Monthly Notices of the RAS 465
March(II) 2017

On the origin of the Schechter-like mass function of young star clusters in disc galaxies.
Lieberz, P. ; Kroupa, P. (1)
2017MNRAS.465.3784B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/3784)
Very thin disc galaxies in the SDSS catalogue of edge-on galaxies.
Bizyaev, D.V. (1) ; Kautsch, S.J. ; Sotnikova, N.Y. ; Reshetnikov, V.P. ; Mosenkov, A.V. (4) (5)
Shock evolution in non-radiative supernova remnants.
Tang, X. ; Chevalier, R.A.
Illuminating gas inflows/outflows in the MUSE deepest fields: Lyα nebulae around forming galaxies at z ≃ 3.3.
Vanzella, E. ; Balestra, I. (2) ; Gronke, M. ; Karman, W. ; Caminha, G.B. ; Dijkstra, M. ; Rosati, P. ; De Barros, S. (1) ; Caputi, K. ; Grillo, C. (8) ; Tozzi, P. ; Meneghetti, M. ; Mercurio, A. ; Gilli, R.
The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): galaxy segregation inside filaments at z ≃ 0.7.
Malavasi, N. (1) ; Arnouts, S. ; Vibert, D. ; de la Torre, S. ; Moutard, T. ; Pichon, C. (3) ; Davidzon, I. ; Kraljic, K. ; Bolzonella, M. ; Guzzo, L. (6) ; Garilli, B. ; Scodeggio, M. ; Granett, B.R. (6) ; Abbas, U. ; Adami, C. ; Bottini, D. ; Cappi, A. (5) ; Cucciati, O. (1) ; Franzetti, P. ; Fritz, A. ; Iovino, A. ; Krywult, J. ; Le Brun, V. ; Le Fevre, O. ; Maccagni, D. ; Malek, K. ; Marulli, F. (1) (5) ; Polletta, M. (8) (14) ; Pollo, A. (12) ; Tasca, L. ; Tojeiro, R. ; Vergani, D. ; Zanichelli, A. ; Bel, J. ; Branchini, E. (21) (22) ; Coupon, J. ; De Lucia, G. ; Dubois, Y. ; Hawken, A. ; Ilbert, O. ; Laigle, C. ; Moscardini, L. (1) (5) ; Sousbie, T. ; Treyer, M. ; Zamorani, G.
Assessing the quality of restored images in optical long-baseline interferometry.
Gomes, N. (1) (2) ; Garcia, P.J.V. (1) ; Thiebaut, E.
Tidal disruption events from supermassive black hole binaries.
Coughlin, E.R. (1) (2) ; Armitage, P.J. (2) ; Nixon, C. ; Begelman, M.C. (2)
Radial drift of dust in protoplanetary discs: the evolution of ice lines and dead zones.
Cridland, A.J. ; Pudritz, R.E. (1) (2) (3) ; Birnstiel, T.
2017MNRAS.465.3879C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/3879)
Analysis of the kinematic structure of the Cygnus OB1 association.
Costado, M.T. ; Alfaro, E.J. ; Gonzalez, M. ; Sampedro, L. (1)
Long-term variability of T Tauri stars using WASP.
Rigon, L. ; Scholz, A. ; Anderson, D. ; West, R.
Images and spectral properties of two-component advective flows around black holes: effects of photon bending.
Chatterjee, A. ; Chakrabarti, S.K. (1) ; Ghosh, H.
The properties of `dark' ΛCDM haloes in the Local Group.
Benitez-Llambay, A. ; Navarro, J.F. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Sawala, T. ; Oman, K. ; Fattahi, A. ; Schaller, M. ; Schaye, J. ; Crain, R.A. ; Theuns, T.
Dynamics of stellar spin driven by planets undergoing Lidov-Kozai migration: paths to spin-orbit misalignment.
Storch, N.I. (1) ; Lai, D. ; Anderson, K.R.
Discovery of five low-luminosity active galactic nuclei at the centre of the Perseus cluster.
Park, S. (1) ; Yang, J. (3) ; Oonk, J.B.R. (5) ; Paragi, Z.
Origin of slow-rotating minor bodies by tidal decoupling of binary pairs.
Brunini, A.
