Sgr observed with STEREO HI-1B.
Eyres, S.P.S.; Bewsher, D.; Hillman, Y.; Holdsworth, D.L.; Rushton, M.T.; Bresnahan, D.; Evans, A.; Mroz, P.
Soft extragalactic X-ray binaries at the Eddington Threshold.
Earnshaw, H.M.; Roberts, T.P.
Cross-correlation of weak lensing and gamma rays: implications for the nature of dark matter.
Troster, T.; Camera, S.; Fornasa, M.; Regis, M.; van Waerbeke, L.; Harnois-Deraps, J.; Ando, S.; Bilicki, M.; Erben, T.; Fornengo, N.; Heymans, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Hoekstra, H.; Kuijken, K.; Viola, M.
Complex organic molecules tracing shocks along the outflow cavity in the high-mass protostar IRAS 20126+4104.
Palau, A.; Walsh, C.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Girart, J.M.; Cesaroni, R.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Fuente, A.; Zapata, L.A.; Neri, R.
Sharp magnetic structures from dynamos with density stratification.
Jabbari, S.; Brandenburg, A.; Kleeorin, N.; Rogachevskii, I.
H I absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies.
Glowacki, M.; Allison, J.R.; Sadler, E.M.; Moss, V.A.; Curran, S.J.; Musaeva, A.; Deng, C.; Parry, R.; Sligo, M.C.
Not a Copernican observer: biased peculiar velocity statistics in the local Universe.
Hellwing, W.A.; Nusser, A.; Feix, M.; Bilicki, M.
An eLIMA model for the 67 s X-ray periodicity in CAL 83.
Odendaal, A.; Meintjes, P.J.
Origin of observed periodic components in astrophysical masers' spectra.
Siparov, S.; Samodurov, V.; Laptev, G.
The detection of variable radio emission from the fast rotating magnetic hot B-star HR 7355 and evidence for its X-ray aurorae.
Leto, P.; Trigilio, C.; Oskinova, L.; Ignace, R.; Buemi, C.S.; Umana, G.; Ingallinera, A.; Todt, H.; Leone, F.
An analytical formalism accounting for clouds and other 'surfaces' for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy.
Betremieux, Y.; Swain, M.R.
Disentangling hot Jupiters formation location from their chemical composition.
Ali-Dib, M.
Laboratory and telescope demonstration of the TP3-WFS for the adaptive optics segment of AOLI.
Colodro-Conde, C.; Velasco, S.; Fernandez-Valdivia, J.J.; Lopez, R.; Oscoz, A.; Rebolo, R.; Femenia, B.; King, D.L.; Labadie, L.; Mackay, C.; Muthusubramanian, B.; Perez Garrido, A.; Puga, M.; Rodriguez-Coira, G.; Rodriguez-Ramos, L.F.; Rodriguez-Ramos, J.M.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Villo-Perez, I.
Time evolution of the water snowline in viscous discs.
Xiao, L.; Niu, R.; Zhang, H.
Galaxies in the Illustris simulation as seen by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - II. Size-luminosity relations and the deficit of bulge-dominated galaxies in Illustris at low mass.
Bottrell, C.; Torrey, P.; Simard, L.; Ellison, S.L.
Effects of spatial fluctuations in the extragalactic background light on hard gamma-ray spectra.
Kudoda, A.M.; Faltenbacher, A.
A non cool-core 4.6-keV cluster around the bright nearby radio galaxy PKS B1416-493.
Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.
Abell 2744: too much substructure for ΛCDM?
Schwinn, J.; Jauzac, M.; Baugh, C.M.; Bartelmann, M.; Eckert, D.; Harvey, D.; Natarajan, P.; Massey, R.
Constraints on the dark matter neutralinos from the radio emissions of galaxy clusters.
Kiew, C.-Y.; Hwang, C.-Y.; Zainal Abibin, Z.
3D modelling of accretion disc in eclipsing binary system V1239 Her.
Lukin, V.V.; Malanchev, K.L.; Shakura, N.I.; Postnov, K.A.; Chechetkin, V.M.; Utrobin, V.P.
2017MNRAS.467.2943S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/467/2943)
Stellar contents and star formation in the NGC 7538 region.
Sharma, S.; Pandey, A.K.; Ojha, D.K.; Bhatt, H.; Ogura, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Yadav, R.; Pandey, J.C.
Sky Quality Meter measurements in a colour-changing world.
Sanchez de Miguel, A.; Aube, M.; Zamorano, J.; Kocifaj, M.; Roby, J.; Tapia, C.