C60+ - looking for the bucky-ball in interstellar space.
Galazutdinov, G.A. (1) (2) ; Shimansky, V.V. ; Bondar, A. ; Valyavin, G. ; Krelowski, J.
Investigating the X-ray time lags in PG 1244+026 using an extended corona model.
Chainakun, P. ; Young, A.J.
2017MNRAS.465.3977J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/3977)
Blue diffuse dwarf galaxies: a clearer picture.
James, B.L. (1) (2) ; Koposov, S.E. ; Stark, D.P. ; Belokurov, V. ; Pettini, M. ; Olszewski, E.W. ; McQuinn, K.B.W.
Variations of cosmic large-scale structure covariance matrices across parameter space.
Reischke, R. ; Kiessling, A. ; Schafer, B.M.
A perturbation study of axisymmetric strongly magnetic degenerate stars: the case of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs.
Bera, P. ; Bhattacharya, D.
The K-band luminosity functions of cluster galaxies.
De Propris, R.
Dust masses for SN 1980K, SN1993J and Cassiopeia A from red-blue emission line asymmetries.
Bevan, A. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Milisavljevic, D.
Constraint on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from H2 and HD absorption at zabs ≃ 2.34.
Dapra, M. ; van der Laan, M. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Ubachs, W.
Peculiar double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars of the OGLE collection - II. Short-period stars with a dominant radial fundamental mode.
Prudil, Z. (1) ; Smolec, R. ; Skarka, M. ; Netzel, H.
2017MNRAS.465.4085G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4085)
Multifrequency polarimetry of a complete sample of PACO radio sources.
Galluzzi, V. (1) ; Massardi, M. ; Bonaldi, A. (3) ; Casasola, V. ; Gregorini, L. ; Trombetti, T. (6) (7) ; Burigana, C. (6) (7) ; De Zotti, G. (9) ; Ricci, R. ; Stevens, J. ; Ekers, R.D. (12) ; Bonavera, L. ; di Serego Alighieri, S. ; Liuzzo, E. ; Lopez-Caniego, M. ; Mignano, A. ; Paladino, R. ; Toffolatti, L. (6) ; Tucci, M.
The Hoffmeister asteroid family.
Carruba, V. ; Novakovic, B. ; Aljbaae, S.
Calculating transient rates from surveys.
Carbone, D. ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Rowlinson, A. (1)
2dFLenS and KiDS: determining source redshift distributions with cross-correlations.
Johnson, A. (1) ; Blake, C. (1) ; Amon, A. ; Erben, T. ; Glazebrook, K. ; Harnois-Deraps, J. ; Heymans, C. ; Hildebrandt, H. ; Joudaki, S. (1) ; Klaes, D. ; Kuijken, K. ; Lidman, C. ; Marin, F.A. (1) ; McFarland, J. ; Morrison, C.B. (4) ; Parkinson, D. ; Poole, G.B. ; Radovich, M. ; Wolf, C.
The growth of discs and bulges during hierarchical galaxy formation - II. Metallicity, stellar populations and dynamical evolution.
Tonini, C. ; Mutch, S.J. ; Wyithe, J.S.B. ; Croton, D.J.
Exploring the multifaceted circumstellar environment of the luminous blue variable HR Carinae.
Buemi, C.S. ; Trigilio, C. ; Leto, P. ; Umana, G. ; Ingallinera, A. ; Cavallaro, F. (1) (2) ; Cerrigone, L. ; Agliozzo, C. (5) ; Bufano, F. ; Riggi, S. ; Molinari, S. ; Schilliro, F.
The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - II. The detection of multiple populations in three intermediate-age SMC clusters.
Niederhofer, F. ; Bastian, N. ; Kozhurina-Platais, V. ; Larsen, S. ; Hollyhead, K. ; Lardo, C. ; Cabrera-Ziri, I. (2) ; Kacharov, N. ; Platais, I. ; Salaris, M. ; Cordero, M. ; Dalessandro, E. (8) ; Geisler, D. ; Hilker, M. ; Li, C. ; Mackey, D. ; Mucciarelli, A.
Imprint of DES superstructures on the cosmic microwave background.
Kovacs, A. ; Sanchez, C. ; Garcia-Bellido, J. ; Nadathur, S. ; Crittenden, R. ; Gruen, D. (4) (5) ; Huterer, D. ; Bacon, D. ; Clampitt, J. ; DeRose, J. (4) ; Dodelson, S. (9) ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Jain, B. ; Kirk, D. ; Lahav, O. ; Miquel, R. (1) ; Naidoo, K. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Soergel, B. (15) ; Whiteway, L. ; Abdalla, F.B. (12) ; Allam, S. ; Annis, J. ; Benoit-Levy, A. (12) (18) ; Bertin, E. (18) ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Rosell, A.C. (20) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (22) ; Carretero, J. (11) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. (3) ; da Costa, L.N. (20) ; DePoy, D.L. ; Desai, S. (26) ; Eifler, T.F. ; Finley, D.A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (10) ; Giannantonio, T. (15) ; Goldstein, D.A. (30) ; Gruendl, R.A. (22) ; Gutierrez, G. ; James, D.J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Marshall, J.L. ; Melchior, P. ; Menanteau, F. (22) ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. (20) ; Plazas, A.A. ; Romer, A.K. ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Sobreira, F. (38) ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Walker, A.R. ; DES, C.
2017MNRAS.465.4180P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4180)
Emission-line stars in M31 from the SPLASH and PHAT surveys.
Prichard, L.J. ; Guhathakurta, P. ; Hamren, K.M. ; Dalcanton, J.J. ; Dorman, C.E. ; Seth, A.C. ; Williams, B.F. ; Damon, G.A. ; Ilango, A. ; Ilango, M.
Galaxy-galaxy lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data.
Clampitt, J. ; Sanchez, C. ; Kwan, J. ; Krause, E. ; MacCrann, N. ; Park, Y. (5) ; Troxel, M.A. ; Jain, B. ; Rozo, E. ; Rykoff, E.S. (3) ; Wechsler, R.H. (3) (7) ; Blazek, J. ; Bonnett, C. ; Crocce, M. ; Fang, Y. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Gruen, D. (3) ; Jarvis, M. ; Miquel, R. (2) ; Prat, J. ; Ross, A.J. ; Sheldon, E. ; Zuntz, J. ; Abbott, T.M.C. ; Abdalla, F.B. (14) ; Armstrong, R. ; Becker, M.R. (3) ; Benoit-Levy, A. (14) (17) ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Bertin, E. (17) ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D.L. (3) ; Carnero Rosell, A. (19) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (21) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. (23) ; da Costa, L.N. (19) ; Desai, S. (25) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (25) ; Doel, P. ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. (28) ; Fausti Neto, A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (6) ; Gruendl, R.A. (21) ; Honscheid, K. (9) ; James, D.J. ; Kuehn, K. (31) ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Lima, M. (19) (31) ; March, M. ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, P. (9) ; Melchior, P. ; Mohr, J.J. (25) (26) ; Nichol, R.C. ; Nord, B. ; Plazas, A.A. ; Romer, A.K. ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Vikram, V. ; Walker, A.R.
Gas kinematics in the H II regions G351.69-1.15 and G351.63-1.25.
Veena, V.S. ; Vig, S. ; Tej, A. ; Kantharia, N.G. ; Ghosh, S.K.
The interplay of the collisionless non-linear thin-shell instability with the ion acoustic instability.
Dieckmann, M.E. ; Folini, D. ; Walder, R.
Incidence of H I 21-cm absorption in strong Fe II systems at 0.5 < z < 1.5.
Dutta, R. ; Srianand, R. ; Gupta, N. ; Joshi, R. ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Ge, J. ; Krogager, J.-K. (2)
Perturbative solution to the Lane-Emden equation: an eigenvalue approach.
Yip, K.L.S. ; Chan, T.K. (1) ; Leung, P.T.
The topology of the cosmic web in terms of persistent Betti numbers.
Pranav, P. (1) ; Edelsbrunner, H. ; van de Weygaert, R. ; Vegter, G. ; Kerber, M. ; Jones, B.J.T. ; Wintraecken, M. (4)
A new automated spectral feature extraction method and its application in spectral classification and defective spectra recovery.
Wang, Ke (1) ; Guo, P. (1) ; Luo, A.-L.