The VMC Survey - XXIV. Signatures of tidally stripped stellar populations from the inner Small Magellanic Cloud.
Subramanian, S.; Rubele, S.; Sun, N.-C.; Girardi, L.; de Grijs, R.; van Loon, J.T.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Piatti, A.E.; Bekki, K.; Emerson, J.; Ivanov, V.D.; Kerber, L.; Marconi, M.; Ripepi, V.; Tatton, B.L.
Insights from probability distribution functions of intensity maps.
Breysse, P.C.; Kovetz, E.D.; Behroozi, P.S.; Dai, L.; Kamionkowski, M.
Decrease of the organic deuteration during the evolution of Sun-like protostars: the case of SVS13-A.
Bianchi, E.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Fontani, F.; Testi, L.; Bachiller, R.; Lefloch, B.; Podio, L.; Taquet, V.
Lensing is low: cosmology, galaxy formation or new physics?
Leauthaud, A.; Saito, S.; Hilbert, S.; Barreira, A.; More, S.; White, M.; Alam, S.; Behroozi, P.; Bundy, K.; Coupon, J.; Erben, T.; Heymans, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Mandelbaum, R.; Miller, L.; Moraes, B.; Pereira, M.E.S.; Rodriguez-Torres, S.A.; Schmidt, F.; Shan, H.-Y.; Viel, M.; Villaescusa-Navarro, F.
Single-Photon Intensity Interferometry (SPIIFy): utilizing available telescopes.
Pilyavsky, G.; Mauskopf, P.; Smith, N.; Schroeder, E.; Sinclair, A.; van Belle, G.T.; Hinkel, N.; Scowen, P.
Catching a grown-up starfish planetary nebula - I. Morpho-kinematical study of PC 22.
Sabin, L.; Gomez-Munoz, M.A.; Guerrero, M.A.; Zavala, S.; Ramos-Larios, G.; Vazquez, R.; Corral, L.; Blanco Cardenas, M.W.; Guillen, P.F.; Olguin, L.; Morisset, C.; Navarro, S.
Eccentricity and spin-orbit misalignment in short-period stellar binaries as a signpost of hidden tertiary companions.
Anderson, K.R.; Lai, D.; Storch, N.I.
The role of mergers and halo spin in shaping galaxy morphology.
Rodriguez-Gomez, V.; Sales, L.V.; Genel, S.; Pillepich, A.; Zjupa, J.; Nelson, D.; Griffen, B.; Torrey, P.; Snyder, G.F.; Vogelsberger, M.; Springel, V.; Ma, C.-P.; Hernquist, L.
Infrared diffuse interstellar bands.
Galazutdinov, G.A.; Lee, J.-J.; Han, I.; Lee, B.-C.; Valyavin, G.; Krelowski, J.
WR 148: identifying the companion of an extreme runaway massive binary*.
Munoz, M.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Hill, G.M.; Shenar, T.; Richardson, N.D.; Pablo, H.; St-Louis, N.; Ramiaramanantsoa, T.
AE Ursae Majoris - a δ Scuti star in the Hertzsprung Gap.
Niu, J.-S.; Fu, J.-N.; Li, Y.; Yang, X.-H.; Zong, W.; Xue, H.-F.; Zhang, Y.-P.; Liu, N.; Du, B.; Zuo, F.
2017MNRAS.467.3140S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/467/3140)
Angular momentum evolution of galaxies over the past 10 Gyr: a MUSE and KMOS dynamical survey of 400 star-forming galaxies from z = 0.3 to 1.7.
Swinbank, A.M.; Harrison, C.M.; Trayford, J.; Schaller, M.; Smail, I.; Schaye, J.; Theuns, T.; Smit, R.; Alexander, D.M.; Bacon, R.; Bower, R.G.; Contini, T.; Crain, R.A.; de Breuck, C.; Decarli, R.; Epinat, B.; Fumagalli, M.; Furlong, M.; Galametz, A.; Johnson, H.L.; Lagos, C.; Richard, J.; Vernet, J.; Sharples, R.M.; Sobral, D.; Stott, J.P.
Synthetic absorption lines for a clumpy medium: a spectral signature for cloud acceleration in AGN?
Waters, T.; Proga, D.; Dannen, R.; Kallman, T.R.
2017MNRAS.467.3172G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/467/3172)
VoIgt profile Parameter Estimation Routine (VIPER): H I photoionization rate at z < 0.5.
Gaikwad, P.; Srianand, R.; Choudhury, T.R.; Khaire, V.
Precision cosmology with baryons: non-radiative hydrodynamics of galaxy groups.