VDES J2325-5229 a z = 2.7 gravitationally lensed quasar discovered using morphology-independent supervised machine learning.
Ostrovski, F. (1) (2) ; McMahon, R.G. (1) ; Connolly, A.J. (1) ; Lemon, C.A. (1) ; Auger, M.W. ; Banerji, M. (1) ; Hung, J.M. (1) ; Koposov, S.E. ; Lidman, C.E. (6) ; Reed, S.L. (1) ; Allam, S. ; Benoit-Levy, A. (9) (10) ; Bertin, E. (9) ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Carnero Rosell, A. (12) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (14) ; Carretero, J. (16) ; Cunha, C.E. ; da Costa, L.N. (12) ; Desai, S. (19) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (19) ; Evrard, A.E. (21) ; Finley, D.A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Fosalba, P. ; Frieman, J. (8) ; Gerdes, D.W. ; Goldstein, D.A. (24) ; Gruen, D. (18) ; Gruendl, R.A. (14) ; Gutierrez, G. ; Honscheid, K. (27) ; James, D.J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lima, M. (12) ; Lin, H. ; Maia, M.A.G. (12) ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, P. (27) ; Melchior, P. ; Miquel, R. (17) ; Ogando, R. (12) ; Plazas Malagon, A. ; Reil, K. ; Romer, K. ; Sanchez, E. ; Santiago, B. (12) ; Scarpine, V. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. (12) ; Suchyta, E. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Tucker, D.L. ; Walker, A.R.
The Calern Asteroid Polarimetric Survey using the Torino polarimeter: assessment of instrument performances and first scientific results.
Devogele, M. (1) ; Cellino, A. ; Bagnulo, S. ; Rivet, J.P. ; Bendjoya, P. ; Abe, L. ; Pernechele, C. ; Massone, G. ; Vernet, D. ; Tanga, P. ; Dimur, C.
Galaxy gas as obscurer - II. Separating the galaxy-scale and nuclear obscurers of active galactic nuclei.
Buchner, J. (1) ; Bauer, F.E. (1) (2)
Multiple stellar populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - V. The split main sequence of the young cluster NGC 1866.
Milone, A.P. ; Marino, A.F. ; D'Antona, F. ; Bedin, L.R. ; Piotto, G. (3) ; Jerjen, H. ; Anderson, J. ; Dotter, A. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Lagioia, E.P. (7)
Constraining stellar binary black hole formation scenarios with eLISA eccentricity measurements.
Nishizawa, A. ; Sesana, A. ; Berti, E. (1) ; Klein, A. (1)
Eccentricity distribution in the main asteroid belt.
Malhotra, R. ; Wang, X. (1)
The discovery of gas-rich, dusty starbursts in luminous reddened quasars at z ∼ 2.5 with ALMA.
Banerji, M. (1) ; Carilli, C.L. (3) ; Jones, G. (3) ; Wagg, J. ; McMahon, R.G. (1) ; Hewett, P.C. ; Alaghband-Zadeh, S. ; Feruglio, C.
Evolution of an accretion disc in binary black hole systems.
Kimura, S.S. (1) (2) ; Takahashi, S.Z. ; Toma, K. (1)
How to infer the Sun's global magnetic field using the Hanle effect.
Vieu, T. (1) ; Martinez Gonzalez, M.J. (1) ; Pastor Yabar, A. (1) ; Asensio Ramos, A. (1)
Multiband optical variability of the blazar OJ 287 during its outbursts in 2015-2016.
Gupta, A.C. (1) ; Agarwal, A. ; Mishra, A. ; Gaur, H. ; Wiita, P.J. ; Gu, M.F. ; Kurtanidze, O.M. (4) ; Damljanovic, G. ; Uemura, M. ; Semkov, E. ; Strigachev, A. ; Bachev, R. ; Vince, O. ; Zhang, Z. ; Villarroel, B. ; Kushwaha, P. ; Pandey, A. ; Abe, T. ; Chanishvili, R. ; Chigladze, R.A. ; Fan, J.H. ; Hirochi, J. ; Itoh, R. ; Kanda, Y. ; Kawabata, M. ; Kimeridze, G.N. ; Kurtanidze, S.O. ; Latev, G. ; Dimitrova, R.V.M. ; Nakaoka, T. ; Nikolashvili, M.G. ; Shiki, K. ; Sigua, L.A. ; Spassov, B.
Thermal X-ray emission from massive, fast rotating, highly magnetized white dwarfs.
Caceres, D.L. (1) ; de Carvalho, S.M. ; Coelho, J.G. ; de Lima, R.C.R. (2) ; Rueda, J.A. (1) (2)
The precise and powerful chaos of the 5:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter.
Todorovic, N.
Illuminating the past 8 billion years of cold gas towards two gravitationally lensed quasars.
Allison, J.R. ; Moss, V.A. (2) ; Macquart, J.-P. (3) ; Curran, S.J. ; Duchesne, S.W. ; Mahony, E.K. (2) ; Sadler, E.M. (2) ; Whiting, M.T. ; Bannister, K.W. ; Chippendale, A.P. ; Edwards, P.G. ; Harvey-Smith, L. ; Heywood, I. (1) ; Indermuehle, B.T. ; Lenc, E. (1) (2) ; Marvil, J. ; McConnell, D. ; Sault, R.J. (1)
The nova-like nebular optical spectrum of V404 Cygni at the beginning of the 2015 outburst decay.
Rahoui, F. (1) ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Gandhi, P. ; Casella, P. ; Furst, F. ; Natalucci, L. ; Rossi, A. ; Shaw, A.W. ; Testa, V. ; Walton, D.J.
Do water fountain jets really indicate the onset of the morphological metamorphosis of circumstellar envelopes?
Yung, B.H.K. (1) ; Nakashima, J.-I. (3) ; Hsia, C.-H. (4) (5) ; Imai, H.
Simulating cosmic ray physics on a moving mesh.
Pfrommer, C. ; Pakmor, R. ; Schaal, K. (1) ; Simpson, C.M. ; Springel, V. (1)
2017MNRAS.465.4530B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4530)
The weirdest SDSS galaxies: results from an outlier detection algorithm.
Baron, D. ; Poznanski, D.
Evaluation of data compression techniques for the inference of stellar atmospheric parameters from high-resolution spectra.
Gonzalez-Marcos, A. ; Sarro, L.M. ; Ordieres-Mere, J. ; Bello-Garcia, A.
SDSS-IV MaNGA: environmental dependence of stellar age and metallicity gradients in nearby galaxies.
Zheng, Z. ; Wang, H. ; Ge, J. ; Mao, S. (1) (3) ; Li, C. (3) ; Li, R. ; Mo, H. (3) ; Goddard, D. ; Bundy, K. ; Li, H. ; Nair, P. ; Lin, L. ; Long, R.J. (1) ; Riffel, R. (11) ; Thomas, D. ; Masters, K. ; Bizyaev, D. (13) ; Brownstein, J.R. ; Zhang, K. ; Law, D.R. ; Drory, N. ; Roman Lopes, A. ; Malanushenko, O.
Separating galaxies from the cluster dark matter halo in Abell 611.
Monna, A. (1) ; Seitz, S. (1) ; Geller, M.J. ; Zitrin, A. ; Mercurio, A. ; Suyu, S.H. (6) ; Postman, M. ; Fabricant, D.G. ; Hwang, H.S. ; Koekemoer, A.
A millisecond pulsar candidate in a 21-h orbit: 3FGL J0212.1+5320.
Linares, M. (1) (2) ; Miles-Paez, P. (1) ; Rodriguez-Gil, P. (1) ; Shahbaz, T. (1) ; Casares, J. (1) (2) ; Farina, C. (1) ; Karjalainen, R.
The impact of magnetic fields on the chemical evolution of the supernova-driven ISM.
Pardi, A. ; Girichidis, P. ; Naab, T. ; Walch, S. ; Peters, T. ; Heitsch, F. ; Glover, S.C.O. ; Klessen, R.S. ; Wunsch, R. ; Gatto, A.
H0LiCOW. VI. Testing the fidelity of lensed quasar host galaxy reconstruction.
Ding, X. (1) ; Liao, K. ; Treu, T. ; Suyu, S.H. (3) (4) ; Chen, G.C.-F. (6) ; Auger, M.W. ; Marshall, P.J. ; Agnello, A. (2) ; Courbin, F. ; Nierenberg, A.M. ; Rusu, C.E. ; Sluse, D. ; Sonnenfeld, A. ; Wong, K.C. (14)
On the progenitor of the Type IIb supernova 2016gkg.