Rabold, M.; Teyssier, R.
Torsional Alfven resonances as an efficient damping mechanism for non-radial oscillations in red giant stars.
Loi, S.T.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
On the shape of dark matter haloes from MultiDark Planck simulations.
Vega-Ferrero, J.; Yepes, G.; Gottlober, S.
Age-dating luminous red galaxies observed with the Southern African Large Telescope.
Ratsimbazafy, A.L.; Loubser, S.I.; Crawford, S.M.; Cress, C.M.; Bassett, B.A.; Nichol, R.C.; Vaisanen, P.
Rotation in young massive star clusters.
Mapelli, M.
Evidence of pre-processing and a dependence on dynamical state for low-mass satellite galaxies.
Roberts, I.D.; Parker, L.C.
Reconnection and particle acceleration in interacting flux ropes - I. Magnetohydrodynamics and test particles in 2.5D.
Ripperda, B.; Porth, O.; Xia, C.; Keppens, R.
Type II intermediate-luminosity optical transients (ILOTs).
Kashi, A.; Soker, N.
A gravitationally boosted MUSE survey for emission-line galaxies at z >= 5 behind the massive cluster RCS 0224.
Smit, R.; Swinbank, A.M.; Massey, R.; Richard, J.; Smail, I.; Kneib, J.-P.
The dependence of protostar formation on the geometry and strength of the initial magnetic field.
Lewis, B.T.; Bate, M.R.
Occurrence of LINER galaxies within the galaxy group environment.
Coldwell, G.V.; Pereyra, L.; Alonso, S.; Donoso, E.; Duplancic, F.
Supernova progenitors, their variability and the Type IIP Supernova ASASSN-16fq in M66.
Kochanek, C.S.; Fraser, M.; Adams, S.M.; Sukhbold, T.; Prieto, J.L.; Muller, T.; Bock, G.; Brown, J.S.; Dong, S.; Holoien, T.W.-S.; Khan, R.; Shappee, B.J.; Stanek, K.Z.
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: higher order correlations revealed by germ-grain Minkowski functionals.
Wiegand, A.; Eisenstein, D.J.
Dust traps as planetary birthsites: basics and vortex formation.
Owen, J.E.; Kollmeier, J.A.
Evidence for coherent spicule oscillations from correcting Hinode/SOT Ca II H in the south-east limb of the Sun.
Ahangarzadeh Maralani, A.R.; Tavabi, E.; Ajabshirizadeh, A.
An ultra-dense fast outflow in a quasar at z = 2.4.
Williams, R.J.; Maiolino, R.; Krongold, Y.; Carniani, S.; Cresci, G.; Mannucci, F.; Marconi, A.
On the lack of a radio afterglow from some gamma-ray bursts - insight into their progenitors?
Lloyd-Ronning, N.M.; Fryer, C.L.
Testing the conditional mass function of dark matter haloes against numerical N-body simulations.
Tramonte, D.; Rubino-Martin, J.A.; Betancort-Rijo, J.; Dalla Vecchia, C.
A search for circularly polarized emission from young exoplanets.
Lynch, C.R.; Murphy, T.; Kaplan, D.L.; Ireland, M.; Bell, M.E.
The mass function of unprocessed dark matter haloes and merger tree branching rates.
Benson, A.J.
The effect of X-ray dust scattering on a bright burst from the magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408.
Pintore, F.; Mereghetti, S.; Tiengo, A.; Vianello, G.; Costantini, E.; Esposito, P.
Black hole feeding and feedback: the physics inside the 'sub-grid'.
Negri, A.; Volonteri, M.
Pulsar braking and the P-{dot}P diagram.
Johnston, S.; Karastergiou, A.
Multicolour modelling of SN 2013dx associated with GRB 130702A.
Volnova, A.A.; Pruzhinskaya, M.V.; Pozanenko, A.S.; Blinnikov, S.I.; Minaev, P.Y.; Burkhonov, O.A.; Chernenko, A.M.; Ehgamberdiev, S.A.; Inasaridze, R.; Jelinek, M.; Khorunzhev, G.A.; Klunko, E.V.; Krugly, Y.N.; Mazaeva, E.D.; Rumyantsev, V.V.; Volvach, A.E.
On the dust and gas components of the z = 2.8 gravitationally lensed quasar host RX J0911.4+0551.
Tuan-Anh, P.; Hoai, D.T.; Nhung, P.T.; Diep, P.N.; Phuong, N.T.; Thao, N.T.; Darriulat, P.