Kilpatrick, C.D. ; Foley, R.J. ; Abramson, L.E. ; Pan, Y.-C. ; Lu, C.-X. ; Williams, P. ; Treu, T. ; Siebert, M.R. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Max, C.E.
Improving fast generation of halo catalogues with higher order Lagrangian perturbation theory.
Munari, E. (1) (2) ; Monaco, P. (1) ; Sefusatti, E. ; Castorina, E. (5) ; Mohammad, F.G. ; Anselmi, S. ; Borgani, S. (1) (2)
2017MNRAS.465.4678M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4678)
Characterization of 9380 contact binaries from the CRTS Variable Sources Catalogue.
Marsh, F.M. ; Prince, T.A. ; Mahabal, A.A. ; Bellm, E.C. ; Drake, A.J. ; Djorgovski, S.G.
K-shell photoionization of O^4 +^ and O^5 +^ ions: experiment and theory.
McLaughlin, B.M. (1) ; Bizau, J.-M. (3) ; Cubaynes, D. (3) ; Guilbaud, S. ; Douix, S. ; Al Shorman, M.M. ; El Ghazaly, M.O.A. ; Sakho, I. ; Gharaibeh, M.F.
The universal rotation curve of dwarf disc galaxies.
Karukes, E.V. (1) (2) ; Salucci, P. (1)
2017MNRAS.465.4723K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4723)
Optical spectra of ultracool dwarfs with the Southern African Large Telescope.
Koen, C. ; Miszalski, B. (2) ; Vaisanen, P. (2) ; Koen, T.
The role of disc self-gravity in circumbinary planet systems - I. Disc structure and evolution.
Mutter, M.M. ; Pierens, A. (2) ; Nelson, R.P.
Radio and infrared study of the star-forming region IRAS 20286+4105.
Ramachandran, V. ; Das, S.R. ; Tej, A. ; Vig, S. ; Ghosh, S.K. (2) ; Ojha, D.K.
A candidate dual AGN in a double-peaked emission-line galaxy with precessing radio jets.
Rubinur, K. (1) ; Das, M. ; Kharb, P. ; Honey, M. (1)
Estimating the distribution of rest-frame time-scales for blazar jets: a statistical approach.
Liodakis, I. (1) ; Blinov, D. (1) (2) ; Papadakis, I. (1) ; Pavlidou, V. (1)
A high fraction of Be stars in young massive clusters: evidence for a large population of near-critically rotating stars.
Bastian, N. ; Cabrera-Ziri, I. (1) ; Niederhofer, F. ; de Mink, S. ; Georgy, C. ; Baade, D. ; Correnti, M. ; Usher, C. ; Romaniello, M.
Turbulence and particle acceleration in giant radio haloes: the origin of seed electrons.
Pinzke, A. (1) ; Oh, S.P. ; Pfrommer, C.
22Ne and 23Na ejecta from intermediate-mass stars: the impact of the new LUNA rate for 22Ne(p, γ)23Na.
Slemer, A. ; Marigo, P. (1) ; Piatti, D. (1) ; Aliotta, M. ; Bemmerer, D. ; Best, A. ; Boeltzig, A. ; Bressan, A. ; Broggini, C. ; Bruno, C.G. ; Caciolli, A. (1) ; Cavanna, F. ; Ciani, G.F. ; Corvisiero, P. ; Davinson, T. ; Depalo, R. (1) ; Di Leva, A. ; Elekes, Z. ; Ferraro, F. ; Formicola, A. ; Fulop, Z. ; Gervino, G. ; Guglielmetti, A. ; Gustavino, C. ; Gyurky, G. ; Imbriani, G. ; Junker, M. ; Menegazzo, R. ; Mossa, V. ; Pantaleo, F.R. ; Prati, P. ; Straniero, O. (15) ; Szucs, T. ; Takacs, M.P. ; Trezzi, D.
The global history of reionization.
Greig, B. ; Mesinger, A.
Testing gravity on large scales by combining weak lensing with galaxy clustering using CFHTLenS and BOSS CMASS.
Alam, S. (1) (2) ; Miyatake, H. (4) (5) ; More, S. ; Ho, S. (1) ; Mandelbaum, R. (1)
Features of collisionless turbulence in the intracluster medium from simulated Faraday rotation maps - II. The effects of instabilities feedback.
Santos-Lima, R. ; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M. ; Falceta-Goncalves, D.A. ; Nakwacki, M.S. (3) ; Kowal, G. (2)
Hiding in plain sight - recovering clusters of galaxies with the strongest AGN in their cores.
Green, T.S. ; Edge, A.C. ; Ebeling, H. ; Burgett, W.S. ; Draper, P.W. ; Kaiser, N. ; Kudritzki, R.-P. ; Magnier, E.A. ; Metcalfe, N. ; Wainscoat, R.J. ; Waters, C.
Constraining the mass of the Local Group.
Carlesi, E. ; Hoffman, Y. ; Sorce, J.G. ; Gottlober, S.
H0LiCOW - IV. Lens mass model of HE 0435-1223 and blind measurement of its time-delay distance for cosmology.
Wong, K.C. (1) ; Suyu, S.H. (3) (2) ; Auger, M.W. ; Bonvin, V. ; Courbin, F. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Halkola, A. ; Rusu, C.E. ; Sluse, D. ; Sonnenfeld, A. ; Treu, T. ; Collett, T.E. ; Hilbert, S. (13) ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Marshall, P.J. ; Rumbaugh, N.
2017MNRAS.465.4914B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4914)
H0LiCOW - V. New COSMOGRAIL time delays of HE 0435-1223: H0 to 3.8 per cent precision from strong lensing in a flat ΛCDM model.
Bonvin, V. ; Courbin, F. ; Suyu, S.H. (2) (3) ; Marshall, P.J. ; Rusu, C.E. ; Sluse, D. ; Tewes, M. ; Wong, K.C. (9) ; Collett, T. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Treu, T. ; Auger, M.W. ; Hilbert, S. (13) ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Meylan, G. ; Rumbaugh, N. ; Sonnenfeld, A. (16) (11) ; Spiniello, C.
Statistics of turbulence parameters at Maunakea using the multiple wavefront sensor data of RAVEN.
Ono, Y.H. (1) ; Correia, C.M. ; Andersen, D.R. ; Lardiere, O. ; Oya, S. ; Akiyama, M. ; Jackson, K. ; Bradley, C.
On the complexity and the information content of cosmic structures.
Vazza, F. (1)
Reconstructing the velocity dispersion profiles from the line-of-sight kinematic data in disc galaxies.
Marchuk, A.A. ; Sotnikova, N.Y. (1)
2017MNRAS.465.4968H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/465/4968)
Hunting for eclipses: high-speed observations of cataclysmic variables.
Hardy, L.K. ; McAllister, M.J. ; Dhillon, V.S. (1) ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Bours, M.C.P. (3) ; Breedt, E. ; Butterley, T. ; Chakpor, A. ; Irawati, P. ; Kerry, P. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Parsons, S.G. ; Savoury, C.D.J. ; Wilson, R.W. ; Woudt, P.A.
Relation between spectral changes and the presence of the lower kHz QPO in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53.
Pustilnik, S.A. ; Makarova, L.N. ; Perepelitsyna, Y.A. ; Moiseev, A.V. ; Makarov, D.I. ; Zhang, G. ; Mendez, M. ; Sanna, A. ; Ribeiro, E.M. ; Gelfand, J.D. (1)
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope detection of associated H I 21-cm absorption at z = 1.2230 towards TXS 1954+513.
Aditya, J.N.H.S. ; Kanekar, N. ; Prochaska, J.X. ; Day, B. ; Lynam, P. ; Cruz, J.
Do stellar winds prevent the formation of supermassive stars by accretion?
Nakauchi, D. ; Hosokawa, T. (2) (3) ; Omukai, K. (1) ; Saio, H. ; Nomoto, K.
Characterizing dw1335-29, a recently discovered dwarf satellite of M83.
Carrillo, A. ; Bell, E.F. ; Bailin, J. ; Monachesi, A. ; de Jong, R.S. ; Harmsen, B. ; Slater, C.T.
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