A study of singly deuterated cyclopropenylidene c-C3HD in the protostar IRAS 16293-2422.
Majumdar, L.; Gratier, P.; Andron, I.; Wakelam, V.; Caux, E.
Testing galaxy quenching theories with scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation.
Tinker, J.L.
Erratum: A burst in a wind bubble and the impact on baryonic ejecta: high-energy gamma-ray flashes and afterglows from fast radio bursts and pulsar-driven supernova remnants.
Murase, K.; Kashiyama, K.; Meszaros, P.
Clues to the origin of Fermi bubbles from O VIII/O VII LINE RATIO.
Sarkar, K.C.; Nath, B.B.; Sharma, P.
Mass transfer in white dwarf-neutron star binaries.
Bobrick, A.; Davies, M.B.; Church, R.P.
THE-WIZZ: clustering redshift estimation for everyone.
Morrison, C.B.; Hildebrandt, H.; Schmidt, S.J.; Baldry, I.K.; Bilicki, M.; Choi, A.; Erben, T.; Schneider, P.
X-ray spectroscopy of the z = 6.4 quasar SDSS J1148+5251.
Gallerani, S.; Zappacosta, L.; Orofino, M.C.; Piconcelli, E.; Vignali, C.; Ferrara, A.; Maiolino, R.; Fiore, F.; Gilli, R.; Pallottini, A.; Neri, R.; Feruglio, C.
Analytic description of neutron star cooling.
Ofengeim, D.D.; Yakovlev, D.G.
The disc-jet symbiosis emerges: modelling the emission of Sagittarius A* with electron thermodynamics.
Ressler, S.M.; Tchekhovskoy, A.; Quataert, E.; Gammie, C.F.
Universal small-scale structure in turbulence driven by magnetorotational instability.
Zhdankin, V.; Walker, J.; Boldyrev, S.; Lesur, G.
Dissecting the extended main-sequence turn-off of the young star cluster NGC 1850.
Correnti, M.; Goudfrooij, P.; Bellini, A.; Kalirai, J.S.; Puzia, T.H.
A single H II region model of the strong interstellar scattering towards Sgr A*.
Sicheneder, E.; Dexter, J.
Kinematic clues to the origins of starless H I clouds: dark galaxies or tidal debris?
Taylor, R.; Davies, J.I.; Jachym, P.; Keenan, O.; Minchin, R.F.; Palous, J.; Smith, R.; Wunsch, R.
An azimuthally resolved study of the cold front in Abell 3667.
Ichinohe, Y.; Simionescu, A.; Werner, N.; Takahashi, T.
Large-scale retrospective relative spectrophotometric self-calibration in space.
Markovic, K.; Percival, W.J.; Scodeggio, M.; Ealet, A.; Wachter, S.; Garilli, B.; Guzzo, L.; Scaramella, R.; Maiorano, E.; Amiaux, J.
High-resolution altitude profiles of the atmospheric turbulence with PML at the Sutherland Observatory.
Catala, L.; Ziad, A.; Fantei-Caujolle, Y.; Crawford, S.M.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Borgnino, J.; Blary, F.; Nickola, M.; Pickering, T.
Evidence of bar-driven secular evolution in the gamma-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy FBQS J164442.5+261913.
Olguin-Iglesias, A.; Kotilainen, J.K.; Leon Tavares, J.; Chavushyan, V.; Anorve, C.
Constraints on the optical polarization source in the luminous non-blazar quasar 3C 323.1 (PG 1545+210) from the photometric and polarimetric variability.
Kokubo, M.
High-frequency cluster radio galaxies: luminosity functions and implications for SZE-selected cluster samples.
Gupta, N.; Saro, A.; Mohr, J.J.; Benson, B.A.; Bocquet, S.; Capasso, R.; Carlstrom, J.E.; Chiu, I.; Crawford, T.M.; de Haan, T.; Dietrich, J.P.; Gangkofner, C.; Holzapfel, W.L.; McDonald, M.; Rapetti, D.; Reichardt, C.L.
Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dwarf Irregular galaxies: a link between dwarf Irregulars and ultra diffuse galaxies?
Bellazzini, M.; Belokurov, V.; Magrini, L.; Fraternali, F.; Testa, V.; Beccari, G.; Marchetti, A.; Carini, R.
Carbon and oxygen in H II regions of the Magellanic Clouds: abundance discrepancy and chemical evolution.
Toribio San Cipriano, L.; Dominguez-Guzman, G.; Esteban, C.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Mesa-Delgado, A.; Bresolin, F.; Rodriguez, M.; Simon-Diaz, S.
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